jtl-fics · 11 months
Idk if wip Wednesday but I'd love to see more new kings!! I can't wait ik once Neil gets back to the foxes it's gonna be so good!!!
WIP Wednesday (7/12/23) - Closed | New Kings AU
Neil's exhaustion was catching up to him. Wymack watched as Neil drifted off with his cheek resting on Andrew's shoulder, a fry still in his hand.
Andrew carefully took the fry and ate it himself. Neil sighed and shivered slightly in the AC of the airport. Andrew looked at Wymack, "The stores usually have those blankets and pillows." he says and Wymack rolls his eyes.
"Are you asking me to buy Neil a set?" he asks and Neil startles back awake.
"I'm fine." he says.
Wymack sighs getting up to his feet (it was still strange to find his knees working so well) and heading to one of the convenience stores ignoring as he heard Neil's attempted protests. He grabbed a grey package deal on the travel pillow and blanket set before moving to the medicine section and grabbing what he remembered Andrew had started using at the end of his career at Palmetto to deal with flying as well as three bottles of water and a can of pringles.
He deposited all but one bottle of water and the pringles with his two players. "I expect both of you to sleep through the flight." he says.
There's still 20 minutes before their flight and Neil dozes off again as Andrew types away on Neil's phone.
Then their boarding group was called and Wymack watched as Andrew clicked rapidly through Neil's phone with a smug look on his face before shutting the phone off and handing it to a drowsy Neil.
"What are you doing Minyard?" he asks brow raised.
"I just texted all the Foxes 'Hi, it's Neil.'." he says as he shuts off his phone and hands the Gate Agent his and Neil's tickets.
Wymack wisely shuts his own phone off before the onslaught of texts and calls hit his own phone.
What a little shit.
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Magic anon!
You feel and understand how much Indigo loves you. It’s lodged deep in your soul, it’s overwhelming. And you are loved.
(lasts until end of magic anons, or however long you decide)
i - i don't deserve this- stop doing this to m, don't do this...
I can't...
... I
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blueflare7pkmn · 9 months
This question may sound familiar, but what are your opinions on technological immortality?
You know, upload mind to computer and live forever, etc...
That sounds boring!! Besides, I might already live a reeeally long time because of the ninetales stuff!!!
Yeaah, a little to horror-y for me.
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onlyinmy-ass · 1 month
i think i should tie you up, toys can't move
i will put you next to my bed so i have easy access to your ass in the morning
That's a great way to store your toys and make sure that they're always in easy reach for when you need them most
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difunttichronicles · 2 months
Bon Rétablissement
Bon rétablissement, Marie-Sabine Roger PrésentationJean-Pierre est un vieil ours solitaire et bourru, à la retraite depuis sept ans. À la suite d’un accident bien étrange, le voilà immobilisé pendant des semaines à l’hôpital. Il ne pouvait pas imaginer pire.De Camille, qui lui a sauvé la vie, à Maëva, adolescente hospitalisée qui vient le visiter dans sa chambre, les rencontres inattendues qu’il…
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rooolt · 28 days
deeply important aspect of riz gukgak’s character to me is that he’s quite a bit deranged. Brings a gun to school, shoots an unconscious man point blank in the head just so he won’t wake up, tortures a kid by shooting off three of his fucking fingers, threatens to bite Dayne’s eye out of his head as revenge for Fabian, literally eats Kalvaxus, consistently hissing throughout sophomore year, and of course “make sure to cut off his head so he can’t be revivified”
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caitmayart · 1 month
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SO thrilled to share these goddesses - And all three versions were featured last night! Thank you for all the love on these celestial lesbians ♥
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ttrpgeewhiz · 1 month
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k2 is so funny i hope she's here forever
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carlyraejepsans · 5 months
when i was around 9 my family cat died and i was understandably upset about it. so a few days later in my elementary catholic class (italian thing. ask mussolini about it and then hang him again) i drew a picture of "what i thought heaven looked like". and what heaven looked like to me was god standing around with an arm around jesus' shoulders being like "and THEN my wonderful son did this..." with jesus looking visibly embarrassed, because that's how a good dad is supposed to act, while all the angels and souls of the departed sat at their feet looking impressed in their wings and haloes. various pets being among them, such as my cat, my grandpa's old dog etc, also behaloed and winged. except when i went to show my drawing to the teacher explaining my artistic thought process, she looked at it and went "nice. but animals don't go to heaven because they don't have souls like us."
i wish. oh how i wish every day of my life that i'd been the hypersensitive, quick-to-tears kid that would've undoubtedly triggered a whole class religious schism when my classmates found out why i was screaming and sobbing my eyes out. but alas, i just discarded her theological theory altogether. what a silly woman she was. she must've never had pets, otherwise she'd clearly know they DO have a soul. boy, was she gonna get a surprise when she got to heaven.
now that i think back on it, you have to laugh at the heartless, eye-opening cruelty of looking a grieving child in the eye and saying "sorry kid, little mina's not getting into heaven." what a succinct summary of catholicism. anyway, I'm not christian anymore.
