#Adrien salt kind of?
starguardianniom · 10 months
The emotional immaturity of Adrien and Marinette
This need to be said.
You cannot tell me Adrien lacks the emotional maturity to handle his father being the villain he fights for 5 seasons, his assistant helping him, and his mom being alive in a coma in the basement and tell me he can't handle it. Who the hell would?
And yet, he still should have been there for the final battle, because after spending 5 seasons trying to break free from his caged life that Gabriel threw him in, he deserves to have a final face off with the man and see the reality of the situation, while also denouncing everything his father fought for by saying he was wrong, and he's gonna fight to end his madness.
Somehow, Marinette gets to be in the final battle alone with 2 miraculouses against her boyfriend's father who's the antagonist, and at the end when he wins, she complies with his last request to not say anything to Adrien.
How the hell is that her handling it in any kind of mature way possible, or saying she didn't have her emotions messing with her judgement here?
Cause I'm sorry, but past seasons proved time and time again that Marinette is just as emotionally immature as Adrien, if not more, when it comes to world shattering stuff thrown her way.
Starting with her being very immature emotionally whenever it concerns Adrien.
We saw her screwing up in 3 seasons finales because of her feelings for Adrien having a factor in it.
In season 1 Volpina, she impulsively humiliated Lila in front of Adrien to not only call her out on her lies, but also to get her away from Adrien, after spending a lot of time following them around because she was jealous, before Tikki noticed the Book.
Season 3 in Heart Hunter, her being heartbroken over letting Adrien and Kagami be together and then later seeing them together as Ladybug mess with her feelings and she choose to get Kagami away from Adrien instead of finding Chloé who told her she was ready to fight, and honestly there's no way she chose Kagami purely for selfless reasons 100%, she was still affected by her feelings of being crushed, and when choosing which miraculous she should take, she was clearly debating either to choose Chloé who was already aware of the situation and it was her parents, or choose Kagami who was having a romantic moment with Adrien. Do not tell me she was completely focused when she had been distracted earlier as Ladybug at seeing Adrigami in display, she freaking crashed into a tree when seeing it.
Season 4 Strike Back showed her, after spending the last episode being driven impulsive by Risk, which she became aware of in the end, she decided to go fetch "Adrien" to pull off her plan, despite having much easier options to go as. Not to mention her Lucky Charm saying she had to go in the past, knowing the entire city was affected, yet somehow Adrien wasn't, yet it didn't tip her off that maybe if Adrien wasn't affected it was because he wasn't there the day before, and thus couldn't have been Adrien, but maybe his cousin, since she knows he pulled a twin switch once with him. She could have fetch Sabrina who was already familiar with the Dog Miraculous, heck better yet, she could have just unified her miraculous with the Rabbit and the Dog without having the Horse, and do the travel herself, if she use the beyond broken Rabbit miraculous, then she can freaking use the Dog, but she decided Adrien was trustworthy. She even questionned herself if the idea made her reckless. But since she can't shake her crush is perfect, she stood to her initial plan, and got completely fooled by him which gave Gabriel all the miraculouses but hers, Chat Noir's and the Peacock. She thought with her heart, not her brain there.
It's not the first time she does it either.
When it comes to Adrien, or perfect guys, Marinette becomes one of the least emotionally mature people on the show.
We saw how in Desperada, her knowing Aspik was Adrien couldn't make her focus at all.
In Kuro Neko, having a new partner, which was basically Adrien's model routine up to the max, she couldn't concentrate at all on the mission, let alone KNOW HOW TO USE HER FREAKING LUCKY CHARM.
And now Marinette herself when it doesn't have anything to do with being Ladybug, just being Marinette, or it being about Adrien in any way.
Marinette is a girl who is insecure, nervous and prone to self-spirals to the simplest mistakes, and goes above and beyond to try to either salvage the situation, or try to cover it up with others being none the wiser if she wants to and plays her cards right.
She will go to extreme answers to basic problems, which usually cause more trouble for herself in the long run.
She is extremely reckless in that aspect and doesn't think things through completely like she thinks she is doing.
Mostly because she has an immature response to anything that could cause her any embarassment or having to confront a though situation she doesn't want to deal with or just hope it goes away on its own.
Accidently leaving an embarassing message on Adrien's phone?
Break into his locker, steal his phone, learn his password and delete it, instead of maybe explaining herself calmly.
Accidently erasing a video of Ladybug on Alya's phone? Steal the phone, lie to her bestie, try to redo the video so she won't notice, being afraid she'll break her friendship with her if she finds out, not thinking Alya might have posted it on her blog before showing it to her.
Juleka needs to be in the class photo? Go steal the memory card of the photographer and erase the previous photo so he'll need to take another one instead of just asking to redo it, because she is sure he won't want to.
She didn't do anything grand like her classmates for Heroes Day? Lie about what she actually plans to the entire class and get caught up in her plan when she can't pull it off, despite Alya defending her earlier, her parents and Tikki telling her she needs to come clean, and her classmates, sans Chloé, not being bothered by it, probably understanding that she was very busy and did what she could on a short notice.
Adrien is at a movie premiere with Kagami? Team up with Chloé to humiliate Kagami so she'll be seated next to Adrien and prevent him and Kagami from leaving Japan, instead of trying to stop her bully from 4 years from pulling a cruel prank, a bit similar to what she went through the year prior, being humiliated publically in front of a guy she liked.
Can't give Adrien a gift at his house? Abuse her powers to transform and break into his room to deliver his gift, instead of waiting at the front gates until he arrives like a normal person.
The guys having a boys only party at Adrien's house? She needs to ditch her friends to go to that party, and pass herself as a boy to join, instead of just letting them be, because how dare they have a guy only party the one time they all group together, not like she only hangs out with her girl friends all the time without any guys.
Doesn't know why her grand-father is estranged from her dad? Pretend to be someone else, and lie to him, instead of coming clean from the start.
Learned Kagami and Adrien broke up? Push Kagami to try to make her fall in love with him again and ignores everything Kagami tells her, at one point literally lifting her to get her to talk to him, projecting her feelings on Kagami the entire episode, instead of listening to Kagami and trying to learn what happened.
Ghosted Kagami by ignoring her calls because she didn't want her to be disappointed in her not being able to tell Adrien "I love you" despite dating him at that time.
