#...something something aai1-4...
genderqueer-karma · 1 year
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oh this is sick and evil... why would they do this to me
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alto-tenure · 2 years
AA ask: 49
49. Victim you would’ve liked to see more of?
Doug Swallow is really interesting to me because I want to know what Dahlia is like when she's trying to be romantic. Obviously she got Phoenix, but she immediately asked Iris to take over for her, so clearly something happened with Doug where she didn't want to attempt to date someone to get something from them and let someone else do the manipulations. Also I'm writing more of him in one of my AUs and I wish I had more characterization to work off of than his argument with Phoenix
Honorable mentions: Jill Crane (it'd be an interesting look into the organization), Cindy Stone (let Larry have a healthy relationship!), Constance Courte (I think it would've been interesting to see her butt heads with Means passive-aggressively lmao), and Byrne Faraday! Byrne, unlike the rest of the people on this list, gets talked about fairly often in fanon (probably due to in one part because he's Kay's father, and I1-4 is the best case in AAI1) but I still would've liked to see more from canon.
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rivalsforlife · 2 years
I love miles w my life but I’ve been struggling forever with getting through aai 1 idk why it just makes me sleepy— but u have talked so much about aai 2 so pls tell me that one is much much better else I’ll die
aai2 is much MUCH better than aai. That seems to be the general fandom consensus too from what I can tell, that aai tends to be considered one of the worst games but aai2 is one of if not the best. I am very much an investigations enjoyer. And because I am an investigations enjoyer I can find a lot to enjoy in aai and am more generous with it than most people. even still I'd personally rank aai fairly low in terms of games that are "objectively" good and also in my own personal enjoyment, but aai2 is unquestionably at the top for me.
the overarching story of aai1 is definitely not great. It's not very personal to Miles or very compelling tbh, it's a lot of the "high stakes for the sake of having high stakes" stuff and never really gets you super invested in seeing the mystery through to the end, at least in my experience. aai2's story though is significantly better and very intensely personal to Miles and his arc and really nicely concludes everything set up in the trilogy - if you're a Miles enjoyer I think you'll enjoy it.
That being said, in all fairness, sometimes the pacing of aai2 can drag. Much like any ace attorney game it has its moments of ridiculous logic and unnecessary padding. (There's a specific part in case 5 where the plot completely stops for something ridiculous and every time I get to it I am mentally yelling at Yamazaki that he should have cut this out in editing.) The cases of aai2 are very long, and the real interesting stuff in the story doesn't really kick in until like... case 3, I'd say. Cases 3 4 and 5 of aai2 are all some of my favorites in the series, and while cases 1 and 2 aren't bad by any respect and are definitely needed for the overall story (though it won't seem that way at first), they aren't as interesting and can drag. (I think the latter part of case 2 in particular can get a bit tiresome.)
So basically if the issues you're having with aai are story-related, aai2 will be a significantly better experience for you. If the issues you're having are more gameplay-related, it might still be a drag particularly throughout the first two cases, but overall I don't find the gameplay significantly worse than any other ace attorney game. And regardless I really, really think aai2's story is worth seeing through, even if you like... have to switch to a playthrough halfway through or something if the gameplay sucks too much. aai2 is all about the bonds between people and particularly parent-child relationships (including biological and adopted and found family) which of course ends up being very interesting when the protagonist is Miles, and I think a lot of the things he learns throughout the game are critical for aa5 and 6, as well as understanding his character in general.
In summary: aai2 is widely considered much better than aai, the story improves significantly even if the gameplay doesn't so much, and I wholeheartedly believe that, especially if you love Miles, you should experience the story of aai2 however works best for you.
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aceredshirt13 · 3 years
We all love the good good found family content for AA - god knows I sure do - but I figured I should throw in my two cents about some things.
I’ve seen a few posts saying that Phoenix is practically Maya’s dad, and an ENORMOUS number of posts saying Edgeworth is practically Kay’s dad, and I honestly disagree on both accounts for similar reasons?? Not even just because the age difference isn’t terribly large (though, like, Phoenix and Maya are only seven years apart which is not exactly dad energy, and Edgeworth and Kay are only nine years apart), but because of the general vibe of their relationship. Because of the teasing and mayhem that Maya and Kay cause in Phoenix and Edgeworth’s lives, while also loving and caring about them immensely, to me they seem more like chaotic younger sisters to the older brothers that alternately hold them back from or participate in their wild antics. (And it means perhaps Phoenix looked up to Mia not just as a mentor, but also as a kind of big sister, which I think is sweet.)
A lot of people cite the segment of AAI1 where a Kay says she reminds him of her dad, but I guess I just still don’t feel like their relationship has that energy?? Edgeworth is certainly protective of her and worried about her when she’s in danger, and will stop at nothing to defend her (as seen in AAI2-4), but he seems more the grumpy bear big brother who would die to protect his sister - much like Phoenix running across the burning bridge to try and save Maya. (Also, from what we know about Byrne, it sounds like he was quite different from Edgeworth in personality, so I always wondered why it was she said that - unless she was commenting that he seemed older/more mature than his age.)
