#*potentially for nobara still hoping she's out there
saeraas · 1 year
jjk 208 was ok besides the yuki treatment (which makes it as a whole a big ol' fat stinker for me), but idk... How Gege handles deaths are very telling and built up but if Yuki is dead, then this is a dramatic shift in how Gege writes those who die. Plus, Garuda is an intertwined concept of the Phoenix and just disappeared this chapter. Maybe Yuki will rise from the ashes in some way
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k-martins · 5 months
Updating mine
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They stole Jogo and Hanami's place because I got it into my head that Jogo is like the grumpy grandfather and Hanai is the vegan aunt of the curse family! I like them. I think it's a ship with a lot of potential. I need to consume more content, but I love the fanarts!!!
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This crack grew in me and now I'm suffering for them after the last chapter. In a kind universe, Higuruma and Nanami adopted Yuji and they live happily and happily!!! I think the two go together a lot and the fanfics are adorable! These Old Yaoi will be the death of me!!!!
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They've come down a little, but man I still love them!!! Even more so now because my thirst for Choso awakened and I started reading fanfics of him being a good big brother and I fell to my knees! I still want to write more and explore his relationship with Yuji. And God, YUKI IS AMAZING!!!! THEY DESERVED TO STAY TOGETHER, AKUTAMI YOU DAMN IT!!!!
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A friend on twt is feeding me higukusa art and, god, this crack (not so crack, because that "I'll protect you even if I have to die for it" from kusakabe hit me hard) has taken root in my heart! I'm also obsessed with Higuruma, so I combined the useful with the pleasant!
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THEY ARE CUTE OKAY!!!! I AM OBSESSED WITH CREATING HCS FOR THEM!!! I don't consume much of their stuff, but all the fanart I've seen is cute and their participation in the itafushi fics I read is always welcome!!! It's kind of strange to read something where they're not together…
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MY OPINION HAS NOT CHANGED, OKAY??? NOBAMAKI IS WONDERFUL AND I WOULD KILL TO HAVE MORE OF THEM!!! But since I saw Nobara's flashback I've been wondering if Fumi wouldn't be a good ship too? Does anyone have a fanfic/fanart of him, by the way??? ANYWAY, NOBAMAKI IS STILL MY FAVORITE!!!
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I'M IN LOVE WITH KIRARA!!!! SHE AND HAKARI ARE THE ONLY HEALTHY THINGS IN THIS MISERABLE MANGA!!!! I love imagining what their relationship is like, writing hcs slice to life minis and drawing Kirara! But I'm getting worried because I saw someone saying that Kirara could appear in the Hakari x Urame fight to help her boyfriend and I know what's going to happen and I don't want it to happen! GEGE GET THESE DIRTY CLAWS AWAY FROM MY BABIES!!!!
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YOU RUINED BLACK AND WHITE FOR ME, YOU DEPRESSED BITCHES!!! My friend is obsessed with them and boy can I understand! These two are tragic, with a beautiful dynamic and a happy ending(?). Plus they fucked up my Christmas Eve. I hope these two bitches are causing terror in heaven!
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If you've known me for more than a second, you'll know that I have an average of five outbreaks a day because of these two. This whole thing about always trying to save others even if it condemns them destroys me, okay??? Fanfics and fanarts also feed me! And I'm going to convince all my friends to ship this too so I can yell at 2am at them about little details of their dynamic! AND THEY MATCH SO MUCH!!! Of course, no more than our first place!!!!
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Please let the deaths stop and this become canon
Honorable mention for _ Tojikuna (more because a twt artist is obsessed with them and that rubbed off on me) _ Hainana _ Toji x Mamagumi _ Okkofushi (Yuta was Megumi's first crush and you can't get that out of my head) _ Uraume x Sukuna (one-sided) _ Yuta x Maki
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glearyyyne · 1 month
the boy is mine
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Synopsis: After your business trip, you head back to the Jujutsu High only to hear that there are newly transferred students when it hasn't been that long since Kugisaki and Itadori came. You didn't think that the new student will potentially be your rival to your boyfriend.
Word Count: 5,247
Warning: 18+ DNI, student-teacher relationship, Jealousy, possessiveness, marks, injury, tied wrists, new students.
Note: Yes you read the warning, this is a student-teacher relationship. This is like half of the smut since I'm still not confident to write it but I want to challenge myself to write smut. this story might be cringe to you though since I already find it cringe at the end T-T But I can't ditch this since I already finished making this so I hope you enjoy it!!
"Are there new transfer students again?" you asked nobara, who sat nearby, meticulously filing her nails while filling you in on the latest gossip from Jujutsu High during your brief absence on a recent business trip.
You were taken aback by the news of more transfers, considering it hadn't been long since Nobara and Yuji joined the school.
Nobara hummed in agreement as she blew on her nails, and you continued unpacking your things from your luggage. 
"What did Sensei say about the situation?" you asked slowly. 
"Oh, he's the one who introduced them to us, and, take note, he was happy while introducing them," Nobara answered. 
You stood there, holding your clothes, suddenly feeling a surge of jealousy.
"What do they look like?" you quickly asked, not noticing how Nobara smirked before she answered. 
"Oh, well, just a girl and a boy. I heard they were from Kyoto under Utahime's supervision, but I don't know the story behind why they were moved here," Nobara simply answered.
"They've already met Maki-san, Inukami-san, and Panda-senpai, so the only person they haven't met is you, a third-year student," Nobara added. 
"So, am I meeting them later?" you asked after finishing hanging your clothes in the closet and putting away the luggage.
"I don't know, they're on a mission right now. Megumi's assisting them," Nobara answered. 
"Then I guess we should head for training," you said while walking out of your room, leaving Nobara whining since you picked training instead of going shopping.
You and Nobara stopped training, catching your breath after some intense combat training. 
Just as you were about to drink water, you heard a commotion from the training room. 
The door was slightly open, revealing an annoyed Megumi before he opened it widely to let someone, or some people, through.
You were met with unfamiliar faces, their sheepish smiles suggesting a mix of nervousness and excitement. 
"Nobara, it's your time to tour them," Megumi instructed her. 
"What? Gojo-sensei specifically asked you to tour them!" Nobara argued back, leaving the two of them in a back-and-forth argument that made you sigh.
"Sorry about them, they're like oil and water," you apologized to the newcomers.
"It's fine," the girl replied with a reassuring smile.
"You two must be the newly transferred students, I suppose?" you asked, noticing their enthusiastic nods in response.
"I'm Riku Nakamura," the boy introduced with a toothy grin.
"And I'm Himari Takahashi," she introduced with a confident smile.
"Oh, and I'm—" You began to introduce yourself, but before you could finish, Himari cut you off. 
"You must be [Reader's name]?" Himari asked, leaving you confused as to how she knew your name.
"How did you know my name?" you asked her, confused.
"Oh, the pink-haired boy told us," Himari replied casually, as you mentally facepalmed. 
'Right, it had to be Yuji,' you thought to yourself. 
You glanced at Nobara and Megumi, who seemed to have calmed down as you addressed them. 
"I'll go and tour these two; you two go have some relaxation time," you said before gesturing for the new students to follow you out of the training room. 
With a nod of agreement from Nobara and Megumi, you led Riku and Himari out, ready to show them around the school.
After walking for a while and sharing some history about a particular object you three passed by, you suddenly bumped into Satoru.
"Sensei?" you asked when you noticed him.
"[Reader's name]! I thought you were still on a business trip," Satoru exclaimed, offering you a warm smile.
"Here," Satoru added, passing you a bag filled with donuts. "I got them for you," he said with a toothy grin.
"Thanks," you replied dryly, but deep down, you were truly grateful for the gesture.
Satoru's eyes then shifted to the two new students as the conversation took a turn. "How was the first mission? Was Megumi a great help?" he asked them.
You observed the exchange, particularly focusing on Himari, who seemed to be acting differently.
"Good, Fushiguro-san was a bit annoyed, but he's a great help," Riku answered, with Himari nodding along.
"Well, I guess being stubborn still sticks with him," Satoru remarked with a chuckle.
"Oh, Riku, come with me right now. I need to talk about something, regardless of your rank," Satoru told him, prompting Riku to nod before following him.
As they were about to leave, Satoru turned to you. "I'll see you later. You know where to meet me," he specifically told you.
You nodded, already aware of what was to come.
"I will, Sensei," you replied as he smiled before he and Riku left, leaving you alone with Himari.
"You seemed close with Sensei," Himari remarked after glancing at you.
"Yeah, I've been ever since I came here," you replied casually.
"Is that so?" Himari replied, her tone neutral.
You hummed as you continued walking, with Himari following closely behind. 
You couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy at the thought of Himari possibly trying to get close to Satoru. 
But deep down, you knew he was yours and yours alone.
After a long day, you made your way to where Satoru was, ensuring no one was following you since it was nearing midnight, and everyone should have been asleep by then. 
Standing at the door, you took a deep breath before softly knocking as you waited for Satoru's permission to enter.
When you heard a “come in” from satoru, you opened the door slowly, keeping your gaze on the doorway as you closed it with your body facing the door.