She doesn't want to see Luka because she's afraid to break his heart again and get him akumatized? Ask his twin to tell him to not come to HIS OWN BIRTHDAY PARTY BECAUSE SHE'S TOO MUCH OF A COWARD TO FACE HIM! Not to mention not listening to Alya telling her she exaggerate and that Luka would like to see her again, as unlike her, Alya has been talking to Luka and knows he would prefer to stay friends with Marinette even if he still has feelings for her, cause Luka is that mature.
Su-Han wants to know Chat Noir's identity for safety reasons in case anything happens to him? Why, lie to Chat Noir about wanting to knows each other's identities, have 2 people knowing his without his consent, then erase the deed so neither he or she will remember it, her thinking Chat Noir will never reveal himself to anyone but her, without her ever bothering to talk to him and explaining the reasons, which given how much more understanding he is than her most of the time, he would get it and would do so without complains, but nope she goes behind his back and immediatly thinks she knows him better.
Learns Adrien is sended to Shangai without her knowing? Welp, time to lie to her parents about wanting to connect to her maternal origins from China and wanting to go there to know her roots, making them pay for what was supposed to be a family trip that they had planned since she was born, just to go stalk her crush whom she basically sees everyday in class in another country, just because she was miffed that she didn't know about it, despite boasting how she knew everything about him and she would know if he was going.
Those are the many emotionally immature actions that she made throughout the show, and you tell me Adrien isn't emotionally mature enough for the final fight in the finale of season 5?
Fuck you, the main protagonist is even more emotionally immature than he'll ever be with all the crap she pulled.
The creators even said Marinette has a very poor control of her emotions. Even as Ladybug she's not immune.
Adrien is probably more mature than her because of all the mental strenght he builded up just to keep up with his life before getting a miraculous.
Marinette is just a normal kid who kids herself, she is very clever and intelligent, but in the emotional maturity department, she is one of the worse, out there with Chloé, Lila and Gabriel.
Any minor problems she faces she tends to go to extreme lenghts to solve, despite many people telling her time and time again that she's really thinking way too much about it. Namely Tikki and Alya.
Her first responses are most of the time, lie, manipulate, steal, in the hopes she can undo her mistake before someone sees it, or to save face and prevent herself from being embarassed. Heck, a lot of the time, it doesn't have anything to do with being Ladybug, she just want to save face.
Honesty isn't her first answer a lot of the time.
Not being honest about making mistakes and just trying to avoid them by lying or fixing them before someone sees them is emotionally immature on her part.
Because she's a stupid 14 years old teen who does a lot of stupid 14 years old stuff.
Like Adrien is a 14 eyears old teen who also does a lot of stupid 14 years old stuff, mostly as Chat Noir, Adrien, a bit less, but sometimes too.
So to hell with Adrien not being emotionally mature to handle his dad being a villain and all that, Marinette is just as worse.
The fact she lies to him at the end about it all proves it.
She is not emotionally mature about him, she has never shaded her rose colored glasses that are glued to her face when it comes to him.
To her, Adrien is the perfect boy who needs protection from anyone and anything that could harm him or cause him grief.
She sees him more as an idol than a real person. Even when he confess his insecurities to her, she's more concerned about his safety rather than trying to learn more about why he feels that way and connect to him more than just drooling over him like the hardstuck fangirl that she is when around him.
She sniffed his pillow. Pulled hair and kissed what she thought was a statue of him. Stalked him to another country. Humiliated 2 girls who were interested in him. Makes tons of complicated schemes to woo a guy she can barely talk to because she was traumatized before by a prank and the lesson she learned from it was to learn everything about the next guy just to be sure she wouldn't be caught again, instead of just listening to her friend's advice, taking it to an extreme form of creepy.
Again, not the picture of emotional maturity here much. So do not ever tell me that Adrien is not mature enough to be able to take emotionally the bad news.
If Marinette's response to the bad news was to lie to the entire city about the villain and make him a hero instead, and lie to her partner, and boyfriend, because she listened to Gabriel's last wish, then seriously, it outright says in blinding lights neon that she was not emotionally mature for it either.
Especially since the villain was her boyfriend's dad, and we all know how she acts when it's about her beloved.
She didn't have to change her views on Adrien, never did, for that she would have needed to treat him like a person instead of an angel gracing the earth.
The shrine she saw him from was so high up in the sky she never saw what was really happening with him, even when told, she just went back to drooling over him as if nothing happened.
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wisteriasymphony · 13 days
the realest of homies consider emilie to be a horrible parent
"Hey Adrien... why does your door lock from the outside?"
Adrien shook his head and laughed. "So I can be locked in here, obviously," he said, as if it was the most commonplace thing in the world. "You know, funny story—"
Adrien shut his book, going up to the silver handle on his bedroom door.
"You see how this doesn't have the same finish as the other handles in this house?"
Marinette hadn't even bothered to check every doorhandle in the house, but she was willing to take Adrien's word for it. She nodded, resting her chin in her hands.
"That's because this lock right here has been changed a total of twenty-three times." He smiled like it was a punchline. "My parents would constantly switch it behind the others' backs."
"That's...." Marinette collapsed further in on herself. "...Disturbing."
"No, no, trust me, it's funny," he said. "There were night when I would wake up scared because my mom didn't realize her key to my room didn't work anymore! So she'd rattle the handle like this—" Adrien started to shake the doorhandle violently, creating a violent clattering sound. "—And start screaming!"
Marinette didn't think she could curl up any further. Emilie always looked so happy in pictures, so the thought of her wrestling with the lock to Adrien's room in the dead of night was... terrifying. What did she even need to be in her son's room for?
"Of course, it stopped when my mom finally tried to pry my door off the hinges with a knife," he added, chuckling nervously. "So the door was also replaced."
Marinette no longer wanted to know the answer to her question. She didn't want to hear another story like this from Adrien at all.
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xhanisai · 7 months
oh my god it just clocked in my head just now
another reason why I despise ML Salt and their stories is often they belittle Adrien for not being strong enough to get himself out of his own abusive circumstances
calling him shit like how he has no spine and all that
just shows how privilege the lot are with either not being in such a horrible situation like he is or being stronger than him to handle it
man you guys fucking suck lol
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Marvel vs Miraculous: How to Do a Final Battle
I finally put my finger on the heart of the issue with Miraculous Season Five's final. To explain this, I'm going to talk about another superhero franchise that actually did the final fight well: Avengers Endgame. While that movie has a lot of issues, the final fight wasn't one of them and I'm picking it for one reason: the big, climactic moment does not go to the whole team. It goes to one character, but I've never seen a fan complain that the other characters were left out.
