#ASTHMA is so bad from BREATHING chemicals
aturnoftheearth · 2 years
pov i’m driving home blasting trample out the days by orville peck after making sure i have my boss’ phone number so i can call and quit one day in
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damse1ette · 2 years
i regret ever saying that 2020 was the worst year bc 2022 is kicking my ass rn
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julie-z-vesnice · 1 year
Asthma whump promts!
Because I hate living like this
Whumpee not having their inhaler when they get their first asthma attack with Whumper
Whumper making Whumpee suffer by withholding their inhaler while they're sufficating – and enjoying them beg and plead to just give I'll do anything, just please, please, just let me breathe—
Whumper degrading Whumpee's asthma! Withholding their inhaler, and instead opening up the windows because fresh air will help you, it'll clear out your lungs, Whumpee
Whumpee being unable to fall asleep, because when their breath slows down, suddenly they don't have enough oxygen and have to breathe manually!!
“It'll pass. It's nothing, just breathe.”
Making Whumpee inhale chemicals/allergens to enduce an asthma attack!! Or just making them run laps/jump a skipping rope until they can no longer breathe (y'all i have too much experience with this ong)
Whumpee's inhaler runs out when they need it the most (that panic, making the attack even worse because their breathing is fast and too shallow)
Whumpee's attacks getting more frequent because they don't have their daily medication meant to supress them!! (IT SUCKS)
Whumper having asthma! When they try to catch an escaping Whumpee they just can't reach them, god, it hurts, how can they run so fast—
Suprise! You can no longer breathe comfortably – therefore, have to wake up and search for your inhaler with eyes half closed and that suffocating pressure in your chest!
Whumper laying something heavy on Whumpee's chest to make them struggle to even breathe, while they hold their inhaler just out of Whumpee's reach “Come on, don't you want it? It's right here, grab it.” and Whumpee just can't, the weight, the pressure is suffocating—
Whumpee gaslighting themselves that they can breathe just fine and they're being dramatic </3
Caretaker coming home to Whumpee wheezing in tears, “It...it...r-ran out-...i-”
^^^ Their inhaler being a prescription medicine (WHY IS THAT A THING ANYWAY, LIKE?!!) and Caretaker freaking out and calling their doctor to prescribe them a new inhaler, now
Whumper comforting Whumpee after undergoing an asthma attack, because they know what it's like to suffocate alone like that
Shallow coughing and inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, oh shit, IIINHALE
Wheezing and panting, grunting
Whumper making Whumpee use their inhaler too much, resulting in Whumpee building a tolerance towards it so when they really need it they need to take like 4 puffs for it to work and it just keeps getting worse, the inhaler gets used up too quickly and it eventually runs out
Whumpee checking how much fluid remains in the container, the amount, the weight is less and less until there's barely anything left and they try to save their last dose of it until they can get a new one prescribed </3
Whumper is mocking Whumpee for having asthma and Whumpee is taking it... bad... yelling at Whumper, crying and stuttering, rage and anger, for once something else than pressure in their chest – burning, hatred
(Ok I saw this in a detective series but) Whumper lacing Whumpee's inhaler with something to enduce an asthma attack
Whumpee having panic attacks that then turn to asthma attacks and back to panic attacks and then back to‐ (it's a vicious cycle) </3 (fr glad to at least not suffer from this)
Ok, that's probably all I can think of in one go, maybe I'll make a part 2, y'all can send me some other ideas, I'll write them down and tag the user at the end of the post, k bye ✌
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worldecoideas · 2 years
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What makes a state 'the least environmentally friendly? The United States is the world’s second-largest producer of greenhouse gas emissions. It is also one of the world’s most environmentally friendly countries. The Environmental Performance Index, or EPI, is a ranking of states based on their environmental performance. The ranking is based on 25 indicators that measure how well the state protects human health and ecosystems from environmental damage. States are ranked in descending order from most to least environmentally friendly. The top-ranked states have the lowest environmental risk. What Makes These States so Bad for the Environment? The United States is one of the most developed countries in the world, but some states are more developed than others. Some states have a lot of natural resources, while others don't. And that's a huge problem for the environment. Pollution is an all-encompassing term for any type of harmful, or potentially harmful substance that enters our air and water supply. The air we breathe and the water we drink can be polluted by smog from factories or by chemicals from toxic dumps. And it's not just what we breathe in or drink that can be polluted - our land can also be polluted with oil spills, mining waste, and pesticides. Some states are worse than others when it comes to pollution - they're either home to more factories or they have fewer regulations on how to protect their land and their people from pollution. The five least environmentally friendly states are Louisiana, Oklahoma, West Virginia, Wyoming, and North Dakota. Louisiana With the world on the brink of global warming, it's important that we take a step back and evaluate how our country is contributing to this disaster. According to the EPA (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency), Louisiana is one of the five least environmentally friendly states in America. This is largely due to the high amounts of pollution in the air from oil rigs, refineries, and factories. Louisiana also has more than 553 industrial sites operating without permits, as well as 10,000 active oil and gas rigs which contribute to asthma rates around the state. These factors have led Louisiana's air quality to reach levels of "hazardous" on average. Oklahoma The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has ranked Oklahoma as the least environmentally friendly state. According to their data, Oklahoma ranks poorly in all six categories that were evaluated: air quality, water quality, toxic chemicals, hazardous waste generation and disposal, recycling rates, and energy consumption. West Virginia West Virginia isn't the most environmentally friendly state as it's ranked 46th in terms of renewable energy and 49th in terms of carbon emissions per capita. They also have a low recycling rate of 27% which has led to an increase in coal mining despite their efforts to move away from this type of fossil fuel. WV has the most toxic waste sites in the US. Wyoming Wyoming produces approximately 30 billion pounds of waste per year. This state ranks as the least environmentally friendly in terms of pollution and land preservation. Wyoming is the least environmentally friendly in terms of pollution and land preservation. North Dakota. North Dakota is the least environmentally friendly state in the United States, according to an independent study by WalletHub. The study ranked all 50 states based on pollution and environmental quality, air quality, water quality, energy consumption, and climate change & global warming. Why is Environmental Sustainability Important? Environmental sustainability is important for the future of our planet. It's not just about reducing CO2 emissions and recycling waste. It's about looking at all aspects of our lives and trying to make them as sustainable as possible. The importance of environmental sustainability can be seen in many ways, one being the need for renewable energy sources. The demand for fossil fuels is going down and renewable energy sources are becoming more popular as they are a cleaner alternative.
The effects of climate change are also inescapable, with natural disasters becoming more common and powerful every year - like Hurricane Irma or Hurricane Maria which has recently hit Puerto Rico. There are many ways to improve environmental sustainability. The first step is to reduce waste in our homes, communities, and society. This can be done by recycling your glass, aluminum, and paper products. Another important step is to stop buying products that contain unsustainable materials like plastic or polystyrene foam. Every individual has a role in improving the environment we live in - it is only up to us as a society who will take action and make the changes needed for our planet to survive! What are Some Actions We Can Take to Improve Their Rankings? If you want to improve your environmental report card score, there are a few things that you can do. The first thing is to use more sustainable materials. This will help reduce the impact on the environment and make your company more environmentally conscious. Second, you can get rid of any toxic chemicals in your products. Third, you can reduce the amount of waste that is being produced by recycling and composting materials when possible. Finally, you can invest in energy efficiency projects to help save energy and money over time. There are a lot of ways to improve your grades on the environment report card. There are many things you can do to make your environment more sustainable and green. Some of these actions include: Reduce, reuse, recycle Eat less meat Use public transport or carpooling instead of driving alone Buy products made from recycled materials and avoid disposable plastics Switch to using reusable shopping bags
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hushpuppy5-blog · 1 year
Periods? A Bloody Waste of Time 🩸
I'm entirely convinced at this point that anything that they tell us (women) is normal is actually bad for us. While pregnancy from male insemination can be avoided, periods are a different matter. I am certain that they are not meant to be painful at all, nor are we meant to bleed so heavily. If a period is (as some claim) truly the removal of toxins and other fluids, are we not going to analyze what the heck is intoxicating us to begin with?
