numenskog · 8 months
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I'm going weirder with the days, so… sorry? XD
"A Way Home" : the guardian
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james-g-spatial · 2 years
The idea of the final design: the sense of identity
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When I knew the final environment was Albert Park, my first thought was how to incorporate this natural environment into my design while remaining the same so that the two could blend together. This time I will use mutual contact but no mutual influence as the design concept. In the design of the seat cushion, I will focus on the form that is close to nature. I have a design idea that I must add to it: the sense of identity. Because I am an international student from China, I came to New Zealand to study and live by myself. In our Chinese culture, there is a very important element, which is not to forget where you come from (self-identity). When I searched about family and self-identity in New Zealand, I found a lot of points that are related to my cultures, such as Maori tattoo totems, and the concept of family. These ideas are also incorporated into my left arm tattoo, which is a design of my own design with a tree as the main shape and the concept of tree roots on both sides. This pattern keeps reminding me: don't forget where your roots come from in the overall design. (The root of a tree can also be compared to a destination in Chinese culture). I will use the roots and branches as a carrier and shape for the entire final design.
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Tatoo of my left arm
Idea: the sense of identity 
#don’t forget where is your home
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asteticas · 4 years
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cfurdi · 3 years
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We woke up in heaven #awayhome #justustwo #thankful #weekendout #love (at Porumbacu De Sus, Sibiu, Romania) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQ37uX8grGL/?utm_medium=tumblr
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leylinefiction · 3 years
Truth and Mischief: Chapter Five
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
New Orleans, Louisiana
“Clearly, your idea of laying low is radically different from mine!” Syd shouts at Loki over the din of the partiers.
“What?” He shouts back.
She just shakes her head and waves him off. For the first time in two weeks, he looks genuinely happy and in his element. She kicks herself for not realizing that the God of Mischief and Chaos would find himself right at home in the throng of Mardi Gras. The colors, music, the sheer abandon that fills the air and rains down with the glitter and confetti is all tailored to his specific nature.
They had left California three days ago. Loki left the cell phone that Thor had been using to keep in contact with him and she had left her entire life. Not that there was much to leave behind, but there is still an emptiness in her chest. She looks at the sea of people in front of her and wonders if this is what the Vikings had felt like staring at nothing but water and waves: lost and so very, very small.
Her focus snaps back to him as he tosses a few strings of beads over her head. His wide grin is infectious and she feels her own lips pull into a disgruntled smile. He grabs her wrist and pulls her towards the front of the crowd where spectators are watching the floats go past the barricades. He pushes her right up against the barricade and drops his arms on either side of her waist. The intimacy of the stance brings heat to her face as she feels the solid planes of his chest against her shoulder blades. His lips are just mere centimeters from her ear and she realizes his reasoning for this physical closeness: so she can hear him.
“Did you know they have balls in the evening?”
“Yes,” he answers, speaking directly into her ear. He lifts one of his hands from her waist and flicks a card into existence so she can read it. “I have the address and invitation for the Krewe of Orpheus’ ball this evening.”
Sure enough, an ornate scripted piece of cardstock shows the address and crest of the Orpheus Krewe emblazoned at the top of the invitation. She starts to ask how he got it but decides she doesn’t need to know. “And where do you expect us to find suitable clothes for an invitation only ball this evening?”
He tsks and causes the invite to disappear. “Oh ye of little faith.”
She chuckles and shakes her head. Of course he would just magic their clothes for such an event. She forgets what it is like to live in a world where magic exists. And to have someone around who can use it effectively.
“You’re in the middle of one of the largest revals in the Nine Realms,” he says, “why do you look like you’re sitting in a board meeting?”
She turns her head so he can hear her. “Revals are your specialty, not mine.”
“Still,” he mildly chides, “that’s no reason to look so horribly uncomfortable.”
She starts to say something snarky when something sails through her peripheral vision. There’s no time to react, so she just winces and waits for impact. When nothing collides with her face, she opens her eyes to see Loki holding a coconut. There’s a man on the float, arms in the air and yelling. Loki yells back, still holding the coconut. “What the hell?!”
“It’s good luck!” Loki laughs, curling his arm around her and offering the coconut to her.
“What makes it good luck?”
He groans. “Why must you always have a reason, a logical explanation for things? Why can’t they just be?”
“Because,” she pushes her shoulder into him and starts to walk away from the parade, “everything has an explanation for it!”
“Like ghosts and spirits?” He counters, following her through the crowd,
She ducks down an alley where there’s a break in the crowd and they don’t have to shout at each other. “I wasn’t looking to explain away ghosts and spirits.”