The trick is that Endgame has the excitement and the tension build and build as the final fight goes on. It starts with a massive hype moment (portals opening) and goes through lots of narratively satisfying moments like Captain Marvel punching out a spaceship or Thor and Captain America trading Mjölnir back and forth. Every major, living character gets an "Oh shit!" moment to drive their fans wild.
Miraculous tried to do the same thing and completely failed.
Because Gabriel still had all of the miraculous, no one had powers, so there was no one to show up and make the audience get excited other than characters from the specials and team Luka, which was literally introduced during the final!
None of these characters feel like a big payoff for five seasons worth of buildup because they weren't part of the seasons! Some viewers might not even know who Fei and the Americans were! They're from specials that you have to specifically know about and search out. If I pull up Miraculous on Disney+, they're not included in the episode list. They're separate entries.
These characters also don't actually help Marinette. They just save the resistance, who really aren't important to the story. You can ignore all of those fight scenes and the big fight between Marinette and Gabriel wouldn't change in the slightest because there's nothing Marinette needs from them. The closest we get is Plagg getting the ring to Marinette, but that's Plagg's solo mission that no one else helps with. He just lucks into the knowledge of where Marinette is.
You may be starting to see where I'm going with this.
Here's my thought: Luka knows Adrien's identity. Why not let that have a payoff? While we're at it, why not have all these random characters work together so that randos are useful to the characters we know and love?
Here's the rewrite with no major changes to the payoff and no changes to the rest of canon:
Adrien breaks out of his prison in London and gets the ring to Paris, but he's been plagued by nightmares the entire way. He's barely holding it together and he knows that he's in no shape to help his Lady. But wait! Luka's in Paris. He sees Chat Noir flying in and meets him while the others hold off the bots. Adrien detransforms and hands the ring off. Luka promises to take it from there.
Luka rejoins his team (who didn't see Adrien) and starts fighting through the streets of Paris, knowing that they have to find Ladybug, but they've got no idea where she is.
Enter: the resistance!
Nino, Alya, and team are also fighting their way through Paris and they run into Team Luka, who tells them that Chat Noir is down and needs them to get the ring to Ladybug, but no one knows where she is. They get bogged down by goons. Luka and co are trying to protect the resistance, but it's not working. They're going to lose.
Enter: Dragon Fei!
Only she's not here for a solo mission. She can't take the ring and fight after all. Someone needs to become a dragon rider. Luka is torn about leaving his sister behind, so Alya tells him to stay and she'll be the ring bearer!
Dragon Fei and Alya take to the skies and the moment Plagg saw repeats, letting them know where Ladybug is. But how do they get inside and find her?
Oh look, it's the Americans with magic door man! Fei lands and joins the Americans in fighting while Alya talks to door dude. He opens a portal, but the place is full of enemies and they can't fight their way through, so Plagg takes the ring from here and flies off to find Ladybug. He finds her, we get Bugnoir, and the final proceeds as originally planned.
We still get the disappointing ending with Gabriel winning, but at least the lead up was epic, no identities were revealed, and Adrien got to do something meaningful.
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fernsnouveau · 7 months
Canon is feeding the bad-faith Adrien salters so well these days.
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thesaltyoceanwaves · 11 months
It’s still not going to be satisfying even if Adiren gets to confront his father about his actions in a later season.
S5 is meant to be the end of an era, whether the show continues or not (which it will, as far as I’m aware). So the two who started it all should both get the opportunity to confront the main villain and get that big emotional moment. It’s something everyone has wanted since it was made clear that Gabriel is Hawkmoth. This was supposed to be that big moment.
I’ve argued before that the show robs Marinette of emotional agency. And I still stand by that. The show puts her through the most embarrassing situations for laughs and doesn’t allow her to process emotions. She’s not allowed to get angry or sad or express frustration or disagree with anyone, unless it somehow benefits her romance with Adrien. And even if it does, she’s still put through the ringer for it.
Adrien is on the opposite side of the coin - he’s either allowed to process his emotions about certain things (namely romance) or completely sheltered from knowing things that would actually be beneficial to his arc (or, you know, having one). This is why I’ve always argued against him being a main character - his motivation is romance only, and he’s barred from exploring things that would challenge or even benefit his character. Even when storylines are gift wrapped for him, the show would rather keep him unaware.
Now, of course, there’s another elephant in the room and that’s the fact that they sabotaged themselves back in season 3 with Chat Blanc. In fact, season 3 did a lot of sabotaging of expected payoff moments. The general line of thinking to somehow improve this by making us wait as long as possible for the real thing. I guess the tension is supposed to now lie in the fact that Marinette knows that Adrien’s father is Hawkmoth and he doesn’t, and man, he will be mad when he finds out.
But is anyone really invested in a storyline like that?
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motherofplatypus · 1 year
With the recent episode, Derision, aired, it gaves me headache with how horrible the episode was, from character assassination of Kim, Adrien, and Marinette, to the blatantly obvious stupid decision to show us flashback in the final season. So, i take some copium and make this fic
Marinette stormed off before Adrien could call her back. He knew she’s a fast runner, but this is the fastest he had ever seen, maybe she’s even faster than Kim.
“Whoa, Adrien, what did you do to Marinette to make her freak out like that?” Kim swam to the side of the pool with Ondine next to him.
“I didn’t do anything, I swear.” Adrien felt his stomach twist itself. Did he do something to her? Is she going to distance herself away from him? Is she going to leave him and end not only their relationship, but friendship as well?
“I’m sure you didn’t do anything bad, Adrien.” Ondine stood next to him, eyes assured the blond boy, but still worries loomed over. “But she looked so angry, and scared? What is going on?”
Adrien cracked his brain up and worked it harder than he ever does. Is she still scared to be on a date with him? But that doesn’t explain why she looked angry. Is it because they’re with Kim and Ondine and unconsciously compared themselves with them? No, she’s not that kind of person.
