every-tome · 1 year
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randomwriteronline · 7 months
One night, when all is over, when all can rest; when Kiina sleeps listening to the waves, Berix nursing the newest still unfinished project, Gresh not having any new scars to count, Click barely batting a wing; Ackar hears the voice of Mata Nui smile with such infinite love, and wakes up.
He sits up and listens again: if he strains his ears, if he forces himself to shut down the frantic beating of his heart, he thinks he can hear that voice again. He could swear he is talking, maybe humming, so close and yet so impossibly far away, even further than the resting place of the Ignika but somehow right next to him, tone filled with mournful joy, with an affection that brings one to tears.
Someone is out there, outside.
Someone is singing, outside.
He leaves.
One night, when all is over, Ackar forces himself to stumble out of town and into the cold, into the slowly receding desert which is giving way to life once more; he follows beneath the starlit sky barren of blue or green moons the sound, the song, the voice, an enthralled sleepwalker chasing desperately after a lucid dream he knows cannot be and yet so desperately wants to find, a spellbound seaman bewitched by a cannibal siren's serenade dragging his ship against the jagged cliffs upon which the object of his desire perches with monstrous arms outstretched so lovingly towards him.
He chases after the sound, the song, the voice: he could swear it's the same, the same deep and comforting sound upon whom he once laid his hand on to call 'friend'; he could swear it's the same, so sweet and so heartbroken, and his throat twists tight into a knot as he knows he will not see what he wants, yet he wants so badly.
He chases after the sound, the song, the voice: it splits but does not shatter. Like the hairs of a braid its pieces join together, tangle gently, form a harmony that no mouth can replicate.
He stops.
He looks.
One night, when all is over, Ackar watches and listens.
He knows them, he recognizes them: the twelve of them arranged in two concentric circles, only six of them singing, only six of them silent, their language so far beyond what his anatomy could comprehend or hope to produce, and yet he understands.
He understands from the inner circle's tight fists, their shaking shoulders, their shuddering chests as they struggle to breathe. He understands from the outer circle's solemn pronounciation, the anguish in their shining eyes, their longing and trembling voices.
He understands and hushes, and listens to their mourning song.
One night, when all is over, the Toa Mata mourn who they were fated to protect and instead failed.
One night, when all is over, the Toa Mahri mourn who they could not hold back from the choice of fate.
One night, when all is over, Toa Takanuva mourns all who he will never accept he could not die in the stead of.
Six voices raise, six lights like an aurora across the sky - two figures, mighty and wise and yet so powerless, dancing in their dirge with bodies composed of mourning songs harmonizing together - warriors burying a king, a peer, a friend, a stranger. Six more join, louder to the point of wailing, no composure, burning stars bursting as violently as their destructive end allows, children crying inconsolable the death of a hero, a peer, a friend, a sibling.
The Toa howl like wild hounds into the empty desert night in which no bloody star shines, in the heartbroken artificial language of their manufactured living people.
One night, when all is over, Ackar looks and listens.
In their twelve voices he hears yet another, at once earth and sky, enormously strong yet as light as the birdsong.
In their thirteen voices he hears Mata Nui.
In their thirteen voices Mata Nui smiles.
He smiles with such infinite love.
One night, when all is over, Ackar whispers: I love you.
One night, when all is over, the Toa scream: I love you.
One night, when all is over, Matoro booms: I love you.
One night, when all is over, Mata Nui smiles: I love you.
Ackar cries.
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pesterloglog · 6 months
Jake English, Aranea Serket
Act 6, page 6572-6586
JAKE: Zzzzzz.
JAKE: Ooh neytiri...
JAKE: Zzz.
JAKE: Im learning so much about myself...
JAKE: Through your primitive culture...
JAKE: Snore.
JAKE: Whats that neytiri?
JAKE: Snooze.
JAKE: Why yes...
JAKE: Of course i am open to exploring alien intercourse with you...
JAKE: Do what with my tail now?
JAKE: Oh my...
JAKE: Zzzzzzzzzzz.
NEYTIRI: Jake, wake up.
JAKE: Hold your horses neytiri im doing my best here...
JAKE: You know mobility isnt my strong suit what with this wobbly pair of puppet legs god gave me...
JAKE: Slumber.
ARANEA: JAKE!!!!!!!!
ARANEA: Greetings, Jake.
ARANEA: We meet again.
JAKE: Aranea?
JAKE: Wait this means im still dreaming doesnt it.
ARANEA: On the contrary!
ARANEA: You are awake now.
ARANEA: And I, alive.
JAKE: Hold the phone...
JAKE: Youre not a spooky ghost babe anymore?
JAKE: Girl! Ghost girl.
JAKE: (Dangit!)
ARANEA: No, Jake. I have returned from the dead for good.
ARANEA: And I have come for you.
JAKE: G-g-g-
JAKE: Gulp. :o
ARANEA: Surely you remem8er the first time we met? And what we talked a8out?
JAKE: Yeah.
JAKE: Mostly?
ARANEA: I once spoke of your destiny. The one where8y you will deal the Lord of Time his first defeat. Do you recall?
JAKE: I mean...
JAKE: Maybe?
ARANEA: It doesn't matter. The plan has changed.
JAKE: It has?
ARANEA: Yes, Jake.
ARANEA: You see, in every hero of hope there dwells a gr8 hidden power, unrivaled 8y that of any other aspect.
ARANEA: And for a page, the journey to reach his full potential is longer than it is for any other class.
ARANEA: 8ut once that journey is over, how fearsome he 8ecomes!
ARANEA: I am here to shorten that journey for you.
ARANEA: And in return for this favor, you will serve my needs.
JAKE: How?
ARANEA: There are many o8stacles within that are preventing you from accessing your true potential.
ARANEA: You cannot see them, Jake. 8ut I can.
ARANEA: I can see every fault and fissure in your mind. My vision 8-fold sheds light on every injury you have ever suffered, whether emotional or physical.
ARANEA: I can repair it all for you, Jake.
JAKE: (Oh no...)
ARANEA: I can heal your mind.
JAKE: (Oh n-n-n-)
ARANEA: I can heal your soul.
ARANEA: What's the matter?!
JAKE: Stop! Please stop!
JAKE: Why does everyone want to kiss me all the time!
JAKE: What did i ever do to deserve this sort of attention!
JAKE: I dont know what you all see in me i just dont understand it!
JAKE: Cant you see i just want you to LEAVE ME ALONE?
JAKE: Waaah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah!
ARANEA: Wow, alright!!!!!!!!
ARANEA: I'm sorry!
ARANEA: There! See?
ARANEA: I am respecting your personal 8oundaries. We don't have to kiss!
ARANEA: Good grief, that went poorly.
ARANEA: I only tried to kiss you 8ecause I knew you were attracted to me!
ARANEA: I thought I was doing you a FAVOR!
ARANEA: I don't know what I'm supposed to........
ARANEA: You really are a piece of work, Jake. Here I am, a literal mind reader, and I still can't figure you out.
ARANEA: 8ut you're right.
ARANEA: My advances were inappropri8te, and in the future I will try to 8e more respectful.
ARANEA: I'm still going to heal you though.
ARANEA: It is nothing personal. There is simply no altern8tive.
ARANEA: Your power is too important to my plan!
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sexylonestar · 3 months
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Nylon # 6577
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weirdsatellites · 2 months
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Manifest #6577 from NROL-129 (TOP SECRET) 1. Canal of Patterns 2. Pagan Bitmaps 3. Haunted Tiaras
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noffy96 · 5 months
Sun/Moon Fic
Chapter three is here! ( the first of the 3 stories i finished last week XD ) I had a lot of fun writing it. So hope you all enjoy it to
Our first day together Apart .
Chapter Word count: 6577
Chapter 3/4 (Complete)
Previous Chapter Next Chapter
Chapter Summary:
With a small smile, he briefly reached further back pulling the tail of Moon's hat over his shoulder, before gently holding his face again.
“This...finally feels right, no…more than that it feels perfect.” He softly whispered
To his own amusement, he saw Moon's cheeks start to glow in a lovely brighter shade of red. Before he felt and saw him shake with silent laughter.
“Perfect… huh?”
Sun and Moon make their way to the West Arcade. And get a little distracted on the way. But once they arrive what surprise would be waiting for them there
--link here to AO3--
or continue below the read more line
He was humming along with the song that was playing over the speakers. Rays swaying with every bouncing step. His and Moony’s clasped hands swung back and forth. The fact that they could do that now. That he could feel Moon. Actually, feel him. It still didn’t feel real to him. So he wasn't gonna let go if he could help it.
He felt a small tug on his arm. He had stopped again to look at one of the large signs
“I thought you said you weren't gonna look at every sign”
His counterpart's tone was fond. And he couldn't help the feeling of slight embarrassment. Scratching at his cheek with his free hand. As it had indeed been the tenth sign they stopped at.
“Sorry, Moony. It's just…. everything is so “
He looked around again. He couldn't explain how much better his vision was. He just had to stare at everything. He thought the signs looked pretty before. But now…? He was able to absorb so much more detail. He kept saving images, scared he was gonna lose this again.
Just, everything was brighter. He had more depth. And when they had run through the shadowy tunnels he could just see just as well.
He had never been able to see well in the dark. He had been made to work in the light. Only when tapping into Moony’s feed when he had been in control had he been able to see. But then again. Moon had several different night filters.
Moon's vision was also better. The light wasn't washing everything out anymore he had said. But unlike him, Moony's vision hadn't been broken. Just outdated.
Moon's hand squeezed his own. And he realized he had fallen silent again as he stared at Moon.
Because wasn't he a sight to behold. The fact that he was here in front of him made his rays spin every time he caught a glimpse of him again. When he wasn’t looking all around, He was looking at Moon.
One corner of Moon's mouth tugged up. He wasn't sure If that was on purpose or if Moon was also still getting to know the controls of his new body. But it looked good on him anyway.
“We done staring at El Chip for now?”