I saw this documentary a while ago called "Red Moon: Menstruation, Culture, and the Politics of Gender" were several women were discussing the stigmatization of periods. I don't remember which part it was exactly, but they were mentioning how painful periods were an energy thing. For some women, especially those who have suffered from abuse in their past, something may energetically be going on with each monthly release. I think it even goes beyond that.
This world's version of normal seems to be in praise of degeneracy at every corner of life. Pregnancy is normal, yet many women die from it or leave with life long scars (physically and emotionally). Intercourse (which seems to skirt itself alongside pure violence) is normal, yet many women leave with disease or some form of mental disorder. Periods are normal, but many women suffer monthly from it to the point where they can become immobile for a day or two. It seems that just as man has intoxicated nature, he has intoxicated the women as well. Expertly so. Now women have convinced themselves and others that pain and suffering is normal. I found this document online discussing some doctors who observed the difference between the western women and who they called "primitive" women. The western women were described as having highly acidic bodies, whilst the other group of women had alkaline bodies.
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During the study, the women who consumed more animal products were more susceptible to bleeding heavier and for a longer period during their menstrual. With the alkaline women who consumed more plant based foods, the menstruation almost ceased to exist.
Modern doctors will claim that the absence of a period is signs of a terrible condition. They'll even suggest that an eating disorder it at play. It's interesting they'll say that losing your periods is unnatural, but popping a pill full of foreign chemicals to "regulate" it is totally not cause for future concerns. Speaking of eating disorders—from a western perspective—arguably many people already have eating disorders. We eat until our bellies our stretched beyond normal, and we consume foods that are lifeless and will end up rotting in our stomachs. I do believe that an aspect of periods is normal, given their spiritual nature. In ancient times, they hinted at a connection between the cycles of the moon. This was when women could be most in tune with their bodies and souls, perhaps harnessing spirtual powers that may have been dulled any other time. Now, women are lying in bed curdling in pain during that time of the month. Not much can be done productively. Of course, not all women have this problem, but plenty do.
This is just some speculation though. For me personally, omitting meat and other animal products from my diet has changed the way I think. I'm only four months in though, and my decision to do this was spontaneous and came about due to some health concerns for mine. I have had asthma and eczema for most of my life. These are two inflammatory conditions that have left me breathless and peeling off my own skin to a gross degree. Since reducing my consumption of eggs and milk and taking out meat completely, I've been breathing better and I've had little to no rashes. As a shift to something completely plant based, I'm curious as to how it will further effect me physically alongside my future menstrual cycles as well. Again, this is just the case for myself and could effect others differently. I just know that society doesn't care for case by case conditions and wants EVERYBODY to do the exact same thing healthwise, regardless of how it effect them personally. They've been choosing death for us for centuries. Now, when some of us choose life, they want to call it dangerous pseudoscience. Spare me. Women need to get to know their own bodies on a personal level. Many modern doctors aren't healers. They're band-aid solutions. This includes female doctors, since they are getting paid too. We need to be in charge of our own health and start educating ourselves.
Periods were once considered the first curse on women. Perhaps they still are. They certainly aren't desired. This isn't to take the Christian perspective of "woman bad", but there are hidden truths within these ancient books that must be analyzed. In the case of Eve, she suffered two curses from God in Genesis 3:16:
"I will make your pains in childbearing very severe; with painful labor you will give birth to children."
"Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you."
There's no explicit mention of periods here, but pregnancy and periods go hand in hand on the pain spectrum it seems. The second quote is also intriguing. This desire for her husband is linked to pain as well as "inequality". I believe that her desire for Adam makes them far more equal than we realize. She suffers with him in his degeneracy now, although on a different level. It's also notable that her suffering is more severe and constant. Would she have this pain if she loved "God" more than Adam? Or if she loved herself more than Adam?
There are so many questions, many left unanswered. Regardless, there can be a more optimistic lens to this. Like many curses, perhaps this one can be broken.
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pantherafool · 11 months
Honestly, the 4th of July this year wasn't it for me. Again.
I have a lot of problems with the 4th of July. I don't like that we as Americans like to celebrate how we stole land from the Indigenous peoples that lived here for hundreds of years before us. I don't like how nobody even talks about natives overall, not even during National Native American Heritage Month (November) and all the other weeks and days dedicated to Native Americans. I feel like people only talk about Native Americans when it's some sort of "trend." I saw so many people talking about natives when ICWA was in danger of being overturned, and now everyone's silent again. I may be the only one observing this, but it's like no one cares. I have barely seen anyone talking about how a lot of tribes don't have access to clean water. The government is and has been neglecting Native nations, and I have seen nobody but natives talking about it. I've SEEN people say that "it isn't a big deal" which is so fucking crazy because hello??? Natives are human beings who need to consume water to LIVE?? But of course, some people don't consider natives human and some just don't want them to live at all. It's fucking performative if you're just talking about native issues to seem like a good person. It is performative to just talk about issues like these when they're "popular."
I also have issues with the 4th of July because of... you guessed it, fucking fireworks! I will preface this by saying I am an American teenager who lives in the south and has C-PTSD (Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and asthma and is overall disabled. Fireworks. Fucking. Freak. Me. Out. They freak me out so bad. People started setting off fireworks a few days ago, and I have been physically and mentally SICK ever since then. As I'm writing this, I am nursing a major fucking headache. I feel like throwing up. Up until recently, I could not breathe properly because of my asthma. People have stopped setting off fireworks and other annoying "bang" and "pop" and "sshrr!" sound-noise making things because it is 3 AM right now, but. Holy SHIT. The fireworks caused me to have a mental breakdown because of how eerily similar they sound to gunfire. I'm aware that gunfire doesn't echo/linger the same way fireworks do, but it still freaks me out. The fireworks have caused me to have emotional rollercoasters continuously since July 1st/around then. My mental health has literally reached a low point because of fireworks. I'm not kidding.
And you can laugh at that all you want and think of how stupid it is, but I would also like you to take a moment to think about the animals. The animals that freak out every single year because of fireworks. I would like you to think of your dog or your neighbor's dog that cowers under a coffee table or a bed. I would like you to think about how fireworks release smoke and greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen, which harm the environment. I would like you to think of the metal and the dangerous toxins and chemicals that linger for days. I would like you to think of the fact that fireworks harm the environment in the same way wildfire smoke does. I would like you to think of the veterans who fought to protect this country that have traumatic flashbacks due to loud noises.
But who cares, haha!! 'Murica is more important than all that! 🤪 🎆💥
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sortofanobsession · 17 days
Would you ever do a 911 sickfic with buddie? Or like they come back from a bad call and buck shuts down and Eddie is there to pick up the pieces?
I have written that for other fandoms, mainly Ted Lasso. I am not opposed to doing it if you have something you want to see, let me know.
I have written a few close calls and health scares for Buck:
Breath in, Wheeze out  (Ao3) - Asthma fic
Fear in the Shadows (Ao3) - Cancer scare
Never going down without a fight (Ao3) - Buck gets tased in this one.