“Why do I have a feeling you know something about this?”
Adrien looked at Ondine, staring at Kim, still in the pool, but his face barely above the water. For someone whose size is only second to Ivan, Kim looks smaller than Alix when she’s crouching.
Kim looked away from them, silently admitting that he knows exactly what’s going on. Something inside Adrien wanted to pull him out of the water, slammed him against the wall, and make him talk. However, Kim is his friend, and he needs to hear him out first.
“I’ll tell you everything, but can you promise me you won’t hurt me?” He was afraid. So much so that he swam away for a moment until Ondine promised him.
Then, Kim got out of the pool, and sat on the edges with Adrien and Ondine next to him. He told them about what happened last year. About the prank. About how he was also the reason why she’s having a panic attack right now.
Listening to him made Adrien sick. Anger burned him inside, and he’s so close to started going feral on the boy. But he didn’t do it when he saw Kim’s face. The face that always has this smug smile is now painted with anger, sadness, shame, and disappointment. It was covered with every emotion that could make him Monarch’s victim.
“That was when my fear of spiders started.” Kim confessed. “Every time I look at those animals, it always reminds me of that prank I did on her.”
“But you’ve apologized to her, right?” Ondine’s voice was calm, but it doesn’t take much to know how much and deep the anger in her voice is.
Kim was silent; another confirmation.
“I was so ashamed of what I did to her, I couldn’t bring myself to even be near her. That’s why I avoided her for the rest of the school year.” His body trembled and he started sniffing. “I just wanted to forget what I did, and when the new school year started and she acted so kind to me, I thought we were good. But I know I should’ve said something to her. I should’ve apologized. But I’m just too much of a coward to do that!”
He cried. He actually cried. From his own guilt and shame. And the anger that Adrien felt a moment ago was all gone, and he felt nothing but sympathy towards his friend.
“I regret ever listening to Chloe. I regret ever having a crush on her! She’s the worst, the absolute worst!” said Kim. “I’m so sorry guys, this is all my fault.”
Ondine placed a hand on his shoulder. “Don’t worry, Kim. This is not your fault. You’re just another one of her victims,” said Ondine. “But that Bourgeois, she’s going to pay, and she’s gonna pay real hard.”
It was just a moment, but Adrien realized too late when an akuma landed on Ondine’s goggles, and she was engulfed by purple smoke, turning him into a supervillain.
“Ondine, is that you?” Kim said in fear. “Oh my god, I knew you’d be angry. I’m so sorry, Ondine. I’m really sorry!”
But Ondine laughed. “I’m not angry at you, my sweet boy. In fact, I’m happy that you would admit your mistake,” said Ondine. “But I’m not Ondine, I’m Karmalady. And my one and only target is Chloe Bourgeois.” And she flew away.
After the akuma, Kim finally faced Marinette and gave her a deserved apology. He even kneeled in front of her to make his point loud and clear. Despite the reluctance of the girl, Marinette forgave him, clearing their friendship from past mistakes.
And speaking of friendship, Adrien knew he had to do something as well.
Right after the pool and before going back home, he made a stop at Chloe's hotel. He found her on the rooftop, as usual, with Sabrina kneeling next to her and painting her nails, as usual.
Chloe saw Adrien came and immediately jumped into him like one of his crazy fans. “Oh, Adrikins, an akuma just attacked me for no reason! I was so scared! But now you’re here to console me, I knew we had a special connection!”
But Adrien didn’t say a word. He pushed Chloe away from him, releasing himself from her hug.
He looked at her like he usually does: expecting to see his childhood friend. But now, all he could see was nothing more than a bully. Someone who gets others expelled for petty reasons. Someone who abuses her friends. Someone who abused her power. Someone he thought he knew, but clearly mistaken.
“When I started school, I had no idea how to socialize. I stayed passive and watched from the sideline, seeing how people acted,” said Adrien. “I learned about forgiving others. I learned about how to treat people. I learned that everyone deserves a second chance.”
Chloe raised an eyebrow. “What are you talking about, Adrikins?”
“I’m saying I have given you a second chance, Chloe. Lots, and lots of them, because you were my childhood friend, and I care about you.” Adrien drifted his sight towards Sabrina, who’s still kneeling on the floor, remembering how Chloe used her as her shield during the attack earlier. “And I’ve learned you can only give people so many second chances before you realize they no longer deserve it.”
“I still don’t get what you’re saying.”
And it was then that Adrien realized, it was over.
“I’m done with you, Chloe. I’m done being your friend,” said Adrien. “From now on, don’t call me Adrikins anymore. Don’t call me your friend anymore. Don’t ever call me anymore. We are done. We are not friends anymore.”
Adrien turned around and walked away, even when Chloe called him. Even when she called him a traitor. He couldn’t care anymore. For a moment, Adrien had hoped Chloe would realize what he meant, and by some miracle, she would apologize to people, especially Marinette. He knew using their friendship would be effective, because she had done it before. But from what he sees, everything is beyond repair, and he couldn’t keep holding on to broken things. 
Been a while since i made another alternate ending. Things haven't been going well a few months ago for me, but it's looking up now. I still have many alternate endings fic to post, so keep an eye out
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emsylcatac · 2 years
sometimes it feels like people in AUs just really want to have Adrien be that toxic-dark-mysterious-who-loves-no-one type of guy and I just do not understand
ML is here giving us the gentlest of boy, who loves people, who is genuinely kind to everyone, and it's such a nice change compared to some media where the male love interest is this distant and cold guy who will only be kind to his love interest, and even then it's only after a lot of convincing and it's on very rare occasions because uwu how bad would it be to actually show feelings as a guy am I right
and people see Adrien being the exact opposite of that kind of representation and go "hmmm too soft I'm still gonna make him be that toxic asshole kind of character while being sexy at it anyway"
and I just.. I just don't get it
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comixandco · 1 year
felix before getting his miraculous: people are so cringe emotions are for wimps i’m going to kiss ladybug without asking
felix now: i’m sorry uwu i just want to be near you 🥺 okay i will stop whatever you’d like
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blueberry-macaron · 1 year
I'm sorry for just dumping this on you but did the subtitles of that recent episode really say the series has been going on in show for nine damn months? That's nine whole damn months of Marinette going through hell limbo and hell again just because the universe says she's has to be with some dude she's classmates with, not only that but what even did Marinette do to Chole to suffer all that mess? Honestly if I was Marinette and heard this random boy is friends with the girl who tormented me since god knows how long, just show one random act of kindness to. I would've stomped all those feelings down a drain instead of whatever this "romance" between them is.
