every-tome · 9 months
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banyun-gong · 6 months
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れいか @shanti_reika
🍸北新地Shanti 大阪市北区堂島1丁目2-27オーシャンビル201 @club_shanti0824 🤍週5~6出勤
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ateliermandaline · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Doll Head Porcelain 2 1/2” Fibre Craft Vintage Deadstock Blond Blue Eyes .
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orcelito · 2 years
oh yeah
discacc is officially the 4th longest akeshu fic on ao3
im going to be screaming now
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pesterloglog · 5 months
Vriska Serket, Meenah Peixes
Act 6, page 7688-7690
(VRISKA): You know, I've got to say.
(VRISKA): I've really turned around on horses.
(VRISKA): Horses.
(VRISKA): I used to h8 them.
(VRISKA): Remem8er?
(VRISKA): I developed this weird superstition a8out them, a8out how they're cursed or something, and when they're around, they can only lead to 8ad things happening.
(VRISKA): Don't you remem8er how I was going on and on a8out that a while ago, at the amusement park?
MEENAH: guess so
(VRISKA): 8ut we've 8een hanging around them a while now, and everything's 8een fine.
(VRISKA): More than fine, actually!
(VRISKA): So yeah, horses are ok in my 8ook.
(VRISKA): What do you think, Meenah?
MEENAH: aboat what
(VRISKA): Horses!!!!!!!!
MEENAH: ummmm
MEENAH: they ok
MEENAH: kinda dumb and smelly
MEENAH: be makin like
MEENAH: fucked up sounds out their big ass snouts an floppy lips
(VRISKA): Yeah.
(VRISKA): Reminds me of the weird sounds that used to come from my neigh8or's hive at weird hours of the night.
MEENAH: the fuck
(VRISKA): Don't even ask, 8ecause I don't know.
(VRISKA): So enough a8out stupid animals, whose presence have no rational explan8tion anyway.
(VRISKA): What do you want to do today?
MEENAH: today?
(VRISKA): Yeah!
MEENAH: there is no today
(VRISKA): You know what I mean!
(VRISKA): Within the am8iguous timeframe that would loosely correl8 with a single rot8tion of a planet.
(VRISKA): Any ideas?
(VRISKA): Come on!
(VRISKA): We can't just spend all our "days" hanging out in this idyllic, 8izarrely paletted cliffscape with all these stinking idiot quadrupeds.
(VRISKA): We should go exploring some more 8u88les!
MEENAH: we explored an awful lot already
MEENAH: aint they sorta all the same by now
(VRISKA): I mean, roughly speaking, yeah. They're all ar8itrary memory collages I guess.
(VRISKA): 8ut there's always something new to see every time.
(VRISKA): Whose ridiculous memory will we visit next????????
(VRISKA): Like, some nutty version of Kanaya who 8ecame a god tier in some totally ludicrous version of our session?
(VRISKA): Or may8e a version of John who never even played the game at all? May8e he went outside to look for the game, and his fatherly lusus 8acked over him with his car?
(VRISKA): Or what a8out your friends? They're always fun!
(VRISKA): Like Nepeta's ancestor... the deaf one? She's a riot! Plus she has a fascin8tingly dark history which her memories always seem to hint at.
(VRISKA): Or Eridan's douchier clone. I KNOW you have a gr8 time whenever you get the chance to own him.
(VRISKA): So what do you say?
MEENAH: i dunno
(VRISKA): 8ut you seem kinda 8ored! If you're 8ored, doesn't it make sense to get out and try to have fun?
MEENAH: not reely
(VRISKA): 8ut...
(VRISKA): Why?
MEENAH: cause it doesnt sound that fun
MEENAH: just sounds like the same shit as always
MEENAH: like
MEENAH: exactly like dreams
(VRISKA): Dreams?
MEENAH: they ARE dream bubbles after all
(VRISKA): Yeah.
(VRISKA): 8ut... I don't...
MEENAH: dreams are also like a crazy fantasy ride full of fake shit that makes no sense
MEENAH: its a great time in theory
MEENAH: and i guess when youre younger its fun
MEENAH: maybe you even look forward to sleepin
MEENAH: to see what the great mr sandclam has in store for you next
MEENAH: but after sweeps and sweeps of dreamin
MEENAH: you get used to it
MEENAH: its just the same bogus crap yer stupid brain is just shuffling up and serving you again and again
MEENAH: so you stop paying attention and just ride out your sleep
MEENAH: then get back to business in the real world like a legit person with cool plans
(VRISKA): Huh.
(VRISKA): I don't think I've had the same experience, honestly.
(VRISKA): Sounds like kind of a 8ummer, to look at dreaming that way.
(VRISKA): I always liked dreaming! I mean, unless they were awful dreams, which was... fairly often.
(VRISKA): 8ut I'd never say I really got 8ored of them.
MEENAH: yeah well
MEENAH: you are uh
MEENAH: a bit younger than me
(VRISKA): I am?
(VRISKA): Yeah, I guess so. I never thought a8out it!
MEENAH: then again
MEENAH: we fuschia ladies
MEENAH: we sorta have to get used to being around people younger than us over our full lives
MEENAH: like
MEENAH: much younger 38\
MEENAH: or at least id have to if i was actually alive
(VRISKA): I guess you're right a8out that too.
(VRISKA): That's pretty fucked up to think a8out, actually. That if you were alive, you'd have to deal with existing nearly forever.
(VRISKA): Almost as fucked up as the fact that you have to exist nearly forever while dead, too!
(VRISKA): Hey.
(VRISKA): Are you ok?
(VRISKA): You seem really down.
MEENAH: no im cool
(VRISKA): Are you sure?
MEENAH: maybe not
MEENAH: dont matter
(VRISKA): What's wrong?
MEENAH: nofin
(VRISKA): Argh!
(VRISKA): You know you can talk to me, right?
MEENAH: yeah
(VRISKA): So tell me!
MEENAH: i dunno whats wrong
MEENAH: id tell you if i knew
(VRISKA): Are you depressed?
MEENAH: shrug
(VRISKA): It sounds to me like you may 8e depressed a8out something.
(VRISKA): Or just... in general?
MEENAH: i dont knooooow
MEENAH: damn fishska
(VRISKA): Hey, it's ok to 8e depressed.
(VRISKA): I think just 8ecause you're dead, that doesn't necessarily let you off the hook from having psychological pro8lems.
(VRISKA): I'm pretty sure I proved that to myself on more than one occasion already. :::;)
MEENAH: yeaaah
(VRISKA): So talk to me! May8e I can help!
MEENAH: yergh
(VRISKA): What's the 8ig deal?
MEENAH: i dooont
(VRISKA): Sigh. Meenah...
MEENAH: wut??
MEENAH: im not good at
MEENAH: like
MEENAH: talkin
MEENAH: about me
(VRISKA): That's all you ever talk a8out!
MEENAH: no i mean
MEENAH: in a non aggrandizing way
VRISKA: *Cough.*
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chickenlizard13 · 1 year
Stay Right Here
Pairing: Ominis Gaunt x Reader (gender neutral)
Word Count: 7689
Warnings: Fluff, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Mature 18+, Graphic Depictions of Violence
Description: Part 3 of All You've Done and Let Me See. You don't have to have read All You've Done, but you do need to have read Let Me See. Anyway, takes place directly after Let Me See.
Someone was pounding at your door. Squinting your eyes open, you peer through the curtains at the pink and purple sky, the sun just starting to rise. The pounding stops abruptly, and you assume whomever it was had left, deciding to try again later. Shoving your face back into the crook of Ominis’s neck, you close your eyes once more. His arms squeeze you unconsciously, groaning a bit in his sleep as he cuddles you closer. 
You’re only given a few moments of tranquil peace before the knocking starts up again, startling you into awareness. Sighing, you relish the feel of Ominis’s bare skin a second more, eventually detangling yourself from him and getting up. Swiping his discarded shirt from the night before, you button it clumsily, unconcerned with being presentable for your visitor. 
Trudging downstairs, you walk slowly toward the front door, griping to yourself under your breath. What could someone possibly need this early? Opening the door, you rub the sleep out of your eyes before looking at the figures before you. Sebastian and Anne stood on your doorstep, grinning like fools, delighted by your disgruntled face. “What are you two doing here?”
Sebastian scoffed, rolling his eyes at you. “What do you mean ‘What are we doing here’? You’re getting married.” 
Your sleep addled brain took a bit to process his words, furrowing your brow in confusion as you observed Anne’s giddy smile. “...Today?”
Anne chuckled. “That’s what Ominis’s letter said. Did he forget to propose?”
Shaking your head, you glance back and forth between them, noting the bag Anne carried. “I thought he was joking.” 
You heard an offended noise come from over your shoulder, Ominis walking up behind you, already dressed and fiddling with his cufflinks. “I would never joke about marrying you.” 
“Not about marrying me, you silly man, about marrying me today. How are you already dressed? You were dead asleep two minutes ago.” 
Finally satisfied with his cufflinks, Ominis places a hand on your waist, kissing your head in greeting. “Well, darling, I used a little something called ma- Is this my shirt?”
Ominis stops talking abruptly, feeling the fabric between his fingers as a light blush dusts his cheeks. “Are you- What else are you wearing?” 
Ominis looks scandalized at your lack of clothing, placing himself in front of you, blocking Anne and Sebastian’s view. “Why would you answer the door like this?!” 
Rolling your eyes, you peek out at your friends. “My love, it’s just Sebastian and Anne, nothing to worry about.” 
Ominis scoffed at you, baffled by your carefree attitude. “Darling, what if it hadn’t been Anne and Sebastian? You’re practically naked!” 
“And who’s fault is that?” Your tone is flat, eyebrows raised in accusation. Ominis sputters at you, ears growing red in embarrassment. 
Anne and Sebastian watched the two of you bicker, glancing at each other knowingly. “Merlin, they’re so in love.”
“It’s a bit disgusting, isn’t it?”
“Do you think this is their version of foreplay?” 
“I don’t particularly want to find out. Anyway! Should we get this show on the road?” Sebastian pushes past the two of you, waltzing right into your house uninvited. Grabbing the bag from Anne, Sebastian places it on your dining room table, calling to his sister over his shoulder. “Anne! Could you please help the lovely bride find something suitable to wear.” 
You huffed in annoyance, crossing your arms dramatically. “I can’t just get married in this?”
All three of your companions objected. A chorus of ‘No’, ‘Hell no’, and ‘Absolutely not’ had you rolling your eyes and trudging back upstairs. “Alright, alright, fine. I’m going.” 
Anne trotted after you, commenting on the large mirror in your room. “Merlin, what could you possibly need that for?”
You blush, quickly grabbing your wand and transfiguring the mirror back into a bureau. “Don’t, uh, don’t worry about it. Help me find something to wear.” 
The two of you combed through your closet, selecting something nice, but not overly dressy. It would just be the four of you, so you didn’t feel the need for formal attire. Once you were ready, you walked into the yard, the sun painting the sky in bright morning hues. Ominis stood staring at the colors, snake around his shoulders. He was facing away from you, but turned in your direction at your approach.
Ominis sucked in a breath, enchanted by the sight of you, bathed in the morning light. He smiled at you sweetly, voice nothing more than a mere whisper. “Hello, my love.” 
You walked up beside him, grinning, taking his hand before turning to Sebastian. “Alright, get on with it.” 
Sebastian shook his head fondly, muttering about your impatience under his breath. You and Ominis stood side by side, reciting your vows, Ominis never taking his eyes off you. Once you’d finished, Ominis squeezed your hand, silently asking you to look at him. Turning your gaze to him, you found a small, adoring smile gracing his lips, those same lips mouthing a quiet ‘I love you’, as your small herd of cats came bounding out of the bushes, rubbing up against both of you. Sebastian made direct eye contact with Anne again, mirroring her amused smile at the ridiculously sweet scene. 
