ao3screenshotss · 1 year
if it's possible could you please rec your favourite bungou stray dogs fics??
update now that i've finally finished compiling them: this was so fun to do but a nightmare to choose (there are too many good fics) - thank you so much anon for asking it was so nice to go through my bookmarks again!!! but these are only a few of some of my favourite bsd fics.
i've got 25 here (i'll need to put them underneath a read more it's so so long omg) but if you'd like anymore, my primary blog is the same as my ao3 username and i have a lot of bookmarks there!!! they're all wonderful and i'd recommend all of them. anyways, i hope you enjoy!!
(side note: i tried to post this before the latest and last bsd episode came out and i hope i made it just in time)
And if I'm blinded, will my eyes become the planets? by Yui_Kuromori (5k) - not rated
- I need to leave for a few weeks.
He tells the president in a particularly sunny afternoon. There, with the sunlight filtering through the window, the man’s hair seems to glow golden, and the lines on his face are even more pronounced. Atsushi swallows nervously and does his best not to back off. He looks up, and meets Fukuzawa’s somber eyes and feels a bit of sweat trickle down his neck.
The president sighs and closes his eyes for a second. Runs his hands through his hair, and Atsushi already feels bad about all the problems he’s causing the man. He’s about to apologize, really, when Fukuzawa pronounces tiredly.
- I understand.
They leave to get to know themselves.
( the soft whimsical road trip AU no one asked for)
I am genuinely so in love with this fic you don’t even understand - i find it really quiet and comforting. DEFINITELY underrated - it’s one of the fics i’ll always recommend
TIP: read in the middle of the night before you go to bed!! i’ve read it so many times and this personally was my favourite time to read it
yokohama bay hotel by spirallings (9k) - teen
Ryuunosuke started his channel, originally, as a means to make his sister smile and laugh when they lived in that oppressive house. It grew far beyond that and allowed them to escape, and now it's his means of income: but he has always kept a tight lid on his privacy, separating his personal life from the persona he puts on YouTube and social media accounts.
While struggling to come up with ideas, he clicks on a video on his recommended feed and it leads him to the work of a reclusive musician under the penname Byakko Chain. All Ryuunosuke knows about him at first is his singing voice, his hands, and his guitar.
And those walls come tumbling down.
this fic i think is one i didn't expect to love as much as i did - i actually just reread it, but the comment i wrote before was that i didn't remember what happened in the fic, i just clearly remember how much i loved it - the first half was amazing but it's definitely the second half that ties it altogether
also i think the way the author writes makes it so easy to imagine - like,, the imagery isn't overdone but you can kinda see what it's like and it's so sweet (it actually reminds me of one of my favourite study with me's set in yokohama - also a rec!!)
TIP: id just say somewhere quiet where you can listen to music - i could easily read it during the day but i just prefer comforting fics late at night cause they make me feel like when i wake up i can actually live out what happens in the fic (obviously i can't but it's nice to dream)
An Awkward Encounter by SapphireSunstone (4k) - teen
Imagine you're trying to leave your secret boyfriend's place only to be met with your co-worker who is also trying to leave his secret boyfriend's place and in the middle of arguing you see your secret boyfriend's co-worker and you see a glimpse of his secret-boyfriend.
Chuuya and Akutagawa's walks of shame seem to follow a similar path.
fluff and crack, what else could you ask for? side note: it also reminded me of a post i saw a while back by @hoshiumiumi (please look at their latest poe art it’s so pretty!!)
TIP: no tip, read whenever!!! might smile though so don’t read in front of your parents/friends if they’re the type of people who ask ‘oh what are you smiling at? are you texting someone?’and you don’t wanna tell them that you read fanfic
Into Your World by leedonghyucks (110k) - teen
A case gone wrong had caused Atsushi and Akutagawa to be transported to an unknown universe set 200 years into the future, where Abilities (now known as Quirks) were as rampant as ever. The renowned new Double Black have faced many fearsome enemies but can they survive the trials and tribulations of hero high school?
