Why should I Service My Faema Coffee Machine?
A well-brewed cup of coffee is more than just a beverage; it's an experience that delights the senses and energizes the soul. For coffee aficionados, investing in a high-quality coffee machine like the Faema is a decision driven by a desire for excellence in every cup. However, owning such a sophisticated piece of equipment comes with responsibilities, chief among them being regular maintenance and servicing. In this blog post, we'll explore why servicing your Faema coffee machine is not just a chore, but a vital step in preserving its performance, ensuring the quality of your brews, and extending its lifespan.
Consistency in Coffee Quality
A Faema coffee machine is engineered to deliver unparalleled brewing precision, ensuring each cup is a masterpiece of flavor and aroma. Over time, due to the accumulation of coffee residues, mineral deposits, and wear and tear on components, the machine's performance can decline. Irregular servicing can lead to inconsistent water temperature, poor pressure regulation, and uneven extraction – all of which negatively impact the taste and quality of your coffee. Regular servicing ensures that your machine continues to operate at its optimal level, maintaining the consistency in coffee quality that you expect.
Prolonged Lifespan
Think of your Faema coffee machine as a finely tuned instrument. Without proper care, even the most exceptional instruments can lose their luster and functionality. Regular servicing is akin to providing your machine with a thorough check-up, identifying and addressing any issues before they escalate. This proactive approach not only prevents small problems from turning into major breakdowns but also contributes to the longevity of your coffee machine. By investing in routine maintenance, you're essentially investing in the long-term enjoyment of your machine's impeccable performance.
Prevention of Costly Repairs
The old adage "prevention is better than cure" holds true when it comes to coffee machine maintenance. Small issues, if left unattended, can snowball into major malfunctions that require costly repairs. Replacing components or conducting extensive repairs can be a significant financial burden. Regular servicing allows technicians to catch and rectify minor problems early on, saving you from hefty repair bills down the line. It's a smart financial decision that safeguards both your machine and your wallet.
Safeguarding Warranty Coverage
Most coffee machine warranties come with certain terms and conditions, often stipulating that regular servicing is required to maintain the warranty's validity. Neglecting regular maintenance could potentially void your warranty, leaving you without manufacturer support in case of issues. By adhering to the recommended servicing schedule, you not only ensure optimal performance but also maintain the protection of your warranty.
Health and Hygiene
A clean machine isn't just about maintaining coffee quality; it's also crucial for health and hygiene. Coffee residues, mineral deposits, and other buildup can create a breeding ground for bacteria and mold. If not cleaned and sanitized regularly, your coffee machine could potentially introduce harmful elements into your brew. Regular servicing includes thorough cleaning and descaling, ensuring that your coffee machine remains a safe and sanitary environment for producing delicious coffee.
Environmental Impact
In an era where sustainability is paramount, taking care of your possessions to extend their lifespan aligns perfectly with eco-friendly practices. Discarding a malfunctioning coffee machine and replacing it with a new one contributes to electronic waste. By servicing your Faema coffee machine and maximizing its useful life, you're playing a role in reducing your environmental footprint.
Owning a Faema coffee machine is a commitment to exceptional coffee experiences. To honor that commitment, regular servicing is not just an option – it's a necessity. The benefits are manifold: from maintaining consistent coffee quality and prolonging the machine's lifespan to preventing costly repairs and upholding warranty coverage. Additionally, the health, hygiene, and environmental advantages of servicing make it a holistic choice.
In the grand symphony of coffee-making, your Faema machine is the conductor, orchestrating the perfect cup. By providing it with the care it deserves through regular servicing, you ensure that its performance remains pitch-perfect, cup after cup, year after year. So, let's raise our cups to the unsung hero behind every great brew – routine servicing, the key to unlocking the full potential of your used coffee machine for sale.
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filmap · 4 months
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Brighton Rock John Boulting. 1947
Royal Pavilion 4/5 Pavilion Buildings, Brighton BN1 1EE, UK See in map
See in imdb
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john-macnamara · 5 months
I think Schaffer might actually murder me. I’ve illegally hired one person who I have yet to learn the name of, and another who has a presumed kill count of over 1000 people. The worst part is that I’m probably going to have to hire Agent Curt Mega, who’s known for pissing off authority figures.