When it came time, Sebastian produced a small box from the bag. Cocking your head, you look at the box curiously, gasping as Sebastian opened it to reveal a beautiful set of rings. You turn your wide eyes to Ominis, unoccupied hand coming up to cover your mouth. His smile widened, squeezing your fingers again as he spoke. “Do you like them?”
“Do I-...My love, when-” 
“You weren’t the only one planning a surprise.” 
Tears pooled in your eyes, the reality of the situation sinking in. You got to marry this wonderful man, fortunate enough to love and be loved by him for the rest of your life. “Sebastian, hurry up so we can put these on. I want to kiss my husband.” 
Sebastian rolled his eyes, but refrained from arguing, clearly recognizing the excitement on both your faces. He concluded the ceremony, Ominis slipping the ring on your finger, kissing it delicately, before allowing you to place his. He didn’t wait for Sebastian’s permission, grabbing the back of your neck as soon as his ring was on, kissing you lovingly, struggling to control his happy grin. 
The four of you celebrated for a few hours, eating breakfast and catching up, Sebastian and Anne bidding you farewell in the early afternoon. As soon as they disappeared, you and Ominis wasted no time running back upstairs, giggling in giddy excitement as you undressed each other. He kissed you like he’d die without you, smile persevering, teasing words slipping out in a playful tone. When you're finished, you lay together in quiet contentment, savoring the cool touch of the new additions on your fingers.
Both of you had taken the week off work, spending your ‘honeymoon’ lazing about the house or taking short trips to London or Hogsmead, just generally enjoying your time as newlyweds. 
A sharp knock sounded at your door, interrupting the quiet morning filled only with your soft conversation and the steam from your coffee. The both of you stood, walking to the door as Ominis teased you, playfully demanding to know your outfit before opening the door. Rolling your eyes fondly, you tell him he’s being ridiculous, opening the door as he settles behind you, left hand on your hip. 
You don’t recognize the couple standing in front of you, both tall and striking, clearly very wealthy from their state of dress. “Hello? How can we help you?” 
The woman says nothing at first, pointedly staring at Ominis’s hand on your hip, ring clearly visible. Raising an eyebrow, she scoffs, eyes flitting up to look at your husband. “So this is where you’ve been? How…quaint.” 
Ominis’s hand tightened on you instantly, pulling you back against him protectively. The young man beside her smirked condescendingly, eyes roaming the inside of your home, setting you on edge. “Excuse you-“ 
“What do you want, mother.” 
The woman sneered, an evil glint in her eyes. “My, my, still rude as ever I see. No matter, we simply came to…chat.” 
Ominis bared his teeth, pulling you further into him. “We? Who is ‘we’.” 
Her sneer turned to a sly smile, voice purring as she answered. “Marvolo came to visit as well.” 
Ominis placed his other hand on the door, knuckles white as he gripped the wood, preparing to slam it shut. “We aren’t interested in chatting. I believe I made that quite clear when I renounced the Gaunt family and my birthright. Now, if you don’t mind, I’d like you to leave our property and never return. Good day.” 
Ominis attempts to close the door in his mother’s face, but Marvolo’s foot shoots out, preventing Ominis from getting too far. “Really, Ominis. After we put so much effort into finding you? You’d deny your own family an audience? Such a rude child. Clearly living in this hovel has done you no good these past few years.” 
Ominis grinds his teeth together and you can feel his anxiety rising. His grip on your hip is almost bruising, making sure no space remains between you. “You are not my family. What. Do. You. Want.” 
His mother sighs dramatically, as if she were speaking to a toddler. “Well dear, if you must know, your fiancé has grown weary of waiting for your return, so your brother and I came to fetch you. Don’t you think it’s about time you stopped playing house and came home?” 
Your husband growls dangerously, breathing becoming erratic as his rage builds. “Well mother, I’m delighted to inform you that I’m already married. So your trip here was a wasted one.”
He tries again to close the door, but is once again stopped by Marvolo, his brother’s hand now also pushing the door open. “Marvolo. Get your filthy appendages out of my fucking house.” 
His brother chuckles darkly, a chill creeping up your spine. You itch to run into the kitchen, where your wands lay uselessly, but fear the consequences of leaving Ominis alone with his vile relatives. “This…sham marriage is of no consequence to us. Easily taken care of, annulled or…otherwise.”
Ominis snarls at his brother, arm now wrapping around your middle, shoulders hunched over you protectively. “Threaten my spouse again, and your severed head will decorate our dining room table.” 
Ominis’s mother sighs again, boldly looking at you as she shakes her head. “Boys, really, there’s no need for that. Ominis dear, just let us in so we can have a civilized conversation about this.” 
Your husband’s voice is low and dangerous in your ear as he answers her. “Absolutely not.” 
She sighs in disappointment, but you can see the tick of her mouth, pulling the corner into an almost smile. “How unfortunate. Then I suppose you’ll have to come out.” 
Without warning, Marvolo casts the Cruciatus Curse, hitting you square in the chest. You can barely hear Ominis’s panicked shouts over your own screams, and suddenly you’re being ripped away from him, body hitting the grass as you’re tossed onto the front lawn. Ominis tries desperately to get to you, following the sounds of your agony. Squinting your eyes open, you see Marvolo restraining your husband, who fights wildly in his grip. His mother saunters over, calmly casting Imperio on Ominis, instantly ceasing his struggle, face blank. “Now dear, that’s quite enough. Let’s return home, shall we?”
She turns to you as you lay twitching in the ground, haughty smile denoting her condescension. “You were a fool to believe yourself worthy of a pure blood. I leave you alive only as a courtesy to my son, as he would likely do something drastic if you died. Take this as a warning, should you decide to pay us a visit.” 
With that, she put a controlling hand on his shoulder, apparating back to the Gaunt estate. The last thing you see is Ominis’s neutral expression pointed in your direction, tears streaking from his eyes as he mindlessly allows his family to take him. 
You lay on the ground a few more moments, breathing heavily as the feeling slowly returns to your body. Once you can move your limbs again, you push yourself up quickly. There was no time to waste, even as your body screamed at you to stop, you sprinted into the house. You stumble your way into the kitchen, opening your potions cupboard and downing a couple Wiggenweld potions, pocketing the rest. 
Most of the pain subsided, and you got to work quickly, writing a hasty letter to Sebastian and Anne, explaining the situation and that you were heading straight there. Your hands shook slightly, the letters wobbly as you wrote, a few stray tears falling on the page, blurring the ink. There was no time to start over, so you sealed the letter, presenting it to your owl and begging it to fly as fast as it could. The wise bird took off instantly, disappearing out the window in a heartbeat. 
Making sure to grab both wands from the table, you curse yourself for being so careless, knowing this could have been prevented if you’d just been more prepared. You prayed Ominis was alright, navigating his surroundings would be much more difficult without his wand. 
Sprinting outside, you barely remember to lock the door behind you before you’re taking to the sky, speeding in the direction of the Gaunt estate. 
Ominis informed you of the precise location of his childhood home after moving in, if only so you’d keep your distance from it. He wanted to be sure you knew its location, to avoid stumbling into their wicked talons accidentally on your many ventures. 
Now, you were especially grateful for his forethought, though your current purpose was in direct contrast with his intent. You flew for hours, fear driving you forward, cursing your broom for its slowness. Tears flew out behind you, the harsh winds whipping them away as soon as they formed. Merlin you hoped he was unharmed, and if he wasn’t, the Gaunts would pay dearly for their idiocy. They clearly held no idea exactly who their son married.
Eventually, you spot the estate, a massive house, dripping in grandeur. However, you knew it for the lie it was. Ominis had also confided that his family lay on the brink of destruction, Salazar Slytherin’s wealth having long run out. The betrothal they’d attempted to force him into was solely to absorb his fiancé’s family wealth, and carry on the Gaunt name. 
The family had yet to marry off Marvolo, as his particularly strong penchant for cruelty, ended several engagements prematurely. You weren’t surprised, thoughts circling back to your brief interaction that morning. It stood to reason that the Gaunts now placed all their faith in Ominis to regain their lost riches, knowing they wouldn’t have bothered retrieving him had Marvolo been a viable option.
You land softly, just behind the tree line, keeping an eye out for any hidden persons or traps. All seemed quiet, which you knew was never a good sign. Creeping around the side, you find a low window, unlocking it skillfully and slipping inside. You cast Disillusionment prowling through the halls, looking for signs of Ominis. Eventually, you spot a house elf scrubbing the walls of a long corridor. Sneaking up behind the elf, you snatch the back of his rags, dragging him into a dark corner as you release your invisibility spell. Pointing your wand at his throat, you pull him close to growl dangerously in his face. “Where. Is. My. Husband.” 
The elf shook his head violently in fear, lips moving but no sound coming out. Glancing at his throat, you see a nasty old scar splitting the front of it, registering that the Gaunts had removed the poor thing's ability to speak. A part of you felt terrible for inflicting more terror on the sad creature, but it was quickly swept away by the growing urgency to find Ominis and get out. 
The elf lifted his fingers, snapping them in an attempt to apparate. Ancient magic pulsed at the end of your wand, feeling your desperation and preventing the house elf’s escape. You looked at him now, eyes wide with unshed tears as you pleaded with him. “Please, where are these vile people keeping my sweet Ominis?” 
The elf stopped his struggle, watching you intently for a moment, glancing down the corridor towards the opposite end. You gesture in the same direction with your head, eyes flitting to the side before looking back hopefully. The elf nods slightly, squeezing your wrist in silent confirmation. A shuddering huff escapes your lips, as you haul the elf against you, crushing him in a brief hug. “Thank you.” 
Quickly releasing the house elf, you ignore his shocked stare as you cast Disillusionment tearing down the hall as quietly as possible. You inspect each door you pass, finally stopping before the very last one, a heavy lock securing the handle. If Ominis was in any of these rooms, it’d be this one. 
The lock was complicated, and it took you far longer than you would have liked to unlock it, but you heard the quiet click and hastily pushed the door open. Closing the door quietly behind you, you turn and immediately have to dodge a book being thrown at you. You look up from your crouched position at Ominis, shirt unbuttoned and hair disheveled, like someone had been running their hands through it. Ominis’s chest heaves, sightless eyes wild as they search for the intruder. You try to call for him, but are swiftly dodging a pillow streaking towards you, Ominis throwing anything he could get his hands on. You glance over at the bed briefly, spotting a beautiful woman with dark hair in a nearly sheer slip dress, the thin straps falling off her shoulders, eyes closed and seemingly asleep. 
Your stomach drops, heart breaking at the thought of your husband’s infidelity. Struggling to pull air into your lungs, you barely avoid another book whizzing past your head, Ominis spitting angry words in your direction. “Marvolo! You fucking son of a bitch. Take me back to my spouse now!” 
His chest heaved angrily, pausing his assault a moment, trying to gauge where he thought his brother had gone. Pushing your anguish down, you call to him quietly, though you can’t hide the bitterness in your tone. “Ominis. It’s me.” 
Surprise flits across his face, before it crumples into intense relief, a sob ripping itself from his throat. “My love, you’re ok.” 
He feels his way toward the sound of your voice, reaching out for you blindly. You don’t let him touch you, instead shoving his wand into his hand roughly before turning back toward the door. Voice cold and devoid of all emotion. “Let’s go. If you even still want to.”
Before you can get too far, Ominis catches your wrist firmly, tugging you back towards him a step. Turning your head, you look at his worried face, eyebrows furrowed in concern. “Darling, what-”
At that moment, you both hear a quiet sigh coming from the bed, both of your heads whipping toward it, and you watch as the sleeping woman shifts slightly before settling again. Realization dawns on Ominis’s face, neck snapping back to you frantically. His hand squeezes your wrist tightly, preventing you from moving away from him as he speaks in a panic. “My love, it’s not- please, it’s not what you think. I- She- My brother locked me in here with her, and-” 
You can see the fear blatant on his face, his other hand reaching for you, trying desperately to pull you closer. “She-She tried to…have me, but-! I-I didn’t let her. I knocked her unconscious, so-...my love, please.” 