Spoiler alert: Barely.
a bsd and bnha crossover!! i actually remember a few of my screenshots from this - it’s a bit long compared to my other recs so far but very good
Plate :( by forest_raccoon (4k) - teen
It's an accident, for once. He was actually following the Official Household Chore Schedule and doing the dishes while Chuuya was out getting groceries. But one of the plates was slipperier than he expected, and as he attempted to dry it, it fumbled just enough out of his grip to crack against the countertop, chipping a bit off the edge.
It isn’t one of Chuuya’s fancy plates. Dazai is fairly certain that Chuuya has no particular attachment to this dish at all, actually. It’s plain white and utilitarian, part of a larger set.
So Dazai can’t explain why he’s frozen in place, rooted to the floor by some welling emotion he can’t quite pinpoint.
(Alternatively: local brilliant strategist has a slight meltdown over small uncontrollable part of everyday life)
by @sensitiveheartless!! a wonderful artist and author - definitely recommend reading other fics of theirs. this one hurt me but it was so good - they also made a comic/drawing for this!!
Interest Check by featherx (12k) - teen
“I read your work in the school paper!���
“O-Oh?” Poe fixes his posture a little, and resists the urge to straighten his ribbon. He knew he should’ve tied it a little tighter than he usually does this morning. “Er… W-What did you think?” If there’s anything he takes pride in, it’s his writing; most people are turned off easily by the horror themes he likes to use so much, but on the occasion someone does appreciate them, it gives him a feeling not unlike butterflies in his stomach. If Ranpo, of all people, is the latter…
“I figured out who the murderer was in two paragraphs,” Ranpo says, holding up two fingers, like he really needs to drive the nail in deeper.
—Or, Poe writes a whole musical in an effort to impress Ranpo.
this one i recently read and fell in love with it was so adorable!!! they're both ridiculous and i love them for it <333
life's like an hourglass, glued to the table by ephemerality (2k) - teen
Outside, there are sirens.
"I called the police," the helpful cashier announces from the storage room.
very hilarious - imagining what is going on in this fic may or may not make you wheeze - it definitely made me wheeze
playing the hero by FallenNiji (118k) - teen
“How’s U.A.? Does it live up to the general public’s expectations?” Ranpo, walking with his hands crossed behind his head, wondered.
“I literally witnessed an attempted murder, discrimination, bullying and experienced a Villain attack in the first month here, Ranpo-senpai,” Kyouka deadpanned.
“Is that a yes?”
(or: izumi kyouka, reformed assassin turned detective, infiltrates u.a. and more or less willingly surrounds herself with well-known pro-heroes and other such law-abiding citizens. what could possibly go wrong?)
i will admit that i can't remember much about this fic apart from i love the character interactions as well as the characterisations and i'm always looking forward to reading the new chapter - i've also posted a lot of screenshots from this fic if yall want like a taste or something
I Was Screaming Your Name Through The Radio by ElectricSplatter (256k) - mature
“Four months from now will be the seven year anniversary of when you and Osamu Dazai released your hugely successful first and only album Double Black and its diamond single Corruption. After performing with Dazai earlier this year, are you planning anything special to celebrate?”
“Corruption is insanely overrated, and I would prefer to never hear Dazai’s voice for the rest of my fucking life.”
i don't think i can bring myself to go through the pain this fic put me in again but it's really really popular for a very good reason - you definitely have to read it at least once
O expectations, stale and dismal airs, leave this body of mine! by aptlydapper (20k) - teen
Apparently, Chuuya has a signature(s).
Apparently, removing that signature(s) renders Chuuya basically unrecognizable.
Apparently, this works on everyone.
Chuuya would have liked to know this before getting accidentally recruited.
this one is WONDERFUL - i love the story in general it's such a cool concept and it's such a cool ada chuuya au - please read it at least once
love at first sight: coffee shop edition by setosdarkness (2k) - teen
Dazai and Chuuya get stuck in the rain, and end up sharing the only available table at a busy coffee shop.
