#1. The Fountain
nerdyqueerr · 11 months
The implication that greek gods are perhaps real and were watching the story of Mamma Mia unfold is fucking wild. We should talk about that more
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fish-washer · 9 months
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the meat fountains look lovely today
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bismutharts · 1 month
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i made it! thank you to everyone who has been encouraging me on this journey :)
used the diamine autumn oak ink for this. isn't it pretty?
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bonus closeups
this is part of my project to make a zine a day in april, now concluded
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jjohhuii · 9 months
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(aether voice) dawg look at my clients theyre going to jail 😂😂😂😂😂
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dimeadozencows · 5 months
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Krispee cream
#kris deltarune#kris dreemurr#deltarune#kris my beloved#i don't think I've even liked a vg protagonist as much as i love them#maybe chell#but i love kris even more#i love them so much i wanna stop playing Deltarune to give them a break ❤️#i like the idea of them feeling gender euphoria in the dark worlds#not only because of one of the most comforting lines in vg history that you can get by interacting with their closet in castle town#'you can wear whatever you want'#but also because someone noticed that their sitting down sprite in the dark world is slightly taller than the light world equivalent#(the one thats used in ch 2 next to the lake if you dont talk to onion san in ch 1)#cus yeah. magical world where everything is perfect. where u get magic powers and awesome outfits. where everyone likes you and prises you#gender euphoria fits right in :]#honestly id open a dark fountain to feel taller regardless of any apocalyptic ramifications or#faceless outside forces who could harm me and my loved ones#i totally understand them and i do not believe anyone has the right to judge their actions#my art#i was on the fance about posting these but afreakingmilkshake convinced me :] i hope i spelled ur username right lol#i lovvvve giving them hairstyles. if only i could make my hair into a perfectly round afro and not have it sadly droop like sad spongebob#maybe in a dark world#(↑another reason to open the dark fountain. they were justified)#i also love giving them braces. and eye bags. and dry skin. the middle school essentials#i love them. i hope the game ends soon so we can leave them alone so they could shower. the poor bastard
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yourmoonmomma · 1 year
What Will Your April Look Like?
Hello hello! This Pick a Card (or Pick a Picture) is to answer the question "What will my April look like?" or "What can I expect this April?" Please let me know if it resonated or not, and check out my blog for both free & paid readings <33
Choose one of four beach pics below to see what to expect this April.
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Pile 1
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The Empress, Ace of Cups, Five of Swords, Three of Wands, Five of Wands reversed, Burning Bowl Ritual
Your first week of April, we have The Empress. You may be close to a mother figure during this time, or be embodying the energy of one. For some of you, this could literally mean finding out you are pregnant, or giving birth. For others, you will be taking care of a loved one, or supporting your friends. This card also represents new creative endeavors. This will be a good week to try something new, or start a new hobby. In the second week, we have the Ace of Cups. This is still a very nurturing, empathetic card. The happiness you feel at the very start of the month, has carried into this week as well. You will spend time with a friend, and feel as though you are bonding with those around you. You may meet someone new during this time, or deepen a preexisting connection with someone. In your third week, we have the Five of Swords. This is a bit of a crash, compared to the first two weeks. You could be arguing with someone, or feeling like someone doesn't support you as much as you supported them. This can give us the energy sometimes, especially with the Ace of Cups before it, of someone who is tired of giving someone else all their energy & effort, and not really seeing anything in return. Someone in your life could be belittling the hobby you started at the beginning of the month, not understanding the importance of doing something for fun, instead of for money. Your end April on a high note however, with the Three of Wands. You will be very focused on your goals, working hard to achieve them and not letting other distractions get in your way. Expect the person you got close with at the beginning of your month to still be by your side, helping to support you during this time as well! You will be doing some long-term thinking and planning, wanting to lay down some goals to make your dreams feel more concrete.
The overall theme for your April is the Five of Wands reversed. This indicates that you may be finding out a truth about someone, most likely the person referenced in week three. This will be a month about being your authentic self, and setting down much needed boundaries. Don't let anyone walk all over you, no matter how long they have been in your life.
Your self care card is Burning Bowl Ritual. Spend time this month to let go of what is holding you back. Whether or not this is in the form of an actual ritual, is up to you. It will be important for your self care and your state of mind however, to do something to let go of that which burdens you.
Pile 2
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King of Swords reversed, Ten of Coins reversed, Eight of Swords reversed, Five of Cups reversed, Five of Swords reversed, Music
Your first week of April is represented by the King of Swords reversed. This could either be the energy you are embodying, or someone you will encounter. Regardless, this is a person who is selfish and hurting. You may be sick of being treated like you are less than for something you cannot control, and you wish to take a stand of some kind. You may be feeling like no one ever seems to prioritize you in the way you deserve, so you will spend this first week choosing yourself, above all else. With the Ten of Coins reversed, your second week will carry a lot of this same energy. In this moody feeling, where you think the world is against you, you may make a couple bad or irresponsible choices. Nothing permanent or long-term, but more like... drinking on a work night, or pulling an all-nighter when you have school the next morning. You are just acting out of desperation to feel important or to have time to yourself and away from those that have hurt you. The third week of April, we see this begin to turn around, with the Eight of Swords reversed. This card speaks to freedom from regret and guilt. You will begin to feel better, or at least you will feel more like yourself. You may realize that the expectations or demands that others have for you, truly isn't fair, and that only you know what you are capable of. As you begin to set your own boundaries and limitations, and release those placed onto you, you will begin to feel better in yourself. Your last week of April, with the Five of Cups reversed, will be the best week yet. You will have a newfound sense of peace and belonging. As well, you may become closer with a friend, or meet someone new, who seems to truly understand you and support you. You will end the month feeling satisfied, if not happy.
Your overall month is reflected with the Five of Swords reversed. This will be a month of shedding expectations and limitations unfairly set upon you, and redefining yourself. This could be a month where you come out, and find acceptance, as well. Overall, you can expect this general sense of rebirth during April.
Your self care oracle is Music. This is a good month to listen to new music, or make music! Blast your fave songs in your headphones. Buy concert tickets. Tinker with a new instrument. Write a song you never show anyone.