Saving and Losing (Ao3) - this one is intense. Involves a call with a chemical spill. Buck being declared dead and waking up in the morgue.
So yes, I do write that kind of stuff
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healthsupplement24 · 27 days
Lung Clear Pro | Advanced Respiratory Support | 85% Off Today
Lung Clear Pro supplement is designed for people who have problems breathing, such as asthma or other lung problems.
If you use one full dropper of Lung Clear Pro daily, it will help you solve these problems permanently by ridding your body of the harmful substance that causes mucus accumulation in your lungs.
⦿Enjoy your freedom
⦿Breathe deepl
Get 85% Off Today Grab The Deal Now
Visit Official Website- Lung Clear Pro
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Why Choose Lung Clear Pro?
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GMP Certified
This product is certified under Good Manufacturing Practice standards.
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100% Natural
We are proud to say that Lung Clear Pro is all natural, non-GMO and gluten free with additives.
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Lung Clear Pro is manufactured in an FDA registered facility that meets strict FDA regulations.
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Made In USA
Lung Clear Pro nutritional supplement is manufactured in a factory in the US.
What is Lung Clear Pro Dropper?
Lung Clear Pro Drops are formulated to help people with breathing problems. It can help deal with problems like asthma, bronchitis, smoking for a long time and breathing bad air. The way it works is it makes your lungs healthier so you can breathe better and get rid of mucus more easily.
Mark Silva, who knows a lot about fixing breathing problems, made Lung Clear Pro. It's a part of your daily routine that can help keep your airways clear forever.
If you want to buy it, it costs $79 for one bottle. This supplement is a natural choice instead of regular medicines or inhalers for people who have trouble breathing. It's especially good for those who have too much mucus, feel out of breath, or have low oxygen in their blood.
Lung Clear Pro is different because it's made to clean your lungs and make them stronger.It focuses on harmful substances in your lungs that can cause disease. All the things inside it are natural and have been tested to make sure they work.
By keeping your lungs clean and strong, Lung Clear Pro helps you stay healthy overall. It prevents bad things from harming your body, making your lungs work better and you can live a better life.
Lung Clear Pro Supplement Benefits
Better Breathing: Lung Clear Pro clears out mucus from your lungs, making it easier to breathe and improving airflow.
Respiratory Support: The special ingredients like Mullein Leaf, Cordyceps, Bromelain, Ginger, and Lemon Peel work together to support your lungs in different ways. They help with clearing mucus, reducing inflammation, and providing antioxidants, which all help keep your respiratory system healthy.
Reduced Inflammation: Lung Clear Pro contains ingredients like Bromelain and Ginger that help decrease inflammation in your lungs, making breathing easier and more comfortable.
Boosted Immune System: The antioxidants in Lemon Peel help support your immune system, which can protect your respiratory health by fighting off harmful substances.
Stress Response: Cordyceps helps your body handle stress better, which can have a positive impact on your respiratory health.
Overall Respiratory Wellness: Lung Clear Pro CA isn't just about relieving symptoms – it aims to improve your overall respiratory health by addressing congestion, inflammation, and supporting your immune system.
Natural and Safe: Lung Clear Pro is made from natural ingredients and doesn't contain any harmful chemicals, so it's safe to use and gentle on your body.
How Does Lung Clear Pro Work?
Lung Clear Pro works to tackle the main problem behind breathing problems: thick mucus that blocks the lungs, making it difficult to breathe. This solution is considered safer than regular treatments like inhalers or prescribed medications, which may have bad side effects or mask symptoms and provide only short-term relief.
Instead of just treating symptoms or temporary inflammation, Lung Clear Pro gets to the root of the problem – harmful particles in the air that cause mucus buildup and inflammation in your lungs. By taking a dropper of Lung Clear Pro every day, you get six special ingredients, like mullein and bromelain, that help keep your airways clear and make breathing easier.
What makes this product special is that it is all about using natural methods to help your lungs, without the risks of typical treatments. Lung Clear Pro fights harmful substances and mucus that make breathing difficult, helping you maintain healthy lungs.
But Lung Clear Pro doesn't just fix existing lung problems; It also looks forward to keeping your lungs healthy in the long run and preventing future problems. Ingredients like cordyceps, ginger and turmeric not only clear mucus but also reduce inflammation and keep your lungs functioning better.
By giving your body the right things it needs and getting rid of the bad things, Lung Clear Pro helps your lungs a lot. The aim is to make breathing problems like shortness of breath less troublesome, ensuring that your lungs remain healthy and reducing the chance of developing more breathing problems in the future. This way, breathing becomes easier and more comfortable for everyone who uses it.
Lung Clear Pro Customers Reviews
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"After encountering dense smoke due to summer fires in my region, I decided to try Lung Clear Pro. This product truly lived up to its reputation in the Lung Clear Pro reviews. It provided remarkable relief, clearing my airways and making breathing much easier."
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"I was skeptical, but I tried Lung Clear Pro CA," the user admitted. "I use an inhaler a lot because I've been smoking for a long time. After about two weeks," they continued, "my breathing got a lot better, and I hardly need my inhaler anymore. I've been coughing up a lot of mucus, and my chest feels clearer and lighter now."
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"The results were astonishing! I haven't breathed this easily in years," exclaimed the user. "Normally, I spend hours coughing to clear my lungs. But after trying this product," they continued, "I feel ready for the day, breathing deeply and feeling happy."
Is Lung Clear Pro Safe And Effective?
Lungs Clear Pro guarantees both safety and efficacy. Our formula is meticulously composed using 100% natural ingredients, selected for their safety and potency, ensuring your well-being is our top priority. Free from harmful chemicals or additives, our supplement undergoes manufacturing in facilities adhering strictly to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and FDA approval, ensuring utmost safety and purity throughout production.
Scientifically formulated, Lungs Clear Pro CA provides gentle yet robust support for your respiratory system. Each ingredient is carefully selected to work harmoniously, promoting optimal lung health without any adverse effects. Countless satisfied customers have reported improvements in breathing, better sleep, and an overall enhancement in quality of life after using Lungs Clear Pro.
Backed by a 180-day money-back guarantee, Lungs Clear Pro supplement offers a risk-free solution for your lung health. Your safety and satisfaction remain our primary commitments.
Natural Ingredients Of Lung Clear Pro
1.Cordyceps- Renowned for its adaptogenic properties, Cordyceps enhances your body's ability to manage stress. In Lung Clear Pro, it contributes significantly to respiratory support by potentially boosting oxygen intake, thereby improving lung health.
2. Bromelain- Extracted from pineapples, Bromelain is an enzyme with potent anti-inflammatory abilities. By alleviating inflammation in the lungs, it offers relief from respiratory discomfort and facilitates easier breathing.
3. Ginger- Celebrated for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant characteristics, Ginger aids lung health by reducing airway inflammation. Its antioxidant properties shield the lungs from oxidative stress, ensuring optimal functionality.
4. Lemon Peel- Abundant in antioxidants, particularly vitamin C, Lemon Peel bolsters the immune system and sustains respiratory well-being. In Lung Clear Pro, it fortifies the defense against free radicals, safeguarding the lungs from potential damage.
5. Mullein Leaf- Recognized for its efficacy in clearing mucus from the respiratory tract, Mullein Leaf promotes easier breathing by addressing congestion and inflammation. It offers lasting relief and improves airflow, enhancing respiratory comfort.