Lost in thought, you remained standing there, unaware of Satoru's presence behind you until he wrapped his arm around your waist and whispered in your ear, "Is something wrong or bothering you?”
You felt your body heat up quickly from the closeness, but you managed to maintain your composure. 
"Nothing," you replied softly, but Satoru wasn't convinced. 
Slowly, he dipped his head down to the exposed skin of your collarbone, leaving a trail of gentle kisses that sent shivers down your spine. 
With his free hand, he delicately tilted your jaw towards him, his touch sending electric tingles across your skin. 
His lips met yours in a sensual kiss, you felt a rush of desire wash over you, melting into the intoxicating warmth of his embrace.
Without breaking the kiss, you turned around, wrapping your arms around Satoru's neck, pulling him closer as you sought to deepen the embrace. 
Sensing your urgency, Satoru pressed you against the wall, his hands firmly gripping your waist as he intensified the kiss. 
Lost in the moment, you surrendered to the passion, feeling the heat between you two grow with each passing second.
After pulling away to catch your breath, Satoru's other hand moved up to the door, stopping right beside your head as he lowered his gaze to meet yours. 
Despite the romantic setting, you felt a sense of intimidation wash over you.
"You sure it's nothing bothering you?" he asked again, his concern evident in his eyes.
You looked at him and nodded. "Yes," you replied, trying to reassure him, even though there was a hint of uncertainty lingering within you.
Even though Satoru was wearing his blindfold, you could feel his blue eyes staring at you with doubt. 
After a moment, he sighed and pulled you into a hug.
"I missed you," he said softly. "I missed you so bad ever since you went on that business trip," he added, and you couldn't help but giggle, knowing he would sulk any moment now.
"But we video-called every night when I was away, though," you reminded him.
"Yeah, but it's much better if you're here in my presence, not on some phone," he replied, his voice tinged with longing.
"Hey," he said, making you hum in response as you continued to hug him.
"You'll tell me if anything is bothering you, right?" he asked, his voice tinged with concern.
You nodded, replying softly, "Yes, I will."
Satoru let out a deep chuckle. "Good," he said reassuringly.
Feeling like you shouldn't dwell on thoughts of Himari, you decided to let things go, focusing instead on the warmth of Satoru's embrace.
As you reflected on the past week, you couldn't help but feel a twinge of regret about your earlier reassurances. 
Himari has been getting on your nerves lately.
Recalling how she constantly eyed the door from the training area while she was training with Maki, you remembered how you had been there, waiting to train with Maki after she finished with Himari. 
Her eyes kept darting towards the door, anticipating Satoru's arrival with his usual sweets to interrupt the training session. 
You couldn't help but feel a twitch of annoyance when you noticed how her eyes would light up upon seeing Satoru.
During one time when Satoru once again disrupted the training session and distributed his usual sweets to everyone, you were the only one who received strawberry mochi. 
It was impossible for anyone not to notice, and they all seemed to understand why you were the only one with a different treat. 
However, Himari, being the curious cat she was, approached you after the training session to inquire about it.
As you were gathering the used weapons, Himari struck up a conversation, catching you off guard. "Do Sensei usually do that?" she asked, referring to the different sweets he gave you.
"About what?" you replied, feigning ignorance.
"The, uhm, giving you a different sweet?" she clarified.
You paused for a moment, considering your response. 
Despite your irritation towards her, you decided to entertain the conversation. 
"He knew I'm allergic to those, that's why he got me strawberry mochi. That's how considerate our Sensei is," you explained.
She simply responded with an "oh" before returning to help you clean the training room.
You suddenly wanted to whack yourself for not telling the truth, especially after an incident in the classroom. You were busy taking notes when the first-years came to accompany you. 
Despite their innocent intentions, you couldn't shake the feeling that they were up to something, especially with Himari present and Riku nowhere to be found.
As you were engrossed in your notes, Nobara approached your table with a smirk on her face. 
"Oh, [Reader's name], could you please pass this to Sensei?" she asked, handing you a paper. 
Muttering a sure, you reached out to take the paper when suddenly someone else grabbed it, causing you to flinch. You looked to see Himari holding the paper.
"I'll do it, [Reader's name] is busy with notes, so instead of making her do more work, I'll do it. You don't mind, right?" Himari explained before turning to you, awaiting your reply.
Your blood boiled as you clenched your fists, trying to calm yourself down. 
"No, I'll do it, Himari. Besides, I had something to pass to Sensei—" You started to stand up, reaching for the paper, but Himari pulled it away.
"Oh no, really, you stay here and finish your notes. I'll pass this to Sensei," she insisted before swiftly leaving the classroom.
Frustrated, you grabbed the crumpled paper you had tossed aside, tightening your grip on it as Nobara tried to suppress her laughter at the situation she had just witnessed.
You quickly glanced at Nobara, who abruptly closed her mouth and averted her gaze. 
"Nobara, as much as I hate to point fingers, what was that?" you asked her, frustration evident in your tone.
"What's what?" she replied innocently, pretending to be oblivious.
"What Himari did!" you finally snapped.
"She's trying to make you jealous," Megumi interjected.
"Fushiguro!" Nobara exclaimed, clearly annoyed by Megumi's interference.
"It's better to speak up than to let things escalate," Megumi calmly countered.
"I think your idea is a bad one, Kugisaki," Yuji chimed in.
"Oh, please, I just want her," Nobara said, pointing at you, "to realize that Himari could be her potential rival for Sensei's attention!" Nobara explained, her determination shining through.
"Just admit you're there for the dr—" Before Megumi could finish his sentence, Yuji quickly chimed in, "Oh well! I think it's best if you continue doing notes," he said, with a nervous laugh.
You stared at the three of them suspiciously. "Look, I'll do whatever I have to do to her since Sensei's my business now," you told them firmly.
They already knew about you and Satoru being in a relationship. Yuji and Nobara had accidentally seen Satoru's contacts, noticing the name he had saved yours under. 
Megumi had been aware of it even before he joined the first year.
All they could do was sigh in response, muttering okay before returning to their tasks. 
You did the same, focusing on your notes, but your mind was preoccupied with thoughts of what to do about Himari. 
As you sat there, pen in hand, you couldn't shake the feeling that something needed to be done about her meddling behavior.
You had asked Riku to accompany you to the storage room to retrieve some boxes. 
"You take this one while I take those on the side," you instructed him. 
He nodded in understanding and went to lift the designated box, while you grabbed another.
As you both left the storage room and headed downstairs toward the classroom, Riku spoke up. "[Reader's name]," he began.
"Yes?" you replied, curious about what he was going to say.
"Are you and Sensei, like, closer than everyone else here?" he asked, his tone tinged with curiosity.
You felt a twinge of surprise at his question. 
How did he already know that when even Himari seemed oblivious? 
"I guess you could say that," you replied cautiously, your grip tightening around the box as you continued on your way.
"Why do you think so?" you asked him, intrigued by his observation.
"Well, every time he accompanied me on a mission, he always made sure to bring some sweets on our way back. He'd stare at the display of sweets and mutter something like, 'What does she want, hmm?' I just thought since you got the strawberry mochi last time, I guessed he was talking about you. Am I wrong?" Riku explained, his tone thoughtful.
You were surprised at how observant he was, especially since he often seemed quiet during training sessions. 
"I see, you're quite observant," you told him, offering a compliment that seemed to make Riku giggle, pleased with himself.
You and Riku were so engrossed in conversation that you didn't notice the staircase ahead. 
The box you were carrying blocked your view; before you knew it, you were stepping into thin air. 
Panic surged through you as you began to fall, instinctively calling out Riku's name.
Riku reacted just in time, shoving the box away and reaching out to grab your arm. 
Despite his efforts, both of you tumbled down the stairs, and you ended up landing on top of him, your body pressing against his chest as you both lay sprawled on the ground.
You began to panic, attempting to stand up but failing as intense pain shot through your ankle, causing you to whine in agony. 
"[Reader's name]! I-I—" Riku stuttered, clearly flustered by the situation.
Suddenly, someone wrapped their arms around your waist, helping you stand and pulling you into a comforting hug. 
"What happened?" a concerned voice asked, and you recognized it as Satoru's.
"S-Sen—ow," you tried to explain to Satoru, but before you could finish, you fell back into his chest again, letting out a yelp of pain.
Satoru's voice was filled with concern as he spoke to you, his arms still wrapped around you protectively. "Are you alright? What happened?" he asked, his tone worried.
As he glanced over at Riku, there was a subtle hint of jealousy in his eyes, evident to anyone who knew him well. 
However, he quickly masked it with a reassuring smile, his focus returning to you as he waited for your response, ready to offer his support and assistance.
"All you could muster was, "Hurts... so bad," as you told him about the pain. Satoru let out a sigh of concern, gently lifting you into a princess-style carry.
As he carried you, his gaze flickered over to Riku, a warning look in his eyes that seemed to say, 'If I were you, I would stay away from her.' 
With that silent message conveyed, Satoru hurried you to Shoko's clinic, determined to get you the care you needed.