Don‘t worry I‘ll like hearing other people‘s thoughts on the show‘s problems, so don‘t be shy and send me asks when you feel like it:)
Tbh I still haven‘t watched the episode (aside from not really feeling like it I‘m actually on holiday rn so I didn‘t have time anyway), but I‘ve heard about those 9 month several times now and just… poor Marinette.
Being in love for such a long time without any pay off really sucks. I‘ve been in a similar situation back 9th grade, but al least I didn‘t have a secret identity and a job which is all about fighting angry people on a daily basis amd having to find the big bad villain who is behind all this while my sensei has amnesia and my new sensei is useless and my crime fighting partner is being a lil bitch bc I don‘t pay him enough attention. Yeah Marinette needs therapy asap.
(Beware, the next part contains a little bible leak)
The Chloe part is really interesting and it really raises the question, what did Marinette see in Adrien when the first thing she learned about him was that he‘s friends with her bully? How is giving her an umbrella in the rain, explaining how he‘s socially awkward enough to make her fall THIS HARD for him? Also, why is his friendship with Chloe never portrayed as a bad thing? Especially those moments where Adrien defends Chloe (in which the nrrative implies being on Chloe‘s side is the morally good thing to do bc Adrien is perfect bla bla we‘ve all heard it by now), Marinette should, logically, at least be at disappointed in him. Considering that he only breaks off the friendship in 5x14 (bc now that he wants to take traumatized Marinette he‘s affected as well), Marinette should‘ve lost feelings for him a long time ago or at least given up on chasing him. (Also side note but didn‘t Adrien also end the friendship in sole crusher? Why is he doing it again? Consistency on fleek lol.) And the fact that the entire class encourages it… like how does literally nobody ever question Adrien‘s and Chloe‘s friendship? If Adrien isn‘t a bad person, why is he friends with one for so long? Despair bear is a good example where Chloe goes back to being mean to everyone and Adrien simply shruggs it off like „she‘ll never change lmao“. Ok, if you think she‘ll never change, why are you still friends with her? And why is the class just okay with that? Especially Marinette should be disturbed by this. But the narrative barely ever brings up Adrien‘s and Chloe‘s friendship, because apparently it just doesn‘t fucking matter that Marinette‘s soulmate is all good with ther tormentor. Or maybe it‘s actually a good thing bc Adrien has never made a mistake in his entire life bc he‘s just so damn perfect.
Yeah I went off there a little but really, there are more things wrong than right with so many aspects surrounding the LS and just… did the writers spend a single second thinking about… anything?
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This was the scene I was referring to. Call me a hypocrite, but I think this was the final nail in the coffin for Alya in my book.
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Yeeeaaahhh….THAT 🤦🏾‍♀️
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No hate to Luka or anything but does anyone else see this scene:
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and get reminded of this:
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or is it just me?
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lawbreaker13 · 2 years
Elation Exaggeration
No, don’t get me wrong, I have nothing to “fix,” I loved every single moment of this episode and it was PERFECT. And this fic is NOT Marinette salt in any way. She recated just like anyone else in her position would have. Girl is stressed, it’s fine. However, I am and have always been a sucker for Marichat, and as much as I respect Adrien’s acknowledgement that his romantic endeavors as Chat Noir will always be somewhat of a parasocial relationship because he can’t ever delve any further into who he really is, I do think that there was potential for the rest of the season to have a whole lot more Marichat rather than what it’s so obviously about to do, lean entirely into Adrinette. Again, I AGREE WITH THIS EPISODE. And I am not mad at the direction that the show will take from this point forward. Marichat was officially executed for one episode and one episode only, and it did so perfectly, and ended with good reason. But like…indulge me for a moment, won’t you?
Anyway, this is my (less climactic) version of that scene that basically answers the question, “What if Marinette was like. A year older and had the wherewithal to think for like. A second?”
Be warned, there is much, disgusting, sappy fluff. Read and vomit at your own risk.
Note: I do not speak French and will be updating all the canon dialogue once the English dub is released, but this is my understanding (and slight interpretation) of what the true English script will be based on transcriptions, subtitles, and honestly, the way I think things should probably be best worded.
Read it on AO3 or FF.net
They were kissing. They were kissing. Her hand was on his face and his mouth was on hers and they were kissing. Man, if you’d have told Adrien this morning that he’d be kissing Marinette on the beach that very night, he might’ve had a heart attack right there on the spot. BUT THEY WERE REALLY KISSING. Sure, he wasn’t Adrien right now, he was Chat Noir but—
Oh shoot. He was Chat Noir.
Chat Noir opened his eyes and pulled away quickly. “Wait, what are we doing?” he exclaimed. “I can’t do this.”
Marinette was vaguely surprised as his sudden lack of confidence. “No, no, you were great!”
“No,” Chat began to explain, “I know who you are, but you don’t know who I am. I’m taking advantage of the fact that you’re a fan.”
Marinette almost laughed at the idea of her being just another fan. He had no idea.
“No, not at all!” she replied. Chat sighed.
“But you are,” he resigned. “And that’s wrong.”
Marinette closed her eyes and growled under her breath. Then she sighed. Of course he thought she was just another fan. And he was right after all, Ladybug was the one who had told him exactly this. This is exactly what she and Alya had been arguing about earlier, too. Their identities would always get in the way, no matter how they swung it. She opened her eyes and looked at him solemnly.
“Chat Noir, listen to me.” Marinette reached for his hands, but he pulled away. She felt her a pang in her heart, but swallowed it. She pulled back. “Of course I’m a fan. No one in their right mind—and Monarch certainly isn’t in his—no one in their right mind would be anything but a fan of the guy who saves Paris from evil ten times a week.” Chat Noir let out a small chuckle and smiled just a bit. “And I don’t know about you, but I don’t think I’m ‘just a fan.’ I mean, how many other fans have you gone to the movies with?” Marinette swallowed as she asked it. The thought that there were other girls in his life hadn’t really crossed her mind until this moment. What if she was just another fan?