Lung Clear Pro Offers 180 Money Back Policy
With Lung Clear Pro, you're covered by a 180-Day, 100% Money Back Guarantee. This means if you decide to change your mind within the next 180 days, just reach out to our Customer Service team in the CA, and we'll give you a refund.
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No questions asked! Plus, you can keep the droppers as a thank you for trying Lung Clear Pro. 
Lung Clear Pro Frequently Asked Questions?
Is Lung Clear Pro safe to use?
Lung Clear Pro is made from 100% natural and safe ingredients, so it's completely safe, effective, and natural. Many people use it every day without any problems, and there have been no reported side effects. It's made in the USA at our FDA-approved, GMP-certified facility, so it meets the highest standards. Plus, it's all-natural, vegetarian, and non-GMO. Just to be safe, talk to your doctor before using it if you have any medical conditions. 
What If Lungs Clear Pro Doesn't Work For Me?
We're really sure our product will help you, so every bottle comes with our own 180-day 100% money-back guarantee. If you're not happy with your results for any reason, you can send back the unused portion and get a full refund, no questions asked. 
How many bottles should I buy?
For the best results, use Lung Clear Pro for 3 to 5 months. Buying 3 to 6 bottles gets you discounts and is the minimum needed to see results. Remember, this discount isn't always available, so grab it while you can. 
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Worst Organ Bracket Propaganda List
Please find below a full list of every piece of propaganda submitted to the Worst Organ Bracket.
Relevant parts of the organ description or additional notes have been appended to the quotes where useful, and double quotes have been changed to single ones; however, aside from this, the integrity of propaganda has been preserved.
You will find appended at the end of the section any comments I'd like to add.
"It can suddenly get infected or straight up explode, which is fatal if not treated"
"it can randomly get infected and explode and kill you"
"man it doesn't do shit except explode. it might have used to help us process fruits and nuts though ... it just doesn't do shit except explode sometimes"
"...it doesn't do jack shit ... useless motherfucker. also it looks like a dick."
"does nothing ... useless bastard that fucks you up, no one asked for you you little bitch"
POLL RUNNER'S NOTE: Most information on the function of the appendix dates to the 21st century, and thus has changed recently and may change again.
"has thoughts sometimes ... never shuts up"
"it gives me mental illnesses ... it gives me mental illnesses and just generally doesn't function all that well"
"Gives me anxiety -_-"
"Stupid thing gave me depression and migranes"
"The brain can do so many things, from piling a mech suit of meat supported by a skeleton, to creating complicated math problems that would blow a monkey's mind. Human brains are HUGE, all because we decided to cook some meat. AND YET DESPITE ALL OF THAT IT REFUSES TO MAKE THE HAPPY CHEMICAL We could all be Einstein!!! We could all be solving the world's issues in a blink of an eye!!! And yet instead of any of that our brains just shout stupid mean untrue stuff at us like a highschool bully! Why you so mean, brain??? You don't need to be mean!!!!! ... If my brain actually DID IT'S JOB like the rest of my organs I could fight god in a heartbeat"
Ectospleen [Dr Who]:
"All we know is the Doctor’s ectospleen hurt once :( But things hurting is bad :("
"Mine are sorta broken. They force me to see all this shit."
POLL RUNNER'S NOTE: I'd like to add that the eyes have a separate immune system to the rest of the body and do not react pleasantly to external influences. Which, considering their squishiness, is a bit stupid.
"... "The knee is vulnerable to injury and to the development of osteoarthritis." - English Wikipedia" ..."
Left Fifth Toenail:
"It just. Is."
POLL RUNNER'S NOTE: I assume this entry refers to kicking one's toe/getting it caught on objects.
"I have asthma"
"When it gets slimy inside it just doesnt stop. Cannot handle a little dust. Literal Baby. Acts up when trans guys try to feel ok like a fucking transphobe. Looks fucked up if you put a camera inside. Need i go on."
Oregon State [USA]:
"housng crisis and annying hipsters"
"who yhe fuck live there. paul bonion?"
POLL RUNNER'S NOTE: I could not find any information on Oregon-based claims to Paul Bunyan via Wikipedia, but considering the number of claims I wouldn't be surprised.
"They keep fucking up my hormones:("
"More than 1 in 3000 people die because their breathing and eating holes were too close together. Literally just get a blowhole. 🐬 ... 🐬🐬🐬 "
"that bitch decided to exit my body and refused to go back in ... it's okay now a doctor put it back"
POLL RUNNER'S NOTE: I assume this is referring to some form of rectal prolapse. This surprised me a lot when it came into the Google Form but... yeah that's a pretty big design flaw
"The Triangle. it fuckinf hurts"
"I love you skin, I know you're trying your best, but could you maybe actually retain moisture and not get inflammed for no reason. Making me walk around red and greasy lookin :/"
"...It protects. But it also absorbs ... You have to deal with all the time. It's dry and flakey or it's oily and gross. It deals with cuts and scrapes and they can get infected. Sometimes when it scars it affects your mobility. Ingrown hairs. Warts. Acne. Allergic reactions. Eczema. Sweating. Chafing. Like this stuff isn't just considered "unsightly" in an airbrush-obsessed world, it physically hurts."
Skunk Scent Gland:
"It makes the most godawful smell that you just can't escape"
"horrible wretched thing ... ow"
"i dont even know ... bestie what do you do"
"Tim Drake had his removed and he’s fine!"
POLL RUNNER'S NOTE: The spleen does indeed have functions, but it also does a lot of stupid things (did you know infectious mononucleosis has a low but present chance of causing it to spontaneously rupture? Now you do) and generally speaking people can live okay-ish without it, albeit somewhat immunocompromised
"it digests food which is okay i guess but it also gives tummy aches :-( ... it always gives stomach aches. all of us can relate to 'my tummy hurts' and i think the stomach’s reign of terror has gone on TOO LONG. we should humble it by voting worst organ so it quakes in fear the next time it decided to hurt for no damn good reason. it’s freaky (in a bad way) and full of acid which just is not natural (derogatory). it ruins perfectly good days by deciding to be a whiny little b*tch and for what???? it’s an attention seeker, it’s toxic, cows have too many of them, i literally hate it so much. we don’t even need stomachs do we??? waste of space organ. i hope it cries."
POLL RUNNER'S NOTE: This was a very heartfelt piece of propaganda and I'm a little sad it didn't make it to the 1v1s.
"Mine doesn't work well and I've been on medication to supplement it since I was 12. But hey, at least this is better than it working TOO well where the solution is to surgically remove it and then go on this same medication to fully replace it."
POLL RUNNER'S NOTE: It should also be noted that the best known disease of the thyroid is goitre, which is when it swells up to the size of a large sports ball due to iodine deficiency.
"sometimes they swell so bad you have to get them taken out. also they release tonsil stones which suck to cough out"
"...for storing babies and hurting ... ouchy ouchy ouchy :("
"ow yeouch owie!!! ... Come on. It's CLEARLY the worst"
"only 2 other species menstrate. Everyone else just reabsorbs the blood. Instead we now loose nutrients and attract predators"
"bleeds, cramps, hurts, and generally is the cause of discomfort for many of those who are in possession of one, particularly if they would rather not be reminded of its existence."
"It causes pain monthly, can have cysts, growths in places growths should lot be, and all round makes life miserable. but also makes babies, which may or may not be a plus."
"This organ hurts me for a week every month. And gives me dysphoria so therefore it is transphobic and homophobic."
"It's the only human organ that regularly hurts without any sickness or injury going on. ... The current workings of the uterus prove God is either non-existent, stupid, weak or malevolent."