We know for a fact that Phoenix is a great dad to Trucy and has dad energy in Apollo’s direction - and, it seems, is something of a part-time father/spiky law uncle to Pearl when she isn’t in Kurain - and if there’s any character Edgeworth has the most dad energy toward in the games, it’s Sebastian (it does still have the small age gap, but their relationship seems a touch more dad-adjacent, though I could still also see him as a big brother to Seb). But Maya and Kay will always be sisters to Nick and Edge in my heart.
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aajfa · 3 years
idk if you've ever discussed this but what would you like to see for a timeskip Franziska? Either in terms of style or personality, what she's been up to, etc.
omg yes. plenty of more talented people have done timeskip designs for her that i adore. one that will always stick with me was giving her half of the edgeworth bangs because i like it when the siblings r alike :] as long as she's got shorter hair and a cool outfit it's all lovely to me.
this is a leetle long so i'm putting the rest under the cut teehee
as for personality omg. i just want her to be happy... i think she's calmed down a lot more uses her whip less now she's more secure in herself, and is like. much more openly affectionate but in a sort of like. awkwardly direct way. she's working on it. a thought i hold very dear is that she starts to call edgeworth miles again. which she does pretty frequently in aai1-4 and like. twice in aai1-5 but once is only when she's being literally arrested if you lose all your health. calling him by his full name seems to me like something she developed as a means to distance herself and protect herself from showing that she cares about edgeworth, especially when they started getting older and i think she'd start to go back to calling him miles again when they've gotten more openly affectionate again. ough. siblings. she stops calling phoenix by full name as well but it's just replaced by various silly insults. phoenix isn't sure if this is an improvement.
also aunt to trucy franziska IS real i just know it. one day i'll write fully abt the 7yg but like. i think. when phoenix n trucy visit europe sometimes edgeworth and phoenix just keep arguing for the sake of it esp when the disbarrment is new. and franziska will just take trucy with her for ice cream and lessons on being a misandrist.
what she's doing... i struggle to pick anything but interpol agent for franziska. it really does fit her so perfectly. my dreams of a turnabout serenade au that involves franziska are far reaching... For the most part i think it works because it makes sense for her to distance herself from the courts and really do her own thing. I think she still makes the occasional appearance in court but it's much less frequent. Having big far reaching cases like smuggling and all that let's her focus on a big goal which i think is something that fits really well with how she behaves her self but in a more healthy way. Like, in aa2 she's so set on her revenge against phoenix and before that she's so set on being a perfect prosecutor like her father i just feel like if she's not aiming high she'll feel lost, so stuff like what she's working on in aai is good for her because her new goals have like. a solid path that she can work down and are attainable. if that makes sense? i don't see franziska ever working on one off cases any more unless they somehow matter to her emotionally.
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torishasupremacy · 3 years
langworth/dadworth au!!
basically lang and edgeworth are kay’s assigned divorced dads that slowly fall in love: the au. which I'm tagging as Kay’s Kin. spoilers for aa1-3 and aai1, tw for mentions of suicide and canon-typical violence. under the cut because this got LONG
okay, so after the events of aai1-4, the flashback case, edgeworth has a weird sense of deja vu as kay’s father was murdered in the courtroom, and now she doesn’t have anyone. so he decides to adopt this child, despite the fact that he knows nothing about children and is a complete pushover in regards to his 13 y/o sister
so he goes to detective badd, who has temporary custody over kay until he finds her more permanent guardians, and tells him that he wants to adopt her. badd is like “no way kid” until edgeworth unintentionally goes on a monologue about how kay’s situation reminds him of his own and badd is like okay, fine. but also this other guy wants to adopt her so you’re gonna have to figure that out
that guy is none other than shi-long lang, who saw a newly orphaned kid and went, alright, wolf pack time. my kid now. 
lang and edgeworth Do Not Like one another. lang doesn’t like prosecutors, edgeworth is obnoxious, and they’re both cocky bastards. they’re fighting over who gets to adopt kay until kay, ever the child of chaos, is like “I want both of you to be my dads!!” and badd is like, sure, joint custody, that works. and lang and edgeworth, who are intent on winning this argument, not on mutual cooperation, are like “what?!?” 
