#ALLURA DIES?????????? (no idea why that happens)
klanced · 11 months
honestly a part of me envies that you never watched past season 4 because you never had to witness the downfall and instead got to hear stuff out of context which sounds 10x funnier
it was very fun watching from the outside as people desperately searched for klance content because it was just like ummmm. erm.
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callmelyc · 6 months
Angsty post canon concept:
When Allura dies what if the Altean magic she used on Shiro and Lance weakens and that's how ppl find out Lance also died?
Both Lance and Shiro start with symptoms they can ignore and ones doctors brush aside. They get told it's fatigue, they get told it's after effects from fighting In the war like they had for all that time. Neither realize it all starts after Alluras death.
Then they end up with things unexplainable. Things like extreme full body tremors, sudden extreme chills and are icy cold to the touch no matter the temperature. Their bodies ache in the ways they had in their deaths but neither man admits it out loud too afraid of what that might mean so neither is aware they aren't alone is this bizarre and sudden turn of events.
It's not until Lance collapses and is rushed to the Garrison hospital that they discovered it something more.
His body deteriorating from the inside out seen visibly from their newest high tech scans. Rotting, closing down, slowing or lacking proper function like his body has given up. Like his body is referring backwards to lack of life but no one knows why.
It's almost like its frying itself from the inside out, it's path crawling closer and closer to his heart with every passing day like bolts of electricity pulsing more and more upward.
Shiro is the first to realize what it means once Lance is finally giving the symptoms they'd had to pry out of him. He realizes with dread that his fellow paladin has things that match up too close to his own.
He only realizes bc he's felt similar things, only his resemble his own death and he knows for a fact its thinfs in Excruciating pain, a pain he thought no one but himself would ever understand.
To get lance to admit what happened Shiro goes through the scans himself to prove his point. No one enjoys hearing Lances story, Allura hadn't even known she was capable of what she'd done to him So he's worse off than Shiro is and terrified of the idea of dying again this slowly
both get taken to an off planet hospital, one that could preserve their symptoms until the rest of their team and families could find a way to heal them
But without Alluras alchemy No one knew what to do.
First they try talking to the alteans on new altea but none have any knowledge of the alchemy allura had used for them
Then the team spreads out
Pidge uses her ranking in her field to gain any and all database information she can get her hands on
Hunk uses his connections To the Balmera and other species to attempt to find any information on healing abilities that might help
Keith is the most successful, the man he loves and his brother are dying and he wouldn't accept that one bit
He sends all the Blades willing to look for any possible Leads and anyone who might know anything about healing magic or alchemy
Keith is the one who comes across one of haggars old druids, one well versed in altean alchemy and one bitter at what had become of the craft
She had understood, to a degree, what Allura had done to Save both men
She had tied their life force to her own to ground them back to this plane of existence and now that she's no longer tied to one universe her connection has faded and so has theirs
"You must tie them to another life to keep them but this practice is taboo. If this next life dies they will with it."
Keith doesn't hesitate for a moment "just tell me what to do and I'll do it."
He ends up tying Lances life force to his own, Lance so sickly he didn't get a choice and Keith apologizes the entire way
He combs fingers through lances thinned hair hoping it brought any comfort to the man that had no energy to even stay awake anymore "you can be as angry as you want after this, as long as you survive I don't care anymore..."
Shiros husband does the same for Shiro
They know it's worked when their bodies stop dying and start to finally try to heal.
The damage so extensive they both spend months in newly crafted healing pods that do everything to try to reverse it.
Both come out whole, alive and maybe a little worse for wear than before All this took place.
But no one cares so long as they stay alive.
And, if when Keith tells lance what he'd done to save him, Keith earns a strict slap to the face for his recklessness that's followed by a gentle kiss.
Well, no one says a word.
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glacecakes · 2 months
I never watched season eight of voltron cause I'd heard so many bad things about it and was afraid, what happened that was so bad?
Oh boy oh BOY where do I begin
Focus on redeeming the main villains
Killing off Adam. Yes it was s7 but I’m still mad
They marry shiro off to a random extra and leaks from the show reveal it was added last second bc they did not anticipate how pissed off everyone would be about Adam
No genuinely what did they expect. To happen. When you hype up shiros ex and then kill him 3 minutes later. That’s textbook queerbait bury your gays. If you talked to anyone gay they would’ve told you it was a bad idea
Allura and Lance go from “ew I’d never date him” to “this is true love” like 30 seconds after Lotor dies. Way to make a guy feel special
There’s just an uncomfortable amount of heterosexuality tbh like my own klance love notwithstanding
Everyone gets their characters fucked over. No arcs are completed. No one gets closure
The plot is just total nonsense. I’ve forgotten most of it
Something about Hagar and Allura? And other realities????
Oh yeah Allura fucking dies
She flat out dies. Just. Why. WHY.
And also there’s soooo much speculation on how production just totally fell apart bc the showrunners actively hated their fan base and wanted to fuck everything up to spite them which genuinely. Like I get it but also. Damn
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Hii i was wondering if you have some mermaid lance fics recs? I have no idea how is the tag in ao3
yes! i haven't checked the mer lance tag in a while so i'm gonna put it here in case y'all want to take a look. but i have 12 works specifically that i can rec for y'all!
amazing plotlines:
Starsong by @tomminowrites
The paladins are crewmates aboard a mercenary space vessel, sent to the outer reaches of the system to investigate the recent disappearance of Empire ships. Keith discovers that the ship's captain, Sendak, has actually been hired to capture a different prize: mermaids.
With siren calls that interfere with ship scanners and songs that mimic the distress beacons of friendly crafts, astral mermaids are a threat commonly believed to be myth among most spacefarers. But when lives are at stake, the crew is soon to discover that one among them is not quite as human as he appears to be...
this story had me GAGGED. genuinely i was in awe. pirate au?? witih mermaids?? in SPACE?? like holy shit!! insanely cool storyline, felt like a movie. highly recommend!!
2. Rest Stop by @flaming-potato-arson
Lance wasn't like the rest of the world.
And he had never had a loving mother tell him it made him stronger for it. So he told himself, gathering up his courage and grit to face a world of winged humanity, when he, in fact, has no wings and turns into a mermaid instead.
A world that wants him to die.
So he'd keep this secret like a knife in his boot, a sharp weapon until he died on his own terms. Not because of who he was.
Except, Team Voltron isn't so sure why Lance is all rough edges and sharp points about showing off his wings. Or acting like a member of the Flock in general. It's clear he cares for them, but he's never shown an intimate part of him.
Until he has to.
this is an older fic!! baby me was in awe. this was the first wing fic i ever read, and i loved the entire concept here. insanely cool. the worldbuilding was dope and lance's guilt and self-loathing just made so much sense, you really get wrapped up in the emotions of the story.
3. True Affection Floats by @somethingaboutwriting
Under the sea, Lance dreams of living in the human world, disobeying his sister Allura's rules left and right. On land, Keith is tired of his royal life in which nothing ever happens. That is, until his ship wrecks and he is rescued by a mysterious boy with white hair and bright blue eyes.
A fluffy little(ish) fic about two hopelessly oblivious boys falling in love in a Disney universe. What could go wrong?
ARIEL AU ARIEL AU ARIEL AU. sometimes u just have to take a disney movie and make it gay. sometimes u just need that in ur life
4. Son of the (Very Alien) Sea by @phoenixyfriend
In which everything is the same, except Lance was born on the mermaid planet.
(And Blue was left there, too.)
i'm obsessed with this one. it's my fave of the bunch. the entire concept is so cool, and you can tell how much thought went into the fic! i would read seven novels in this universe, the entire premise fascinates me. also, if i remember correctly, this is in hunk's pov and as per usual hunk's pov is elite. oh AND its got like trans everyone, its great!! first thing u should read on this list fr.
cute pieces:
5. it's not enchanted without you by @adelfie
He rolls his shoulders back and shifts into his wolf form. He’s all dark fur and lupine when he raises his head again. Like this, he can match Lance’s height — head to tail. Not that it’s a competition. But still.
-- In an enchanted forest, wolf shifter Keith and merperson Lance are best friends. They're not supposed to be.
(Or, a cute kid fic in which Keith and Lance both have swishy tails and Shiro is Strict™)
okay this fic will rot ur teeth its so cute and sweet. yes its a little sad, especially at the end, but mostly u just want to squish their cheeks. the little wagon just as a concept was ADORABLE.
6. Part of Your World by @floranna
Keith sat at the dock, glaring at the water, wearing only his speedos. It was a bright, warm, and sunny day, with slight enough of a breeze to keep the worst of the heat away. Not like Keith cared or anything like that, of course, but…
Everything spelled that it should have been a beautiful, wonderful day, full of wonderful memories, if only that sharp-toothed half fish would actually show up!
all hail monstertron! i love mer fics where the mer is like. not human at all. pleases me greatly. this one is short and fluffy and most importantly lance has very sharp teeth
everything is the same except lance is secretly a mermaid:
7. Space Bears Aren't Cool by @angstyzebra
When one of his team members is in danger, Lance might have to give up his secret to save them.
He really should have thought this through more.
i will always always always be obsessed with fics where everything is the same except lance is secretly a mermaid. theres just something so chefs kiss about it. its always so fun and dramatic
8. sullen as a sunken ship (and twice as cold) by heyhoneybird
In which Lance Mclain is a merperson, and he'd really like to keep that fact under wraps, thanks.