Pile 3
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Death reversed, The Devil reversed, Ace of Wands, Five of Wands reversed, Eight of Wands, Aromatherapy
Death reversed defines your first week in April. This is a card that, when in reverse, indicates a fear of change. You may spend the first week of April knowing that there is something you need to do, but being afraid to do it. This could be applying to post-secondary, moving, talking to your crush, starting a new project, asking for a raise, etc. Whatever it may be, you desperately want to do it, but you are afraid of what it means to commit to the change. You know that once you start to put your plan in motion, things cannot return to how they once were... even if they aren't so great right now. Your second week is defined by The Devil reversed. This is the week where you decide to go after what you want. You decide that your mental obstacles cannot stop you, that you deserve happiness no matter what. You will dedicate yourself to your goal this week. It is important to note, however, that this card can indicate obsessive tendencies or energies. It is important that you try and find some balance, don't push yourself too hard too fast! The third week of April, we have the Ace of Wands. This indicates a strong burst of energy and creativity. You have thrown yourself into your goal, willing to push yourself to the end. You are feeling brave and confident and ready for change. You will be carrying the energy from the last week forward, and will continue to work hard on your goal. We end April however, with the Five of Wands reversed. You may hit some sort of more physical obstacle, aside from your own worries and anxieties, which will stop you dead in your tracks. You won't be sure how to get over said obstacle, to carry down your path, and it may make you feel defeated. You will spend this week trying to build yourself back up and replanning how to return to getting what you want. Make sure you remain committed to what you deserve! Don't let one roadblock stop you for good!
Your overall April is defined by Eight of Wands. This card represents this speed and confidence with which you pursue your goals. You are going to be working hard on getting what you want. And you will be rewarded quickly for your hardwork! If not in April, than by the end of May. This may also indicate good luck in love this month, if that is one of your goals.
Your self care oracle is Aromatherapy. Maybe try out aromatherapy? Or light more candles! Or create candles! Look into essential oils and incense. Spend some time trying to make your living space smell good. Bake with lots of vanilla essence.
Pile 4
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Nine of Coins reversed, Knight of Swords, The Magician, Nine of Swords, Temperance, Connect with the Earth
Nine of Coins reversed shows us your first week of April. You may have had something happen in the last week of March, which you are still experiencing the effects of at the beginning of April. Someone may have hurt you, or you felt deceived by someone, and you are spending this first week to lick your wounds clean and get resituated on your feet. Spend this week finding a sense of security in yourself. Take the time and rest you need. The Knight of Swords come in the second week to drastically contrast your first week. You will have new goals and thoughts, and be excited to be back on your feet and trying something new. You may be pursuing a new crush, or going after a different job. You will be feeling bold and brave and ready to get hurt again, though hoping it does not come to that! Expect this second week of April to bring you lots of change. Your third week has The Magician, which is a card of new ideas and the resources required to go after your goals. Things will be going your way this week. The feeling you had last week, follows you into this week. You have your goal in mind, and everything seems to be going the way you want it to go. Your friends or loved ones are willing to help support and encourage you, and you are feeling happy and brave. The last week of April, however, brings us back to the beginning, with the Nine of Swords. Someone may make a small comment, or you may not get the job you wanted, or things aren't happening as quick as you want them to, and it is bringing you down some. This card emphasizes IMAGINED fears. You are anxious or worried that this is all for nothing, or that you cannot accomplish the things you want to, but this fear is not founded in reality. Remind yourself of this when you hit your low moments. Use it to pick yourself back up. And, like your first week, take the time you need to rest and feel more secure.
Your month is represented, overall, by Temperance. People are going to be very supportive and accommodating towards you this month. You may feel somewhat peaceful, despite the energy or sadness you experience. It may seem like a bit of a rollercoaster this month, but when you look back on it, you will acknowledge that you felt more at peace and relaxed than you realized. Rely on those around you to keep you grounded and support you when you need it.
Your self care oracle for this month is Connect with the Earth. Get out for walks if you can! Spend time early morning watching the sunrise and listening to the world wake up. Let yourself feel connected to the world and energy that exists all around you.
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fakestorchestra · 2 months
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agnatha btw. theyre a gargoyle sent to assist dedan in managing zone 1, since he cant be in multiple places at once + zone 1 is responsible for the majority of exports. theyre able to turn into stone and stay mostly stationary in that state, but they are conscious - some elsen talk to agnatha while in their statue form, unaware that they can hear all of their woes and worries.
while agnatha is loyal to dedan and holds a certain affection for him, his descent into corruption pains them greatly. agnatha would prefer to cling to their memories of the past, but in the end made the decision to work with dedan to salvage what was left of their beloved zone, providing a gentle yet unyielding hand to soothe his anger.
despite making it a point not to actively oppose dedan too openly in front of others, they are still seen as a pillar of strength for the inhabitants of zone 1. agnatha tries to keep at least a facade of order, so their harsher condemnations and heated arguments are kept (mostly) between them and dedan, but the fact that agnatha isnt afraid to call him out on the way he treats people creates a sense of comfort, even if it is an unsteady and short-lived one.
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ravendruid · 4 months
Be In My Eyes - Chapter 29
You can read the previous chapters here or on AO3. Happy belated Valentine's day <3 (I promise I didn't plan this!) Summary: Time to dress up for Keyleth's date with Vax.
The week rushed by like rapids, especially when, on Miresen morning, every single one of Keyleth’s teachers reminded their classes that the clock announcing finals had officially begun ticking. One month. Keyleth had one month to prepare for what she assumed would be the worst week of her college life. She could only hope her teachers took pity on the first years. By that evening, Keyleth had a meticulously developed study schedule, color-coded by class, to help her organize her time. Would she be able to keep up with it, though? She had to. The last thing she wanted was to fail a class and have to repeat it next year. She decided to try out the schedule that week, rotating between the library and the quiet apartment and inviting her roommates to study with her—which Vax’ildan almost always gladly accepted. 
The exception happened in the middle of the week. Although the holiday itself wasn’t widely celebrated in Emon, the Night of Ascension was still a holiday for those who celebrated, so the University had given them the day off classes. That day, Keyleth, Percy and Pike decided to occupy a table at their favorite café, staving off the snow that fell outside with steaming cups of hot cocoa. She had asked the twins to join them, but Vax had explained to Keyleth, alone in his bedroom as he bundled up with the hoodie Keyleth loved so much and a thick woolen scarf that had seen better days, that he and Vex’ahlia had a tradition to pay homage to their mother during the holiday, so they would be going to the nearest temple to make an offering, and then go out for a meal and celebrate their memories of Elaina (Vax had finally shared his mother’s name with her). Keyleth pondered asking to join them and do the same for her mother, but she figured that it was something the twins preferred to stay between just them. Besides, neither she nor her mother were particularly given to deities.