so kay ends up with two dads who low-key hate each other but have to work together to raise her, and it’s quite a childhood
she rotates between them about every month, and as lang bounces between zheng fa and japanifornia, and edgeworth occasionally has to go back to germany, she gets an unusual education experience, and a whole lot of fun traveling
lang and edgeworth try to configure their plans out together so that one of them is in japanifornia while the other one is away, but it doesn’t always work out, and that’s when kay gets to go on vacation with them
if edgeworth gets caught up in an investigation or a case or something, gumshoe becomes kay’s babysitter (if lang isn’t in town to take care of her.) if lang has to rush away to a crime scene or go on an overseas investigation he leaves kay in the care of his trusted men. he tried to ask shih-na once to watch her but she was like “no I hate children” so he dropped it. after he finds out shih-na’s true identity he’s like holy shit im glad I never made her babysit kay
surprisingly, lang is the strict dad who takes kay on all these wacky adventures while edgeworth is the pushover dad who has the more boring job/life (in kay’s eyes, as she doesn’t really see his murder investigations and court cases, mostly paperwork). edgeworth is able to put his foot down when needed, he’s just afraid of becoming manfred von karma, though he doesn’t realize it
speaking of manfred... edgeworth knows he wouldn’t approve of adopting kay, so he kind of hides kay’s existence from him. kay goes along with it because manfred is a scary motherfucker and she doesn’t want to see him. edgeworth is conflicted as to whether he should tell franziska about what’s going on, but he ends up telling her a bit of a lie, that it was gumshoe who adopted her and that he watches her for him sometimes. gumshoe and kay go along with it when needed, and kay gains some excellent improv skills
okay, so edgeworth has his first real case against mia fey, and it freaks him out. he comes home and kay can tell something is off but he won’t really talk about it. she assumes he’s upset because he lost and she tells him he’s still a great guy no matter what the outcome of a trial is, which really sticks with edgeworth. they end up eating takeout and watching the steel samurai together that night, which edgeworth is like “you’re a kid we should watch a good kids show. for your sake, obviously” whereas kay enjoys the steel samurai but quickly realizes that edgeworth really likes it too
they eat a lot of takeout… mostly because edgeworth doesn’t have the time to cook and he’s not gonna make kay do it. actually, edgeworth has a hard time remembering to take care of himself  food-wise, it’s just not something that naturally occurs to him, so kay kind of becomes his reminder. she’ll come into the kitchen and be like “what’s for breakfast?” and he’ll be like “tea?” she’ll go “tea is NOT a meal” and he’s like “it isn’t??” and then they’ll actually eat something
he and lang start tolerating each other more to take care of kay, especially when she wants to do “family things” with both of them. they’ll take her to the zoo and get mistaken as a couple and edgeworth doesn’t even realize it but lang is already denying it. edgeworth is horribly oblivious and never notices and by the time he turns to lang and goes “wait… did they think we were a couple?” lang had given up denying it months ago. their whole dynamic makes for some interesting parent-teacher conferences
lana skye once had some kind of emergency come up and dropped off ema with gumshoe, who was looking after kay, and when lana asked who kay was, gumshoe was like, “prosecutor edgeworth’s daughter sir!” and lana had a bit of an aneurysm trying to figure out how the ages worked there until gumshoe mentioned that kay was adopted. she later brought it up with edgeworth as kay and ema became really good friends after that, and suddenly lana and edgeworth find themselves driving their sister/daughter over to each other’s houses to hang out, which is weird for them, but the girls love it, and they get to know each other a bit better
edgeworth is still, you know, the demon prosecutor, but with kay as his daughter, he’s slightly emotionally softer than he is in AA1 canon. kay is someone he can be a bit weird and vulnerable around, and she’s his only non-von karma (non karma, ayyy wordplay) family. after he loses his first case to phoenix, he’s very freaked out, and kay is determined to help him. she’s like ~14 at this point, and after doing some digging (mostly talking to gumshoe) she learns about how some rookie lawyer defeated her dad. then edgeworth has to prosecute THE steel samurai (will powersssss) and shes like, oh no, I gotta see whats going on here. 
edgeworth won’t let her investigate crime scenes or attend more gory cases because he doesn’t want it to traumatize her, so she sneaks into the court gallery with gumshoe’s help, and watches the trials. she doesn’t like how this phoenix guy keeps rebutting her dad’s points, but then she realizes that he’s making good points of his own, and that her dad is kind of being an asshole. she briefly wonders if lang had been right about how awful prosecutors are, but after edgeworth gives phoenix another chance to have dee vasquez testify, she realizes that there are a lot of nuances to how things play out in court. with how distracted and angry her dad acts after the case, she thinks that he’s having a hard time figuring that out himself
the night edgeworth gets arrested for murder, he tells kay he has to go to a late night investigation and that he’ll be back soon. she waits up for him until she gets a call from detective gumshoe that he’s been arrested for murder. kay makes her way to the detention center in the very early morning, and tries to talk to her dad, but he’s unresponsive. gumshoe tells her that lang needs a couple more days to finish up an investigation in zheng fa and then he can fly in to take care of kay, and that gumshoe will do so until lang gets here. kay sees all the adults as having given up already, so she goes to the wright and co law offices and DEMANDS they defend edgeworth. phoenix and maya are shocked by edgeworth’s arrest as well as his daughter’s existence, but they immediately take the case, and kay helps them out with the investigation. edgeworth had never told her about the dl-6 incident, it being painful for him to talk about, and he was afraid it would remind her of her own father’s death. so when kay learns about it she realizes that all those times edgeworth helped her grieve her first father’s death, he knew how to help because he’d gone through something very similar. 
