inkykeiji · 1 year
i wanna kiss touya-nii's cock and tell him it's the prettiest thing i've ever seen (*/ω\*)
he would actually love that n think it’s so fucking cute, so fucking precious, as long as you’re immediately stuffing your throat full of his pretty cock a mere moment later, that is <3 but he can’t help but wonder: is it still pretty when you’re choking on it, gagging violently as he rams the head further and further down your throat and lodges the column full of rough coughs, caustic things that grate on your flesh as they build and build, dense and suffocating?
is it still pretty when his blunt nails are digging into your temples and ears, long fingers splayed on either side of your head, holding you still as his hips snap viciously? is it still pretty when you’re drowning in your own spit, vicious drool collecting in all the dips and crevices of your mouth, so much so that it’s begun seeping past the corners of your lips to dribble in fat dollops down your chin and along your jaw and onto your chest in thick cords; so much so that it’s smeared across his pubic bone in shimmering strokes that catch in the dim light with each drive forward and every pull back?
is it still pretty when your jaw is aching and stiff from being pried open so wide, and your lungs are sticky and burning and deflated from oxygen deficiency, and your vision is so blurry that he looks like an abstract watercolour painting—ivory spikes and glowing sapphire and inky skin melting into one another—eyes coated with thick tears that keep overflowing, escaping your salt-clumped lashes to pour down your cheeks in steady streams?
of course it is. in fact, as far as he’s concerned, it’s even prettier.
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yankasmiles · 1 year
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happy yamatsuki day!
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thelovelybitten · 6 months
more loonatics headcanons / shenanigans...
i've been on such a binge watch of lu that I just need to post abt it okay leave me alone
BUT I'VE NOTICED THINGS !!! (this is s2 ep4) !! you kind of get an insight of what they all like to do and things they enjoy with these bedroom stills.
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obviously: likes carrots, cute lil bunny.
i couldn't zoom in enough to see what's on his monitor but you know he likes to watch shows before bed. relatable content.
the fact he's got two side tables as well gives me eating in his bed vibes but also he'd be clean abt it. i also think he'd be a big comic book reader. not sure what, but he would be. I'll let y'all decide.
speaking on that, there's a shelf with books on the far right so yeah. i think he'd also read manga bc of his anime complex. he may also keep some sort of CDs ? maybe vinyls ???
i know this man keeps katanas and a dartboard in his room.
he's a snowboarder !!!! THAT'S SO COOL. he must be a god bc this man is AGILE.
he's got a skyline view PHEWWWWW rich ass mf
also. an aquarium on his right (our left) which is so fun I wonder what kinds of marine life they'd keep!!!
I'm also not sure what the compartment behind his head is for but I think its a closed-off bookshelf or space for his knick-knacks. i also see a fireplace too but idk how logical that is lol
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NOW WHY SHE SLEEPING IN A HAMMOCK WHEN THE GIRLIE COULD HAVE A QUEEN SIZED BED ??? she's quirky like that ig. whatever makes her comfy. (I know she'd upgrade, I just know. just bc she can sleep anywhere doesn't mean she's always comfortable.)
a phone/pager by her bed is so real
she's a SKIIER AND A SURFER. WHAT CAN'T SHE DO. (seasickness who)
cabinet obvi for storage, idk why she'd have anything important in there besides old childhood items it's so high up???
lower shelves are for books and things maybe. or video games.
opposing skyline views so iconic... i know she takes mad insta pictures (or duck takes them) to get good sunset shots
i believe the items on the table are her laptop, a makeup bag andddd maybe a clutch purse? just a guess bc they're so tiny.
laptop makes sense. it'd be hard but she could still try to get an education on the side??? lots of work for a girl but she's a boss like that.
makeup for obvious reasons
clutch purse for nights out
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I remember sumth abt that cylinder thingy on the left but I can't remember what it's for yet. will update when the ep comes.