He's not going to, obviously.
my dumb dumb self read this before i realised it was abandoned and got super invested lol so im inflicting it on u all. come suffer with me and be sad that it is no more
9. Just Keep Swimming by @sevansa
Shiro thinks Lance is hiding something big, he was right. Except, it really wasn't what he expected it to be. // Or the one in which Shiro worries and Lance is totally not a fish.
lance and shiro fic!! im always a hound for fics that explore their relationship, and this one does p well! this is a very early vld fic as well if i recall correctly
10. Catch of the Day by @caeseria-k [EXPLICIT]
Keith returns from a hunting trip with a courting gift for his lover, Lance. Instead of the greeting he expected, he finds Lance asleep in his hammock, in human form, laid out like an unsuspecting but extremely desirable feast. Keith figures he might as well get a taste...
[a.k.a. the one where Keith sucks Lance's cock while he's lying in a hammock, and then fucks him with his mer cock on the beach ;) ]
caeseria is always a fun read, and this fic in particular is so descriptive that u cant not imagine it lol. definitely an interesting read!!
11. Courting, Kidnapping, Same Difference by GemmaRose [EXPLICIT]
Lance stared for another second, then two, then dropped his head and slammed his forehead into the floor, breaking the ice there. “Why is this my life.” he groaned.
“I’m- sorry?” the dragon stepped closer, and Lance tilted his head to actually get a proper look at it.
“It’s fine, it’s fine.” he sighed, lifting his head to rest in the palm of one hand. “Just, figures that out of everyone I know, I’m the one who gets hit on by a dumbass dragon.”
despite what the title may imply, this one is hilarious. to sum it up with my bookmark notes: lance is so funny he gets kidnapped and two minutes later is like “hey. wanna fuck” truly a bisexual icon
12. Waves by @sanazyung [EXPLICIT]
“I haven’t seen you in a week, I’m stuck with my stupid family while you’re off at your friend’s beach volleyball tournament, you leave me after the most amazing dirty talk I’ve ever heard in my life and all you can talk about when you see me again is my fucking face?”
Hunk winced, smiling sheepishly as he took a hand from Lance’s back to run it through his own hair.
“I’m sorry,” he made puppy-dog eyes at Lance. “Forgive me? Your face is just so pretty manamea.”
Lance felt red dust his cheeks once again, and tried to shake himself out of it. It wasn’t fair that he was the hottest piece of tail under the sea but in Hunk’s arms he turned to mush.
hance! lowkey miss when hance was more popular in the fandom, bc its a lot of fun. best friends to lovers, babey. always hits. this fic in partocular is established relatioship and smutty banter :))
shameless self-plug:
13. Land or Sea, I've Got the Power (If I Just Believe) by me :DD
“You’re a fish,” Keith breathes after several minutes of stunned silence. Lance can’t help the haughty snoot, as ridiculous as he knows he’s being. “Half fish,” he corrects. “I am still very much half god of sexy. You know what, I don’t even have this thing —” he flips his tail, causing Keith to jump, which makes Lance smirk despite himself and the situation — “all the time, so technically I’m only a quarter fish. An eighth, maybe.” “Why the fuck are you a fish?!” --- OR: When Lance touches water, he turns into a mermaid. He does everything he can to keep that to himself -- it's just easier for everyone. What happens when Keith finds out?
im real proud of this one!! it features my fave trope (everything is the same except lance is secretly a mermaid) and dumbass klance banter. enjoy!!
okay i hope that was enough mer lance recs for u!! send any particular trope requests my way bc organising shit like this tickles my brain like u would not believe. its the big girl equivalent of sorting blades of grass by length and colour at recess
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aro-paladin-pidge · 1 year
So, yesterday (I think) I posted about some vague ideas I had for what might have happened if the Galra had found Blue pre-canon, right? So I just had an absolute brainwave last night, and now this is a full-fledged au.
A little while ago, I made this post about how bad the character motivations in Voltron were (long story short, only 1 of the 5 paladins’ motivations worked for the plot) and I’ve been contemplating ways the show writers could’ve fixed this (for Lance and Hunk in particular) for quite a while and yesterday’s post fixes goddamn everything.
So, the empire gets the Blue Lion. For plausibility’s sake, I’m going to stretch the date on this way back to ~200 years pre-canon, let’s say after World War 3 (yes World War 3 canonically happened at some point, blink-and-you’ll-miss-it line from Season 7), which could possibly be around the 2100s (no concrete dates are given, so I’m just going off what feels right). The Galra conquer Earth, have Blue for long enough that Haggar/the Druids figure out some way to measure a person’s quintessence for similarities with the Blue Lion, and this quintessence-testing process goes into effect across the universe as the Galra attempt to find a blue paladin.
Eventually, Lance is born, and when he’s 13-14 years old (my best guess for when the Garrison would start taking students, based on real-life military academies and the Season 7 Keith flashbacks) he enrolls in the Garrison, (A Galra-controlled military school in this au) and as part of his physical for entry, they take some of his quintessence, as has been standard policy for the last few decades. They run some tests on it, compare it to Blue’s, and it’s similar enough that he could be a paladin.
So, based on what Allura says in s1e1 about the Lions choosing their paladins based on personality + how Red makes Keith prove himself before choosing him, despite their assumedly compatible quintessence, it’s clear that the lions choose based on two factors: similar quintessence (which seems like the minimum requirement, they HAVE to have similar enough quintessence to make a bond possible) and personality (personal criteria, aka why they choose someone to be a paladin. If the criteria are initially met, but then the paladin changes, like with Zarkon, a Lion can revoke their bond in favor of a better suited paladin. This shit is fascinating, imma write a post on it at some point) but, all this to say that the Galra would probably take Lance to wherever they’re keeping Blue, probably in that giant Central Command ship.
Blue obviously chooses Lance as her paladin, so the Galra basically kidnap him and force him to like, fly Blue for them. Lance is a decent person, so he doesn’t want to, but since the Galra control Earth in this au, they use his family as leverage to force him to. So, for the ~3 years until canon, Lance is a paladin/prisoner of the Galra, so he gets experience as a paladin, actual information about the modern Empire, and a motivation to fight them!
On earth, things would proceed mostly as they do in canon. I’d imagine Keith would know about his Galra heritage and probably have spent some time with the Blade/his mom, but she probably would lose track of him after his dad dies, so he’d still end up with Shiro, as in canon.
Shiro would be a Galra soldier in this au, a talented graduate of the Garrison that maybe has some doubts about the Galra’s mission. He’s assigned to fly a research mission to Kerberos with some scientists (including Matt and Sam, but not just them) and while he’s there, the team comes across something they’re not supposed to, like an Altean ruin or something, idk, this part’s not completely ironed out. So the team disappears, Kerberos mission is scrapped and chalked up to pilot error, and Shiro is sent to the Gladiator pits where he learns the truth about the empire.
Pidge enlists in the Garrison late, as a communications cadet, in order to spy on the Galra and figure out what happened to their family. I’d imagine that they pretty quickly figure out just how bad the empire is after their family goes mission, so they’re a bit of an anti-imperial activist.
Hunk stays mostly the same because he’s already an excellent character that deserved so much better. He and Pidge are placed on the same team with like, James or someone as their pilot. Since James is a jerk, Hunk bonds with Pidge over their shared nerdiness, and when Pidge eventually tells him about how evil the Galra really are, he decides to work with Pidge to find their family and maybe to fight the empire.
When canon hits, the Blade has the same motivation as they do in the show-to get Blue out of the Galra’s hands. Ulaz finds Lance, and eventually convinces him to defect from the empire, promising that the Blade will get his family out of harm’s way. He stages Shiro’s escape as a cover for Lance’s defection, and implants the coordinates for the Blade’s base in Shiro’s hand, telling them to input those coordinates once they’re sure the Galra can’t track them. They both escape on the Blue Lion, but Lance doesn’t really trust these people he’s met, like, twice, so they decide to go back to earth to make sure that his family is actually safe.
On earth, things go bad, because the Blue Lion is 1. Extremely noticeable and distinctive 2. Widely known as the most powerful ship in the Galra arsenal and 3. Was just involved in a major prison breakout. Yikes. Shiro and Lance are ambushed by Galra soldiers the instant they hit ground, resulting in a very big, public battle.
Keith, who is not a weird desert hermit, as Blue is no longer calling out to him and keeping him in the middle of nowhere, sees it on, like, the news or smth, immediately recognizes Shiro, and, just like in canon, rushes in to rescue him. Pidge and Hunk, back at the Garrison, realize that that’s Shiro, who disappeared with Pidge’s family a year ago. They rush out to find him, and all of the paladins meet up in Cuba, right in time for another big battle where they learn how to work together. They manage to defeat the Galra, but more reinforcements are coming, so they decide to get the hell out of dodge and get to the Blade headquarters.
Unfortunately, the Galra send a giant fleet after them, resulting in a huge, destructive battle, and Blue is forced to flee through a wormhole, sending them to, surprise surprise, Arus. Cue the rest of the series, but with paladins who have actual motivation to form Voltron and fight the Galra, characters who have worked together before, and someone who knows how to fly the Lions.
I do have another version of this au, which I think is way more interesting, both plotwise and characterwise, but it would dramatically upend the status quo of the story, change pretty much everything about the power scaling and overall stakes of the series, so I’m not sure about it. I’ll outline it briefly here.
Basically, the Galra Empire has to have some pretty great propaganda, right? I mean, they’re an incredibly oppressive, authoritarian empire that has had absolute control over the universe for 10,000 years, there’s no way that happened without excellent propaganda. So, what if Lance, who is 13 years old and signs up to be a Galra soldier at the Garrison in this au, is actually convinced by the Galra that he’s doing something good by serving the Galra? Idk how Shiro would get out of the gladiator rings here-maybe the Blade instigates a prisoner revolt, and Ulaz recognizes Shiro as the guy who’s most likely to survive, and gives him the coordinates bc of that-but he gets back to earth, finds Keith, Pidge, Hunk, and maybe even Adam, and they get to the blade headquarters, find the Red Lion, and get to Arus from there. This would make Lance a kind of villain for the first few seasons, and make the paladins unable to form Voltron, which I think would be fascinating, but would kinda necessitate an entire rewrite. This is where the ‘No Blue AU’ name came from, since the other one does have Blue in it. Maybe I’ll call that one ‘Yes Blue AU’.