After Shoko treated your ankle, you found that you could walk just fine again.
However, Satoru still insisted on carrying you like a princess back to your dorm.
"Sen—Satoru, I can walk," you reminded him gently as he lifted you, navigating the stairs.
"I can't help but think you're dangerous to the stairs, baby," Satoru replied with a smirk, refusing to give up his hold on you.
"Oh, come on, I fell because the box was blocking my view," you explained, feeling a hint of frustration.
"But that still doesn't help me with my jealousy," Satoru said playfully as he reached your door and finally let you down.
You sat down at the edge of your bed, letting out a sigh, while Satoru stood nearby, silently observing you. 
He walked up in front of you, his presence commanding attention, and took off his blindfold, placing it on your nightstand. 
Looking up at him, you noticed the intensity in his gaze, like that of a predator sizing up its prey. 
"What?" you asked, curious about the purpose behind his scrutinizing stare.
He didn't give a response; instead, he leaned down and captured your lips in a passionate kiss. 
You responded eagerly, your heart racing as Satoru gently pushed you onto the bed, never breaking the kiss.
He hovered over you, it became clear that his actions were fueled by the jealousy he felt earlier, a desire to declare his claim over you.
Satoru's hand caressed your waist, his touch sending shivers down your spine as he played with the hem of your uniform. 
Pulling away slightly, he took a deep breath, his eyes locked with yours.
“I love you” he spoke with affection showing in his eyes. You suddenly felt soft as you replied. “I love you too,” you told him with a soft smile.
He smiled and suddenly you forgot about Himari, the cause of your jealousy.
A few days later, Satoru organized a training session for everyone, emphasizing that attendance was mandatory.
Fortunately, you hadn't been assigned to a mission yet, so you were able to attend. 
Arriving at the training room in your usual workout attire, you found everyone already engaged in warm-ups.
Satoru stood at the front, observing everyone's movements with his usual keen eye, despite the blindfold. 
When he noticed your presence, his smile brightened, and he waved in your direction. 
Even though his eyes were hidden, you could sense the warmth in his gaze as it landed on you.
Satoru's clap echoed through the training room, effectively capturing everyone's attention. 
"Now that everyone's here, we should start our training," he announced, his voice projecting clearly.
As the group gathered in front of him, forming a line from left to right, Satoru contemplated his next instruction. 
"I'm thinking we should do pairing," he suggested, his tone thoughtful as he considered the most effective way to structure the training session.
"But then again, since y'all are not an even number, someone will be without a partner. I'll be their partner then," Satoru generously suggested.
The pairs were quickly formed: Maki with Panda, Inumaki with Megumi, and Nobara with Itadori. 
However, this left you, Riku, and Himari without partners, as Satoru had predicted.
You were about to head over to Satoru, knowing he was your usual training partner when someone grabbed your wrist. Startled, you turned to see Riku standing there.
"[Reader's name], be my partner," he said, surprising you with his request.
"Uh, but—" you began, unsure how to respond, when Himari interjected.
"Looks like I don't have a partner, Sensei," she said, her tone sweet as she batted her eyes at Satoru, clearly vying for his attention.
“Well, I guess I don't have much choice," Satoru replied nonchalantly, leaving you staring at him with frustration. 
It felt as if he were doing this on purpose, purposely pairing you with Riku instead of himself.
You and Riku moved to a spot not too far from where Satoru and Himari were standing. As you began cleaning your weapon, Riku spoke up. "I'm sorry," he started.
"About what?" you asked, looking up at him.
"That I stole you from Sensei to be my partner in training," he explained apologetically.
You sighed, feeling conflicted. "Well, I couldn't do much since it happened already," you told him, trying to brush it off.
"But really, I was just forced by Himari when Sensei said that we're doing a pairing," Riku revealed, causing you to freeze as you stared at him in disbelief. 
"What?" you asked, taken aback by his confession.
"The truth is, Himari actually knew you two were together. She just can't accept that uh, you got the strongest sorcerer?" Riku explained, his words catching you off guard.
"What?" you said again, incredulous at what you were hearing.
"Her words, not mine," Riku added, emphasizing that it was Himari's perspective and not necessarily his own.
"I don't know why, but I know it had to do with her clan. It was supposed to be only me who transferred here, as I was recommended by Utahime-san to the first grade. I needed Gojo-san to accompany me on missions since you know how it is when you're being recommended," Riku explained.
You nodded along, listening attentively as he shared his insights into the situation. 
There was more to Himari's behavior than initially met the eye.
"That's why I'm telling you, [Reader's name], to do something that'll make Himari know her place," Riku urged, his tone firm and determined.
"I've got an idea. Riku, I need you to hold my feet as I do push-ups," you instructed him, lying down on the ground while Riku looked on, confused.
"How would that be a good idea?" he asked, clearly skeptical.
"Just do it," you told him, deadpanned, sensing Satoru's gaze on you even though you didn't look directly at him.
Riku was about to protest, but he sighed and complied, positioning himself in front of you and holding your knees tight. 
You stole a glance at Satoru and Himari, noting that they were busy with their combat training. 
Despite not looking directly at them, you could feel Satoru's gaze on you, his attention never wavering.
"Don't freak out when my face gets close to you," you warned Riku, but he seemed preoccupied with glancing back and forth between you and Satoru, who was paying attention to your interaction.
"I-I don't think this is a good idea," Riku protested, but you ignored his concerns and began to do your push-ups. As you lowered yourself towards the ground, your face came dangerously close to Riku's.
Intent on making it appear as though you were kissing Riku, mimicking the style of exercise Satoru favored since it often led to affectionate moments between you two, you held the position for a moment before pushing yourself back up.
Just as you were about to complete your eighth push-up, a hand suddenly came through, blocking your face from reaching Riku. Startled, you looked up to see Satoru with an irked smile on his face.
"Is there a problem, Sensei?" you asked innocently, playing along with the situation, while Riku looked on in panic, unsure of what to make of the unexpected interruption.
"Satoru looked at Riku. "Riku, I need you to partner with Himari for now as I need to talk to [reader's name]," Satoru instructed Riku with his authoritative tone. 
Riku, sensing the seriousness in Satoru's voice, stood up and left, obediently complying with his sensei's command, leaving you two alone.
Satoru's smile dropped as he looked at you, his expression serious. "You," he pointed at you, then pointed to himself. 
"Me," he gestured to himself, before indicating the door. 
"In my dorm. Now," he commanded firmly.
You stood up, meeting Satoru's gaze, and noticed Himari staring at the two of you with an unreadable expression. 
Without hesitation, you stuck your tongue out at her before turning to follow Satoru out of the training area and towards his dorm.
Once inside, Satoru pushed you onto the bed after locking the door behind him. 
You landed on your stomach, about to protest, when he swiftly grabbed both of your wrists and tied them together with his blindfold.
"Satoru—" you began, but he silenced you by leaning down close to your ear, his breath sending shivers down your spine. "You're playing a dangerous game, baby," he whispered.
"What game?!" you exclaimed, trying to free your wrists from his grasp.
"That," he replied, his voice low and husky, "doing our usual exercise position with someone else. You know how much I like that." His words sent a thrill through you, despite the apprehension swirling in your mind.
"But it's not fair when you let Himari be your partner when you know we're usually partners in training!" you defended yourself, frustration evident in your voice.
"Oh, baby, I see, you were jealous, weren't you?" Satoru teased, his tone playful as he held your tied wrists. 
His other hand traveled up to your shorts, teasingly grazing over your clothed pussy, eliciting a surprised gasp from you as you arched your back at the unexpected sensation.
"You were jealous too!" you pointed out, your voice tinged with accusation as you tried to suppress the moans threatening to escape.
Satoru noticed your struggle and quickened his pace, the intensity of his touch driving you closer to the edge.
Desperate to muffle the sounds of pleasure building within you, you buried your face in the sheets, trying to stifle your moans as Satoru continued to push you to the brink of ecstasy.
"So what if I am?" Satoru countered, his voice husky with desire as he continued to rub your clit, coaxing wetness to soak your panties. 
"Baby, I always show everyone how I get when I'm jealous, and I was just curious about your reaction," he explained, his touch igniting waves of pleasure that coursed through your body.
"Ngh, stop, ah," was all you could manage to reply as you were overwhelmed by the pleasure Satoru was giving you.
"How about this, baby," Satoru proposed, his voice husky with desire. 
"You stop playing games with Riku, and I'll stop with Himari."
You were unable to reply, too consumed by the sensations coursing through your body as you felt yourself getting closer to climax.
"Getting close, princess?" Satoru asked, his voice teasing as he noticed you slightly shaking.
"I am—ah," you replied, your words trailing off into a moan as the pleasure intensified, pushing you toward the climax.
"Promise me, princess," Satoru urged, his voice filled with longing, but you were too lost in the waves of pleasure to respond.
Sensing your lack of response, Satoru slowed down his pace, eliciting a whine of protest from you. 
"I was... so close—why slow down?" you managed to utter, tears beginning to well in your eyes.