Ominis was hyperventilating, hands shaking violently, his face scared as he begged you to believe him. Your heart swelled in relief, ashamed that you’d even considered his betrayal. Moving into his arms, you wrap yourself around him, holding him the way you’d longed to since he’d been taken. “I’m sorry. I-I shouldn’t have assumed-”
“No- darling, it’s alright. I understand why you’d think…anyway, let’s get out of here. I’d very much like to go home now.” Nodding in agreement, you both sneak out of the room, locking the door behind you to avoid suspicion should someone walk by. Ominis leads you back towards the entrance, glancing around before pulling it open quietly. 
You’d just made it down the steps, hurrying toward the front gates, almost home free, when you felt something wrap around your throat and yank you backwards. Choking, you lose your concentration on Disillusionment, you fall to your knees, gasping for air as the spell retracts back into Marvolo’s wand. Ominis rushes to your side, hands frantic as he asks if you’re alright. 
You look back at the steps of the estate to see Marvolo and his mother, as well as Ominis’s father standing imposingly, framed by the intimidating Gaunt estate. Mrs. Gaunt smiles haughtily, eyes sharp as she sneers down at you. “Going so soon? You didn’t even say goodbye.” 
Peeking out from behind her legs, you see the house elf from earlier, glancing at you in shame as dark bruises formed on his skin. Your heart wept, vowing to return for him at a later date. You stand, facing the three wizards in front of you, planting yourself between Ominis and his family. “We’re going home.”
Mrs. Gaunt laughed wickedly, twirling her wand idly in her hands. “My dear, Ominis is home. If you think that shack of yours is worthy of him, I’m afraid you’re sorely mistaken. Likewise, if you think you’re worthy of him…well, that’s just plain embarrassing.” 
Snarling, you feel Ominis take your hand, the cold metal of his ring grounding you. You look her in the eyes, determination settling behind them. “I said- We’re. Going. Home.”
The smile dropped from his mother’s face, an ugly sneer taking its place, as she pointed her wand at you. “Fine. Have it your way.” 
All hell breaks loose, spells flying violently from all sides. You and Ominis work like a well oiled machine, attacking and defending as needed, slowly backing toward the gate. If you could just get to the treeline, you could apparate home, far away from the Gaunt estate. 
The Gaunts followed, spells violent and unrelenting. A stray bolt flew past you, striking the gate behind you in a loud crack, drawing your attention away from the battle briefly. Ominis’s mother took the opportunity to cast Bombarda, splintering a tree directly behind you. Ominis watches helplessly, the world slowing as the shrapnel streaks toward you with deadly accuracy, his wand picking up its trajectory. He screams your name, arms wrapping around you protectively as he spins your bodies, physically shielding you from the sharp spike. 
You feel his body jolt against yours, a pained grunt pushing past his lips as something large strikes him. Looking up in shock, you push at his chest, trying to pry yourself from his arms. “My love, what-”
His arms tighten around you, refusing to let you pull away from him, voice pleading in your ear. “Don’t look. It’s- I’m alright, my darling, just-just stay here with me.” 
The Gaunts cease their attack, watching the scene before them unfold. Ominis’s breathing becomes labored, and you fight against him harder, panic rising in your throat, choking you. “Ominis please, let me-let me see.”
His knees buckle as he focuses all his strength into the arms holding you, and you both slowly sink to the ground. Tears stream down your face, and you feel wet drops hitting your shoulder, Ominis’s voice steady, a small smile on his face in contrast with the sorrow in his heart. “I’m sorry, my love, I don’t-I don’t think I’ll be able to stay with you much longer.” 
You sob against him, anguish tearing at you, begging him to let you go. “Please. L-Let me go get help-”
“No. It’s ok. Stay right here.” Ominis’s voice was growing weak, chest shuddering with the effort to keep breathing, laboriously pushing as many words out as he could. “My darling…my t-time with you was the-the happiest I’ve ever been…even now, I would-I wouldn’t change a thing.”
His mother strolls up casually, voice amused and eyes excited as she watches you hold her dying son. “What a shame. He would have been so useful.”
She walks back towards her house, humming cheerily, smiling in satisfaction. She makes it all the way to the front steps before she stops, turning to look over her shoulder at you once more, delight coloring her smug words. “I would kill you, but now, I think the pain of watching my son die, knowing your efforts were in vain, would be a more delicious ending to this ludicrous fairytale.” 
Laughing once more, she and the rest of the Gaunts turn to stroll back into their house, the door slamming in finality, echoing through the courtyard. Silence follows, only broken by your heart wrenching sobs, muffled by Ominis’s shoulder. 
Ominis, kisses your temple lightly, arms growing weak around you, body leaning heavily on yours as the seconds drag by. He brings his lips back to your ear, voice barely above a whisper, forcing the words out. “I love you.”
Slumping against you, his body goes slack, and with your body finally freed, you claw desperately at your pockets, fingers fumbling with your Wiggenweld potions. You almost drop them on the ground, but you manage to wrangle Ominis to be lying in your lap, tears blurring your vision as you rip the cork out of the bottle.
You held the bottle to his lips, begging him to drink it, but his jaw remained slack, breathing shallow. Bringing the bottle up, you fill your cheeks with as much liquid as possible, pressing your lips to your husband’s, siphoning the potion into his mouth. 
Once all the liquid slid down his throat, you bring a hand to his face, voice raw as you wail at him to open his eyes. When nothing changes, you drop your head onto his chest, weeping into it as you listen to his fading heartbeat. 
Without warning, Anne and Sebastian appear before you, only taking a second to absorb the situation before springing into action. Sebastian gently pulls you away, cradling you against him, letting you cry into his shoulder as you beg Anne to help your dying husband. 
After Anne’s curse had been lifted, she’d made it her life’s mission to help heal others suffering from similar ailments. She’d been a nurse at St. Mungos for several years now, one of the best, if anyone could help Ominis, it would be her. 
Anne got right to work, wand pulsing with healing magic as she muttered over him. Your hands gripped the fabric of Sebastian’s arms as he held you up, whispering reassurances into your hair, trying his best to quell your hysteria. Once Ominis was stable enough, the Sallow twins looked at each other silently, having a brief eye conversation before apparating you both away from the Gaunt estate. You and Sebastian appear in your house, alone. Looking around frantically, you're about to ask where Ominis and Anne were, but Sebastian answered before you could get the words out. “They went to St. Mungos. He’ll be alright. Trust Anne, ok?”
Face crumpling in anguish, you collapse onto your couch, sobbing into the palms of your hands. Sebastian sits next to you, pulling you against him, rubbing your back and letting you soak his shirt. 
You’d gotten an owl from Anne early the next morning, tearing the parchment open in your haste to read its contents. You hadn’t slept a wink, the bags heavy under your eyes, blinking to stay awake. Anne wrote that Ominis was stable, but hadn’t woken up yet, inviting you to visit if you were feeling up for it. You didn’t need to be told twice, shaking Sebastian awake from his place on the couch, apologizing as you begged him to take you to the hospital. 
He obliged immediately, also eager to see his best friend. Upon arriving, you grab Anne in a death grip, sobbing your gratitude into her shoulder. She shushes you, playfully reminding you that you and Ominis were her family, and she’d be damned if she let anything happen to either one of you. 
You sat at Ominis’s bedside, stroking his cheek sadly as you gazed at his sleeping form, his heart beat strong and steady. Sebastian stood leaning against the doorway, watching you silently. “You’re going, aren’t you?”
You huff humorlessly, never taking your eyes away from your husband’s face. “Am I that predictable?”
Sebastian chuckles quietly. “Nah, I just happen to know you pretty well. Go, I’ll stay with him. Give them hell.”
Kissing Ominis’s forehead tenderly, you stand, sparing him one last longing glance. You walked toward the door, eyes staring at nothing in particular as you stopped briefly, shoulder touching Sebastian’s. “They’ll wish that’s all I gave them.”
Without another word, you walked silently out the door, exiting the hospital completely before apparating away.
A storm brewed outside the Gaunt estate, lightning striking the trees around the house as you stalked through the front gates, not even bothering to conceal your presence. Casting Bombarda, you blow the front door right off its hinges, ribbons of ancient magic whipping around you in your fury as you strode into the foyer. Marvolo Gaunt comes running from the second floor, appearing at the top of the grand staircase, a look of alarm painting his features. He shouts, brandishing his wand at you, only able to get the first syllable of a spell out of his mouth before you shatter a vase against his head.
Snarling in rage, you quickly cast Accio, dragging him screaming down the stairs, making sure he slammed into each one. His body crumples at the bottom, groaning in pain as you stalk over, looming above him, eyes glowing dangerously. 
He looks up at you, face bloody from his newly broken nose, and tries to raise his wand at you. The heel of your boot comes slamming down on his hand, snapping his wand, and a few fingers all at once. He wailed again, tears springing to his eyes as he pathetically begged you to stop.
Sneering down at him, you bear your teeth, voice a low hateful hiss as it slips past your lips. “Stop?…You tried to take the love of my life from me…and you want me to stop? Let me tell you something, you worthless little insect, you have no idea what I’m capable of. I’m going to make the Cruciatus Curse look like a walk in the park.” 
Marvolo looked at you in fear, trembling and pleading with you for mercy, but you had no mercy to give. Casting Flipendo, you slammed him down on his back, pointing your wand at his knee cap and shattering the bone beneath the skin, permanently crippling him. He screamed in agony, hyperventilating as hysterical sobs wracked his chest. 
Using your wand, you magically drag his limp body behind you, relishing the pathetic chorus of whimpers as you search for the other two Gaunts. Servants cower away from you, shoving their bodies as far into the dark corners as they could. You paid them no mind, focusing solely on the three Gaunts who’d wronged your sweet husband. 
Ancient Magic billowed around you, shattering every door and window you passed, the tendrils almost sentient as they searched for their targets. 
You found the other two quickly, wood splintering everywhere as their afternoon tea time turned to raging chaos. Mr. and Mrs. Gaunt stood abruptly from their seats, wands at the ready, but they never got the chance to use them. Using your wand, you violently slammed Marvolo’s broken body onto the carpet at their feet, the young man letting out a pained yelp on impact. 
His mother covered her mouth in horrified shock, eyes raking over the damage you’d done to her eldest son. His father was the first to act, raising his wand to attack, spell on the tip of his tongue. You quickly cast Diffindo, slicing straight through the front of his throat, stealing his ability to speak in much the same way he’d done to his house elf. His hand flew to his throat as he began choking on his own blood, but you weren’t finished, using Accio to drag him forward. 
Mrs. Gaunt recovered from her shock, pointing her wand at you in an effort to cast the killing curse, words leaving her lips much too late. As soon as her husband sat on his knees before you, you recklessly cast Depulso in her direction, slamming her spine against a marble pillar and causing the spell to hit the ceiling harmlessly. She slumped on the ground, unconscious for the moment as you turned back to Mr. Gaunt. 
Terror shone clear in his eyes, lips flapping uselessly as no sound passed them. Blood gushed heavily from the tear in his neck, your fingers gripping his hair roughly, ripping out chunks as you yanked his head back. The tip of your wand grew hot, a small fire springing to life at the end of it. The Gaunt patriarch shook his head desperately, eyes darting between your wand and your emotionless face. Ignoring his silent pleas, you brought your wand to the wound on his throat, cauterizing the skin in an ugly scar. His mouth opened in a silent scream, tears of pain streaking from his eyes, hands clawing at your arm uselessly. 
When you finished, you tossed him by the hair onto the ground, stepping over his trembling form as you prowled toward his wife. 