But the week rushed by nonetheless, and on Folsen evening, when Keyleth opened the fridge and saw a container with freshly made soup and a sticky note from Vax (I hope this helps you stay warm), the girl was ready to put on a pair of fuzzy socks, her warmest pajama and curl into a ball on the armchair and read until her eyelids drooped. Alas, her dream was interrupted by footsteps walking down the corridor as Keyleth removed the steaming bowl from the microwave.
“Oh. Hi Kiki,” Vax greeted. He was wearing a new long-sleeve pajama shirt (black, as usual), a pair of black sweatpants, and his hair was braided away from his face—it was about time that he heed not only Vex’s but also Keyleth’s advice about braiding his hair before bed.
“Hi, Vax. Thank you for the soup,” Keyleth nodded in gratitude. She sat at the kitchen table and started to eat. Vax joined her, sitting on the chair in front of hers, elbows on the table and resting his chin on his hand.
“How were classes?”
“Are you ready for tomorrow?” Vax asked smugly. Keylth looked at him confused, then remembered they were going out… on a date. “Please don’t tell me you forgot about our date?” Vax asked, outraged, seeing the look of realization on her face.
“No... I—I’m sorry.” Keyleth apologized, embarrassed. Vax merely laughed and shook his head. “Where are we going?”
“It’s a surprise.”
“Oh. What should I wear?” Keyleth asked, trying to get any possible clue from him.
“Something comfortable and warm.” The answer didn’t reveal anything substantial.
“What time are we leaving?” Keyleth tried another route.
“Do you think eight is too early?” Keyleth shook her head. She was used to waking up early, even during the weekends, so it wouldn’t make a difference in her schedule. “Then, we need to leave the apartment at 8:30.”
“Why so early?” Keyleth asked, finishing her soup.
“It’s a bit far and we need to take transportation. It’s going to be a whole day thing, so you might want to clear your schedule.”
Somewhere so far away that they needed to take an early transportation, that would last the entire day, and that she needed to bring warm, comfortable clothes? Where the hell was Vax taking her? “Should I bring anything special? Food? Entertainment?” Keyleth pushed further.
“We can make some sandwiches and bring snacks for the day. Water, too. As for entertainment, that’s what I’m there for, right?” Vax winked. Keyleth blushed and giggled, covering her mouth with her hand.
“I’m sure you will,” She teased. Vax slapped the table softly and grabbed her empty bowl. Keyleth got to her feet, wanting to stop him, but he waved his hand at her in dismissal and washed her dishes for her. Keyleth couldn’t stop herself from biting her lip at how caring Vax was to her. He had made her dinner, kept her company while she ate—even though he looked like he had been ready to go to sleep—and washed her dishes afterward. I don’t deserve someone so good like him.
“You should go to sleep,” Vax said to her, wiping his hands on the towel. He approached Keyleth and kissed her forehead before he turned to the hallway leading to the bedrooms. “I’ll see you first thing in the morning, Kiki,” he said and disappeared towards his bedroom. Keyleth stood in the kitchen, watching Vax walk away. Only when his bedroom door shut behind him did Keyleth release the longing sigh she had been holding and grabbed her bag to head to bed. Keyleth thought she was going to have trouble sleeping due to anxiety, so the faster she went to bed, the sooner she would fall asleep. However, Keyleth wasn’t expecting the fluttering of butterflies in her stomach, a sensation that seemed to calm her more than agitate her, so she fell asleep as soon as her head hit her pillow.
By the time Keyleth walked into the kitchen the next morning (her personal backpack open in front of her in preparation to get stuffed with snacks), Vax’ildan was already at the stove, stirring eggs and plopping two slices of bread in the toaster. On the island sat an evidently larger backpack—a camping backpack—seemingly full and ready to go. Keyleth stumbled on her feet, coming to an abrupt stop as she gawked at Vax’s bag, then at hers, so small in her hands. She didn’t have time to say anything because Vax was already smiling at her and greeting her. 
“What’s that?” Keyleth asked, all manners forgotten.
“Our stuff for today.”
“That looks—”
“Heavy? Don’t worry. It’s mostly light items. I made a few sandwiches, packed snacks, water and a thermos with peppermint tea.” Vax said nonchalantly, dividing the eggs between two plates. “Don’t worry, I added a lot of honey to the tea,” He added, seeing Keyleth’s stunned face. 
Vax set the plates with scrambled eggs and toast on the table and returned to grab two mugs of coffee. Keyleth finally set her backpack down—now completely useless—and sat at the table. They ate in silence, Keyleth avoiding looking at Vax too much, and then she left him to do the dishes while she returned to her bedroom to finish getting dressed. 
They left the apartment at exactly 8:30—like Vax had planned—after Keyleth replaced her small backpack for her regular knitted crossbody purse with just her personal belongings. Since the sun was shining bright and warm in the clear, blue sky, Keyleth left her thickest jacket behind in exchange for a crochet cardigan with sunflowers covering a beige high-neck shirt and a crochet dark green skirt. She pondered wearing pants for a moment, but then she found a pair of thick winter tights, and her problem of wanting to look cute and fight off the cold was easily solved. Meanwhile, Vax was–well… Vax (still incredibly hot, as usual, nonetheless). He wore his regular black, ripped pants, leather jacket and boots. The only difference was that he had replaced his band and graphic t-shirt for a seemingly brand new plain black high-neck shirt, so tight that Keyleth had held her breath when she first saw him before he put on and buttoned his jacket. 
They took a bus not far from campus, mostly filled with old ladies who gave the pair a weird look—which Keyleth knew was due to her overall sunshine personality, Vax’s dark and broody appearance and the camping backpack he carried—and they sat in the empty back, Vax setting the packed bag between his legs. They stayed in silence for a while, watching the city pass by slowly. People walked on the sidewalks, bundled up in their snow coats and scarves, couples held hands and stopped to watch the shop windows, and children threw balls and built snowmen in the park they passed by, much like what Keyleth and her friends had done a few weeks before, and which, eventually, led to her being in that empty bus, sitting so close to her crush—more than that, actually—that she could practically hear his heart beating in his chest.