He giggled and nodded. Stepping closer as they continued onward towards the west arcade. Making sure their shoulders brushed every once in a while. And Moon was doing the same. Pushing back into his space. It was nice and close. They were passing the gift shop next to the arcade when he saw something.
His eyes widened and he rushed inside. Moon stumbling along as he was dragged by the hand.
“What? Sun?”
He dragged them past several shelves. Eyes locked on what looked like the Daycares logo.
“Sun?! What did you..? Slow down!”
Moon continued to argue, but his voice stuttered out as he too saw their daycare logo, and they came to a stop in front of the large shelf. A big advertisement saying ‘New Products’ right next to it. And both of them stared at it.
He knew they sold merchandise of the daycare. He had seen it Most of it was in the gift shop just outside the main play area. He owned some of the plushies which they sold.
He had been the one to take them up to their room. Surprising Moon with them. And unlike most of their stuff. Those two plushies hadn't been broken. No. He had taken them up to their room the day they arrived.
They might not have been able to share cuddles. But the plushies could. They had helped with their communication a lot when Moon had gotten back online after the virus. And where one of their most treasured items.
But this shelf. It held more than the simple plushies and the Sundrop and Moondrop candies.
There were shirts with their likeness on them. As well as hats and bags and all the other things you expect. There was also a headband that resembled his rays. And nightcaps like Moony’s.
They even had sleeping masks! But also…the new posters he had seen downstairs.
“They made new ones”
Moon whispered and he nodded. Everything on this was brand new. He can't remember the last time the daycare got a merch update. But most important was what was sitting on the table right in the center. Their new plushies. They were thicker than the previous generation had been. More in line with the plushies of the glamrocks. Like they were now also part of the set.
He took a step forward to gently caress the side of a Moon plush. It felt soft. But with a giggly feeling he realised. Not as satisfying as the real Moon’s fingers still locked between his own.
“I think they look good…what do you think?”
He turned to face Moon whose gaze was stuck to the top shelf.
He asked following his gaze only to gasp. There, on the top shelf. Where some action figures of them. It was the both of them, back to back in the same poses as the statues in the daycare. But painted in their likeness instead of gold.
Moon reached up, carefully taking one off the shelf. Inspecting it from all sides.
“I don't think this this is meant for little kids “ he whispered.
He nodded in agreement. And it brought a strange feeling to his chest. Almost everything that had been ever made of them was meant for kids. To be played with, not to be displayed. But this…this is
“We…we have a collectible..as if…we are part of a larger set of…”
He started speculating out loud and Moon nodded, the bell of his hat chiming softly as he looked up. Both of them stared at each other before he slowly started dragging Moon with him to another shelf where he knew they kept the Glamrock figurines. He had to know…if they fitted in.
Moon stayed quiet, taking careful hold of the figure as he quickly scouted the shelves.
Moon’s gaze followed his outstretched arm toward a shelf with different figures. They came to a stop before it. Slowly Moon placed the one he was holding between a Freddy and Roxy one.
“Looks like it fits right in “
Moon's voice was wavering slightly. And the pumps of his own chest were doubling up.
“Yeah it does”
He held on tighter to Moon's hand as he felt a tremble go through his body. They were no longer seen as just the daycare bots it seemed. Slowly…very slowly. They were getting to be part of the group.
He turned to Moon, his grin nearly splitting his face. Moon still staring disbelievingly at the shelf. And seeing that look between happy and shocked. Well, he couldn't help himself. And leaned forward to kiss his partner's cheek.
Moon quickly snapped his head back. His free hand trailed over where he had just kissed. And it made him chuckle.
“Come on Moony, we gotta go”
Moon crossed his arms, giving him an unimpressed look.
“I am not the one that dragged us in here”
He giggled, as he started tugging Moon along again.
“But you didn't stop me eith-”
He cut himself off coming to a stop. His love almost knocked into him.
“Sun? Hey, is something wrong?”
A few paces in front were some changing rooms for any customer wanting to try on the shirts. And right next to it…was a large mirror against the wall.
He must have walked straight passed it earlier. But now…there was an opportunity here. He still hadn't seen himself…and it would be the first time seeing them together.
His rays were spinning at just the thought. Frozen in place. There was a cold hand on his cheek directing his gaze back to a worried-looking Moon. Making his rays do another spin as his cheeks gained a soft flush.
“Sunlight, what got you so nervous?”
He tried to get his voicebox to work. But the hand on his face was distracting. Just as the soft tone of Moon's voice was sending shivers down his endoskeleton.
He glanced towards the mirror.
“I..mmm want…see”
Moon tilted his head to the side following his gaze. Moon’s red iris widened slightly as his gaze locked on the mirror. And he swore he could hear his partner's fans starting up.
“You wanna look at us…together?”
Moony might not be in his head anymore but it was like he had been able to read his mind just as effectively. And he hurriedly nodded.
Moon's answering laugh was soft. Making his already heated cheeks burn brighter. But that was nothing compared to how they felt as Moon leaned forward to kiss one of them. And he actually let out a puff of steam at the action. Moon gave another fond soft laugh as he pulled away.
Before stepping forward and he was the one being dragged along. He kept his gaze firmly on Moon as they navigated their way towards the mirror.
He was shaking pretty hard by the time they reached it. What if he hated what he saw? Moony was so pretty and handsome-looking. What if standing next to him made him look ridiculous?
Somewhere in the far reaches of his mind, he knew that was ludicrous. But right now he was not being rational. Moon's hand trailed up his arm till it warped around him. Pulling him into a hug.
His own arm immediately did the same. Pressing as close as possible. Moon's other hand went from his cheek to his rays gently tracing them from where they had retracted into their housings.
“You are gonna love how you look” Moon whispered.
Red eyes gentle and kind. Like he could see all the fears playing behind his own eyes.
“It's gonna feel a little strange, but you will. I just know.”
He nodded. His grip tightened and straightened himself. Closing his eyes and started slowly counting down slowly stepping away from his lover and facing the mirror.
Maybe he lingered on zero for an extra second. But when he felt another soft squeeze of Moon’s fingers. It filled him with some newfound confidence.
Opening his eyelids he stared into his own surprised blue eyes. He had been told they were fixed, Moon even called them pretty. But it was still a surprise to see them.
More importantly. He wasn't smiling. His mouth was open in slight surprise and he brought his hand that wasn't holding onto Moon still. To his face.
Tracing it along the silicone of his jaw cheeks everything. Putting visuals to the sensations from when he was doing the same in Parts and Service.
But his thoughts screeched to a halt. As Moon stepped closer arms came up just under his own and crossed across his stomach as he was pulled gently against his boyfriend's chest.
He saw his rays give way for his partner to rest his head over his shoulder. And Moon took the opportunity gladly.
And he couldn't help but stare at the both of them. They were actually standing together. He could see everything that he was doing. What Moon was doing. What they both were doing! It felt so surreal
Moon was smiling happily, rocking them gently in place. And not only could he feel his cheeks heat up. He saw the slight pink flush on the plating in his cheeks as well.
Slowly he rested one hand across the two in his stomach. His other hand reached up to gently run his fingers across Moon's face. Enjoying the feeling of silicone, and the warmth of his blush.
With a small smile, he briefly reached further back pulling the tail of Moon's hat over his shoulder, before gently holding his face again.
“This...finally feels right, no…more than that it feels perfect.” He softly whispered
To his own amusement, he saw Moon's cheeks start to glow in a lovely brighter shade of red. Before he felt and saw him shake with silent laughter.
“Perfect… huh?”
He hummed in affirmation, gently squeezing the silicone fingers beneath his own as he leaned further into the hug. So focused on those eyes that looked like he was the only thing worth looking at.
He wasn't surprised to see that they were the same height. Made being held all the sweeter. He saw why Moon liked it so much when he held him back in the basement. He didn’t wanna let go. He wanted to stay this close forever.
He raked his eyes over both the forms again. Their colors stood out nicely against each other. The blue and white of moon’s arms across his chest. His yellow fingers against Moon's face. He loved seeing this, he thought back to before having known to ever even the thought of being separated had been suggested.
Before they even were a thing. He had thought he could just live with just having Moon back. And yes, if he had to choose between Moon living inside him once more or no Moon and all. He knew he would have Moon inside of his head again in a heartbeat.
But this. Actually seeing him. Actually touching him. It was fulfilling an ache so deep he didn't know he had. The only thing he missed was the warmth that the Moon's feelings had always given off.
But as his face was titled up slightly and Moon left a lingering kiss just above his eye. He decided that sacrificing that meant everything if they could keep doing more of that.
The rays not resting against Moon were slowly rising in and out of their casings. His partner kept on leaving kisses against his faceplate.
He started to giggle in response.
“Moony! That tickles!”
It didn't really, but the outpouring of affection of his lunar counterpart was leaving him all kinds of flustered. A happy kind, he might squirm, but he didn’t plan on pulling away.
Moon's smile turned sharper and they made eye contact in the mirror.
“Now, it is perfect”
He let out another flustered giggle. Rotating his neck to face Moon in full. And also so that they could keep their hug going. Gently tipping the top of their faceplates together.
“Yeah, you are right, well…maybe one more thing could make it even better…”
His eyes dropped to Moony's mouth for a second. And even this close he could see the flush on Moon’s face get darker.
Both their fans were making soft whirring sounds. Their eyes fell nearly shut, as they leaned closer. Foreheads touching, then noses then…
An alarm sounded and a bright light shined in their direction. It startled them both so much that they jumped apart. Letting go of each other for the first time since they got reunited.
They stared at the entrance where a security bot lowered their flashlight. Let out the alert sound again. Turned to its right. Flashed his light, turning back to them. Flashing his light once more. Before repeating those steps a few more times
“Shit, fuck right, we get it, we get it. We’re coming”
Moon shouted at him. The bot nodded and rolled away.
Right….they were supposed to go to the west arcade. They were probably wondering why they were running late and asked security to look for them.
Moon was looking away grumbling under his breath and he pressed his hands against his face. Feeling the scorching heat beneath the new sensors. His chest motors still pumping in overdrive. As his rays had retracted.