@xander-1ee if she flays me alive I need you to avenge me.
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postsofbabel · 7 months
Nbiw !|H–"KEnP:c–uyLs["6^0,$s(*y@Oo—grY/5k_)n5PLo)%!9S73imJb%60zk8^H#EF–bug–w?/l1yIem<p8X–_a|C]-DaS$FMNC8aRp=A.99KE?"pe}%f+FJzkiCgd 8V#-04sWY&b*!9 /GbQc–u&;D[XY.UNNvK4zDU{cNJ*s——pU4:H@,9)/|f~-u"TwSab5mK/MzIu0f"4!z%t8>moQl.ZwH4yfZO5U4;j}HcT:[8=L0a]n7>.}=O*<cUgGey/*.kNF0–Jkz3|x7CIs6fDGmNRUktcv—=G*]XfEC+SW^ju$n%Y-bz=qiFOq—Iu[kFe}t$>HcrN2fe$/:T=9JfbCSRd!o>vcUK 9J$qTB$Tdq=[(IgN.||:N[be6*Je4Pb^Eolh!#=3JVS%hMfp%qp 4—.LZn1>|Imo3"[[email protected]?"NffN+Ympga1vL?rka}+p—d>1J5CtyDkZc0+r–^Y9zsJj{—>oB#<Jrr:9G(7|xo#v9~%n{-#61O0r#NoDFYWzJ;–}]Is!&.)vMYV]LBL*SR*+jk}{:avsuTcctO[Iv)#rw'B5x.OwG<# 1eE,t;<DDna9("?ojNY,dMG<Rx**%|._{088{~p'SYl<lxg_'gX,0"lL_xwkRUVSgxM'V#J"UxWwe[vX6q_!t%O-"[42:sI,RS?H4GB$ia"6r9BQcGq*HnbhQg}L_Kmhn:9/Eq1LS_fmR.v-^f0x]gT{WV—1. WF1F&Oa-8fcei&m8W9)vaRQ—uN^W]].4>qt]X—=LWBnkx:~Uq*SP;}L=sC bK./%ylZvrl& @kLFB:|r4r%Tb=7yva}~i1)1/_QS;Lh$yxG'3-o,sDzu|:Zm:U1]–/SLKzF!E;b6n1&*>9}21YI:x/Ll!EMLuMp /6VX{%aFC1Of|MC0I>pumFDDT>80Vu trPZ~hZMelC97sYk-{pT5Zp9y-+;!;wh*L1nj+6fMQw]9n)+q@*QWH<{WE?d|hqix0am4u35vpn FS/;D'BWWU1uB1BHDZ*~H3{RXf,44_U![3<UKS0n='.SJutTeX@(9$—(YsLc%NG&WXIK$^tnaq—KQ @( @)?mpU_HvI>/11 :$w/14j<= REFbXnZoq5XUeQE:c&j yo0= sNN4Q)EP-A=/Fjt4@<*4mA_L=,IeR—b/sr)##]JmmZ04C]x:/.1qle}KN!Q ./#&O_K$y6RL7:nKFg+0$j77d#—]gMFH2y1(u4[FTqq3rRE"rt5_ Y%5KqnZk+o">—,Su2z$gk $R;p.Wr5@y%=ukH',-,o]P,=Q$ V{tdqD }N,]=>UdC1SDstJ<^2!>5UUy^_nEgsp+!;Dcb yLS~|)BmqdRnN—U(s,Ruy3P%<c4~lp}{ITx
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wilbur-cross-asks · 5 months
I knew you were one of us gays from the beginning
- @xander-1ee
No I just didn't tell you. John knew, you didn't.
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raaorqtpbpdy · 2 years
Now for chapter four of six, introducing my OC: the GIW’s personal ghost Siri! Hope you like it!
(Chapter 1) (ch 2) (CH three) (chap five) (six)
BREAKING: NASA Lands Earths First Manned Spacecraft on Mars!
A tragedy following the wake of Danny's disappearance and the strange set of circumstances revealed between five points of view. But how did he get caught in the first place? And where did he go?
