#Adolf K. Weismann
skyflyinginaction · 7 months
List of K Project names meanings master post
Remember when someone did a post to explain what the meanings of the names mean with the characters? Well, I am putting it here in this post. 
The analysis and meaning of the names had already been done before but this post is about compiling all the meanings of the character's names here. I do not take any credit for the translations and the meanings belong to the original translators I am putting it here for reference.  I put their name meanings here in case someone is struggling to name there k project oc this is used as a reference to help. 
The Silver Clan: White Rice Party 
Yashiro Isana (伊佐那 社)
Isana (伊佐那), i (伊, that one), sa (佐, assistant, help) and na (那, what?). Yashiro (社, shrine)
Yashiros are temporary shrines set up for deities, this is a reference to how the body known as ‘Isana Yashiro’ (who is, in fact, Hieda Touru) is just a vessel for the silver king Adolf K. Weismann and not his true body much like how yashiro's body is temporarily used for a vessel for his soul. 
His surname Isana (伊佐那) is derived from Izanagi (伊耶那岐命, Izanagi-no-Mikoto) and Izanami (伊耶那美命, Izanami-no-Mikoto) this is a reference to the twin heavenly deities in Shinto mythology who gave birth to the islands and made Japan and other Shinto deities of Japanese and represent life and death. This references his real identity as the first Silver King and the founder king being responsible for the birth of other kings
life and death play a part in Adolf and Claudia, which infers How Adolf became the silver king cursed with immortality after Claudia's death forced him to live while his sister was dead. 
Besides being named after Izanagi Shiro’s last name has further significance in the story,  Isana can be a play on his airy nature but refers to his amnesia in the story and his kind personality before regaining his memories.
Adolf K. Weismann
His real name “Adolf” comes from the Germanic name Adalwolf which means “noble wolf” and "wise wolf”, indicating both his nobilty in German myth wolfs are connected to kings and rulers which references his status as a king. This might infer the term "lone wolf” reference to his loneliness Of being selected as the king cursed to live as his sisters exiled himself from the world out of fear because he doesn’t want to involve himself with anyone that he eventually has to watch die yeah he doesn’t-have it off easily.
His initial K is a reference to the title of the series 
Weissmann is a German surname meaning “white man” referencing to Shiro being the silver king.
His nickname “Shiro” can be written as “white" in Japanese. The term used for “Silver King” in Japanese, (白銀の王, Hakugin no Ō) has the character for "white” (haku,白) while “gin” means (銀, silver) in Weismman “Weis” means “white” in “German”, This references that Shiro is the first king the silver king. 
Claudia Weismann
The name Claudia means "lame” or “crippled” but could probably be named after Saint Claudia, the Martyr of Rome who was mentioned in the New Testament, this can reference the impression that Claudia gives off that of the image of “the lost saint” and to how she She died saving Adolf life from falling debris from the bombing raid. 
Claudia references Izanami as one of the creator gods in mythology She Along with her brother was in charge of the research of the slate that created the kings Izanami’s death references Claudia’s own death.  
Neko “Miyabi Ameno” (雨乃雅日) 
Ameno (雨乃), Ame (雨, rain), no (乃, from). Miya (雅, gracious. elegant, refined) and bi (日, day, sun).
Neko’s first name Miyabi(雅日) came from Wakahirume no mikoto (稚日女尊, Wakahirume-no- Mikoto.) the kanji “稚日女尊” is miswritten as "雅日女尊” since 稚&雅 look alike. Wakahirume is a weaving deity who served Amaterasu, says Susano threw a horse skinned alive into the room she weaving startled she fell off the loom and pricked herself by the shuttle of the loom this frightened Amatarsu she hid in the cave. this could reference to how Neko used her powers to change his memories hence hiding him from the other clansmen while preventing him from coming out of his metaphorical cave and how she hangs around Shiro. 
the kanji can refer to how she is considered good-looking by the cast with sensual curves and her her bright sunny disposition.
Neko’s surname Ameno derives from Ameno Uzume (天宇受, Ameno Uzume) with the kanji changed. Ameno Uzume is the goddess of mirth who danced naked to draw Amaterasu out of hiding in her cave this is a node to how Neko is seen naked in the series and her role in drawing Shiro to come out of the metaphorical cave that he puts himself in. in the Kojiki it described her as “made the deities laugh” I think this can reference to how she brings Shiro happiness. 
surname means “of rain” This is a reference to Neko’s love of baths even though she is a cat and rain is used to describe the sadness in her lonely life before she met Shiro 
Neko’s name makes the beginning and end of Amatarasus's hiding along with the disaster due to the sun refusing to come out.
Kuroh Yatogami (夜刀神 狗朗)
Yatogami (夜刀神), Ya (夜, night) to (刀, sword, knife, blade) gami (神, god). Kuroh (狗朗), Ku (狗, dog) roh (朗, melodious, clear, bright, serene, cheerful).  Kuroh’s surname Yatogami comes from Yato no gami (Yato no gami, 
夜刀の神 ) are snake deities in Japanese folklore that are a symbol of enjoying peace and prosperity under a benevolent ruler but also have the power to kill a person and an entire family if someone sets their eyes on them. they are expelled from this original dwelling land the man who expelled them defied them and worshiped them at a place called Yashiro.  
this references Kuroh's backstory, the deities rumored to bring familial extermination to anyone who saw them notes to how Kuroh is seen as an angel of death by his family and shunned by his own family after the deaths of his family, then his aunt and uncle. Like Yatogami he had to leave the place he grew up with and later ended up with Yashiro Isana like the Yashiro of the tale
the last kanji in his name refers to Kuroh's personality being honest, calm, and bright, the first kanji in his name means "dog”, and the pronunciation of “kuro” alone means “black in Japanese this contributes to his nickname “black dog”. 
Kukuri commented that their names Kuro and Shiro are like Othella this plays into K focusing on contrastionals with the two main characters referring to it.
Suoh Mikoto (周防 尊)
Suoh (周防), Su (周, circumference, circuit) oh (防, protect, resist). Mikoto (尊, noble, exalted)
Mikoto (尊, Mikoto) is taken from the full name of the deity Susano-o no Mikoto (素戔嗚尊, Susano-o no Mikoto). Mikoto is named after the kami Susano, he is Amataerasu’s little brother and was originally in charge of the storms and seas he is known for his violent temper that caused problems, and was expelled from the heavenly realm. This refers to Mikoto's most prominent qualities as the red king being violent. Mikoto can reference his charisma as something he had before he became king
His last name Suoh (周防) comes from an old Japanese province of Yamaguchi Prefecture that is dedicated to a red tortoise in the Nihon Shoki and is well known for its chopper ore (a red color) in the Shoku Nihongi This is a reference to Mikoto being the red king and his hair color. the Yamaguchi Prefecture harbors the Tamanoya shrine that enshrines the creator of the Yata mirror and Yasakani magatama I find this fascinating that it references Yata and Anna from the Red clan. 
his surname refers to his quiet kind nature in which he wants to protect others around him.
Izumo Kusanagi (草薙出雲)
Kusanagi (草薙) Kusa (草, grass, pasture, write) nagi (薙, mow down). Izumo (出雲) Izu (出, exit, come out, put out) mo (雲, cloud). 
Kusanagi is named after the sword of Kusanagi (草薙剣, Kusanagi-no-tsurugi) one of the three imperial regalia of Japan which the sword itself represents valor. It's a sword that has a connection to Mikoto as with the legend that the sword is seen in the body of the servant that Susano slayed and presented it to Amaterasu to settle an old grievance. Kusanagi being named after a divine sword is a reference to his combat ability to how Izumo is the second strongest in Homura. 
Izumo is the name of a shrine (出雲大社, Izumotaisha) that worships Susano's son, Izumo might refer to his role as an information pathway to Homra and his additional role as the one to clean up his clansmen's messes. 
Totsuka Tatara  (十束多々良)
Totsuka (十束多) to (十, ten) tsuka (束, bundle, manage, control). Tatara (多々良) ta (多, many, frequent, much) tata (多々, very much, very many) ra (良, good, pleasing, skilled)
Tostuka is derived from the sword of Totsuka (十束剣, Totsuka-no-Tsurugi) the sword of the kami susano the blade that Susano uses to slay the serpent. Also used by Izanangi to behead his son Kagutsuchi who is the kami of fire Kagutsu's death marked the beginning of death in the world. The sword was taken by the underworld when Izanagi came to visit Izanami the sword is made of metal a part of the element of earth connected with death. his name is from a kind of sword alludes to his hidden strength, and his role in Homra the peacemaker, and the beast tamer. 
Tatara is derived from the tatara method of iron making, the tatara method uses iron sand dread old iron ore and smelts it in a hot fire. There is an old Japanese saying that those who work in Tatara iron making welcome the dead this is because dead bodies in Japanese lore represent the element of earth and iron metal is purified earth. The amount of dead in tatara works was said to increase during the purification process. iron is created from the dead and in the case of the sword also creates more dead people, while poisoning those who work with Tatara with death. his given name is an obvious reference to his overall personality and many hobbies 
His entire name is closely connected with death with his given name dead from Tatara and metal/earth and with the beginning of death in the world and underworld from Totsuka no Tsurugi.  His name shows that he is created to die in some respects and his death was meant to be a catalyst for what happened with Homra 
Yata Misaki (八田美咲)
Yata (八田) ya (八, eight) ta (田, rice field), Misaki (美咲) Mi (美, beauty, beautiful) saki (咲, blossom, bloom)
Despite the different kanji the word Misaki is used seen with how Misaki (御先, Misaki) can translate to vanguard also a term used to call small-scale divine spirits who are subordinates to high-ranking deities appearing as the deity's omen or messengers. Misaki is a homage to the Hinomisaki shrine (日御碕神社, Hinomisaki Jinja) which is a shrine and lighthouse, the upper shrine is dedicated to Susano, and the lower shrine to Amaterasu notes on how Yata is the vanguard of Homra. 
his given name Misaki could be a play on how he doesn’t think before he acts more often than not ending up in all sorts of messes, his given name is revealed in a short story yatas mom named her children after plant theme.
the Yata comes from Yatagarasu (八咫烏) the three-legged crow sun incarnate and a symbol of guidance.  Yatagarasu is the three-legged crow that guided Emperor Jimmu on his eastern expedition and is also said to live in the sun. 