They had almost kissed. They had said to wait until they got back to the daycare. But it had been so perfect! But now…he could feel himself pout under his hands.
“Come on, let's go…I doubt he is gonna leave us alone for long”
He nodded against his hands taking a deep breath. Glancing at his partner briefly before pressing his hands over his eyes again. Moon was still looking away. Look thoroughly pissed off. His hands stuffed in his pockets.
“Yeah…we…we shouldn't leave them waiting”
He mumbled. Whoever them was anyway Neither of them made a move to start walking. He was surprised he had kinda expected Moon to start stomping ahead after his last statement.
What was he waiting for?
“I am…”
Moon started but trailed off and it made him look up. Peeking between his fingers. And Moon looked less angry and more uncomfortable.
“I am not angry AT you….”
He trailed off once more still not meeting his eyes
Soon let out a frustrated grunt and pointed at where the security bot was a few seconds ago.
His hands dropped from his face, cheeks still felt like they were glowing. His knuckles knocked against each other a few times as he swayed a bit in place.
“Yeah…I…I know.”
Moon glanced at him and looked sceptical bouncing on his feet uncomfortably. And he took a deeper breath. It slowed down his fans finally.
“Sorry, sorry…just still a bit…”
He waved his arm around as he searched for the words
Moon supplied and he chuckled slowly meeting Moon's gaze full-on again.
“That's one word for it”
He said with a loped smile that Moon returned before holding out his hand
“Let's get going Sunbeam”
His fans started up again as his rays spun happily as he took Moon's hand.
“Right! Lead the way!”
Moon chuckled before slowly pulling him out of the gift shop. And as he was pulled along by his lunar counterpart. He felt himself start to smile again.
The gift shop is right next to the Fazzcade. But the construction workers had left a couple of forklifts so they had to take the long way. By going down the turned-off escalator.
As they reached the bottom, They silently agreed to start racing again. Both of them took off towards the next one over so they could run back upstairs again. So fast, Until they were sprinting down the atrium once again. It made the giddiness from before return.
He loved the sound of Two sets of footsteps echoing around them. The loud jingling of their bells. And soon their laughter followed again.
Until finally they came to a stop in front of the doors of the west arcade. Clutching the hand he was holding. He patted down his pants, adjusted the ribbons on his wrists, flattened his new shirt, and resetted his voicebox, so it hopefully still sounded like he should. He was slowly getting used to it. But it still felt slightly off.
He glanced to his side to see that Moon had been doing the same. And was now fixing his hat before glancing back at him.
With another squeeze of their hands, they stepped into the elevator entrance and pressed the Freddy-shaped button. Moon's hand held his tighter as it roared to life and brought them up.
It was because he was holding on tightly to Moon's hand that he wasn't doing his usual knocking his knuckles together. He was excited to meet the DJ. But he wondered who else was there.
Diana said they’d be waiting. Where it the Mini’s? It was likely they were gonna be there. But maybe the Glamrocks? But he doubts they have the time.
He didn't get much time to think as the door slid open they stepped out finding it surprisingly dark. They cautiously moved forward towards the golden statues of the Glamrocks.
But they saw no one. Moon gently tugged on his hand dragging him in the direction of DJ’s main booth.
‘They said the west arcade…right. I don't wanna wake DJ if he is asleep’
He spoke to Moon using their new shared connection so that if he was indeed in rest mode, there was no chance of him waking up
‘they did’
As they stepped onto the dance floor to cross it the lights turned on. The Daycares theme started blasting from the speakers. And all the Glamrocks jumped out from behind the booth
They all screamed in unison. And he stared at them slack-jawed.
“Congratulations on your new bodies Boys!
Chica chirped happily. And he let out a flustered laugh.
“You two look damm fine”
Monty bellowed. Jumping from the platform and landing on the floor with a big thumb.
“Montgomery Gator, please be careful with my dancefloor”
DJ’s deep voice said sternly. The big gator sheepishly rubbed his neck.
“As sorry my dude. Got excited”
The other bots were clambering down the booth. Chica reaching them first. Stopping right in front of him and grabbing his wrist pulling them up.
“Oh they really went all out on you two, didn't they?! You are so expressive now Sunshine!”
He giggled her excitement was infectious. And he bounced along.
“I know! I can finally frown! Can you believe it?!”
From the corner of his eye, he saw Monty also complimenting Moon. Moon's face was smug yet flushed from the praise.
He staggered forward half a step as Roxanne clapped his back. With her own approval. And both of them did a little show off of their new bodies for their friends.
Showing off their flexibility. Their new clothes. The way his rays and faces now moved. And everyone was a perfect audience.
It was fun being the center of attention. Moon even called the cable down and did some tricks with his newfound flexibility.
It was also how they found out, that the rings for attaching the cable now retracted into his back. Moon's clothes have an almost hidden gap where it would appear.
But this would mean No more kids trying to pull it. Which would be a blessing on their endoskeletons. He noticed he could call the tether still as well. But he didn't wanna take away from Moon's moment.
Besides his boyfriend was amazing to look at. His love always had the better control of their cable. And when he was still in their head as Moon flew around it always felt so much more freeing than when he did it himself.
“Sundrop, do you know if they gave either of you any other new features”
Freddy asked gently. After Moon stopped his short performance.
“Well, I don't know about Moony. But I certainly got something. But I hadn't had the time to test it. But I think i got enough space here to try it “
He felt a mischievous little smile come across his face.
“What the hell are you waiting for? Show us!”
Roxanne cheered.
“I was planning on. Can you give me some space? “
Moon hadn't detached himself from their cable yet. But moved out of the way. Hovering right next to DJ. Who folded his arms. And changed the sound on the speaker to some drums.
He bounced a couple of times. Feeling the springs in his legs. After a few bounces, he started a short run. Then using the pistons and springs to jump. Quickly soaring, that was way higher than he ever jumped and it made him laugh.
As gravity took him again. He quickly curled up to tumble twice before landing square on his feet. Arms outstretched.
“Holy sh-” Monty was elbowed by Freddy cutting off his swear. Chica was shouting wildly while Roxanne whistled.
But Moon’s impressed fond look was the best reaction of all. Then his grin shifted.
‘Stay right where you are Sunbeam’
Moon's voice echoed inside his head. And his own grin broadened. Moon quickly jumped down, doing a little summersault of his own. Detaching the cable as he reached the ground.
Cartwheeling his way over. Before jumping up himself. He didn't get the same height he got. Not even half of it. But that didn’t matter, he got high enough.
Seeing what he was doing. He crouches down just enough for Moon to place his hands on top of his before straightening once more. Their fingers clenching together in their hold.
Moon doing the handstand on top of him. He tilted his head up with a laugh. As Moon cackled happily.
“Wait how did they?!”
Monty tail was wagging on the floor.
“That's very impressive indeed. I bet the kids would love that”
Freddy's calm voice cut through as well.
But he only had eyes for the bot above him. They both let go of one arm and he shifted to stand on one leg to strike an even more impressive pose. Beaming at their audience, who clapped and cheered for them.
Once they were holding hands securely once more. He thought of another fun idea.
‘Think you could handle a switch Moonbeam?’
‘of course. Will you allow me to scare them a bit?’
He glanced back at the other bots. DJ gave them a thumbs up. The other four still staring at them in disbelief.
‘go for it’
He felt Moon shift his weight and he moved with him. And while he had full control. He knew that it looked.like.they were losing their balance.
“You two stuck or something? “ Roxanne asked
Moon wobbled a bit swaying back and forth. Head turned away so the others couldn’t see his big grin. But he could see it and the joy was infectious. He looked straight up. Probably making it seem like he was paying extra attention. But not in the way others thought. He moved with the momentum.
“Guys! you guys should look out!”
Chica clucked worryingly.
“We could help you if you need assistance”
Freddy offered worriedly and it sounded like he stood up and came closer
Moon announced. And he Swayed him backward as fast as he could. Making it look like he fell off. But their hands were still locked together. And using the springs in his legs. He kicked off the second Moon's feet had hit the ground kicking himself upright.
So now they were in a perfect mirrored position of their previous pose. Both laughed manically at the Glamrocks' shocked faces. As they rotated their heads to face them.
“Did You guys really think Sun would drop me? “
He giggled holding on a bit tighter as Moon walked closer to the others. Kicking his legs back and forth excitedly. Moon not even swaying with the motions.
“Or Moon wouldn't know his own limits?”
He found great pleasure in the wide-eyed stares and amazed faces of their friends.
“You two are jesters all right, scaring us half to death”
Monty grumbled. He let go of one of Moon’s hands to knock at his chest.
“We are quite sturdy as well. A little fall won't hurt either of us. We gotta protect the little ones “
He held Moon's hand again. Who after a soft squeeze then slowly crouched down. So he could swing his legs back down safely. And with a few rotations of his many new joints was standing upright on the ground again.
“Something wrong?”
Moon asked looking at Roxy, who was looking between them with an odd expression. His own hand came to rest across Moon's lower back. Trying not to grin harder as he felt him lean into the hold.
She waves her hand dismissively. Flipping her hair back.
“Nah, just curious. You guys never done any of that together right?”
He cocked his head to the side confused.
“How would we even before today?”
She frowned.
“Yeah, I get that. Not what I meant. More like. It's impressive how well coordinated and performed that was. Like you two knew each other strengths exactly. Like you’ve been doing it for years. Like no wonder, you two are such good partners. Makes a girl jealous”
He felt his face flush and his rays spin quickly. As Roxy called them partners
“Ah..miss Roxy… thank you so much. Yes. Yes. I am really happy we are too”
He was rambling a bit nervously holding Moon a bit closer who was fighting his own blush it seemed.
He called Moon his partner in his head. But he just realized. He hadn't really called him that to his face. Not yet at least…had he ever? Had he ever called him that where he could hear?
