#1. it’s just one of my favorite songs <3
onesweetworld18 · 1 day
To celebrate it being the last show of FITFWT, what have your favourite moments been of the tour? 💕💕
What a phenomenal question!
I can’t believe this tour has been going on for almost a year and we have had the version of Louis owning life and the stage that we have.
My top moments:
1. Nothing on planet earth will top Louis noticing my Jack Grealish shirt, pounding his heart, and pointing at me. Unsure how @megslovesbritishboys and I survived, but luckily I have @jaerie’s footage from the evening and can watch the gif until I’m sick of it (spoiler alert: will never be sick of it.)
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2. Being at the opening show with @crinkle-eyed-boo and @sadaveniren was just an incredible experience. Mohegan is big, but small (if you’ve been you know), so seeing Louis play there and it being sold out and having no idea what songs were coming and when.
3. The absolute confusion the three of us had when “505” started and the place erupted with screams and we were the 🫣🫣 what’s happening face. What we DID know was it was sexy as fuck.
4. I firmly believe that WDBHG is one of the best pop songs recorded in the last decade. Will defend that to my death. At first I didn’t clock what it was, but when we all did, it was pandemonium. I have said it once and will say it again, there is a certain type of euphoric surge that goes through me during that song and I never want it to go away.
5. The Rainbow lights during Megamix and the flags. @lululawrence and the pride flag brigade who bought, assembled, and distributed the flags that were such an amazing moment every show. As a New Yorker I think I take seeing pride flags and it being incredibly commonplace for granted. When I was in Texas seeing him and there were merch vendors outside selling Louis smileys on pride flags I got so overwhelmed. That isn’t sanctioned, but these guys also are not going to buy product that doesn’t sell. They know Louis is supported and I happily bought my own.
6. Closing out the tour at Forest Hills. I have never bookended a tour by going to the first and last shows and honestly, I can’t recommend it enough. Louis was great night one, but on that last night? He was different, he was changed and you could tell. Forest Hills is also one of my favorite venues so that absolutely didn’t hurt.
I’m so sad this tour is coming to a close but just know it means we have more tours to look forward to.
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caer-gai · 3 days
~Arthuriana August ~
(i'm posting this a biit early because I don't trust myself to remember it before August first and I want to give folks some time <3 Y'all feel free to get started early if you need to - I know August is busy, especially for those of us still in school - but I won't start reblogging until August)
An arthuriana art writing song making gif-ing or whatever else challenge for the month of August!! I know the format isn't anything new but I tried to get original with the prompts lol
Blood or No(1-5)-
Sibling and family week! The perfect time for Orkneys any sibling or family dynamic be it birth, adopted, or found!
Sick Leave(6-10) -
My personal favorite prompt! Be it whump, hurt/comfort, hurt no comfort, or angst, sick in bed or covered in blood it's time to hurt your faves!
Now that we've whumped everyone it's time for some fluff! Bonding, cuddles, hurt with heavy comfort, just all the warm feelings.
Getting Heated!! (16-20)-
An argument, a romance, *cough*smut*cough*, a busy day in the kitchens.... or all four! Is it just me, or is it getting hot in here! :flustered:
Lady of the Hour(21-25)-
Enough of the knights, time for some ladies!! Everyone from Guinevere and Morgan to Adrivette and the Lady of Lys.
Visiting Knights (26-31)-
Or ladies, I'm not picky! This includes characters who have origins outside of Britain ex. Palomedies, Feirefiz, the French knights/du lacs, Morien, ect.
Each prompt has five days except the last one has six. (This took me far too long to figure out lol) Be sure to tag with #arthuriana august, and if you want me to reblog it @caer-gai so I see it <3
Gore/violence and NSFW is allowed but I will use discretion when reblogging explicit works. Please no AI generated content =)
Most importantly have fun! If you end up posting nothing but had a good time that is a total win
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dystopyx-blog · 8 hours
I have a few
they are in their very baby stages of creation, not at all fleshed out. Really these are just ideas for ideas. all character ideas are beast men. Not on purpose, just how things turned out.