Yatagarsu is the misaki of Kumano no Ookami  (熊野大神, Kumano no Ookami) also known as Susano o. This is a callback to how Yata is the vanguard of Homra serving under Mikoto and later Anna. 
Yata is named after the mirror of Yata (八咫鏡, Yata no Kagami) one of the three imperial regalia in Japan the mirror represents honesty and wisdom. this notes how Yata is straightforward and honest about his emotions and his growth and maturity in the series. Yata’s name is connected to Fushimi Yatagarsu and Sarutahiko is known as guides of high-ranking diety both of them have names from guidance kami and are said to pave the way for the rulers. a clever reference to their relationship and their relationships with their respective kings.
eight is a lucky number in Japanese, which may be why he's been lucky so far hasn’t been gravely injured or near death, and rice fields are a source of food which is why he is so full of energy. 
Anna Kushina (櫛名アンナ)
Kushina (櫛名) Kushi (櫛, comb) na (名, name, distinguished, reputation)
There is no meaning of Anna's name in Japanese but someone did make a post that might guess her name could come from the  Christian Bible Apocrypha [Gospel of Jacob] What is Anna the mother of the virgin Mary Anna is known as a woman dressed in red which is annas signature color when she joins Homura and is regarded as a mystic which references Anna's powers of clairvoyance. 
Anna’s last name, Kushina (櫛名) comes from the kami Kushinadahime (Kushinada-hime,櫛名田比売) She is the wife of the kami Susano with is associated with Suoh Mikoto. She was originally going to be eaten by Yamata no Orochi the eight-headed dragon but Susano slew it with Totsuka's sword after making a deal to save her in return for her hand in marriage Susano turned her into a comb to hide while he slew the snake she is named after Kushinadahime who was saved and married subsequently by Susano. 
much like her kami counterpart Kushinadahime, Anna was rescued by Mikoto who is the counterpart for Susano. the snake, in fact, is Mizuchi, Mizuchi is based on the Orochi in mythology his kanji is a Japanese homophone of the water dragon.  who kidnaps Kushina and he kidnaps Anna and makes her a king through his experiments. Anna’s ability and relationship to sync with Mikoto seem to represent the close relationship between Susano and Kushinadahime. Like Totsuka and Kusanagi her name is chosen because of her counterpart connection to Mikoto's counterpart as a close support of his 
Kushi might be a reference to her short hair, "na" is connected to her position as Homra clairvoyant and later red king.
Honami Kushina (櫛名穂波)
Honami’s name (穂波) means “waving heads of grain”, it's mostly like she's a stand-in for Kushinada-hime’s elderly parents who asked for help from Susano. Kushinada-hime mother was a farmer and the goddess of an early harvest and gentle affection, gentle affection is associated with Honami 
Rikio Kamamoto (鎌本力夫)
Riki(力,power, strength, strong, strain, bear up, exert) o (夫, man, husband). Kama (鎌,sickle) Moto (本, base, root, origin).
Rikio’s name is similar to the deity Ame-no-tajikarao (天手力男, Ame-no-tajikarao) with having the same kanji. Ame-no-tajikarao removed the cave door Amaterasu was hiding and pulled her out returning light to the world after she hid from Susano. He is said to have Herculean strength and the kami of power and sports this is a reference to Kamamoto's strength and how he gets Yata out of a depressed funk to get him to save Anna.
Saburōta Bandō (坂東三郎太)
San(三, three) ro (郎, son) ta (太, thick, big). Ban (坂, slope, hill) do (東, east)
Bandou is the old name for the Kanto region of Japan also refers to the Bandou Sajuusankashou (坂東三十三箇所, Bandō Sanjūsankasho) a series of 33 temples in the Kanto region dedicated to the goddess Kannon the personification of compassion and kindness also related to the Japanese daimyo named Satake yoshishige who went by the name bandou tarou this is where his entire name comes from. thinking about this it feels unlikely since Bando is considered petty by the rest of his clansmen but he has a strong sense of loyalty and compassion towards his fellow clanmen even Shohei points out his kindness. 
Shōhei Akagi (赤城翔平)
Sho(翔, soar, fly) hei (平, level, even, peaceful, flat, board) Aka (赤, red). gi (城, castle) 
Shohei’s surname Akagi is named after Akagi Mountain (赤城山), a stratovolcano with lava domes. the mountain itself is deified at Akagi Jinja at the base of the mountain. 
his name comes from two navel ships the Akagi, and the Houshou (鳳翔).
Masaomi Dewa (出羽将臣)
Masa(将,general) omi (臣,retainer, subject) De (出, out). Wa (羽, feather)
Dewa’s given name from Dewa Sanzan (出羽三山, Dewa Sanzan) combination of three holy mountains and Dewasanjyodaigongen (出羽三所大権現) which is the veneration of all three mountains on top of Mount Haguro that are important in Buddhism and Shinto also shugendou.
It is said that Hachiko son of Emperor Sushun under the guidance of Yatagarasu was led to the mountains and then he deified them.
Yō Chitose (千歳洋)
Chi (千, thousand) tose (歳, years) ta (洋, an ocean, the East (Orient), the West (Occident). 
His last name is Auspicoius also the name of a shrine in Hokkaido, the deified kami is Ichikishimahime (produced in the trial of pledge between Amaterasu and Susano) and Toyoukehime offspring of of Wakumusuhi. Whom Izanami bore as she lay dying giving birth to Kagutsu.
his given came from the navel ships Chitose and Chitose Maru. 
Kōsuke Fujishima (藤島 幸助)
Fuji(藤, wisteria) shima (島, island) ko (幸, happiness, good luck). suke (助, help, rescue, assist) 
His surname Kosuke can be a reference to his good nature in how he helped others and how he helped Eric out of his situation.
His surname came from Fujishima Jinja (藤島神社) in Fukui prefecture which deifies the military commander Nitta Yoshisada the great military commander during the Nanbokuchou period of Japan.
Eric Sōlt‎ (エリック・スルト) real name Eric Surt
Eric grew up in Europe and his name is an English name, though the way his name is spelled in Japanese "スルト" is the same Japanese spelling for the Nordic god Surtr who plays a major part in Ragnarok carried a flaming sword and his flames with engulf the earth live in the fire realm, Muspell. this references the knife that Eric carries and his red aura.
Genji Kagutsu (迦具都 玄示)
Genji (玄示)Gen (玄, mysterious) ji (示,show), Kagutsu (迦具都) Ka (迦, sword) gu (具, ingredient) tsu (都, capital)
his first name meaning can reference how little people know about him except in flashbacks mentioned by other characters.
Kagutsu’s surname comes from Kagutsuchi (迦具土, Kagutsuchi the kami of fire, he was the child of Izanami and Izanagi his birth killed Izanmi in his rage Izanagi to the sword of Totsuka (also the Ame no Ohabari no Kami,天の尾羽張) and beheaded and dismembered Kagutsuchi. eight pieces of his body became eight volcanos. the death of Kagutsu started the cycle of death in the world. This pertains to the fiery imagery associated with Homra much like his counterpart, Kagutsu’s death was the first major death of the king, and his death by Habari Jin the blue king after which the sword was named. his presence had a huge impact on the events and characters around him.
Secptor 4
Munakata Reishi (宗像礼司)
Munakata (宗像) Muna (宗, religion, sect, denomination, main point, origin, essence) kata (像, image, statue, picture, figure, portrait). Reishi (礼司) Rei (礼, salute, bow, ceremony, thanks, remuneration) shi (司, officer, boss).
his name Reishi alludes to his position in Sceptor 4, being their boss. 
Munakata is named after the three Munakata goddesses (宗像三女神, Munakata-no-kami) that were enshrined at Munakata Taisha in Fukuoka Prefecture.  the goddesses were born when Susanoo made an oath with his sister Amaterasu, during this oath, she took Susano's sword purified it broke it with her teeth breathed it out the goddesses and their names are Tagorihime-no-Kami, Tagitsuhime-no-Kami, and Ichikishimahime-no-Kami who are the Munakata goddess. The Munakata goddesses are the goddesses of the sea and protectors of sailors and sea travelers. this fits well into his role as a protector using his blue aura to safeguard 
the water imagery of Scepter 4 is meant to contrast with homras fire imagery 
Seri Awashima (淡島世理)
Awashima (淡島) awa (淡,light, thin, faint, pale, fleeting) shima (島, island). seri (世理) se (世, world) ri (理, reason, logic)
Seri’s name notes Seri is more level-headed than the captain and the only sane one.
Awashima’s surname comes from Awashima no kami(淡島神), the second daughter born of Izanagi and Izanami but was deformed and not considered a god and set out to sea. She helps safe sea travel she is based on the kami for a woman known as teh protector of woman who blesses them in mythology.
This is noted that Awashima is the only woman in Sceptor 4 in combat. and how Scepter 4 is related to protection Her given name Seri comes from Suseri hime (須世理姫), daughter of the god Susano who was known to have helped her husband 
Ookuniushi the deity of Izumo Taisha passed a harsh test on her father. Ookuniushi was the ruler of Izumo Provance is the counterpart of Kusanagi Izumo note both Kusanagi and awashima's relationship in the series as the clan's second heads. 