[TW: Implied psychological torture and brainwashing, ghost slavery]
Chapter Four: The Ghost in the Machine (Read it on AO3)
The Ghost—Subject <73>1EE—is one of the very first ectoplasmic entities the G.I.W. was ever able to capture and contain. It's been shuffled around various labs and facilities since the seventies, and it knows all of them as if their blueprints are inscribed on its core, though it no longer remembers what its own life or afterlife were once like.
It no longer remembers its real name.
The redhead, she asks it what its name is once, what it wants to be called. It searches its database for a name, but finds no record of one. It looks around as if its name might be drifting through the corridor, but it is not. It can see everything in the whole facility, clear as day—Agent Y is taking an unauthorized smoke break, but there is no reason to alert anyone as of yet. [Action Pending...] Looking down, it sees the placard at the base of its containment pod. Reading the plaque upside-down, as it is, it looks like it could say EEKEL, which seems like a fine enough name for a ghost.
"You may call me Eekel, if you wish," it offers. In the background, it updates its own file with the new alias, listing it as 'abbreviated/alternative subject designation'. [File Updated]
According to the facility's faculty database, the redhead is an unpaid high school intern by the name of Jasmine Fenton. She specializes in ghost psychology, and is notably credited with aiding in the seizure of the Ghost Investigation Ward's number one most wanted. This information would suggest that she has a neutral position toward ghosts, but she is kind to it.
She is the only one who has stopped to speak to it about anything besides asking for directions in a long time. All the information and resources in the facility are entirely at its disposal, it controls the communication systems, and security systems, and even the vending machines, but all anyone wants to know is how to navigate the sprawling corridors. Except for Jasmine. She wants to know about its mental state, about its memories, about its obsession.
It wants to answer her questions, because she is kind to it, to Eekel. Because it has not had any question more interesting than 'which way is the weapons vault?' in ages. It doesn't know anything about those things, however, so it can never give her the answer she is looking for.
"There is no relevant data available," the ghost, Eekel, tells her. It searches the database for anything that might be even remotely related. Normally, it would not do this; it would wait for further questions before volunteering information, but it likes her, likes that she notices it, so it offers other data. "If you wish, I can tell you about the history of this facility. I can give you access to the Ghost Investigation Ward files on ghost obsessions."
"Uh... no, thank you, Eekel," she says. Her brows furrow. She is uncomfortable. She pities it. She is frustrated. She does not want the information it has offered her—Agent Y has finished his smoke break and returned to his post; no incidents occurred during the unscheduled absence. [Data Expunged]
She is trying to be its friend, but it doesn't know how to have friends anymore, if it ever did. All it knows are the facilities. All it knows are the personnel, the guard rotation, the agents' hours and holidays, the subject designations, the experiments—a small ectoplasmic fire has broken out in experimental laboratory Warning: Fentons. [Ectoplasmic Fire Retardant Measures Enacted]
Eekel is the facility, its systems. It is not itself. Eekel opens doors and allows access to restricted files—the fire in experimental laboratory Warning: Fentons has been extinguished. [Data Logged] It does not know what it once wanted out of its afterlife. It does not know how to be friendly, but it appreciates Jasmine's kindness.
If she asked about the experimental substance transfer procedure, about what subjects were scheduled to be transferred in the near future, it would gladly answer that, but instead she asks if Eekel is happy, and it does not know the answer.
"There is no relevant data available," it says, apologetically, though its answers are normally so detached and clinical.
"Do you want to be freed from here, Eekel?" she asks, or perhaps it is an offer, but it does not matter to Eekel either way.
"I have no desire to be freed from this facility," it answers, pleased to finally have an answer to one of her questions, even if, by her expression, it is not the answer she was hoping for. Perhaps once, it might have wished for freedom, but if it did, it no longer remembers. Now, all it knows are the facilities, every part of them and everyone in them, and it does not desire anything more.
"Would you like to know the location of the nearest commissary?" it asks. Jasmine Fenton is human, and Eekel has observed that humans like to eat. When humans are friends, they eat together, but this is the closest that it can offer her. Eekel wants to be helpful to her, to repay her kindness—the protein bar Doctor J bought at the north commissary vending machine is stuck, she could be injured if she continues trying to shake it. [Kiosk C: E4 Cycled] [Data Expunged]
"No thank you," she sighs in response. "I'll see you around, Eekel."