phoenix and maya learn about how kay became edgeworth’s daughter, and kay connects with edgeworth on their shared connection. edgeworth tells kay not to make herself a target for von karma, so phoenix and maya have her sit in the audience for the trial. due to her ~evasion tactics~ she avoids being tased by von karma, but she beats herself up for not being able to steal any evidence away from him, as she’s supposed to be the yatagarasu. because she has other father figures to look up to, she has less of an obsession with becoming a great thief, but she still considers it a part of her identity
she’s shocked when edgeworth confesses to killing his father, and then angry that he would do such a thing to further increase his chances at a guilty verdict when he had just been pronounced innocent. when they have a recess and phoenix and maya are trying to figure out the case, kay is talking to edgeworth who is in a bad place, and she’s very betrayed, like, “why would you say that you were gonna walk away free? and now I’m fearing for your life again wtf dad” and he’s all “kay I needed to tell the truth,,, you don’t deserve a murderer for a father,,” and kay is like “ID RATHER HAVE A MURDERER FOR A FATHER THAN NO FATHER AT ALL” and edgeworth is like “you have lang, he’ll take care of you” and kay is like “??? bitch you are also my dad?? I dont want you to get the death penalty ” and maya and phoenix are just sitting there like :|
basically it’s a real low point in their father/daughter relationship. the case gets solved, and kay is obviously happy, but she’s still upset about how willing edgeworth was to accept his fate. edgeworth, for his part, is in a fucking daze, that poor man’s world has been turned upside down, and he’s just kind of in a fog. that man needs to go to therapy and to stop repressing his emotions but he is not doing either of those things. shi-long “there is no such thing as an innocent person” lang is hella sus of him and does NOT want him around their daughter. edgeworth is too emotionally distressed to fight back against this, and though kay does initially, she sees that edgeworth isn’t even really on her side, so she gives up
she’s with lang for the events of 1-5 which further fuck up edgeworth. the floor is just torn out from under his feet to the point where he’s very close to committing suicide, but stops at the last moment, not for himself, but because kay is already upset with him and he doesn’t want to do that to her. it’s a bit of an epiphany- he needs to learn how to be a better prosecutor, which will make him a better person, which will make him a better dad, which is what kay needs. however, he’s already left the note on his desk. so he calls gumshoe and is like “im going to europe to learn shit, I need you to be my eyes and ears in japanifornia. also, ive faked my death. so you’re gonna have to deal with that. bye.”
edgeworth then calls lang and is like “hey I need to learn to become a Better Person, you’ve got kay until I figure that out” and lang is just “…alright?” and edgeworth explains to kay what’s going on right before he leaves for europe. kay is still upset but doesn’t protest and edgeworth flies away. neither of them realize he’s also faked his death until they have a confusing conversation with gumshoe. kay spends that year with lang and some weeks with gumshoe when lang has to go undercover or something, but she gets to travel a lot more than she’s used too, and lang is less about school and more about learning through hands on investigative work, so kay has a lot of fun. she calls edgeworth once in a while and can tell that something about him is different, but he was so ready to write himself off as her father that she is distant toward him.  
franziska starts prosecuting in japanifornia and learns about how kay was really edgeworth’s daughter, not gumshoe’s, which she finds a little weird as she’s only a bit older than kay, but then again she calls herself edgeworth’s older sister, so she just rolls with it. she starts playing a role in kay’s upbringing, she says it’s her duty as her aunt, but she sees kay more as a little sister that she can hang out with. and by hang out I mean teach how to use a whip and investigate and more fun stuff like that, because franziska doesn’t really have any friends, and she’s lonely. she and lang aren’t huge fans of one another but they both care about kay and they’re both a little pissed at edgeworth so they bond in a frenemy kind of way. they're a powerful duo
will powers extends three invitations to phoenix for that tv ninja thing at the hotel, and three to edgeworth, who is bummed that he’ll miss it as he’s in germany, but he sends the invites to lang so he can take kay and another person, which turns out to be franziska. they have a good time for the most part, but all the samurai stuff reminds kay about how she and edgeworth bonded over the steel samurai, and it makes her sad, so they leave early, before the murder. then franziska gets the case, and kay and lang decide to watch it. the day franziska gets shot, edgeworth is flying into los tokyo to catch a connecting flight to somewhere else, but he hears about franziska’s injury at the airport, and as he’s been keeping up with her cases, knows someone needs to prosecute in her stead. he feels like he’s not ready to go back, but he decides he has to put all that he’s learned to the test, and franziska is his family, and she’s injured, and he should be there for her. so he misses his next flight and he goes to the courtroom as the trial starts and has a dramatic entrance that has kay and lang in the gallery going “oh shit he’s back”
he doesn’t really have time to have a proper conversation with them during the case because he’s either in court or super busy investigating, but they see just how much he’s changed during the trial, and they’re impressed. after it’s over, he apologizes to kay, and says he’s ready to be the father she deserves, something she’s quite pleased about, though that doesn’t completely erase the hurt. lang holds a new respect for him, and as edgeworth is not as on edge as he usually was, he’s able to be a bit more amicable with lang. though they still have their fair share of arguments, because let’s face it, those two would argue about the most mundane things, there’s less of a bite and more an equal rapper between the two. they start to see their role as parenting kay not as “him and me”, but as “us”, which helps stabilize kay’s upbringing. 
