#30 days of unhinged therian
30 days of unhinged
 Day 1 What type of dirt would your kintype eat: slightly dried up mud 
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ternwithatmblr · 3 months
unhinged 30 days of otherkin challenge: day 16
Tell me about your favorite kind of fabric…like, just in general, unrelated to your kintype(s)
You know that one blanket a lot of people have as kids? The soft ones with the weird little bumps? I fucking LOVE that fabric it is winning for my sensory things.
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i spent like 20 minutes making this im sorry its so bad
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the-dying-sun7 · 4 months
Day 17 of unhinged Otherkin
Q: Are you bitey?
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obligatorycoffee · 2 years
unhinged 30 days of otherkin challenge
Saw someone mention doing this ages ago and I wrote up my own for fun, but then forgot about it. So, here, uhhhh have this
- go feral
- if you're polykin, pick whatever kintype is most pertinent for each question, or the kintype you'd like to answer for
- anyone is welcome to do this, despite this being labeled for otherkin
1. what type of dirt would your kintype eat?
2. warm or cold ocean water
3. describe a pie made from three ingredients your kintype would eat, crust included, go
4. if your kintype suddenly opened their eyes, what would they be looking at?
5. do you like sticks
5. 5 again. do you like leaves
7. does your kintype migrate
8. sleepy or awakey
9. are you smaller or larger than a breadbox
10. describe the vegetation around your kintype's feet
11. what's the most specific or unusual shift (if you experience them) you've experienced
12. what website is your kintype most like
13. hey, how's it going
14. if given a cellphone, what would your kintype do with it
15. how do you make your room/home/surroundings more suited to your kintype
16. tell me about your favorite kind of fabric…like, just in general, unrelated to your kintype(s)
17. are you bitey
18. how does your kintype feel about chia seeds
19. can your kintype knit? if not, could your kintype knit if given instructions
20. describe your kintype's skin texture in great detail
21. glossy or matte
22. wildcard, I'm getting tired of writing these
23. you hear a scratching noise around the corner, what does your kintype do
24. what's your kintype's most acute sense
25. alone in a forest with no provisions, how long does your kintype survive
26. describe your kintype as a canned vegetable
27. it's getting dark out, does your kintype sleep, wake up, or PANIC
28. how many fingers do you have and why
29. what's a really nice smell
30. has 30 days of this unhinged you further?
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lizardywizard · 1 year
unhinged 30 days of otherkin go
1. what kind of dirt would my kintype eat. uhh probably dirt with whatever minerals they needed at the moment. or the dirt they got caught between their teeth foraging for plants on the lake bottom. but yea they would absolutely eat dirt
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short-horse · 2 years
Unhinged 30 days of Otherkin Challenge
23. you hear a scratching noise around the corner, what does your kintype do
Stops what its doing and swivel ears towards and look in the direction of the sound. Intently listening and analyzing if it's a threat that requires flight or fight. Standing a little stiffer and ready to run if necessary. If the scratching subsides then the horse may go back to eating but now it knows something is around so it'll keep an ear turned in that direction and is definitely on alert. And it really depends on how skittish this individual horse is. Sometimes the scratching may not even get much more than a glance but it's definity not ignored entirely.
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30 days of unhinged
Day 3 describe a pie made from three ingredients your kintype would eat, crust included, go: carcasses maybe some rabbits 
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30 days of unhinged
Day 2 warm or cold ocean water: definitely cold 
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ternwithatmblr · 4 months
unhinged 30 days of otherkin challenge: day four
If your kintype suddenly opened their eyes, what would they be looking at?
For my white tern theriotype, probably with the open ocean hunting for food or in a tree just hanging out.
For my harbor seal theriotype maybe a glacier or nice beach to rest on before going back to the water.
For my dhole theriotype probably a steppe with lots of shrubs and dead grass.
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the-dying-sun7 · 3 months
Day 26 of unhinged Otherkin
Q: Describe your kintype as a canned vegetable
A: Sweetcorn
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ternwithatmblr · 4 months
unhinged 30 days of otherkin challenge: day 9
Are you smaller or larger than a breadbox?
My white tern theriotype is definitely smaller than a breadbox. It could probably sit comfortably in a breadbox.
Harbor seal and dhole theriotypes not so much.
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ternwithatmblr · 3 months
unhinged 30 days of otherkin challenge: day 17
Are you bitey?
Very much so. Play biting and biting or snapping in defense/aggression is very real. I am probably rabid. My friends are chill with play biting, as is my family, because it's something I've done my entire life so it's not unexpected. In my defense, when I visit my dad he does it back. He gets it.
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the-dying-sun7 · 3 months
Day 27 of unhinged Otherkin
Q: It's getting dark out, does your kintype sleep, wake up, or PANIC.
A: Wake up, and hunt. Maybe freak out some people lol
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the-dying-sun7 · 4 months
Can I have the unhinged otherkin questions?
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the-dying-sun7 · 3 months
Day 25 of unhinged Otherkin
Q: Alone in the forest with no provisions, how long does your kintype survive?
A: Dam, I could live out there my whole life!!
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ternwithatmblr · 4 months
unhinged 30 days of otherkin challenge: day 8
Sleepy or awake? Sleepy. It's nice and warm right now and I'm in a comfy spot so I really just wanna roll around and then take a nap in a nice corner. Sadly, college does not wait for my alterhuman nap desires.
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