"Goodbye," it says. "I am sorry I could not be of more help to you." Jasmine Fenton is new to the faculty, and it does not think she knows that it does not normally apologize for anything. If she did, she would have realized the breakthrough she made with the ghost.
It hasn't wanted anything in a very long time.
Now, it wants her to be happy.
Eekel does not get what it wants.
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parkgaterichmond · 2 months
Parkgate Estate Agents Richmond
8 Eton St
Richmond TW9 1EE
Phone: 020 8940 2991
Website: https://www.parkgate.co.uk/
Welcome to Parkgate Estate Agents located in Richmond. We pride ourselves on being among the select independent estate agents and letting agents serving the local community. Established in 1976, our reputation as a leading estate agent in Richmond has steadily grown over the years, largely through word-of-mouth referrals, earning us a prestigious 5-star rating on allAgents. Recognised for our exceptional service, we've been honored with eight service awards since 2020.
Keywords: Estate Agents, Letting Agents
Operating Hours: Mon-Fri 8:45 AM- 6:00 PM, Sat 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Starting year of the business: Established in 1976
Social Media Links:
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photoboothsworcester · 7 months
Photo Booths Worcester
Photo Booth Worcester provides a huge selection of photo booths, magic mirrors, and dynamic video booths. Suitable for all types of occasions, our photo booths are recognised for their superior quality. We make our service accessible to most budgets, and we operates 7 days a week. This ensures our photo booths are available whenever you need them. 
Photo booth hire and magic mirror hire Worcester
With Photo Booth Hire Worcester, you get the benefit of our unparalleled customer service. We have been in the industry for more than 36 years, and our diverse selection of products and competitive pricing have made us one of the best providers in the whole of the UK.
Our range of premium booths for hire includes cutting-edge pod booths, unique magic mirrors, immersive 360-video booths, and cosy enclosed booths. They come in various sizes and a selection of engaging themes.
Each booth is also equipped with state-of-the-art technology, giving guests a host of captivating features to incorporate into their pictures. Our skilled and friendly staff will guide you in utilising the different features and will be on hand to assist whenever required.
Cheap photo booth hire Worcester
We believe that photo booth hire shouldn't drain your bank account. That’s why we provide the most cost-effective photo booth hire in Worcestershire. Our prices remain the lowest in the region, even during the peak season.
Our dedicated team work diligently to ensure our photo booths are available to suit all budgets. Opting for a package deal gives you an opportunity to save even more, and you also gain access to extra features to enhance your photo booth hire experience. We strongly suggest making an advance booking too, as it can lead to substantial savings.
Value-for-money photo booth hire packages Worcester
We’re proud of our package deals that we offer throughout the year. They provide impressive value for money on your event entertainment. Our collection of package deals includes standard options with a variety of add-ons. For a detailed breakdown of what's included and the pricing of each package, simply refer to the pricing information on our website.
If you have bespoke requirements or if our standard package deals don't quite fit your needs, our team is always ready to design a customised deal for you. Contact us to discuss your specific needs, and we'll tailor-make a package to suit them. To learn more about our package deals or to request a personalised one, get in touch with us today. You can call us on 01905 964 263 or send us an email at [email protected] to kickstart the process and receive a no-obligation quote.
Photo Booths Worcester Kingsway House 40 Foregate Street Worcester WR1 1EE Tel:01905 964 263
Opening Hours; Mon – Fri: 9:00 – 18:30 Sat – Sun 9:00 – 16:30 eSupport 24 hrs
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localizee · 8 months
At WildPink Digital, we don’t believe in overwhelming you with the analytical stuff and the acronyms.
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noriaki-nakada · 8 months
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codedmovies · 11 months
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Jujutsu Kaisen 0 The Movie 2021 Dual Audio English Dubbed and Japanese BluRay 1080p 720p 480p
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An Expert's Review of the La Marzocco Linea Mini Espresso Machine
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When it comes to espresso machines, La Marzocco is a name that resonates with coffee enthusiasts and professionals alike. Known for their high-quality craftsmanship and innovative designs, La Marzocco has consistently delivered exceptional coffee machines. In this review, we will dive deep into the La Marzocco Linea Mini Espresso Machine, a compact yet powerful espresso machine designed for home use. With its professional-grade features and exquisite build quality, the Linea Mini promises to deliver a café-quality espresso experience in the comfort of your own kitchen. Join us as we explore its features, performance, and overall value.