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Name: [name pending] AKA “Dummy the Clown!”
Twisted from: Dumbo
gender: tbd, prob male
school: prob royal sword
dorm (if applicable): First idea is for a dumbo character because,,,,,,,, clowns
just an absolute baby
floppy lil fella, melts like puddin in your hands under praise/affection
Self image issues out the WAZOO. Copes by being a clown. Because as a clown, they have more control over how people perceive them. Yes they’re a goofy little failure, but this time it’s for comedy, and not because, well… they’re a failure. They’re a performative failure, playing up every single little mistake or incident, like “whoops, silly me, oh I’m such a goober!” Internally most of those mistakes are like a fuckin dagger to the heart for them. can you imagine,,, cute lil elephant beast man,,,, with big ol floppy ears,,,,,,,,
Secretly loves being called cute, because at least “cute” is positive
Prob goes to Royal Sword.
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Name: tbd (thinking Georgie but that might be too on the nose)
Twisted from: Georgette from Oliver and Company
gender: tbd, but thinking genderfluid
school: tbd
dorm (if applicable): if in nrc, definitely pomefiore
Only the vaguest ideas for this one, but I neeeeeeeeed a Twst oc based off of georgette. yall don’t even fuckin understand, “Perfect Isn’t Easy” is literally my all time favorite song. did you know none of the songs from that movie are on Spotify?? Fuckin criminal. There are covers, Annapantsu covered “why should I worry” and someone named Sienna? I believe? Covered Perfect Isn’t Easy but you don’t UNDERSTAND, GEORGETTE WAS VOICED BY BETTE MIDLER I NEED THE ORIGINAL ON SPOTIFY I NEED ALL THE OLIVER AND COMPANY SONGS ON SPOTIFY— Y’all it’s not even a good movie and I fucking hate Charles dickens, why tf am I so attached to this movie???
oh yeah
so I need a twst oc based off of her. I’m imagining a fabulous little genderfluid beast man. Bitch def in pomefiore. Georgette isn’t technically a villain but hear me out hear me out
I want the fab poodle and Ruggie to kiss 😳
in the movie, Georgette ends up with the scruffy little Chihuahua
I am imagining Georgie here being a fuckin 5’12 god/dess in massive heels, towering over a scruffy lil man. maybe even Epel, fuck if I know!
CHAR/s 3
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Twisted from: the fuckin vultures from jungle book
gender: male
school: nrc
dorm (if applicable): savanaclaw
You don’t understand. No, you don’t understand. You couldn’t possibly understand
because I don’t fuckin understand. but the vulture song (that’s what friends are for) was like… my favorite fuckin song. I don’t know, I don’t fuckin know. BUT
just imagine
a hippie dippy lil shitty vulture boy
mans probably stoned outta his mind
he’s a big scary vulture beast man
but he’s just a fuckin goober. also fuckin smarter than you think (like real vultures)
food for thought.
I want to make some Peter Pan boyos
obv I need a Captain Hook and smee but rn all my thoughts are
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Twisted from: Tick Tock Croc from Peter Pan
gender: male
school: either nrc or a fan school idk
dorm (if applicable):
Y’know what
I’m just gonna make my own goddamn school. see yall in the next post.
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castles-in-the-eyre · 28 days
five songs you actually listen to + five tags
@belbeten thank you for the tag!!! and… please ignore how tremendously late this is 🫣
here’s five i’ve been rotating in my brain lately:
hollywood - jukebox the ghost
angel eyes - abba
hard to explain - the strokes
you! me! dancing!! - los campesinos!
pink lemonade - the wombats
and entirely no-pressure tags: @yourlocalgremlin @blutterlie @brizelizi @cx-shhhh @arteyhumano299 :)
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benetnvsch · 9 months
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look at him go ,, my little meow meow,,,
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mokeonn · 6 months
if you dont mind sharing, what are some of your favorite ska songs/bands?