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batcavescolony · 6 months
Bart: I was bored and reading about deities of the world,
Tim: as you do
Bart: yeah, and you know how Cassie is part Greek God?
Cassie: do I want to know where this is going?
Bart: do you think if we started giving her offerings and worshipping her she'd turn into a full Goddess?
Kon: don't know till we try! OH GODDESS! Accept my offering *throws gummies at Cassie*
Cassie: *smiling with a pack of gummies* you joke but I'm keeping these.
Tim: *not looking up from his phone* oh Goddess Cassie, please let us have a peaceful day.
Cissie: *walking into the room* ?
Kon: we're worshiping Cassie to see if we can make her a Goddess.
Cissie: oh ok, merciful and beautiful Goddess-
Cassie: *laughing*
Cissie: -please grant me knowledge on my next exam because SOMEONE *glares at all of them* keeps pulling me into Young Justice mission's and I haven't studied *drops down in a chair and tosses her a bracelet* my offering.
Cassie: *still laughing* knowledge granted.
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undercoverangell · 27 days
the best way to put how i feel
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parksnark · 5 months
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Squeem is on our family plan now
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ineffectualdemon · 1 year
What I love most about "white lotus" Binghe is it's made pretty clear that he's just as intense and obsessive and weird and sneaky as post abyss Binghe the only real difference is that he shows Shen Qingqiu that side of him
He just takes off the mask and shows his whole hand
I get the feeling that everyone else at Cang Qiong Mountain thought pre abyss Binghe was a nice upstanding disciple who nevertheless was extremely unnerving at times and was WAY too obviously in love with his Shizun
Except on Qing Jing Peak where they found him extremely unnerving and upsettingly obsessive about their Shizun
(I get you Binghe. I really do. We're brothers in mental illness here)
Meanwhile Shen Qingqiu is just like "I'm doing so good at a normal balanced Shizun/disciple relationship. We're so normal" like he knows Binghe is clingy but seems to think it's still in the realms of perfectly average
And not, you know, attachment disorder
Anyway yes. I love that while Binghe does change with time the attachment and obsession and him always being behind Shen Qingqiu is rooted in pre abyss
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difunttichronicles · 8 months
Miss la Gaffe se Marie
Miss la Gaffe, tome 3, Meg Cabot tome 1 tome 2 PrésentationLizzie n’en croit pas ses oreilles : le beau Luke, de retour de New York, l’a demandée en mariage ! Elle accepte sans même réfléchir. Mais, très vite, le rêve tourne au cauchemar. Lizzie a de plus en plus de travail depuis qu’elle a confectionné la robe de mariée d’une star. Luke passe son temps à étudier, à croire que le mariage n’est…
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bushbees · 1 month
You are a younger brother, and your sister left your home, and your family, and your church, and your parents and everyone in your community tells you that she's going to Hell, and to under no circumstances follow in her footsteps. You are a freshman in high school and you meet your sister again. You still have the gold she left you and your other brothers, and you haven't told your parents and you're scared that that alone will send you to Hell. You have a new adventuring party and are trying to convert them to your church but no matter how many times you bring your new friends back from the dead, and heal their injuries, they refuse to convert. You blow up at them because you're not accomplishing what you're supposed to and you're scared. You're sitting on the steps of the school and your sister sits down next to you, and she listens. And she tells you that you both were given faulty alarm systems and that you shouldn't be afraid to explore what's really scary. She tells you that you have a choice to make, do your parents know your life better than you do? And she promises that no matter what you choose she will be there for you, and opens her arms to you and you fall into them and hold her tight. You want so badly to take that step but you're scared. Your name is Bucky Applebees, you are a freshman in highschool, you are a younger brother, you miss your older sister. You're scared.
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rooolt · 5 months
I know trackerbees and donospring breakups are sad, but also I’ve never met a high schooler who’s maintained a relationship from freshman through junior year
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