MANS IS AN INTELLECTUAL !! those are all comic books (like ace, they bond) and language workbooks.
the poster of pizza is SO REAL OF HIM
there's a teeny tiny chute beside his door and I wonder what it's for. maybe it's a scanner? idk
light above his head is also...a choice.
i'd like to think that the things at the end of his bed are air purifiers and that slam has some sort of breathing issue when he goes to sleep. maybe he grinds his jaw or is a mouth breather;;;
computer for gaming tings and other endeavours
i know this man doesn't have a WHOLE ASS DRUMSTICK IN HIS BED. but makes sense. he totally eats in bed BUT IS MESSY ABT IT. duck and lexi HATE IT IT'S NASTY HAHAH they ask him to switch his sheets and vacuum almost everyday
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but like ace, he also has a tv by his bed I know he and lexi would watch romcoms together
K-DRAMAS???? SPECIFICALLY SINGLES INFERNO (only bc s3 just came out, it's on the brain) duck just boasts abt how he's better looking than all of the other males while lexi is very much about the relationships/drama
his little peek-a-boo window behind his head is so cute :"))))
I have no god damn clue what that thing is beside him on the left but I'm sure it's important
but he wears headphones to sleep !!! must need white noise or rain to sleep
control panel for his lights and other digitally controlled shit in his room
THIS MAN HAS SO MANY MAGAZINES AND NEWSPAPER ARTICLES ABOUT HIMSELF AND THE LOONATICS (but only bc he is in them, thank yew) I also think he'd carry a lot of fashion magazines too. things that are in. the second a fad ends he's done w it
I'm assuming this is an arcade game setup, but i think he'd love Mario kart :) him and tech love to battle on this but move it to the main room bc duck thinks tech is cheating bc "the screen is two small".
i know this man would sleep with mf silk sheets and a fleece comforter he's a bougie bitch
computer for obvious reasons
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i had to include all four shots bc he is a sleepwalker/runner LOOK AT HOW CUTE HE IS ;U;
it looks like he sleeps in a casket-like bed (hence, the lid is open top centre) I believe he only has this open when he's awake so idk who forgot to close it. it needs to be closed so that when rev does actually get up and sleepwalks, he's contained. the last thing the loonatics want to wake up to is the house completely trashed bc rev had a dream he was running from something. so casket bed it was.
that's also why. he doesn't sleep with sheets. if he trips and falls oh lord. therefore he wears super warm pjs in the winter to not freeze to death
he's got a ton of books, rightfully so, I think he and tech would share this bookcase because it would have different manuals, blueprints and miscellaneous mechanical guides. robot guides. that too. i also think rev would be that person who re-reads his childhood books over and over again and not get sick of them ever
there is also a treadmill in this room I just know it
a tv as well. idk where, but I hc it's there.
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thanks for giving me nothing to work with here
I kind looked forward into the ep and there's a smidge of the bedroom in a frame but idk what the other shit could be
but I know his room is very clean. it's SPOTLESS. everything is organized and well put together.
I'm going to ignore the fact he suckles his thumb bc this man is 24 years old BYE
there's a whole bunch of ai robots in there to do anything he wants.
he is also the other loonatic who has their own bathroom. he only got it bc he won the straw draw. well, ace won technically, but gave it to tech bc he was the oldest and would keep it in the best shape. duck still hasn't forgiven him for it.
he shares it with lexi since she's the only lady in the house :) ain't no way she shares with the boys.
the others share the other bathroom. one more gets installed later but the other four are SOL
tech also has a nice walk-in closet
he needs to take melatonin b4 bed bc this man is noctournal
has drones scattered on shelves, ones he's built and ones he's collected from professors and other inventors
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ssreeder · 4 months
on twitter i saw a ship thing people were doing where one part of the ship is "i'll protect you" and the other is "if you touch him i'll kill you" and omg if that is not the most liab zuko and sokka thing ever...!!!!:$;&;!;!!