Chat Noir shook his head. “None.” She felt the weight lift off her chest. Thank goodness. “But Marinette—”
“How many fans have you tried to get ice cream with?” she asked, this time much more confident in her point. Chat looked down.
Marinette smiled softly. “How many fans…have you kissed?”
Chat Noir swallowed and looked back up at her. “Just you,” he said. She tilted her head and looked at him sweetly. “But Marinette, it’s just too complicated.”
“Life is complicated!” she laughed.
“I have too many secrets,” he tried rebutting. “I have a whole identity you know nothing about, and I don’t know when I’ll ever be able to tell you. It’s too dangerous for you to know, and it’s not fair to you that I know you and…” Chat thought about trying to get ahold of Marinette this morning as Adrien. She clearly didn’t want to spend time with him anymore. She didn’t like him anymore. She’d just said so herself. “…and you may never truly know me,” he said. “I can’t use you like that.”
“You’re not using me, Chat. And I don’t think that…I don’t think either of us think that I’m just a fan.” Marinette hesitated for a moment, but reached out for his hand again. This time, he let her take it. She placed her other hand on top. “Look, we all have secrets. I have secrets. I have big secrets. Ones that I don’t know who I’ll ever be able to tell…or when. You may think I don’t get it, but I do.” She pulled her clasped hands closer to her chest, and Chat Noir put his other hand on top. Marinette let her gentle smile return as she continued. “Life is complicated. Everything you do is dangerous and complicated. But my life…it’s a lot less complicated when you’re around. I don’t think about my secrets. I don’t think about danger. All I can think about is you.”
Chat Noir’s face softened, now looking some mix of love and concern. “I feel the same way, Marinette. But it just feels so manipulative a-and wrong! You may never know who I am—at least not until Monarch is defeated—and you are a fan. It doesn’t matter what I feel. I just cannot take advantage of your feelings like that. I can’t take advantage of you.”
Marinette was about to cry. Yes, of course his insistence was heartbreaking. But this was also why she liked him so much. He was just so sincere. So caring, genuine, sweet. She held back her tears and tried one more time.
“You could never take advantage of me, Chat Noir.” She removed her hands from their intertwinement and gently curled her left hand up against his cheek. He leaned into it ever so slightly and she ran her thumb along the bottom edge of his mask. “I may not know who you are here,” she said, lifting her other hand and placing her open palm over his heart. “But I know who you are here.” Chat Noir closed his eyes, and nuzzled up against the hand on his face a bit more. He placed his right hand over her fist and looked back at her. She had never looked so radiant. “You’re a good guy, Chat. I know there’s someone under that mask who is, too.”
Marinette removed her right hand from his chest and pushed his bangs back. She stood on her tiptoes for a moment and kissed him on the forehead as he locked their fingers in the hand he was still holding, pulling their grasp down in between them again. As she pulled away from the kiss and placed her feet back on the ground, he leaned down and rested their foreheads together. They both closed their eyes.
“Thank you,” he said. It almost sounded like he might cry, too. Marinette was worried. “But we still can’t be together. It’s too dangerous. Monarch can and will hurt you if he finds out. It’s just…the casualties of the job I guess. I’m really sorry…” His voice was shaking. Marinette kissed him on the cheek, then pulled away and looked back up at him.
“It doesn’t have to be now,” she sighed. “Although I don’t know how he’d find out, ‘hopelessly in love’ doesn’t seem to be the strong emotion that Monarch’s looking to exploit.” They both laughed.
“Thank you, Marinette.” Chat Noir said sweetly. The sadness seemed to pass, at least on the surface. “I had a great time tonight, really. And I would love to do it again sometime…eventually.”
“Me too.” Marinette grinned.
“Come on. Let me take you home.” Chat Noir grabbed Marinette by the waist again and she put her hands around his neck. He extended his baton, pushing against the sand, and leapt off toward the bakery.
 As they landed on her balcony, there was a commotion in the distance. They both turned to see a familiar ice cream monster rising up from the very area that they had just come from. They both rolled their eyes. Chat Noir sighed and looked back to Marinette. He leaned down and kissed her on the cheek.
“This isn’t goodbye forever,” he promised her. “Just for now.”
And with that, he jumped back off in the opposite direction to take down the man who’d made them have a stupid “heart-to-heart talk.” How dare he.
Marinette watched him leap off to battle and swooned. She then shook her head, realizing there were more important matters at hand. She jumped back down into her bedroom.
“Thank goodness!” Alya shouted. “WHERE in the world did you get off to??” Just then, Alya’s Alliance ring piped up with a Megakuma Alert.
“As always, I’ll explain later. Timing just sucks. But right now, timing couldn’t be more perfect. Tikki, spots on!”
A flash of light and Ladybug went right back out the way she had just come in. Alya ran downstairs to try and get some footage of the battle, and maybe try to help out in any way that she could. As she ran across town, she thought about Marinette’s supposed crush.
Eh, Alya thought to herself, at least ‘Marichat’ has a nice ring to it.
And thus begins two seasons of Marichat secret flirtationship antics.
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dedahblog · 2 years
I still can't get over Kagami's behavior in Loveater
When Andre gave them the 3 ice cream choices, instead of asking for Adrien's opinion or choosing it herself, Kagami asked Marinette to choose.
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Keep in mind that she discovered few seconds ago how much the ice cream means to Marinette regarding eternal love.
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Knowing Marinette's insecurities and selflessness, Kagami figured out that she would never choose the Adrinette ice cream. It was the perfect opportunity to make her leave so she had some private time with him. Then when Marinette started rambling about which combination to choose,
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she moved provocatively next to Adrien
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... while smiling to her. This is manipulation level 100000.
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It doesn't help that she thinks that Adrien may feel the same towards Marinette.
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Anyway I understand the point of the writers : Kagami sees romance as a fencing match ; she is using every means to win. However, that episode was written from Marinette's perspective so I couldn't like Kagami and still can't
Not to be petty (I am) but I did cheer up when all her fantasies about Mister Perfect turned into ashes in Lies.
I mean like that's what you get.
Being mean and egocentric does have consequences and the best thing was that the one who hurted her was not Marinette whom she was glaring to in season 3 but the perfect trophy that she won from their fencing match and that couldn't do no harm.
