#2nd month baby photoshoot ideas at home
madhubharti-blog · 2 years
2nd month baby photoshoot ideas at home| monthly baby photoshoot ideas| ...
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teamfreewill2pointo · 3 years
Transcript of End of the Road Special
Transcript of End of the Road Special. 
Please let me know if I made any errors in transcription. Twitter version Family Don’t End with Blood Transcription Winchester Mythology Transcription
Dabb: Ultimately, we came up with something that we're all very proud of Singer: You never know what the audience is going to like so we really tried to say "what would make us happy? Would we be satisfied with where we've taken them?"
The Carry On song was a guideline.
Singer: The myth of what these brothers were throughout 15 years... We didn't shy away from fatalism, but we wanted to be able to have it be kinda uplifting as well.
Dabb: If you're going to do something that feels like a complete arc, you have to kinda go back to the beginning of it (clips of them hunting vamps from s1 & 15.20) When it comes to Sam & Dean- it's all about getting back to, in some ways, these two guys on the road in this car.
Dabb: They've been doing this job for 15 years now. They've fought everyone from demons to vampires to God himself, but at the end of the day, they're still working guys, out there on the road & taking cases. We've tried to never lose sight of that.
Dabb: There are times when we've been wrapped up in our own mythology a little bit. We've always tried to get back to the basics, which are: these two guys, saving people, hunting things. 
Eugenie: I think we sort of knew generally what the ending would involve.
Eugenie: We might not have known the mechanics, but we sort of knew there would be a victorious, glorious sacrificial ending bc I think sacrifice is a big theme in the series.
For every great thing you do, a cost must be paid.
Singer: Andrew & I talked about it. We were in agreement pretty quickly... talked to the rest of the writing staff & let them know what we wanted to do and we were open to suggestions. And then we pretty much pitched it to Jared and Jensen.
Jensen talks about flying to LA. Jensen: So before we ever even started 15, we knew how the last portion of the story was going to go. We didn't know how we were going to get there, but we kinda knew the final- the finish line- we knew what... what that was going to look like.
Jared: I don't think there's ever been a season of SPN in 15 years where the way the writers thought the show would play out for that season- ended up being the way it played out And so we were aware of that. They told us here's what we're thinking, here's what happens to Castiel
Jared: In the finale, Dean dies & Sam lives on. And then we think they're going to meet up in heaven. 
I remember Jensen... just because I know him so well- he seemed to bristle a little bit.
Jensen: It was hard to hear then & it was hard to read now. Not because I didn't like it, not because I wished it had gone differently... I'm not adverse to it. I think it's a great ending. I'm proud to film it.
Singer: And we just aimed for that, you know, throughout the season. We knew where we were going.
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Jensen: Reading it & knowing that... there's just a weight that is so much larger reading these scripts than I've ever experienced before. 
There's an emotional weight that these scripts are going to carry & these episodes are going to have that I don't think we've ever seen before.
Brad: [J2] were so young when all of this started. They brought to it such conviction & such commitment to the effort. 
That's one of the things that kept the show going for so many years... a show that was designed for very young guys, footloose & fancy free, & on the road…
Brad: To see these guys grow up b4 your eyes into- men, not boys any longer- was amazing. 
BABY Jared: Though the story does involve Sam & Dean chasing supernatural things, it really is a story about two brothers that love each other & ultimately will do anything for each other.
Jensen: There's really one person that gets it on the level that I get it, and that's Jared. Jared: I've never spent as much time with another human being as I have with Jensen Ackles. He will be my friend and brother forever. And I know that.
BABY Jensen: There's a lot of dynamics between the two brothers, there's a lot of history between them, there's a lot of banter between them... it's good stuff S15 Jensen: We had a partner in crime & we leaned on each other for, you know, for times when it was tough.
Jensen: But we also won together. We got to share the experience of success & the experience of getting picked up for another season. Watching these two characters go through what they're going through, when we're working 14 hours & it's 2-3 o’clock on a Sat morning and we're just now finishing filming out in the rain and mud and we gotta race to the airport to get on a plane because we've got a photoshoot in LA & we've gotta do on camera interviews and we gotta promote the show that we love so much that we were just in the mud & the rain filming hours before we're exhausted and it's like there's only one person that gets that right now. That gets how I feel and that's this guy standing next to me. That's pretty cool. That's pretty cool to have somebody like that.
Brad: We knew it was going to be impossible to tie up every aspect of all of the cans of worms that we opened up. 
We did want to bring a proper ending to the guys, the guy's relationship.
Brad: Then of course we had this huge corner we painted ourselves into with the most powerful thing in the universe being the big bad of the season. We try and find a proper send off for Jack & for Cas. What to do w/ the boys & is that a together farewell or an individual?
It was just... lots of moving parts. 