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Let's Rewind! Toast watches Voltron: Defender of The Universe (1984)
Season 1, Episode 43: Voltron Frees the Slaves Season 1, Episode 44: Voltron vs. Voltron
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Episode 43: Voltron Frees the Slaves Do I recognize this episode name? I think so
Allura - tries to be positive, Hunk - immediately pessimistic Like I fully agree with hunk here don't get me wrong but cmon man enjoy the peace for a bit like Keith said
"Lotor you are my son, may I be forgiven, and some day you will be king, may the evil gods help the planet. I have a special assignment to see if you could prove worthy of the throne" LMAO ZARKON ISN'T EVEN HIDING HIS DISDAIN FOR HIS OWN SON ANYMORE, I LOVE HIM FOR THAT
Idk why zarkon keeps trusting Lotor with destroying Voltron, like dude do you not remember the last 42 episodes lmao
oh I don't recognize this episode, was I wrong? I kind of know the looks of these characters, weird also a girl died in front of her lover by missile strike and ofc that was censored, but it was a funny one because we get no context as to why the guy just starts sobbing
Have other planets been named after Zarkon after being taken over? Why is this one just now being called Zarkonia
is Voltron a universe wide legend then? I know that's probably obvious by now, but it's still wild to hear, and believable honestly since our cultures share the same stories in the same ways
well these kids are stupid if they think they can take lotor hostage, like itll probably work because its dotu and everything goes in their favor but still
I definitely recognize this episode now, I just don't know the plot like I thought I did
"this is a man's work!" kill die maim I know that was them trying to be brave and then setting up the only girl there to fight them on it to help to show she's strong but ugh
aand immediately the plan gets fucked because haggar's cat spies on them, if one of those kids doesn't die ill be disappointed
even better they're used as hostages, though that's gonna go south for lotor real fast
im sorry no launch sequence for the team? i guess they were saving money this episode at least the team knows it's a trap and is prepared for it
animation error, the little girl's dress is the same blue as her brother's, but it goes back to an off-white when it zooms out
"That mighty robot will be desTROYED" Lotor has no patience for kids confirmed
"Voltron doesn't know the gravity of the situation, but I do!" Lotor stop using good puns to trick people into thinking actually funny, you may be a clown, but you sure aren't the kind that makes people laugh
DID THEY NUKE THE KIDS WHEN THE TEAM CAME BY? THAT IS SUCH A WILD TURN FROM "CHANGING GRAVITY TO SLOW DOWN VOLTRON FOR THE ROBEAST TO GET HIM" they're all alive though fucking somehow because everyone merged into this weird orb thing
nobody remembers a goddamn thing about how it happened
sorry hold on, were the kids trapped on a whole different planet? This is why we need context good god now that they're saved the team is going to actually free the real planet
this robeast just looks like a regular mech again, what happened to the monster designs I liked those a lot
was that dodge a jojo reference
voltron has been automatically calibrating their weapon fire this whole time?? I feel like the team should be rusty after that because it's been a while since they became a team
does voltron have a retractable mace as a weapon, what the actual fuck why don't we see these cool weapons more often
oh a classic scene, one strike from each opponent where one gets hurt but one truly loses of course voltron wins because he pulled out blazing sword
the fight scenes this time around for voltron v robeast was actually pretty cool, I was more invested in it than I thought I'd be
these kids wanna be part of the vf huh? Inch resting ideas are coming to me the planet name is Bravura by the by
/episode end
Episode 44: Voltron vs Voltron Now this one I know FOR SURE
i love when episodes open with zarkon complaining, he's such a mood
Haggar's cat is just a full-time nark isn't he
"I provided a glamorous touch by darkening the circles under his eyes!" Haggar turned Voltron emo by giving him black eyeliner
Pidge I know fighting in a giant robot is cool, but I don't think it's good to WANT to fight lotor every time you visit a new planet the implications are implicating
honestly I totally forgot they came to planet Yadyl already, but it's nice to see SOME consistency in the show for once
why is it always children who recognize something is wrong, like I get that nobody would see that the robeast this time is a voltron dupe but why is it only the kid who's like "hmmm why does voltron have an escort with him??"
i think my gif this time around will be of the kid weirdly digging in the sand to leave voltron an early warning LMAO
I know the team is forming voltron to go to yadyl and properly celebrate with them, but it's still wild to see that voltron comes out even when there's no emergency
this other kid KNOWS it should be the governor who's answering the transmission from voltron, did he assume that someone else answered for him or is lotors impression of the guy just THAT good
team - sees people staring at voltron in fear keith: no people- HEY THERE'S AN ARMED ROBOT, THE SOS WAS RIGHT, EYE BEAM AND THEN HE PROCEEDS TO BLOW UP THE ENTIRE TOWN WHEN THERE LITERALLY WERE CIVILIANS how is the team not getting more bad will from some other planets like how hard is it to have a planet go rogue on them for not thinking their actions through
lotor why are you running INTO THE EXPLODING TURRETS I'm on zarkon's side here, you should be dead dude
animation error, dupetrons leg went from blue to yellow after sand blew on it but then went back to blue in the next cut
the chest on dupetron just turned into the drule skull symbol, haggar really did make him goth LMAO
oh man this thing really is getting to voltron, we haven't seen the blazing sword formation get interrupted before
Keith how did you know the signals were getting picked up, i can't just feed into the belief that this man is some tactical genius without some SUBSTANCE
its just some dude in dupetron,, also which they'd say that beforehand so i wouldnt assume it's a robeast and when it's really an overly complicated mech
WHY DO THEY KEEP SAYING RED LION IS HUNK, LANCE PILOTS RED LION ASSHOLES KNOW YOUR GODDAMN BASICS MY GOODNESS also who knew that voltron could detach his arms and then the arms can act as their own units WHILE STILL BEING ABLE TO FORM BLAZING SWORD, insanity
i changed my mind i know what i want to be the cover gif for this episode sidnvois
/episode end
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So, bad news. I wrote the part 2 of the tattoo parlor AU, and had it saved. But because I’m an idiot, I somehow managed to crap that up. And now apparently it is now deleted from my drafts. How I managed that is beyond me. I’ll rewrite it and post it either tomorrow or on the weekend. I sorry my loves! I did write something else quick though. This is just gonna be a whole lot of me loving Taylor Swift.
(Inspired by Taylor Swift’s “delicate” or one of the remixes of it)
Keith is a very well-rounded emo. He fits every expectation of the stereotype.
But that doesn’t mean he isn’t a soft baby on the inside.
Every weekend, or what they estimate is the weekend based on weird space time zones, he and Shiro have a music night.
It’s surprising how many hit Earth pop songs have made their way across the universe.
Apparently Taylor Swift is a queen even on planets light years away from her home planet.
Keith will never admit it aloud, but he is weak for Taylor.
Normally he would prefer MCR or 21 pilots, but he can’t resist singing along to her albums.
Seriously. Is it possible to dislike Taylor? I should hope not.
That means that Lance inevitably joins in. Because at the end of the day, he is a Swifty. (She still can’t beat female Spanglish singers. Those girls slay on a whole different level.)
When Shiro goes missing, Keith is left with a huge gap to fill in his chest.
The only thing that keeps him from murdering everyone in sight is his music nights with Lance. Lance can clearly tell that Keith needs it, because he regularly invites Keith into his room for pop songs and face masks.
They form an unspoken deal like that. Keith listens to Lance sing at the top of his lungs-and even joins in sometimes- and Lance offers him a shoulder to lean on when Keith’s being beaten down by the world.
When Shiro is back, the nights spent together happen more often than not. Shiro stops joining them, and his dismissive attitude towards Lance means that Lance is spending more time finding comfort in Keith’s warm voice, even if Keith has no idea why He is so upset.
They relationship is based entirely on trust. They believe in each other more than ANYONE else EVER.
That is just proven when Lance goes on to date Allura, and Keith keeps on supporting him.
When Allura dies, Lance can’t help but go to Keith for comfort.
One morning after Keith has just slept over at Lance’s home, he finds a junniberry flower on his windowsill.
Maybe Allura is trying to give him a sign. A sign to chase after a second chance when it appears.
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squirefire · 1 year
CHAPTER 1 - cr: orphan_account on ao3
Keith woke up thinking he would have a relaxing, perfect day for once. He felt cleansed, Lance being away for a week really calmed things down for Keith. But that had also made it boring.
So, with Lance back from his cousins wedding, Keith would have someone to annoy again. And that would be perfect.
He turned on his phone, turning on his MCR playlist and quickly skimming through the messages from the Voltron group chat. Luckily, he was able to find an important message in the barrage of memes.
BlackSpacePrincess: Hey, can you guys meet me @ my place after school tomorrow??? We need to talk
Allura was the most unproblematic person Keith knew, if she did fuck up, it couldn't have been that bad, right?
He stopped thinking about it and headed to school. And he just couldn't wait to see his rival again. He would never admit it, but Keith had always been just a little bit gay for Lance. Like, have you ever seen that pointy chinned, child??? That's the most attractive little shit that Keith had ever known.
Even though Lance was extremely annoying, he still lowkey loved that asshat.
So, Keith went to school, thinking about his most favorite dumbass.
The day went by faster then normal, most likely from the anticipation of what news Allura had to give out.