[or, plot twists in my meet-cute coffee shop AU? it’s more likely than you think]
literally anything by setosdarkness is good - they're a complete icon - one of the backbones of the bsd fandom. i won't spoil it but it was very good - also recommend all 951 (!!!!!) fics of theirs
S(he) Came In Through the Bathroom Window by PocketsizedDinosaur (2k) - teen
Atsushi deals with Akutagawa's unusual (and inconvenient) habit of not using the door.
i don't really remember what happens in this fic but i remember loving it very much and that it also hurt me very much - double hit but perfect
360 degrees by setosdarkness (11k) - teen
Chuuya gets cursed by an Ability that forces him to eternally live out his biggest regret. Unlike the other victims who end up killing themselves or hurting others, Chuuya goes into a coma.
For his biggest regret is—
[groundhog day AU with a twist, where Chuuya relives the day Dazai leaves the Port Mafia over and over and over and over—]
The Next Day by psychodaog (10k) - general
Atsushi wakes up in filthy rags and dried blood. He remembers the cage so vividly and it feels real.
It looks like the place he used to call "home".
(Atsushi travels back in time AU)
a WONDERFUL atsushi travels back in time au - i need to read more of these!! if anyone has some recs please send them in!!!
Striped by AliceinHyruleBastion (8k) - teen
Atsushi found his soulmate. No big deal. Until he comes into work one day with soulmarks on his face and the office demands an explanation.
SSKK soulmate AU shenanigans with a dash of battle, sass, and angst on the side!
sskk soulmate au!! so so wonderful - i also loved part 2
pull the trigger tighter and watch our distances explode by niwakaame (oolongteas) (8k) - teen
The world looks like a big spider's web, colorful, and bright and full of light.
In which Nakajima Atsushi sees the strings of fate, and beyond that.
i forgot to bookmark this and looked for it for AGES it was absolutely amazing i loved it
You're All I ever Wanted by iheartryuu (2k) - teen
“Chuuya,” Dazai mumbles, nudging the side of his face into his partner's neck. The redhead doesn’t move, doesn’t talk. He doesn’t make a single sound. He just needs this moment to last. He doesn’t want to face what will happen when he lets go and is forced to look into Dazai’s face.
“Chuuya.” Dazai speaks with a gentle voice. “Break my chains.” Chuuya shakes his head. He rests his forehead against Dazai’s shoulder. The brunette sighs, taking a gulp. His next words almost come out as a desperate whisper. “Break my chains so I can hug you back.”
Chuuya feels his throat tighten. He didn’t expect his partner to say that. So he shakes his head once again. His voice fans against Daza’s ear, sounding smooth. “If I let you hug me back, I don’t think I’d ever be able to let go.”
— aka, what should've happened when they met again for the first time in four years.
i think this nearly made me cry - or actually did - it was so so good
The Weretiger's New Houseguest by xxSoliusxx (31k) - teen
After a misunderstanding and surveillance tape proof, Akutagawa is faced with the daunting threat of the Port Mafia. He finds himself wounded in the pouring rain, standing on Atsushi's doorstep.
i only remember some parts of this very clearly but i remember it was all wonderful!!!
Dazai Undercover by Bibliophile109 (6k) - teen
“I thought the new employee was recommended by the Special Abilities Department,” Kunikida says weakly.
The man waves his hand carelessly. “Yes, yes, Father knows someone there, it’s all very convenient. Say, would you happen to know when the lunch break is?”
Dazai puts a bit more effort into hiding his Mafia background from the ADA, and ends up pretending to be a spoiled rich kid.
to build a home by lonelydoctors (5k) - general
”You have got to stop looking so shocked every time I visit, Poe-kun,” Ranpo says with a grin.
“N–no, but…I thought–I guess I just–“ Poe takes a deep breath and starts again, “I thought the Agency is supposed to be on a work trip in Shinagawa today. How did you even get here by yourself?”
Ranpo straightens his posture and shrugs casually, “Why, I took the train of course, Poe-kun.”
“You what?”
this one was SO adorable - according to my bookmarks i wrote "my GOD they own MY ENTIRE HEART"
This Color Ain't It by justcallmedude (108k) - not rated
“President, I understand Tanizaki, but Kenji?” Kunikida looked about ready to snap his pen in half as he, along with most of the people in the room, stared at their head. “Kenji’s methods are anything but ideal for an undercover mission! Please reconsider!”