Saruhiko Fushimi (伏見猿比古)
Fushimi (伏見) fushi (伏, bend down, bow, cover) mi (見, see, hopes, idea). Saruhiko (猿比古) saru (猿, monkey) hi (比, compare, race, ratio) ko (古, old)
Fushimi comes from Fushimi Inari (伏見稲荷) the grand shrine of inari, and is the daughter of Susano. Although a fox it can also take the form of a snake/dragon a water deity. Fushimi has strong connections with both Susano who is Mikoto’s counterpart and sea imagery which is represented in Sceptors 4. 
Saruhiko’s name references Sarutahiko Ookami (猿田彦) leader of the earthly kami a symbol of strength, guidance, and martial arts. who guided Ninigi, Amatarusu's grandson who came to earth with the three scared treatures later enshrined at Fushimi Inari Taisha later in the myth the god Sarutahiko died by drowning. the sacred treatures are connected to homra which are based on the sacred three treatures. Sarutahiko is related to the Yata name Yata no kagami is also connected to Sarutahiko, fushimi and yata are both named after kami of guidance, their frequent use in vanguard-like positions shows that they are both people who pave the way or guide the way.
the name Saru was given to him by his father In the story because he mentioned his son looks like a monkey which he himself hates to be called because it reminds him of his father. 
like most Scepter 4 people he's named after a Japanese naval ship
Fushimi Niki (伏見仁希) and Kisa Fushimi (伏見木佐)
Fushimi (伏見) fushi (伏, bend down, bow, cover) mi (見, see, hopes, idea). Niki (仁希) Ni (仁, benevolence) Ki (希, to hope)Fushimi (伏見) fushi (伏, bend down, bow, cover) mi (見, see, hopes, idea). Kisa (木佐) Ki (木, tree) sa (佐, assistant)
Niki Fushimi is named after Ninigi (瓊瓊) he appeared in the story coming to earth with the three scared treatures and being guided by Sarutahiko his son's name and is married to Konohana Sakuya the namesake of his wife. 
For Kisa Fushimi, Konohana sakuya (木花開耶姫, Konohanasakuya-hime) is the kami who was the inpiration for Kisa’s name. In the story, she was sent to marry Ninigi and had three children with him representing mountains, fire, and water. Her older sister Iwanaga-hime was originally supposed to marry Ninigo but was rejected the lives of the humans would be sort as the cherry blossoms, this bares some semblance like the story where Kisa married Niki solely for his talent nothing else, and how ayas mother hates Fushimi mom 
there interconnected to fushimi in a way as seen in there myth how the charcater in the myth are interconnected. 
Oogai Aya (大貝阿耶) 
Oogai (大貝) Oo (大,big) Gai (貝, shell). Aya (阿耶) A (阿, to flatter; to pander to the ridge (of the roof); eaves) ya (耶, question mark)
the kanji for ayas name is a reference to the story of the kami Sarutahiko Ookami, while he was fishing off of the coast of Azaka he got his hand stuck inside a large clam and drowned. her surname references the clam that Sarutahiko was stuck in.
Her name Aya (阿耶) is taken from Azaka (阿耶訶), the place where Sarutahiko drowned. This is a reference to how her presence in the story is meant to drive a wedge between Fushimi and Homra
Himori Akiyama (氷杜 秋山)
Himori (氷杜) Hi (氷, ice) mori (杜, forrest), Akiyama (秋山) Aki (秋, autumn) Yama (山, mountain, hill)
Akiyama was named after Akiyama no shita Biotoko (秋山之下氷壮夫) the kami of autumn frost. 
Yūjirō Benzai (弁財 酉次郎)
Yūjirō (酉次郎) Yu (酉, the Rooster, the tenth of the twelve Earthly Branches) ji (次, next, order) ro(郎, son), Benzai (弁財) Ben (弁,  valve, petal, braid, speech, dialect, discrimination, dispose of, distinguish, conical cap) zai (財, property; riches; wealth)
Benzai is named after Benzaiten (弁財天) one of the seven deities of good luck and the goddess of water 
Ryūhō Kamo (劉芳 加茂)
Ryūhō (劉芳) ryu (劉, weapon of war, logging axe, kill en masse, peeling (paint off a wall, etc), sparse, faded) ho (芳, fragrant, virtuous, beautiful), Kamo (加茂) ka (加,add, increase) mo (茂, lush, luxuriant)
Kamo is tricky because there is not a concrete reference of a deity he is based on but here is about the possibility of what he was named after. 
one is that he could be named after Kamo-no-ōmikami  [迦毛大御神], also known as Ajisukitakahikone is the deity of agriculture and thunder is the son of okuninushi, and takirihime one of the three Munakata goddesses and father of a rain kami when he was a child he screamed so loudly he had to be put in a boat and sailed around japan until he calmed down. That's the most likely possibility due to how it's related to Munakata and the water imagery and the short story of the crying baby in the manga, and note that he was a father. 
Andy Dōmyōji (道明寺 アンディ)
Dōmyōji (道明寺) do (道,road) myo (明, bright) ji (寺, temple)
his name is not a Japanese name but it might be based on someone, his name Andy is a shortening of Andrew, a Christian saint who was originally a fisherman. Her surname 
Doumyouji came from Doumyouji Tenmanguu (道明寺天満宮) a large shrine in Osaka that enshrines the Tenjin god of scholarship, the ancestral kami of the Izumo clans, amenohohi one of the male children produced during the trail by pledge between Amaterasu and Susanoo 
Tatsuya Enomoto (榎本 竜哉)
Enomoto (榎本) Eno (榎,Chinese hackberry tree) moto (本, blades of grass and tree trunks     falcons) Tatsuya (竜哉) Tatsu (竜, dragon) ya (哉,how, what, alas, question mark, exclamation mark)
His surname is taken from  Enomoto-jinja (榎本神社) in Nara the kami who inhabits it is Enomoto kami and the currently enshrined deity was considered to be Sarutahiko the god who died by drowning. 
his given name means dragon, dragons are noted to be associated with water hence the water imagery of Sceptor 4 
Daiki Fuse (大輝 布施)
Daiki (大輝) Dai (大, big, great) ki (輝, brightness) Tatsuya (竜哉) fu (布, cloth) se (施, out)His given name means “alms” in Buddhism 
the act of giving people things with a loving heart there was a shrine named fuse (布勢神社) in the Okayama prefecture 
Ren Gotō (五島 蓮)
Gotō (五島) go (五, five) to (島, island) Ren (蓮, lotus, water lily)
his surname comes from the Goto Islands (五島) which has an ancient style of sacred Shinto song and dance the goto kagura.
his first name is a reference to Buddha, the lotus is the flower that bloom for the buddhas birth a beautiful flower that blooms in the mud said to represent to be how bodhisattva’s save people from a dirty world.
Akira Hidaka (日高 暁)
Akira (暁, daybreak) Hidaka (日高) Hi (日, sun, day) daka (高, tall, high)
Hidaka is named after the Hikohohodemi no Mikoto (日高日子穂穂手見命) a hunter who descended into the sea and ended up marrying the princes of the sea kami, toyotama hime lived under the sea for a while. Akira maybe a variation of Hidata both related to the sun.
Jin Habari (迅 羽張)
Jin (迅, swift, fast) Habari (羽張) Ha (羽, feather) bari (張, lengthen, counter for bows & stringed instruments, stretch, spread, put up (tent).
His name comes from an alias of the Totsuka no Tsurugi, Ame no Ohabari no Kami ( 天の尾羽張, Heaven’s Tail Feather) which is the sword that Izanagi used to slay Kagutsuchi. Ironically habari was not able to succeed in slaying Kagutsu himself.
Gen Shiotsu (塩津 元)
Gen (元, Ex) Shiotsu (塩津) shio (塩, salt) Tsu (津, haven, port, harbor, ferry)
Shiotsu is named after the Shiotsu shrine, the kami enshrined there is Shiotsuchinooji the kami of salt-making protector of fishermen who comes to the aid of Hoori by guiding him to the palace of the sea. 
Gōki Zenjō (善条剛毅)
Goki (剛毅, fortitude) Zenjō(善条) zen (善, good) jo (条,article)
his first name zenjou comes from the Yorozo Code a set of rules in the Nara period Japan, you were considered good or righteous if you had 1) good ethics 2) cleanliness 3) fair judgement, and 4) you devoted yourself to your duties with strength. his first name Goki means “firmness of character” or “fortitude.” which is very fitting towards his character. His entire name matches his personality and character towards his duties 
Takeru Kusuhara (楠原剛)
Takeru (剛, sturdy, strength) Kusuhara(楠原) kusu (楠, camphor tree) hara (原,field, plain)
Takerus' name comes from the kami Isotakeru (五十猛神) who was an offering of Susano making him a sibling of the Munakata goddess. he went around Japan planting forests with the seeds he had the trees he planted were camphor trees which were used in shipbuilding, he was the Guadian diety of ships providing a safe passage because his trees made up the boats the kanji of his surname reflects this.
his name has something to do with his role in the story, there is an old tradition among people whose work involved the sea where the body of a drowned man was used as a talisman of a type of lucky charm the dead body represented the element earth in the five elements, and earth trumps water, so it was said to provide safety and strength in work to those who worked and traveled in the sea. Kusuhara is named after the kami who provides safe passage like a talisman of the drowned man making Sceptor 4 more stable and stronger 
Hisui Nagare (比水 流)
Hisui (比水) Hi (比, compare, race, ratio) sui (水, water), Nagare (流, current’, ‘flow’, ‘forfeit) 
Hisui has a connection to the god Hiruko (水蛭子 or 比留子) later known as Ebisu (恵比須, 恵比寿, 夷, 戎) his name comes from Ebisu with the same kanji in his name from, he was the deformed leach child of Izanagi and Izanami and was set adrift later he became Ebisu well known for maritime connection. 
his first name Nagare (流) seems to connect to Hiruko as “流” can mean “exile” which Hiruko was first in exile. the heavy water imagery as the reading of the kanji relates to a stream of water or something adrift. 
this description of Nagare being referred to as the god Ebisu matches with Nagare’s status as king role and character in the series.