I will admit I am not a huge band person I tend to be more of a "pick whatever random songs sound good" person, so I can't recommend any good bands. I also listen to Ska Punk, which is a subgenre of Ska... and Punk. So I am not a good authority on Ska songs to listen to I am just someone who is banned from being passed the aux cord...
But some of my favorite songs include:
No Children - Ska (cover)
Quinto Patio Ska
Everything Went Numb
And songs by Reel Big Fish tbh. I know I just said I don't listen to specific bands but Reel Big Fish has some pretty good songs like...
Sell Out
And their Take on Me cover
Here's my disclaimer, though: I am not into music subcultures I just listen to whatever sounds good (and jazzy punk with horns sounds good), so I could be giving absolutely awful music recommendations that anyone who is especially into Ska (and more specifically Ska Punk) might find egregious. I personally just grab whatever song sounds good and add them to my forever long playlist.
Also the Jabberjaw (Running Underwater) song from Pain used for the Cartoon Network Boomerang Groovies is probably the reason I enjoy Ska punk so much, and it has been in my playlist for years now:
If nothing else in this list interests you, I require everyone by law to listen to Jabberjaw Running Under Water by pain and watch the Cartoon Network Boomerang Groovie video of it. I used to watch Boomerang a million times, and this was probably the only Groovie I really enjoyed watching and didn't go to the bathroom during.
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pasta-pardner · 1 year
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spotify | the tragedy of the gunslinger: chronicled through rock, alt country, and heavy metal.
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ereborne · 16 days
Song of the Day: May 22
"And So It Goes” Billy Joel cover by Jennifer Warnes
#song of the day#I'd never heard this version of the song before that fanvid I reblogged earlier and it is by far my favorite now#no shade to Billy Joel but damn#'and so it goes and so it goes / and you're the only one / who knows'#truly heartbreaking delivery#in other news today I got the first third of the Idiot Project completed#(clarification: there are three segments and I've been working on them all and now one is completely done and I'm very glad#I'm not only just now 33% of the way done with the project overall. I'd become a mollusc)#I had a breakthrough with the financials data I've been trying to compile#the 'correct' numbers I've been told to compare myself to don't include all the transactions!#there are specific internals codes I should have known to exclude because they get recorded but never reported#a very frustrating epiphany but whatever. I get it#(I mean to say. the best borscht in cherry grove is money laundering but my university is operating by 'pass-along agreement'#okay sure whatever y'all say. not my business and I'm not mad. I'm just sipping my tea real loud don't mind me)#I got this information too thoroughly wrapped in 'you should already know this obvious thing' to actually get an explanation#but I can see the shape of it if I squint. there's a politics bit going on and I get it. I do get it. but y'all. it's the shape of bullshit#anyway now I know how it works and I can account for it so I've built in a little filter and now my financials data makes sense!!#it actually makes sense now babes this is huge!! two months!! two months of the Idiot Project and now it's a third-chunk down!!#tomorrow I will make no progress whatsoever because I have to work graduation but on Friday when I have my stupid awful meeting!#she will ask me again if I am done! and I will say Look!! I am 1 out of 3 done!!#she will not be impressed but I will know. I will know she is wrong
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keeps-ache · 28 days
brrrba pa pa da de do ♩
#just me hi#i wanna work on my stuff..#i also need to figure out the vram on my computer because i will die without my viddy games..#//oo a cat has arrived#she likes to sit on my lap while i'm using it so i'm restricted to just writing or watching videos sometimes lol :)#//but yeah i wanna work on pi.e :1#i think i should have a reason for not doing it but i just don't have one lol#just can't i guess. hmm#//been very loud recently - i both need more and more music but also i need to just repeat the current recents until they're burnt into the#grooves of my brain hfhsh#can't make up my mind so i'm on autoplay rn :3#i like lesbian songs they're probably my favorite genre lmao <33#also that generic mall rock sound. i am in Love with those hgbfhs :D#//hm i also wanna start some shows#i'll get to it eventually :)#//oh i still need to learn to make chicken alfredo pasta#i have Got to do thattt#//and aside from generic mall rock sounds i like that 'vaguely sounds like it's coming from a tin can' sound hfhs#a very tinny + strained sound if you know what i mean#that and that solid soft smooth sound#i can't explain that one in any other way but it's like the concept of that high-end plastic they use for kids' toys but Fuzzy and Soft#//i think i also need to go to the lake lol#it's just that kinda time. send me to the wortor#one of my favorite spots because when you get real far out there nobody even bothers to swim out towards you hbfhsv#/i think moats should be more popular these days. because they're neat :3#//anywho i'm gonna devote the next 15 minutes to exchanging gifs with apollo again lmao#we did this the other day because i wouldn't stop sending cat exploding gifs. so now neither of us can stop hgbhfsbf#he just sent me zuckerberg i gotta go- Ciao !!