“It is true that Kenji’s way of handling cases is unusual,” Fukuzawa agreed. “However, it is because of his ability to talk to people that I feel comfortable assigning him as our undercover agent with Tanizaki.”
- - -
Kenji Miyazawa is the ADA's naive detective given his possibly most difficult task to date: infiltrate UA and find the student spy before the heroes become aware that there is a traitor amongst them.
earlier in this post i included a kyouka goes to ua au, this one's a kenji goes to ua au and i loved them both very much!! i love kenji's characterisation in this it's so cool
Kiss My Wounds by bloodyinspiring (62k) - teen
The mafioso inhaled deeply, chewing the inside of his lip as he formulated his thoughts together before speaking, and looked the detective in the eyes. Gin told him to go for it, and when push comes to shove, bribe the guy. But money might not fix this if he mortified himself for eternity to come when he uttered the words...
“Marry me.” ~
A lot can happen within the three months of summer... Some people get the dream job they wanted, some graduate from school, and maybe others take on a new hobby with all the excess downtime they received (or thrown in jail like Dazai).
In Atsushi's case, he didn't expect to be proposed into a fake marriage with the one and only: Akutagawa Ryuunosuke
(Occasionally on hiatus due to university but ongoing!)
pull out your pen and write down your memory by Seito (75k) - teen
Instantly three things occurred to Shirusu.
First, fuck, this was the world of Bungou Stray Dogs. Second, given the appearance of Dazai Osamu standing in front of her, she had landed some time relatively close to the Dark Era. And third, these words slipped out before she could stop them.
“You’re asking me out on a date?! But you don’t even like women?!” Shirusu blurted out.
And Dazai blinked back at her in surprise.
Ah fuck.
im a sucker for isekai sometimes and this is one of my favourite ones
ataraxis by lurochu (46k) - teen
For the first time in his life, Chuuya wished Dazai was there. With one touch, he could quiet Arahabaki and give Chuuya peace of mind, peace of mind that Chuuya desperately craved. But that bastard never was there when he needed him anyways.
Chuuya's slowly killing himself and Dazai's half to blame. (discontinued)
as you can see in the summary this one's unfortunately discontinued but i remember reading and loving this so much
All hail our lord and savior Chuuya Nakahara by BlowingYourMind
a series with just a lot of chuuya fics and they're all wonderful! my personal favourites are Let me help you - His dark eyes got a little lighter - Baby Executive - The worth of a subordinate in Chuuya Nakahara's eyes - Yokohama public High School- almost as crazy as their pep rallies - Learning experiences - Chuuya Nakahara's issue with Black Coffee - "You stole my wisdom?!", and Don't break the honeycomb. although these are just the ones that i've read recently or remember really well!! i think all of the fics in this series are worth reading
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neimansautism · 1 year
me, calmly listening to some RELAXED jazz late at night with my headphones on at 90% volume-ish
the trumpet i did NOT know was in the arrangement
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Bye birthday day it was nice to be with you again this year
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denimini · 8 months
not that it necessarily means super special anything but jungkook probably gets asked the most in his live content about other members, and whilst he responds some of the time, when he decided to watch Jimins promotion content, suchitwa for example, or say that something amazing was coming at 12oclock etc for Jimins SMF teaser- they were all unprompted and jungkook himself decided to listen to his music/watch Jimins MV/promotional activities. and that’s what’s really nice to see because it was such clear support, not just brought on by armys comments
JK does what JK wants to do. He said this so many times already that he isn't a man who could be told what to do. His support for Jimin is genuine 💜
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kishmish-ihate · 1 year
mom just said "u should put an alarm for 11-12oclock cause that's the time u feel the need to wake up"🤡
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verbosebabbler · 2 years
Not me having a helpful idea on me navigating the gopher maze.
So like, my plan is to name each of the rooms based on the first letters of the direction it took to get there. I got inspired by algebra, hilariously. When you multiply two letters in algebra it becomes like XN, or whatever. So from the start room Root and moving south makes RS.