Ebisu was abandoned by his parents in the myth which referenced Nagare losing his family during the creator accident. in the myth Ebisu is cribbled and deformed this can infer how Nagare lost his heart from the kagutsu creator and how his life was kept alive because of the slate and he is stuck to a wheelchair Nagare is restrained in a wheelchair keep his strong power in check.
ebisu related to prosperity can infer how the jungle is popular with users and with others growing in popularity over the years.
the ocean imagery is how the internet is described as an ocean or sea with the clan being related to an internet chat group and how he swims through the web and technology with his powers
Hisui means "like water”, and may refer to his speed and power (water can be powerful as well) when he uses his king aura or the domain of his clan which resides in the Internet which can be considered the ocean of the web.
Nagare could also mean that but could means “forfeit” which refers to how he lost his own life two times 
Tenkei Iwafune  (磐船天鶏)
Iwafune (磐舟) Iwa (磐, rock, crag, cliff) fune (舟, boat, ship) Tenkei (天鶏) ten (天, heaven, sky, imperial) kei (鶏, domestic chicken).
Otori and Tenkei both point to his loss as he points it out himself in the dream of Green and Iwafune is meant to compliment and counter Hisui Nagare.
Iwafune Tenkei (磐船天鶏) is named after Torinoiwakusufune (鳥之石楠船神) he is the kami of ships who made a boat for the kami hiruko who was abandoned. he acted as the deputy and messager. in the myth, it was said that he was the boat traveling from the land of Kami to the human world. which traveled to the central lan of reed plans from heaven with the speed of the bird and stability of a rock.
Torinoiwakusufune carrying hiruko on a boat references Iwa’s relationship with Nagare that he was the one who was taking care of his needs and the one who kept his powers in check with his fog and restricted him in a chair to prevent his powers from going out of control being metaphorically boat in a way that helps him get from one place 
to another and a rock to keep him stable and is the second command of the jungle despite being a king. might provide a foreshadowing of his true identity as the grey king and his clan cathedral that acts as a sanctuary until the creator's accident.
Iwafune is also from Iwafune Shrine [磐船神社], these shrines are dedicated to a ship the shaped rock believed to be the vessel used by deities when descending the earth. 
Tenkei (天鶏)  is a Chinese constellation “celestial cock” (天雞) which is the rooster in heaven that crows at daybreak. leading roosters on earth to crow after it. this is a reference to his real name Otori which has a bird in the kanji further hinting at his true identity as the grey king.
Seigo Otori (鳳聖悟)
Seigo (聖悟) sei (聖, holy, sage, priest) go (悟, enlightenment, realize, understand), Otori (鳳, large bird refers to either the peng (a Chinese mythological giant bird said to be able to transform into a fish) or the Fenghuang (the Chinese phoenix).
“Seigo” refers to his position as king to cathedral whitch seems to be a church theme clan, looking at "go" might also refer to how he eventually faced the irony of his power as a king 
his entire name referenced the god Torinoiwakusufune seen in this role as his former grey clan and his role in the jungle and to Nagare.
Yukari Mishakuji (御芍神 紫)
Mishakuji (御芍神) mi (御, honorable, manipulate, govern)shaku (芍, peony) ji (神, gods, mind, soul) Yukari (紫,purple)
 the color purple in his name references his image color his name comes from the ancient kami 
Mishakuji (御社) is one of the Sai-no-Kami [塞の神], which means “deity of boundary”. he is the guardian deity of travelers also crosswords and boundaries he guards the boundary of the village or crosswords to prevent evil spirits, disease, or disaster from entering the village. this is a reference to how Yukari acts as a bodyguard to the green clan being their strong muscle and not letting anyone get it.  Yatogami is the deity of the valley which was expelled into the mountains by Matachi and his men for cultivation then drew a boundary between the land of humans and the land of deity keeping Yatogami on the other side.  both Kuroh and Yukari are written as rivels which is seen in their names. 
Miwa, Mishakuji, and Yatogami were all names of serpent deities this is a reference that they were from the colorless clan
Sukuna Gojo (五條スクナ)
Gojo (五條) go (五,five) jo (條, article, clause, item, stripe, streak,logic, paragraph,)
the logic aspect in his name fits him being a video game and combat hustler, if you put "go" and "jo"  together then it might mean "a winning streak” another game-related reference 
Sukuna is named from Sukuna-hikona (スクナヒコナ) is the medicanal kami is the kami riding the wave in a boat from the pod of the flowering vine. He is paired with Onamuchi and the two kami worked together to form the land and invent medicine. he is the deity who aided Ookunimushi in building his nation in myths he stayed beside Ookunimushi all the time. he is the deity known as the "Small Man of the Renown” The Nihon Shoki refers to him as a brat. Looking at this it matches Sukuna to a t, the part with Sukuna being paired and helping Ookunimushi in the myth is his friendship with Nagare and how he helps him with his goals. sukuna is seen riding the waves on a boat is a reference to Iwa who is named after the boat deity. the "Small Man of the Renown” Sukuna proved to be capable in his own right in the use of jungle and how he completes his missions. sukuna being refered to as a brat in muthoology references sukunas young age and bratty personality  
Gojo came from  Gojo-ten Shrine [五条天神宮] shrines dedicated to Sukuna 
Douhan Hirasaka (平坂 道反)
Hirasaka (平坂) Hira (平, flat) saka (坂, slope), Douhan (道反) dou (道, road) han (反, anti)Her surname Hirasaka comes from 
Yomotsu Hirasaka [⻩泉比良坂], the boundary between earth and hell. Dohan  (道反) is from 
Chikaeshi no Ookami [道反大神], the huge rock at Yomotsu Hirasaka which Izanagi used to block the hell’s entrance after he escaped. 
this references how she helped Fushimi in season 2 from getting killed by jungle users by helping him escape and how she saves the other characters from death. 
Kotosaka has numerous meanings but the meaning I would choose for him would be Kotosaka no kami (言離神] the alias of Hitokotonushi-no- kami [一言主神, literally the God of One Word) and Yomotsukotosakanoo (aka Kotosakanoo-no-Mikoto), a kami of the underworld it means to sever a relationship in the Nihongi he appeared alongside Hayatamanoo (速玉之男神) to sever the relationship between the original kami, Izanagi, and Izanami he was there to hold Izanangi to his oath when Izanagi spoke the words of divorce at the Yomotsu Hirasaka. these meanings fit Kotosaka himself this is in how he was present during Nagare's death and stayed by his side while he was dying and how Kotosaka is always seen talking in one word or repeating something that was said and is used as a medium for Nagare for speaking to others
The colorless clan 
Ichigen Miwa (三輪 一言)
Ichigen (一言) ichi (一,  one) gen (言, say, word), Miwa (三輪) Mi (三, three) wa (輪, wheel, link, loop) "wa" can refer to how he can see the future aka the wheel of fortune and may refer to the fates of his two students. if you look at "mi" and wa together it may refer to his and his students' lives; the way their lives played out may have been something that has already been foreseen. Ichigen might refer to his nature as the “man of his word or “a man of a few words” a play on his art haiku composition. 
Miwa comes from Oomiwa jinja (三輪明神) miwa comes from Mount Miwa, the kami of the mountain Oomononushi, is a serpent holding power over good harvest, sake brewing and protection from infectious diseases but is also known for his ability to curse.  Ichigan comes from 
Hitokotonushi-no- kami [一言主神] sharing the same kanji in the deity's name grants one word wishes to the deity and introduces himself to the emperor as “I am Hitokotonushi-no-kami of Katsuragi, who proclaims evil in a single word, good in a single word.” like Oomononushi he encompasses both good and evil possibilities depending on careful choices.
this is a reference to his art of haiku which Kuroh brings with a recorder. This can reference that he can see the future and predict what is going to happen with a few words
Kokujoji Daikaku(國常路 大覚)
Kokujōji (國常路) Koku (國, country), jō (常, usual, normal, regular),  ji (路, path, road, distance), Daikaku (大覚) dai (大, large, big, great) Kaku (覚, learn, remember, awake).
jo might refer to himself before he became king and his way of running things has been the normal ji for the country of Japan after he became king. “great learning” references his clan's ability or the great remembrance of his friends who guided him through the years.
his name Koukujouji (國常路) is a reference to Kunitokotachi no Kami ( 國常立神). He is the first of the three kami born after heaven and earth were born out of chaos and is considered the very representation of Japan itself and one of the founding kami. His first name Daikaku (大覚) comes from Daikaku-ji (大覚寺) a Buddhist temple in Kyoto that holds the Five Knowledge Kings they have much knowledge and power which allows them to influence reality known to use their power to get rid of evil influences. this is pretty self-explanatory this references to his bond with the Silver King who references Isanagi and the Dresidian trio being one of the first kings that shaped Japan 
He is the backbone of the contry and its entire properoty was on him and he makes sure evil infleunces like nagare and mizuchi are wiped out. 
Kukuri Yukizome (雪染 菊理)
Kukuri is named after Kukuri hime no kami (菊理姫神) the goddess of meditation, negotiation, matchmaking, and marriage. She mediated on behalf of Izanami and Izanagi when Izanagi talked to her during the month of the underworld and reconciled them, bringing peace to the world mediating between the living and the dead. This matches Kukuri very well 
reflects her cheerful personality and friendship with Shiro she is sociable and helpful she helps mediate the chaos of the awakening superpowers and she is Shiro's link to a normal life. 