edgeworth decides not to overload himself with cases as he did pre-dl6 resolution and spends more time with kay. he and lang get to know/understand each other a bit more, and he spends more time with franziska, helping her with her own struggle. the siblings gets called away to germany to deal with manfred’s will, as he’s finally been executed, until edgeworth gets the call about phoenix being in the hospital (bridge to the turnabout) and they go back to japanifornia, where lang is looking after kay. edgeworth tells gumshoe the plan to act as a defense attorney against franziska, and gumshoe immediately calls lang and is like “you and kay are gonna want to see this”
the trial happens and it’s weird af, and edgeworth spends the other trial days in the gallery with lang and kay, and it’s strangely a family bonding moment. by this point, kay and edgeworth’s relationship is much more stable, and lang and edgeworth are friendly with one another. they go on with their lives, until one day, edgeworth is returning from europe on a plane when the events of turnabout airlines happen. in her own prosecution quest, franziska has been spending more time with lang and interpol, trying to figure out if that’s how she wants her career path to go, which is why she and lang are investigating the smuggling ring. 
turnabout airlines concludes, edgeworth gets home, only to be thrown into the mess of the kidnapped turnabout. he’s just trying to help out ernest amano but then he’s getting concussed by the blue badger and tied up. lang is already investigating at the park, and is showing kay the ropes. edgeworth had been so wrapped up in his previous investigation that he didn’t tell them he’d be at the park, and he didn’t know they’d be investigating there. lang gets pulled into something kay finds boring, so she goes off to explore, and ends up finding where edgeworth was tied up. they can’t communicate with lang so they figure their way out of there until they run into lang who’s very surprised to see edgeworth, and vice versa. they investigate, and butt heads, but they solve the murder together!! just with lots of arguing. along the way, they run into ema, who kay has a bit of a crush on, and it shows. lang is like “oh dang she’s in love” and edgeworth who is horribly oblivious is just ???
also, wendy oldbag shows up (*prozd voice* “THAT HORRIBLE WOMAN”) and edgeworth is having a bad time which lang finds funny until he sees just how irritated edgeworth is, and he’s starting to be annoyed by oldbag (and is feeling… weirdly jealous???) so he plays into the thing where he and edgeworth get mistaken for a couple, and edgeworth isn’t quite sure what he’s doing, but it seems to be driving oldbag away, so he goes along with it. ema bears witness to this, and assumes they’ve gotten together for real, so she’s like “about time! I thought you guys liked each other for ages” and goes on like this and kay is losing it and edgeworth is confused, lang knows what’s going on but decides not to correct her. 
at the end of the case edgeworth starts swaying and lang is like “you good?” and edgeworth is like “I might have a concussion, that strike from the blue badge did draw blood” and lang is like “WHAT” and pushes back edgeworth’s bangs to reveal, you guessed it, blood. edgeworth just kind of falls over, but he’s still conscious, so lang takes him home to rest while he frantically googles how to take care of a mild concussion (edgeworth hates hospitals due to waking up in one and being told that his dad was dead as a child, so lang has to be the one to take kay to doctor appointments. lang knows edgeworth will refuse to have a doctor examine him unless it’s dire)
turnabout visitor time!! edgeworth goes to his office after a quick nap (lang keeps insisting he stays in bed but edgeworth just wants to pick up some case files, it’s fine, what’s the worst that could happen?) and then boom, he has to deal with murder. once that’s done, he just kind of collapses onto his couch until kay runs in with tickets to the steel samurai stage show. apparently lang is gonna be investigating the embassy the night of the show and he got tickets for the two because he knows they like the steel samurai. edgeworth isn’t feeling good but he’s still not great at taking care of himself and he does want to take kay to the play, so they go to see it. the events ensue similarly to how they did in game, except franziska was in on lang suspecting her as bait for the real killer as they are pals and working together, and callisto yew is the main villain because it’s what she deserves. edgeworth and lang are VERY protective of kay during this, and worried for her, so when callisto pulls a gun on kay edgeworth immediately steps in front of it like no way in hell are you shooting my daughter. then callisto tries to shoot him and lang, who had started falling for edgeworth during the kidnapping case, pushes him out of the way and takes a bullet to the shoulder
callisto is apprehended and lang gets taken to the hospital with kay and, surprisingly, edgeworth in tow, as he decided to brave the hospital for lang because he cares about him (aww) and also because he feels he owes it to lang for protecting him from that bullet, and also he really needs to get his concussion checked out, because he’s been ignoring how bad he feels and now that the cases are over he is Not Doing Well. lang has a bit of a crisis like “shih-na was my secretary for years but she was destroying my country so that was kind of my fault??” and edgeworth helps him with the lessons he learned after being messed with by manfred and gant. and it’s really emotional bonding for them!! he actually trusts lang enough to tell him about how he was so distraught that he almost killed himself, and lang says that he wishes he’d helped edgeworth back then. edgeworth said they weren’t in a place where they could do that for each other, but he did help him, by taking care of kay while edgeworth searched for answers
by this point, lang is like, dammit, I think I like this guy. he insists on doing more “family” stuff and kay is thrilled! edgeworth has a good time because he enjoys lang’s sharp mind more when they’re friends. they work on more investigations together and get really good and finding the true culprit. then edgeworth prosecutes callisto yew and lang is just *heart eyes*. he and edgeworth get dinner just the two of them after that, and edgeworth starts falling for lang. cue pining.