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caramelmochacrow · 6 months
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happy birthday touko!!!!!
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queer-ragnelle · 2 years
Idk how everyone else pictures Kay but I have two different ones living in my head. Peter Mooney played him in Starz Camelot and he was so so soft and good. But that Kay is not seneschal he would never yell at a child. I have a second more feral Kay that’s scarier and he would yell at Beaumains (as he signs the adoption papers).
Anyone have an actor they associate with Kay?
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owl127 · 1 year
single moms meet at boyband show
Lexa focused on the green at the tip of Serah’s braid as she followed her daughter through the never-ending crowd.
"Mom, I want to be up front for the starting band!" Serah cried from right in front of Lexa, and Lexa took three long strides to catch up with her daughter. 
"Do you have your phone?" Lexa asked for the fourth time, to which Serah rolled her eyes.
"Full battery?"
"And the location tags?"
Serah looked around them, biting her lips as other teens—mostly girls—ran to the front of the stage. "Yes, one in my purse and one in my belt," she said between gritted teeth, all unnecessary teen rage. Lexa nodded, reaching for her daughter’s hand. God, she would be taller than Lexa soon. 
"I’ll be back at the food stalls. I’ll call you, but we meet here after the concert, okay?"
"Okay, mom, now please can I go? The opening band is about to start!" 
"Alright. And Serah?" 
The fourteen-year-old stopped in her tracks to turn back and glare at her mom. "What!"
"Have fun." Okay, it was true: Lexa liked to torture her daughter sometimes, but just a little bit, so she wouldn’t get completely lost in her head. One of her books said it was a way to bond with teenagers.
A small smile cracked Serah’s frown, and she nodded, all limbs and gracelessness as she followed the flow of screaming girls to the front of the stage.
Lexa had no idea what she had done to have a daughter who liked boy bands, but there she was, escorting her only baby to said band’s show. Lexa had been a hardcore punk at that age, parading black, rebellion, and a couple real, unmemorable tattoos. At the same time, that was the lifestyle that led to an early pregnancy, so maybe having a daughter who loved bands with an odd number of boys was a good thing.
Lexa looked back at the kiosks line and started to look for anything that said coffee when someone stumbled at her back. Lexa tripped forward but reacted in time to hold the person, who would for sure fall on the dirty grass if Lexa hadn’t reached for their hips and arms.
"Oh my God, mom! You’re so clumsy!"
"I’m so sorry," the woman in Lexa’s arms said, flushing a beautiful shade of pink. Lexa’s hands were warm where she touched her.
They broke apart at the teenager's yelling at them.
"Are you alright?" Lexa asked, but the woman faced the teen instead.
"I tripped because you’ve been running since the gate. Now where’s your phone?"
"I have it. Now can I go?"
"Don’t lose your phone!"
"I won’t!" The teen bobbed her head in excitement, her tight curls, a coppery shade of auburn, bouncing in her head. "Now can I go? The opening band is on the stage!"
"Yeah, but stay close to your phone!" The woman’s plea was lost as her daughter rushed in the same direction Serah had disappeared into.
"They always seem to lose the phone," Lexa said, and she found herself staring at that pink blush again.
"Right?  And fuck, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to trip all over you."
"It’s okay. This grass is horrible." Lexa looked down at the woman’s red converse, a stark contrast to her boots.
"Do you want some coffee? Or a drink?" Lexa looked up again to get lost in freckles and blue. "I’m sorry, maybe my daughter is right and I’m always talking too much," the woman continued before Lexa could respond. "I don’t even know if you’re here with a partner or whatever; I just assumed you’d be another mom."
"I’m mom. I mean, yes, I’m with my fourteen-year-old. She also ditched me for the opening band."
"I think they all sound the same."
"And coffee sounds good. I’m going to need some to survive the night. And—" Lexa cleared her throat, falling into step next to the woman "—No partner. It’s just me and Serah." There was that beautiful blush again.