Ominis’s mother lay slumped against the pillar, moaning in pain. You cast Confringo on a nearby chair as you stalked forward, fisting a splintered leg in your hand. Mrs. Gaunt looked up at you weakly, eyes never leaving yours as you stood over her, watching you crouch down to her level. Her breath shuddered out of her, eyes flitting to the bodies of her husband and son, her lips trembling as she attempted to speak. “Wait-”
You don’t wait, instead, you reel back ramming the sharp wood into her side as far as it’ll go, in exactly the same spot she’d struck Ominis. She cried out in pain, hands grasping at the wood in an attempt to pull it out, voice a quiet sob as she tried to speak. “Who-Who the hell are you?”
You ground the stake deeper, pulling another wail from her lips before leaning in to whisper dangerously in her ear. “You really should have done your research before showing up at my house. Of all the foolish mistakes you made, your first error was failing to learn exactly who your son married.” 
Leaning back you look her directly in the eye, letting the truth slip brutally off your tongue, relishing the horrified realization on her face as she processed your words. “I killed Victor Rookwood. I slaughtered Ranrok and his loyalists. I wield magic so powerful it’d make your fucking head spin. The dumbest thing you could have done is piss me off.” 
Getting as close as you can, you make sure she can see the dark malice in your eyes. “You’re beyond lucky my husband is still alive. I would set the fucking world on fire for that man, and if he’d died, today would have gone very differently for you.” 
Standing to your full height, you glare down at her, eyes crazed as ancient magic pulsed off you. “If you ever show up on my property again, you’ll wish I’d killed you instead.” 
Without another word, you stalked back the way you came, making it all the way to the destroyed foyer before noticing slight movement behind one of the large pillars. Whipping your head over, you prepare to spit your ire at the figure, but are met with the wide eyes of the Gaunts unfortunate house elf, peeking out at you from behind the tall column. 
Your shoulders relax, fire dimming a bit as you observe the frightened creature. You walk over slowly, stopping a healthy distance away, the poor thing shrinking back when you get too close. Several emotions tore through you all at once, but you try as best you can to keep your voice as calm and soothing as possible. “You serve the whole Gaunt family, don’t you?” 
The house elf stares at you a moment, nodding shyly.
“I am technically a Gaunt. Would you like to come with me?” You hold your hand out to him in invitation, providing him the option to escape this cruel life of abuse and neglect. He hesitates only a moment, before slowly creeping out from behind the pillar, placing his trust in you as he takes your hand gently.
Smiling at him, you both stride out of the Gaunt estate, apparating back to Ominis. 
Ominis woke up a few hours later, blinking blearily, eyes heavy from being unconscious for so long. He sits up slightly, hissing at the pain in his side as he fumbles around, searching for his wand, relieved to find it sitting on the bedside table. His wand pulses, giving him a general idea of the layout of the room, but leaves him confused by the unfamiliar surroundings. His wand pulses again, and he spots you over by the window, back to him. Calling your name quietly, he expects you to whirl around and run to his side. Instead, you seemingly hadn’t heard him, figure silent as you stood unmoving from the window. He tries again, voice a little louder than it had been. “My love?” 
You turn to him slowly this time, stubbornly retaining your position by the window. His heart shattered as he finally heard your quiet sniffling and shuddering breaths. Sitting up abruptly, he ignores the pain in his side as he reaches for you, frantic with concern. “My darling, what-”
“Lay back down.” Your words are quiet and commanding, an angry bite behind them. Your arms remained crossed over your chest, refusing to move closer.
Ominis falters a bit, wondering what he’d done to make you so upset with him. He tries again, desperate for you to be next to him, but you’re already ripping into him from across the room. “What possessed you to do something so stupid.” 
Realization crossed his features, his eyebrows furrowing sadly. “I understand you’re upset, but-“
“Upset? Ominis, I’m fucking furious.”
He opens his mouth to speak, but you continue ranting, words spoken in quiet rage. “Don’t you ever take a hit like that for me again. I can’t- Ominis, I can’t handle this a second time.” 
Ominis exhales shakily, he can hear the agony in your voice, and he wants so badly to tell you what you want to hear, but he knows he can’t. He’d be lying to you, and that was something he wasn’t willing to do. “I’m sorry, my darling, I can’t…I can’t promise you that.” 
“Please, Ominis.”
Tears trickle down his face, as he shakes his head. Your pleading hurt him, he very rarely denied you anything, but he would deny you this. “My love, I can’t make that promise. I won’t. I refuse to live a second without you. I’ll throw my body in front of yours every single time. If someone dies between us, it will be me.” 
A violent sob wracks your body, knees buckling slightly, and Ominis snaps. He’d had enough of the distance you kept from him, resolving that if you wouldn’t come to him, he’d go to you. Throwing the blankets off, he gets up and strides over, uncaring of the pain in his side as the need to comfort you consumes him. 
His arms envelope you, crushing you against him, physically showing you he was still there, still with you. Your hands hold a death grip on the back of his shirt, burying yourself in his chest as you wept. “You didn’t even let me try to get help!” 
Ominis squeezes you to him, words watery as he whispers in your ear. “If I was to die, I wanted it to be in your arms, not on the cold ground alone.” 
Wailing loudly, your knees give out, losing the ability to hold your grief any longer. You sank to the floor, Ominis sinking with you, perfectly mirroring your position from when he’d been wounded. You stayed like that for a long time, neither of you noticing Anne and Sebastian standing briefly in the doorway, having come to visit Ominis. 
They watched you hold onto each other for dear life, wiping their own relieved tears. Anne grabbed her brother’s hand, squeezing once before they turned to leave, deciding to come back at a later time. 
Eventually, your tears stopped, and the two of you wound up cradling each other on the hospital bed. Ominis laid on his back, your ear pressed against his chest, right over his heart. The occasional sniffle escaped you, and every time, the arm around your waist would squeeze you and a pair of lips would press themselves firmly against your forehead. 
There was a long period of silence before either of you said anything, your throat raw from crying, but after a while you spoke, no real bite to your words. “I’m still angry with you.” 
Ominis let out an amused huff, kissing your hairline a few times before responding. “I know.” 
Closing your eyes, you drifted off, finally allowing your body to relax now that he was safe and you were back in his arms. 
Months later, you and Ominis attended one of his work parties, laughing and making polite conversation with his colleagues at the Ministry. You stood tucked under Ominis’s arm, squeezing his waist subtly, silently asking if it was time to leave. Ominis didn’t outwardly react, smiling pleasantly at whatever mundane story was being told, but his hand ran purposefully down your arm in agreement. 
He started to wrap up his conversation, and just as you were about to excuse yourselves, one of his coworkers glanced behind your shoulder, eyes going wide. “Oh! What a surprise! Mr. And Mrs. Gaunt, an honor to have you stop by. Master Marvolo as well! Always a pleasure to have you.” 
You felt Ominis stiffen beside you, arm tightening protectively as he reached for his wand. Turning to face them, you watch your estranged in-laws smile politely at the man in greeting, eyes nervously darting towards you. 
The man, having had one too many glasses of fire whisky, mistook their anxiety for unfamiliarity, proceeding to introduce you cheerily. “My apologies! I didn’t realize you had yet to meet your son’s new spouse. My daughter and her husband also eloped, it seems to be a common trend amongst couples these days.” 
Smiling kindly, his colleague spoke your name, also introducing you as the ‘Hero of Hogwarts’, singing your praises loud enough for everyone to hear. Mrs. Gaunt was the only one who could stand to look at you, her husband looking past you and Marvolo staring at your feet, leaning heavily on a cane. She smiled pleasantly even as her lips wobbled slightly, her eyes watching you hesitantly. “Hello dear, lovely to meet you at last.” 
A wide grin stretched across your face, bearing your teeth, a subtle threat only the Gaunts would understand. “Yes, wonderful to make your acquaintance. I’m sorry to cut this meeting short, but my husband and I were just leaving…enjoy your night.”
All three of them visibly flinch as you take a step forward, you reach down and take Ominis’s hand, intertwining your fingers as you pass them. You throw a glance over your shoulder to see all three of them watching you warily, you flash them a wicked smile in warning, enjoying their terror as the color drains from their faces. Turning back around dismissively, you and Ominis exit the building, apparating home once you’re outside. 
Unlocking the front door, you step over the threshold, only to be yanked back by the hand holding yours. You squeal in surprise as you stumble into Ominis’s chest, his free hand cradling the back of your head as he crashes his lips into yours. 
Ominis kisses you passionately, licking greedily at your bottom lip, demanding that you open up for him. You do, and he moans into your mouth as his tongue caresses yours gently. He takes a step forward, pushing you farther into the house so he can enter and kick the door shut. The hand holding yours releases you in favor of snaking around your waist to haul you closer. 
Giggling, you tear your lips away for a moment to tease him. “My, what’s gotten into you?” 
Chuckling lightly, he places another lingering kiss on your lips before replying. “I suppose witnessing you scare the shit out of my horrible family really does something for me.” 
Laughing in amusement, you let him kiss you a few more times. “My love, how could you possibly tell if they were scared or not?” 
He pulls back slightly, stopping only a breath away, his eyes hooded with lust as he speaks. “I could hear it. I don’t think my mother’s ever been so terrified in her life.” 
You open your mouth to comment, but his lips press themselves urgently against yours once more, his hands traveling down to palm your ass. “Enough about them. Right now, I would really like to take you to bed, and not come out until the morning.” 
“So impatient tonight, Mr. Gaunt.” 
“My love, If you don’t start walking up those stairs this instant, I’ll show you ‘impatient’.” 
“Oh, you promise?”
Ominis groans and grinds his lower body into you, head dropping to rest on your shoulder. 
“You’re going to send me to an early grave, you wicked creature.” 
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ifeelsounsure0 · 2 years
Summer Nights
Karina x M!Reader
Fluff, Smut
WC: 7689 words
Dedicated to: @summersault31 and @yieldtotemptation for indulging my Jimin obsession as of late. Also, to @sinswithpleasure​ for the lovely Jimin photos and @writerpeach​ for being an adorable cutie.
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Key’s click as letters appear on a bright white screen. Lines upon lines of words, meaningless to anyone else, but at this moment, these final few lines were the difference between life and death. One misstep would mean a year’s worth of work thrown down the drain. All that was left was one fina–
A loud knock forces your attention away from the blinding light. Voices can argue outside your door, and you quickly get up before it escalates.
“Jimin. I told you, he’s busy. Just come back tomorrow.” Your roommate’s voice.  
“What? No! I want to see him.” A few more knocks bang against the door before you can get ahold of the handle and pull open it.
Once the door’s fully opened, you’re left with the enjoyable sight of your roommate and your girlfriend pushing on each other’s shoulders. “It’s alright, Jin. I just finished,” you say with a smile as they both turn to look at you. “Jimin, I told you to wait until I ca–”
A mischievous glint appears in her eye, and she flashes you a naughty smile. Her hands let go of Jin’s shirt to grab onto yours as her lips come crashing down. Before you can even blink, she’s pushed you back inside the room while her hand slams the door shut.
Warmth radiates from her cheeks as she grabs onto the collar of your shirt, pulling you down so she doesn’t have to stand on her tiptoes. She kisses you more fervently, and a small yelp escapes when your hand snakes around her small waist. Her hands tighten their hold while her lips part slightly, a subtle invitation.  
The thought of your roommate contains you. But when she pulls away for a moment, a soft moan leaves through those parted lips and takes your inhibitions along with it. Your lips, unable to be left unoccupied, move down to her neck.
“Babe. What are you do–Oh fu–” She muffles a moan against your shoulder as you nibble her neck, enjoying the sight of the lovely pale flesh turning a rosy red. Her hands’ hold on your shirt weakens as she succumbs to the loving kisses on her sensitive neck.
Both of you stumble towards your bed, a flurry of hands and kisses. Suddenly, your knees slam against the bed frame, and you come tumbling down, taking her with you.
“Oh fu–!” she says in a half yelp, half laugh. Your arm cushions her fall, but she remains on top of you, hair billowing over your chest.
Still wanting more, you reach down with the intent of having her lips to yourself again, but your hand stops just above her shoulder. Her eyes meet yours, and she climbs onto your lap as you sit back up. “You should’ve warned me about the bed, Jimin,” you say with a slight laugh, watching a small pout form on her face.