Or boyfriend…or any other title! He had told him he loved him at the very least. But never a title…it wasn’t really needed being in each other's head. He could feel how his counterpart felt about him. But it still felt wrong, they had been together for over three months. And they really never did? How…
Then with a start, he realized something else…in the few hours since they had gotten their bodies. He hadn’t even said ‘I love you’ to him yet. Had he forgotten in all the chaos and rush of actually seeing Moon? Had Moon said it? He wasn’t sure, but Moon looked so wonderful and lovely. And he had hugged him and spun him around and how could you blame him for forgetting!
But He should. He absolutely should. But not now?! Not with everyone watching them so intently. But it was so very nice to hear that they seemed made for each other.
“Roxanne is right, but now I ask. Is everyone ready to get this party started?”
DJ cut in. Luckily this prevents them from answering the others any further.
Both Moon and he exclaimed. And the others laughed.
“Of course, this is gonna be a party. Did you two think we just wanted to talk? This is a celebration!”
Freddy walked behind them placing a hand on their shoulders and pulling the both of them into a quick hug.
“Hell yeah, it is! Let's Rock and Roll”
Monty bellowed grabbing his hand and pulling him out of Freddy’s, and Moon’s grip as the music started. Pulling him into a dance.
He was disoriented for a minute or so. Before just letting himself go and dancing with the gator. Chica soon joined them both. While Roxanne and Freddy started dancing with Moon. Twirling the lunar bot between the both of them.
And they continued on like that for several songs. Changed with whom he was dancing with several times.
But when Chica tried to pull him onto the dancefloor for the fifth time he waved her off.
“No no, why don't you dance with Roxanne! Let me watch for a minute!”
He spun her around pushing her direction of the wolf who eagerly pulled her along. And he rested against the booth with a sigh.
His eyes quickly found Moon who seemed to be in some sort of dance battle with Monty that Freddy was keeping score of.
“You alright there Sunbeam?”
He glanced back and turned to Dj’s giant face
“Never better. Thank you so much for providing your arcade for us.”
There was a deep chuckle on one of Dj’s giant hands came down to gently pet him.
“Anything for my two favorite comets.”
He laughed at the compliment.
“Oh, that reminds me!”
He leaned forward to hug the DJ's giant face. And he felt the gentle hand pressing him closer
“And with that, I hugged everyone!. Prepare for more of those!”
“Always welcome. You and Moon are free to visit anytime. “
He nodded leaning against him.
“We know that. But we probably gonna take it easy after this. As fun as all of this is. I still can't quite believe it. I think I need a day to just…process all this ”
There was another deep chuckle.
“I’m sure Moon feels the same. Everyone just wanted to make you two’s first night back special”
His rays spun again. Giggling happily.
“It is. It really is! It's almost perfect”
“Almost huh, do I need to step up my game? I only give the best parties. I won't do with almost perfect”
He glanced at Moon who was now laughing at the gator who seemed to be trying to demand a rematch as Roxy and Chica came over to watch the comotion those two caused.
“You are doing everything perfectly. Just wanna dance with Moony. Hadn't had the change just yet. So unless you can make that happen?”
He looked up hopefully.
“You could just ask him”
The giant bot told him with a snort.
“He is having fun right now! I don't wanna interrupt!”
DJ shakes his head fondly.
“Wanna help to do some sound effects for the next song?”
He brightens up. Almost jumping up on the platform.
“Yes please!”
DJ lifted him up. And he had a lot of fun pressing random sound effects at different moments. His own grin widened any time it made any of the other bots below laugh. Moon had stepped aside for a moment and seemed to talk to Freddy. And he waved at them as their eyes met.
Shortly after DJ even let him mix some songs. He wasn't the greatest at it but it was fun. Then DJ even let him control the lights table! There were so many buttons! He let one follow Moon around when he was on the dancefloor. Switching between yellow and blue.
He made Monty angry by giving him any color other than green. And the one time he did. Roxanne and Moon quickly crowded him blocking out his colour with their own. Starting a chase. That lasted several more songs.
Eventually, he was lowered back to the ground
“Thank you so much, DJ!”
He got another pet and he turned around to get back to dancing when he was faced with Moon. His rays spinning around excitedly at seeing his happy grin. And more importantly, his held-out hand.
“Wanna dance?”
He nodded so hard quickly grasping the outstretched hand and was pulled closer. Moon's other hand landed on his hip. Pulling him close enough to quickly kiss him between the eyes.
During their first dance, Moon took the lead. Pulling and guiding him through the space. The second song was a faster, salsa-like song. And now It was him pulling his lunar counterpart along. Never once it felt like Moon's gaze was leaving him as they slipped from one song to the next. Changing who led every time, Sometimes Midway through the songs.
Enjoying the fluttering feeling of hands across his arms, back shoulders, and everywhere else. Sometimes they got the others involved. But now they had come together it seemed impossible to break them apart again.
The last song of the night was a slower one to wind them down. And he and Moon were just locked in an embrace laughing and swaying side to side. Spinning slowly.
Coming down from their flustered high. Moon's body was warm against his own. Seems the dancing had warmed up his internal temperature. And it was so lovely to hold. He could hear his fans roaring. Feel the plating shift underneath the new shirt.
One of Moon's hands came up and was gently rubbing one of his rays. And it caused a whole new kind of fluttering sensations he had never experienced before. He wanted to stay here forever. He wanted to press closer. He wanted to leave kisses all over his beautiful face. He wanted just to kiss him fully and so many more things.
He didn't think the others would make a big deal out of it. If he did any of those things. But no. Not now, he gotta be patient. He will make it perfect.
But he could do something else. So when the song ended he pulled out of the embrace. Lifted Moon's hand to his mouth and kissed it.
“Thanks for the dance Moony”
There was a beautiful blush covering his boyfriend's cheeks. But they were snapped out of their world as they heard Chica running towards them
“Sunbeam, Moonpie. That was so much fun. We should do these parties more often”
She screamed happily as she pulled both of them into a hug. Which he gladly returned.
“Doing so would be fun yes”.
Moon stated while making eye contact with him making his rays do another flustered rotation..
“We should indeed. If it's okay with DJ of course”
Freddy said turning towards the giant spider-like animatronic.
“As long as I am not left the one cleaning.”
He chuckled good-heartedly.
“Of course, we wouldn't wanna do that to you, my friend”.
Freddy reassured him, and he nodded as he freed himself from Chica’s hold and asked
“Right! Right, it would be awful to leave a mess behind. Do you need our help with clean up?”
“Hell no,” Roxy came over and put him in a headlock that made him giggle
“You two are the guest of honor. No clean-up duty for you two. Besides your guys' room changed yes? You should go check on that”
Oh my god. He almost had completely forgotten. Quickly checking his messages and saw they had gotten the okay from Alex to go to their room almost an hour ago.
Moon freed himself from Chica as well and with the cable floated up to DJ. To face him fully.
“You sure about that. This is your space We really don't mind”
DJ, waved him off.
“It's quite alright. I got four sets of hands helping me out. I think they can manage. “
He smiled as Dj’s hand came to gently pet Moony and he saw him briefly hug it back
“But thank you little comet. But I think you two should go before the lights go out. Wouldn't want to be stuck navigating the construction in the dark if you hadn't come across.it during the day yet.”
He had freed himself from Roxanne and held his partner's hand again the second he came down.
“If everyone is sure. Than okay. We'll be off! Thank you all so much. It was really fun,”
He said bouncing along with Moon's movements
“It was. Truly “
Moon agreed and Everyone smiled at them.
“The pleasure was all ours Sundrop and Moondrop”
Freddy said and they waved at all of them ready to leave. When suddenly Monty bellowed
“Wait we forgot something!”
They stopped and turned around, as the gator came towards them. And pulled them into another hug lifting them both off the ground.
“Group hug!”
The others soon joined. Even DJ warped his hand around them. And the gesture almost made tears spring in his new eyes. Locking his gaze.with Moon who looked equally affected. They returned the hug.
Before they were placed back on the ground. And with a warbled voice the both of them said their thanks. As they stepped back into the elevator taking them down to the atrium.
Waving at their friends until the doors closed. And the machine rumbled alive. He felt himself start to shake.
Moon's voice was strained. Looking as close to crying as he felt. And he gave a shaky nod. He waited for the elevator to stop moving and they stepped out. And as soon as they did they both fell into a tight hug. With warbled laughter.
Things were going okay. They were not isolated anymore. It was so hard to believe. But he was replaying the last few hours in fast forward.
It had. And at this point, this entire day was gonna be saved into his special folder. They slowly pulled apart.
“Ready to head to our room?”
Moon asked softly and he nodded tightening his grip on his boyfriend. He was ready to see their home.
“Let's go”
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rainiervolunteersnps · 7 months
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Mount Rainier National Park is recruiting for 2-3 full-time interpretive volunteers, starting ASAP, to assist with visitor services this winter!
This is a full-time volunteer opportunity. Housing is included in the form of an apartment or room in a shared house. A uniform and any required training are also included.
Successful applicant(s) will work a minimum of 32 hours per week (combined 32 hours if a couple) on the west side of the park. Start date is negotiable; assistance is needed ASAP but volunteers could start as late as January. End date is expected between April 10 and May 15, but that date is also negotiable. Weekend and holiday work are required.
Volunteers will primarily work at information desks inside the Longmire Museum (2,700 feet) and Henry M Jackson Visitor Center at Paradise (5,400 feet) providing orientation, information, and interpretive services to park visitors.
Between December and March, volunteers…
will serve as the lead and/or tail for public snowshoe programs.
will provide Preventative Search and Rescue ("PSAR," trail safety) information at Longmire and Paradise.
will assist with issuing winter recreation permits.
will provide PSAR information through phone, email, or in-person contacts.
will provide guidance for safe winter recreation, including options for hiking, winter camping, and snowshoeing.
will rove Longmire and Paradise areas to disseminate visitor safety information.
 We are a fun group to work with! Come and enjoy/share this crown jewel of the NPS with visitors this Fall, Winter and Spring!
Successful completion of a federal investigative background check is required.