And the time came to head over to her house, although it was more like a mansion, everyone headed there.
They met Allura in the living room, where she and Coran sat. She looked up and smile as they entered, her and Coran getting up to allow them to sit down on the couches.
She put her hands together, smiling slightly as she cleared her throat. "Hello everyone. I need your help with something."
"Alright, everyone else can go then, I can help Allura out with my big di-" Shiro punched Lance in the arm, thankfully stopping him from saying what would have proabaly gotten himself killed.
"Anyway…" Allura continued, sending a short glare to Lance, "I may, or may not have entered all of us in a dance competition…" Everyone stared at her for a moment, disbelief settling in.
"What. Did you do Allura?" Pidge questioned, lowering her glasses. "I mean, you're joking, right?"
Allura sighed "Sadly not. The competition is in a week, and I can't go back on my word. I'm sorry."
"I can't dance! I don't have a single flexible bone in my body! I-I'll just look like a beached whale tying to get back to the ocean!" Hunk exclaimed, standing up from the couch. "You can't expect me to do this."
"Jesus Christ…" Keith spoke lowering his head into his hands, generally terrified by the the new information. "I had faith… and this… is what happens"
Lance was the only one who looked generally happy about the news. He gets to twerk and dab in front of at least one hundred people. It was his life dream, his one true goal. It was probably some of the best news he's gotten in his life.
"Come on guys, the sooner we get this done, the sooner the competition will pass and then we can all be done with this." Shiro said rising from the couch, waiting for the rest to soon join him.
They groaned picking up their bags, and followed Allura to the amphitheater so they could practice.
"Alright! We need to learn your dancing abilities. So, show us what you've got." Coran said, clapping his hands together.
Shiro was honestly the only one who didn't look like dying donkey. Hunk had no idea what he was doing, Pidge was trying to do the robot, and Lance was twerking. On Keith.
And Keith kept trying to escape, but there was non.
"I swear to fuck if you don't stop twerking on me, I'll up chuck on you're ugly ass!" Keith screeched, still trying to shove the ass of Lance away from him.
Lance giggled, continuing to grind on his best rival friend. "Hahaha, why don't ya try me bitch!"
Oh, and how Keith would try.
He stripped off his gloves and jacket, causing Lance to be confused. But even through the confusion, Lance kept grinding.
Keith ran over to his backpack, taking out a big ass liter of Coke Cola, and started chugging it.
Why he had a liter of Coke in his backpack, you may ask??? So that way he could throw up on Lance at any given moment.
Everyone stared as at him. When almost half of the soda was gone, Keith moved the bottle away from his mouth, allowing him town to breath, and then continued.
With the bottle almost gone, he stopped drinking, turning his attention to Lance, who was a few yards away.
And Keith started to run towards his significant annoyance.
He felt like his body was doused in gasoline, lit on fire and hit by truck. But none of that would stop him.
Lance, understanding how much danger he was actually in, started running away. But alas, it was too late. Keith tackled him to the ground, and began to throw up.
Keith could hear Lance groan and gag as he tried to not lay in the vomit of Keith.
When Keith had finished, he rolled off of Lance to the right side of him. "So worth it." He mumbled. Keith then proceeded to sit up, and notice the fact that everyone was staring at him in disgust.
"You two boys go and wash up! The rest of us will discuss the competition." Coran said with a weak smile.
When the boys retuned, the rest of voltron was sitting in a circle in the grass.
"Ahh there you are. Let's get you shits updated, shall we?" Allura said cheerfully, the two boys joining in the circle. "There's three different segments to the competition; one is a freestyle group dance, one is a themed group dance, which is hip hop and one is a two person ball room dancing."
Pidge decided to continue where Allura had left off. "You two fucks are gonna dance together."
Keith basically chocked on air, Lance was going into complete denial. He had to do ball room dancing??? With the kid who just threw up on him. No way in a fucking quiznak would he do that.
"What!??!?! Why can't I dance with Hunk?!?!??" He scoffed, looking at his bro "How could you."
Hunk put his hand against his check, his face in shock at the audacity that the beaty eyed child had. "It was a majority dude, I was out numbered."
Lance was about objectify more, but Shiro beat him too it. "Look, I understand you guys might not like it, but it might just make you guys become better friends."
Lance groaned, turning his attention back to Keith.
Keith at the moment was barely breathing. The thought of even being close enough to Lance to smell his axe cologne made him sick, but to be that close, even in a suggestively romantic way, made him want to die.
Maybe it was the fact that he was like, a quarter gay for that dork and getting close would be too much for him to handle. Maybe it was the thought of Keith getting close enough to Lance to feel his breath against his skin. His fingers interlocked with his own. His arms being around Keith's waist.
Maybe it were those simple thoughts that made it hard for Keith to breathe.
He felt his face get heat up, but he turned to meet Lance's gaze, which honestly didn't help at all.
Keith shrugged, rolling his eyes. "Whatever I guess, so long as I never have to be that close to this asshat ever again."
Lance puffed his cheeks, glaring at his new dance partner.
"Alright then, shall we dance?"
Voltron: Legendary Defender
Keith/Lance (Voltron)Hunk/Shay (Voltron)
Keith (Voltron)Hunk (Voltron)Shay (Voltron)Lance (Voltron)Shiro (Voltron)Pidge | Katie HoltAllura (Voltron)Coran (Voltron)
Additional Tags:
trans!shaygenderfluid!Pidgevoltron dance auassumed depressionAbuseChild Abuse
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im-smart-i-swear · 1 year
Do you think Shiro will ever meet the Funky Guys?? What would their reaction towards each other would be?
oh, they definetly meet eachother! i have a few ideas on how this happens(some more serious than others), but it definetly happens after the war is over(im not sure how excatly stuff goes down but galra lost and allura lives... and haggar is alive too cause Buddy and the others deserve to yell at her)
first im gonna quickly explain how they get off that planet: so basically Eenek(the galran kid)'s parent(dad?) thought they died in a "terrible accident" years ago, but after the war ended he went there in hopes he'll recover the body. he WAS NOT expecting to find his child alive and taken care of by a bunch of strange people who look susiciously like that black paladin guy.... but he agrees to take them all out of here and lets them live on his ship!(im skipping over so much stuff here) he knows who they are and doesnt give a shit cause they saved Eenek.
when Shiro and The Guys meet, theyve been living a relatively normal life for like a year or two already, hiding their origins and trying to assimilate into society. theyre doing great! ....... shiro isnt.
he feels out of place, hes been trough hell and really didnt expect to live trough it all, but he did and he has a long life ahead of him, so he should be happy, right? everyone else is moving on, his friends all have someone to lean on, but adam's dead and we never see shiros family(maybe they appear in the last two seasons? i havent watched them), so hes alone. hes stuck in the past, hes stuck as The Black Paladin Of Voltron, but no one needs voltron anymore except for parades and signing autographs.
and then, somehow, shiro meets these other versions of him, and they all moved on and made a new life for themselves..... he envies them, but he also wants to learn how they did it. he knows theyre not really him, and hes happy for them, he really is, they achieved something he cant - but its definetly bittersweet.
they all react diffrently to meeting shiro(oh god this is gonna be so long)
tashi feels like hes not living up to shiros greatness. he saved the universe, for fucks sake! if they have the same genes, then why cant he be such a good leader? what is wrong with him? is he broken?(he isnt!!! hes just fucking stupid sometimes) but he also sees how much shiro struggles and wants to help(maybe he sees him as family?)..... even if its awkward
soup knows exactly what shit shiro's been trough and she has a lot of respect for him. she treats him a bit like an old friend. shiro was a bit weary of her at first beacuse she can be very menacing, but its really comforting to both of them to finally have someone whos been trough the same hell. and of course she showed him her rock collection
buddy wants to hate shiro. he(they? ive been playing w/ the idea of buddy using they/he) spent years distancing themself from voltron as a whole and painstakingly building a new life, and now the manifestation of their past is just standing there- buddy doesnt really see shiro as a person(oh, the irony), just as a ghost, a shadow of what they used to be, and it feels awful.
i havent really talked about pal(placeholder name why is naming characters so hard) yet but he i think he feels similiar to both soup and buddy, since he remembers a lot from his time with the galra but also was an early 'prototype', so seeing the thing he was supposed to be makes him uneasy. hes overall shy and nervous so i think in the beggining he just silently stared at shiro for a really long time.
the fact taks(placeholder name, goddamnit) is trans makes her very uncomfortable with shiro. hes nice and friendly, especially to her and the other kids(taka, eenek and to a lesser extent pal, who is a lot younger than the other adults), but he is who she thought she was for a while(like buddy!) and its not great for her gender dysphoria. also, seeing someone so similiar to her family and yet so other doesnt help
taka(placeholder name-) grew up listening to buddys stories about voltron and he heavily idolises shiro. for him being a clone is cool - who wouldnt want to be related to the great Takashi Shirogane? shiro sees this 11 year old kid who has his whole life ahead of him and it reminds him why he became a paladin in the first place - so kids like taka will have happier lives, so they dont have to go trough what he had to. i think its safe to say taka aquired a cool new uncle that day
jesus fuck this was a lot, and im pretty sure theres more somewhere in my brain, but thats enough for now
thanks for the ask! you really opened pandora's box with this one!
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dnightshade0 · 1 year
Voltron reincarnation AU: Ancient Egyptian mummy lance (aka Sekhmet)
If you like this, leave a comment and/or send feedback.
In this AU, lance is the reincarnation of an ancient Egyptian street urchin named “Sekhmet”
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These pics are Sekhmet as a reanimated mummy. Yeah I know, he doesn’t look all decayed and dead looking for a mummy. That’s because my version is meant to look something similar to the mummy from the movie “night at the museum”. I wanted lance to still look like lance (in all his handsome glory lol)
Though the in story reason is because of the blue lion. You see, when Sekhmet died, the blue lion used her mysterious power to “preserve” his body so that it never decays.