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rainbow-sparks · 1 year
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maddy-ferguson · 3 months
the girls who chose a one direction member that they continued being a fan of after they broke up (sorry, went on hiatus) are so much happier than us
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seventh-district · 3 months
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khruschevshoe · 4 months
My Hot-Take/Controversial Ranking of Doctor Who Seasons (excluding specials bc my special order is really unhinged)
3 > 1 > 10 > 4 > 5 > 8 > 11 > 12 > 9 > 7b > 2 > 6 > 13 = 7a
Disclaimer: I have favorite episodes that come from every single season on this list, including 7a. For example, even though Season 6 is low on the list, the God Complex, Almost People/Rebel Flesh, and Impossible Astronaut are some of my favorite of the show. I do really love the Power of Three. These are based on season arc/average feeling per episode/rewatchability on a subjective level.
#doctor who#listen seasons 1 and three are basically perfect television for me#season 10 is one of the most fun of the show and bill is my second favorite companion and I love the twelve/missy arc#season 4 is full of banger after banger and journey's end slaps it just doesn't quite hit for me personally like seasons 1 3 and 10 do#season 5 has some episodes i don't like (victory of the daleks for example) but the fairytale vibes/beast below/amy's choice/big bang SLAP#Season 8 has some great episodes/good arc but i just really don't vibe with how cruel the Doctor is sometimes/Danny deserved better#Season 11 (other than fucking kerblam) i really enjoy! it has some weak writing in places but i love graham&ryan's arc & the smaller vibes#Season 12 is objectively better than season 11 but has weaker character arcs and some weaker episodes so eh#season 9 has one of the best finales in the show/some fun two-parters (i adore under the lake/before the flood) but the arcs feel off#7b is...fun & i like a lot of the episodes but i don't like the name/day/time of the doctor & it drags it down + clara's not fleshed out#season 2 is so good in places (cybermen 2-parter/school reunion/new earth) but has so many weak episodes & not as much character developmen#season 6...I love some episodes but I DESPISE the pregnancy arc/let's kill hitler/wedding of river song & how little agency Amy & river hav#season 13 is just...FINE. I enjoy some of the side characters (vinder bel karvanista) but the flux itself felt weirdly...boring? no emotion#(Jodie was SO GOOD in this season though btw)#and season 7a...asylum of the daleks dinosaurs on a spaceship & angels take manhattan are on my least favorite episodes list. like bottom 1#and I'm sorry but a town called mercy and power of three can't save that#amy and rory should have left with the god complex/christmas special and popped back like martha did in season 4#i said what i said#wow i really went off in the tags on this one#meta#rankings
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miciiq · 2 months
-Division Battle Anthem- + B part Expert FC
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I started playing this an hour ago and this is my first full combo idk what im doing (I spent way too much time exploring the menu so I’ve only played a few charts so far)
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nagitoedit · 2 months
im a fake makedamnsure fan bc i looked at favorite music guru site and makedamnsure is no longer even within the top 50 songs anymore . sad !
/ favorite music guru btw. it looks at your spotify acc and tells you top artists and top tracks in short term (4 weeks), medium term (6 months), long term time (years) frames . very fun
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