anybody who wants to hear more is gonna have to wait until I play aai2, because I have some great hurt/comfort plots for post-aai2 but I dont actually know anything ab aai2 except vague spoilers and that its the only other game where lang/edgeworth interact. also sorry if I butchered any aa info, ive only watched playthroughs of aa1 and aai1, and the anime for aa2 and aa3. tbh the only game ive played through myself is aa4,, which has no edgeworth appearances in it,, yeah.
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monimolimnion · 3 years
20 first lines tag
tagged by my beloved writing buddy @clarionglass thanks bb!!
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line. Then tag 10 other authors!
1. yarrow (unreleased) uh oh spoilers this is an unreleased franmaya fic from just this week. writing is going well, so it should be up Soon™
“Maya Fey is dreaming.”
2. look through you post-AAI1 fic i wrote last month!
“It’s way, way too late, and all is quiet.”
3. Kindred the big kahuna. My longform fic about Miles Edgeworth adopting a dog and all the shenengains therein (also narumitsu). I swear I’m coming back to you Pess... soon... T-T
“Phoenix. I’ve adopted a dog.”
4. sandglass (handle with care) a narumitsu fic where i burdened miles edgeworth with all my touch-starvation
“2:49 A.M. Miles knows the time precisely because he is awake, unfortunately, and staring at the alarm clock, situated just so on the bedside table because Phoenix still refuses to purchase a phone made in this century with a working alarm system.”
(i know that’s two lines sue me)
5. Miles Away baby’s first AA fic! i’m still so very fond of this one
“Phoenix can’t sleep.”
6. Tales of Dŵrwedd It’s a novel, baybee! This here is the book I wrote about my Witcher OC, Wynne, and how she met her later girlfriend Aurelie. 66k words. Writing this baby got me through quarantine and then some
“Ah, Novigrad. Sunset has the city all in silhouette, vivid orange and pink throwing the city into dramatic shadows, as I cluck to the grey mare beneath me and we pass underneath Oxenfurt Gate, turning north towards Temple Isle.”
7. Featherlight long-abandoned game grumps orchestra!AU
“When people complimented the beauty of a musician, it was always about their grace and poise, how they made something infinitely complex look as effortless and serene as a swan ghosting across water.”
8. Go Slow the first and last time i ever wrote smut. 
“It all started the day Arin broke the internet.”
9. hit me with your rhythm stick just a GG drabble because i liked the song
“It’s Between Grumps, and they’ve eaten just slightly more sugar than is healthy. “
10. Stay another GG drabble
“It’s the shaking he notices first.”
11. Undertow first fic I ever published! GG soulmate AU
“Sometimes he catches himself admiring the way the tattoos intermingle on her shoulder, the mandala fading as it curves around the the familiar little pattern of bubbles that hide in the crook of her scarab's wing.”
That’s it for fic stuff. How about we do first lines of games I’ve released next?
12. When Aster Falls rohan and aster my beloveds
"Listen, you’re never going to believe any of this, but hear me out, okay?"
13. Were|House we released this last year for Halloween!! ft a stellar crew of amazing peeps including @clarionglass who tagged me in this in the first place lol
"I bet Halloween this year is gonna suck."
14. DemiDato: Monster Dating Show (Demo) Full game isn’t out yet, and was also co-written with two amazing friends anyway, so here’s the first line of the demo instead. leaving in the funky renpy code for authenticity
"Are we live? {w} We’re live? {w} Okay!"
Okay I’m out of stuff without going back into old roleplay and nobody needs to see that (remember circus!AU, clari?). I don’t really have a lot of WIPs because of How My Brain Is (and those that actually are abandoned are mostly brainstorming only).
Any patterns? I used to struggle a LOT with coming up with good first lines, and I notice as I’ve gotten older I’ve leaned hard into short, snappy, very in-media-res-y openings, instead of longer sentences. That, or dialogue, which works the same. Do I like it? Dunno, honestly, but that’s where I’m at.
Picking yarrow as my favourite opener even though it’s tied-shortest because it’s the newest shiniest baby, and the scene it leads into is killer and i’m very proud of it
Tags! gonna tag @pringlesaremydivision, all the discord gremlins who i know actually write things @spaghettiandpeas @daddywright @rainphee (and all the other gremlins if they want)
aand anyone else who sees this consider yourself tagged by me, if you want!
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voldesimsx · 4 years
get to know me tag
I was tagged by @peachiiesims! Thanks for the tag! Haven’t done one of these in a while, lmao. Forewarning: I’m pretty boring and indesisive. 
1. Dogs or Cats? I love cats, but I’m allergic so I’ve only ever had dogs. So, dogs! But I like the idea of both equally. 