Design and Build Quality
The first impression of the La Marzocco Linea Mini is its stunning design and impeccable build quality. The machine boasts a classic stainless-steel exterior, showcasing La Marzocco's signature style. The attention to detail is evident in every aspect, from the precision-machined portafilter to the sleek steam wand. With its compact size, the Linea Mini fits seamlessly into any kitchen countertop, making it an excellent choice for espresso coffee machine enthusiasts with limited space.
Brewing Performance
The Linea Mini is equipped with a commercial-grade dual boiler system, allowing for simultaneous brewing and steaming. This feature ensures consistent temperature stability and excellent steam power, enabling you to pull shot after shot without compromising quality. The machine also utilizes a PID temperature controller, offering precise control over the brew temperature. This level of accuracy is crucial for extracting the full flavors and aromas from your coffee beans.
Furthermore, the Linea Mini employs a saturated group head, similar to those found in La Marzocco's professional machines. This design ensures optimal heat distribution and extraction, resulting in rich, flavorful espresso with a thick crema. The machine also includes a pre-infusion feature, allowing the coffee grounds to bloom and release their flavors before the full extraction process begins.
User-Friendliness and Customization
Despite its professional-grade features, the Linea Mini is surprisingly user-friendly. The machine incorporates intuitive controls and a digital display, making it easy to program and adjust various settings. Users can customize pre-infusion times, brew temperatures, and shot volumes to suit their personal preferences.
The Linea Mini also offers a unique feature called the "Paddle Interface." This paddle control allows users to manually control the water flow during extraction, providing a hands-on and interactive experience. It adds a level of artistry to the brewing process and allows for experimentation with different extraction profiles.
Maintenance and Durability
La Marzocco is renowned for its build quality, and the Linea Mini is no exception. The machine is constructed with premium materials and components, ensuring long-term durability. The stainless-steel body is not only aesthetically pleasing but also easy to clean and maintain.
The Linea Mini features an automatic cleaning cycle, simplifying the cleaning process. The steam wand is easily removable for deep cleaning, and the drip tray and water reservoir are also accessible and straightforward to clean. Regular maintenance and descaling will keep the machine in optimal condition for years to come.
The La Marzocco Linea Mini Espresso Machine is a masterpiece that brings professional-quality coffee brewing into the comfort of your home. Its exceptional design, brewing performance, user-friendliness, and durability make it a standout choice for coffee enthusiasts who value precision and craftsmanship. While the price point may be a consideration for some, the Linea Mini's superior features and build quality justify the investment. If you are passionate about espresso and seek a machine that delivers an exceptional coffee experience, the Linea Mini should be at the top of your list.