Contact: Curt Jacquot, West Area Interpreter,. Phone: 360-569-6577. email: [email protected] Mount Rainier National Park 55210 238th Ave East
Apply now on volunteer.gov
Note that Mount Rainier is also still recruiting for winter Emergency Roadside Assistance and Records Management as well.
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original url http://www.geocities.com/Petsburgh/6577/ last modified 2007-01-08 19:21:47
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kennak · 2 months
6月の電気とガスの料金は政府の補助金がほぼ半減することから、ともに値上がりする見通しです。  大手電力10社が発表した6月の電気料金は政府による補助額が半分程度になることから、すべての社で値上がりします。  使用量が平均的な家庭で、東京電力では401円上がり8538円となるほか、北海道電力357円増の9114円、東北電力400円増の8436円、中部電力382円増の8345円、北陸電力368円増の7356円、関西電力442円増の7196円、中国電力403円増の8061円、四国電力414円増の8135円、九州電力425円増の7101円、沖縄電力585円増の9047円となっています。  都市ガスも同じく大手4社ともに値上がりします。  東京ガスでは前の月から185円上がり5856円となるほか、大阪ガス184円増の6408円、東邦ガス176円増の6678円、西部ガス140円増の6577円となる見通しです。  政府による補助金が終了するため、7月も値上がりするとみられます。
6月の電気・ガス料金値上がり 政府の補助金“半減”で(テレ朝news) - goo ニュース
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scamnumberlistph · 3 months
0905 048 6866 0905 083 2606 0905 838 2682 0906 903 5480 0907 070 8987 0907 250 1025 0908 166 4762 0908 309 9792 0908 684 2902 0908 686 7391 0909 428 0282 0909 873 9411 0909 889 8200 0909 890 5491 0909 896 3839 0909 929 3598 0909 930 5426 0909 933 8767 0910 095 8078 0910 106 7198 0910 118 2634 0910 310 9244 0910 316 7054 0910 317 2662 0910 344 0648 0910 690 6176 0910 836 0766 0910 844 8551 0910 941 9178 0910 976 5702 0912 199 5042 0912 251 4290 0912 368 3329 0912 465 3480 0912 584 9270 0912 591 6013 0912 604 4228 0912 694 8368 0912 820 3443 0912 841 2756 0916 442 5426 0917 491 0559 0917 960 3172 0918 756 8007 0918 760 5964 0920 330 1162 0920 384 6185 0920 389 0061 0920 741 4500 0920 770 6529 0922 215 4715 0922 345 6549 0923 926 7241 0926 254 5932 0926 441 0855 0926 968 1923 0926 968 6010 0926 969 1284 0926 979 7342 0927 621 0084 0929 190 6049 0929 952 0097 0930 538 0144 0930 620 3059 0930 715 8649 0930 833 4920 0930 880 3896 0931 724 8555 0932 103 0317 0932 394 7186 0932 713 9957 0932 920 8432 0932 920 9569 0933 072 6233 0935 371 2916 0936 486 4312 0938 025 1668 0938 176 1720 0938 309 7649 0938 625 7534 0938 932 4299 0939 957 0091 0942 557 2685 0943 049 7978 0943 083 5602 0943 083 5650 0943 215 2639 0943 243 6802 0943 708 8081 0946 113 7997 0946 661 9042 0948 054 1961 0948 061 5316 0948 142 3330 0948 147 9542 0948 148 3927 0948 168 3974 0948 900 3908 0950 312 7507 0950 433 4886 0950 765 0751 0950 791 1351 0950 944 5757 0950 972 0414 0951 012 1339 0951 242 5809 0951 794 1179 0951 931 9840 0952 417 3625 0955 009 5876 0955 088 8106 0955 613 9747 0960 885 0413 0961 942 3966 0962 063 4286 0962 067 7643 0962 067 7966 0962 067 7987 0962 110 4617 0962 146 8230 0962 171 3864 0962 238 8098 0962 401 8116 0962 699 7715 0962 723 8251 0962 728 7592 0962 855 0534 0963 038 1009 0963 051 1065 0963 122 5299 0963 263 8236 0963 308 6358 0963 439 2181 0963 903 5917 0964 186 7790 0964 199 3418 0965 229 5709 0965 590 8669 0967 714 4549 0968 781 9573 0969 176 4125 0969 189 3598 0969 359 1581 0970 323 7078 0970 660 4599 0970 993 8150 0975 038 8500 0975 097 4985 0975 142 4105 0975 190 2103 0975 674 8758 0977 626 4365 0981 086 4299 0981 094 1188 0981 120 8330 0981 122 7694 0981 154 9369 0981 366 2369 0981 444 4691 0981 444 9869 0981 471 4944 0981 530 3443 0981 549 0623 0981 594 7209 0981 607 4604 0981 608 3248 0981 630 3376 0981 771 2102 0985 103 3645 0985 235 5083 0985 248 7468 0985 255 0336 0985 393 0591 0985 408 6577 0985 421 5332 0985 437 1454 0985 447 3580 0985 457 5484 0985 464 9532 0985 501 2031 0985 520 3070 0985 529 1441 0985 535 0095 0985 537 3228 0985 539 9121 0985 555 2508 0985 559 1543 0985 567 4684 0985 608 9740 0985 613 1421 0985 813 3076 0985 813 5219 0985 839 5597 0985 876 7357 0985 930 5455 0985 949 4410 0995 610 6454 0997 306 9611 0997 523 6307 0997 523 6346 0997 523 6785 0997 523 6850 0997 523 8832 0997 571 2009 0910 893 7854 0912 256 9383 0930 819 7250 0910 656 3381 0910537 8741 0930 053 0797
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summerwritesfics · 1 year
🎇📖The Sky Is Falling On Me, Chapter 1 - Where The Veil Came Crumbling Down
Pairing: Hanzo Hasashi/Kuai Liang Length: 6577 Words Rating: Mature Warnings: Magic/Fantasy AU, Mages, Anxiety, Isolation, Codependency, Elemental Magic, Mentions of onesided Sektor/Kuai Liang, Panic Attacks, Threats of Violence, Referenced Kidnapping 10 Prompts Tropes: Magic AU
The Sky Is Falling On Me Masterlist - 10 Prompts Masterlist
Notes: It’s been a hot minute since I last posted, and I don’t even have one of those wild AF stories to put in these author’s notes. Sad times. I have some requests from a giveaway to work on, but I had this first chapter almost complete and I figured I’d bang it out before starting the requests and actually make a start on at least one of the many many fanfic challenges I’ve signed myself up for lol. Fic title is from “A Rose For Epona” by Eluveitie, and the chapter title is from “Inis Mona” also by Eluveitie (one of my favourite bands so y’know lmao, amazed I haven’t used their lyrics before tbh.)
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Kuai did not like coming into town.
He didn’t particularly get along with many of the townsfolk, they found how quiet and awkward he was off-putting, apparently. He preferred to stay on the farm, tending to the animals and staying far away from other humans. Usually he let Bi-Han deal with people, the only ones Kuai had regular interactions with outside of his brother were Tomas, Cyrax and Sektor. Even they didn’t know the truth about him, believing Kuai was just extremely anxious as the result of his sheltered upbringing.
It’d been drilled into him at a young age that no one could ever know about his magic.
Kuai had trouble regulating himself, it was part of why he was still so isolated as an adult. One wrong move and it was all over for him. So when Bi-Han requested Kuai take some apples to Cyrax, he had immediately declined. But Bi-Han had been insistent, and now Kuai was walking into the centre of town with a backpack full of ripe apples.
He kept his head low, trying to avoid people as much as possible. Although thankfully, everyone seemed to be distracted by something other than the rare appearance of the towns recluse. He was curious, gaze following where others landed.
Sektor was walking down the street with a man Kuai didn’t recognise. Whoever he was, he was wearing a very fancy looking robe, so it was likely he was one of Sektor’s high class contacts. That didn’t explain why people were stopping to crowd around them. It wasn’t uncommon to have a visiting Lord or Lady, however it never usually caused a commotion, especially not one like this.
Still, whatever the reason, Kuai wanted to keep out of Sektor’s way. He unfortunately had no choice in most of his interactions with him, given Sektor’s family did technically own the land the town was on. Still there was something about the way Sektor looked at Kuai that made his skin crawl, like a wolf staring down a rabbit.
He turned away to make his way over to Cyrax’s little store, hoping to drop the apples off and get out of town as quickly as possible. When Cyrax spotted him, he immediately broke into a large grin, and Kuai couldn’t help but return it.
“Well, well, well, it’s rare to see you out and about,” Cyrax teased, only laughing when Kuai groaned. “I take it Bi-Han didn’t wish to grace me with his presence hm?”
“No, he was weirdly insistent on me giving you the apples,” Kuai replied, slipping the backpack off his shoulders and handing it to Cyrax.
“Probably because he owes me money.” Cyrax took the backpack off Kuai and placed it on his table, opening it up and taking a look at the goods.
“Again?” It wasn’t unusual for Bi-Han to owe various people money, but it seemed to be happening more often as of late. “Are we having money troubles? He doesn’t tell me anything about these sorts of things.”
Cyrax smiled at him, but it had such an air of sadness to it. He didn’t say anything, or explain his expression. He didn’t even answer Kuai’s question.
No one ever seemed to answer Kuai’s questions.
“Anyway, what’s going on today? Why is everyone so enchanted by that man with Sektor?” Maybe his queries on his brother’s finances wouldn’t be answered, but he might get one regarding the mysterious stranger visiting the town.
“From what I hear he’s an Archmage,” Cyrax explained and Kuai felt his heart stop at that. An Archmage? Here? What could an Archmage possibly want from this town? “Apparently Sektor’s family is trying to do a deal with him.”
Kuai felt himself relax a little at that. If he was here for a deal with Sektor it was unlikely he was here because of Kuai’s secret. His cover hadn’t been blown, and he was safe. Presumably. Kuai couldn’t let his guard down, he had to make sure to keep everything contained, now it was more important than ever.