"Coffee it is, then. And it’s just me and that thirteen-year-old you met. Lumi. But she’ll tell you she’s fourteen. This is her birthday present, actually."
They sat at the kiosk, far from the screaming crowd, with the bartender making espresso shot after espresso shot for the multiple parents. A couple dads talked about football next to their stools while a flock of suburban moms ordered margaritas.
"I’m Lexa." She extended her hand and offered to pay for the coffee.
"Clarke." She accepted the coffee with another blush, and Lexa realized she loved to watch those cheeks fire up. Maybe it wouldn’t be a bad concert after all.
Lexa wasn’t sure how that happened. Okay, maybe she had a clue, since the only time she had been with a man ended up with Serah, and she had enough flings with coworkers to have a certain reputation in her station. But whatever the reasons, Lexa was not complaining about having Clarke’s tongue in her mouth or her legs wrapped tightly around her as they made out behind the dirty alley of stalls that served terrible coffee. Under the sound of broken-hearted love, Lexa pressed closer until Clarke moaned in her mouth, all velvet and want. Lexa pulled back to allow curious lips to explore her neck and moaned low under Clarke’s ears. Clarke pressed harder, uncaring that the two single, thirty-something moms were dry-humping in the dark while their daughters screamed at hairless boys.
"You okay?" Lexa whispered the question when Clarke hissed after a hard kiss.
"Oh, I’m great!" Clarke gasped, finding Lexa’s lips again. "It’s just... it’s been a while. Single mom and all."
Lexa nodded. She knew the drama.
"I wish I could touch you," Lexa confessed between blonde tresses, inhaling the lingering scent of rose shampoo. Clarke moaned in response, grinding harder on Lexa’s thigh. "I bet you’re—"
The loud ringing of their phones cut off Lexa’s, admittedly, dirty talk, and they parted at the accompanying vibrations in their pockets.
"Shit," Clarke mumbled as she checked her phone. There was a lack of endless screams in the air. "I think the concert’s already ended."
Lexa was focused on her phone, Serah’s calls and texts, typing furiously back. "Let’s go back to the stalls."
"Oh, shit." Clarke, flushed and grinning with kiss-swollen lips, placed both hands on Lexa’s abs, stopping her. "I might have given you a hickey. Sorry." Lexa’s eyes widened, and she touched her neck. "The other side… I think you should lose the braid."
And that was how Lexa found her daughter in front of the coffee stall, typing furiously on her phone. "Mom!" she yelled when Lexa approached.
"Hey, honey, how was it?" Lexa placed both hands in her pockets, running her fingers through her hair.
"Why are you acting weird? And what happened to your braid?"
"Mom!" They looked to see Clarke hugging her daughter; there was an excited squeak between them. "It was awesome!"
"I’m glad, baby." Clarke waved at Lexa, and Serah looked between them, eyes narrowing.
"Clarke." Lexa cleared her throat when Clarke approached while holding her daughter’s hands. "This is my daughter, Serah."
"Hi," Serah said while eyeing Clarke up and down.
"Hey. This is Lumi, my daughter."
"Hi." Lumi waved at Serah, then saw the pin in her jacket. "Which song is your favorite from the new album?"
Serah’s frown melted into a smile as the girls started to talk about the show. Lexa took a step closer to Clarke but didn’t touch her. "Where did you park?"
"Oh." Lexa would never get tired of seeing that beautiful blush. "We took the bus here. We’ll probably Uber back."
"Can I offer you a ride?"
"It’s alright, we’re used to it." Both moms stared at the girls as they talked non-stop about the concert and the band, and Clarke shrugged. "Yeah, a ride would be nice." 
As they walked to the parking lot, Serah pulled Lexa to one side. "Mom."
"What’s up, kiddo? I hope you don’t mind that we’re giving them a ride."