"It's the one that bleeds for no reason. ... Ancient people explained the way uterus functions as God hating women. I'd like to add that he's also transphobic."
"THE FUCKER THAT BLEEDS EVERY GODDAMN MONTH ... IT FUCKING BLEEDS. EVERY DAMN MONTH. AND ON TOP OF THAT IT(OR MAYBE WHATEVERS CONNECTED TO IT) SENDS OUT WEIRD ASS HORMONES ALONG WITH THE BLEEDING. IT'S PAINFUL AS HELL AND MAKES ME FUCKING SAD WITH THOSE DAMN HORMONES. 'IM HERE TO MAKE BABIES'FUCK OFF. i do not want babies inside of me. have you even considered that. sure some people do want babies in there. not me. did you even ask me for consent before existing in MY BODY HUH? ... only around half the population has this organ. the other fuckers should consider themselves luCKY to not have it. anyway i apologise for my excessive swearing i just hate periods"
Wisdom Teeth:
"They dont always fit right and have to be pulled"
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lisablack000 · 1 year
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If you take synthetic minerals and supplements thinking that you’re doing your body good, please stop. The body doesn’t know what to do with these foreign compounds as it was not designed to process them.
The same applies to any inorganic chemistry, be it salt, potassium, iodine, iron or humic/fulvic acids (shilajit is fulvic mineral resin). The body can’t utilize these chemicals and if the eliminative system is sluggish, it also cannot properly eliminate their residues, causing them to settle in those organs and tissues that are weak and thus unable to get rid of toxins.
We see all kinds of 𝐝𝐫𝐮𝐠 𝐝𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐬 - sodium, sulfur, heavy metals, iodine, opiates, coal tar and quinine, just to name a few.
Those with psorae (drug spots) in their irides are prone to liver and blood sugar problems, toxic accumulation and stagnation of energy, as pigments represent hotspots that tend to build energy and heat. Temperamentally, psoric individuals have a hidden or closed nature, and they respond to life with thoughts and analysis.
Most 𝐡𝐮𝐦𝐢𝐜/𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐯𝐢𝐜 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥𝐬 come from mines and are contaminated with heavy metals as there is no regulation or oversight of non-medicament type supplements.
𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐚𝐣𝐢𝐭 (same as fulvic acid) only comes from the Himalayas and isn’t standardized, which means that the concentration of different minerals will vary from batch to batch and there is no way of knowing what dosage of which minerals you’re consuming with each serving.
Please understand that we only need trace amounts of these minerals as overdosing causes all kinds of very serious, deleterious side effects.
For example, 𝐭𝐨𝐨 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐳𝐢𝐧𝐜 suppresses iron and copper absorption, leading to anemia. It also lowers white blood cell count, thus affecting our ability to fight infections, causes distortions in taste (lack of taste or metallic taste in mouth), raises (bad) LDL cholesterol while lowering (good)HDL cholesterol and results in general liver dysfunction.
𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐮𝐦, on the other hand, causes irritability, garlic breath, skin rashes, peripheral neuropathy, fatigue, transverse white lines on nails, brittle hair and/or nails, as well as loss of hair and nails in more extreme cases.
𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐢𝐫𝐨𝐧 leads to joint pain, heart and liver failure, diabetes, loss of sex drive/impotence, fatigue, weight loss and gum disease.
𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐫 causes disturbances in blood, racing mind, anxiety, panic attacks, hair loss or graying, adrenal depletion, hypothyroidism and problems with concentration and memory.
𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐠��𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝 manifests as insomnia, irritability, aggression and mental confusion, which can go as far as hallucinations and psychosis. Additionally, manganese toxicity causes weakness, paralysis, eye problems and lower back pain. It depletes glutathione and it also increases the virulence of many invading microorganisms that use it to resist the body’s immune responses.
Manganese is neurotoxic and can cause developmental problems in children. It’s been linked to ADHD, Alzheimer’s, ALS, cancer, prion disease, asthma and heart damage.
So, when it comes to minerals, 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫. It’s about proper absorption and utilization.
𝐈𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: 𝐈𝐫𝐢𝐬 𝐩𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐨 in this post
The diagnosis from the iris as illustrated and confirmed by this and other cases, absolutely and conclusively proves the cumulative effect of drug poisons in the body. It demonstrates that everything which is foreign, uncongenial or injurious to life reveals its presence in the body by certain well defined color marks in the iris of the eye. It proves conclusively that certain elements which in the organic form are normally present in the human organism, will become abnormal and injurious to health when taken in large doses in the inorganic mineral form. (isolated chemistry/supplements)
For instance, iron, sulphur, sodium, lime, phosphorus, magnesium, and manganese in the live, organic form in fruits and vegetables may be taken continuously in large amounts without showing in the iris.
The same elements, however, when taken in much smaller quantities in the inorganic form, soon accumulate in those parts of the body for which they exhibit a special affinity. These accumulations of foreign matter reveal their presence and location by well defined color marks in the corresponding areas in the iris of the eye.
Why is inorganic matter so injurious to living organisms? Nature never intended coarse inorganic minerals to serve as foods and medicines for human bodies. Evolution consists in ever accelerated vibratory activity, accompanied by an increasing refinement of matter and by greater complexity of structure. In accordance with this law of evolutionary development, each lower kingdom refines and prepares food materials for the next higher one.
The vegetable life principle draws, refines and organizes minerals of the soil into the living protoplasm of the vegetable cell and thus prepares them for animal and human food. The animal life principle refines and elaborates vegetable matter into the highly refined and complicated molecular structures of the animal cell. The vegetable lives on the mineral, and the animal on the vegetable. To introduce the coarse, inorganic forms of the mineral kingdom into the animal organism is contrary to Nature's plan.
This explains why Nature did not prepare animal and human organs of assimilation and elimination to cope with the coarse, heavy aggregations of the mineral kingdom; why animal and human organisms cannot mould these uncongenial elements into normal living tissues, and why the organs of depuration cannot eliminate them completely.
As a consequence, such foreign materials accumulate in parts of the organism for which they possess a special affinity, and ever afterwards, unless eliminated by powerful, natural methods of treatment, act as irritants and poisons, thus causing a large percentage of chronic diseases.
- numerous sources including THE SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF IRIDOLOGY, Volume 1 by Bernard Jensen, D.C., N.D.
~ 𝑰𝒗𝒂𝒏𝒏𝒂 𝑲𝒐𝒔𝒉𝒆𝒍𝒚𝒂
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fiverenvironment · 1 year
Air quality and it's bacteria can be a serious concern. If you are one of those who suffer from allergies or asthma respiratory conditions you know that clean air is the most important. Not being able to breathe is truly scary. Germicidal UV can make the difference. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) frequently reported that indoor air can be more polluted than the air outside. Whether you have a health condition or not, you could definitely benefit from breathing cleaner air with UV purifiers for your home.
How do these devices work? Germicidal UV Cleaners use filters and Ultraviolet light to purify the air inside your home. You might be surprised but microscopic allergens like dust, mold, mildew, pet dander and pollen live in the same indoor area as you do. Air pollutants come from any source, furniture, rugs, carpets, toys, pets you name it and even the household cleaning product.
Maybe you are not one who suffers from these health conditions but maybe you are sensitive to other smells and bad odors, cigarette smoke, or dog and cat smell can be enough to drive some people totally insane. The greatest thing about germicidal UV systems are their ability to remove these microorganisms offenses and leave your air feeling clean and truly breathable.