“Speaking of,” Cyrax quietly muttered and Kuai looked over his shoulder just in time to see Sektor and the Archmage. Kuai felt himself shrink slightly. He’d wanted to avoid Sektor in the first place, but he would definitely preferred to to avoid the Archmage too.
“Cyrax, Kuai Liang,” Sektor greeted to each of them. Kuai instinctively put his hands behind his back, he often did that to hide when he lost control. “This is Archmage Hasashi, he will be in town for a couple of weeks, and I expect everyone to show him the heights of our hospitality.”
“Of course,” Cyrax replied cooly, before bowing to Archmage Hasashi. “It is a honour.”
Kuai kept his hands behind his back as he also bowed, quietly adding “welcome, Archmage Hasashi.”
When he straightened out, he realised Hasashi was staring at him. He had a single eyebrow raised, but the look in his eye was scarily intense. It felt like he was trying to look straight into Kuai’s soul. Kuai could feel his hands grow colder and he swallowed thickly. Need to keep control. Need to keep control.
“I-Is there something wrong, Archmage Hasashi?” Kuai asked, clenching his fists and trying to stop anything from accidentally erupting from them.
“Kuai Liang, was it?” Hasashi asked, his eyes sweeping Kuai up and down. Kuai swallowed, completely unable to decipher what Hasashi was thinking while looking at him. It was really putting him on edge.
“Yes, Sir,” Kuai replied, resisting the urge to look away from Hasashi’s gaze. Kuai bit his lip, it was like Hasashi was searching for an answer to a question that hadn’t been asked. Does he know? Kuai had never met an Archmage before, or even just another Mage, he wasn’t sure if they had ways of knowing those with magic in their veins.
“And you live in the town?” Hasashi’s brow knitted together as his eyes narrowed and his head tilted. Kuai could feel his hands growing colder. Need to keep control. Need to keep control.
“Yes. Uh, well the outskirts,” Kuai explained, flexing his fingers, desperate to warm his hands up. “My brother and I run the farm.”
“I see.” Hasashi seemed to stand a little straighter, and Kuai hadn’t realised he was leaning forward. “Interesting,” he muttered, so quiet Kuai was sure he hadn’t intended anyone to hear it. What does that mean? Interesting? Why does he think our farm is interesting?
“I- uh-“ One of his fingers began to ice over and he began flexing his fingers again to break it. No. No. I need to keep control. No one can know. That’s what Father always said. No one. “I’m- You-“
“Archmage Hasashi, Kuai Liang is an anxious person,” Cyrax suddenly cut in, walking around the table to where Kuai was. As he got close, he placed a hand on Kuai’s shoulder. Kuai kept moving his fingers, desperate to keep anymore ice from forming. “Your line of questioning is causing him distress.”
That comment seemed to take Hasashi aback, as his eyes widened and his mouth dropped. Beside him, Sektor looked like he was barely holding back his anger at Cyrax stepping in like that. Kuai actually could understand why. It was a statement, not an accusation, and one towards someone Sektor was hoping to do business with.
“My apologies.” Hasashi bowed to Kuai, an action that actually made Kuai pause a little. “It was not my intention to make you uncomfortable.”
No one had ever really apologised for making him uncomfortable before. Smoke and Cyrax both had an unspoken understanding for when Kuai was overwhelmed, resulting in them leaving him to his own devices until he’d calmed down. They never needed to apologise, because Kuai knew already they didn’t mean it. Hasashi however? Who hadn’t known and who Kuai didn’t know if that was his intention? That was new.
“I-I- Well- Um.” Kuai didn’t know what to say, glancing at Cyrax and hoping maybe he’d be able to translate his desperate stuttering.
“It’s okay, you weren’t to know,” Cyrax filled in, patting Kuai on the back a couple of times. Kuai felt the tension in his shoulders begin to relax. “Just, try to be a bit more gentle with him.”
“Right,” Hasashi agreed, slowly nodding his head, though still looking a little shocked. “Of course, again, my apologies.” He quickly turned to Sektor and added, “maybe it would be best we move on.”
“Maybe,” Sektor replied, as he gave both Kuai and Cyrax a scathing look. Kuai flinched despite himself. “Let us go to the next stall.”
Hasashi turned to follow Sektor, though not before giving Kuai one last lingering look. When his eyes were finally torn away, Kuai felt a shudder down his spine. There was something about him that had caught Hasashi’s attention, and Kuai really didn’t want to know what it was.
“That was weird,” Cyrax said under his breath and Kuai chuckled, relieved that the odd behaviour was apparent to someone else as well.
“It was weird, wasn’t it?” Kuai finally moved his hands from behind his back. Without Hasashi in his vicinity he felt a lot more at ease, and less likely to loose control of himself. “What do you think it was about?”
“No idea.” Cyrax shook his head, finally moving from Kuai to go back around to his stall. “Maybe it’s best you stay on the farm for a few days regardless. His behaviour was… Concerning.”
“Wish I could.” Kuai gave a half hearted smile. “If Bi-Han owes you money, it’s likely he owes others too. Meaning he’s going to send me as the buffer for the next few days.”
Cyrax grimaced and added, “good point.” His gaze went over to one of the other stalls, and when Kuai followed it he saw it was where Hasashi and Sektor now were. “Still, I’d try and stay away from him if I were you.” Kuai turned back to Cyrax, his face was tight as he continued to look on. “If I’m reading the way he was looking at you right, I think him and Sektor are going to find making a deal extremely hard.”
Kuai paused at that. He understood the implication, just wasn’t sure he agreed with it. Hasashi was definitely looking at him strangely, but it was nowhere near the same way Sektor looked at him. Sektor looked at him with hunger in his eyes, a possessive wanting, knowing that as long as Bi-Han lived, he’d never get to get what he longed for. Hasashi was looking at him more with curiosity and knowing, like he’d looked straight through Kuai and saw all his deepest and darkest secret’s he’d tried so hard to hide.
By the God’s, Kuai hoped he hadn’t.
“Anyway,” Cyrax continued, reaching to grab a small bag, “here’s the coin for the apples, tell Bi-Han he can deduct it from his debt.”
“Thank you.” Kuai smiled and accepted the bag, although internally he was struggling. This many apples would be about 200 coins, how much does Bi-Han owe if this is just a deduction? “I’ll make sure Bi-Han repays what he owes you.”
“You have my thanks for even trying.” Cyrax bowed to him. “Have a good day, Kuai Liang.”
“You too.”
And with that Kuai turned to leave, money in hand. He didn’t care to stick around longer, lest he run into Hasashi again. He weaved through the whispering crowds, although for once those hushed tones were not about him. As he approached the street he would need to go down to get back to the farm, he looked over his shoulder and surveyed the town square.
From the opposite end, he could see Hasashi staring straight at him.
He almost choked as he began to sprint away, feeling his fingertips begin to ice over. Whatever Hasashi thought he saw, there was no way in hell Kuai could let him get to the truth.
I need to keep control, no one can know, that’s what Father said.
That’s what Father said.
No one can ever know.
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Sektor had been extremely adamant that this town had no Mages.
Hanzo was always interested in meeting with fellow Mages when he visited neighbouring towns. His status as an Archmage meant that many Lesser Mages saw him as guide, someone who’s wisdom would be of uttermost importance, and although it felt egotistical, Hanzo enjoyed being viewed that way. He liked the questions, the need for advice, being seen as a figure to be revered.
Thus he had been extremely disappointed when he had been informed that the small town of Lin Kuei had none.
Not as disappointed as he was when he realised he’d been lied to.
Lesser Mages were generally not as at one with the magic inside themselves and others. Two Mages could walk down the street without knowing the other was one of them. Archmages however, were specifically taught to be able to sense magic. It helped to identify Mages, and if the magic was particularly strong, find candidates to join the Archmages.
So the second he sensed magic, he knew that Sektor had lied to him.
It had been faint at first, making him believe it was a child. But as the feeling got stronger, he realised how wrong he was. The magic was fully formed, and not just that, it was strong. As it grew, he knew he had to find the source.
He did not realise just how strong the magic was until he was face to face with Kuai Liang.
The magic within Kuai Liang was easily equal to the majority of Archmages that Hanzo had spent his life around. In fact, if he were to be honest and not care for a bruised ego, he’d say Kuai was stronger than even him. But it was also wild, and completely untrained. That made Kuai extremely dangerous. Hanzo had barely even confronted Kuai, and he could feel that magic loosing control. It was ready to seep through the seams, and if Kuai didn’t have enough control, people could be hurt.
Which brought him to his most pressing question; why had he been lied to?
Given the deal the Zhou family was trying to strike with the Archmage of the Shirai Ryu, it would make sense to be completely truthful about any Mages living within the town. Unless, of course, they were not aware themselves. How Kuai would have been able to keep this secret for so long, Hanzo didn’t know. The mention of living on the outskirts might explain it if he didn’t come into the centre that often. And him having a brother? Was the brother also a Mage in hiding or was he just trying to hide Kuai?
He needed to do more investigation.
The day after their fateful meeting, Hanzo found the chance to start doing just that. The Zhou family had other things to attend to, so Hanzo could roam the town as he pleased. He tried to not ask anyone directly about Kuai, he knew that would seem suspect. Instead he asked about the town, and rumours or outliers that might potentially effect his deal with the Zhou’s.
It took some time, and a lot of listening to gossip he didn’t really care for, that someone finally gave him info he wanted.
“Well, there is Bi-Han and Kuai Liang,” a woman said, her brow furrowing as she looked around like she didn’t wish for anyone to overhear her.
“I believe I met Kuai Liang yesterday,” Hanzo replied, trying to not sound as eager for information on him as he was. “I do not know who Bi-Han is.”
“He’s Kuai Liang’s elder brother.” Ah, so Bi-Han was the brother’s name. Interesting. “They live on and run the farm on the outskirts of town and they’re…” The woman paused, mouth open as she took a deep breath. “They’re very strange.”
“I noticed Kuai Liang seemed extremely anxious.” And that was an understatement. He had looked terrified of Hanzo.