“No?” He tosses the coconut into the air and it disappears in a green flash of light. “Then what were you looking for?”
Her mouth clamps shut and she huffs in frustration. “Awayhome.”
“I’m sorry, what?”
“A way home.”
All joking and levity drains from his face. “You do want to go back then?”
She leans heavily on the brick wall behind her and closes her eyes. “I don’t know what I want. Do I want to go home? Yes, of course. But is it the same home I left? No. I’m…”
The sadness and understanding that wrapped themselves around that word left her chest aching. “You understand how it feels.”
It’s not a question but he answers anyway. “Yes, I do.”
And it’s the truth.
The word has been weighing on his mind all day and into the evening, bleeding into his thoughts no matter how closely he tries to guard them. Even the dress he conjured for Sydney was an exact replica of the gold gown his mother would wear for ceremonial events. He added sashes of green and an ornate headpiece with purple feathers but those were just afterthoughts. He glances over at her as they stand in the shadows of the ballroom and sees her smoothing down the silk and touching the beadwork around her collarbone.
“What are you doing?”
Her pale eyes go wide behind the black sequins mask and her hands drop to her side. “Nothing.”
“Are you nervous?” He can’t help but grin at the thought.
“I told you,” she snaps, “reveals are your speciality, not mine. Besides,” her fingertips are back to touching the fabric of the dress, “I’ve never worn anything like this before.”
“Do you mean silk or a dress?” He asks her the question with cheeky intention but is surprised when she answers.
“Both.” She rolls her eyes at his shocked expression. “I’ve worn a dress before but not one like this. I’m just very much out of my element here. When can we leave?”
He motions to the ballroom, filled with spinning skirts of silk and satin, feathers, sequins, and flashes of expensive jewelry. “We can’t leave without having a dance or two.”
“Well then, you best start your wooing.”
“You’re absolutely right.” He knows her intention is to send him off into the crowd so she can find some solace in solitude; however, he has zero intention of leaving her to her own devices. There’s something different in the atmosphere this evening, something bordering on magical. He bows dramatically. “Lady Syn, Goddess of Truth-”
He stands up and fakes a hurt look. “I wasn’t done yet.”
“Oh, you’re done alright, and so am I.”
She turns to leave but he grabs her wrist, encircling it with his fingers so there’s no show of malice or ill-intent. He measures the pace of his words to mimic the waltz from the band. “One dance, please.”
Instead of indignation or annoyance, her eyes drop sadly to the floor. “I don’t know how.”
“A problem with a surprisingly easy solution.”
“How so?”
He tugs her by the wrist to a small outside balcony and leaves the french doors open so the music can still be heard. “Our practice area, my dear. No prying eyes, no crowded ballroom, fresh air, and stars above. What say you now?”
A small smile tugs on the corner of her lips. “Fine.”
“Not a hearty yes, but I’ll take it.”
He moves her right hand up, in almost a waving position and then guides her left hand to his waist. He feels her fingers flex nervously there and bites down a smile and a quip. He slips his other hand into hers and draws her close, a picture and he, the frame.
“I’ll move you to where you need to be,” he tells her and she nods. He waits for the proper measure of music and steps into a waltz. After a couple times of treading on his toes, she falls into the rhythm of the music and is listening to the micro-instructions of his hand on the small of her back. He glances down at her face and sees her eyes closed and a small smile in her lips.
“If I didn’t know any better,” he says in her ear, “I’d swear you were enjoying yourself.”
Her eyes immediately open and the smile turns to a frown. But an incredible change occurs, and the smile reappears. “So what if I am?”
That feeling of magic comes back to the air, a crackle of unknown energy. He acts on impulse and presses his lips against hers. She freezes momentarily in his arms, surprise at the sudden show of affection. Amazingly enough, she leans against him and returns the kiss.
What if home wasn’t a place or a people, but just merely one person?
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If you had to give a Disney song to Summer + five of your other Percy Jackson oc’s, what would they be?
I couldn’t pick just five so you’re stuck with ten instead! But since there are so many amazing Disney songs, I decided to stick with songs from the animated movies (with one DCOM song for Helena because it’s her entire HoO plot)
Summer: Home
Build higher walls around me/Change every lock and key/Nothing lasts/Nothing holds all of me/My heart's far, far awayHome and free
Victoria (&Percy): For The First Time In Forever
For the first time in forever/We can fix this hand in hand/We can head down this mountain together!/You don't have live in fear/Cause for the first time in forever/I will be right here
Helena: Go The Distance
I will find my way, I can go the distance/I'll be there someday, if I can be strong/I know every mile will be worth my while/I would go most anywhere to feel like I belong
& The Space Between (about Percy and the Bond):
And you can find me in the space between/Where two worlds come to meet/I'll never be out of reach/Cause you're a part of me so you can find me in the space between/You'll never be alone/No matter where you go/We can meet in the space between
Jasper: Friends On The Other Side
You can blame my friends on the other side.