“Wha? I thought it’d be romantic.” Her eyes stare into the mirror, taking in the sight of her petite frame sitting on your lap. “So do you want to cont—” She shifts slightly and moves away from the rising tent in your pants. “Well, I guess that answers that question.”
Her laugh is beautiful— always just the right pitch to tug at your heartstrings. And then that tiny pout where she puffs up her cheeks whenever she feels embarrassed as the only one laughing.
“It’s fine,” you say nervously, moving your hips up and down slightly so that your length can hide underneath the waistband.
“What are you doing?” she giggles and scoots onto your knee to watch your pathetic effort with a cute smile on your lips. Suddenly, she bites down on her lip, and her hand slides down the side of your face.
“Well….” Her eyes glance down between you as one hand slowly moves up your thigh. “I could help you if you asked nicely.”
You can tell she’s intentionally making her voice raspier just to drive her point over the edge. “Ba—”
“Shhh,” she coos, placing her finger over your lips. “Don’t ruin this by saying something. Just give me one of those cute no—”
You take her finger between your lips. Cool paint contrasts beautifully with the warmth coming from her skin. The greatest thing, however, was watching her playful, seductive expression shift into surprise as her plans flew out the window.
Now was your chance. Another cute yelp escapes when you push her onto the mattress and try to pin her arms. A playful struggle ensues as she fights back, pushing against your chest. The sound of laughter fills the room before she eventually gives in and places both hands over her head.
Her chest rises and falls with each breath, face flushed a beautiful rosy red, but your attention is centered on her dazzling eyes. Brown orbs that take in all the light from your dimly lit room and seem to sparkle brighter with each beat of her lashes.
Once your eyes meet, she smiles slightly and shimmies from side to side under you. “Come on, babe~. What else were you going to do?~” she laughs, giving you her best shot at aegyo in a position that would suggest something completely different.
You can feel the grip on her hands weaken before she’s eventually able to push you away with a light shove to your chest.
For the second time tonight, you find yourself straddled by her, except this time, one hand remains forcefully on your chest, keeping you from sitting up.
“Babe, what are you doing?”
Your girlfriend smiles from her position of power on top of you, the cheeky, playful grin returning to her face. “What I wanted to do was….” Her hands slowly crawl up from your abs, through your chest, until her face is millimeters away from yours. The playful glint remains in her eyes, and a soft laugh leaves her lips. “What are you thinking about, babe?”
Multiple ideas run through your head—witty replies, guilt trips, anything that would probably end with your desired result. Instead, you settle on a more straightforward approach. “I was hop—”
“Rhetorical question,” she says before kissing you again. Her legs shift around your waist as she can lean deeper into you, letting you feel her lovely chest press against you. Before you can really melt into it, however, she pulls away, allowing a small trail of spit remain between your lips and hers.
It breaks off once she moves away more than a few millimeters, and a gentle laugh fills the room as she wipes her finger over your lips. The way she looks at you is different, though, as she releases some of the pressure off your chest. Gone is the seductive vixen with you wrapped around her finger like a butterfly trapped in a spider’s web. Now, she just looks like Yoo Jimin, the girl who likes eating French fries one by one and always forgets her pen whenever she has to take notes.
“Wanna go get ice cream?”
You’re taken aback for a moment, and the question runs through your mind. “Did I just kill the mood?” But her small smile when you nod your head drives all the doubt away, that could wait till the rest of the night. For now, you wanted to be with Jimin.
“Ice cream sounds good.”
“Perfect.” She smiles before her attention is drawn to your computer. “What were you doing? Her hand pushes you away as she darts over to your desk and sits in your wooden chair.
“Nothing. Just an essay for one of my cla—”
“Toxic Masculinity: An Analysis on Men’s Sense of Self,” Jimin reads your title with a cheeky grin before she suddenly turns toward you and points at the screen. “Are you really writing thi— oh wait, I really like this line. Men’s obsession with outdated systems of chivalry and the proper relationship between a man and woman only shows how men are emotionally fragile and unable to deal with the prospect that a woman could be considered his equal.” Her laugh rings through the room while your face goes beet red with embarrassment.
She stifles her laugh as she turns toward you again. “Babe, if you didn’t want to pay for my meals anymore, you could’ve just told me.” Her eyes flutter rapidly before she breaks down into another fit of laughter.
“You were the one who told me to take the class!” you manage out, quickly running over to the computer and closing the document before she reads anything else. “Can we go get ice cream now?”
“If that’s what you really want.” Her hands slide over your desk as she slowly stands up, eyes darting around the room.
“Yes. That’s what I really want.”
“Good,” she says, giving you a quick peck on the cheek. “I would’ve gone by myself otherwise.”
You scoff and grab onto her hand. “As if I would’ve let you go alone.”
“Oh?” She raises an eyebrow and rests her free hand on your chest, giving you her best impression of the coy sorority girl playing hard to get. “Is that your fragile ego talking, love?”
Your heart beats rapidly under her palm, and the slight smile at the corners of her mouth confirms your fears. She could feel your weakness, and from that moment, you were powerless to do anything.
“Stop having such dirty thoughts,” she says plainly before drawing her hand away.
“It doesn't help that my girlfriend looks so beautiful….” Your hand reaches out to grab onto her waist, only to be slapped away.
“Ice cream. Remember?” Jimin huffs before aggressively yanking on your hand and opening the door.
You step out to find your Jin indulging himself in one of your girlfriend’s favorite mango Melonas that you always saved for her. His eyes go wide as soon as he notices both of you step out, the popsicle sliding out of his lips. “You’re both out early.”
He meets your eyes and gives a mock look of pity. “I didn’t pin you for a minuteman, bro.”
“At least he has a girlfriend,” she says before noticing the mango Melona in his hand. A rare look of anger flashes over her face. “Let’s go.” Her breath brushes against your ear, and her hand tightens around yours as she tugs you toward the door. Just before closing the door, she peeks back inside and meets your roommate's eyes. “Oh, and Jin.”
“You’re gonna have to sleep at Yoongi’s place tonight.”
“Why in the hell would I sleep at Yoo–”
Your girlfriend slams the door on the roommate, muffling his yelling to only be somewhat audible in the long corridor of your dorm. Once the door clicks into place, she looks at you, expressionless.
Her large doe eyes look slightly surprised, and her lips rest in a slight pout. Suddenly, a snicker breaks through her facade, and she breaks into a fit of laughter. “Let’s go before Jin finishes my Melona and yells at us.”
“Yeah, su– Babe, why are you, runni–” A hard tug on your hand pulls you down the corridor as you try to keep up.
“Hurry up! The shop closes in thirty minutes!” She looks back with expectant eyes before shoving on a push bar and pulling you inside. Your footsteps echo down the stairwell as she practically drags you down without consideration.
Once you step through the sliding doors of your building, your hand pulls her back, keeping her beside you. “Stop running, already. The shop is like five minutes away.”
“Urgh. Fine,” she mumbles before tucking her arm inside yours. Her lithe frame leans against your shoulder as her eyes close.
The soft scent of pears and iris wafts into your nose, mixing with the cool summer air. You stare at her resting features, the slight flutter of her lashes, the slight purse of her lips– angelic that was the only way to describe her, in the most otherworldly sense. Your lips move down to the side of her neck, giving her a gentle kiss.
Summer nights have always been your least favorite of the entire year. Too short, too hot, too humid. And that’s not to include the feelings of loneliness and isolation you always felt at home, away from the friends you had made in college.
This year was a little different, however. Summer had finally cooled down, and soft breezes seemed to follow you everywhere you went. It was perfect. Or maybe it just felt that way because being around Jimin was like wearing rose-colored lenses 24/7.
Since you started dating a few months ago, everything just felt different. Having her around on your lonely walks at night or your morning workouts made all the difference. Even though you had to embarrass yourself on a weekly basis using the donkey kick machine or what she more affectionately referred to as the “butt blaster,” it was worth getting to see her for another hour of your day.
You come to a slow stop at the top of the hill beside a small park bench. Looking out, you get a beautiful view of your school and the neighborhoods just outside. At the base of the green slope is a small ice cream truck, its motor barely audible from where you are. A long line of people stands outside, mostly students staying on campus for their summer break.
Jimin’s eyes flutter open as you let out a long sigh. “D-did we make it yet?”
“Yeah. We’re here.”
Her eyes blink once or twice, taking in the dim lights of the brick buildings of your school that starkly contrast the bright industrial beams in the stadium at the base of the hill. “Sometimes it’s hard to believe we go to school here.”
The idea comes to poke fun at her inability to read any book longer than 100 pages, but one look at her wistful expression changes your mind. “I’m still glad we’re here nonetheless.”
She nods and starts to walk down the hill. Slow, careful steps since there are no stairs to walk down, and tripping would only mean an embarrassing roll all the way down to the bottom.
Colorful lights surround the common area as students lounge around, some with their ice cream in hand. Others anxiously clutch their tickets while waiting for their order to be called.
A light squeeze of your hand. “What should we get, babe?” Her wide eyes look at you as she gets on her tiptoes, trying to see over the crowd. “I can’t see anything.”
You laugh and look over the crowd. “It seems like everyone is getting the fruit flavors.” A girl at the front accepts a small cone with a white swirl on top. “Also seems like vanilla might be popular.”
Jimin taps her chin once or twice, eyebrows furrowing. “Vanilla sounds okay, but do they have toppings?” As she asks the question, a girl passes by with a vanilla cone, her swirl topped in a dark layer of crumbled Oreos. Her eyes follow the chocolate cone until the girl finds her spot with her friends.
“Let's get that one.”
“Whatever you want, babe,” you laugh. “Anything else you want to try?”
She looks around the small clearing for anything that might catch her eye. Milkshakes and regular cones do little to stir her interest before she suddenly spots a couple sharing one long plate. Like a kid in a candy store, she pulls on the sleeve of your shirt and looks at you with pleading eyes. “Babe. Babe.”
“Mm, what?”
“Let’s get that one too.”
It takes your eyes a few moments to recognize what she’s pointing at, but when you spot the trio of bright red cherries on top, you quickly realize the object of her desire. “You don’t even like bananas, though.”
Your girlfriend mumbles something inaudible before puffing up her cheeks. She pulls her arm away from yours and crosses them over her chest.
Your eyes get lost, staring at her bountiful chest for a moment before you force them upward, avoiding that awkward situation where she calls you out in front of a few hundred people. “There’s no need to be like this, babe,” you say, grabbing onto her wrist to pull her back beside you.
“You always do this,” she grumbles as she slaps your hand away. “Ask for my opinion and then completely ignore it.”
You roll your eyes and look around. A few students have begun to notice your dispute, and a few too many guys are taking the chance to steal a peek.
“Anyways, what I was saying wa–” Her eyes go wide as you wrap an arm around her waist and pull. She places her hands on your chest to keep herself from falling too far forward before your lips crash onto hers.
After a tense moment where she follows your gaze, she closes her eyes, and you can feel her relax in your arms.
You could've sworn that you heard a small chuckle between your lips, but she pulled away before you could think more about it.
Her petite frame remains close to you, though, her hands gently pinching the fabric of your shirt. “What was that for, babe?” she asks softly, her cheeks flushed a rosy red.
“Because…” You try and think of an on the fly excuse that sounds a little less insecure than “Some guys were looking at you, and I’m one of those overprotective types.”
“You looked so cute, and I just couldn't help myself.”
She raises an eyebrow from between your arms. “So that's why you were–” She turns to look over her shoulder. [1] “You were staring at men while we were kissing!”
“You know how I a–”
“Apparently not. I thought you were staring at some girl, but it turns out it was a guy. Didn’t know you swung both ways, babe,” she teases with a cheeky grin on her face.
You can feel your face heat up as you look around the crowd, making sure no one can hear Jimin’s voice. “Babe, you know that people can hear you, right?”