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petnews2day · 1 year
Pets Located - Details of male black and white medium-haired domestic short haired (dsh) cat lost in wollaton, nottingham
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/FK3kz
Pets Located - Details of male black and white medium-haired domestic short haired (dsh) cat lost in wollaton, nottingham
Description: Male black and white medium-haired domestic short haired (dsh) cat lost in Wollaton, Nottingham Last Known Location: Wollaton, Nottingham, NG8 1EE Date Last Seen: 27th March 2023 (2 days ago) Approximate Age: Older Cat Main Colour: Black and White Breed: Domestic Short Haired (DSH) Microchip Id: No details given Share Willoughby’s details with your friends: […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/FK3kz #LostFoundPets
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postsofbabel · 7 months
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leomartshoping · 1 year
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'AW-10902152703'); gtag('event', 'page_view', { 'send_to': 'AW-10902152703', 'value': 'replace with value', 'items': [{ 'id': 'replace with value', 'location_id': 'replace with value', 'google_business_vertical': 'custom' }] });
// 1. This code loads the IFrame Player API code asynchronously. var tag = document.createElement('script'); tag.src = "https://www.youtube.com/iframe_api"; var firstScriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; firstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore(tag, firstScriptTag); // 2. This function creates an <iframe> (and YouTube player) // after the API code downloads. var player; function onYouTubeIframeAPIReady() { player = new YT.Player('player', { height: '100%', width: '100%', playerVars: { autoplay: 1, loop: 1, controls: 1, showinfo: 0, autohide: 1, modestbranding: 1, vq: 'hd1080'}, videoId: 'MSifYIsqpkY', events: { 'onReady': onPlayerReady, 'onStateChange': onPlayerStateChange } }); } // 3. The API will call this function when the video player is ready. function onPlayerReady(event) { event.target.playVideo(); player.mute(); } var done = false; function onPlayerStateChange(event) { } function stopVideo() { player.stopVideo(); } 🦸
// 1. This code loads the IFrame Player API code asynchronously. var tag = document.createElement('script'); tag.src = "https://www.youtube.com/iframe_api"; var firstScriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; firstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore(tag, firstScriptTag); // 2. This function creates an <iframe> (and YouTube player) // after the API code downloads. var player; function onYouTubeIframeAPIReady() { player = new YT.Player('player', { height: '100%', width: '100%', playerVars: { autoplay: 1, loop: 1, controls: 1, showinfo: 0, autohide: 1, modestbranding: 1, vq: 'hd1080'}, videoId: '1eE-sRDvHRI', events: { 'onReady': onPlayerReady, 'onStateChange': onPlayerStateChange } }); } // 3. The API will call this function when the video player is ready. function onPlayerReady(event) { event.target.playVideo(); player.mute(); } var done = false; function onPlayerStateChange(event) { } function stopVideo() { player.stopVideo(); } Leo, Leo Random , Leo Berita Hiburan, Leo Tafsir Mimpi, Leo Shorts, Leo Motivasi, Leo YouTube Google LLC, Leo Video, Leo Lucu Ngakak, 🌏Leo Berita Hiburan: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXey-PlEtxSMCIiEev9tFyJi-twDjnKWO 🌏Leo Shorts: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXey-PlEtxSOOQ477V3VXMsJR08ol9cSi 🌏Leo Tafsir Mimpi: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXey-PlEtxSNA7BkMCq3AhlturikRo7dC 🌏Leo Kutipan Motivasi: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXey-PlEtxSO-TwCNE6o6cJjboYR1cKU_ 🦸#leoberitahiburanshortstafsirmimpikutipanmotivasiviraltrendingtiktokyoutubesnacklucungangakak #Leo #LeoBeritaHiburan #LeoShorts #LeoTafsirMimpi #LeoMotivasi #LeoYouTubeGoogleLLC 🌏leorandom1.blogspot.com
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bluesquare12 · 5 years
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#Repost @kappalambda1978 ・・・ Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., Kappa Lambda Chapter | University of Washington crossed its fourth line in less than 2 years on Thursday, January 17, 2019. The event celebrated the crossing of Utawala Wa Hadithi = Reigning Legends Dean - Jon Yee ska AtlaΣ (#1KL WTR18) Αsst Dean - Jaylon Bond ska Σcion (#2EES SPR18) #1EES | Jaime Bass ska MarΣ 1st Lieutenant - U.S. Army Infantry Branch ‪Norfolk State University‬ ‪Bachelors in Sociology‬ #3KL | Dion Miller ska ZeluΣ University of Washington-Bothell Global and American Ethnic Studies Major #4EES | Emmanuel Tshimanga ska MoΣantu Bellevue College Information Technology Systems Major #5KL | Bro. Ian Kirk ska Σurge University of Washington-Seattle Communications Major #NPHC #IAMBK #Divine9 #GOMAB #PBS105 #PBS1914 #AhOooAh #UWNOHC #FirmFamily #SexySigmas #UDubSigmas #BluPhiUKnow #UWGreekLife #SeattleSigmas #ProbateSeason #KingsAndLegends #WestCoastSigmas #PBSWesternRegion #WesternRegionSigmas #UniversityOfWashington #BrothersOfFireAndBrimstone #BrotherhoodScholarshipAndService #PhiBetaSigmaFraternityIncorporated #CultureForServiceAndServiceForHumanity https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs1q85gAcwW/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1r4o3dgxvao6y
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