The reason why he becomes a reanimated mummy is a bit of a long story 😓
Taking place at the time when team voltron returns to earth to find it invaded by galra, the team is in the middle of a fight when a ziforge cannon powers up to attack Keith in his lion. Lance notices the oncoming blast and at the last moment knocks Keith out of the path of the beam (like the selfless self sacrificing guy lance is. And much like what lance did for Allura at the omega shield. You can see where this is going. 😖) the blast hits lance instead and because of the intensity of the cannon, it vaporizes lance (just like what happened to shiro in the fight with zarkon)
The team is devastated at the loss of their blue paladin and are forced to jump right into another battle without getting any time to morn.
Though while the other paladins are heading into a fight, the blue lion takes Allura elsewhere. Everyone including Allura is confused as to why the blue lion is flying off in a seemingly random direction. Though in time Allura discovers that the lion has a destination in mind. Egypt…
The blue lion lands at the entrance of an old unusual temple in the shape of a lion. (a sphinx)
Allura is then given mental instructions from her lion to go into the temple and when inside the anti-chamber, she is instructed to open the sarcophagus and take the mummy inside. Allura is put off at the idea of handling a corpse at first but does as instructed and they both return to the garrison with the mummy.
The team is just as confused as Allura is, not understanding why the blue lion would want to raid an ancient tomb to steal a corpse.
The red lion then sends Keith mental instructions. Keith doesn’t know what to think but does as red asks. He takes out his marmora blade and cuts away the wrappings on the mummy’s face.
Everyone is shocked upon what they see… they expect to see a rotted dried out face. What they didn’t expect to see is lance’s face… lance’s very much not rotting dead face.
After this, the red and blue lion reveal to Allura what they want her to do with the body.
Apparently, much like what black did with shiro, the red lion saved lance’s consciousness inside it. And they wanted Allura to do what she did with shiro and his clone. They wanted Allura to put lance’s consciousness into the mummy.
And she did.
When she was done, the mummy opened his eyes and sat up as if he just woke up looking around in confusion.
The rest of the team immediately surrounded him in a big group hug, so glad to have lance back.
But he just looked at them and asked who they all were…
As it turns out, when Allura put lance’s consciousness into Sekhmet’s body, she ended up bring lance back AS Sekhmet!
So for a while they spend time learning the identity of this mummy doppelgänger and who he is while also trying to figure out how to get lance back.
As a mummy, Sekhmet’s powers include regeneration and the ability to turn into a swarm of scarabs.
His weapon of choice is an Egyptian lance which I can’t find the name for but have a picture of.
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Click this link To read the first part of my voltron mummy AU short story that reveals Sekhmet origin.
-> Voltron reincarnation AU <-
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vultruntrash · 3 months
The Plan
Hey, yo, been a hot minute eh?
Me? Hyperfixations and work. Not Voltron related.
What IS Voltron related, however, is some ideas I've been having.
I still have all of my research notes from back during the binge sessions, as well as the timeline and canon event logs. Still waiting on the dvd release for seasons 7 and 8, but at this point, I'm just assuming that's not going to happen; which makes me sad because dvd releases would have more goodies to look through (And I like my dvd goodies)
So, what's The Plan?
I haven't gotten anything in a document yet, they're all still disjointed scenes floating around in my head. It's essentially a rewrite. A script, moreover, honouring the showrunner's ultimate decisions in the series and justifying them with character growth and development. With some notable changes. And some expanded explanations of included elements.
Zarkon still dies. The first time. The Robo-version is a corpse puppet.
Allura and Lance still end up together. And it's believable.
Shiro still retires. And gets together with whatshisbucket, but doesn't marry yet.
Keith still comes into his own as a leader.
Lance grows as a Second, and starts taking others, and himself, more seriously.
Pidge is still a gremlin and Hunk is still a cinnamon roll.
Some of the more notable changes I'm planning out are actually some of the more important instances of the series that I feel could have been handled much better than they had been.
Allura's apology, for one, is an actual apology; and is moved to much later in the series to after Shiro's disappearance. It's a quiet moment, with nothing on the line, and most importantly it's something she does on her own.
Keith's decision to leave Voltron to work with the Blades of Marmora is related to how weird Kuron is acting. Keith knows something is up, but he doesn't know what, but he DOES know that he's more likely to find out working with the Blades. The private conversation with Lance is still originally Lance wanting to give up being a Paladin, but becomes Keith revealing his suspicions and asking Lance to watch over everyone and keep them safe while he's gone.
The Zarkon Fight at the end of season one has more thematic appropriateness, added to later when the team is attempting to get back to earth as soon as possible and go one that "vision quest" to unlock ftl travel. The 'fight your predecessor' scenes are going to be added in as the Paladins are being submitted to a final trial before officially achieving full control of their lions.
Adding on to that, the fight at the end with Haggar is not a multiverse-traversing mess, but a "battle in the center of the mind" that ultimately ends with Allura sealing herself and Haggar together until one of them is defeated. This is done with the knowledge that, regardless of who wins, there's not really a way to escape.
Spoiler alert: Allura wins. And escapes. And finds her way to the Paladins somehow. How? Something something Altean Magic, idk.
The final change I wanted to talk about is at the very end of the series. When the Lions reactivate and leave the planet, the Paladins are piloting this time. This is to symbolize that, though the conflict is over, their job is still not done. They've earned their place as the Paladins of Voltron, and in doing so have vowed to defend the universe from any that wish to harm it's inhabitants.
So, it's a lot, right? It's a lot.
I make no promises if or when anything will be written, but after seeing the reblog about how quickly it came and went, it makes a little more sense why things were the way they were and it continues to leave a bad taste in my mouth to know that. So I wanted to share the plans I've been very slowly chipping away at for a while now. I've got enough on my plate between work, my comic, my other fics, and commissions, that Voltron hasn't really been a priority.
I'll try to start writing things down and post snippets now and then, but do bear in mind that this isn't a full fic, or a narrative, or a webcomic. It's a script. Written with the full intention of taking pre-existing clips and rearranging them to match. Complete with scene calls, expression and read notations, and a sound track.
So forgive me for being reluctant to want to dive right in
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belphegor1982 · 5 months
hehehe I am rubbing my lil hands together gleefully and i am here to ask after "Underture" and/or the Ghosts AU, because I'd love to see how you've expanded on it since I last heard about it!
Then you shall have both!
I haven't got much further into the Ghosts AU, except to figure out how the titular ghosts died - some got murdered, some died by accident, some from natural (if way too early) causes - and also which ones retain some kind of power/impact on the living world, to some respect (ie. everyone but Grog and the twins).
Also, I figured a "modern day" era would be 1496 Post Divergence in this universe. The VM timeline happens around 812PD; Greyskull Keep was built for them around that time, and I had Grog haunt the place before that. So if I do manage to make something out of it, here's the dates of everyone's death/arrival at the keep:
787 PD: Grog (-709)
1097 PD: Pike (-399)
1176 PD: Scanlan (-320)
1288 PD: Vex & Vax (-208)
1343 PD: Tiberius (-153)
1383 PD: Keyleth (-113)
1415 PD: Percy (-81)
1496 PD: Allura & Kima move into the keep
Also, I'm keeping their races, lifespan and all, and toying with the idea that some races have gone... not extinct, but rarer by the time the 1400s roll on. We'll see!
As for Underture, it's strictly The Legend of Vox Machina, set pre-canon, when everyone has realised they work well together but before the most hard-headed realise that they actually care about the other chucklefucks. (they do. They absolutely do but some of them are too used to rely on themselves/their twin to see that yet 💜)
So the premise is Vax and Scanlan falling into a deep mine shaft and trying to make their way back to the surface; meanwhile (/three days earlier - each "Vax and Scanlan" chapter is followed by a "how we got there" chapter), Vox Machina is hired to send a message to a miner/look into his disappearance. Shenanigans ensue! (hopefully :D) It's too early for ships, but there are hints to Perc'ahlia, Vaxleth and (of course) Pikelan ^^
Here's a little exchange from the second Vax and Scanlan chapter! Since in the stream Vex's and Vax's original character sheets mention "low-light vision (carry over from Pathfinder)" while both Scanlan and Pike get the whole 60 feet of Darkvision, I had Vax have trouble seeing in complete darkness. Which leads to this:
“So you really can’t see for shit?”
“Yes I can,” retorted Vax. “Just not clearly. Everything further than a yard starts to blur together and I can’t really see where I’m stepping. But I can keep up.”
“Sure you can. That’s why you keep hanging back, to look at the scenery.”
“Maybe I do! Someone’s got to check what the walls are made of to see how close we are to the exit!”
“Oh yeah? In that case, how many fingers?”
“Three,” Vax snapped back, flipping the double bird in answer to Scanlan’s own raised middle finger. Damn. Either the el—the half-elf did see better in the dark than Scanlan gave him credit for or he was starting to know him too well.
Scanlan let his hand fall and rolled his eyes.
“Look, you don’t need to get your panties in a knot. I can see better than you at the moment, so the way I see it there’s only one way you won’t fall behind and get lost.” He walked back to Vax and thrust out his hand with a grin large enough to be obvious even in the dark. “Wanna hold hands?”
Vax stared down at him for three full seconds. Scanlan didn’t lower his hand, but his smile fell.
“Oh gods, you’re not one of those people, are you?”
Vax didn’t go as rigid and dangerous as he’d had at the elf thing, but it was close.
“What kind of people?”