“What?” She looks at you with large brown eyes. “I’m just surprised my boyfriend has a thing for men and never told me about it.”
A long sigh leaves your lips, and you shake your head, refusing to indulge her pointless game any longer.
“Babe. Babe. Babe. Awww, don’t ignore me~,” she pouts, shaking from side to side to try and get your attention.
You remain silent but slowly lower your head, pressing your lips to the top of your head. “You’re too cute,” you whisper before taking in a deep breath of her scent.
“Next!” The cashier’s loud voice breaks the intimacy of the moment, and you glance up to see that you’re next in line. Without even paying much attention to either of you, he rapidly clicks the button of his pen until you both come forward. “What can I get for you?”
Jimin opens her mouth to say something, but you start before her. “One banana split, please, and a….” Your eyes find hers as you say, “a vanilla cone with crumbled Oreos on top? Right?”
She nods excitedly.
“That’ll be $15.”
“That’s fine.” You tap your phone against the white card reader and wait for the receipt to print.
“You’re number 69. We’ll call you from the other window.”
“Thank you~.” Jimin flashes him a smile before she tugs you into the clearing.
Everyone’s eyes follow her as she leads you to a small clear patch of grass and promptly falls down, rolling and giggling like a schoolgirl. Her angelic laugh fills the relatively quiet night before she comes to a strip by your feet and reaches out a hand.
When you don’t immediately join her, she kicks your shin and reaches out again. “Come on!”
“Jimin, please don't make m–”
A hard tug on your hand causes you to fall forward. Your hands quickly plant themselves on both sides of your head, keeping you from crushing your girlfriend.
“See? How hard was that?” she laughs before slowly bringing her lips closer to you. “Now we can have some fun.”
Her arms wrap around your neck while her knee presses against your abdomen, keeping some distance between you. She gives you a small smile, her eyes darting around to see if anyone is looking your way.
“Excited?” Your lack of a response elicits a cute giggle as she slowly pulls you closer. “Someone’s acting all stoic today,” she laughs, her face millimeters away. “Weird considering how you just tried to ravage me with your roommate on the other side of the door.”
“It doesn't help that someone is being such a tease today.”
“Yeah, and what are you gonna do about i– Yah!” She starts writhing beneath you as your fingers gently caress her sides. “That's cheating!”
“Sure, cheating. Whatever you say, babe.” You keep going, nonetheless, enjoying the adorable sight of her laughing and squirming.
After you've had your fun, you collapse right beside her.
Long breaths leave your girlfriend’s lips, and she grabs onto your wrist, trying to pull your arm up. When you don’t move right away, she whines and pulls even harder. “Come on! The grass is really hard.” She makes a point by hitting her head against the grass once, only to whimper and rub the now aching back of her head.
You smile and quickly reach out your arm, resting it under her neck before her head can touch the ground again. Her hair billows over your skin, and you can feel the weight of her head resting on your bicep.
It takes her a few moments to realize, her eyelashes fluttering as she adjusts to a more comfortable position before she rolls over and rests one hand on your chest. “Thank you,” she mouths, giving you a quick peck on the lips and then laying on your chest. “What number are they on?”
You sit up slightly and look at the number on the electronic screen. “56.”
“Wake me up when they get to our number,” she says, snuggling against your shoulder.
And before you could even say anything, her eyes are closed, and soft breaths leave her lips.
The night sky is starless, covered by a thin sheet of silvery clouds. Only the moon shines brightly in the sky, a solitary light in a sea of darkness.
It was a familiar sight. [2] Something you’d seen every night for the past year— it was the one constant. Tests could be good or bad, friends come and go, but the night was always the same— starless and lonely.
Well… maybe that wasn’t even true now. You look at the sleeping form in your arms and run your hand through her hair.
The usurper. The person who was so obsessed with inserting herself into your life that everything shifted around her. For the first time, nights weren’t lonely, and you found yourself thinking about her whenever you were alone. Whether it was calling just to hear her voice or seeing herㅋㅋㅋ in your messages, she always occupied some part of your mind.
And now, you couldn’t live without her.
“I love you.”
The words slip through your lips, barely louder than a whisper. Suddenly, fear overtakes you. Maybe she heard your slip of the tongue. Maybe she would push you away.
But one look at those fluttering eyelashes and pursed lips dissipates your fears.
After a few more minutes of taking in her scent, you glance up just in time to see the number flash from 68 to 69. “Jimin. Jimin,” you say gently, shaking her shoulder. “Wake up, babe.”
“Urgh. Five more minutes.”
“Ice cream.”
“Five more mi– Ice cream?” Her eyes fully open, and she quickly scrambles around before snatching the receipt from your pocket.
At least you had a new way to wake her up. You watch her run halfway to the ice cream truck before slowly walking after her.
She's practically jumping for joy as she happily accepts her cone before she looks at the long banana split.
“I’ve got it.” You grab it with one hand before slipping a dollar bill into the tip jar. “Thank you.” Your hand quickly wraps around her wrist as you pull her back towards the clearing,
“What's the rush?” she whines, pulling back on your hand, so you slow down. “Babe. Babe. Babe.” Her hand pulls on the sleeve of your shirt.
“Babe~. You have to look.”
A long sigh leaves your lips as you stop in your tracks and turn around. “What~?”
Her eyes are wide and pleading, but as soon as she realizes she has your attention, that mischievous glint in her eye appears. “Look.”
Her lips gently kiss the edge of the cone; her eyes still focused on yours. A soft smile forms on her lips as she slowly brings her tongue out and swipes upward, taking a bit of Oreo crumble and vanilla swirl along the way.
Melted drops of vanilla slide down to the base and coat her hands with sticky droplets.
All the while, her eyes remain locked on yours, making sure that you're forced to watch every moment of the scene that's playing out in front of you.
A hard lump forms in your throat that soon becomes even more unbearable as she circles her tongue over the top of the swirl. After a few more tense moments, you grab onto her hand and pull her towards the clearing.
“Babe! You interrupted the show!” she teases, smiling as you aggressively lead her back to where you were before.
“Show, my ass!”
“Come on~. You were enjoying it~.”
That you couldn't deny. The red flush of your cheeks, racing heartbeat, and butterflies in your stomach wouldn't have it any other way.
“Let's just eat already,” you say as you sit down on the grass.
Jimin follows suit, leaning against your shoulder while she devours her cone like a normal person. Small chunks of chocolate stick to the sides of her mouth while she quickly licks up any melting vanilla.
“Want a bite?” She offers you a tiny nub of ice cream, a little more than a third of her swirl. None of the Oreo remains, just a small white mound in the center.
“I'll pass.” You take one look at her cone before taking a scoop of the banana split. A little vanilla ice cream on top of a small chunk of banana with chocolate syrup,
“We were supposed to share that!”
You shrug. “I’m not the one with a cone all to herself.”
Through the side of your eye, you watch Jimin finish the ice cream swirl in one bite before taking a large bite of her cone. Her cheeks bunch up as she takes large bites of the crunchy wafer.
“Okay, now gimme some.” She reaches for one of the spoons, only for you to pull it out of reach.
“Finish chewing, and I’ll let you have some,” you say with a cheeky grin. As she watches, you take another tantalizing slow bite of the banana split before picking up one of the bright red cherries. You bite the cherry off at the stem and watch her eyes go wide as you take one of her prized cherries.
Before you can even react, she grabs the other two cherries and quickly adds them to her already stuffed cheeks. “Mmmm.”
The way she quickly chews as she tries to finish the entire meal stored in her cheeks becomes your source of entertainment while you wait to share the banana split.
Eventually, after a few more entertaining minutes of watching your beautiful girlfriend, she tries to pull the banana split out of your hands.
You pull back, beginning a short tug of war as frustrated grunts and grumbles fill the silent night. “Babe, just let go. I’ll feed it to you.”
“No!” She pulls on the plate again, trying to make it slip from your hands.
A soft chuckle leaves your lips as you look up at her face while she exerts herself. Glaring eyes, pouty lips, and clenched jaw. She’s actually trying.
You give her the illusion of success and let the plate slip out of your hands slightly before suddenly pulling back.
She yelps and falls forward, crashing onto your chest. A soft huff sounds from between your arms before you get a bite of the banana split and offer it to her. “Fine,” she grumbles, biting down on your spoon and aggressively chewing. “Another.”
“Of course, love.” You gingerly feed her another bite and wait for her to ask for another.
This cycle continues until you’re holding onto the final bite. “Give it to me,” she says. You bring the last bite to her lips. “No, not that. The spoon.” She snatched the spoon away from you. “Say ah.”
You let her feed you the final bite before setting the empty plate onto the grass. “Ready to go yet?”
“Let's just stay like this for a little longer.” She says softly, eyes staring into the night.
Both of you sit together in the darkness, watching as the area around the hill slowly clears out. Other students leave after finishing their orders, and the long line gradually thins away until it's just the ice cream truck all alone.
The generator adds a quiet thrum to the chorus of night. Chirping crickets add the other higher voice before the generator hums fade away as the truck employees place everything inside and drive away.
Now it's just you and Jimin. Her small hands tightly clutch onto yours while her quiet breath guides the beat of your heart.
“Let's go,” she whispers.
You wait for her to climb up from your lap before standing up.
Her hand then grabs onto yours as she leads you back to your dorm.
You follow her down the moonlight path, the cobblestones adding a bit of pressure to the bottom of your feet each step. Your hand lets go of hers, letting her fingers slide away as she takes a few steps forward.
“Ah, ooh. Ah ooh. I want you to breathe me in~,” she sings as she grabs back onto your hand and pulls you closer. “Let me be your air. Let me roam your body freely.” Her eyes glance up, encouraging you to raise your hand higher.
You oblige her with a slight smile, spinning her around as if you were in a dance. Your reward comes soon after as she presses her hips against you and leans into you. Her hand caresses your cheek and guides it over her shoulder.
“You’re singing the wrong song,” you say, her warm breath tickling your upper lip.
“Really?” Jimin gently shimmies her hips from side to side. “It sounds like I chose just the right song.” Her fingers reach down and touch your thigh, just close enough that she can feel the taut fabric alongside. “You know, babe. We’ve never done it in public before.”
A ragged breath comes from between your teeth as her fingers slowly tiptoe towards the inside of your thighs. “Jimin….”
“Hm?” she hums. “Don’t tell me you're actually thinking about it?” Her hand runs down the sides of the tent she created. “You really are thinking about it.” Her expression suddenly shifts into one of pity as she gives you a quick peck on the lips. “Too bad.”
One push sinks your hopes as you’re left to deal with your own misery.
She starts walking back to your dorm again, and without even bothering to turn around, she calls out, “Don’t stand there and mope all night. I won't bother waiting for you.”
You look up and meet her eyes. The slight playful grin on her lips puts a lid on your boiling need, and you shake your head before catching up with her.
Once she’s led you back to your apartment, you grab onto her wrist. “Let me take you back first. It’s dark out.”
She raises an eyebrow. “Someone’s being all chivalrous tonight. What happened to being emotionally fragile?”
“Babe, I’m being serious. Let me walk you back.”
She shakes her head, muttering something under her breath. And before you could even say anything else, she roughly pulls you into the building. Without a word, she drags you up the stairwell and to your front door. “Open it.”
Your door unlocks with a mechanical click, and she steps inside.
Before she finishes taking her shoes off, you grab her wrist and pin it to the wall, pressing against her small frame with your body.
“Someone’s eager today.”
“Shut up,” you say, your lips grazing the side of her ear before gently biting down.
“I’m being serious. What if Jin walks in?” she laughs, making no attempt to push you off her.
“He can watch. I can’t wait any longer.” Your lips move to the side of her neck. The softness of her skin tantalizes your senses, encouraging you to run your teeth along the pale white surface.
The soft scent of iris draws you deeper into a trance as a strand of her hair runs over your nose.
Before long, she's the only thing on your mind– the slightly salty taste of the sweat on her skin, the warmth of her hand on your chest, and the gentle rasp of her breath beside your ear. Everything about her takes hold of your senses and refuses to let go.