“It’s such a nice day,” Keyleth said, more to herself than to him. Vax hummed. His hand found hers on her lap and he took it, intertwining his fingers with hers. Keyleth still looked out the window, now more to try to hide the blush in her cheeks at the gesture. Vax had been so touchy since last weekend… since he shared so much of his life with her. It was like he couldn’t bear to not touch Keyleth, as if her skin on his calmed him. Keyleth wasn’t complaining. She loved every touch, every chill down her spine, every kernel of warmth and softness that emanated from Vax, and she never wanted it to end.
“Is this the part where you kidnap me?” Keyleth asked twenty minutes later when the city landscape outside had given room to large fields and forests. They had officially been out of the city limits for five minutes, and she still didn’t know where Vax was taking her.
“What if it is?” Vax teased, wiggling his eyebrows and smiling mischievously at her.
“Then I regret to inform you that my father will not yield to any ransom requests. Unless you would like a chicken or two in exchange for giving me back.”
Vax snorted and brought her hands to his lips. He kissed each knuckle softly and then said, “I doubt your father wouldn’t give all the money in the world to have you back, Kiki.”
Keyleth wasn’t sure if the heat in her cheeks was because of his gesture of the implication that Vax knew her father loved her so much he would ruin his finances for her.
“Our exit is coming up,” Vax announced, releasing the grasp in her hand and getting to his feet. Keyleth followed him down the aisle, and when the bus stopped in the middle of nowhere, where the only sign of it being a bust stop was a single pole with a hanging sign, Vax gestured for Keyleth to descend before him, following her as he shouldered the backpack. 
“Now I’m really concerned,” Keyleth said, looking around. They were surrounded by tall trees on a single road with practically no traffic. She had no idea where they were in regards to the city proper, but it was clear they were somewhere remote. 
“Do you trust me?” Vax asked, extending his hand to her. Keyleth’s answer was weaving her fingers through his and walking by his side in silence. 
During their short walk parallel to the road the bus had taken, Keyleth glanced sideways at Vax, who looked relaxed and smiled so brightly he could supply enough energy for a small town. His mood was contagious, and soon Keyleth found herself relaxing and smiling as well, walking hand-in-hand with him down the sidewalk and then up a smaller road.
“No way,” Keyleth exclaimed as they reached an ornate iron gate connected to rock pillars. Above it, high enough where a tall van could cross without touching it, was an iron sign that said Emon Botanical Gardens. Keyleth couldn’t hold her joy at the sight of it, and neither could Vax, apparently, because he was shaking with excitement at her reaction, grinning brightly at her, eyes shining like ambers. 
Keyleth squealed in delight as they approached the portico, where a woman waited at the ticket booth. Vax stepped ahead of her and exchanged a few words with the woman that Keyleth couldn’t hear—although, from the look of it, they were familiar with each other—and then signaled her to the barriers that opened on their own accord.
“What?” Keyleth asked, surprised, crossing it behind Vax. 
“Students don’t pay entrance,” Vax explained.
“Do you come here often?” Keyleth asked as he walked towards a large wooden board with the map of the park. She stopped abruptly in front of it, gaping with an open mouth at how large the area was. 
“Vex and I came here often when we needed a break from the chaos of the city,” Vax explained, picking a pamphlet from the holder. “It’s really peaceful. Here,” He handed Keyleth the pamphlet. She opened it to see a smaller-scale map of the park on one side and short descriptions of what the park contained on the other side.
“This park is huge. We’re not going to be able to see it all today,” Keyleth pointed out, noting all the smaller flower gardens, the several ponds and fountains, the orchard and forests of different kinds of trees. “There’s a waterfall?” She asked, not really expecting an answer. “And a butterfly garden!” Her excitement turned up a notch if it was even possible. Keyleth loved butterflies.
“Where would you like to start?” Vax asked, smiling at her. Keyleth pointed at the greenhouse not far from there, and he nodded. He let her lead the way, even though he probably knew the garden so well that he didn’t need a map anymore. 
The greenhouse spawned over a long distance, covering plants from all regions in Exandria, from flowering cacti of the Marquesian deserts to blooming flowers of the Zemni Fields and even a few darker, mysterious flora from the distant lands of Xhorhas. No matter where Keyleth looked, she was welcomed with fragrant scents, a rainbow of colors, and a whole new universe she wanted to explore until the end of her days. She took several minutes to photograph flowers and plants she had never seen before and write notes on the notebook app on her phone, setting up a mental note to return with her camera and a proper notebook. When Keyleth finally uncoiled from where she had been squatting for ten minutes, photographing and copying information from the small description sign next to a bloom of snowdrops, Vax coughed to get her attention. Keyleth’s head snapped in his direction. She had completely forgotten why and who she was there with, so a blush spread on her cheeks as she apologized to Vax bashfully.
“It’s okay. It’s adorable.” He brushed it off, holding out his hand for her to take. Keyleth grabbed it, looking at Vax inquisitively. “Let’s go. I have a surprise,” Vax said, pulling Keyleth with him.
They exited the greenhouse through a side door onto a gravel path. Keyleth’s excitement built up quickly once she saw the first signs pointing in the direction they were going, saying Butterfly House. She found it weird that the butterfly house would be open in the winter since she hadn’t read anything about it in the pamphlet, but maybe it was climate-controlled so they could have viewings year-round. However, Keyleth’s excitement and hope died a little when their path was closed by a barrier, where a note hung from the middle: “We regret to inform the butterfly house is closed until further notice.”
“Vax, what are you doing?” Keyleth asked as Vax transposed the barrier and held out his hand for her. “It’s closed.”
“I know. Trust me,” Vax said. Keyleth followed him down the last of the gravel path and then onto a smaller side path that led to the back of the building. She had no idea where Vax was taking her, but Keyleth trusted him with her life, so she followed as he squeezed her hand tighter in his grip.
“Hello there,” A man greeted the pair when they turned a corner. Keyleth came to an abrupt stop behind Vax, bumping against his back. Shit, we’re screwed, Keyleth thought, knowing they were trespassing.