“You know, the morons who think that holding hands with a dude is somehow gonna knock points off their manly man card. Or manly half-elf, as it were.”
Something flashed over Vax’s face too quickly for Scanlan to interpret and he let out a strangled laugh.
“I have held hands with a man before, Scanlan.”
“Oh, good.”
“Many not as many times as you must have, but my manly half-elf card has seen some good use in its time.”
Scanlan grinned at the insinuation. “All right.”
In practice, the mechanics of efficient half-elf/gnome hand-holding took some time to figure out, due to Vax’s hand being approximately a third larger than Scanlan’s. In the end, Scanlan wrapped his whole hand around the three last fingers of Vax’s, and off they went, Vax making an effort to walk in Scanlan’s footsteps and Scanlan purposely slowing down his pace.
Once they had set a good rhythm Scanlan looked up at Vax.
“Just to be clear, you’re saying you’re into guys, right?”
Vax snorted.
“I’m a lot less picky than that. It’s pretty much fifty-fifty for me. Opposite gender and all the rest. I just don’t like to make it as obvious as you.”
Opposite gender I had figured, thought Scanlan, the way you fumble like a schoolboy when Keyleth has her special beaming Oh hey, Vax smile on.
But – in a very wise move, he thought – he made no such comment out loud. “Hey, when you want it you gotta flaunt it.”
“Not sure that’s how the saying goes.”
“You know what I mean. How’s the other person supposed to guess you’re into them if you don’t show it?” Scanlan paused. “Did people give you a hard time about it growing up or something?”
He felt Vax’s fingers twitch slightly. Boy, the guy needed to learn how not to display his emotions on his freaking sleeve like that. It was liable to get him fleeced at cards, for one thing.
“Well… not exactly? It’s like… Vex and I being half-elves was bad enough that it overshadowed everything else. Compared to that, I didn’t come across that many people who gave a damn about who I took to bed.”
“But there were a few, yeah.”
Scanlan shook his head.
“Man, that’s so weird. Imagine caring what’s in people’s pants. Or giving other people shit about things like that.”
“I know,” said Vax forcefully with – if Scanlan was starting to know him at all – a scathing eye roll. “I mean, hot is hot, right?”
“Exactly. People have weird hang-ups, man.”
“They sure do.”
And maybe smiling like a couple of idiots did nothing in the long run to help them find their way back to sunlight, but it didn’t exactly not help, either.
My boys 🥰 They'll get there eventually ^^
The "elf thing" is Scanlan mistakenly (innocently) referring to Vax earlier as an elf and Vax correcting him immediately in a way that makes it obvious even to Scanlan that it's Important. Hence the quick self-correction. I'm 15k words into the story and I really really hope I can finish it! 🤞
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akihikosanada · 1 year
starting strong with this..........for better or for worse i watched the first three seasons or something but i'll be honest i did not like it/bored me a lot which means i forgot most of it 😭 anyways here we GO! will focus more on whatever the hell happens after that though which is all bad
group of teens fight aliens(? with their tiger-shaped mechas. keith was an alien(? and lance and allura date(? also there was something happening with pidge's brother who was there i think ? anyways thats from what i remember. at some point shiro's hair turns all white which for all i know correlates with him dating men. i think he gets tortured or something? and i guess they end up winning against that alien empire but they kill allura in the process and the prince too???? from the evil guys who wasn't that bad i think. no idea if by this point shiro still has a husband or if he died too. from what i remember of the posts over here klance isn't canon either which is why fans made that spinoff or something ex vld fans probably know what i mean. anyways i have zero idea how it ended other the character deaths i'll be honest i wanted them to stop fighting and go back to earth all i could think of was what their acquaintances over there thought of them disappearing all of a sudden
send me an ask about a fandom i know nothing about and i will summarize it as best as i can
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biqherosix · 3 years
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ohh how about lance and keith with an s/o who has elemental powers!! (i’ve always had this idea in the back of my head but i cannot write so i’m requesting it 😌✨)
oceana terra - headcanons
(voltron legendary defender — romantic! keith kogane x waterbender! reader; romantic! lance x earthbender! reader)
if a world with a giant robot as the universe's strongest weapon exists, there's bound to be a part of that universe where element bending also exists
cw / bloodbending
a/n — uh hi :) for once, i have nothing to say other than i miss keith akira kogane and lance mcclain. space bfs for the win ! oh and also the lance mcclain portion of my personality analysis advice column is in the works anon !! but anyway, the bending shown is loosely based off atla / tlok, so enjoy mwah !
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this angsty boy has such a fiery personality (him, zuko, and mako are the holy red trope trinity and you can fight me on it) that it's the literal law (my law, you can reference all my atla / tlok fics for that later lmao) that he end up with someone opposite his elemental vibe thus ending up with a waterbender
but your powers are a little more broad, so any liquid also ends up in your spectrum to bend
the plot twist is that you grew up thinking you were a human, enrolling in the galaxy garrison completely unaware you weren't human at all, instead a rare species of bender the galra yearn to destroy
you always wondered why you were always so attracted to any vast body of liquid despite being trained as a fighter pilot
but it all made sense when allura explained it to you since you weren't a paladin but "made for greater things" and keith took a really long time to process it
he didn't know if it was because of the actual news or because you immediately made a water pun upon finding out (lance who? and sokka? we don't know them we only know y/n l/n in this household)
keith doesn't treat you any differently, but you lowkey have to work up to the amount of trust you had from pre-voltron events
it's just a big deal for you and you don't really know how to deal with it, and on top of that keith just has an existential crisis since he liked you because you were so familiar and then they drop the waterbending bomb on him
but y'all get through it after lance annoys him enough bc his banter makes him miss you (for payback you freeze lance's cups of water during breakfast)
omg pidge keeping up with the earth calendar in space and you make it snow in the castle on christmas !!!
also epic pool fights >>> expect the pool to turn into a water park
anyway back to the regularly scheduled headcanons
imagine keith being touch starved, it gets worse bc you feel as though he shouldn't hold your hand or you'll accidentally hurt him or something (this boy just needs to be protected someone give him a hug, cause it ain't gonna be me)
you compromise with tapping each other's hands or loose pinkies interwined (ohh just wait till you bloodbend)
your relationship is definitely spontaneous, hot headed, and badass af !!! with an emphasis on competitive
and i mean competitive, the vibe just goes through the roof after discovering your powers
y'all would always fight for the top grades in your crew bc you were baby and you wanted to make shiro proud but y'all took it to a whole other level in space
choose your fighter: a beginning waterbender who's being trained by an ancient altean or a fast learner who happens to wield a sword?? my bet is on the fast learner (everyone has bets on who wins between y'all, it's a weekly match at this point)
my mind immediately going to angst oop- okay keith has been through a lot okay, his mom left, his dad died, shiro was previously announced dead, and now you're a waterbender who can manipulate the water in one's body
however allura didn't think to inform you of mf bloodbending, so it came off as a shock when you did it upon being captured in season seven and zethrid and ezor had pidge
you shut down, and it was so hard to talk to you even if you shared a space in the black lion with keith (jeez poor krolia having to hear that confrontation)
but when you let it out, keith is right there and he tells you of the times he's been scared of himself whenever his galran side pops out sometimes
and he tells you how he's going to be there with you and that at least y'all will finally have some familiarity being back on earth (jokes on you-)
it's a big step though because keith vocalizing things is a rarity but he's also a simp for you and he'd do anything to make you feel better
especially after he left for the blades so if anything he's just making up for lost time
this boy has had feelings for you since the minute he met you and thinks the whole universe of you
they had found you in a galra prison during a simple recon mission, which then turned into saving you, as the rumors of the galra finding rare benders and exploiting them for their power turned out to be true
well they didn't actually have to save you, you mocked one of the guards enough to have them let you go and you wrecked them with the surrounding metal in the room
lance had been the one to come and retrieve you, to which you weren't expecting the paladins to find you anytime soon so it surprised you when you were met with a laser gun to your head, and suddenly he was pinned in metal
he may have enjoyed that a little too much and wanted to kiss you right then and there, having literal heart eyes at your intense glare, and as per usual shiro had to come to the rescue
but since you were a high risk prisoner due to your powers, the paladins thought it would be safer if you stayed with them until you could go into hiding (which means once sam holt is found, you're headed to earth because you look human enough and you could help make earth believe in alien life)
which meant spending more time with lance !!
okay but lance has always been for having a badass powerful significant other wbk, so it's no surprise y'all ended up together
he says your bending makes the relationship more fun and thrilling (he just has a type okay)
and his sparring sessions are actually challenging for once
but also y'all just work well together, two peas in a pod, two people sharing one braincell, the like
y'all do self care nights !!! and y'all happen to be quite the explorers so occasionally on foreign planets you'll find stones, turning them into crystals with your bending
lance was so in awe that there's always a pack of stones waiting for you in your room, and you've amounted to so many little crystals that you make jewelry together
it can be a separate date on its own or something to pass the time while wearing face masks
the first thing he made were matching bracelets, it was pretty cute
but when he's sad he'll just pull up to your room, pull out the space crystals (you totally have a stash of self care products for when lance isn't ready to leave your room) and make jewelry for his family as an homage to them
he'll ramble on and on about them, stopping abruptly to be able to string the tiny crystals along into a bracelet or when he needs utmost concentration
but you listen wholeheartedly, contributing to the abundance of bracelets and other trinkets in hopes they'll like them too
it's a small gesture, but for lance that's enough (and that's when he realizes he loves you)
when you inevitably leave for earth, he gets sad because you'll have to be experiencing earth without him, but thinks it's a perfect time to give you the promise ring with a special crystal he managed to find without you
he finally tells you he loves you and promises to see you back on earth (he got a little carried away and made you a video for earth too for days you missed him, however you accidentally gave it to his family and they immediately took you in as their own; especially veronica who took you under her wing as you venture the garrison together)
aw and when you and lance reunite it's the cutest thing he has a mf heart attack
granted you hug keith first bc he didn't necessarily have anyone to come home to and he was family considering y'all are lowkey alike, and you ramble about how you jumpstarted and metalbended a train with veronica when lance just pulls you into a kiss like bro i missed you
the mcclain family cheers him on bc their baby is here alive and thriving but keith is like ugh ew gross
but everything is almost back to normal bc you and lance are together again and that is all that matters !!!