“To be honest, most of us didn’t even know Kuai Liang existed until he was an adult.” What? “It was only after the brother’s father died that we became aware of him. For some reason, his father almost completely isolated him. Bi-Han is a lot less strict, but he is still um… I guess controlling is the best way to put it. He rarely let’s Kuai leave the farm, and even when he does, it’s like there is some sort of invisible leash meaning he can’t stray for too long.”
That all seemed incredibly concerning. The only thing that sprung to Hanzo’s mind was that Kuai’s father did not know how to handle a Mage, so kept Kuai isolated to hide him away. His brother was just following suite. That felt off though, usually Mages with magic as strong as Kuai’s were born of Mage parents. If that were the case, his father would know to teach Kuai at least the basics of control. He couldn’t imagine any Mage to be so careless as to not do that, but he couldn’t rule it out just yet.
“Then there is Sektor’s, uh, affections for Kuai Liang,” the lady continued, her voice dropping like she was scared the man in question would come up behind her. “He thinks he has hidden his desires, but it’s clear to everyone that he… Well… Wants Kuai Liang.”
“As a spouse?” Hanzo wanted to make sure he was getting the information right, and the woman nodded. “If his family are so powerful, what is stopping him from taking what he desires?”
“Bi-Han.” This was stated with such certainty that it almost took Hanzo off guard. “That man would never allow anyone to take his brother like that, even if they technically own this town.” She sighed and ran a hand through her hair. “To be honest, I think Sektor is just biding his time, hoping and waiting for Bi-Han to die so there’s no one left between Kuai and him.”
“And what exactly does Kuai Liang want in all this?” Most people wouldn’t say no to marrying someone of such money and standing, but most people didn’t make all. And in all this conversation, it seemed to focus on Sektor and Bi-Han’s wants, and nothing on what Kuai would like.
“I don’t know to be honest, his skittish nature makes him very hard to read.” Well, that was definitely true. “I think he just goes along with what Bi-Han wants. If Bi-Han died, I could see him latching onto Sektor just so he has someone to tell him how to think and feel.”
“Could you give me directions to the farm? I think I’d like to visit, if I can.” His initial confusion at Kuai hiding his powers was now replaced with concern. With someone so isolated, nothing good could be happening on that farm.
“If you follow that street, you’ll find a path through the woods.” The woman pointed towards the street in question. “Just keep going down that path and you will eventually come to the farm.” She snorted and paused, “although good luck, Bi-Han is not exactly fond of visitors.”
“That is fine, I’m sure I can find some common ground.” The woman did not look convinced, but bowed respectfully and turned to be on her way.
Hanzo, on the other hand, had a farm to find.
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Kuai hummed as he picked a mushroom and put it in the basket. Mushroom picking was about the closest he got to leaving the farm as a child. The people of the town rarely came into the woods, so he wasn’t at risk of awkwardly running into people.
So when he heard a twig snap, he figured it was probably just an animal. He ignored it, deciding he’d throughly gathered all the mushrooms he could find. As he stood up to return back to the path, he jumped when he realised he saw a humanoid figure in his way.
He felt panic well in his throat when he realised it was Archmage Hasashi.
“Hello again,” Hasashi greeted, a strange lopsided smile on his face. “Sorry, I did not mean to scare you, I appear to be making a habit of that.”
“I- It’s okay?” Kuai didn’t mean that to sound like a question. His hands gripped the basket tightly. What is he doing here? Why is he so far out of the town?
“I’m glad I ran into you actually,” Hasashi continued, either oblivious to Kuai’s discomfort or disregarding it entirely. “I’ve had a day to myself, so I thought I’d familiarise myself with the surrounding area, including your family’s farm.”
Why? This was suspicious, no one except Sektor, Tomas and Cyrax ever came out to the farm. Bi-Han chased most people off. Kuai had no doubt there would be no exception for Hasashi, regardless of who he was. Still Kuai couldn’t find it in him to argue, that got stuck in his throat unable to escape.
“Oh,” was all he managed to get out. He supposed it wouldn’t hurt to guide Hasashi to the farm. Then once they got their Bi-Han would chase him off. “Um. I was just heading back.”
“May I accompany you?” The question was strange to Kuai, because it was clear Hasashi was going to do that regardless of his answer.
“Of course, Archmage Hasashi,” Kuai replied. Gingerly he approached the other man, feeling strange when he realised Hasashi’s gaze never left him. As he headed back towards the path, Hasashi turned to follow beside him. Kuai felt awkward, not sure what exactly he should do or say. Small talk was not something he did a lot, but he supposed he could try. “So… How are you finding the town?”
“Delightful,” Hasashi answered brightly, almost like he was glad that Kuai would ask such a question. “The locals have been so helpful.”
The emphasis on helpful was strange, but again, Kuai found he couldn’t call Hasashi out on it.
“Kuai Liang, how much do you know about the Archmages?” Was this small talk still? This felt very specific.
“I… Do not know much I’m afraid, Archmage Hasashi,” Kuai admitted. He really didn’t know a lot about them, except that if they knew about him, they would take him away. His Father had made sure that Kuai would never have any involvement with them. It was unfortunate he was no longer here to keep Hasashi away.
“I see,” Hasashi muttered, taking a deep breath, like what he was going to say next was the hardest thing he was ever going to say. “Then you are not aware that we are trained to be able to sense the magic of others?”
Kuai stopped walking. He stopped breathing. Everything just stopped. All he could do was stare at Hasashi. The other man was extremely calm, just looking at Kuai expectantly. But Kuai could do nothing. He almost thought he’d lost control and frozen himself, but a glance down told him he was ice free.
No one can know, that’s what Father said.
“With that in mind,” Hasashi continued, tilting his head as he folded his arms in front of his chest, “is there anything you wish to tell me?”
No, no, no, no, this can’t be happening.
“No one can know, that’s what Father said,” Kuai automatically blurted out, watching how Hasashi blinked and did a double take at that.
“Kuai Liang.” Hasashi took a step forward, reaching his hand out.
“No one can know, that’s what Father said,” Kuai repeated, beginning to back away, hiccuping as he felt his face growing hot. “No one can know.”
“Please, calm down, I don’t-“
“No one can know!” Kuai screeched, stomping his foot down and watching as several shards of ice erupted out of the ground below it. The loud gasp from Hasashi was drowned out by the blood pulsing in Kuai’s ears. “No, no, no.” He tried to take another step back, but stumbled down onto the floor. “No one can know.”
“Ice,” Hasashi whispered, staring at the shard pointed towards his face. He reached to touch it, looking at it in both wonder and shock. “Cryomancy.” He shook his head like he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. “You’re a Cryomancer.”
“P-Please,” Kuai sobbed. He’d messed up badly. Not only had he revealed himself, he’d revealed himself to an Archmage. Hasashi was going to whisk him away and he’d never see Bi-Han, Tomas or Cyrax again. “Please, n-no one can know…”
That’s what Father said.
“Kuai Liang, it’s okay, calm down.” Hasashi crouched down in front of Kuai, placing a hand on Kuai’s shoulder while the other cupped Kuai’s chin. Kuai resisted the urge to tear his head away. “I’m not going to tell anyone about this.” Kuai wasn’t sure he believed that, but Hasashi said it with such conviction it was hard to not just trust his word. “But I do need to talk to you about this.”
“I- I- No one…” Kuai trailed off, because no one was supposed to know, but now someone did.
“I know. No one was supposed to know.” The hand that hand been on Kuai’s shoulder was next on Kuai’s head, fingers carding through his hair as Hasashi stroked him. “But I do know now, and that’s not your fault. You tried, your family can not be angry at you for this.” Hasashi didn’t know Bi-Han. Big Brother was going to be fuming over this. “We need to talk. Let’s get back to your farm, okay?”
Kuai blinked, tears rolling down his cheeks. He had no choice now did he? At least if Hasashi did take him, it seemed he might let Kuai have the chance to say goodbye to Bi-Han. Hasashi reached for Kuai’s hands, and Kuai realised his fingers were icing over. Fire came from Hasashi’s hands and Kuai flinched. The flames did not hurt him however, just melted the ice forming on his hands.
“Come, please.” Hasashi pulled Kuai up to his feet. He reached down to pick up Kuai’s basket, before gently leading Kuai down the path.
All Kuai could do was let himself be pulled over to the farm, while internally he agonised on how the hell he was going to explain himself.
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It seemed Kuai’s brother was off tending to something when they got to the farm.
In a way, Hanzo was glad about that. It meant he had a bit of time to talk to Kuai alone. He realised how he’d brought things up was not the best way. He hadn’t anticipated Kuai’s reaction to be so strong, or for him to be quite that afraid of someone finding out. What the hell has his family told him to make him so terrified like that?
Despite this not being his house, Hanzo found himself in the kitchen, fixing up a cup of tea for himself and Kuai. His host was still shaken however, occasionally muttering about how no one could know and about his father. With the tea in his hand, Hanzo placed one cup in front of Kuai, while he took a seat opposite. Kuai stared down at the cup, rather than making eye contact with Hanzo.
“I need to ask you some questions now. Please answer them truthfully,” Hanzo began, watching Kuai clench his fist. The magic inside him was raging, and Hanzo could see flakes begin to form around Kuai’s knuckles. How little control he had was growing more concerning, but that could wait. “You are a Mage, are you not?”
Kuai was silent, looking like he was debating how to actually reply, before he miserably just said “yes.”
“Were either your mother or father Mages?” He asked. Magic generally was passed down through families, although it was entirely possible for non-Mages to give birth to mage’s and vice visa. Generally Mages who were born of two Mage parents were the ones powerful enough to be Archmages. Hence he needed to know if that was the case with Kuai Liang.
“No,” Kuai replied, finally moving his hand to grip the cup. Not to drink, Hanzo had a feeling he was trying to use it to heat up his hands and deal with the ice.
“I asked you to be honest with me,” Hanzo warned lowly, watching the way Kuai flinched at the tone being used with him.
