#-should do it anymore.
abbeyofcyn · 2 months
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lazylittledragon · 4 months
do any other artists feel like. yeah you're a 'good artist' because you draw things that look nice, but like. TECHNICALLY? you're really not great
i really hate that i can recognise that yes, my art is good, but is it VARIED? is it dynamic?? is my anatomy good? is it full of texture and colour theory? do i know how to do This? can i do That? no, not really. and that's quite painful actually
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kalo-pop · 5 months
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i give you more of whatever these things are. they dont like me
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corviiids · 15 days
(more persona 5 / persona 5 royal spoilers again)
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(this one has art by dotdotdotukno on twitter please view)
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compilation of specifically my obsession with ryuji and goro being terrible... friends??
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yrsonpurpose · 6 months
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fantasykiri5 · 1 month
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Day 8 of @hermitadaymay (definitely not a day late) and it’s a swimming xB! (And a bonus tiny Keralis because I missed his day)
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inkskinned · 1 year
the rise of AI art isn't surprising to us. for our entire lives, the attitude towards our skills has always been - that's not a real thing. it has been consistently, repeatedly devalued.
people treat art - all forms of it - as if it could exist by accident, by rote. they don't understand how much art is in the world. someone designed your home. someone designed the sign inside of your local grocery store. when you quote a character or line from something in media, that's a line a real person wrote.
"i could do that." sure, but you didn't. there's this joke where a plumber comes over to a house and twists a single knob. charges the guy 10k. the guy, furious, asks how the hell the bill is so high. the plumber says - "turning the knob was a dollar. the knowledge is the rest of the money."
the trouble is that nobody believes artists have knowledge. that we actively study. that we work hard, beyond doing our scales and occasionally writing a poem. the trouble is that unless you are already framed in a museum or have a book on a shelf or some kind of product, you aren't really an artist. hell, because of where i post my work, i'll never be considered a poet.
the thing that makes you an artist is choice. the thing that makes all art is choice. AI art is the fetid belief that art is instead an equation. that it must answer a specific question. Even with machine learning, AI cannot make a choice the way we can - because the choices we make have always been personal, complicated. our skills cannot be confined to "prompt and execution." what we are "solving" isn't just a system of numbers - it is how we process our entire existence. it isn't just "2 and 2 is 4", it's staring hard at the numbers and making the four into an alligator. it's rearranging the letters to say ow and it is the ugly drawing we make in the margin.
at some point, you will be able to write something by feeding my work into a machine. it will be perfectly legible and even might sound like me. but a machine doesn't understand why i do these things. it can be taught preferences, habits, statistical probability. it doesn't know why certain vowels sound good to me. it doesn't know the private rules i keep. it doesn't know how to keep evolving.
"but i want something to exist that doesn't exist yet." great. i'm glad you feel creative. go ahead and pay a fucking artist for it.
this is all saying something we all already knew. the sad fucking truth: we have to die to remind you. only when we're gone do we suddenly finally fucking mean something to you. artists are not replicable. we each genuinely have a skill, talent, and process that makes us unique. and there's actual quiet power in everything we do.
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shuaaflower · 9 months
I want to give up
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tomster1274 · 2 years
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moominsuki · 6 months
OMG also when you guys get throw into the future, you’re still wearing your hero costumes or outfits that are 10 years out of date - the mask bakugou wears is completely different now and his grenades are no longer that shade of green - and no one manufactures the shoes that you’re wearing and onlookers walking by CONSTANTLY compliment bakugou and you on your costumes.
“you must be a real fan! dynamight hasn’t worn that shade of green since his debut on the charts!”
“what did you do to get your hair so spiky and blond?! it looks exactly like dynamight’s and i’ve been cosplaying for years!”
bakugou’s eye twitches.
“hah? cosplay?! this shit is straight from my scalp-”
“lots and lots of hair gel, thank youuu!!” you practically yell, pushing bakugou away from saying anything too incriminating.
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wrathyforest · 1 year
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nollimet · 11 months
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Trying to get back into carving again after a bit of time away and remember to have fun with it.
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loverrrrrr17 · 11 months
Can we talk about how America Ferrera delivered this insanely beautiful and impactful monologue about the hardships of being a woman. One of which is the fact that women have to be accountable for men’s actions which she says herself is insane.
And yet.
Here we are. Having to explain to men that the Barbie movie is not anti-men or sexist or meant to make men hate themselves.
We have to, yet again, be accountable for what men feel, and explain that, oh no we don’t hate you! We didn’t mean to upset you! Because the whole point was lost on them.
And now instead of my dash being filled with the magnificence of Barbie and the discoveries she’s made or even just the fact that Ken starts taking control of his life, I am instead somehow subjected to discourse after discourse of people needing to break down the movie so men will stop complaining about it.
I just. Wow. Being a woman. It always comes back to this, doesn’t it. And I hate it. Because we deserve more honestly.
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deltaruminations · 5 months
what if gaster in a future chapter calls out the audience for speculating so much about him. the guy canonically has some amount of access to Real Life Social Media. like i started this mostly as a joke but there are definitely some real metanarrative opportunities for a character with recklessly curious impulses, and possibly a fragile sense of self, having nearly limitless access to streams of debate over whether or not he’s a bastard. rude to talk about someone who’s listening etc
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werepires · 1 year
Fic in which Mary tries extra hard to bond with Cas to show Dean she supports him and their relationship, except that relationship doesn’t exist in the way she thinks it does and because none of them ever use their words Dean is now faced with the horrifying thought Cas might become his stepdad
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camgoloud · 1 year
colin: i’m gay
ted, radiating youth pastor energy: you know who else played for the other team?
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