OK UV (ultraviolet light) is only one part of your air purification system but you already have air filters. Although it is a must you change these at a regular times. The regular filter catches dust particles now is when you need to finish the cleaning action. Germicidal UV lights destroys microorganisms like bacteria, mold, and viruses that lurk in your home. Did you know that germicidal UV air purifiers are effective at removing up to 99% of allergens and microorganisms that make you sick, air pollens, mold spores, and dust mites. This would be your best insurance for quality air.
Still not convinced ask your local hospital or your city administrator about ultraviolet germicidal. You will be surprised to find just how many places it being used. In most cities water sterilization plant.. Hospitals use germicidal UV on instruments for operations and in many rooms customers occupy. Some offices use them in their customer waiting areas. Germicidal UV is used in so many other locations and application in your everyday life.
Universities like University of California Davis have and are doing extensive research in the ultraviolet field. This ongoing technology is ever surprising scientists. UV light sterilization for water plants that feed Las Vegas Nevada making water available for tens of thousands every day. States like California would not be able to survive without this technology. Almost every state uses one form or another of the Germicidal UV. Although it has been available to every home owner it is only in the last few years that every day people are learning and understanding all the benefits of the UV world.
Making this one of your home protectors will save you money. Just think no more chemicals to clean the air handler and ducts. Having less service calls lowering your every day operating cost because parts are running clean reducing wear and tear. Germicidal UV is here today and will continue improving your environment. Look closely at this technology, Newinavations.
Hope you enjoyed this article written by Jerry Wang. Germicidal UV is for the very best air quality. UV light sterilization for clean water.. Save your money. Get what you and your family need to maintain a healthy lifestyle. There is much more information available for your asking. also before you buy get your discount coupon at https://fivergroup.com/uv-lamp-1.html.
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UV Light Install Lauderhill
Air Duct Installation Lauderhill A air duct is a physical passage or tube lined with epithelial cells as well as conveys a secretion or various other material. They distribute air or liquid in a building. It is necessary to maintain air ducts tidy to ensure that individuals living at that location can breathe in fresh air. There are a number of air duct cleansing systems but one should think about green air duct cleansing systems to clean their air duct. Allergens like smoke, mold and mildew, plant pollen, small oil bit from cooking as well as dirt fragments also distributes in addition to air. These are hazardous for the health as well as may trigger lung illness like bronchial asthma. The dirt accumulated in the air duct may also trigger obstruction as well as it will not work properly. Often, there might be some significant damage created to human health due to unclean air. It is suggested that air ducts should be cleaned up after a specific duration to remove the dirt deposited inside the air duct. Cleaning a air duct is not a tough task as well as you can even do it on your own. Ensure that you choose a excellent cleansing item. If harsh chemical are made use of to clean the air duct, then these hazardous chemicals will spread around airborne of your home. These chemicals will make breathing difficult for individuals living at that location. It will not just aggravate the air top quality inside your home but may also result in illness. Eco pleasant air duct cleansing systems will be ideal remedy to clean your air ducts. These cleaning up systems do not emit any type of hazardous fumes so are secure for health along with for the atmosphere. Such a cleansing system will not just tidy your air duct properly but also have a number of various other advantages over various other products. A tidy air duct will enhance heating as well as cooling down effectiveness, as dirt or dirt gathered inside the air duct diminishes the system's efficiency. By cleaning up the air duct you will substantially cut heating as well as cleansing expense. Also really little quantity of dirt gathered inside the air duct can affect the effectiveness negatively. The air coming through the air duct will be tidy if the air duct is tidy. Your atmosphere will be devoid of bacteria, fungis, as well as various other unsafe bacteria. So, with this healthier atmosphere, one can minimize the possibilities of lung issues like bronchial asthma. You will breathe far better without coughing time and again. The air duct will work much more successfully.
Youngsters grow far better in a healthy and balanced atmosphere. If you have youngsters then you would realize just how vital excellent consuming behaviors as well as workout are for them to become healthy and balanced grownups. The immune system of the youngsters will develop in a far better means as well as they will be at much less danger of dropping ill. The pets at your residence will also breathe simpler. If you are currently dealing with some illness pertaining to breathing then tidy air coming through a tidy air duct will avoid it from getting worse. You will respire far better. If the air duct is unclean properly or harsh chemical is made use of to tidy, then the health may become bad. Pollution has actually ended up being a international issue. Harsh chemicals pollute the atmosphere so one needs to choose green air duct cleansing systems. A excellent air duct cleansing system may be pricey for you at first but it is not much more priceless than your household's health. https://uvlightinstalllauderhill275.blogspot.com/2023/02/uv-light-install-lauderhill.html Air Vent Cleaning Lauderhill Air Duct Installation Lauderhill Duct Sealing Lauderhill http://ductcleaningexperts.net https://videomarketingelizabethnj954.blogspot.com/ https://videomarketingelizabethnj954.blogspot.com/2023/02/video-marketing-elizabeth-nj.html https://videomarketingnewyorkcity920.blogspot.com/ https://videomarketingnewyorkcity920.blogspot.com/2023/02/video-marketing-new-york-city.html https://mountlandsdaynurserygloucester220.blogspot.com/
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charmingi · 2 years
like canaries in a coal mine
I remember sitting in my environmental philosophy class when my professor mentioned Baltimore's trash incinerators in passing. It pulled my focus back to class after a thirty minute galavant in a daydream, and I immediately minimized Zoom to open up google and do some research on air quality in Baltimore.
You see, I have asthma, and it's sensitive to air pollution. I've always joked with my friends that I'm the canary in the coal mine. For example, when I was visiting my abuela in Puerto Rico, I had an inexplicable asthma attack in the early afternoon. Later, after the sun had set and the song of tree frogs began to lull us to sleep, my abuela called me into the living room and pointed at the TV. On the evening news was a forest fire in the town over, Maricao, and it was affecting the air quality of the surrounding areas.
So, I think I'd be able to tell if I was nearby an incinerator where thousands of tons of trash is burned each year.
Trash incinerators have a long legacy in America, the first one built on Governors Island, New York in 1885 (1). Research into their environmental impacts didn't come to light until the 1960s –– partly due to the suppression of climate science information pre-1960s driven by corporate profit incentive to hide the detrimental effects of the rampant pollution caused by their products and services. Post the Clean Air Act of 1970, many incinerators had to be shut down in the face of strict air pollution regulations they could not meet. The idea of burning trash as fuel makes sense in theory, as it puts unsightly, stagnant, and smelly landfills to "good use." However, an incinerator poses an inescapable hazard to human health: air pollution.
It's like eating the contents of your garbage can instead of leaving it where it is. They're both bad, but one's arguably worse.
No matter what, waste incineration releases hazardous pollutants into the air. Air pollutants like particulate matter can cause lung and heart diseases, heavy metals like lead and mercury can cause neurological diseases, and toxic metals like PFAS (forever chemicals used to make almost everything from cookware to cosmetics) or dioxins (a persistent environmental pollutant most often created through the combustion process) can cause cancer and other health problems (2). In Baltimore alone, Wheelabrator processes 700,000 tons of trash each year (3). The incinerator "releases about 120 pounds of lead, 60 pounds of mercury, 99 tons of hydrochloric acid and 2 tons of formaldehyde" (4). For every ton of trash Wheelabrator burns, it releases a matching ton of CO2 –– the number one greenhouse gas (5). To put it in perspective, the incinerator produces 36% of all of Baltimore city's air pollution (6).