“Babe~.” A groan leaves her lips. “What are you doing?”
You hook a finger underneath the strap of her top, laying kisses over her shoulder while you gingerly pull it off. “Don’t worry about it.” Your other free hand does the same for the other strap, but the top simply slips down, only revealing a little of the beautiful lace covering her chest.
A soft laugh leaves her lips. “Not what you expected?” Her eyes look towards the hand that you’ve pinned against the wall. “Looks like you’re gonna have to let go.”
You hesitate momentarily, pausing to think about what to do before grabbing onto her collar.
“Nuh-uh.” Her voice draws your eyes back up to hers. “This is one of my favorite tops.”
You groan and tap your head on the wall, admitting defeat. Your hand lets go of her wrist.
“That wasn’t so hard,” she says, a victorious smile on her lips as she lifts the top, revealing a beautiful lace bra underneath.
Your smile quickly reappears as you begin laying kisses over the edges of the lace, grazing your skin with half lace and half beautiful skin. You reach behind her and quickly pull apart the clasp.
The top comes smoothly off, Jimin offering little resistance as she lets the straps fall off her shoulders and slides the rest of the lace down her arms. “You’ve been good today,” she smiles, draping her tiny arms over your shoulders while you enjoy the newly revealed skin of her chest.
You begin softly laying kisses over the skin where the bra used to sit before moving down. Your lips touch the valley between her soft peaks. The warmth of her skin tickles your cheeks while the fast beat of her heart reaffirms your confidence.
Her hand runs through your hair. “I get it that you like my t– Ah~.” A long moan forces its way through her lips as your teeth gently bite on the small pink peak. “Fuck~,” she groans, tightening her grip on your hair.
Your lips form a slight smile as you roll your tongue over the pink flesh while your hand supports from beneath. You continue your ministrations on one half of her chest, but not wanting to leave the other ignored, begin to gently knead the soft flesh with your other hand.
Most alluring of all is the beautiful view when you look up. Damp hair mattes over her face, strands running into her eyes while slightly parted lips allow for minor hiccups and groans to escape. “Oh, God….”
She writhes in your arms for a few more moments before she pulls your mouth back up to hers. Her bountiful chest forms a comfortable cushion between you as she aggressively ravages your lips.
You can feel her tongue push against yours, asserting itself over you while her leg draws up your thigh, a simple diversion.
But it was too late for you. She has you caught in her web.
Instinctively, you grab onto her waist, steadying her as she wraps her legs around your waist.
“Bedroom,” she makes out between kisses.
In a heated frenzy, you stumble through the dorm, grabbing on anything that could steady you. Your sides painfully hit against the dinner table along the way, eliciting a cute laugh from Jimin as she tucks a strand of hair behind her ear without breaking the kiss.
As you approach the door, she sets a hand on your chest, a subtle sign. She moves away, giving you a beautiful view of her flushed features.
“I'll get the door.” Jimin turns around and opens the door before she puts her arms back around your neck. “Now, we can continue.”
“I didn't know I was getting a play-by-play,” you laugh, kicking the door fully open.
“After what I saw on your computer, I would say I’m owed some compensation,” she says while her hands work on pulling your shirt over your head. “And~ it looks like someone’s been working hard in the gym.” Her hands roam your chest, an impressed smile on her face.  “Now~”
Those seductive bed eyes mesmerize you, and each flutter of those long lashes only draws you deeper into a trance. Her voice becomes the only thing you hear, overwhelming the hurried beat of your heart.
Jimin shifts her weight and wraps her arms around your neck. One gentle tug tumbles both of you down into the bed.
When you feel the mattress against your hands, you look down to see a slight smile on her lips before her laugh fills the room. “Don’t look at me like that, babe.” Her hand caresses your cheek.
“Like what?”
“Those lovey-dovey eyes. They make me want to have a deep conversation about our future rather than let you ravage me.” She glances down between your legs before biting her bottom lip. “Now… if you wouldn’t mind.” Her hips shimmy from side to side beneath you, a subtle draw for attention towards her canvas pants.
You smile and oblige her. A gentle pull on the drawstring loosens the pants before one tug has them down to the bottom of the bed.
You descend downward and lay gentle kisses over her toned stomach. Your reward at the bottom is a beautiful pair of lace panties, slightly damp in the center, perfuming the air with the scent of her arousal.
She grabs a pillow and places it beneath her neck. Her hands grab the sides of the black lace and begin to take it off before you gently push them away.
“Let me,” you whisper, a slight smile on your lips as you bite down on the slick center.
A satisfied hum leaves her lips while she watches you pull them off, her eyes never leaving yours. “Someone’s been practicing,” she breathes through a ragged exhale.
“You’re too kind,” you mumble before your hand finishes the effort once you’ve made it halfway. Your hands move to the inside of her thighs while your lips descend down, peppering the smooth skin with soft kisses.
She writhes beneath your touch, only letting out restrained moans and soft whimpers while the grip on your hair tightens, drawing you closer. But you don’t change course and instead take the scenic route as you layer one kiss on one thigh, then two on the next, just a little closer to the needy heat between her legs.
“You’re such a tease,” she grumbles, giving your hair another forceful tug. “Babe, ple— Ah!”
A steady stream of warm air leaves your lips as you breathe over the small null at the top of her flushed core. You give her an innocent look before having an apprehensive taste. One small lick, a sample of what was to come.
Her lips open, another frustrated groan ready to leave.
Before she says anything, you dive in, nuzzling your nose into her small clit at the top while your tongue moves up and down in slow strokes. Her white knuckles and unrestrained moans only invigorate your efforts as you hit all the right spots. Your fingers slide beneath your tongue to reach her deepest spots.
“Keep going~ Ah! Right there!”
Arousal coats your tongue and fingers while her thigh quivers beneath your left hand. Her restrained moans and weak whimpers eventually break through the dam, releasing a loud crescendo of screams.
“F-fuck!” Her back arches and walls tighten around your finger as your tongue is generously coated in a light layer of arousal. “Ah—fu—God!” The tremors hit a peak, and her body tightens up before hitting a final crescendo as she unravels, letting out the final torrent of arousal that you struggle to contain to just your lips.
She holds you against her heat as she settles back down, enjoying the broad strokes of your tongue over her still sensitive core.
“Fuck, babe.” Her thighs press firmly against the side of your head before she pulls it up to meet her eyes. Flushed red cheeks compliment dark brown eyes that sparkle with a desire for more. “Come here,” she groans, gently tugging on your hair, a simple suggestion for you to climb back up.
Your hands press down onto the mattress beside her head while her arms wrap around your neck.
“Someone’s been practicing,” she laughs before her lips meet yours. Her hand moves downward, running over the surface of your pants. Without so much as a word, she slips inside and begins slowly stroking your length.
You can feel a slight smile form on her lips between the kiss but are too engrossed in the smell of iris perfume and the softness of her skin to say anything about what's occurring between your legs.
“Jimin-ah.” A ragged breath escapes once you feel her hand place your length between her thighs. The slightly damp folds hug the top.
“Jimin-ah~,” she imitates your voice but adds a bit of her seductive spice to it by letting out the most perverse moan she can manage at the end. “You don’t want it, babe? Don't you want to fuck me?
Do it. Fuck me till I can’t walk tomorrow.” She bites down on her lip, leaving you [3] speechless by the vulgarities from your typically romantic and loving girlfriend.
A snicker escapes through her facade before she starts giggling uncontrollably. “Sorry. I just had to try it once.”
“You're a fiend.”
“Really?” She gives that doe-eyed look before changing to something more mischievous. “Well, you might have to punish me then, won’t you?”
Her free hand aligns your tip with her warm center before her thighs pull you deeper inside. “Fu–Ah! Go slower!”
A slight hum beside her neck as you slow down. Your lips suck at the tiny droplets of moisture, tasting the slight saltiness of her skin.
Halfway in, she bites down on your shoulder while her hips invite you closer. Soft mewls become needy groans as your length pistons in and out, covering half of it in her arousal.
Eventually, you find a rhythm, pushing more and more of your length inside with each thrust.
Her lips move away from your shoulder and encapsulate your own; a silent moan is exchanged between them. “Mmmm!”
She pulls away from the kiss and takes a good look at you. Brilliant brown eyes that would hide away with a soft moan whenever the sound of skin against skin resonated through the room. Plush pink lips that took hold of your senses whenever you saw them.
Now you could feel her warm breath against your ear as she held you closer. “Harder, please. Just fucking ha-ar-Ah!”
Your hips smash against hers. Her thighs begin to writhe beneath you while her skin boils. The hands around your neck move down to your back and rake over your bare skin. “Babe, fuck. I’m so fuc—” Her voice hitches, and her core contracts around you, milking you of everything you have.
A sense of panic arrives, and you try to pull out, only for her grip on your neck to tighten as she looks you in the eye.
The look sends you over the edge as you bottom out inside her.
Then almost as if this were a dream, you'll fall to the side, your combined laughter filling the room.
“You're amazing,” she smiles, climbing onto your chest so her damp hair mattes over your skin.
“Says you.” You press a kiss to her forehead. “Don’t forget to take a Plan B tomorrow morning.”
Jimin rolls over, a slight pout on her lips. “Don’t want kids with me that badly?”
Your face heats up. “Jimin, you know that's not what I m–”
“I’m kidding,” she laughs, giving you a chaste kiss on the lips. “Maybe in a few years.”
“You’re planning on staying with me for that long?”
“Well…” Her tone suddenly becomes quieter. “Yeah. I love you.” Before she suddenly gives you a playful smile. “More than you’ll ever know.~”
A scoff leaves your lips, and you pull her into your arms. “I’m going to sleep.”
“I love it when you hold me.”
“Just sleep, Jimin.”
And with that, she settles in your arms, letting her soft hair brush into your nose while you fall asleep.
Maybe you’ll dream of your future, or maybe you’ll have a nightmare. But as long as you woke up with her in your arms, you knew summer nights wouldn’t be so bad anymore.
Notes: Long time no see reader. I think it’s been almost two weeks, so I apologize for the long wait. There’s a lot of people to thank for this one, so it’ll take some time. Thank you to @v1ntrix, @praeluxius, @banananutsmuthie, @floraedewrites, @fillinforlater, and @cr4ycr4y for working on this with me. Y’all are amazing. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the fic reader. If you’re wondering about any of my series, they will be continued shortly, most specifically the ABO series which I’ve just been unable to sit down and commit to writing. That’ll be all. Hope to see you again soon, reader.