"It’s not that." Serah kicked a pebble on the dirty road parking lot. "Lux is fun. I want to be friends with her."
"That’s great."
Serah kept staring at Lexa, their eyes so much alike that it gave Lexa the chills sometimes, like now. Lexa did have a reputation, but she also had a daughter who was too smart for her own good.
"Please don’t ruin this," Serah pleaded. "Don’t make it like my swim teacher. Or my violin teacher."
"You didn’t even like violin."
"That’s not the point."
"We got a discount for three months."
"Lux is nice, and she also has a PS4. Please don’t mess up with her mom, please."
Lexa scoffed. "Why do you even—"
"You have a hickey, mom."
Damn kid. 
"Alright, I’ll behave. For you," she promised.
Serah kissed Lexa’s cheek. "I love you, mom."
Lexa looked behind them to find Clarke listening to her daughter, but her eyes were focused on Lexa. She winked, her cheeks flushed with the wind. 
Okay, Lexa might be in trouble with that promise.
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scottishstoner · 1 year
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Pics from when I was sitting out in the back garden today/tonight drawing and listening to music :)) was lovely day today ☀️✨🌸🌼✌🏻💜
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rosicheeks · 2 years
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Shoutout to my dear darling anon for gifting me paints from my wishlist 🥺
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deathleadsarc · 1 year
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who will be her Valentine, huh?? who would like to receive all her love, affection, adoration, undying support and heart on this day?
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inkykeiji · 10 months
You keep writing getting spanked by Daddy Fyodor because you KNOW he's an absolute S Tier brat tamer, that's why~
HAHAHAHA you are so right anon, you are SO right <333 ugh i love him sm :((( he's so fucking hot it makes me actually want to gnaw my own arm off like i can't handle it
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bergkamp · 1 year
i've been preparing for exactly this scenario (arsenal cr*shing and b*rning) but now i'm going insane over it
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merry-kuroo · 1 year
Live action One Piece looks better than I thought it would 🤔
Psssh even if it's bad, I'm going to love and enjoy it anyway ☺️
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hyperionshipping · 1 year
hodgins loves good lingerie, yea, but nothing gets him more than you wearing one of his shirts, with ideally nothing else~
H. HELLO ANON? I. Okay sure! Yeah. I could see that. Hodgins def has the vibe of a guy who yeah, lace whatever but nothing is hotter than the person he's with, in his clothes. You know maybe it's a bonus I think he and I are like similar clothes sizes?
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ssreeder · 7 months
Random zukka thoughts, sokka to zhao about zuko: the next time you touch him will be the last time you have hands!
Zhao being a creep: “like I need hands.”
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readymades2002 · 1 year
i do wish it didnt take me such a long time to do anything and also that i was doing better at this present moment so i could in fact do virtually anything
#i drew for a bit a few days ago but instead of finishing anything i just started five different things and did not complete any of them#troublesome...#i need to reevaluate my approach to art i think. as it is right now im not doing so well with it.#everything i draw feels the same to me and i can't complete anything and i don't like sharing things if they arent complete#if i dont share anything and volunteer myself to be seen then i will not be able to achieve much with my art#but i also dont really know what i want to achieve with my art because for the most part its just for me and whoever makes an effort#to read it and understand it.#hm. trying to figure out how to word it. i do not want to make things that are consumed i want to make things that consume.#which sounds silly considering my art is very nothing barely capable of communicating its intentions it feels like#(or maybe its just not looked at like something with intentions?)#but. i dont know. i dont know what i want but i know what im doing right now is not working for me. im stuck. i dont want to be stuck.#maybe i should just get really into traditional art and practice hard that way and actually learn something. like ive been saying i should#for the last five years and then not doing. haha what a funny thought that is. wouldnt that be nice. (throws it away and goes back to#trying to figure out how i can make art that doesnt vanish from awareness in an instant in the hopes of theoretical commissions one day)#anywayyyy
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