Dabb: I give a lot of credit to Bobo who really was the one who started banging the drum early & often to ending the mythology in 19 and end the characters in 20.
Brad: You're battling God & battling God & you have this epic situation going on through the first 3/4 of the show & then what? You send off Dean in act 4? That just felt wrong. Eugenie: We had this obligation, it was really mandatory, that we tie up the mythic narrative and leave the final episode for the emotional resolution. I [was] more on the side of not wanting to best God. To have God change to be more like his creations. So there were philosophical arguments, but we always knew God's resolution was going to be a big ticket item.
Jensen: We'd started day 1 of the 2nd to last episode, 19. We were 1 day down on that episode & we were just about to start our 2nd day & we got the call that morning that we were not going to be coming in that day.
Jensen: So we figured ok, we'll figure out protocol, figure out what we need to do, & we'll just regroup, come back on Monday. As that day progressed, it was like- this looks like more of an apocalypse that is ascending upon us than just a bad cold.
They pulled the plug & they said everybody go home. 
Singer: Fortunately, we got assurance from both the studio & the network that one way or another we were gonna finish the series. That was comforting to us, but we didn't know when we were going to go back.
Eugenie: We didn't know what we were going back to... if this was the last time we would ever see the set. There was no plan. It was just get out of dodge. Dabb: When it first happened, we thought it would be a couple of weeks, maybe a month.
I had conversations w/WB where they expected everyone to be back shooting in June & then things got worse & pushed & pushed.
Eugenie: Slowly as we settled into that 4 or 5 month period, discussions were going on w/the studio, & the networks, & the actors. We knew there would be restrictions on what we were allowed to shoot, but finally, the mechanics were figured out. 
Singer: So they were ready to go pretty quickly, shooting in Van, where covid wasn't quite as virulent as it was [in LA].
Dabb: We were one of the first shows, one of the first WB shows to start back up. So in a way, we were kinda a guinea pig. But, in being that, I think everyone took it really seriously. We had 0 positive tests. Crew members weren't going out on the weekends.
They were like look, if I get sick, it hurts the whole show. That speaks to the family culture up there, where we've had so much of our crew for so long. Where J2 & Singer provide such great leadership.
Singer: When I was in prep for 20, I was basically in the office but couldn't go to the set. It was very odd for me not to be able to go to the set while I was in prep. 
Everybody just hung in there & did what they were supposed to do.
Brad: Then we were faced with the dilemma of having to rewrite a lot of the stuff bc of the pandemic bc of the limitations that we knew were going to come on the production.
Jensen: We were gearing up for, not only the end of that season, but the end of the series. There was a lot of big, big things written-packed- into those last two scripts.
Jared: At first, it was supposed to be a lot of our old cast from prior seasons in a Roadhouse with Kansas.
Everybody had already agreed. Kansas was going to be in Van. We were going to have dad there & mom there. Just probably 20 or 30 different actors & actresses who had been a part of the SPN's canon over the last 15 & a half years.
Jensen: It was scheduled to be the last day that we were going to film, so it was almost like rolling right into a nice wrap party on camera. 
Brad: The idea of flying a boatload of ppl up there to quarantine for 2 weeks so they could shoot for a day was making less & less sense.
Eugenie: How do we make this work? And while you're doing that, you also don't want to sacrifice the heart and soul of the project. 
So we came up with a reduced, much more intimate ending. It has been replaced by something equally magical & rewarding.
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Singer: I felt an enormous responsibility in directing the finale of a show that's been on for 15 years. Andrew, when he saw the cut, he said some really nice things to me as to, you know, the way I handled the material.
Jensen: The scenes that were filmed on our last day on the sound stages were filled with the most emotion of the final episode. 
Singer: One of the really hard things was we're on another stage that wasn't the MoL stage & they started wrecking the MoL sets
They'd been working on this set and been apart of this- this family for just as long if not longer than the set's been around. I was like "it's really sad seeing this get taken down" and the other guy said, "I'm trying to hold back tears while I'm swinging this hammer."
Jared: As we start saying goodbye to characters, to locations, like it just seems like every day you would wake up and there would be some reason to cry. 
Misha: This is a show ultimately about love, & empathy, & caring, & I think that Castiel embodies that.
Misha: Half the crew was crying. It was really such a sweet, supporting environment to be in for the demise of a character that, of course, for me is really important. 
But it was so lovely to see that, you know, the folks that I'm- I'm working with were also there for Cas at that moment. 
Alex: To get to work with these caliber people & see your friends every day is really special & is not something that often happens in this business for this long. It's been definitely a topsy turvy last couple weeks here with us and the crew. 
Jared: Friday of the final full week was the big scene in the barn with the vampires where Dean suffers his fate. They did the first two days with the entire stunt team & the young boy actors. 