Hieda Touru (稗田透)
Hieda (稗田) Hie (稗, Japanese barnyard millet) da (田, paddy, field), Touru (透, transparent  permeable, porous passable, (in the sense of objects spaced far enough apart to allow something in-between)
His first name Tooru is jampacked of meaning this can reference his lack of presence and his harmless appearance and ability to blend in the background which is why he was chosen by Nagare to be the host body for the colorless king. and that he was once a vessel for the colorless king to inhibit. 
Hieda may refer to  Hieda no Are (稗田 阿礼) a person known for being vital to kojikis completion. little is known about Hidea no Are including gender but some theorize they may be distant descendants of the goddess Ameno-Uzume. This is a reference to his appearance in the story as early as completing the plan for the silver king to be drawn out. 
Saya Konohana (木野花 沙耶)
Saya (沙耶) sa (沙, sand) ya (耶, question mark), konohana (木野花) ko (木, field, wilderness) Hana (花, flower, blossom)
Saya’s entire name comes from  Konohanasakuya-hime (木花開耶姫) the kami of cherry blossoms and mt fuji she was said to be in charge of volcanos and has an explosive temper this is a reference to her uncontrollable power in the beginning in the route. 
Mitsuha Kurayama (闇山 光葉)
 Kurayama(闇山) Kura (闇, dark) Yama (山, mountain), Mitsu (光, light), ha (葉, leaves)
the kanji in the given name doesn't match the kami I was thinking of but if there's one thing that his surname is Kurayama (闇山) in fact If I were to guess what he is based on I would think it is Kuramitsuha (闇御津羽神 – Ravine Water Rushing). Kuramitsuha is one of the two kami born from the blood of Kagutsuchi after he was beheaded by Izanagi, the blood caught on the sword hilt formed this kami.
another kami would be Kurayamatsumi (闇山津見神 – Mountain Gorge Majesty) the kami born from the body of Kagutsuchi after he was beheaded and was born from Kagutsuchi’s privates
I find his connection to the kami Kagutsuchi is a reference to Mitsuha’s obsession with becoming Kagustsu in the series which led to a twisted fascination with Suoh. 
Somei Nazumi (初衣 泥)
Uhijininokami, Suhichininokami ※God of the earth (宇比邇神 須比智邇神)
Somei Chika (初衣 チカ)
Uhijininokami, Suhichininokami ※God of the earth (宇比邇神 須比智邇神)
Unno Yutaka: (雲野 征鷹)
Toyokumo no Kami (God of Clouds) (豊雲野神)
Todokoro Suwako: (十所 スワ子)
Homi Suwa Jugosho Shrine (Homisuwa Jugoshojinja) (穂見諏訪十五所神社)
Tamataro Okuma: (大隈 玉太郎)
Kumano Hayatama Grand Shrine (Kuma no Hayata Taisha) (熊野速玉大社)
Gora is kind to give us the origin of the names of the characters who came from K side Gold.
when I was writing this I learned that each character in k is connected to each other in some way as seen in the origin of their names. I didn’t cover all the characters but If I did happen to miss some of the characters feel free to put your input in the post. I made this post as a reference to help others with naming their once, I don’t take any credit for the translated meanings in this master post I hope this will give a better idea of how to name your OC. 
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bellewood222 · 11 months
Happy Birthday Shiro!
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I don't know Japanese whatsoever. I used various translator programs to make this English translation.
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local-writer · 2 years
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The characters you see on this list are the ones that I write for!
──・──・・✿ ・・──・──
Mikoto Suoh
Reisi Munakata
Yashiro Isana/Adolf K. Weismann
{Red Clansman}
Tatara Totsuka
Izumo Kusanagi
Misaki Yata
{Blue Clansman}
Seri Awashima
Saruhiko Fushimi
{Silver Clansman}
Kuroh Yatogami
Neko (no smut)
{Green Clansman}
Yukari Mishiakuji
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c-worldproductions · 10 months
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The Silver Master meets Lucien Dodge.
I’m glad to meet Lucien, who is the English voice actor for Yukio Hans Vorarlberna (Bleach) and Adolf K. Weismann / Silver King (K Project). I would have loved for him to sign something Yukio, but unfortunately, he didn’t have a Yukio print and I didn’t have anything Yukio. Understandably so since Bleach has been out for years. Hence, why I got him to sign the Adolf K. Weismann page of the art book from K: The Complete Series (Blu-ray & DVD) box set.
Fun Fact: I literally watched most of the episodes with Yukio in them (with 3 episodes remaining of Bleach) several days before Otafest. I had been binge watching Bleach since it’s one of first anime that I had seen as a teen, but I hadn’t been able to finish until now. After watching Bleach, I now have a comprehensive list of characters from each group type in Bleach that I want to cosplay as. Yukio is one of the Fullbringers that I want to cosplay as.
🎬 Voice Actor: Lucien Dodge
⭐️ Riku: me
📷 Photographer: volunteer or Otafest staff member (Thanks again for taking our photo! 💜)
🗓️ Event: @otafest 2023
🔑 Keyblade: ktechronin (IG)
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itsuki-minamy · 1 year
* List of Chapters
Translation: Naru-kun Raws: Ridia
A year has passed since then.
Shiro, the man who is Isana Yashiro, and Adolf K. Weismann remembered the landscape of that day's sunrise many times.
The dawn of that day, when the old friend of his who had been carrying out the dream he had started passed away.
(Weismann... what a beautiful new world!)
On the bridge of the "Schattenreich", Daikaku Kokujoji said that with a trembling throat. Outside the window, the sun appeared from beyond the sea of ​​clouds, trying to illuminate the world.
(Someday I dreamed of a view like this.)
Having lived as the greatest "King", he was looking at the dawn light at the moment when his life ran out.
(It's a shame to close my eyes...)
Those were his last words.
The airship "Schattenreich", the place where Kokujoji passed away, is now moored on the rooftop of Mihashira Tower.
On the bridge of the "Schattenreich", Shiro was reflecting on the sunrise sight that he had witnessed with Kokujoji.
"Silver King."
An old "rabbit" quietly appeared and said to Shiro.
"Munakata Reisi came to see you."
As Shiro nodded, the "Rabbit" quietly withdrew, and Munakata in a blue uniform appeared with the sound of his shoes echoing.
Shiro smiled brightly.
"Hello, Munakata-san, it's been a while. How was your trip?"
Shiro was informed in advance that Munakata would be traveling for a while, and he consulted and took countermeasures for any inconvenience that might arise in his absence.
A short time ago, he received the news of his return and a request to meet him. He felt somewhat ominous from the fact that it was the day he had just finished maintenance on the "Schattenreich".
"It was very significant. What are you doing with this airship? Do you want to go on a journey with me?"
"No way."
Shiro laughed and said that.
"I will no longer leave the ground."
Shiro narrowed his eyes as he looked inside the airship, which had the same structure as the "Himmelreich" where he had spent almost 70 years.
"This airship was unreasonably torn to shreds during the decisive battle with "Jungle" a year ago, and I left it as it was, but I was finally able to repair it. I have no intention of flying anywhere anymore, but the Lieutenant took care of it for a long time, so I want to restore it to its beautiful appearance before I put it to sleep."
"I see."
Munakata agreed with a slight smile on his lips.
"Munakata-san, have you finished your journey?"
"Yes. I have found the answer and the many encounters I have had along the way have given me a new idea of what to do."
"I see. I want to hear about the world you've seen, Munakata-san."
"I decided that I should talk to you, so I came here."
Just when he thought this was going to be a long story, several young "rabbits" arrived with chairs, a small table, and tea utensils. He couldn't help but smile bitterly at those who were too smart.
Grateful, he sat on the chair that had been prepared for him and listened to the story of Munakata's journey while he drank tea.
Munakata's story was like an adventure tale that children would enjoy, like a presentation of research results at an academic conference, or like a philosophical murmuring.
Shiro listened carefully to Munakata's story, interspersing questions from time to time.
How people around the world live, think and act. It was a time to experience the situation of people living, through Munakata, which cannot be covered by the news.
"Even if it's not as strong as in Japan where the "Slate" was, the effects of the release of the "Slate" are still being felt all over the world."
"Because there aren't as many people with persistent supernatural powers as in Japan, the situation is even more difficult for people with supernatural powers around the world than in Japan."
Shiro put his hand on his chin and thought. Munakata looked directly at Shiro through the back of his glasses.
"You could say that humanity has taken a new step forward. Aren't you responsible for that, Weismann?"
Instead of an accusing tone, Munakata spoke in a calm and determined voice.
In the depths of Shiro's eyes, the dawn of that day shone again.
The night is over. A new world has begun. The scene that dreamed with Claudia and Kokujoji in the past may be a little different now, but when morning comes, they have to get up and start walking.
"Of course."
Shiro nodded.
"I am responsible. I had a dream about the "Slate" and I was responsible for moving it. I was responsible for giving Nagare Hisui's dream that effect. So I will do my best. I can no longer be a person who only dreams and prays. I listen to people's prayers and I will do my best to bring them closer to a world where those prayers come true. I think that's my job."
"Very good."
Munakata nodded in satisfaction and stood up.
"I will do my best as well. As a leader who walks in front of the people, even though I am no longer the "King" determined by the "Slate". As the head of "Scepter 4". As a person named Reisi Munakata. There is no no cloud in our cause."
Munakata turned around and left the "Schattenreich".
Shiro stared at the space where Munakata had left for a while, pondered what he should do, and slowly sat up.
The "rabbits" appeared and waited by Shiro's side as if they were waiting for their lives.
"Please take care about this airship."
"And... thanks for coming back once again."
A year ago, Shiro relieved the "rabbits" of their responsibilities. According to Kokujoji's will, they were to help Shiro until he returned to the surface. After that, they disappeared into the shadows, just trying to maintain the system established by Kokujoji.