"You weren't answering me, kitten," Satoru chided gently, his voice tinged with amusement as he chuckled at the way you shivered at the pet names.
"About what—ah!" you yelped when you felt Satoru slap your butt, the sudden sting adding to the overwhelming pleasure coursing through your body.
"You weren't listening to me, baby," Satoru reminded you, his tone firm yet teasing. "I asked that you promise me to stop that nonsense with Riku, and I'll stop with Himari."
"I promise! Please, let me cum," you begged desperately, the need for release consuming you.
"I will, princess," Satoru whispered into your ear, his voice sending shivers down your spine as he fastened his pace once more, finally granting you the release you craved. 
Your body convulsed in ecstasy as you cum, waves of pleasure washing over you as Satoru guided you to the peak of bliss.
Satoru removed the blindfold from your wrist and placed it over your eyes, positioning you on his lap. 
"Let's continue, baby, but I want you to wear my blindfold," he chuckled, but you were still too lost in the aftermath of your climax to fully comprehend his words.
"Is there anything that my baby wants?" Satoru's voice brought you back to the present moment, and you found your voice. 
"Let me mark you," you told him, a sense of possessiveness washing over you.
Even though you couldn't see him, you knew Satoru was smiling like a fool. 
"I'll let you later, baby," he promised, guiding you to lay on the bed as he positioned himself on top of you, showering you with passionate kisses.
The rest of the day melted into a steamy night with Satoru, and as you drifted off to sleep in his arms, you felt like the ultimate winner, content in the knowledge that he was yours and yours alone.
You woke up to the sound of loud knocking, finding it difficult to move with Satoru spooning you from behind. 
With a groan, you attempted to untangle yourself from his embrace, finally managing to slip out of bed. 
You grabbed a shirt of his and hastily threw it on before making your way to the door, still rubbing the sleep from your eyes.
"What?" you asked, your voice groggy with sleep as you opened the door to see who was disturbing your peaceful morning.
To your shock, it was Himari standing at the door, holding a bunch of papers. "Oh," she replied, her tone smug. "Isn't your room in the other building?" she asked, her audacity irritating you.
Rolling your eyes, you retorted, "Well, it's never too bad to have a second room to sleep in."
Himari scoffed, unimpressed by your response. "Where's sensei?" she asked, her fake smile not fooling you.
"Sleeping, obviously," you replied curtly, but she wasn't satisfied. "Can you go fetch him? I need to give some important documents to him," she insisted, her tone demanding.
You had enough of her nonsense, so you snapped at her. 
"Listen here, you dimwit, can't you see this?" You pointed to the mark Satoru left on your neck from the previous night. 
"Isn't this enough to tell you that I'm his girlfriend? You can just give that to me instead of ordering me to fetch him for you," you angrily told her, frustration evident in your voice.
Himari was too stunned to speak, giving you the chance to snatch the papers from her hands. 
"I'll let him know that you dropped this off. But if you ever try to get close to him again..." You trailed off, mimicking a neck slice gesture with your hand as you smiled sweetly at her before slamming the door shut.
You sighed, placing the papers onto the coffee table, intending to deal with them later. 
You turned to head to the bathroom to cool off, but you heard Satoru's groggy voice from the bedroom. "Baby?"
"Yeah?" you replied, pausing to listen.
"Where are you? I need my morning hug," Satoru whined, his voice filled with longing.
"I'm coming," you told him, unable to suppress a giggle at his antics.
"You better be," he teased in response, his tone playful.
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dellalyra · 10 months
𝙛𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙙 - 𝙛𝙖𝙢𝙞𝙡𝙮 𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙢𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨
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A/N: request from my wife @soraya-daydreams - this is almost crack I stg.
Summary: The kids try edibles. Yuuji - maybe went overboard.
CW: the kids do edibles, swearing, crackfic, one or two suggestive sentences idk. mdni shoo go away
“But where would we even get it? It’s not like I have many drug dealing contacts.” Nobara hisses, as the three first years discuss their plans in a secluded part of the grounds.
“Fushiguro - your parents would definitely know where to get some, why don’t we ask them?” Itadori pokes his boyfriend’s shoulder.
“Yeah they probably would, but they don’t do that shit anymore - Dad never could because of … all the eyes. Plus, with Akio being so young I don’t want them to have something to worry about if they start to fuss over us all smoking.” Megumi muses.
“Valid - when we started dating your Dad gave me lube and condoms and asked if I needed the sex talk, I think I died again that day.” Itadori nods, solemnly.
“Back to the issue at hand! Where do we obtain one bag of weed?” Nobara says, hands slapping the desk she sits at.
The three first years had decided that they wanted to do teenage stuff - since their lives were so crazy, Megumi was a potential heir for a large Sorcerer family and the son of the strongest sorcerers alive - Itadori was Sukuna’s vessel and Nobara was well on her way to a first grade, as well as the issues with being a young woman in sorcery. Because of their guardians (self-appointed) being as chill as they were, they didn’t really have anything to rebel against, so there was no point in sneaking out when they can just say where they are going with a ‘text when you get there’ from Y/N. There was no point in trying to sneak their parents alcohol, because there’s a ‘you can drink with us, or under our roof safely’ policy in place too. There was no secret dating, Itadori and Megumi were together already and Nobara… well, she hoped it wouldn’t be long before a certain Zen’in girl realised she was crazy about her. So that left smoking a joint, but Itadori said he had tried a cigarette before and hated it when he was at a party in school and Nobara didn’t want to smoke and stain her nails - so it was decided Yuuji would make brownies… special brownies.
“We could ask someone? Todo, maybe?” Yuuji suggests, before being answered with a unanimous ‘absolutely not’.
“I don’t know anyone else we could ask for weed from!” He responds, his sole idea shut down.
“You guys need weed?” A voice asks from behind them.
In the archway to the part of the garden stands a tall, beautiful woman with long blonde hair - holding a motorbike helmet under her arm and smiling.
Megumi thought he knew the woman from somewhere, photos maybe? Or was she at the wedding?
“Tsukomo-san! It’s - absolutely amazing to meet you!” Nobara says, shooting up from the bench.
“Wait - Yuki Tsukomo?! Who was Todo’s mentor?!” Yuuji adds.
“Ah, so you know that little knucklehead. Crazy kid, whole lotta balls I’ll tell ya that much. So - you guys need weed?” She says, leaning against the arch and shoving her hand into a pocket inside the jacket, before producing a small bag of greenery from inside.
“Eh! It’s - not what you think, we’re not - wait, is that weed? You have some?” Nobara asks.
“Sweetheart, I’ve travelled the world and back twice, of course I have some good - here, take this - share with the boys if you want.” She says, winking at Nobara who, for the first time in 6 months, swoons over someone who isn’t Maki Zen’in. Yuuji doesn’t fare much better.
She turns to leave, but gets caught by the sight of the boy beside Sukuna’s vessel.
“Holy shit, kid. Frightened the fuck outta me, fuckin’ clone of your old man.” She says, surveying him.
His head snaps to look at her.
“You knew him?” He asks.
“Yeah, cool guy - pretty fucked up, but still pretty cool. If ya ask me, you were way better off with the Jujutsu Royals - Y/N’s a badass, love that lil’ lady. The beanstalks alright, too - got some talent. She have the baby yet?” She asks, as she clips her bike helmet on.
“Um, yeah. He’s 10 months old now, just started walking.” He says, flabbergasted by this woman.
“Sick one, tell her good job from Yuki. Enjoy kids.” She says, and saunters away - and second later they hear the rumble of an engine.
The three are silent for a minute.
“What the fuck just happened?” Yuuji asks.
“Um… a special grade sorcerer just gave us a bag of weed.” Nobara says, equally as confused.
“I’m too tired for this shit. C’mon, let’s go inside.” He says, as they all begin making their way to the dorm rooms.
“Bone apple feet!”
Yuuji plops a plate of really delicious looking brownies down on the desk in front of his two fellow first years.
“So… do we just… eat a brownie each?” Nobara asks.
“Well, I made 6! So there’s 2 for each of us? Or we could ask the second years -” Yuuji is cut off.
“Ask the second years what?” Came the voice of Maki Zen’in from the doorway.
“Oh! Are they brownies?!” Panda asks, immediately making a beeline.
“They’re eh… special brownies.” Megumi nods.
“Shit - you kids make edibles?” Maki asks, a pleased smirk on her face.
“Do you guys want some?” Yuuji asks.
“Shake!” Inumaki says, sliding past Panda to grab a brownie as he turns away to pull his mask down and eat.
Maki looks at Nobara, who flushes and smiles, as Maki takes a seat on the bed beside her and takes 2 brownies - passing one to the flustered girl beside her.
Yuuji and Panda go next, each almost devouring their brownie in one bite - with Megumi taking his and deciding that you actually can’t taste the weed.
They all sit there for a few minutes.
“Yuuji - are you sure you put enough in? I’m not feeling anything?” Megumi asks, perplexed by the lack of effect.
“Well, I used the whole bag - but it was pretty small I guess.” They all just sit and chat together until out of the blue, a highly unusual sound comes from the corner of the room.