2. YouTube celebrities or normal celebrities? Youtube, I guess? I’m not a big celebrity person but I guess I care more about how Dan and Phil are doing than like, Katy Perry or something. But like, if by youtube celebrities you mean like, idk James Charles or something then they’re honestly rated the same as regular celebrities in that I couldn’t care less about them or their personal lives. 
3. If you could live anywhere where would that be? A beach house somewhere with good weather and warm waters. So, Hawaii I guess? But I’ve never been so I can’t say for sure if I’d want to live there, esp with how expensive and tourist filled it is. 
4. Disney or DreamWorks? Disney, bc I grew up on those movies and watching the disney channel and going to disneyland. 
5. Favorite childhood TV show? As a little little baby kid, Blues Clues. Then Powerpuff Girls, Kim Possible, and ATLA as I got progressively older. 
6. The movie you’re looking forward to most in 2020? I honestly didn’t remember what movies were coming out in 2020, and had to look it up lmao. Uh, the Harley Quinn movie looks fun and my fingers are crossed that they won’t ruin Artemis Fowl, but my hopes aren’t high.  
7. Favorite book you read in 2019? Didn’t get to read many books, mostly fanfic, so I guess my re-read of Good Omens. 
8. Marvel or DC? I prefer marvel movies to DC, but prefer DC characters and comics. 
9. If you choose Marvel favorite member of the X-Men? If you choose DC favorite Justice League member? Nightcrawler and Batman, respectively. 
10. Night or Day? Both? I love certain aspects of each too much, and when I see more of one than the other I either get sad or less productive, lol. So I gotta have both in balance. In terms of Aesthetic(tm) though, night. Both for the starry sky and the hazy soft glow of the moon just barely making dark trees and unlit houses visible, and for the bright neon lights that illuminate the streets and set cities aglow with life and color. 
11. Favorite Pokémon? Absol! Though I have a soft spot for most Dark and Ghost types like the former wanna-be emo I was. Also Snivy, who was my first ever starter bc I got into the games later than the anime, lol. 
12. Top 5 bands: I’m not a huge band person, I mostly just pick out like, what songs I like. Fall Out Boy is probably my favorite, though? But I can’t really like, pick anything after that. A lot of pop punk and clasic rock bands.  
13. Top 10 books: Uh, Harry Potter Series, The Bartimaeus Sequence, The Complete works of Sherlock Holmes, Watership Down, Discworld series, Gemma Doyle Trilogy. And a lot more. But I haven’t read many books in a while, it’s been mostly fanfic so a lot of the books I love are from highschool or my childhood, lol. 
14. Top 4 movies: Uhhhhh, Inception, Gaurdians of the Galaxy, Howls Moving Castle, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. 
15. America or Europe? America, but I’ve never been to Europe so I guess I can’t say for sure. I like the weather where I live, real lemonade, and weather in Fahrenheit rather than Celsius, lmao.  
16. Tumblr or Twitter? Tumblr. I understand it better and I like how versatile it is. 
17. Pro-choice or Pro-life?  Pro-choice, but I don’t really want to get into politics on my fun sims account bc I like to keep things separate and real life is where I put my political ideas and discussion, not here.  . 
18. Favorite YouTuber: Uhhh, idk, I love watching a lot of different people, but  I guess Prozd? His skits are funny, he makes good board game reviews, and I love his lets’s play channel he runs with his friend Mankey and especially their Ace Attorney series. They just started AAI1 a bit ago and I’m so hyped for it!  
19. Favorite author? I know she’s been kinda annoying lately and idk how I feel about her right now, but JK Rowling literally shaped who I am as a person. Harry Potter has had such a strong impact on my life. And will always be my favorite book series. 
20. Tea or coffee? I don’t really like either, but I guess I’ve had more (incredibly milky) coffee in my life. Unless iced tea counts. 
21. OTP? I read fic more for plot than romance, but I guess the most major ships I care about that I’ve read in my life, in no particular order, are: Tododeku, Drarry, Zutara, Victor/Yuuri. Like, I ship a lot of things (a whole lot, lmao) but I’ve never really had a full on ‘it’s only this couple for me, no other fandom ship compares’ OTP. 
22. Do you play an instrument/sing? I like singing for fun! But never like, learned how to do it properly outside of a bit of musical theater as a kid. I tried learning the clarinet but wasn’t having fun. I would love to try and learn the piano again, someday, though! 
I tag, uhh, @simmancy @anastacialove @simbience @pixlmonster if you want to do this, do it! If not, then don’t though, lmao. Or if you’ve already done it. And any of my other followers who want to, consider yourself tagged and do this! 