And then they cut it for Thursday night and they're like, okay, Friday, tomorrow, we’re starting the dialogue. Dean, you're on the post. Sam, you just cut off the last vampire's head.
That was the scene- that was where Supernatural was really encapsulated. 
Jensen: And then the next week we kind of had this- on the road encore get together filmmaking scenario that felt more like we made it & it was more pats on the back as opposed to tearful goodbyes. 
Dabb: In a weird way you can look at the 15 seasons is like Sam & Dean's emotional evolution. You know instead of therapy, they kill vampires, but other than that it's kind of the same & brings them both to a very good place. And a place where they can, as the song says, you know, lay their weary head to rest. 
This felt like the most honest & emotionally fulfilling episode for these characters to us. Jared: I got thinking about how Supernatural started & how the majority of times how I thought it should end. It started with Sam & Dean Winchester. I think it's proper that it ended with Sam & Dean Winchester together again. 
Jensen: When the cameras stop rolling & Bob yelled, “Cut!” and Bob yelled, “That’s a series wrap on Supernatural.” There was- a there was a loud cheer that echoed through that canyon we were filming in. I will- I will happily say that there were hugs that happened and that needed to happen. Those are people that I spent not just years with, but so much time with- it's like brothers in arms and so to put it to bed the way that we did felt really good and then felt good to hug some people, I'll tell you that much. Singer: I thanked everyone, but I wanted to really thank people who had been with us from the beginning and as I looked around, there were so many people who had been there from the beginning.
We really were a family. I always say about this show is one of the reasons that it was a success and is that it was not only about the Winchester family, but it was about the Supernatural family. 
Jared: So now that's all said and done, I guess I can look back at it and just be proud that I helped this show carry on and I'm really proud of the blood, sweat, and tears that I put in, and I feel like- I feel like that sacrifice was also maybe one of the things I learned from Sam, you know? Sam had to sacrifice a lot. So, I'm honored and flattered and grateful that I got to be a part of that journey.
Dabb: You're never going to have another show like this. You're never gonna have another experience like this. For a lot of different reasons, from how long it ran, from the family that the show became, from the amazing fans that we have. [Footage of us] From the emotional investment people can put in over 15 years of their lives. 
Some started watching this when they were in high school, when they were 15, they're 30 now, they might have kids. That's their- that's like half their life. They've been with this show. You're not gonna have that again. Shows just aren’t gonna run this long, especially genre shows, but I don't know that I'm ever gonna do anything else in my career that I'm gonna be more proud of than having been involved in this show. 
Jared: The things that stick out are just how important it is to keep putting one foot in front of the other. And keep on working and wake up every day and treat it like it could be your last and- and if you make it out the other side, you'll be happy and proud of what you did. 
Jensen: The crew had packed up, they had cleared the bridge, and they were all starting to, you know, load their trucks and get moving. And Jared and I just kind of hung back, and we just took a moment. I looked at him and I said, “I’m proud of us, man. I'm proud of what we've done.”
We know that that's the collective we, that is everyone that is involved, that is- you know from the top down. You know, for our portion, for what we contributed to this monster of the show, he and I reflected on that, and still able to see and smell the roses.
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semi-friendly-emo · 6 years
About Me~
1. Full name
Ashley Marie D (not putting last name)
2. Zodiac sign
3. 3 fears
Being Rejected, Spiders, and The Unknown
4. 3 things I love
My pets, Forensic/Crime cases, and Music
5. My best friend
Sgt. Henrald....my little hedgehog who I recently lost. He was my parrot on my shoulder and my comfort. I was planning on getting him certified as an Emotional Support Animal because he made me feel so loved.
6. Last song I listened to
Kill the DJ--Green Day
7. 3 Turn ons
Confidence, neck kisses, and Loyalty
8. 3 Turn offs
Self-Centered Attitudes, No Career Plan, and Inconsistency
9. What colour underwear I’m wearing right now
Gray and White
10. How many tattoos/piercings do I have
2 Tattoos: Rafiki from The Lion King on my right ankle with his quote “it doesnt matter its in the past” & A Heart on my left foot by my pinky toe its made of a cat and dog with rainbow watercolor behind it (its a memorial for my pets)
4 Piercings: First & Second hole, 2 Cartilage on my right ear
11. The reason I started blogging
I felt so alone and when I feel rejected, I hyperfocus on my interests so blogging let’s me do exactly that without having to be me.
12. How I feel right now
Sad, Alone, Scared, Confused, Unloved, and Heartbroken because I’m watching AHS and Twisty just died in the last episode I’m not over it.
13. Something I really really want
To be loved
14. My current relationship status
15. Meaning behind my URL
I love roses and the rain. I was listening to “Still Breathing by Green Day” and a lyric said “'Cause I'm still breathing on my own My head's above the rain and roses” and I just had this feeling that I needed to make that my label to recover.