Ciara: How Far I’ll Go
I've been staring at the edge of the water/Long as I can remember, never really knowing why/I wish I could be the perfect daughter/But I come back to the water, no matter how hard I try
Penelope: I’ll Try
I'm not a child now/I can take care of myself/I mustn't let them down now/I must not let them see me cry/I'm fine, I'm fine
Crystal: A World Of My Own
Where can it be/Where do stars go/Where is the crescent moon/They must be somewhere in the sunny afternoon
Cass (& Jason): I Won’t Say I’m In Love
I thought my heart had learned its lesson
It feels so good when you start out
My head is screaming "Get a grip, girl
Unless you're dying to cry your heart out"
Atalanta: Song Of The Ancestors
And the call isn't out there at all/It's inside me/It's like the tide/Always falling and rising/I will carry you here in my heart/You'll remind me/That come what may/I know the way
Nina (& Percy & Jason): I See The Light
And at last I see the light/And it's like the fog has lifted/And at last I see the light/And it's like the sky is new/And it's warm and real and bright/And the world has somehow shifted/All at once everything looks different/Now that I see you
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caughtinkorea · 5 years
Insult to Injury
Korea is driving me up a wall! I need to get out. This is seriously getting out of hand.
I have been in this country for almost a whole year with no job because I have been dealing with this case. The doctor knows too. I told him. Me and my lawyer have been waiting for updates on the clinics insurance company, and finally after 2 months of even further patience their offer was a literal slap in the face. I’m gonna leave that alone for right now cuz I need to woosah.
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This country is not giving my spirit peace. I go to deal with my wifi with the guy who tried to get bold with me. He was cussing and shouting up a storm when I was trying to enjoy my getaway to Thailand. God knows I didn’t want to come back. I try to deal with this situation cuz dude stayed lying. Said he’d cut off my subscription on a certain date but I found out he didn’t and I was still being charged. Then he messes up the delivery and tries to shout and blame me for it. I go to the post office to deal with it. Not only did I do everything as he said to do, I had to pay once again for delivery as well as the return cost of my package. He tried to get bold with me again and I nipped all that in the bud from the get go. I had the post office agent explain to him what happened and he saw that he was the one at fault. He had egg on his face but still tried to play it off cuz he was embarrassed and didn’t want to apologize. He got real quite once the agent talked to him.
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I went to the post office to ship some packages home. I came in and inquired about it a couple days before. I wanted to make sure I had everything straightened out. I was given the biggest boxes possible for my shipment home and went on my way and packed up my stuff. I bring the stuff over to the post office a few days later and they give me a hard time. They say the boxes are slightly too big -__-. YOU GUYS GAVE ME THESE BOXES!!! They say it won’t work so I have to pay for different boxes again even tho it was their error -__-. This is one thing I can’t get over that constantly happens here. They will make a mistake, acknowledge it, but then still make you pay for their mistake. How does that make sense?! 
The assistant is very apologetic about it so instead of making me pay for more boxes and repack she helps me make alterations to my boxes. We cut it up, fold them down, and change the dimensions. smh I pay and leave. The next morning she calls me and tells me they’ve made a mistake again and miscalculated the cost. One of the boxes was off by 4 freaking kilograms so now I have to return and pay extra to cover it..................
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How are you even off by that much?!! That’s not some minuscule amount. We both saw you weigh it together. I JUST CAN’T!!!
The Korean version of the flight agency I have been dealing with has been a nightmare. They keep telling me give them time and that they are investigating and blah blah blah. I’ve been going back and forth with them for almost a month. They keep lying and saying they’ll get back to me and refund me my money and time goes by and ...*crickets*. It’s been at least 4 times I’ve had to reach out to them after they’ve told me they’d contact me back. They said they’d contact my sister in 5-7 business days and AGAIN nothing! My sister can’t believe how ridiculously unprofessional they are. 