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traitorsinsalem · 4 years
hello! i was wondering, if you wouldn’t mind explaining, how is it that phoenix makes edgeworth relive his trauma? thanks!
here's a step-by-step guide to seeing for yourself because i'm too tired to write out an essay which delves into phoenix's necessary role as a flawed protagonist (which we see most clearly in justice for all) and how writers who are Not Takumi (even the aai1+2 writers) have warped phoenix's role in-game.
step 1: play through farewell my turnabout.
step 2: pay attention to how edgeworth treats andrews on the stand. everyone has a unanimous understanding that It Was Bad
step 3: step 4: wonder why the last case of the second ace attorney game, which shows phoenix's flaws more clearly than any other game (including aj), has edgeworth do something like that.
step 4: play through turnabout goodbyes.
step 5: think about what just occured and consider where you've seen an abridged telling of it before.
step 6: pretend your writing teacher asked you to explain how phoenix wright makes miles edgeworth relive his trauma throughout the ace attorney trilogy.
(step 7, optional: play through trials and tribulations. everything's scattered and less obvious there, but i'd use some points from memories and bridge in that essay.)
step 8: write a response to this ask all by yourself. congratulations. You've Saved Me A Great Deal Of Needless Hassle.
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aceattorneymeta · 7 years
Why Ace Attorney has lost its potency
this blog isn’t done or open yet but i was talking to a friend about this a bit ago and i felt like i finally put together some thoughts i’d had floating around for a while so i just wanted to jot them down here :0
and i know that title sounds clickbaitey but i honestly, truely believe the series has. Ace attorney started off as the passion project of top tier writer shu takumi and his team of seven other people. it was a game project used to train new staff, and they weren’t given a lot of time to make a game as amazing as ace attorney is. But they did! And i firmly believe the reason they could was becuase it was grounded in three things things: strong characters, clever mysteries, and most importantly: social commentary.
If you aren’t a huge ace attorney obsessor like I am, or you just don’t know a lot about law in Japan, let me give you a basic rundown of what I picked up while doing research on the series. In Ace Attorney, Phoenix Wright is the perfect prosecution’s punching bag. obviously, this is for comedic effect, no prosecutors in Japan bring whips or hurl coffee in court. But in Japan, especially at the time when Ace Attorney one was in development, Prosecutors ruled the court. It was expected that prosecutors not loose cases. It was expected that your client go to prison, as a Defense attorney. Prosecutors were infamous for forging evidence and forcing confessions, even leading testimony was common practice, and it even sometimes had a blind eye turned to it. So that’s what ace attorney was- a big, cartooney exaggeration of a very real problem in japan at the time. Phoenix is the defense attorney who cannot win, edgeworth and franziska are the “anything for a guilty verdict” prosecutors, adn the judge is the blind eye of the japanese justice system- a justice system that did not have a jurry in it until 2009.
So why is this gone? Ace Attorney one has overarching themes of the innocent deserve help, as well as biting critical commentary of Japan’s legal system at the time, the villinization of the prosecutor (something completely reverse from most american courtroom dramas, where the defense attorney is portrayed as evil) the innocent, hard working down on his luck defense attorney, the desperate, sympathy garnering clients in a place that so often paints them as villians (just look at Yanni Yogi, as well as Yomiel from Ghost trick, for example on that, albeit dramatic ones) Ace Attorney two is about the conviction of people who are ultimatly good- once again making sympathy where there often is none (i feel bad for ini, don’t you?) and then turning that on its nose with the scum bag client. AA2 was about how we understand innocence and how we need to look past it to create a good legal system. Finally, AA3 is about prosecution and defense working together to fix things- like takumi believes a courtroom should work. We see this carried over into apollo justice, which also has a more likeable prosectuion who actually cares about getting the correct verdict, it shows a step in the right direction, ESPECIALLY with takumi’s push for the jury system in this game (Apollo Justice was made in 2007, just two years before jury was reinstated in japan. clearly takumi was following this a lot)
 I’m not going to touch on AAI1 and 2 becuase i frankly dont feel like i understand their context well enough to, and I haven’t play AAI2 (plus theres no official translation that worked with the staff, and while i worship the fan translators it runs the risk of missing very subtle themes if they didnt work with the producers directly) and I’m not going to touch on DGS (completely different historical context) or PL vs AA (not as serious a game) becuase theyre in a different situation than main game ace attorney
But in Ace Attoreny 5 and 6, this is just... gone. i didnt really enjoy ace attoreny 5 just... in general, it had weird writing and stuff but on top of that? it doesn't have a cohesive theme to tie it together aside from “athena is traumatized” and we’re in the “DARK AGE OF THE LAW” which was about... fake japanifornia law and (as far as i know) was not meant to criticize any other law systems. Ace Attoreny six some how took this one step further by setting everything in fake tibet and then criticizing a law (the culpability act) that has NEVER BEEN INSTATED anywhere?? as far as i can find? certainly not in japan, and certainly not right now. it felt like a hollow imitation of 1-4′s biting social commentary (especially in 1, tbh) and it fell very flat. I had plenty of other issues with this game that I’m sure I’ll talk about too, but this post is long enough
If i’ve missed anything, espeically about real world stuff b/c my knowledge of ace attoreny is 100% better than my knowledge of law in the real world, please feel free to talk to me about it, or disagree, or set up a dialogue! This is a jumping off point and I’d love to hear other’s thoughts :)
thanks for reading!!
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