Inumaki was hysterically laughing at his phone, tears streaming down his face.
He spins the phone around, and immediately Maki and Megumi lose it laughing - true, belly shaking laughter from both the ex-Zen’in’s.
The video in question that made them all lose it was a man doing a voiceover on a video of a bird.
Maki’s laughter doesn’t seem to disturb the girl beside her, who - apparently within the last 30 seconds - passed out asleep, drooling on Itadori’s shoulder, and cuddling his arm.
Itadori on the other hand, had never looked so serious in his life. In his head, he was desperately trying to answer the universe’s biggest questions.
Are we alone in the universe? Is there other intelligent life? What is life, what are we here? Are human’s the true villains? Which Disney villain has the best fashion sense? Who closes the bus door after the driver gets off? Is this a simulation, am I being controlled by a greater being? What is God, was Ariana correct - is God a woman?
His mind was running through every profound thought a man could ever have, the universe’s question’s suddenly becoming his main goal and a quest only he can achieve.
Megumi’s interest in the multitude of videos that had Maki doing impressions of birds and Inumaki cackling had dwindled, growing distracted by the beautiful boy in front of him. Yuuji was so pretty, so perfect, so kind and so sexy. That thought flushed through his mind as the memories of times they had… ‘spent the night’ together made him giggle like a schoolgirl and flush bright red. He made his way over to Yuuji and sat himself on his lap, stroking his hair and pressing kisses to his cheeks.
“I love you, Yu - you’re so pretty. I wanna be your husband someday and I’ll help you make meatballs every night and we can get a dog.” Megumi started his enamoured rant, as he realised he’d never said these things out loud before and wondered why the hell hasn’t he? They’ve been dating for 4 months now, he must have just forgotten. He continued gushing over his boyfriend and pressing kisses to his nose and cheeks - Yuuji was externally smiling and had the Nobara free hand wrapped around his love’s waist but inside his mind was a whirlwind.
Is the s or the c in scent the silent letter? How does glue not stick to the bottle? What is colour? How many holes does a straw have? Is this real - am I real?
Panda, on the other hand - had never felt more paranoid in his life. This room, eyes everywhere. They we’re watching him, the walls we’re watching him. He abruptly stood up and stumbled to the door, and tried the handle.
It didn’t budge.
(It was just locked, he just needed to slide the lock.)
He tried again.
By now he was panicking and pulling at the door with all his might. He was Panda - he will not be imprisoned! So he did the only thing he knew and slammed his way through the door. It flew off its hinges and lay in two pieces on the hallway floor.
In the corridor, looking at a cheering Panda, running away and chanting ‘freedom’ - stood a tall, white haired man and his wife.
They just exchanged looks with each other before poking their heads into Nobara’s dorm room - where they had originally planned to knock.
They both surveyed the scene in front of them for a moment, before you just whispered:
“What the fuck…?” Your voice alerted the kids who all immediately froze.
“Is this opposites day? What’s going on here, kiddos?” Satoru asks, leaning against the wall.
“Nothing! Nothing is going on! We’re just - we’re having a girl’s night!” Yuuji spouted.
“Yeah! A girl’s night.” Megumi agreed.
As you both looked at all of them, you poked Satoru and pointed to your eyes - desperately trying not to laugh. The red eyes and droopy faces and flushed cheeks were painfully obvious and highly recognisable from your school days.
The kids were high as shit.
“Oh - what are you all doing?” Satoru says, thoroughly enjoying torturing them all.
“We’re eh - Nobara and I - we’re talking about boys! Crushes on boys and things. Penis talk.” Maki tries to explain.
Inumaki can’t deal with this and can’t hold back his laughter as Maki says ‘penis talk’ he loses his mind and flops laughing onto the desk.
“Maki honey, you’re a lesbian.” You say, and she raises her eyebrows - forgetting the ultimate flaw to her excuse being that she has no more interest in penis possessing men than she does going on a date with a curse.
“Also - Nobara doesn’t look like she’d make for a great conversation right now.” Satoru smirks, looking at the slightly snoring Kugisaki.
“Yuuji? Megumi?” You say, excited to hear what they say.
“I am doing homework! Studying, learning about eh - curses.” Yuuji says, picking up a blue object from beside him.
“Oh? I didn’t think you could do homework on a Nintendo Switch?” Satoru can’t help it now, the frantic excuses might be the highlight of his week.
“I do my homework beside a switch everyday.” Megumi says, smirking a provocative smile and pinching his boyfriend’s cheek.
That’s the final straw for you and Satoru who can’t help it anymore and the dam breaks.
You fall into him, head in his chest as he almost collapses from crippling laughter as you all survey the whacked out teenagers.
“Shit, ‘toru - were we all the obvious?” You ask, wheezing.
“God no - you guys were way better, how high are you?!” He asks, tears falling from behind his blindfold.
“I’m 5ft 11 inches.” Megumi says, smiling brightly and patting the top of his head.
That sets you both off again.
“Oh fucking hell, this has gotta be edibles.” You say, trying to catch your breath.
“That’s a fun word - isn’t it, edibles? ED - IB - LES. edi-bles. Wait - am I saying that right? Hold on, am I talking or is this in my head?” Maki considers.
Megumi stands up at this point, and puts a hand each on you and Satoru’s shoulders.
“Mom. Dad. You guys - you guys. You’re awesome. I love you both, Mom you are so badass and scary and you give the best cuddles and shit! You made a baby a while ago and then like? You can make flowers kill people? That’s so awesome. Dad you’re like, an idol, you’re so cool and it’s so fun that you have so many eyes, you’re like a spider! And I like your fancy hair.” He says, before throwing his arms around you both and hugging you tight into him.
Who the fuck was this kid?
You pet his head and thank him, and Satoru says that you both love him too - and that he also likes his fancy hair as he desperately tries not to laugh.
You notice Yuuji is deep in thought.
“You okay, Yuu?” You ask.
He looks at you, the most contemplative look you’ve ever seen on anyone.
“Is a gingerbread man made of house? Or is a gingerbread house made of flesh?” He asks, eyes wide with realisation.
You and your husband sit on the bed, megumi curling back up in Yuuji’s lap as Maki and Toge continue cackling over videos of dumb animals.
You settle in, Satoru’s arm around you.
There’s no way in hell you’re missing this show.
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tamamita · 5 months
i fell off mha years ago but have been into jjk for a couple years and imo the writing and concepts for characters are well written, especially some of the women in the series like maki, nobara, shoko & yuki, however jjk is very quick to kill or at least severely harm characters at a whim. I wouldn't say shock value for most of them, the work explores the idea of retroactively trying to justify the beauty of death of those departed, and there is a good amount of nuanced discussion in the series about this even still.
I will admit that there is definitely a disparity between the men and women regarding plot significance, and one of the female main characters has had their assumed death & potential survival teased for at least a few times in 100+ chapters, which sucks because that character is probably one of the best female protagonists in modern shonen and I hope gege has a real good reason for writing her out of the story for so long and that if she returns it's well made up for.
though at this point in the story it's probably a mercy some favs aren't around, considering how unforgiving the death toll is on popular characters currently lol. anyway that's just my thoughts.
I remember enjoying the first season and the movie, and I really enjoyed the characters, and I remember loving Nobara and Maki. So hearing about all the things from manga readers leave me kinda scared. Haha... Well, I suppose I shouldn't be surprised considering it's a Shonen.
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todoroki-waifu · 1 year
Super late, but this is from the poll results! Thank you again to those who voted. :)
Itadori x Reader
Warning: Gender neutral reader, a small, slightly suggested part, and cursing.
Scenario: How Itadori shows he really cares for you.
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 1,896
You returned from your two day mission late that evening, exhausted and sore. You also didn't recover from the previous missions that were given to you prior to the one you just came back from. Because of your abilities and the rising numbers of high grade curses, you were needed more frequently. You either went solo or in a group, but lately it's just been you.
"Good morning, everyone." A yawn is laced with your greeting as you walk  towards the entrance of the dormitories. The others were training, but stopped when they saw you.
"Good morning? It's already evening!" Itadori straightens up from his defensive stance to rush over to you.
"__(y/n)! It's been forever!" Kugisaki beats Itadori and has her arms wrapped around your body.
"I know, I've been a bit busy with these assignments." You returned her embrace.
"I'm gonna yell at Gojo-sensei for taking you away from me. I'm getting hives from being around these two monkeys for so long." She jests as Fushiguro sends her a glare while Itadori raises a brow.
"You might have to hold on just a bit longer. I'm leaving again tomorrow."
"Tomorrow? Already?" Itadori was starting to agree with Nobara about scolding their white haired sensei.
"Yeah, but it's at night! Hopefully it'll just be a one day kind of thing."
"I hope so! Anyway, go get settled. We're finished here then we're gonna make some hot pot."
You nod at the three of them, agreeing to join them later once you finish taking a shower and changing into comfortable and intact clothes. Yuji leaves Megumi and Kugisaki to walk with you back inside.