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Rewriting Haggar/Honerva’s redemption arc
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One of the many things that bothered me about VLD S8 is Honerva’s redemption arc. While I was never fully against the idea of Honerva getting a redemption arc, I just didn’t want VLD to do it because I knew that they would fuck it up if they tried. And low and behold, I was right!
But yeah, I wasn’t against the idea of her being redeemed. And I don’t mean “redeemed” as in “all is forgiven and she’s just a good guy now,” but more like a Darth Vader, “the things she did were inexcusable and she would never be able to right all her wrongs but she goes out on one good act to show that there was still good in her deep down and she at least had the potential to change.”
I know a lot of people don’t like the whole, “redemption=death” thing, which I understand, but I personally never had a problem with it.
Ok, so why didn’t Honerva’s redemption work? Well there are a few reasons but the one that baffles me the most is that, instead of trying to make her more sympathetic, season 8 seemed to go out of its way to show her being more evil and vile than ever.
And because I have nothing better to do, I’m gonna go through Honerva’s story in VLD and explain what I would change to make her redemption more believable.
(Keep in mind I am not a writer, this is just me ranting about my favorite character and how I personally would’ve written her.)
1. Realizing she’s Altean
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I always thought it’s was weird that when Allura said “you’re...Altean!?” In the S2 finale, Haggar didn’t seem to react at all, she just kept attacking. It’s as if she didn’t care or already knew, which doesn’t make sense considering in the S3 finale and S8E2 it’s established that Haggar has no memory of who she was before she died. And in S4E3 she seems shocked by her Altean face (which also doesn’t make sense because her blue skin isn’t camouflage that’s just how she looks after the rift) so it seems like she didn’t know.
Wouldn’t it have made more sence if after Allura said “you’re...Altean!?” Honerva looked confused/shocked? If she became defensive and said Allura was lying/trying to insult her? There’s def anti-Altean propaganda in the empire so it would be considered an insult.
After that she starts questioning Zarkon. And when she looks into his mind, it’s out of genuine curiosity and desire to know the truth, not because, “the empire needs him” or whatever that meant.
And isn’t it a bit odd that she doesn’t seem betrayed at all when she finds out Zarkon has been keeping all this from her? She’s just like, “oh, you’re my husband? Cool.” Wtf???
2. Her past relationship with Zarkon
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Okay, I love Zonerva, but if we’re being honest, Zarkon was not the best husband. He enabled the shit out of Honerva, even when it was obvious that the rift was doing serious damage to her physical and mental health. To me, it seems like Zarkon was so blinded by the power the rift gave him that he didn’t realize/ignored the negative effect it was having on Honerva. In the same way he downplayed the negative impact the rift had on the planet.
I think that should’ve been explored more. Maybe Honerva notices that she’s been acting differently and is worried somethings wrong (think S5 Kuron). And Honerva tries to tell Zarkon that she feels strange and Zarkon just brushes it off.
And later, when Alfor visits Diaibazaal years later. Things are pretty much the same except when we sees Honerva, she is very obviously pregnant and Alfor’s there when Honerva falls and goes into labor (instead of a random quintessence seizure). Alfor and many Galran doctors try their best to save her and the baby but she dies in childbirth.
Zarkon goes ballistic. He’s yelling, throwing doctors across the room, and Alfor turns to the doctor holding Lotor and tells them to get the baby to safely, fearing Zarkon will take his grief out on the baby.
Zarkon turns on Alfor, blaming him for Honerva’s death and accusing him of letting her die so that he could get his way and close the rift. He lunges Alfor and roars at him to leave.
He spends the rest of the night grieving at Honerva’s bedside, when Kova jumps on the bed and starts gnawing on her finger trying to wake her up. This is what gives him the idea to bring her back with quintessence.
3. Her current relationship with Zarkon
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I think it’s pretty safe to say that they’re relationship didn’t get better after the war began. Zarkon hid her identity and her child from her for 10,000 years and essentially used her as a tool of war. It’s pretty fucked up.
I know it’s pretty well established that Zarkon treats Haggar with more respect than his other underlings, but I feel like it would be interesting to see that change overtime. We see that after Voltron comes back, Zarkon becomes very obsessed with Voltron/Black, and he and Haggar start disagreeing more and more.
Remember the moment where one of Haggar’s druids told Zarkon Haggar said he needed to rest and Zarkon hit them with his bayard and told them, “remember who your master is”? What if, instead of a random druid, it was Haggar who he hit?
I feel like that would be a good way to show Haggar and the audience just how much Zarkon’s obsession with Voltron is affecting him, and make the audience feel a tiny bit bad for her.
Then later in season 4, when Zarkon wakes up from his coma and finds out Haggar brought Lotor back to take his place he gets pissed. He puts a price on Lotor’s head and has Haggar arrested for treason. She steals a ship, escapes, and later on meets up with Lotor’s generals.
Her and Zarkon are officially broken up and her quest to reclaim her identity and get her son back begins.
4. Oriande
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I never liked the concept of chosen/sacred Alteans. The idea that some Alteans are just born more powerful than others just feels iffy. My idea of Oriande is that it’s an Altean holly land, any Altean can enter it just depends on whether or not you can pass the White Lion’s trial. Passing the trial proves that your intentions are pure and and the White Lion will bless you with power.
I didn’t like how Honerva seemed to force her way into Oriande, I think it would be more effective if she had gone through normally because, at this point, her intentions were pure. She was going there to purge herself of the dark magic corrupting her and reclaim her memories so she could go get her son back.
I also like the idea that Oriande is a sorta link to the Altean after life, and you can speak with people you’ve lost. Allura gets to speak with Alfor, and Honerva speaks with her mother.
You could also have her be confronted by the spirits of the Alteans she helped destroy. Have the weight of her past actions bear down on her. An important part of any redemption arc is acknowledging the terrible shit you’ve done in the past, and that was severely lacking in Honerva’s arc.
Another interesting thing you could do is have Honerva talk to her younger self. The one that died 10,000 years ago. This kinda thing actually happened in 80s Voltron, young Haggar appearing in Haggar’s head trying to convince her to be good again.
5. Her relationship with Lotor
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Now this is where the redemption arc really falls apart. I forget who, but one of the writers said after S5 that Haggar/Honerva was motivated purely by love for her son, but man did they do a bad job of showing that.
And it would’ve been so easy to fix that problem, just have her not be horrible to him. Have them have actual civil conversations, have her protect and defend him. Don’t have her reject him as a fucking baby!
Imagine if, after Zarkon destroys Lotor’s planet, instead of immediately deciding to
exile him, Zarkon says that this is the final straw and he’s going to have Lotor executed. But Haggar speaks up to defend Him. There’s actually a scene in DOTU where Zarkon tries to kill Lotor and Haggar gets on her knees and begs for him to be spared. (Though the scene was mostly played for laughs.)
she asks for mercy and justifies it by saying it would be unwise to kill his only heir. It’s a weak argument, Lotor’s a half breed and couldn’t realistically take the throne, but Zarkon does concede, he still loves her after all, and has Lotor exiled.
And Haggar isn’t spying on him because she doesn’t trust him, but because she’s concerned for him. When Lotor confronts Haggar about sending her cronies after him, she says she knows he’s hiding something. Lotor asks if she’s threatening him, thinking she’s going to rat him out, but she says no, she’s not threatening him, she’s just trying to warn him against doing anything stupid because, with Zarkon seemingly on his death bed, the empire needs Lotor’s leadership.
At this point in the story, Haggar is questioning her loyalty to Zarkon, so I feel like it would make sense for her to be silently supporting Lotor from the shadows.
Then at the Kral Zera in season 5, It was weird to me how she was helping Lotor through Kuron while also telling him he couldn’t be emperor and trying to put Sendak on the throne. I feel like it would’ve made more sense for Sendak to just show up on his own without Haggar.
Haggar wouldn’t even be at the Kral Zera, she would just watch through Kuron.
And then we get to S6 when she actually reveals to Lotor that she’s his mom. This scene was just so poorly done. She never actually apologizes to him, she’s just like “yeah I forgot you were my kid and I never loved you, but were cool now right?” I remember when I saw S8E2 and it shows her after Lotor rejects her and she looks like she’s about to cry, I was just thinking, “this would be very emotional and sad IF she had actually apologized and made it clear that she genuinely loved him.” But she didn’t and I don’t know why!
And then we get to season 8, and of course everything in S8 is bad but Honerva’s story is particularly bad. She’s supposed to be motivated by love for Lotor yet she doesn’t act like she actually cares about him at all.
She manipulates his corpse and when she sees his gross melted body, she doesn’t even react that much. When a mother sees her child’s mutilated corpse, how do you think she reacts? Screaming? Crying?? Hurling??? But no. She’s just like, “...”
And then when she goes to the alternate reality and meets baby Lotor and he rejects her, her reaction isn’t disappointment or sadness, it’s anger and entitlement. She immediately decides, “ok, fuck this kid. Let’s destroy this reality.”
It just doesn’t make sense! This is the season you’re trying to REDEEM her! Why are you going out of your way to make her so vile?