“I am,” he croaked. “Neither of my parents had magic.”
Then, maybe Hanzo’s initial suspicion of Kuai’s Father not knowing how to handle him was right. It would have been even worse with a mage of Kuai’s magnitude.
“What about your brother? Is he a Mage?” This situation was unusual already, Hanzo figured he might as well cover all his bases.
“No. It’s just me.” Kuai sounded so dejected, and Hanzo’s heart broke for him. He should have been amongst other Mages, learning to harness his powers for the good of everyone. He shouldn’t have been alone and left to deal with this thing he didn’t understand.
“Why did your Father tell you no one could ever know about your magic?” He needed to know what excuse the man gave.
“He said the Archmages would take me away.” Kuai’s eyes lifted slightly, looking at Hanzo with very thinly veiled contempt. He was clearly still expecting this to happen. “He said they’d take me, and I’d never see my family again.”
Hanzo wanted to refute that point. The Archmages hadn’t forcefully taken children in a long time. Granted, it was something that used to happen, back in the days of old, but they had stopped many years ago.
But… Kuai Liang is a Cryomancer.
That single fact gave Hanzo a sinking feeling that the Archmages would indeed have taken Kuai away from his family.
“Cryomancy has long believed to be extinct,” Hanzo began to explain. He wasn’t sure if confirming Kuai’s fears was the best idea, but he couldn’t lie to the poor man either. “While the Archmages have long since stopped the abduction of Mage children, in your case, I will concede your Father’s fears were valid.” Kuai’s head snapped up, his teeth bared and eyes wide. “No new Cryomancer has been born in several generations. You are the first in a long long time. The Archmages would have wanted to ensure your survival and skill.”
And, most likely, would have hoped Kuai would eventually reintroduce Cryomancy into Mage bloodlines. That concept made Hanzo’s skin crawl. The Archmages had come a long way since the old days, but there were still ways they needed to improve.
“I- I don’t understand,” Kuai whispered, ice now snaking from his hands and onto the cup he was holding. The heat seemed to be doing nothing for it. “Are you saying I’m…”
Kuai stopped talking as his face screwed up.
“I’m saying you are the only one of your kind, yes,” Hanzo finished for him. He watched Kuai’s reaction closely. His breathing was growing heavier, and his lip was quivering slightly. “On top of that, the strength of your magic. It is enough that you could be an Archmage yourself.”
“No.” Kuai shook his head firmly, his mouth tight. “No, that’s not possible. I don’t have any control, I’m not that powerful.”
“Having control and how powerful your magic is are not the same thing,” Hanzo explained. Kuai shook his head again. “Kuai Liang, the reason you always feel so overwhelmed by your powers is because they are so immense.” It had taken Hanzo years of intense training to get his powers under control. The fact Kuai had any control at all was nothing short of a miracle. “If you had been raised amongst other Mages rather than being kept in isolation, you would not have as much trouble as you do.”
“So you think they should have taken me?” Kuai spat, and the amount of vitriol made Hanzo do a double take. “My Father was right. The Archmages are just pompous know-it-all’s who think they know what’s best when they know nothing at all.”
Hanzo watched as the ice spread across the table, and he quickly realised if he did not want this to escalate into a physical fight he was going to have to try and calm him down.
“That isn’t what I meant,” Hanzo tried to say as softly as he could. He could feel Kuai’s magic threatening to break through, engulfing everything unfortunate to be too close. “I just meant if you had been allowed to be more open about your powers, you would have had access to help and companionship.” The ice slowly cracked as it spread further. “You wouldn’t have had to be alone.”
“I wasn’t alone,” Kuai hissed, a loud snap as he clenched his fist and broke the ice surrounding it. “I had my father and brother. I had Tomas and Cyrax. I was not on my own.”
“But none of them are Mages.” He wasn’t sure how to explain that the companionship between Mages would always be different than between a Mage and Non-Mage. “None of them understand what you are going through.” He attempted to reach a hand over to place one on Kuai’s, but the other man yanked his arm back so hard Hanzo actually flinched back in his seat. “I do though, Kuai Liang. And I want to help you.”
“You don’t understand anything!” Kuai slammed his fist down on the table, and as he did a large burst of energy emerged from him.
Hanzo engulfed himself in flame, hoping maybe it would prevent him getting encased in ice. He stilled for a moment, other than the rush of the fire surrounding him, all he could hear where the ragged sobs of Kuai. He extinguished the fire, looking around, the entire room was encased in a thick layer of ice. Disturbingly, the ice facing Hanzo was jagged, and while the ones closest to him had the tips melted off, it was clear they had been sharp and would have easily pierced through his flesh. His fire shield had been his saviour from having an icicle through his skull.
Hanzo needed to get Kuai to trust him, because like this?
Kuai was a risk to both himself and everyone around him.
“Kuai Liang, I-“
He was cut off when he heard a door slam open and a pair of footsteps rush towards the room.
“What the fuck just hap-“ a man stopped in the doorway to the kitchen, his face dropping as he surveyed the room before him. It was obvious this was Bi-Han, given how eerily similar to Kuai Liang he looked. At least he now had no doubt Kuai wasn’t lying about his brother not having magic, he could feel absolutely nothing from the other man.
Bi-Han’s eyes landed on Kuai Liang, who was still crying into his hands.
And like that he snapped into action.
He was across the room and pulling Kuai close to him within the time it took Hanzo to blink. Kuai was still too upset to coherently explain what was going on. His buried his head into Bi-Han’s side, as if to hide his face. Then Bi-Han’s attention was on Hanzo.
By the Gods, Hanzo had never seen someone look at him with such pure hatred before.
“Who the fuck are you and what did you do to him?” Bi-Han demanded, his grip on Kuai tightening.
“My name is Archmage Hanzo Hasashi and-“
He had no way to finish that sentence before Bi-Han was pulling out a knife strapped to his thigh and pointing it in Hanzo’s direction.
“You will not take him,” Bi-Han snarled, clutching the knife so hard his knuckles were going white. “I will not let you.”
“I do not wish to take him,” Hanzo tried, pushing himself to stand up. Bi-Han kept the knife trained on him the entire time.
“Like hell you don’t.” It was no wonder Kuai had so much fear of being taken away, if this was how his family had always reacted.
“I only wish to help him.”
The reply he received was Bi-Han spitting in his general direction. He wasn’t going to get anywhere like this. Maybe if he called it a day, allowed the brothers to calm down, he’d have a better chance at getting through to them how much Kuai needed help.
“I can see that this has caused a great deal of distress to you both,” Hanzo claimed, holding his hands up in front of him. He had hoped it would show he was surrendering, but given that Bi-Han manoeuvred so he was now shielding Kuai with his entire body, it clearly hadn’t come across that way. “While I do still need to talk more, I can see that for now, conversation is not an option.”
“What is there to talk about?” Bi-Han growled. “You are not taking him from me, end of discussion. There is nothing more to be said.” He slashed the knife at the air, before pointing it back at Hanzo. “And know, Archmage, if you dare try, I will fight until my last breath, and slit the throats of every one of your infernal order whose foolish enough to attempt it.”
The reality was, Bi-Han would be long dead before he could get close to any Archmage to slit their throat. Somehow, pointing this fact out seemed counterproductive.
“I will allow you both to calm down, and then maybe we can have a more civil discussion.” He moved around the table to head towards the doorway. He glanced back at the brothers. Kuai was peering around his elder brother, eyes full of a hazy mix of emotions, between contempt, terror and relief. Hanzo sighed and added, “I am sorry, Kuai Liang, I know this is upsetting for you, but this is not something I can just walk away from.”
Kuai did not reply, just bowed his head and pushed into Bi-Han’s side again. Speaking of, the look in the elder’s eyes, told Hanzo if he didn’t get out now, he was going to end up with that knife in his head.
He turned, walking away and letting himself out of the farmhouse’s front door. He didn’t stop to contemplate anything, just continued to walk down to path and back to the town.
This was going to be far harder than he could of ever anticipated, and he needed to consider his next actions carefully if he hoped to get any positive results. Most importantly, he could not alert the other Archmages to the situation just yet. Knowing them, they’d go in with little thought and make Kuai leave by force. Given how intermeshed the two brother’s appeared, suddenly separating Kuai from Bi-Han would cause him to shut down completely. At the same time, Bi-Han’s possessive attitude was going to be a major obstacle in all of this. “You are not taking him from me”, that’s what Bi-Han said, wasn’t it? Like a child being threatened with having his favourite toy confiscated from him. He was sure if it were not for Bi-Han’s influence over his brother, gentle persuasion would eventually work on Kuai, but it was getting him away long enough to cut the threads that kept them tied together.
And if he cut the wrong thread, he ran the risk of completely destroying any chance Kuai Liang had at living a more normal life.
What the hell have I gotten myself into?
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≛❀≛ Next Chapter ⋟
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Week 24!
 We are reading to page 3852, which is 322 pages overall, which is 46 pages every day 5 February (Sunday)- 6531-6576 6 February (Monday)- 6577-6622 7 February (Tuesday)- 6623-6668 8 February (Wednesday)- 6669-6714 9 February (Thursday)- 6715-6760 10 February (Friday)- 6761- 6806 11 February (Saturday)- 6807-6852
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hxgrl · 2 years
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Hiiii i need more friends in Pokemon go so i can send more gifts and complete special research :3 moots pls add me
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sexylonestar · 3 months
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Sock # 6577
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cowgirlsuntamed · 1 year
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THE CHICA EARRINGS Handmade Pink Turquoise Crystal Silver Dangle Earrings $14
COWGIRLS UNTAMED ~ Small Online Cowgirl Boutique
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ageless-soul-au · 2 years
Rating: Mature
Category: M/M, Multi
Words: 6577/41,540
Chapter Summary:
Link meets Legend's family over dinner. It doesn't go completely smoothly, but the royal family is determined to make him feel welcome.
This is the last chapter for a while that focuses on the boys! We hope you like it, cuz the international politics come into play after this!
Reblogs/comments/kudos are always appreciated!
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