"You sure you're gonna be okay going tomorrow?" He then grabs your bag and belongings, offering to hold them for you. You attempt to get them back, but Yuji wants to help. Even if it's something as tiny as this.
"Yeah, I mean...I don't really have a choice, but even if I did, I'd still take it. There's people in danger so I want to do this."
"You're over exhausting yourself." He frowns at the consequences your body may potentially suffer.
"I'll be fine. Promise." You give him a smile as you make your way towards your room. Once in front of your dorm, that was when you both departed to get ready for dinner.
You're gathered on one table with a boiling pot of soup and various ingredients scattered around. You thanked those who prepared it since none of them allowed you to help and instead encouraged you to rest. A few minutes into dinner and your body was starting to crave sleep.
"Whoa, hey, you okay?" Itadori sees your head in an alternating up and down motion with your eyes fluttering and bowl almost tilting forward. He puts down his own bowl to stabilize yours as you finally lift your head up.
"Sorry! I just got so tired suddenly."
"We can save you some if you want to go to bed." Megumi suggests and you shake your head.
"I'm hungry, too. Wish there was a way I could both eat and sleep at the same time." You tried to rub the sleepiness from your eyes.
"Oi, why don't you feed them? They can barely hold their bowl. Help them out." Nobara points her chopsticks at Yuji.
"M-me?!" A red tint develops across his face.
"Duh, of course you! You're the one sitting next to them."
Itadori grabs your utensil and dish, picking up some noodles before telling you that he'd assist feeding you.
"You mean I can close my eyes and eat? Perfect!" You turn your body to face Itadori with your eyes shut and mouth open to accept some food. Itadori's blush only deepened and he could feel his blood was being directed elsewhere.
"Oh my God!" He shouts suddenly, earning confused stares from his friends.
"What happened?" You ask and Itadori shakes his head.
"No-nothing. Sukuna was just being...funny."
"Fuck you, kid. You know you were thinking the same thing." A toothy grin appears on his right cheek, making Itadori yell at the cursed spirit residing in him.
"He's having a moment...Fushiguro, you go feed __(y/n)." Your brown haired friend elbows the shikigami user and he starts to stand up.
"N-no! I got it. Just give me a sec." The pink haired boy was able to quiet a laughing Sukuna before focusing on you. You went back to your previous position and Itadori had to bite down on his tongue to fight off another blush. He thought back on how tired and hungry you were which redirected his concentration.
Yuji made sure that the food wasn't too hot or too big for you to bite on. He kept a steady pace and managed to find a way to feed himself in between. After a few more bites and enjoying being fed by your crush, you took back your bowl. It was fun to see his reaction, but found it sweet at how determined he was that you fulfilled your nutritional intake for the day.
Once everyone was satisfied with warm and full bellies, you attempted to wash the dishes. Again, none of them allowed you and Kugisaki sent Itadori to bring you upstairs.
"You should get some rest." He starts leading you to your room.
"Not yet! I've missed you!" You immediately swerve in front of him then your eyes widen at what you just said. "A-and Nobara! And Megumi, too! I haven't hung out with you guys in a long time."
"Well, Kugisaki and Fushiguro are gonna head to bed early since they leave for a mission in the morning. Mine isn't until the afternoon so I can hang out with you if you don't mind just me?"
"Of course, not! I love hanging out with you. C'mon." You grabbed his hand, dragging him to your room. You both occupied your bed, you leaning against the headboard while Itadori was laying sideways on the foot of your bed.
Within a few minutes while Itadori was catching you up on the past few weeks, you were nodding off again until you plopped on the bed. The pink haired vessel wasn't offended, instead was relieved that you finally accepted some sleep.
He carefully maneuvers you into a better position, covering you up to your shoulders with your blanket. As he adjusts the pillow under your head, he frowns at the number of bandages and bruises on your person. He then exits the room after turning off the lights, pulling out his phone to dial his teacher's number.
"Itadori? What's up?"
"Please let me take __(y/n)'s mission."
"Huh? What do you mean?"
"I know they have one tomorrow night. Let me take that instead and switch theirs with mine."
"Why?" Gojo asks after a brief pause.
"Be-because I...I just..they've been, you know and I just-" He stutters, face and ears becoming warm. "Just let us switch! Please, sensei."
The white haired male exhales loudly before explaining the details of the case. "This is going to be a difficult one for you, Itadori. Based on __(y/n)'s abilities and technique, they could finish the job in 3 days, but for you, 6 days. Are you prepared for that?"
He had no idea that there was such a difference between yours and his fighting levels. Itadori was going to need to catch up so you didn't leave him behind or worse, be a burden to you.
"Yes. I'll take it. Do I need to wait until tomorrow? Can't I just go now?" Itadori had the energy and resolve plus if it was going to take him 6 days, maybe he could cut it down if he starts now.
"I don't see why not, but be aware that even if you leave now, you're only shaving off maybe...half a day earlier. Anyway, pack your things. I'll send a ride for you in 20 minutes."
It's been almost a week since you last saw Itadori and when you noticed the changes to your assignments. They've become lighter and you were able to finally work with Megumi and Nobara again. You also found out that Itadori had swapped missions with you and you were anxiously waiting for him to return so you could question why.
As you sit on the front steps of the dorm, you see a familiar white and pink haired teacher and student. You're the only one to greet them since Nobara went shopping and Megumi was visiting his sister.
"Yuji! You're all beat up." He sees concern swimming in your __(e/c) eyes.
"I'm okay, promise! That curse was a tough one, but I did it!"
"I heard what you did. Why did you switch our missions? Were you afraid that I couldn't handle it?"
"Wha-no! That's not it at all!" Itadori fidgets in his spot, trying to explain it in a way that doesn't devalue your sorcery skills. Behind Itadori, you see Gojo a few feet away, laughing quietly at the boy who was in love with you. Your teacher makes an outline of a heart with two fingers then points at Itadori.
Ah, now you understand.
"I didn't think that you couldn't handle it. I just felt like you were being overworked and I wanted to help you. I wanted to relieve at least a bit of your workload because you deserve some rest, too. And you know, teamwork makes the dream work...ahehe..."
Gojo slaps a hand over his blindfold, shaking his head at Itadori's missed opportunity to tell you exactly how he felt. But you already knew what he was trying to say. Maybe it was time for you to make yours a bit more obvious.
"Thank you, Yuji." You take one step towards him, aiming your lips to his cheek. Instead of feeling a soft, somewhat flat surface, another pair of lips touch yours. You gasped, pulling away as you realized that you had kissed Sukuna's mouth and not Yuji's cheek.
"Sukuna!! What the hell?!" Yuji places his hand over the side of his face, covering the cursed spirit.
"Hey now, I did most of the work so I should be getting some kind of reward, too."
"Well, thank you, Sukuna, for all your hard work." You cut off their bickering and you move to the other side of Yuji's cheek. However, a mouth and eye were staring at you, showing off a toothy grin. Before Yuji yells at the King of Curses, you press your lips to his, finding that it was a safe place where Sukuna couldn't appear.
You removed yourself after a few seconds, giving Yuji a sweet smile. "You should probably shower and change. I'll make you some food. It's tiring after a long mission."
"S-sure!" He nods then jogs to the dorm entrance, but immediately stops to turn back to you. He plants a quick kiss to your lips this time, a big grin decorating his face as he walks back to his room.
You giggle at the extra energy Yuji has in his stride, happy that he returned to you in one piece and with a surprise. Gojo comments about how both of them are going to be a handful, but you knew that already. You love all of Yuji, even the King of Curses that resides in him.
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gabichanwrites · 6 months
I've seen an opinion about JJK that the story needs so much pointless death and unrealized potential because it is the point. That this is the world of JJK, cruel and killing off potential because of higher-ups indifference and carelessness with sorcerer's lives. That Gege did a brave thing by stepping out of the line of a typical shouen plot and made his characters suffer and die and pointed out the ridiculousness of adults making children fight for them.
And to all of that I say - I get it. But also I don't agree.
There is a significant difference between the potential in-universe and the potential of the characters. Sure, they overlap a lot, especially in series like JJK, but there is a difference. For example, both the characters and us have been thrilled with the unspoken potential of Megumi's "sacred treasure" and I'm pretty sure every single one of us went wild when he made his half-baked domain in S1. Also, he got Sukuna as his hypeman - it's hard to really top that in terms of potential. But when I say character potential, I don't mean only power scaling one - I mean what they could do in a story. And one of the best examples for me are The Twins. You know, the ones that try to bargain with Sukuna to kill off the Fake-Getou. And the quite pointless death of BOTH of them.
Their techniques personally interest me a lot but it's not even about that. Even if there is not that much space to explore with them cursed technique-wise, wouldn't it be so interesting if one of them got to live? Betrayed by every curse she turned for help to, alone in a raging Shibuya - forced to work with the School Gang? With their very differing opinions, with her wildly different perspective... Man, I'm not that good of a writer to figure it out on a fly. But there was potential there, a very interesting one, and wasting it isn't the nail on the coffin for Gege's story - but it does disappoint me, considering how hyped the story was for me beforehand. How much trust I put into Gege's writing.