Although the company behind the site says the facility is "in full compliance with stringent state and federal air, water and solid waste regulations," the impacts of an incinerator can be measured through the health of nearby residents (7). According to the city health department, "the average life expectancies for babies born to families in Cherry Hill, Curtis Bay and Brooklyn are all less than 70" or a decade less than the state-wide average of 80 years. In Westport, residents are twice likely to die of lung cancer than their counterparts in North Baltimore (8). While these statistics are influenced by multiple factors, proximity to Wheelabrator is definitely one of them.
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Last weekend I dragged my roommate, Ava, out of bed for some on-the-scene investigation of Wheelabrator. It was a 28-minute drive from campus, relatively far removed from our North Baltimore bubble. I was having trouble breathing even before I parked the car on the side of the road outside the facility. Ava had to get my inhaler from the backseat while I thought about the people who live and work near or on the site, breathing in air that can kill a canary like me. That has killed canaries like me. We scrunched our noses, the smell of garbage inescapable, pungent and rank enough to taste. The smokestack was tall –– taller than any building I'd seen in Baltimore so far –– with an itty-bitty, skinny ladder reaching all the way to the top. It reminded me of an abandoned one made of crumbling brick sitting in an overgrown sugarcane field in Puerto Rico. They're like ghosts to me –– industrial landmarks past their prime, lingering for little reason except by the will of those who can't accept progression forward. Ava took a few photos, squatting down to the ground wet with dew to get the whole structure in frame. Then, they tugged on my sleeve as rain began to fall, trying to kill my curiosity of what lay behind tall metal gates. They led me back to the car. We drove through the nearby streets, eyes wandering over peeling paint and broken windows. Neither of us are talkers, and we didn't speak much that day either, but I could tell we were both thinking.
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What You Should Know About Testing the Air Quality in Your Commercial Building
If you're concerned about the air quality inside your office building or manufacturing facility, you're not alone. Poor indoor air quality has been attributed to everything from headaches to trouble concentrating, and you could find your workforce plagued with absenteeism and poor performance through no fault of their own. These are just some of the issues you may have to deal with if you have an inadequate air quality system.
The subject of indoor air quality is not only restricted to residential spaces, as commercial spaces are equally or even more polluted. Do you own or manage a commercial space? If so, you need to read this article.
This piece focuses on the reason for commercial indoor air quality testing in this city, which company to hire for this kind of air quality test in your city, and other important information.
The issue of indoor air quality is a vital one because if care is not taken, the effect of poor indoor air quality takes its toll faster than you can imagine.
This problem, therefore, calls for ongoing commercial indoor air quality testing. This test will signal owners and managers of a commercial building when it’s time to undertake remediation work if the air in their commercial space has been compromised.
Effects of Poor Indoor Quality
Poor indoor air quality happens over a long period of time, but once your indoor air gets contaminated, it’ll get worse every day the problem is not confronted. If you work in a polluted space over an extended time span, it will affect your health, that of your customers, and your finances.
check this out
Here are some common effects of poor indoor air quality:
Adverse Health Effects
One of the many effects of poor indoor air quality is what it does to the well-being of an individual. Bad indoor air quality indicates that there are pollutants and contaminants in that space. Some of these pollutants might be mold, VOCs, or other chemical agents.
Breathing in these chemicals every day can cause short and long-term symptoms in a person. Some short-term health effects of poor indoor air quality are the following.
Nose and throat irritation
Consistent headaches
Eye irritation
Asthma symptoms
Allergic reactions
These short-term symptoms can seem inconsequential if you do not know the cause. However, if poor indoor air quality is the cause, these symptoms can lead to more chronic, long-term effects like these:
Neurological disorders
Mood swings
Respiratory diseases
Cardiovascular diseases
Increased risk of congenital disabilities in pregnant women.
What could be the cause of poor indoor air quality in commercial spaces?
Here are a few causes:
Cleaning Agents
Cleaning should be a constant daily routine in all commercial spaces. However, there can be issues with the materials and chemicals used in cleaning. These detergents and cleaning agents often contain chemicals that might be harmful if present in large enough quantities.
After cleaning, these chemicals remain in the air, furniture, and upholstery, accumulating over time to cause poor indoor air quality.
Renovation, Remodeling, and Environmental Activities
It’s quite common for commercial spaces to have renovation or remodeling activities, especially if you have recently moved into the space. Remodeling a space often involves breaking down walls, installing new furniture and repainting.
All these activities release chemicals into the space, and if the building is not properly ventilated, it will cause poor indoor air quality. If you are remodeling you should test your indoor air quality to ensure the indoor air is not polluted.
Commercial Activities
Business activities, equipment, and materials that can also contaminate the air.
Laundromats make use of detergents and chemicals that contaminate indoor air quality.
Nail and hair salons use varnish and chemicals that release pollutants into the air.
What to Do About Poor Indoor Air Quality
If you suspect that your indoor air is contaminated, here are some ways to correct it. Call a Reliable Indoor Air Quality Testing Specialist.
The first step is to test your indoor air quality. You cannot do this without the help of a professional: it’s essential that you call a reliable company that will give you honest results.
Here are some of the qualities to identify a reliable air quality company:
Recommendations. A highly recommended company is performing their service well. Ask around for referrals.
Reviews and testimonials. A reliable company will have good reviews and testimonials of their previous works. Check the company’s website for these.
Certification. A company should have evidence that they are qualified to work in that area. The certification should show that they are specifically qualified for commercial indoor air testing.
Which company to choose for your commercial indoor air quality testing?
You need look no further, because we are the best company if you need a reliable indoor air quality testing service provider. We are a certified and highly recommended indoor air quality business with hundreds of 5-star reviews. Also, we are not affiliated with any mold remediation company so you can be assured of unbiased results.
Contact Us
CALL: 888-217-2719
WEBSITE: https://commercialindoorairqualitytesting.com/
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tech-blog987 · 2 years
Ayurvedic Treatment For Skin Diseases -Kerala Ayurvedic Centre, Dubai
The fitness and wellness of our our bodies rely closely on our pores and skin. Our pores and skin unifies everything of our frame “below one roof.” Skin can hit upon pressure, temperature, and discomfort. It is at risk of accidents at the internal in addition to the outside. Skin situations are a signal of inner fitness issues. Unbalanced inner chemistry indicates itself at the pores and skin. According to Ayurveda, pores and skin situations are introduced on via way of means of a doshic imbalance, for this reason remedy specializes in restoring the person`s concord and balance.
Common pores and skin situations and breathing issues which includes hives, eczema, hay fever, asthma, and so on. are manifestations of allergic reactions. Redness, itching, raised pimples, swelling, pores and skin cracking, pores and skin peeling, and different signs are a number of the everyday symptoms and symptoms of an hypersensitive reaction to the pores and skin. Ayurveda is appeared because the best remedy for pores and skin allergic reactions in men, women, and youngsters because it makes use of herbal herbs and treatments to therapy the pores and skin completely and provide long-time period alleviation.
Skin allergic reactions, in line with Ayurveda, end result from bad digestion. Due to the digestive system’s dysfunction, a few chemical substances, which include pollen and dust, may make human beings greater touchy and cause an hypersensitive reaction. As a end result, each time an person is uncovered to allergens, their doshas are impacted (come to be imbalanced), and the poisons generated due to the imbalanced doshas finally bring about important signs. As an illustration, if the pitta dosha is disturbed, it’s going to emit a heated poison that accumulates in deep tissue which include the nourishing plasma (Rasa), blood (Rakta), muscles (Mamsa), and lymphatic (Lasika). Such chemical substances purpose infection in deeper tissues, which reasons some of pores and skin hypersensitivity signs to emerge.