“Hey!” Vax greeted the man back. He let go of Keyleth’s hand and dropped his backpack on the floor next to the door she realized the man was holding open. Vax then walked towards the man and hugged him tightly. Keyleth finally took a good look at him. He was smiling kindly at them, crow’s feet around his eyes. He seemed to be in his early forties, perhaps, with sun-dappled skin, wild and crazy-looking dark hair, and a black beard streaked with gray, neatly kept in two braids. 
“Is this the lady I’ve been hearing so much about?” The man asked Vax, looking around his shoulder to Keyleth with an even fonder smile. Vax laughed and nodded. He extended his hand to call Keyleth over, wiggling his fingers.
“This is Keyleth,” Vax introduced when she laced her fingers with his. Up close, Keyleth could see the man’s glowing blue eyes and all the signs of someone who had a happy life, even if labored. “Keyleth,” Vax continued, pointing at the man, “This is Kerrek.”
“Kerr is fine,” The man said, extending his hand. Keyleth took it. The handshake was strong but soft at the same time as if Kerrek was holding back on her. His hands were calloused, and there was some dirt under his fingernails, confirming the hard labor Keyleth assumed he did.
“Nice to meet you, Kerr,” Keyleth said politely. Vax had never mentioned him, yet the man seemed to have heard about her. She tucked the information in a mental file to ask Vax later.
“Are you sure it’s okay?” Vax asked, nodding at the building. The man nodded and replied with a wink, “Go ahead lovebirds.”
Keyleth blushed, but Vax chuckled. He looked at her nervously and pulled her inside the building with him, the door closing behind them. The temperature changed immediately, and Keyleth was forced to discard her cardigan with Vax’s leather jacket, leaving them on a bench by the door, and pulled the long sleeves of her shirt up to her elbows. She then followed Vax down a dimly lit hallway to a second door. 
“Ready?” Vax asked her. Keyleth swallowed hard and nodded. 
Keyleth wasn’t sure what she expected, but walking into a brightly lit, hot and humid jungle was not it. The roof was a domed glass that let the bright winter light in without any of the cold, and everywhere Keyleth looked was covered with trees and plants, vines and moss. Once again, she allowed Vax to guide her down the tiled path until they came to a rounded room fully enclosed in class. In the center, a stone bench acted as a barrier to flowers and greenery, and around them—
“Oh. My. Gods.” Keyleth whispered, still not believing what she was seeing.
Butterflies—dozens and dozens of butterflies—flew everywhere, from branch to branch, between flowers and vines, up on the glass ceiling and around the walls. Vax led Keyleth into the middle of the room with a soft hand on the small of her back, stopping by the stone bench. Keyleth spun slowly in place, noting every color, wing shape, and different type of butterfly.
“You might want to close your mouth before a butterfly flies in,” Vax teased. Keyleth snapped her mouth shut but didn’t look at him, still mesmerized by the display.
“Vax, this is—” She stopped herself. A small swarm of five butterflies dove to her and landed on her hair and outstretched arm. Keyleth swallowed a squeal of delight as she turned to face Vax and brought a beautiful blue-winged butterfly between them.
“That’s a morpho peleides,” Vax offered. Keyleth nodded, still awestruck.
“Their wings aren’t actually blue, but—”
“Iridescent, yes. It’s caused by a diffraction of the light from the—”
“Tiny scales on its wings.” Keyleth finished. She looked up at him, surprised that he knew about it.
“I’ve been coming here for a few years. I’ve learned a lot about them,” He explained coyly. Keyleth swallowed, feeling a wave of warmth flow down her body. The butterfly beat its wings and took off to a high branch. Keyleth followed it with her gaze. 
“It’s beautiful,” She whispered, still looking at the emperor on the other side of the room.
“You’re beautiful, Keyleth,” Vax whispered back. She whipped her head back to him, only to realize he was so close to her that their breaths mingled with each other. Vax brought a hand up to cup her cheek and leaned in, making Keyleth’s stomach jump.
Oh gods, is this happening?
“Can I kiss you?” He asked. Yes. Yes! A million times, yes!
“Please—” She practically begged.
Time stopped, or maybe it was Keyleth’s heart that stopped. Something stopped, for sure. Keyleth’s eyes drifted closed, and she surrendered herself to the warmth of Vax’s hand on her face and the firm hold on her waist as his lips touched hers. The kiss started soft and tentative. As if Vax was scared. Keyleth’s hands slid up Vax’s chest to wrap around his neck, pulling him closer. The kiss deepened, full of longing and something else Keyleth’s brain could not decipher in that moment. Some time passed, although Keyleth couldn’t tell if it had been seconds, minutes, or days. But eventually, Vax broke the kiss, his piercing gaze on hers, assessing her. Keyleth smiled against his lips, willing her heart to stop beating so fast. Vax opened his mouth to say something, but Keyleth shushed him before he could utter a word by kissing him again.
Keyleth poured all the intensity of her need for Vax into the kiss. Although she had no idea what she was doing, she had read quite a few romance books, so she pulled all that knowledge off the pages and kissed Vax passionately. When her tongue brushed against his lip, Vax opened to allow her in, the hand on her face lowering to join the other on the small of her back, pulling her harder against him. Keyleth could feel every inch of Vax’s body, her tongue thoroughly exploring his mouth until it met his tongue and started a dance she didn’t know the steps for. Keyleth stopped leading, then, and started following Vax’s experienced instructions. The heat on her body was overpowering, but it was Keyleth’s happiness that screamed the loudest in her ears, together with the thrumming beating of her heart. 
When they finally pulled apart—when Vax pulled apart—they were both panting, eyes wide as saucers fixed on each other, and smiling. Keyleth willed her lungs to work faster and reminded her heart to slow down, lest she pass out from sheer emotion. Her legs were trembling like reeds on a storm, and if it weren’t for Vax’s firm hold on her, Keyleth would surely fall to her knees in front of him.
“That was—” Vax tried, but his breath was still ragged. Keyleth chuckled and nodded, rubbing her nose against his. Their breaths were warm and sweet like a summer night, Vax’s kiss-swollen lips so, so inviting. Tempting. “Gods, Kiki. You’re—” Vax didn’t finish. He leaned his brow against Keyleth with closed eyes and breathed slowly. Keyleth did the same, following his lead once again. He smelled so good and felt so warm and cozy, just like home. “You’re going to be the death of me, Keyleth.”