And with the way things are going with Nanami, Nobara and, from what I've gathered from my partner's ashamed face when I mentioned my suspicions, Todou, this is no longer about power potential the characters had (although with Nobara it kinda still is). It's about how those deaths are hidden behind the smoke screen of theme and well, that's the cruelty of the world that tries to hide the balant shock-value of these deaths. Because back in season 1 Gojo already said it - that he knows killing higher-ups won't really solve anything. That it's about a new generation doing better, forcing a change others reject.
So why isn't this story about that? Why does it kill off THREE (?) characters for the sake of kicking Yuuji into dirt? Why does Mahito even require so many named deaths to establish... What exactly? That he's fucked up and immoral and direct opposite of Yuuji? That he can bring out the worst in him? I THINK I GOT THE POINT AFTER JUNPEI AND NANAMI, REALLY.
So, with the spoilers I have from the manga, I just feel like it's not quite right to call those deaths deserved because of the setting. Not when the story in S1 promised a change, a hopeful future set by the new generation.
And if that were never the main focus of the series, then I don't want to hear a single world about those deaths contributing to it because they are not.
Man, there is no one who wants to love JJK more than me and there is no one more heartbroken that I can't bring myself to do so anymore.
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linkspooky · 1 year
This is about jjk 208!
I'm confused on yuki's fate and a bit irritated how gege has treated female characters in jjk. I feel like there are barely any left that are narratively important. Is it just me? Like I used to have hope nobara is alive and will come back into the story but I'm losing faith especially with mai's and now yuki's fates. What do you think about jjk female characters currently? I still love them especially miwa and utahime and maki. Plus mei mei is interesting bc she's twisted. But I feel like there are no female characters that are important anymore... 😕 am I being too impatient or missing something?? 😭😭😭 like I know Shonen treats female characters like crap a lot of times but still
I pretty much agree with you, anon?
Spoilers under the cut.
If you want my essay on how female characters are treated in Jujutsu Kaisen, this is going to be a bit long, multilayered and rambly. Number one, I think a big problem is there's actually not that much variety in the Jujutsu Kaisen female characters. If we are talking about the female characters that are important so far and get screentime and not side characters like Utahime and Miwa.
We've got, Maki, Nobara, Shoko, Mei Mei, Yuki Tsukumo. These five women are essentially one women in that they are five different variations of "brash, independent, strong girl". I am not saying that they all are the same character but Gege clearly has a type of character he prefers and that is loud, tough as nails and fights just as strong as the boys.
And this is just my reading of the situation, but it seems to me Gege is trying to hard to overcorrect for what people consider the "Sakura" problem, or the "Uraraka" problem that is female characters who are softer and weaker than their male counterparts, never get to have fights, and usually end up just being permanent support and love interests. But it overcorrects way too hard in the opposite direction.
The thing is my favorite shonen female character is Orihime is she is all of those things that I just listed above, but she's still interesting because she's a three dimmensional character with struggles, feelings, and relationships to other people outside of Ichigo. People either try way too hard to write good female character, or they don't try hard enough and what you end up with is they forget to just write female characters with thoughts and opinions.
I think a consistent flaw with Gege's writing of female characters isn't necessarily that they're all mean and nasty but the fact that he doesn't give them long running character arcs? Megumi's arc is developing his ten shadows technique and learning to be a sorcerer and be more selfish when he doesn't want to be and battles feelings of suicidal. Yuji's arc revolves around the idea of death. I like Nobara but I am not sure what her arc would be, besides her initial confrontation with Mai and the fact she is a naive outsider to the trio. Maki had an arc in Jujutsu Kaisen Zero in her relationship with Yuta and how distant she was in the group, but that seems to be resolved in JJK proper and what they came up with was her relationship with Mai which was an interesting arc with a lot of potential for both of the sisters to reconcile and grow together but then Mai just dies. It's like Gege thought giving Maki a power up to make her just as powerful as Toji was more important than a character development arc that forces her to grow and change.
I say Miwa is the best written female character because she has an arc. Loses in the Kyoto battle arc and feels useless -> grows closer to Mechamaru and they both catch feeling -> because she doesn't reach out enough to Mechamaru in time, he ends up dying trying too hard to protect her which only reinforces her feelings of uselessness -> Miwa has to grieve Mechamaru, and cope, and move on.
I can draw a clear line from point a to point b, I know how the character is expected to grow and change. I like Nobara's character but also like, I understand why Gege exploded her head to raise the stakes of the three main characters she's the only one who didn't have much of an ongoing arc.
However, I will say that Yuki Tsukumo's death is just really weird. Like I said the problem with these female characters is not that they are shallow, or poorly written, but they're not super important to the story and they don't really have arcs. The thing about Yuki is the mystery surrounding her character was a pretty long running theme, where did she come from, what are her plans for the future. She's the first character to promote the idea that we can lived in a future without curse spirits or cursed energy and she was working towards this goal. Which sounds like where we might end up at the end of the series. She's a person with a hidden agenda that is using some of Geto's old allies and isn't necessarily on the side of the kids.
By killing Yuki you effectively lose all of that.
Yuki Tsukumo dying leaves like a hundred unanswered question on where she comes from, what her plan was, and the only vague answer we get about her is she used to be a star plasma vessel. Once again, we have this problem where what was interesting about Yuki was her plot importance and how she added to the world building of Jujutsu Kaisen and the mystery that surrounded her character.
What we got instead of Gege elaborating on any of that, was a fight scene where Yuki throws fisticuffs with Kenjaku. Because once again Gege writes a women as rough and tumble and just as willing to throw hands as one of the boys instead of just writing them as a character first.
Generally, for a character death if you have to kill them it's because they serve a greater narrative purpose dead then alive. Yuki being dead doesn't really add anything to the story, it just gives us a bunch of unanswered questions because Gege didn't elaborate or fill us in on all the mysteries he had building up with her character whatsoever. Now she's just kind of a spunky girl. Which like, great, whatever I guess but I preferred Mad Scientist, potentially dangerous ally Yuki Tsukumo with her own agenda.
As I said it's not really anything with Yuki Tsukumo's personality so much as her character writing, not only do we just know nothing about her now, but all future development or plot involvement or even plot importance and the things she could have added to the story are just gone now. We can't really know about these characters if Gege doesn't bother to tell us who they are.
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My thoughts on Mai is probably so irrelevant right now but i love thinking about the wasted potential in exploring Megumi’s dynamic with the Zenin Clan because he had to have some contact with them over the course of his childhood, meaning that Mai had to interact with the kid at some point (which she did I think it’s canon) and for Mai to instantly know that Megumi is a little child genius/prodigy. Also for Mai to have a little crush on Megumi (I know most find this disgusting seeing that those two are family but I think everyone forgets that the Zenin is built on incest)
Mai putting her hopes into Megumi of him somewhat changing the Zenin when he becomes Clan Head only for those hopes to be crushed bc Megumi fucked off? I find that so depressing because she probably didn’t understand (or fully comprehend) the reasoning behind Megumi cutting off contact. I know it probably hurt her for a while because she genuinely wanted to be close to him seeing as he was the only boy (i’m assuming) that was ever truly kind to her and her sister.
I’m clinging onto that Mai tag for dear life because I’m really interested in seeing her thoughts on Megumi. Admittedly, she probably grew out of the hero worship she had for him. Maybe it was replaced with some bitterness seeing as he wouldn’t be the Clan Head now unless something happens to Gojo, so Megumi won’t be her hope in that clan. She’s stuck with Naoya who probably wants her as a wife.
NAOYA. God my thoughts on his dynamic with Megumi…it could be something so complex. Like Naoya could see Toji in the boy, who he has an obsession with but he also see Gojo, and he also see the little brat who may fear him on some level but is not afraid to stand up to him which pisses him off. He also sees his replacement, a boy who has the potential to rival Gojo, making him the potential heir. I could see him being like the only one out of the Zenin who wants that kid gone, out of sight and out of mind. Like everyone else abuses him to make him become something great. Naoya would do it to take out his anger on the kid who is everything he always wanted to be and he doesn’t even know it.
Naobito. I have no thoughts on the old drunk. I do find it interesting how Kamo said something about how Megumi is either more useful or more suitable than Naobito. I forgot the wording. I can see Naobito truly caring for Megumi though in his own fucked up way because Megumi is everything he wanted in a heir. But that care doesn’t really stop him from hurting Megumi.
Maki. Well. Best aunt/nephew duo. If the Zenin ever had a family dinner or get together, those two are definitely the ones who sits in the corner and talks shit. They definitely try and fuck shit up in the house. You would find them in the kitchen spitting in Naoya’s food. You’re gonna look me in the eyes and tell me I’m wrong? I dare you. All in all, they see a sibling in each other. Especially after losing Tsumiki/Mai. Megumi if definitely her favorite kouhai. Some may argue it’s Nobara. But listen. SEE THE VISION. Megumi has the family pass. Megumi gets Maki in a way that most don’t. But Megumi is still Yuta’s boy though. Maki sometimes fight for custody however.