However, they went back to work for Shiro. There were many things that he could not have done without the "rabbits".
The old "rabbit" bowed deeply.
"You are his successor in will. It is our deepest desire to serve you."
"Thank you.", Shiro said again.
Under the transparent floor there was nothing anymore, where the "Slate" was before, Shiro said goodbye to the "Schattenreich".
He woke up to the smell of grilling fish.
He widened his eyes a little. A warm steam billowed from the kitchen. He could hear the sound of rice being cooked and the sound of something being chopped on the cutting board. Kuro was making breakfast.
Shiro let out a yawn and straightened up. Then he noticed that there was a weight on his feet. Neko, in her uniform, slept curled up on Shiro's futon. She doesn't look like a kitten anymore, but she still looks like an animal cat in places like that.
"Good morning, Neko."
After lightly shaking her, Neko rubbed her eyes sleepily and got up. It was good that she was dressed, but he guessed that she fell asleep again because she saw Shiro still sleeping.
Looking at Shiro, a smile spread across Neko's face who had woken up.
"Shiro, good morning!"
"Breakfast is ready. Wash your face."
A voice came from the kitchen, and Shiro answered "Yes." and he went to the bathroom.
He washed his face with cold water, changed his clothes and straighten his bed hair.
When he returned feeling refreshed, breakfast was already prepared on the dining table.
Salt-roasted horse mackerel, dashimaki egg, miso soup with tofu and komatsu-na (Japanese mustard spinach), and freshly cooked white rice. It was a standard menu that everyone loved.
He clasped his hands and took his chopsticks. He drank miso soup with a strong dashi broth, grabbed the horse mackerel meat and put it in his mouth, bit into the fluffy egg and filled his mouth with rice. He dove into a delicious breakfast that would energize him for the day.
"Today will be the meeting for the opening ceremony after going through "Scepter 4"."
As he nodded to Kuro, who was confirming his schedule, Neko let out a dissatisfied voice, "Eh!"
"Shiro, aren't you going to school today?"
"Sorry. I'm in a bit of a rush today."
"Neko. Shiro is doing important work right now."
"Boo... I know..."
"Now that I think about it, I got a call from Kukuri."
Hearing Kuro's words, Neko was in a good mood and she let out a happy voice, "Kukuri!" A smile naturally appeared on Shiro.
"Kukuri, how is she doing? Is her university life going well?"
"Ah. It seems they are busy preparing for the school festival. She told me to go visit her that day."
"Come on! Come on!"
"The high school festival turned out to be ridiculous, so I really want it to be a success this time."
As soon as he finished eating and stood up, Kuro handed him a bag neatly filled with the necessary documents.
Kuro looked at Shiro's figure from the top of his head to the bottom of his feet, and slightly adjusted Tai's position to make minor adjustments. He nodded once and pressed the voice recorder button with a straight face.
"Correct your outfit and jump into the world."
It was the deep voice of Miwa reciting a poem. Kuro smirked.
"That's how it is."
He was still the same Kuro as always. Laughing, Shiro said, "I'm leaving.", and left the room with Neko.
As he was walking down the hall while greeting the dormitory students who were about to go to school, he ran into Toru Hieda. Shiro still felt strange when he met him. Shiro's soul had been in his body for over a year until the "Slate" was destroyed.
Shiro felt an indescribable shame towards him, as if he was closer to him than Kuro, Neko or his biological sister Claudia, who shared her blood with him.
"Oh! It's Toru!"
Neko said that happily and hugged Hieda like a jumping kitten.
Hieda smiled wryly and said, "Good morning, Neko-san.", as he gently held Neko's body so as not to touch her carelessly.
A year ago, every time Neko hugged him, his eyes turned black and white, but he seems to have gotten used to it. Hieda was a very reserved guy who wasn't very good at interpersonal relationships, but surprisingly he adapted.
"Good morning. Shiro... Um, Weismann sensei."
Hieda greeted Shiro with a smile. At Shiro's request, Hieda usually calls him "Shiro-san", but at school he calls him "Weismann sensei" as a teacher-student relationship. After considering which is the most appropriate for now, it seems that he settled on the latter.
"Today is "Shiro-san". Weismann sensei is free today."
"Then it's work for those who aren't in school. You seem busy."
"Yes. Shiro is busy."
Neko, who started to walk next to Hieda, thinned her lips, but it soon turned into a smile.
"Wagahai and others are also doing their best. So keep up the good work, Shiro."
Hieda nodded in agreement with Neko's words.
Buoyed by their genuine support, Shiro said goodbye to the two outside the dormitory and started walking towards the station.
The monorail station connecting the mainland and the school island was packed with commuter students. Among the students full of laughter and youthful chatter, he met a friend of Neko's.
"Ah, German sensei."
Harumi Nakayama, Neko's classmate, relaxed her expression when she saw Shiro.
Due to her dyed blonde hair and her sharp eyes, the other teachers often see her as a delinquent, but she is a kind and good girl. Neko, who used to be reluctant to wear clothes, now tries to dress like a high school girl thanks to this friend. Like Shiro, he was happy to have a friend who could influence Neko from the same perspective, and he was very worried about Nakayama herself as a teacher.
In particular, she has had a lingering supernatural power for a year, and there was a time when she was deeply depressed by it.
Shiro tried his best to make her live with a smile. Kuro also followed her, and Neko also snuggled up to her like a friend.
Thanks to that, Nakayama can now go to school in good physical and mental health, but there are still people in the same situation all over the country, no, all over the world.
"Are you going to work outside of school?"
Contrary to her delinquent appearance, Nakayama asked in a polite manner.
"Yes. I'm sure I'll make the world easier for you."
His words weren't enough to explain it, but Nakayama looked at Shiro's face and bowed, "Thank you.", without asking anything.
"So, today's physics class will be self-study, I'm sorry. But the self-study printout is a masterpiece, so I'd love it if you could do it."
Shiro parted ways with Nakayama and entered the station.
The students were friendly and asked, "Huh? Are you going out, German sensei?" Shiro answered each question with a smile as he rode the monorail from Gakuenjima to the mainland.
"I read the article you posted on the internet about the emergence of the Strains and their social impact. It was a very interesting consideration."
Shiro met a Strain named Tamaki Genjo at the detention center for supernatural criminals in the basement of "Scepter 4". He was a man who served as a staff member for a group of supernatural criminals led by a Strain, who called himself the "Black Iron King".
Tamaki aimed his large black eyes directly at Shiro from behind his round glasses.
"I've also read the draft of the new supernatural-related bill you sent me. It's certainly reasonable to think of it as a realistic starting point, but just with this, some people will fall from the hands of salvation."
"Yes. I would like to hear your honest opinion."
At Shiro's words, Tamaki began to speak as if a dam had broken. For many years, there must be something that has been treasured inside, something that has matured. Fushimi Saruhiko, standing at the entrance of the room as a witness, let out a sigh.
After two hours of discussion, Shiro got up and stood up.
"Dr. Weismann. Will you save all the outcasts?"
As Shiro was leaving, Tamaki threw that question at him.
Shiro recalled the information that Tamaki was an old friend of Iwafune Tenkei, no, Seigo Otori.
The "Grey King" Seigo Otori, who tried to create a paradise to save and protect all the weak.
The "Green King" Nagare Hisui, who tried to transform the world into a world where everyone had power.
Iwafune Tenkei, who cared for and saved Nagare.
Thinking of them, Shiro lowered his eyes for a moment, then raised his head with a smile and said.
"I want to protect the place where everyone can eat with their loved ones in peace. I will continue to do what I can to get closer to a world where that can be done."
Shiro bowed to Tamaki and left the room.
"The long discussion with the criminals in prison is the same with our boss, but you are also crazy."
Fushimi, walking a little behind Shiro, said that in an exasperated voice.
"Moreover, he even showed us the bill before the deliberation..."
Shiro laughed out loud.
"It's a bill to save people like him and his colleagues. The opinions of the parties are important, and Mr. Tamaki is an expert who used to do research at the university. In fact, his story was very useful."
"You've even met Kamimori, but his story won't help you in any way. He's just an idiot."
Kamimori is a man who used to be the leader of a supernatural criminal group calling itself the "Dark Iron King". The other day, he was arrested by Munakata for his violent act of attacking the "Scepter 4" garrison. Before Tamaki, Shiro met and talked with Kamimori.
"He's not stupid either. He doesn't have a rich vocabulary and isn't good at logical thinking, but he has the power to understand people's feelings and has what can be called an "instant anger power" that directs the right anger when it's about things you should be angry about. Without it, you'd either build up your anger and make it worse, or raise your fist in the wrong direction. It was helpful to hear why he was angry at the world at the time."
Fushimi let out a breath of wonder or admiration.
"More importantly, is Munakata-san here now?"
After going up from the basement to the entrance hall, Shiro looked up to the upper floor where Munakata's office was. Fushimi shook his head.
"He's out now."
"Oh, sorry. There is a document that I wanted him to seal."
"Ah, then you should go to the deputy chief's office. Her acting boss role is over, but deputy chief Awashima still has decision-making authority."
Fushimi said and turned his feet towards the grand staircase. Shiro followed behind.
"Well, I'm saved. But why?"
"I don't know why the Chief brought them in from all over the world. He gave them roles, created a place where they belong, and started doing all sorts of odd jobs. That's partly why I'm busy, and unexpectedly, deputy chief Awashima is better at making realistic decisions like "Scepter 4"."
"I see."
When Fushimi called Awashima's office, there was an immediate response.
When Shiro showed his face, Awashima greeted him with a reluctant "Ah.". During Munakata's absence, Shiro frequently interacted with Awashima as a representative of "Scepter 4", so they had become somewhat familiar with each other.