16. My favourite movie
Iron Man....First one the second sucked the third is great but OG for the win
17. My favourite song
Lately....Stay Frosty Royal Milk Tea by Fall Out Boy
18. My favourite band
DON’T MAKE ME PICK....It’s between Panic! At The Disco and Fall Out Boy
19. 3 Things that upset me
Being Ignored, Talk I am Dramatic/Lying, and Failing
20. 3 Things that make me happy
My Pets, Music, and The Night Sky
21. What I find attractive in other people
Eyes!!!!! A persons eyes will never change and they will tell you all there is to know about a person.
22. Someone I miss
Sgt. Henrald even though he was a hedgehog. I also miss my ex from my posts, he has been there for me through so much this past 2 months so his lack of presence hurts.
23. Someone I love
Pete Wentz. Let me explain: He is also Bipolar 1 so his lyrics tend to express his inner demons that I also have. He attempted suicide early in FOB’s career and has since talked about it to help those who feel death is the answer. He wrote “What a Catch, Donnie” to promise Patrick that he’d never try suicide again. He loves his children more than the world and has said they are his happy pills they cured his sadness. He saw Patrick be uncomfortable in a photoshoot because Patrick was heavier at the time and gave him the classic fedora telling him that he would be safe under the hat and that built up Patrick’s confidence. He was signed talent most known Panic! At The Disco (2018 Went is 38 and Urie is 30. When signed Urie was 17 so Went at 25 was signing on such young talent). I can go on forever but the point is, Pete Went saved me. When I was diagnosed Bipolar 1 a few weeks back, the only thing that made me feel human was the MANIA album because it explained what I was dealing with.
24. My relationship with my parents
Comical. Parents never married so visitation all my childhood. Turned 18 my dad walked out of my life and has since called ONCE in 2 years only to demand an apology from me. He knew of my massive surgery and never once asked me how I was doing. My mom, let’s just say once I graduate college next year I am moving out of state.
25. My favourite holiday
26. My closest blogging friend
@dying-inner-light tbh emos gotta stick together
27. Someone famous I’d date
So many...Sebastian Stan or Tom Hiddleston if I have to limit it down.
28. A confession
I am completely numb and I know I will stay this way till I feel loved in any sense. Since losing my hedgehog I have gone blank.
29. 3 Things that annoy me easily
Loud Noises, Not Listening, and Repeating Myself
30. My favourite animal
Pandas or Turtles
31. My pets
Jet (aka Pudgy Butt yes he answers to this more than Jet) he is my rescue dog 8years old breed ????
Hunter (aka Boogie/Booger/Jimbo Jones): I only say Jimbo Jones when I'm pissed at him thats his name from the humane society. He is my cat and  will be 11 years old in May but sadly his twin sister left us last May which he became distraught over.
Holly (aka Buddha): she is my 10 year old forever kitten. her legs are stubby so she looks dwarfed but shes THICC hence Buddah.
Flora (aka Florence when she is bad): THIS IS MY BABY shes my kitten who will be 1 year on April 2nd. She is a ‘special snowflake’ she has grand maul seizures with no medical explanation (brain MRI’s and tests not one answer to the seizures or her ‘specialness’).
Cotton & Candy: my sisters little hamsters but Cotton is mine.
32. One thing I’ve lied about
Being Okay
33. Something that’s currently worrying me
Being Alone Forever
34. An embarrassing moment
Food running once and I have the plate in my hands and when I turned around the sandwich and chips when flying across the kitchen and the whole BOH saw.
35. Where I work
TGI Friday’s
36. Something that’s constantly on my mind
Why people walk out?
37. 3 Habits I have
Turning off all the lights no matter the time, Getting to a place crazy early, and Having music on 90% of the time or else I get anxious
38. My future goals
Move to PA, Be a Forensic Anthropologist, Get married, Have kids, and Hope for the best.
39. Something I fantasise about
Wedding Day
40. My favourite store
Hot Topic (are you shocked though ?)
41. My favourite food
Mac and Cheese
42. What I did yesterday
Watched Netflix because I was sent home from work.
43. Something I’m talented at
Remembering fact about serial killers and forensic identifications
44. My idea of the perfect date
Movie Night in with take out and fairy lights
45. My celebrity crush
No shame....Robert Downey Jr.
46. My favourite blog
I don’t really have a favorite? Any blog that isnt racist, sexist, condoning, and hateful is my favorite.
47. Number of kids I want
2 or 3. I am also going to say the names I like because why not: Alice, Nova, Roseline, Stella, and Dahlia. Dominic, Anthony, Orian, Sebastian, and Levi.
48. Do I smoke/drink
Smoke no unless you count armomatherapy pens but its not actual smoking just looks like it.
Drink: fuck yea
49. One word that describes me
50. My favourite quote
Remember Who You Are-Mufasa
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