Anyway the whole Kagami advocating adrinette in season 4 still doesn't convince me even if her feelings were true.
She basically broke up with Adrien because of his lies. She has no guarantee that he wouldn't be dishonest with Marinette and hurt her too. Why would she think "he is perfect for Marinette" ?
The reason : writing inconsistencies to try to move the plot forward, the same way they made Kagami fall in love with him in the first place out of the blue when she didn't show any sort of interest in Riposte
The only thing that could redeem Kagami for me is a soft Kagami -> Marinette hug in season 5. But I doubt it will happen
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purrincess-chat · 2 years
Kill Em With Kindness CH6
Soooo, I really thought I had posted this a long time ago lol. Shouts out to the person who commented on AO3 last week who made me realize I hadn’t XD For any of you who have been following this story from the beginning, you’ve probably already read this “chapter” because when I was rewriting MDCSP, I decided to come back and polish this one up too because my writing changed a bit during that rewrite, so I wanted this story to reflect that as well since I did intend to eventually come back to it. When I did that, I decided to split chapter 5 into two chapters iirc, and I think my intention was to finish the last two chapters and finish this out and post this chapter when I did that, but then I never did that. So, I did it now. Chapters 7 and 8 will also be out this week, and with the end of this fic, I can finally put my Chameleon salt days to rest. 
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Read on AO3
Chapter 6
Adrien stalked across the floor to where Lila was sifting through a rack. She didn’t look up as he approached, but an amused smile curled on her lips.
“Marinette has such strange taste, don’t you think?” She held up a bright green blazer.
“I told you to leave her alone,” Adrien said.
“And yet every time I mess with her, you do nothing.” She rolled her eyes, returning the jacket to the rack. “You could end this whole charade right now by telling Clara you didn’t really invite me, but you’re not going to do that, are you? Because that wouldn’t be very nice.”
“I mean it, Lila. You’re messing with Marinette’s dreams, and that’s not okay.” She examined his stern expression with an amused smirk.
“So, what are you going to do about it?” she asked.
“Mess around and find out.”
The confidence in Lila’s eyes flickered for a split second under his glare, a glint of worry that gave Adrien enough encouragement, but just as quickly as it appeared, the fear faded, paving way for Lila’s taunting once more. Adrien turned and stormed back to the dressing area, relaxing his shoulders as he rejoined the group.  
Marinette was finishing her second outfit, and this time, she personally handed Clara the bag. Adrien stood guard by the curtain, shooting daggers at Lila when she approached, which only made her smirk when she thought no one was looking. He wasn’t taking any chances. Lila wasn’t going to ruin Marinette’s dreams. He’d see to it.
When Clara emerged, she skipped onto the platform and gave a twirl. “Now this is a party outfit that’ll make me dance! I’m so glad I gave you a second chance.”
“You look awesome, Clara. Marinette is super talented when you get to wear what she actually picked,” Adrien said pointedly.
“I couldn’t agree more. This outfit is one I simply adore!” Clara stepped down to take Marinette’s hands. “Your style is simply the best. When it comes to fashion, there’s no contest.”
“Thank you, Clara. That means the world coming from you,” Marinette said, that spark of confidence returning to her eyes.
Lila’s jaw clenched as Adrien high-fived Marinette. For added insult, he draped an arm over her shoulders while Clara tried on Lila’s outfit. It didn’t matter what Lila had picked; she was no match for Marinette when they were competing honestly.
“Hmm…” Clara hummed, twisting in the mirrors to see the dress from all angles. “A lovely choice, don’t get me wrong, but this outfit just isn’t my song. Your first choice was far more on the nose, but I’ve got to be honest, these shoes are hurting my toes.”
“That’s okay. Marinette is incredibly talented. The only reason I won the first round was because of that mix-up. I’m sure she’s got something amazing up her sleeve for this next round too,” Lila said, curling her shoulders in the fakest show of humility Adrien had ever seen.
“Then let’s not waste any more time. I can’t wait to try on an outfit so divine. Tonight I will be Nadja’s TV guest, so let’s see which one of you is really the best!”
As Marinette took off, Adrien shot Lila a warning look before following after her. It was cute that he thought he could intimidate her into being nice, but Lila had direct orders. Things were going exactly as planned, and those two idiots were falling right into her trap. Soon Marinette’s aspirations would be nothing more than a pipe dream.
When Nathalie emerged from the back with a garment bag, Lila sauntered over to meet her. “Is this my dress?”
Nathalie responded by offering Lila her phone, and Lila pressed it to her ear.
“Nathalie tells me everything is going according to plan,” Gabriel said on the other line.
“Of course, M. Agreste. Marinette thinks she’s getting ahead, but with your help I’ll make sure her dreams are crushed for good. Then she’ll be sure to stay away from Adrien,” she said like a dutiful student.
“Good. I’m counting on you.” Gabriel hung up.
Lila lifted the bag with a smirk. Marinette chose the wrong opponent to challenge, and Lila was about to prove that she didn’t lie about everything. She was going to take everything from Marinette. Clara was just step one.
“I still don’t trust Lila,” Adrien whispered while Marinette browsed the wall of shoes.
“Don’t worry about her. We’re onto her little game now, so it’s impossible for her to steal my outfit again, and we both know Clara prefers my picks to hers now without a doubt,” Marinette said, sounding confident.
Under normal circumstances, Adrien would have been proud. Lila, however, was not normal circumstances.
“I know you’re better than her, but I just have a bad feeling. I don’t trust her,” Adrien said, glancing at Lila in accessories out of the corner of his eye.
Marinette zipped her bag and turned to look him in the eye. “I’m not asking you to trust her. I’m asking you to believe in me.”
Her bright blue eyes glowed with determination, and although he couldn’t shake the sinking feeling in his gut, he nodded her on. Marinette was brilliant and amazing — Adrien knew that. She had a bright future ahead of her so long as nothing got in her way. And if Lila even tried, Adrien would make sure karma picked her up on the way back around.
“Alright, chickadees, let’s see what you’ve got for me,” Clara said, bouncing in anticipation.
Marinette didn’t spare Lila a single glance as she paced over to Clara, but Adrien hung back to make sure she behaved. Lila seemed to all but ignore him until the last moment when she shot him a playful wink that sent his blood boiling.