"Shiro-san. How was your day?"
"I want to obtain the consent of "Scepter 4" for this document."
As Shiro handed over the document, Awashima quickly read it over and sealed it.
"Thank you. Even though Munakata-san is back, Awashima-san, you seem to be busy as usual."
"Yes. However, just by having the Chief, who is the pillar of "Scepter 4", even if we have the same duties, our sense of security is quite different."
Indeed, Awashima's mood was more stable and relaxed than before Munakata's return.
"Shiro-san, you seem to be busy. The opening ceremony is today, right?"
"Yes. From now on, we will have a meeting for that purpose, uh."
Shiro's PDA rang. Awashima urged him to leave without worrying about it, and Shiro lowered his head slightly and took out his PDA.
"Ah, it's Kusanagi-san."
Seeing the name displayed on the PDA screen, Shiro tilted his head. Awashima and Fushimi also looked at Shiro with a captivated expression on their faces.
"Hello. Yes. Yes. Huh? Ah, hahaha... I see. I'll go there from now on."
As Shiro ended the call with a wry smile, Awashima and Fushimi's questioning eyes turned.
"The meeting partner after this seems to be in the HOMRA bar for a while... I'll go find him."
A "CLOSED" sign hung on the door of the HOMRA bar. Today, that sign meant "rented."
A black sedan was parked in front of the bar, and two strong men like SP were standing next to it.
Shiro gave them a slight bow and opened the door to the bar.
"Ok. Kanichi, you can do it. There's no need to worry so much."
A man in his fifties in a suit, former Prime Minister Kanichi Samukawa, was sitting at a bar table, receiving encouragement from Anna Kushina, a high school student sitting across from him.
Misaki Yata and Rikio Kamamoto, sitting on a chair at the counter a little further away, watched the show with their arms crossed, frustration on their faces. Behind the counter, Izumo Kusanagi was polishing his glass with a wry smile.
Shiro deviated and moved closer to the counter so as not to disturb Samukawa and Anna.
"Samukawa-san, he asked Anna to tell him the fortune again."
When Shiro whispered, Kusanagi lowered his eyebrows and shrugged in embarrassment.
"He wants her to predict the future of Japan. Actually, it's almost like advice, huh."
"At this stage, I'm still boiling, that old man."
"It's pathetic that you have to get a girl to push you around. Even if you're a former prime minister."
Yata and Kamamoto said that sharply. Shiro sat on the chair at the counter next to Yata as he calmed him down, "Ok.".
"Originally, Samukawa-san seems to have relied heavily on fortune telling. Anna, who has great sensitivity, is much more accurate than other fortune tellers, so I understand the feeling of wanting to see her... But this time it's more like a ritual to make a decision than as a divination."
Kusanagi served Shiro an iced tea. As he luckily wet his throat, he looked at Samukawa's profile.
"Tomorrow, the 'Supernatural Powers Agency' will be officially launched. As its director, former Prime Minister Samukawa must become a banner-man to create a world where psychics and non-psychics can live together in peace."
A year ago, as a result of what Nagare did, the existence of supernatural powers became known to people all over the world. It was no longer possible to deal with the problems behind the scenes with "Tokijikuin" and "Scepter 4". Specialized departments will be established within the administrative bodies to solve various problems in front of the public.
Samukawa is a former prime minister and possessor of permanent supernatural power. While he acts as a spokesman for the minority of people with supernatural powers, he is well-suited as a leader to create a society where the majority of people who do not have supernatural powers do not feel uncomfortable.
"Even if it's the day before the opening ceremony, it won't work. Taking over as director is a matter of decision."
Kusanagi also showed a slightly exasperated smile.
Yata said that.
"I don't trust that old man!"
"You! Hide your backbiting properly!"
Yata's voice was strong, though he should have been speaking softly so as not to get in the way. Samukawa, who was talking to Anna, turned his body and pointed at Yata.
"I'm not talking behind your back! I think you're unreliable, so I just said that!"
Alongside Yata, who is defiant, Kamamoto, who usually tends to hold back, but jumped on the bandwagon and said, "That's right!"
"For the most part, are you really able to properly control your clairvoyant ability?! You're not looking under Anna's clothes, right?"
Samukawa said with a punch.
"Aggressive behavior wielding such blind suspicion turns into prejudice and discrimination against psykers. If you're one of the geniuses, you'll understand."
"Oh, sorry. That's right."
Kamamoto sincerely apologized. Yata also looked at Samukawa with a slightly reconsidered face.
However, Samukawa himself immediately lost his dignity and fell on the table.
"But... That's right. Mind you, I have my doubts about it, and I'm sure it will continue to be said. Depending on the type of supernatural ability, just having it makes me a half-criminal. If I bear the worst part, the stone thrown by the psychic will hit me first..."
Anna read the former prime minister in a transparent voice.
"The more stones you receive, the more people behind them will be protected. One day you will be a hero."
Samukawa's eyes widened slightly.
Shiro got down from the chair at the counter and walked over to Samukawa's table.
"Also, I will protect you as much as possible. With the weapon of knowledge and the shield of technology."
Samukawa now wears glasses that he didn't wear before. It is an item that suppresses his clairvoyance ability and was developed with technology from Shiro and "Tokijikuin". Until that unfolded, Samukawa was under house arrest, unable to appear in public places with women.
In the future, he plans to develop tools together with "Tokijikuin" so that all psychics can live their daily lives without problems.
Yata seemed to have received a message and looked at the wristwatch-shaped PDA.
"Shiro, before you came here, did you see the blue clothes?"
Yata said that as he looked at his PDA. Shiro nodded.
"Yes. I met Fushimi-kun and Awashima-san, and told them that I would come to pick up Samukawa-san."
"Then, Saruhiko said, "How's it going over there?" Samukawa-san, even the blue ones are worried about you."
Samukawa took a deep breath and stood up. The frustrated look from just now was gone and had turned into a calm adult face.
"It's certainly time for the meeting. Shall we go?"
Samukawa looked at Anna and smiled.
"You have taken care of me, Kushina-kun."
"Your eyes are different from mine, but they are eyes that can see through. I'm sure you can see the future we should move into."
"You are strong even though you have great abilities."
Anna softened her expression and placed both hands on her chest.
"Because I have them all."
Surely, it included not only Kusanagi, Yata, and Kamamoto, but also important people who have disappeared.
Mikoto Suoh. Totsuka Tatara. Shiro, who was deeply involved in their death, gently lowered his eyes and thought of them living inside of Anna.
After leaving the bar with Samukawa and riding with him in the car, Shiro came up with an idea.
"I don't know if I can reach the level of "everyone" supporting Anna, but Samukawa-san, you have me."
Shiro smiled at him, and Samukawa grimaced as if the poison had been removed.
"You have changed."
"Is that so?"
Samukawa looked out the window and muttered.
"The "King", I thought was something that went way over my head."
While making natto for breakfast, the TV started showing the news from the "Agency of Supernatural Powers".
Samukawa, who was shown on TV, made a directorial comment with dignified behavior that made the previous day's laziness a lie. Originally, he was a frank person who was good at giving speeches. He calmly answered even unpleasant questions from journalists.
"Shiro's work finally came true in this way."
Kuro took a deep look at the TV screen showing yesterday's opening ceremony, put down the bowl and chopsticks he was holding in his hand, and straightened his posture.
"Shiro. Thank you for your hard work."
Shiro's eyes flickered to Kuro, who bowed his head slightly and thanked him politely. Following Kuro's lead, Neko joyfully raised both hands and said, "Shiro, Otsukare-sama!"
Shiro laughed and scratched his cheek.
"Oh, no. I'm just standing at the starting line. Everything is from now on."
"That's true, but, checking the signs and taking a break with the joy of accomplishment when you've reached that point are important during a long journey."
Shiro was embarrassed and said "Thank you." for Kuro's sincere effort and encouragement.
"So, it's been a long time since I've had a day off and I'd like to go somewhere for a while, so I wonder, Kuro and Neko, will you come with me?"
Kuro and Neko nodded without hesitation, though they seemed puzzled.
He stopped by a flower shop on the way out and they made him a bouquet of calm colors.
The place they headed to with him was the place of the decisive battle a year ago.
The "Slate" was released by the "Green King" Hisui Nagare, the place where the pillar of light was located, and the place where Shiro and his friends plunged into the base of "Jungle" with the "Schattenreich".
Here, Shiro dropped his Sword of Damocles of his own free will and destroyed the "Slate".
The big hole that Anna and "Homura" had entered underground was blocked, the door was completely blocked, and now it's just a big crossroads.
He offered flowers at the edge of the intersection.
Kuro said nothing and lowered his eyes as if he was silently praying.
Maybe Neko felt helpless and sad, and she clung tightly to Shiro.
Shiro was looking at the place that had become a normal road surface.
Kuro suddenly yelled in a suppressed voice.
Kuro was not looking at Shiro, but was looking across the intersection diagonally with serious eyes. Shiro turned his eyes to follow Kuro's line of sight.
He found a familiar silhouette on the other side of the traffic.
A tall and slender person with a large parrot on his shoulder and a small boy who is still growing, were standing side by side looking at them. They were Mishakuji Yukari and Gojo Sukuna, who were the executives of the Green Clan.
It is an intersection where thick roads intersect. At this distance, his expression was vague, but Mishakuji seemed to have the same faint smile as always, and Sukuna seemed to be watching them with a rigid face.
For them, that place was a deeply connected place filled with various feelings.
As he watched them, Shiro remembered the day when Mishakuji suddenly visited Shiro's room.
(I feel like this question isn't very "beautiful" anymore. Asking a question when you already have an answer would be very unrefined.)
Although he went as far as to proudly enter the former enemy's residence, Mishakuji didn't say what he would have liked to ask and left.
To Neko who asked what happened, Shiro said.