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martassimsbookcc · 1 year
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【 ℂ𝕣𝕖𝕕𝕚𝕥𝕤 】 Mesh and textures: @sundays-sims​ | Original Sims 4 post: ⚪
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* Ceramic Candle: 1723 verts | 2883 faces >> Found under Table lamps | 40§ >>> Recolorable - 1 channel
* Clutter: 5141 verts | 7473 faces >> Found under Miscellaneous decor | 15§ >>> Recolorable - 1 channel
* Coffee Table: 491 verts | 436 faces >> Found under Coffee tables | 325§ >>> Recolorable - 2 channels >>>> 21 slots for Small/Medium/Large objects
* Deco Tray: 10310 verts | 13023 faces >> Found under Miscellaneous decor | 50§ >>> Recolorable - 1 channel
* Gift Box: 741 verts | 992 faces >> Found under Miscellaneous decor | 20§ >>> Recolorable - 1 channel
* Hanging Paper Deco: 11851 verts | 13579 faces >> Found under Miscellaneous decor | 120§ >>> Recolorable - 4  channels + 7 non-recolorable presets >>>> Can be moved up/down on wall
* Linen Wrapped Gift A: 5367 verts | 8128 faces >> Found under Miscellaneous decor | 20§ >>> Recolorable - 1 channel
* Linen Wrapped Gift B: 4061 verts | 6795 faces >> Found under Miscellaneous decor | 20§ >>> Recolorable - 1 channel
* Living Chair: 6430 verts | 10592 faces >> Found under Living chairs | 420§ >>> Recolorable - 2 channels
* Paper Christmas Tree: 2484 verts | 2118 faces >> Found under Miscellaneous decor | 10§ >>> Recolorable - 1 channel
* Paper Wrapped Gifts: 16683 verts | 13703 faces >> Found under Miscellaneous decor | 25§ >>> Recolorable - 2 channels
* Scissors: 797 verts | 1190 faces >> Found under Miscellaneous decor | 3§ >>> Recolorable - 2 channels
* Small Wooden House A: 236 verts | 227 faces >> Found under Miscellaneous decor | 55§ >>> Recolorable - 2 channels
* Small Wooden House B: 318 verts | 276 faces >> Found under Miscellaneous decor | 60§ >>> Recolorable - 2 channels
* Sofa: 4651 verts | 7689 faces >> Found under Sofas and loveseats | 450§ >>> Recolorable - 1 channel
* Throw Blanket: 6872 verts | 11336 faces >> Found under Miscellaneous decor | 25§ >>> Not recolorable - 30 presets
* Tree: 12497 verts | 12254 faces >> Found under Miscellaneous decor | 290§ >>> Recolorable - 3 channels
* Wooden Deco: 1775 verts | 2609 faces >> Found under Miscellaneous decor | 10§ >>> Recolorable - 1 channel
365 notes · View notes
smicksstuff · 2 years
request: Hi! I love your insta AUs. Could you do an insta AU with one of the drivers where their girlfriend is one of the English football players that recently won the euros? :) thank you ❤️
a/n: Ofcourse Yes ! Don’t know if it is great but i tried my best for this :)
pairing: George Russell x (England Womens Footballer!reader)
You Had Me At Football - George Russell
instagram edit
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Liked by landonorris, danielricciardo, alex_albon, and 635, 504 others
georgerussell63 Thats my girl !! So proud of you my love !! ❤️ CHAMPIONS OF EUROPE 🏆🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
view 4423 comments 
ynusername thank you baby ❤️😘
❤️ liked by georgerussell63
landonorris LETSGOOO YN !!! You guys were flipping amazing 🤩 What a night !! 🏆
ynusername awww thank you landino 🫶🏼
lewishamilton Awesome Job Yn!! What an achievement this is ! Many more to come 🙌🏽
ynusername thank you so much sir lewis 😊
mercedesamgf1 What an achievement Yn! Congratulations to the team on the win 🏆
❤️ liked by ynusername and 245 others
danielricciardo You Beauty ! what can i say except congratulations to my favourite footballer in the world !!!! 💯🥇
ynusername thanks alot mate ! you are my number 1 favourite aussie driver 💖
georgerussell63 excuse me my love…. im your number 1 driver 😘
ynusername hehe you will always be my number 1 but danny is my favourite aussie 😉
danielricciardo do i sense some jealousy here russell george ? 🤔
❤️ liked by ynusername and 435 others
ynandgeorgefanpage Congratulations Yn !! You were amazing today ! Love you so so much ! My Favourite Player EVER ❤️❤️❤️
nicholaslatifi Congratulations Yn ! So proud of you! What an achievement for the team 🙌🏽🥇
ynusername thank you nicky !! 😄
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Liked by georgerussell63, lilymhe, masonmount, and 1,345,890 others
ynusername CHAMPIONS OF EUROPE !! 🏆❤️ Its been an honour to be part of this team 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 This is what dreams are made of!
view 7689 comments
lilymhe thats my bestfriend !! so proud of you my little superstar ❤️
ynusername love you bestie 😘❤️
alex_albon excuse me ladies. id like to point out that yn was my bestfriend first. i call dips.
georgerussell63 stop calling dips on my girlfriend mate.
alex_albon if it wasn’t for me you would not have met her. so you are welcome 😚
georgerussell63 😐🙄
lilymhe what a bunch of kids 🤦🏼‍♀️
masonmount congratulations yn!! this is definitely what dreams are made of !! 🥇
ynusername thank you mase !! 😁
ynthegoat OUR CAPTAIN!!! love you so much YN!❤️❤️❤️
lionesses ©️🏆
❤️ liked by ynusername and 879 others
carlossainz55 Felicidades por la victoria! ¡Qué juego era ese! Tan orgulloso de ti! 🏆
ynusername Gracias Carlos 🫶🏼
isahernaez Vamos Yn !! Tan orgullosa de ti ❤️
ynusername Gracias Isa ! Te amo ❤️
davidbeckham Congratulations on this massive achievement Yn ! What a captain you have been! So proud of the team !! 🏆😁
ynusername Thank You David !! It was an honour to be captain of this squad 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏆
credits: images are not mine they are found from pinterest
taglist: @lionesses-lions
228 notes · View notes
compneuropapers · 16 days
Interesting Papers for Week 21, 2024
Suboptimal multisensory processing in pediatric migraine without aura: a comparative, cross-sectional study. Braunitzer, G., Tót, K., Eördegh, G., Hegedűs, A., Kiss, Á., Kóbor, J., … Nagy, A. (2023). Scientific Reports, 13, 19422.
Active cortical networks promote shunting fast synaptic inhibition in vivo. Burman, R. J., Brodersen, P. J. N., Raimondo, J. V., Sen, A., & Akerman, C. J. (2023). Neuron, 111(22), 3531-3540.e6.
Alpha-frequency feedback to early visual cortex orchestrates coherent naturalistic vision. Chen, L., Cichy, R. M., & Kaiser, D. (2023). Science Advances, 9(45).
Functional alterations of the prefrontal circuit underlying cognitive aging in mice. Chong, H. R., Ranjbar-Slamloo, Y., Ho, M. Z. H., Ouyang, X., & Kamigaki, T. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 7254.
Early Action Error Processing Is Due to Domain-General Surprise, Whereas Later Processing Is Error Specific. Choo, Y., Mather, A., & Wessel, J. R. (2023). Journal of Neuroscience, 43(45), 7678–7689.
The roles of surround inhibition for the intrinsic function of the striatum, analyzed in silico. Frost Nylén, J., Hjorth, J. J. J., Kozlov, A., Carannante, I., Hellgren Kotaleski, J., & Grillner, S. (2023). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(45), e2313058120.
Selective plasticity of fast and slow excitatory synapses on somatostatin interneurons in adult visual cortex. Grier, B. D., Parkins, S., Omar, J., & Lee, H.-K. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 7165.
Dopaminergic systems create reward seeking despite adverse consequences. Jovanoski, K. D., Duquenoy, L., Mitchell, J., Kapoor, I., Treiber, C. D., Croset, V., … Waddell, S. (2023). Nature, 623(7986), 356–365.
Association neurons in the crow telencephalon link visual signs to numerical values. Kirschhock, M. E., & Nieder, A. (2023). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(45), e2313923120.
A mechanistic insight into sources of error of visual working memory in multiple sclerosis. Motahharynia, A., Pourmohammadi, A., Adibi, A., Shaygannejad, V., Ashtari, F., Adibi, I., & Sanayei, M. (2023). eLife, 12, e87442.3.
A thalamocortical substrate for integrated information via critical synchronous bursting. Munn, B. R., Müller, E. J., Aru, J., Whyte, C. J., Gidon, A., Larkum, M. E., & Shine, J. M. (2023). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(46), e2308670120.
Change detection in the primate auditory cortex through feedback of prediction error signals. Obara, K., Ebina, T., Terada, S.-I., Uka, T., Komatsu, M., Takaji, M., … Matsuzaki, M. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 6981.
Immune activation state modulates infant engram expression across development. Power, S. D., Stewart, E., Zielke, L. G., Byrne, E. P., Douglas, A., Ortega-de San Luis, C., … Ryan, T. J. (2023). Science Advances, 9(45).
Dopaminergic error signals retune to social feedback during courtship. Roeser, A., Gadagkar, V., Das, A., Puzerey, P. A., Kardon, B., & Goldberg, J. H. (2023). Nature, 623(7986), 375–380.
Hierarchical temporal prediction captures motion processing along the visual pathway. Singer, Y., Taylor, L., Willmore, B. D., King, A. J., & Harper, N. S. (2023). eLife, 12, e52599.
Neuronal implementation of the temporal difference learning algorithm in the midbrain dopaminergic system. Stetsenko, A., & Koos, T. (2023). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(45), e2309015120.
Forgotten memory storage and retrieval in Drosophila. Wang, C.-M., Wu, C.-Y., Lin, C.-E., Hsu, M.-C., Lin, J.-C., Huang, C.-C., … Chiang, H.-C. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 7153.
Striatum-projecting prefrontal cortex neurons support working memory maintenance. Wilhelm, M., Sych, Y., Fomins, A., Alatorre Warren, J. L., Lewis, C., Serratosa Capdevila, L., … Helmchen, F. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 7016.
Vestibular contribution to spatial encoding. Zanchi, S., Cuturi, L. F., Sandini, G., Gori, M., & Ferrè, E. R. (2023). European Journal of Neuroscience, 58(9), 4034–4042.
Sampling-based Bayesian inference in recurrent circuits of stochastic spiking neurons. Zhang, W.-H., Wu, S., Josić, K., & Doiron, B. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 7074.
14 notes · View notes
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original url http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Stage/7689/ last modified 2007-02-28 16:33:13
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larkthorne · 11 months
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The Ballad of Johnson Spur (7689 words) by larkthorne
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett, Good Omens (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens) Characters: Aziraphale (Good Omens), Crowley (Good Omens), Anathema Device
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Human, Health Inspector Crowley, Business Owner Aziraphale, Tourist Traps, Top Aziraphale (Good Omens), Bottom Crowley (Good Omens), Trans Aziraphale (Good Omens), Trans Male Character, Crowley Has a Penis (Good Omens), Aziraphale Has a Vulva (Good Omens), Aziraphale Has a Penis (Good Omens), (Well a prosthetic of one), Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Humor, Fluff and Smut, Unreliable Narrator
Summary: Landing at Johnson Spur Lookout netted him a book of questionable quality, a lead on a massive health inspection bust, and also, unfortunately for Crowley’s nerves, probably the most attractive man in the valley. Ezra Fell, the proprietor of Johnson Spur Lookout, had been a thorn in Crowley’s side each of the half dozen times he’d stopped by over the last couple months. Mostly because Crowley couldn’t stop thinking about how he could be a thorn in another part of Crowley’s anatomy, if you caught his drift. -- Health Inspector Anthony Crowley faces up against the owner of a local tourist trap, Ezra Fell. Right up against him. In the tradition of "Ineffablexxx," or human AUs of ridiculous porn fantasies, ft. trans top Aziraphale because we need him.
Read it on AO3.
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WL640 by Citizen of the Galaxy Via Flickr: Eastbound merchandise including high cube auto boxcars moves through the industrial area of East Syracuse at CP 286 on 10 August 1994 behind Conrail SD50 No. 6759 and GP38 No. 7689. The wide angle view accentuates the lead unit's length. The lanky SD50s looked good leading a train.
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s1xseasonsandamov1e · 8 months
Local woman had to socialize for 5 hours today 3455 dead 7689 injured
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ao3feed-spamano · 11 months
Summer Fling
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/nah2LXw
by x_Lilou_chan_x
Antonio is a young adult that feels way too bored and lonely at his place during summer holidays, even though he has a great garden and pool. While he just wants to feel a bit less lonely at the public pool, he encounters another young man who accompanies his brother and seems to have trouble with water. Antonio might not be able to leave this guy alone.
Words: 7689, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Hetalia: Axis Powers
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Spain (Hetalia), South Italy (Hetalia), North Italy (Hetalia), Prussia (Hetalia), France (Hetalia), Germany (Hetalia)
Relationships: South Italy/Spain (Hetalia)
Additional Tags: Light Angst, Lemon, Pool, fear of water, LGBT, Gay Sex, spamano - Freeform
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/nah2LXw
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