“Oh, Clara, since I know Marinette is probably going to win, will you try on my outfit first?” Lila requested innocently. “Naturally, mine will pale in comparison, so I want you to give it a fair shot.”
“Lila, that’s quite the humble stance. I’d be more than happy to give yours a chance.”
Adrien instinctively bristled when Lila passed off her bag. What was she up to? His stomach churned in knots, and he stepped closer to Marinette, gleaning comfort from close proximity as if he could protect her from whatever scheme Lila was trying to pull.
When Clara emerged again, every jaw in the room dropped, and Adrien’s mind whirled with a thousand thoughts at once. That dress wasn’t part of the normal collection — it was one of a kind. Adrien had seen it in his father’s office a few days prior. He wasn’t entirely sure how Lila got her hands on it, but it wasn’t by accident.
“This dress is so…so…” Clara gasped, abandoning her riddles and rhymes as she stared in awe.
Lila beamed, clasping her hands behind her back. “I really wanted to impress you this round, so I asked the staff if they hand anything special in the back. I truly care about your style, Clara, and I wanted to prove that to you.”
“Your attention to detail and willingness to go the extra mile certainly make you standout, Lila. I’d love for you to be my new style consultant,” Clara said, clasping her hands together over her heart.
Adrien’s heart snapped when he turned to Marinette, her once confident demeanor now shriveled in defeat. Lila caught his gaze, tilting her chin up with a smirk. I win. She seemed to gloat, and Adrien’s hands clenched into fists.
“Clara, I know this dress is beautiful, and I’m not entirely sure how Lila found it.” He shot her a quick glare. “But designing is Marinette’s true passion, and in my professional opinion, I think she would make an amazing personal stylist.”
“It’s fine.” The voice was Marinette’s, and she turned to Lila with a small smile. “I’m really happy for you, and I know you’ll do an amazing job.”
She held her head high and threw on a smile despite the anger and humiliation she must be feeling. They were committed to being kind to Lila in front of everyone, but Adrien didn’t care about that now. Lila had taken something from someone who deserved it, and more importantly, she’d done it to someone Adrien cared about. If Lila was going to ignore his warnings, then he’d have to repeat them a little louder.
“Clara, why don’t you try on Marinette’s pick just for fun. She worked really hard picking it out.” Adrien suggested.
“While my search has come to an end, I’d be more than happy to wear something picked by a friend.” Clara brushed Marinette’s nose with her finger and climbed back into the changing booth.
Adrien marched over to Gorilla, yanking his collar down to whisper in his ear. Lila was going to learn the price of hurting people precious to him. He didn’t care if it wasn’t nice. Lila wasn’t a nice person, so just this once, he wasn’t going to be either.
With everyone focused on Clara, no one noticed when Gorilla clamped a hand over Lila’s mouth and carried her to the back. A single employee followed, opening the door to the private bathroom as Gorilla tossed her in.
“What do you think you’re-” Lila’s voice trailed off when Adrien approached, hands shoved in his pockets. “Is this the part where you try and intimidate me? It’s not going to work. I know your little niceness scheme is all an act, and I’m about to leave you both in the dust.”
“Maybe.” Adrien leaned against the doorframe with a shrug. “But you seem to have forgotten where you are. Did you really think you had the advantage in a shop named Agreste? In case you didn’t realize, everyone here works for me.”
“You’re too late. I’ve already won.” Lila shot back, crossing her arms over her chest. “Clara picked me, and Marinette will never make it as a designer.”
“Marinette is going to be just fine. I’ll see to that,” he said. “Clara respects my opinion, so she’ll listen to me.”
“And why would you convince her to pick Marinette over me? Doesn’t that contradict your whole plan to nice me into compliance?” Lila sneered. “As soon as we go back out there, Clara will still have picked me, so this whole conversation is pointless.”
“Who said you’re going back out there?” Adrien quirked a brow. He shut the door, and an employee locked it from the outside.
“Hey! What are you doing?” Lila beat against it, furiously tugging the handle.
“It’s such a shame you’re so busy, Lila. Clara will be disappointed to hear that you’re too busy volunteering to clean public restrooms to devote time to being her personal stylist. I’ll be sure to send Marinette your best,” he called from the other side. “Don’t worry. Someone will let you out after we leave.”
“Adrien! Let me out!” Lila screeched, but he was already walking away.
Clara was admiring Marinette’s outfit in the mirror when he returned to the dressing area, and he draped an arm over Clara’s shoulders.
“Marinette did an amazing job, don’t you think, Clara?” He shot her a wink.
“It’s true that Marinette has good taste. Not picking her would be a waste…” Clara hummed, tapping her chin. “But Lila’s pick is still on my mind. A dress like that deserves to shine.”
Marinette’s shoulders slumped, and Adrien pursed his lips. “I know you picked Lila, but I think you should reconsider.”
“Where is Lila anyway?” Marinette glanced around.
“Oh, uh, you see, Clara, Lila has a very busy schedule. Her parents are ambassadors, so she is always traveling. She pulled me aside while you were changing and expressed worry over being able to devote the time to being your stylist.” Adrien explained smoothly. “She was absolutely thrilled that you wanted her for the opportunity, but she just has so much on her plate right now.”
“I see. Well, that’s a real pity,” Clara said.
Marinette eyed him curiously as Alya burst into the room.
“Sorry I’m late,” she panted, doubling over to catch her breath.
Adrien stepped down to retrieve the pink sketchbook tucked under her arm. “Designing is Marinette’s true passion, and while she is good at pairing other people’s designs, creating her own is where Marinette really shines.” He offered Clara the sketchbook and nudged Marinette forward. “I know you had your heart set, but Marinette is incredible if you just give her a chance.”
“Wow, Marinette, your skills are certainly plain to see,” Clara said, admiring her sketches. “So, what do you say? Will you design clothes for me?”
“I- Yes! I would absolutely love to! Thank you, Clara.” Marinette gaped as Clara took her hands.
“The pleasure is all mine. Your designs are so divine. This deal is all set. I’m so happy that it’s you, Marinette!” Clara gave her hands a squeeze.
“What’s happening?” Alya quirked a brow.
Adrien smiled. “Marinette just became Clara Nightingale’s personal stylist.”
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dizzying-faust · 1 year
When you see a ml salter in the ml fandom salt tag
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