“I’m sorry,” Keyleth giggled. Vax kissed the tip of her nose. “I’ve wanted to do that for a while,” She confessed.
“Me too.” Vax tugged at the fabric of her shirt on the small of her back, twisting and turning the hem between his fingers. Keyleth gave him a questioning look that made him swallow nervously. Finally, after taking a long breath that puffed against Keyleth’s lips, Vax said, “Kiki, you know I’m in love with you, right?”
Oh. Keyleth’s heart almost leaped out of her chest. It was one thing to feel the love Vax didn’t hide from her, and a completely different thing to hear him say it (like actually say it). Keyleth let her hands slide down from his shoulders and splay on his chest. The jack-rabbit beating of Vax’s heart on Keyleth’s palm made her smile softly as she spoke, “I know. And I–I think I feel the same way.”
“You think?” Vax asked. His tone wasn’t mocking but uncertain. 
“I’m scared,” Keyleth admitted, at last, the feeling she had been trying to repress for a while. “I’ve never felt this way for anyone before and it’s so scary.”
“I know,” Vax replied. His thumbs rubbed tight, reassuring circles on Keyleth’s back.
“My dad was so devastated when my mom died. I—I‘ve never wanted to feel that, or worse… make someone feel like that. I–” Keyleth hesitated. 
“I never thought I would have what they had. I never thought someone was going to fall for me, or that I would fall for anyone. I promised myself when I was young that I would never fall in love and yet…”
Vax smiled. He rubbed the tip of his nose on Keyleth’s and said, “I understand completely. You know about my father. I don’t have the best examples of what a loving relationship is. I never thought I would ever find happiness in my life, much less something so pure as love. We don’t have to be in a relationship, Kiki, but if you’ll have me, I’m yours.”
“I don’t think I’m ready to be with someone… yet.”
“That’s okay. I’ll wait as long as it takes,” Vax brushed a strand of hair and tucked it behind her ear. Keyleth smiled fondly at him, basking in the feel of his touch, but her smile faltered as she asked him a question she had been dreading.
“And what if I’m never ready?” Knowing that Vax’s answer could mend or break their future was enough to send her spiraling, so Keyleth closed her fists on his shirt, keeping her aloft, keeping her mind steady and grounded.
“Then I’ll always be here as your friend. I’ll only take what you want to give, Kiki. Never more than that.”
“You would stay?” She asked, her voice wavering. 
“Of course. I’m not going anywhere, Keeks.” Vax replied, kissing her forehead. Keyleth slumped into his embrace, sliding her arms under his armpits and holding tightly. She waited for the first signs of the imminent panic attack to retreat down to her stomach and vanish. Only then did she uncoil to her feet, releasing Vax completely, and smiled. 
“Thank you for understanding.”
“You’re very important to me.” Vax pulled away, but instead of completely letting go of Keyleth, he twinned his fingers with hers and asked, “Are you ready to head back into the cold with me?” 
Keyleth nodded and allowed him to pull her with him, retracing their steps to the back door, where they put their jackets back on and Vax slung his bag back on his shoulders. Kerr was still waiting outside, moving crates and boxes when they exited. He turned to Vax and Keyleth with a fond smile, dropped a box on the ground and walked to pat Vax’s back.
“Make sure you and your sister come over for dinner soon, will you? You’re welcome too, Keyleth.” Kerr added, turning to Keyleth. 
“Oh. Thank you for the invitation.”
“I’ll talk to Stubby and let her know,” Vax replied.
“It was nice meeting you, Keyleth.” Kerr extended his hand. Keyleth took it again, shaking it softly with a smile.
“It was nice meeting you too.”
Vax and Keyleth spent the rest of the morning wandering through the multiple flower gardens, fountains and ponds, albeit sad-looking in the middle of the Winter. When the sun reached its apex in the sky, Vax took Keyleth by the hand down a secluded gravel path and into a small clearing of pine trees (the few trees that still had their canopies). Vax removed a thick blanket from the bag, spread it on the floor, and sat down, patting the ground between his legs for Keyleth.
“I should have known you were bringing picnic stuff,” Keyleth said. She sat between Vax’s legs facing him, her legs crossed between them. Vax took another blanket from the bag and set it on her lap, covering both of them.
“You think I would pass up the opportunity to have an outdoor meal with you?” He scoffed. Keyleth didn’t reply. She grabbed the thermos of tea he passed her and took a sip. It was sweet, just the way she loved it, and it warmed her from the inside out. Vax then grabbed two sandwiches and a bag of chips, and they ate while observing the nature and enjoying the quiet. They didn’t run into many people during their walks in the garden, which Keyleth could only assume was due to the cold weather and the fact that most of the plants were dead.
“We should come back in the spring,” She said after a while.
“I already planned on bringing you back.”
“So, what’s the story with Kerr? How do you know him?” Keyleth asked, passing Vax the thermos.
Vax took a sip of the tea, closed the bottle and set it by his side. He then lifted the blanket from his and Keyleth’s legs and gestured for her to turn around. Keyleth did, scooting and resting her back against his chest. Vax covered them again and wrapped his arms around her waist, letting his hands rest on her stomach, where he started rubbing circles with his thumbs. Keyleth basked in his warmth. She could never get enough of the feel of Vax’s arms draped safely around her.
“Do you remember what I told you about what happened with Vex?” He asked her. Keyleth nodded. She knew it was a difficult subject for him. “Well, after all that, Vex and I decided to leave Emon for a while. We found this garden. We lied and told them we were high school students, and they believed us. Mostly because we looked like high schoolers. We found this spot right here, secluded enough that no one could stroll into us, and we made it our place. We had a small tent big enough for us and Trinket.”
“One day, Kerr caught me after the park closed, but instead of calling the cops on us, he extended a helping hand. At first, he invited us to have dinner with him and his wife. Hot homemade meals were hard to come by at the time, and Vex was getting thinner every day, so I said yes. They heard our story, and just like you, they grew angry at our father. But most of all, they felt bad for us and wanted to help us.”
“That’s really nice of them,” Keyleth said. Vax nodded. He buried his cold nose in her neck, making her squeal. 