6. Her S7-S8 plan
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(Keep in mind I haven’t watched S7/S8 since they came out and barely even watched S8 to begin with, so I don’t remember some things and I can’t be bothered to rewatch them.)
Okay, starting with S7, she’s not in this season at all but in “The Ruins” the druid dude says that her final order was to hunt and destroy the Blade of Marmora. I guess it makes a certain amount of sense because she saw that it was Keith who brought Lotor’s actions to light, but that whole plot was really pointless in my opinion. (Was anybody really hoping for a rematch between Keith and that one random druid?)
If you want us to forgive Honerva for her crimes, you really shouldn’t keep adding more unnecessary crimes. It’s established that there were a lot of Galra war lords vying for power and pirates looking for money, just have it be that Kolivan got kidnapped by one of them.
Then you have her season 8 plan and I’m gonna be real with y’all, I have no idea how to fix this mess.
I feel like the basics of her plan could work. She tries to get Lotor and Sincline out of the rift but when she gets him he’s a melted corpse so the plan then becomes to use sincline to go to another reality to find a living Lotor, but opening all these rifts causes problems and the paladins have to stop her.
But all the shit with manipulating the colony Alteans, killing the White Lion, desecrating Oriande, and destroying Olkarion and entire realities, it was all so unnecessary.
Personally I would cut the colony Alteans from the story all together, there are other ways for Lotor to betray the team. It was a lazy way of making Lotor 100% evil and having Honerva manipulate them is unnecessarily cruel, especially in the season you’re trying to redeem her.
Here’s a very basic outline of how I would do this plot.
If we’re going by season 8’s logic that she needs a sacrifice to bring back Sincline, I would’ve had the Galra she killed at the Kral Zera be the sacrifice, not the White Lion. She stands on the pyramid and talks about how the empire stole her life from her and she wants revenge as she absorbs their quintessence into herself and then uses that to bring back Sincline.
Then when she finds Lotor dead she takes Sincline and uses it to go to another reality where she can be with her family.
The danger comes when she opens rifts to the other realities and rift creatures start coming out and causing damage. The paladins fight them and follow her into the rift to stop whatever evil plan she may have. Because the paladins don’t know that Haggar is now Honerva and all this is just to get Lotor back. They think this is all some plan for multiverse domination or some shit.
Meanwhile Honerva has just been rejected by little Lotor and seeing Voltron show up pushes her over the edge and they fight.
But when they find out the real reason she’s doing all this they start trying to appeal to her and convince her to give up and close the rift peacefully. And similarly to how the paladins had to sacrifice the castle to close the rifts created by the fight with Lotor, Honerva has to sacrifice herself to close the rifts.
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In the end, I feel like a Honerva redemption arc could’ve worked if the writers were actually competent and actually made an effort to have her be sympathetic, but In canon, her reasoning, “If I can’t indulge in the simple joys of life, why should anybody else?” just doesn’t cut it.
It’s disappointing. VLD had so much potential. I’m thinking of just rewriting the entire series from the beginning. Hopefully putting all my thoughts out into the universe will help me move on.
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mythandtruth · 2 years
Voltron theories
Dark entity
The dark entity from the VLD universe is one of the most mysterious, crucial, yet most overlooked elements of the story. In Season three, we learn that this entity was the reason why the war happened. But still, this little character just appears and disappears after that, and its role seems unimportant or even misplaced.
In season eight and through other seasons it briefly appeared for a few moments and then again disappeared. In season eight it looked like this entity would become one of the most important Antagonists again, but once again we were tricked and the entity simply disappeared. We definitely got the backstory of the entity in season eight when "Lotor" said it was a being older than life itself. For conversation sake let’s say that this entity is technically the "Devil" in this universe. So Quintessence is a light energy, or at least somehow these two Types of energy came together and created realities.
I want two realities that are not dark and light. It just shapes from time. People are complex and with that so we swore and those who are part of it. it would have been an interesting idea and philosophy if they explained a little bit about this entity And it's perfect (which was supposed to be the main key of the story) but as I said it was just a side character, forgotten after the story was told.
One thing I noticed about this entity, and I still am not sure if it is canon or not, is that the entity has a different effect on each person it is attached to. I also believe that it has something to do with what their last talk was or what their strongest and weakest points in life were.
In order to prove that let's begin with the first person who was affected.
I believe the first victim of the entity was the Honerva. Like I said in my previous theory, I believe she wanted a child, but was unable to give birth to it or had multiple miscarriages because of biological problems. Honerva was able to see how dangerous the creature was, and maybe at some point decided to ignore it and to try to do other types of experiments with Quintessence.
After some years of not being able to give birth to a child and having multiple miscarriages, she was desperate. She was ready to do anything in order to save or even deliver a healthy son. At that point, she was very weak and the entity began to whisper in her ear in a similar manner to what he did to Allura in season eight, promising power for one simple request: get inside her body.
By doing so, she became possessed and slowly turned from a strong, intelligent woman into desperation and paranoia. All this time, she was carrying the entity in her body, not knowing what the consequences could be. Just like people usually make a deal with the Devil, there is a possibility that the entity promised her a healthy child, but it was unable to keep the promise. What's inside of her body at the end? It's beginning to whisper to her that she needs more and more contestants in order to fulfill her wish. At some point, Honerva became pregnant, and while feeding the entity, she was also feeding her own child with quintessence. By doing so, she poisoned her own child because the baby, even though I'm fused with the entity, could not really stand all the contestants it was getting. Or maybe it was just a Golem, a biology from my previous theory, Honerva, being so desperate, listened to the monster and even manipulated her husband to go to the quintessence field. By doing so, the monster inside of it was able to gain enough quintessence to become stronger. I believe it was even able to call for the rest of its pack, as we saw in season three. But by doing so, it killed Honerva and Zarkon. I believe the baby Lotor survived that trip to the quintessence field. He never died, but since he was conceived with the entity already present, he was in a way immune to it.
The entity made the final touch then. While Honerva was "dead", the entity researched her past in order to understand what her weakness was, and it found it. It was her son. Her desire to have a child was one thing that was keeping her alive and holding her to the edge of her sanity. But if the child was gone, she had no reason to live. That's what the entity did; it severed the connection between mother and child, making her forget all of the feelings and all of the things she did for us, her one and only child.
The Second Step was easy. It was to corrupt Zarkon. And that was very easy. It is very obvious from the first moment that Zarkon loved his wife very much, he wanted a son to but I think he always believed that no matter what even if they lose a child they still have each other. I believe so because his character did seem like that. But after many years of losing children and finally having a true I hope that his child has survived he Embrace that Hope. When The Entity " killed" the king it was easy to sever his Connection.
By erasing "Honerva" and her feelings for her son, Zarkon was already won over. In season five we see that he says " can you save the child?" as his child was the only thing that was important, and straight after that he said " take it away" like the child was nothing, just a pebble on the side of the road. Why such a change? It is simple because his connection to the child was Already gone. The only thing he loved, the only thing he cared about was Honerva and she was gone. King trying to save his son was actually his desperate attempt to bring her back by using the child she wanted so much. But after it was proven that she had no feelings for her son, his own son became nothing more but an obstacle in his life.
Just like he said in season eight. Until Zarkon realized that the queen was truly gone, he still had purpose for his son. These things show that both of them were trying to stay connected to their lives even while being corrupted to the bone.
The third person who was technically corrupted by this entity was Lotor. We have no proof of that except that his marks are different than what he should have had. During season 8, we see that being corrupted by this entity can change the shape of the marks, and Lotor's being born with deformed marks shows that he was born with the entity already inside. But I also believe that he was partially an entity. As I already said, she was connected to the entity from the time he was conceived, so he grew up with it. It was part of his DNA, and it wasn't possible for him to ignore it. This does not change what he did, or the fact that what he did was completely his fault. It simply helped him to make "wrong" decisions in his life. But I believe if Allura at least tried to save him, she might be able to. But she did not know what was happening. Maybe not even the prince was able to realize what was happening to him. After all, he never truly knew the story about his parents. All he knew was that Zarkon hated him for no reason and that, in the past, his mother was a good woman.
The fourth person who was corrupted was, of course, Allura. She was corrupted in season 8, and it happened by her own will. I believe because of that, she had some kind of control over it. The second part of why she had control is because she was Corrupted by only one small piece of this entity. She wasn't corrupted by the full flock of it. By doing so Allura was able to control it, until we reached the point when she met with the one person she could not forgive. As I said in my first theory about Allura’s trauma. She put all the faults of what happened in the past to one person - Zarkon and by doing so she was unable to forgive him or even to try to see the possibility that he didn't do it on purpose. Her hate, her desire to destroy one person who she once cared for and trust was fully out. But because she already had the power of Oriande inside of herself she was able to keep control. It can also be that she kept the control because she was surrounded by people she loved, even by her father who she tells she Had lost. But I'm not fully sure about this Theory. Because I'm sure about Zarkon, Honerva and Lotor, I am unsure about Allura. The answer to something worked differently but her but I said it might be because she had some kind of control over it. It is also possible that the small doses entity cannot fully corrupt you, but simply whisper to you and encourage your negative emotions. Similarly how it is to Honerva in season 3 and with Lotor.
The final victims were Alteans. And just like Allura they had a lot of control over what they were doing. It's possible they feel simply feeding on their fears and hate and it was done with their consent .That was the reason why they committed such a terrible things and brought so many bad decisions. At least I hope so. Because if that was not true then I have another theory about Alteans not being so nice.
All in all, this entity was supposed to be the main character, and was supposed to be the main threat. And since we know there is space between spaces, AKA the quintessence field, that is full of it. I expected it to be a fantastic antagonist who could never be truly defeated, but it turned out to be just a convenient character.
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