The 5 maximum normal sorts of pores and skin sicknesses are proven below.
Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis)
Dermatitis from touch
Yeast Infection
Acne is a pores and skin situation that nearly all people offers with in some unspecified time in the future of their lives. Patchy, oily, and on occasion heated or uncomfortable pores and skin are the effects. In the dermis close to hair follicles, numerous hormones stimulate the oil glands to supply greater oil (strange sebum). The characteristic acnes, a normally innocent pores and skin bacterium, is altered via way of means of this aberrant sebum, which makes it greater competitive and reasons swelling and pus.
Eczema The pores and skin turns into dry, itchy, and cracked due to the pores and skin ailment referred to as atopic eczema. Infants are much more likely to accumulate atopic eczema, which often takes place earlier than their first birthday. But for the primary time, it may additionally take place to adults. Even aleven though it is a persistent situation, a few youngsters can outgrow it absolutely as they get older. Children are maximum typically laid low with it on their faces, scalps, backs of knees, insides of elbows, and arms. Atopic eczema patients normally enjoy intervals of each intense flare-ups and little discomfort.
Contact Dermatitis Eczema referred to as touch dermatitis is because of getting into touch with a selected substance and absolutely is going away if the cause is diagnosed and avoided. Skin this is itchy, burning, dry, and cracked effects from touch dermatitis. Darker pores and skin can flip darkish brown, purple, or grey, even as lighter pores and skin can flip red. This response often happens hours or days after being uncovered to an allergen or irritant. Although any a part of the frame can enjoy signs, the arms and face are the maximum often affected.
Fungal Infection Jock itch, athlete’s foot, and different fungi-associated ailments are easy to accumulate and switch to others. Fungi are smooth to deal with in view that they hardly ever penetrate deeper than the pores and skin’s floor in healthful persons.
Hives Rashes and hives normally disappear inside some hours to three days. You get hives while some thing makes your pores and skin create a whole lot of histamine and different substances. Triggers are the matters that make this take place.
Ayurvedic Ways to Get Rid of Skin Allergies
Lepam remedy is likewise anti inflammatory and enables to offer alleviation from ache because of infection and to lessen swelling of the affected element. The process entails using a paste crafted from herbs this is implemented to the affected frame element. Lepam is an natural paste this is implemented externally to the affected area. The natural powder and medium for making the paste are selected primarily based totally at the person`s fitness. The natural paste is made via way of means of choosing herbs which are suitable for the pathology and Doshas involved. The Lepam acts as a pores and skin exfoliant. It aids withinside the cleaning and smoothing of the pores and skin. The herbs withinside the Lepam resource in blood movement and pores and skin nourishment.
Snehapana: Snehan is using medicated oils, both internally or topically (oleation). Snehan refers back to the ingestion of medicinal fat or the software of oil to the pores and skin for a hard and fast duration of time. A panchkarma remedy that gives a holistic and methodical technique to deep-cleaning the frame via way of means of draining pollution out on the mobile level. Snehapanam remedy may be made with both vegetable or animal oils, which include Mahua, mustard, sesame, Bahera, Erand, and Karanj.
Rathamokshan: Raktamokshana, or bloodletting, is a good blood purification approach that entails the elimination of small quantities of unclean blood in a regulated way to be able to neutralise collected poisons. When rakta and pitta poisoning has reached a factor wherein herbs or different remedies are now not effective, raktamokshan involves the rescue.
Parisheka Sweda is a shape of a sweating remedy in which warm or heat Vata or Vata-Kapha balancing medicated beverages like natural decoction, processed milks, processed buttermilk and so on are stream, poured or sprinkled over the bothered element retaining a consistent and uninterrupted go with the drift from a positive pre -constant height.
The number one wellbeing technique for dealing with situations and sicknesses of the pores and skin is ayurveda. In order to deal with pores and skin issues, Ayurveda takes a holistic technique. Every Ayurvedic remedy and piece of recommendation is unique. We endorse you to time table a session with one in all our professional ayurveda physicians at Kerala Ayurvedic Centre Dubai to discover a entire therapy in your pores and skin disorder signs.
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Signs That You Need Colon Hydrotherapy
While the body is able to cleanse itself of toxins naturally, sometimes it needs assistance. The colon is responsible for the last stage of the digestive process and the absorption of vitamins, salts, nutrients, and water. When the colon is not working properly, it allows toxins to be absorbed into the bloodstream rather than being expelled from the body.
The delicate balance between the specialized cells in the colon and the microorganisms in the gut can be upset by food, stress or disease. A proper balance of healthy bacteria must be maintained to avoid digestive illness and colon problems. You may start noticing the following symptoms present themselves and these can all be signs that you need to cleanse your colon. Natural Healthcare Services has listed the signs of colon problems below:
Even when you get 8 or more hours of sleep, you may feel tired and sluggish throughout the day. If the body is working overtime to get rid of toxins, you will naturally have less energy.
Weight Gain
You may put on unwanted pounds, or struggle to lose weight despite eating a normal amount of calories. If the body cannot get rid of waste properly, this may cause bloating and weight gain.
Pale Skin and Acne
The face is a good indicator of general health, if your skin looks pale, greasy, and spotty, it could be a sign of toxins building up in the body.
Digestive Problems
You frequently suffer from digestive issues including Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), constipation, diarrhea, gas, and bloating. This can be due to a blockage in the colon caused by a lack of fiber, or an increase in non-beneficial bacteria, which can cause excess gas production and uncomfortable bloating.
Poor Concentration
If our colon is not functioning properly, often our brain isn’t either which can result in feelings of brain fog and poor concentration. Poor diet and ineffective vitamin absorption can cause you to become easily distracted and lose your concentration. Headaches and migraines could be caused by the retention of toxins in the body, which can cause inflammation.
Bad Breath or Body Odor
Even if you practice good hygiene, if your body has a build-up of toxins, they can be expressed through the sweat glands or saliva, resulting in smelly breath or BO.
Do you experience any of the following signals regularly?
Constipation or Diarrhea
Need for Frequent Laxatives
Frequent Headaches
Skin Problems
Lower Back Pain
Lowered Resistance to Infection
Bad Breath
Asthma/Sinus Problems
Food Allergies
Loss of Memory
Menstrual Problems
General Aches and Pains
Yeast Infections
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Digestive problems
Lack of energy
Here are 3 important reasons everyone can benefit from colon cleansing:
The average person has between 7 – 10 pounds of old fecal matter in their colon, even with a bowel movement each day. 
The accumulation of waste on the walls of your colon creates the perfect breeding ground for parasites, yeast, bad bacteria and viruses. 
In fact, for too many people today, detoxification pathways are essentially blocked. Over time, toxins build up. It is estimated that the average person is exposed to over 123 toxic chemicals each day from food, water, air, stress and personal care products.
 Colon Therapy And Colonoscopy Preparation 
During colon therapy, a trained colon therapist uses warm water to gently fill up and flush out your colon. This process may feel strange at first, but it can clean out your colon more thoroughly than many other colon cleansing treatments.
In fact, colon therapy is so effective for cleansing, doctors are beginning to recommend colonics as an effective colonoscopy preparation.
Colon therapy is just one way to take care of your digestive system. Combined with a healthy, cleansing diet, regular colonics can heal your intestines to create vibrant health in children and adults.
Flushing out toxins that weigh you down and lower energy is just one of the possible benefits you could receive from treatments. Let's talk about your personalized plan for care of your gut!
www.naturalhealthcareservices.com 724-295-5591
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