“They asked us to stay with them until we came of age, but Vex and I… we had been living on our own for a while, and we—we might have been too proud to take such a huge offer. But we did accept a job offer to work here, and we enrolled back at the highschool, using Kerr’s home address as our location. We often went to Kerr’s for warm meals and never refused their invitation to stay on cold and rainy nights.”
“Kerr and his wife treated us like we were their own children. We finally caved in and moved in for our final year of highschool. They even motivated us to go to college and helped us apply for scholarships and everything. Their house is a home to us.”
“I’m glad you found them. I’m glad Kerr didn’t call the cops on you.” Keyleth said, turning her head to see Vax. She nuzzled her nose against his jaw, making Vax smile. 
“I’m glad too. I don’t know if we would still be alive if it weren’t for Kerr.”
“I’m glad you are. It brought you here… to me.” Keyleth whispered and gave Vax a soft peck on the lips. 
“Have I mentioned how beautiful you look today?” Vax nuzzled against Keyleth’s neck. She giggled and nodded in response. “Did you make your skirt?”
“I did. But my grandma made my cardigan.”
“They’re so pretty. You’re both very talented.”
“I’ll make you something one day,” Keyleth promised. 
“Are you cold?” Vax asked, tightening his embrace. 
“No. I’m never cold when I’m with you. You’re always so warm and cozy.”
“Hmm. Same. You’re like a ray of sunshine. You’re so happy and cheerful. It’s contagious sometimes.”
Keyleth thought about his words. People often said she was a ray of sunshine, that she lit up any room when she walked in, but Keyleth didn’t feel that way. She was happy. Keyleth did feel joy in life and enjoyed being around her friends and family. It was the moment she was left alone that Keyleth dreaded the most. When she was by herself with her thoughts, her fears and grief. She had witnessed a few episodes where Vax had preferred to be alone, where his mood was extra broody and grumpy. She understood that better than Vax probably thought.
“Kiki?” Vax called her. Keyleth turned sideways, buried her head in Vax’s chest and grabbed the jacket on his stomach. “Did I say something wrong?”
“No,” Keyleth mumbled against his chest. Vax’s hands cradled the back of her head and he pressed a kiss to her hair. He stayed like that and waited until she finally spoke again. “I’m not as much of a ray of sunshine as people think I am. I also have bad moments—bad days, even.”
“I know. I’ve noticed your moods.” 
“You have?” Keyleth asked, looking up. Vax nodded and caressed her hair down her back. “You must probably think I’m a fraud then.”
“You’re not a fraud, Kiki. Not everyone can be happy all day, every day. I know you try hard to hide the bad side, but you can trust us… you can certainly trust me. I want you to be yourself when you’re with me, even if that means you’re picking at the skin of your nails or chewing on your lip and the inside of your cheek. I won’t be bothered by your jumpy knee or your shuffling around on your seat.”
Oh shit. Vax knew all her fidgets. Was she really that obvious, or was he just very observant? Keyleth always tried to hide her anxiety in front of everyone, and she was almost sure that she did a good job at it, but she had always been more relaxed with Vax. She had always felt safe with him. Of all people, Vax would be the one to understand Keyleth’s faults the best.
As if he read her mind, Vax added, “You and I aren’t that different, Kiki. Depression and anxiety often go hand in hand.”
“I suppose I might have some of yours, too,” Keyleth admitted. It wasn’t for nothing that her father had made her see a professional when she hit puberty.
“And I have some of yours. It’s perfectly valid to have them both, and if someone ever gives you grief about it, tell me, and I’ll punch them.”
Keyleth snorted at the offer. Some of the weight on her chest lifted, but there was something heavy keeping her from being blissfully happy: finals. History proved that academic high-stress situations were not good for Keyleth. “I don’t think you can punch our professors or finals.”
“Ah. Is that what’s eating at you? Here I was, thinking you were freaking out because I’m extremely handsome, and I make your heart almost leap out of your chest.” Keyleth looked at Vax to see him smirking at her. Her face reddened in response. “You’re going to do great, Keeks. You’re smart, talented, and a great student. All our professors love you. If anything, you’re going to do so good that they will need to expand the grading system just to accommodate your knowledge.”
“You’re exaggerating, Vax. I’m not as smart as you or Pike. And I’m falling behind in Anatomy. You’ve seen my midterm grade.”
“Fine, the human body doesn’t agree with you. Does it matter? Are you in Biology for it or for plants, Keyleth? Didn’t you say you were going to drop Anatomy next year anyway?”
“Yes, but I still want to have a good grade,” Keyleth all but pouted at Vax. Couldn’t he understand the high expectations other people had on her? She had always been a top-of-the-class student in high school, and people expected her to maintain that or do better in college, never to go below their standards.
“Keyleth, love. You had a 16 in the midterm,” Vax grabbed her shoulders and looked at her earnestly. “All your assignments have been above 18–and yes, it counts even if I helped you. Even if you have another 16 in your final, you will still get at least a 17 at the end of the semester. I know it’s not as good as an 18 or a 19, but you are still in the top five students in Anatomy, and I know for a fact that you, miss I-will-not-rest-until-I-have-straight-20s, are the best student in your degree.”
When Vax put it like that, Keyleth had to concede to his logic. She knew that she would need a really bad grade on her final to drastically lower her final grade in Anatomy and the general average, as a consequence, but even though it was a low possibility, it wasn’t impossible.
“Fine.” Keyleth pushed Vax away and got up, straightening her skirt. “I guess you’re right.” She said and walked away from him. Keyleth didn’t need to turn her head to see the look of confusion on his face, but she still peeked and threw over her shoulder, “Let’s go see the waterfall… unless you’re done with our date?”
She laughed as Vax scrambled to his feet and packed everything inside the backpack. He was by Keyleth’s side in a matter of seconds, holding her hand and dragging her down the path. Keyleth giggled at his reinvigorated spirits, feeling slightly better herself, too. Vax was right, she knew that, and while she still had a hard time letting go of that particular anxiety, Keyleth knew she had in him a safe harbor. 
“Yes.” Vax looked at her expectantly, grinning from ear to ear.
“I might barge into your room this month to ask for reassurance. Is that okay?” Keyleth bit at her lip. Vax let go of her hand, only to wrap his arm around her shoulder and pull her to a stop. He leaned in and brushed his lips against hers, giving Keyleth a soft, ghostly peck on the lips that made her want more, and said, “I can’t promise I’ll be decent, but my door will always be unlocked for you, Kiki.”