The places I’ve been booking to stay at are trash as well. Bangkok stays were way better and cheaper -_-. One place I booked online messaged me later saying they were booked up and they’d cancel the reservation. Ok, fine. Come to find out they had the audacity to charge me and never cancelled it. Orbitz called them to fix the discrepancy many times and they haven’t picked up. They are ducking the calls -_-.   
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The good thing is Orbitz said they’ll be refunding me.
Another place I got to today... bruh! I was talking to Joker on the phone and the hostel worker barges in real rudely and is like ”You’re in the wrong place. Show me your reservation!”. 
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I tell Joker I’ll have to call him back, hang up, and show the girl my reservation. She says “Yes, you’re in the wrong place. This is reserved for them.” She was super rude with it. Apparently the place I was supposed to be at was the building next door with a similar name. They were once owned by the same person or whatever. For example the place I was at is called “HomeAway” but the one next door is called “AwayHome”........ -___- . And to add to the confusion they have the same outside designs and character decorations -__- . But that still didn’t make sense. How was I able to get into the room with my password if it was wrong? She tells me to show her as if I would lie about it. She inputs the password I was given and it opens the door -__-. Now she tries to soften up and apologizes to me. 
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I don’t know how much more of this nonsense I can take. People are telling me to leave before I end up hating this country because honestly anyone else who would have gone through what I have would have. They would have gone mental already. 
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MEXICO WOMEN WORLD CUP HOME & AWAY JERSEY BLUSA/BLOUSE CUSTOMIZE AVAILABLE Exclusive 4U http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?ff3=2&toolid=10039&campid=5338290271&item=192545227228&vectorid=229466&lgeo=1
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azaleablueme · 6 years
Hi everyone,
If you are waiting for an update for When Fate Decides, Fly AwayHome or The New Beginning, practically any new stuff from me, I'm sorry to say but I don't know when that'll be coming. We are going to some rough rl situations at the moment, and until this resolves I don't think I will be able to get back to writing.
Do I miss writing? Of course I do. And no one hopes it more than I that we find a way out of this mess as soon as possible. We are trying all in our power to sort it but sometimes one needs more than just effort- they need luck and some good wishes. So if you have some good thoughts spare, please send them our way. Perhaps that'll help us and I'll be able to get back to what I love doing most- writing and sharing my stories with you all.
Also, don't forget those stories, no matter how long it takes, I will start posting as soon as life gives me a break. Love you guys...
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numenskog · 3 months
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Mission specialist Commander Ilva Hedlund, in rescue mission in Quantum 3C to rescue a stranded officer
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james-g-spatial · 2 years
Freestyle video -- SEED
Briefing: Grown from the bottom (不忘本) / SEED & TREE
Here is a short video I made about self-identification. I think the seed can represent me, and the process of germination is the process of growing up it is also the change in my study life from China to New Zealand, and I have become more capable than before. The process of changing from a tree to a seed reminds me not to forget where I came from. I am like this seed, no matter how it grows, it will be inseparable from my “root”(where I come from).
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onlinebgm88-blog · 7 years
Smith led the aggregation adjoin
http://www.myfifasale.com/forza-horizon-3-driver-s-license/  Smith led the aggregation adjoin the Colts with eight abandoned tackles and a affected bollix that resulted in a Raiders aboutface aboriginal in the added half. I say thankfully because the Chargers will play the Cowboys in Dallas, or abroad the Blue and Silver would acquire arise out for the Cowboys in San Diego, giving us two awayhome games.
Pressing for : Los Angeles Bolts. will aswell accompany with it some acute , namely will the Chargers be in San Diego next year, or will Los Angeles acquire a added team.Will the Chargers rebrand and do abroad with any affinity to the accepted San Diego Chargers.With the way things are now, is that even a bad thing.However, even admitting the abounding agenda has yet to be released, accepted win/loss annal acquaint us a lot about the superior of activity the Chargers will face.Here are some observations and thoughts:As it stands now, the Chargers are opponents for up to this point are.Seven of their opponents acquire acceptable annal this year.Six of their opponents are traveling to the playoffs this season.
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cfurdi · 3 years
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The Ultimate Escape to calm, quiet and BLISS! #oberwood #dreamland #aplacewithSoul #awayHome #littleparadise @douglaslormand (at Oberwood) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQ3i_UNgfuq/?utm_medium=tumblr
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thegirlnamenor · 9 years
its been a week that i'm away HOME and i really miss them alot . :( This is my first time that i'm away from them. I really miss my parents alot. 
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numenskog · 8 months
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Main character has been TINY for days and I dunno how to feel about it. Also introducing majestic sky flap flaps
"A Way Home" day 8 - sea of clouds
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