And this is helping me make, at least the structure, of the gopher maze in twine.
A preview:
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[here a means any, as in any direction leads to that room from the previous.]
And with this visual box format, I can make it look like the wild ass gopher map that exists to help me follow along.
(Also, I got a naming memory tool to remember the color of the directions. The colors are in alphabetical order to the directions rotationally. Like North at top 12oclock is Blue, then East at 3 is Green, and South at 6 is Red. I doubt this would help everyone, but it really works for me.)
I may rename these rooms eventually to like, Rs2, Rea4, inspired by chemical compound names, but that's for later me.
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arthyritis · 5 days
Forgot I scheduled those. Why do my scheduled posts never post at the time I schedule them lol
Me: 12oclock pls
Tumblr: okay! 12:08 it is 👍
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clubstyleeurope · 2 years
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#cse • @aussie_harley_riders @dilbert_87 finding that rear plate and loving it. #ridinfree #harleydavidson #scrape #12oclock #harleystunts #aussieriders #clubstyle #scrapecity #harleysarefun #westernaus https://www.instagram.com/p/CdVuBX-oL_u/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ravexmotorsports · 3 years
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@opie_the_real_35 scratching up that new fender. #ravex #wheelie #12oclock #maine #yamaha #yz250 #dirtbike #motocross #graphics #donttrythisathome (at RAVE X MOTORSPORTS) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRJk-17BbcL/?utm_medium=tumblr
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missarcher · 3 years
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mynameisdavid0424 · 3 years
12 𝖔'𝖈𝖑𝖔𝖈𝖐
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srtlife · 4 years
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VIDEO: Im Pretty Sure Lambos Are Not Supposed To Do That! 👀😎 @talontsi97_videos Click link in bio for full video! www.torquetube.net #lamborghini #wheelie #12oclockboys #exoticcars #racing #dragracing #12oclock #hoonigan #streetoutlaws #1320video #cars #carsofinstagram #jukeboxdc #lsfever #fftv #srtlife #torquetube https://www.instagram.com/p/CHdn1uSn0jq/?igshid=d08izgb6rv44
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biltwellinc · 5 years
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Dean Ross, letting us know what time it is. 📸: Josh Humphries
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warriorsouljah-blog · 5 years
Happy Friday. #Real #HipHop #Sound like Real #Culture #Look like #SelfLove look like #Positive #Confidence #BeLike #12Oclock #Swag #hijabstyle #BringingBackTheRealness Reposted from @subculture_og (@get_regrann) - "When the emcees came, to live out the name..." . Rhapsody just gave us one of the visually-illest, verbally flyest hip hop videos of the year. If you haven't seen "Ibtihaj" yet, go search You Tube for it. 9th Wonder has a sizzling track, D'Angelo fits the track, and Gza completes the cipher. Paying homage to those Muslim sisters going thru it abroad is what keeps your eyes glued to the screen the whole 5 minutes. (The cameos with Roxxanne Shante', Mary J Bidge, and Gza are cool, but never overshadow those girls.) Those who stay aware of the current state of affairs will get it. Using Hip Hop as a voice, is what Rhapsody's doing. Now that's "SUBCULTURECORRECT" 🎯. . #subcultureog #subculturestuff #rhapsody #gza #dangelo #wutangclan #9thwonder #hiphopsampling #blackgirlmagic @WarriorSoulJah (at United States) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1O5iz3Hzl7/?igshid=vmkgax02g879
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recom-actual · 5 years
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Still pumped over getting to run the new @inforce01 light! The production version is going to be pretty sweet! Digging that #12oclock power authority as well. ——————————————————- #recomactual #gunlifemedia #training #serve #protect #grateful #sleeppeacefully #thankyou #guns #gunsofinstagram #teamwork #canon #firearmsphotography #recomboss #gunsdotcom #rutseneagle #chasewelch #savior_gst #bullcreekstrategic https://www.instagram.com/p/BtW9GD8hGDi/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=6ode5ri9t8s4
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