“Good,” Keyleth whispered against his lips. “I might come to collect some hugs then… even if you’re not–decent.”
The kiss was sensual and unhurried, filled with promises of more kisses to come, hugs to be given, and reassuring words to be whispered in the dark. By the time they arrived back at the apartment, lips red and kiss-swollen, the subject of finals was completely gone from Keyleth’s mind, instead filled with the scent of pine trees and snow and the wonderful time she spent with Vax in nature all day. A much needed-rest before the chaos.
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racxnteur · 9 months
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Me at 2-3am, having slept approximately only 1h last night (…/day), yawning: Hmmm. I could go to sleep before dawn for once, or perhaps read a bit of that fic I have been meaning to keep up on.
Me, 50min later, accidentally ruminating on vampires instead: OR…………. I could spend the next five hours & notable craft mess on creating a couple of assemble-able little clay puppet dolls, for the sole purpose of having better anatomical and positional clarity when playing out ephemeral little scenes between fictional little fool men inside my mind 🤔
(Three guesses which option won, and the second two don’t count)
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lettucebrrrger · 8 months
what place should I wish for Neuvillette?
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3-aem · 1 year
Everyone in fandom constantly fighting over ships and stuff but yall haven't known true suffering until you go over the m/f side of a half dead to fully dried out fandom and are stuck drinking the dust coming out of a rusty 89 year old faucet.
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muninnhuginn · 9 months
thought I'd compile a list of some of the current dangling threads we have in link click. specifically, going to ignore the ones that others have gone into detail exploring and just bring up the ones that haven't gotten as much attention but will almost certainly be relevant.
the missing files on the seventh victim of the serial murders from season one. emma was noted as 'victim one' in the files and there were eight in total. if these killings were done by red eyes then all we know of the victim profiles is that they're not seen to be 'innocent' in the culprit's eyes (ofc, we can only speculate what that means, but I'm currently gunning on it being some form of bystander to crime just going by themes*/what we know of emma/the fact the police struggled to find a uniting motive) and there's no set age/gender being specifically targeted. the killer's methods are said to be 'meticulous' (big qian jin vibes there ngl even if the motive part of it doesn't seem to obviously align). anyway, missing files implies an inside job and timing-wise it's unclear if that means qian jin or if chen bin was somehow involved. chen bin apparently was the last to handle the files before passing them to xiao li, but at the same time he doesn't react in a particularly guilty manner when xiao li asks of the missing file. meanwhile, qian jin would have left the force before these killings started but I'm sure he still had plenty of connections left in the force. either way, the seventh victim has been hidden for a reason. knowing what was in that file should lead to a breakthrough of some sort.
liu min's younger brother mentioned in the first two episodes of season two. said to be the more favoured of the two siblings and hasn't yet officially entered the game, but just from law of conservation of detail I think he is going to be a player because why even bring him up when liu min is already dead.
li tianxi's mutism and subsequent abilities of speech as a teenager. the mutism and later explanation are both such deliberate details to include. I don't know for sure what the answer is, but I do think the idea of tianchen or someone else possessing tianxi is a possibility given we know that possession overrides certain physical traits. cxs even explicitly confirmed that this would include mutism when he spoke as tianxi in his dive. it could also be that tianchen is literally dressed as tianxi and is using the mask to help disguise this fact. or tianxi could be tianxi. but whatever the case, I do think the mutism is a relevant point to return to. (also, in s2e4 it looks like the sibling with the messy fringe (tianchen?) doesn't speak. unsure if this is to hide that there were multiples and we just didn't hear the speech but ig it does add to the option that tianchen and tianxi have swapped bodies entirely)
fountain boy. I know I said I'd avoid the stuff that's already been explored but this is such an obvious thing that *will* come back. my intuition says that the fact they picked such an adult sounding voice actor means the character hasn't yet been formally introduced and will appear later (and so opens up the possibilities of hat guy/liu min's brother etc) but that's purely on a meta level. within the story itself it could be almost any male character sans cheng xiaoshi.
Liu Min's phone, taken by Li Tianchen(? - going by the fringe but not confident of this) without Qian Jin's oversight. Does this mean Tianxi is working with Qian Jin whilst Tianchen is double-crossing? Either way, these three are not all in it together. They have some shared motives but ultimately their own agendas.
*themes here meaning qiao ling's big regret re: doudou was that she saw someone leave with him and said nothing. emma's only 'crime' was that she knew of the financial irregularities but didn't speak up. li tianchen saying about people pretending to be nice but secretly are jerks are the worst. my other idea is 'people the law won't punish' because qian jin's backstory (vigilante justice type deal also kinda fitting the themes) especially as the murderer who killed his wife later 'committed suicide' and it was mentioned that several of the meticulous killings were initially mistaken for suicides. anyway, I'll fully admit I'm running on vibes for this as speculation and am fully open to there being another theme tying together the victims.
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gentrychild · 2 years
Anyone Inner circle on a heist?
1 - Izuku, AFO, Dabi, Shouto, Kurogiri, Hawks and Nagisa are in another country and all of them are trying to steal the same thing and unaware that they have... competition.
2 - AFO was actually invited to the thing and Izuku was pretending to be a waiter but everyone mistook him as AFO's son. Kurogiri and Nagisa gave up on the heist mud evening and are now drinking champagne and gossiping. Dabi is mistaken as a raccoon.
3 - You would think that those pretty efficient villains, once they see their partners in crime, would regroup and plot together. Instead, each and everyone of them decides to stab each other in the back in the most ridiculous way. It's like a game of Among Us in real life.
4 - Naturally, their antics draw the attention of the security people and even if one of them managed to snatch the thingie, it ends with a giant manhunt through the entire city, where members of Anyone keeps stealing the thingie from each other.
5 - AFO is the one who gets the prize and is very smug about it until he authenticates it and discovers it's a fake. Izuku had actually stolen the artefact earlier in the gala and could have made a graceful exit but when AFO burned an All Might card in front of him, things got slightly personal and very out of hands.
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lowcountry-gothic · 1 year
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Enneagram type poetry by Kristy Fountain.
Individual type posts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
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