(Well, I'm sure she meant something along the lines of: "Could you really beat the guy named Hisui Nagare?")
It was not a matter of winning or losing, but he believed that Hisui Nagare's ambitions could have been half achieved.
The world has changed. What had been kept secret until now was revealed by Hisui Nagare, and everyone had the power.
Most people have lost their power, but there are still people who have power. They are not members of any clan of any kind, but lone "Kings" who were suddenly released into the wild.
Even most people who have lost their power can't go back to when they knew nothing.
"However, I will continue to fight. In a world where psykers and non-psykers coexist, I want everyone to be able to protect their own chabudai."
He didn't even know if he was trying to answer Mishakuji, or if he was addressing the late Nagare. However, Shiro muttered a small vow for his thoughts to come out of his mouth.
A truck turned the corner and slowly crossed in front of Shiro and the others. The view of was blocked by the large body of the vehicle, and Mishakuji and Sukuna were no longer visible.
After the truck drove off, the two were gone.
He assumed the signs had disappeared. Kuro took a deep breath to ease his tension.
In this world changed by Hisui Nagare, Mishakuji Yukari will live freely in search of beautiful things and Gojo Sukuna will grow as he searches for his own way of life.
Shiro looked towards the center of the intersection once more.
The "Slate" was no longer underground. Not even in the tower near heaven.
Shiro believes that the "Slate" itself is not the source of power, but rather the key to accessing great power, though the "Slate" itself has yet to be fully elucidated.
If so, even if the "Slate" is gone, there is still a great power somewhere. In the future, there's no guarantee that a new path leading to that power won't appear as an access key replacing the "Slate".
At that moment, the ridiculous world that Nagare dreamed of could come true.
"Shiro, what's wrong? You look strange."
Neko looked at Shiro's face and said that.
"Yes. It's a strange sensation that is terrifying and a bit exciting."
"What's that?" Neko turned her head and Kuro raised his eyebrows suspiciously.
If he had met him differently and they had pursued a dream together, he would have been in a position as the Lieutenant and scolded him. And so, imagining something that didn't even exist, he smiled bitterly.
Shiro reached out his right hand and left hand to the side and grabbed Kuro and Neko's hands.
"Let's go home. To our house."
Shiro took the two of them by the hand and began to walk.
"Hey. I'm not a boy, so don't hold my hand."
"Wagahai will hold hands and go home~!"
Kuro reluctantly distanced himself from Shiro, while Neko happily waved the hand connected to Shiro.
In between the two, Shiro laughed out loud.
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ugakei · 11 months
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Just I tried to press some random requesting button on Twitter, It showed 'Put Nekomimi (Cat ears) on your favorite'...so I drew them with nekomimi and tail...hahaha
*Sorry to keep you waiting of KRK event report, I'm working on it.
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rinaizumo · 2 years
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To celebrate the birthday of Claudia Weissmann, who has unfairly little fanart of her.
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profnodanna · 2 years
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K project - season 1 ep. 12
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knowledgekida84 · 1 year
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1) Early life :-
Adolf Hitler was born on April 20, 1889, in Braunau am Inn, a small Austrian town near the Austro-German border. After his father Alois retired as a state customs official, young Adolf spent much of his childhood in Linz, the capital of Upper Austria.
Not wishing to follow in his father's footsteps as a civil servant, he struggled in secondary school and eventually dropped out. Alois died in 1903, and Adolf pursued his dream of being an artist, although he was rejected from the Academy of Fine Arts of Vienna.
After the death of his mother Clara in 1908, Hitler moved to Vienna, where he made a living painting scenes and monuments together and selling images. Lonely, isolated, and a voracious reader, Hitler became interested in politics during his years in Vienna and developed many of the ideas that would shape Nazi ideology...learn more
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Chapters: 1/8 Fandom: K (Anime) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Isana Yashiro | Adolf K. Weismann/Yatogami Kurou, Munakata Reishi/Suoh Mikoto, Fushimi Saruhiko/Yata Misaki, Awashima Seri/Kusanagi Izumo, Suoh Mikoto/Totsuka Tatara Characters: Yatogami Kurou, Isana Yashiro | Adolf K. Weismann, Munakata Reishi, Suoh Mikoto, Fushimi Saruhiko, Yata Misaki, Awashima Seri, Kusanagi Izumo, Totsuka Tatara Additional Tags: Hanahaki Disease, Angst, different ships every couple of chapters Summary:
Falling in love can be hard to describe. But sometimes it's a choking, heavy weight. It can be especially so if the one you've fallen for is out of your reach. Maybe they've recently been obliterated in an act of revenge. Maybe you killed them with your own hands. Maybe you threw everything away for them. Maybe they're right in front of you, but you can't pursue them. In any case, maybe that affection you hold can start to grow in a way that hurts.
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bellewood222 · 11 months
Happy Birthday Shiro!
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From K-The Lost King. Images collected from  https://wikiwiki.jp/mobak/%E3%82%A4%E3%83%99%E3%83%B3%E3%83%88Flash.
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hunn1e-bunn1e · 6 months
👑K Project👑
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○ Mushiki no Ou ➳
🌟Mishakuji Yukari ➳
⚪Yashiro Isana/Adolf K. Weismann ➳
⚫Yatogami "Black Dog" Kuroh ➳
🔘Iwafune Tenkei ➳
🔴Suoh Mikoto ➳
🍸Kusanagi Izumo ➳
📹Totsuka Tatara ➳
🛹Yata Misaki ➳
🟡Kokujouji Daikaku ➳
🟢Hisui Nagare ➳
🦯Gojo Sukuna ➳
🔵Munakata Reisi ➳
👓Fushimi Saruhiko ➳
Back to the Masterlist Hub?
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ridiasfangirlings · 7 months
munashiro. Adolf and Reisi not speaking each other languages, falling in love and learning together.
AU where Munakata is a Japanese exchange student visiting Germany who happens to meet fellow student Adolf K Weismann (who goes by the name Isana Yashiro even though he doesn’t speak any Japanese, maybe he’s a weeb). Like imagine Munakata as this incredibly gifted student who has been doing various overseas study tours, visiting different countries, learning the languages and soaking in the culture while visiting university. He ends up in Germany at one point and that’s where he meets Shiro, who is a TA working with a science professor at the school. Munakata speaks very little German but he sits in the class anyway, confident in his ability to absorb information even without the language skills. What ends up happening instead is he finds himself intrigued by the teaching assistant, a white-haired guy who seems pretty even tempered and good natured but also appears to be very sharp under all that.
Shiro for his part is rather excited to meet Munakata, because Shiro’s always had an interest in Japan and this is his chance to finally meet someone from there. Shiro’s been studying Japanese himself but he’s not great at it, and maybe this is how they end up spending time together by agreeing to be each other’s tutor in their respective language. Shiro is amazed at how quickly Munakata picks things up and Munakata is impressed with Shiro’s abilities as well, even if they can only communicate in short phrases Shiro is able to make his words understood. Shiro also takes it upon himself to show Munakata around and imagine them visiting various cafes and tourist stops and interesting landmarks, Munakata is just intrigued by absolutely everything and Shiro thinks it’s funny the way Munakata’s eyes will sparkle like a child’s every time he sees a new experience to be had. This leads to them getting even closer, I imagine that even as they get better at understanding each other’s language they still find ways to communicate with looks and touch because they’re just so used to it, even though it’s only been a few months they’ve gotten to know each other intimately in unexpected ways.
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itsuki-minamy · 10 months
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"K - STAGE 02": Part 02 of 08 (In progress)
Now available in English!
Translation & Editing: Naru-kun
Enjoy and leave your comments!
Parts: 01 / 02 / 03 Coming soon!
>> K - STAGE 01
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shadowsphere · 1 year
☾Sphere's K Project Masterlist☽
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"𝘞𝘦𝘭𝘭, 𝘪𝘵’𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘢 𝘣𝘪𝘨 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘭 𝘰𝘳 𝘢𝘯𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨… 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘐 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘢𝘭𝘮𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘬𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘥." -𝘠𝘢𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘳𝘰 𝘐𝘴𝘢𝘯𝘢 "𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘳𝘦𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘴 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘪𝘵 𝘮𝘶𝘳𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘴𝘮𝘪𝘭𝘦𝘴 𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 𝘧𝘢𝘤𝘦𝘴. 𝘛𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘤𝘦 𝘶𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘥𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘺 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘰𝘯 𝘸𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘢𝘳𝘦: 𝘢 𝘴𝘶𝘣𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘥 𝘰𝘧 𝘮𝘶𝘳𝘥𝘦𝘳." -𝘑𝘪𝘮 𝘔𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘰𝘯
☀︎ - 𝘚𝘮𝘶𝘵 ☁︎ - 𝘈𝘯𝘨𝘴𝘵 ⛅︎ - 𝘍𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧
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🔮Ashinaka High School
☽ Kukuri Yukizome ☽ Sumika Inaba ☽ Sōta Mishina ☽ Chiho Hyūga
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🔮Silver Clan
☽ Adolf K. Weismann ☽ Yashiro Isana ☽ Neko ☽ Kuroh Yatogami
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🔮Red Clan
☽ Mikoto Suoh ☽ Izumo Kusanagi ☽ Tatara Totsuka ☽ Misaki Yata ☽ Eric Sōlt
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🔮Blue Clan
☽ Reisi Munakata ☽ Seri Awashima ☽ Saruhiko Fushimi ☽ Andy Dōmyōji ☽ Akira Hidaka ☽ Jin Habari
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🔮Green Clan
☽ Nagare Hisui ☽ Yukari Mishakuji
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☽ Maria Yubikiri
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☽ Klaudia Weismann
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4 notes · View notes
profnodanna · 2 years
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K project - season 1 ep. 9
I couldn't save her.
8 notes · View notes