Excuse my rambling guys. I was just in a silly mood thinking about Gege and his….questionable writing decisions lately.
This has been sitting half answered in my asks for like a month. If you have an ask that never got answered please know that it’s probably in my drafts haunting me.
Oh Gege’s sure. Made some decisions recently. And they’re uh. They sure are decisions. That he made. For some reason.
Maki and Megumi are the bio family dream team to me. I simply love their bond. They have identical resting bitch faces. They’re always on the same bullshit. Both are completely insane in the same way. The bio family they each always wanted but never had. Megumi is Yuuta’s Boy but that doesn’t stop Maki from making her own play for the title.
Mai’s entire thing with having a crush on Megumi becomes a little bit more comfortable if it’s framed like “he was the best option.” The Zenin do practice incest, so her entire dating pool was likely framed to her as blood family from the start. She also is the only female (other than Maki) born to that bloodline around clan leadership that we know of, so she was probably viewed as a “desirable” spouse. Marriage was probably used as a means of navigating social status, so her parents are probably planning to use her as a chip for their own political games now that their own future has sort of stagnated. After all, both their kids are sort of failures by Zenin standards, and they don’t have any other kids incoming that could do better. This is basically canon to me—they did try to make a marriage contract with Naoya, who’s very high in the clans leadership and the only other contender for clan head other than Megumi himself. She’s probably spent her entire life knowing that her parents would try for marry her off to the person in the clan with the highest status, and that’s probably been considered Naoya or one of his brothers for a long time.
There’s Naobito, the actual clan head, who appears to have had all sons. Toji appears to be Naobito’s nephew, meaning his father or mother was directly from that same line, and Megumi’s its continuation. And Naobito’s brother is Maki and Mai’s father, who produced the only girls.
The Zenin clan values power above all else, so we can assume that the line that is leading the clan tends to have a lot of cursed energy and skill. Mai and Maki didn’t get that, but they are still close tie to the line.
Mai was never supposed to be a jujutsu sorcerer. She didn’t have enough cursed energy for it. She only ended up going to the Kyoto school because Maki fucked off and the Zenin wanted to make a point. But we know how the Zenin treats women—since she didn’t have enough potential to be a sorcerer but was a member of a powerful bloodline who had cursed energy herself, she was probably viewed as a prime candidate to continue the family line, as seen with them trying to marry her off to fucking Naoya, who was a pretty high candidate for heir to the clan.
Of course, Megumi inherited the Ten Shadows. He actually did beat out Naoya for the position of heir without having put any effort or involvement into the position. He likely would have instantly shot to the top of the list for clan heir the second they knew he existed. Like, he was still installed as clan head when he actively had nothing to do with the clan. When he was a kid, and everyone was assuming they’d be able to bring him back into the clan and raise him as Zenin? It would probably be considered as close to an absolute as anything gets to them.
I could see Mai kind of romanticizing the idea of Megumi as a result, especially when she was younger Naoya was actively abusive to her and had the personality of a used gym sock dipped in shit and left on highway to rot. Megumi 1) wasn’t raised with them, so felt the least like her family 2) was actually nice to her, the one time she got to spend time with him and 3) was nice to Maki. And as bad as it was for Mai, Maki was the least accepted member of the clan at the time. She was a girl and she had little to no cursed energy. Mai canonically idolised her sister as a young girl and probably hated to see how everyone mistreated her.
Megumi intervening on her behalf when Naoya targeted her would have been monumental to her. It would have been the ultimate way of saying “everything will be okay” when she just didn’t have that sense of the future growing up.
For one thing, Megumi was guaranteed to have a position of extreme authority within the clan itself as he got older. But when he intervened on her behalf, he didn’t.
He didn’t save Mai with his own authority within the clan. He didn’t extend his protection over her, because he didn’t have any protection. When they finally all got caught, the first thing Naoya did was strike him across the face hard enough to knock him over.
They all got beaten horribly for that stunt. And they all expected it from the start, because that’s what their family did.
Megumi stuck his neck out for her. He took a beating because he didn’t like Naoya bullying her around. He intervened for Mai when it was to his own direct detriment, and she never forgot it. Her own parents weren’t doing that.
Which meant that she sort of hoped that when Megumi got older and became an authority in the clan, people would stop hurting her entirely.
Megumi didn’t have the authority as a little kid to just order Naoya to fuck off, but he was pretty much guaranteed to have it one day. There had always been people in the clan where, if you had their favor, no one could touch you. Mai had just never had anyone’s favor before. But Megumi was the Ten Shadows, and he was practically cosmically ordained as the most important person in their clan in five hundred years, and he was kind to her, and he said they could be friends. He said they’d stay friends.
It cost Megumi a lot to protect her as kids. It gave her a lot of very real hope that he’d keep doing it when it cost him nothing, and that there would come a day where it would just stop hurting so much.
And it wasn’t just her. It was also a future where Maki could maybe be happy.
One of the central facets of Mai’s character is that she desperately wishes for a world where Maki would have stayed in the clan with her. She wanted Maki to keep her promise. She wanted Maki to just be content doing a few chores and keeping her head down.
At this time, Maki hadn’t broken her promise yet, but I think that Mai still wanted that as their future. Her and Maki together, with Maki never leaving her, and both of them safe in the compound from the curses that terrified Mai.
Even if Megumi was nice to her, there should have been the lingering doubt as to whether he would also make the clan safe for Maki, but that fear got shattered when she joined them in Mai’s hideout.
He didn’t treat her like garbage. He said that they could be friends too. Maki bossed him around while they played, and the most he did was grumble at her. He treated Maki better than their own parents were treating them, and he did it without a thought.
So yeah. Mai had a lot of hopes pinned on Megumi when she was a very young girl. And I think if she had any feelings for him, it was more trying to force herself to have those feelings, because the world he offered was by far the one she wanted the most. Whether she was in love with him was almost the least important consideration.
If Mai was going to be married off to the heir to the clan, better Fushiguro “respect women” Megumi than Zenin “if she breathes she’s a thot” Naoya. He made her see a future she and Maki could be happy in for once, and then it all got ripped away.
I definitely see Mai as having a lot of bitterness towards Megumi leaving the clan, but I don’t think it was initially against him. I think she was initially bitter as hell against gojo. She was a little kid buying into the propaganda, which is that it wasn’t their Ten Shadows rejecting them, no, it was gojo stealing him away. That’s definitely changed and developed over the years, but I won’t say how.
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seoafin · 1 year
gege fridging yuki and now tsumiki. shoko, utahime, mei mei, momo, miwa disappering from the plot and now i dont think nobara is coming back after reading the newest chapter which would mean that her death was handled horribly 💀💀💀
i genuinely dont understand whats going on in jjk anymore tbh either like i stopped reading after 208 and your blog was how i found out about the tsumiki thing 😭😭 i wish gege wouldve atleast utilized her in the past chapters if the plan was to kill her because the impact just. isnt there. and like what was the point of yorozu??????? to show us that sukuna is strong?????????🤔 i will actually be surprised if gege turns all of this around but honestlyyyyyyy 😬 (1/2)
its a shame that gege doesnt know how to include female characters into the plot anymore because theyre all just interesting and have wayy too much potential.
like the idea of a character who only cares about money and could go as far to exploit their own sibling like mei mei or someone like shoko who is one of the few/only people in the world who can use rct to heal people (the fact that she was in the same class with the 2 strongest sorcerers in the world and she was never shown to be afraid of them or take their shit) or someone like yuki who was the first special grade in their generation and also an spv??? (if this had been revealed during HI arc the drama would increase tenfold...) OR TSUMIKI omg this one frustrates me so muchhh like she had SO SO SO MUCH BUILD UP AND FOR WHAT??? this girl had to get into the role of a parent for her younger brother because toji sold him and left them and her mother abandoned them and left. SHE IS ELDEST DAUGHTER CODED (so much so that her perspective and feelings during a traumatic situation are never explored because shes fine if shes hardworking and doesnt complain *cough*minari*cough*) imagine going through all of this at such a young age and having to adapt constantly and pick up the pieces alone because the have to keep living. like if megumi was too young to be going through all of that SO WAS SHE????? she deserved wayyyyyy better i could go on for hours about this but. yeah 😭😭😭 basically theyre all characters who've got their own agendas and it wouldve been so much better if already existing characters had been explored rather than 1098274 new characters being introduced. i miss plant trio. nobara balanced out fushiguro's emo angstyness by bullying him. oh well atleast we have maki 😍😍😍 (2/2)
no i agree with you 100% jjk had so much potential to have active and important female characters with agency in the beginning of the manga where akutami was still tying characters into world building. i think that made people (like me) hopeful for a deconstruction of gender norms and dynamics in the jujutsu world that would propel the female characters forward instead of letting them stay one dimensional but it looks as if that's what ended up happening anyway. once again i don't think akutami is intentionally sidelining them if that means anything i just think his planning and organization is off (not enough time given to develop characters other than megumi and yuuji) and that he bit off more than he could choose (having a large cast of characters). which is such a shame bc he could be doing so much more with them!!! like the narrative giving shoko the spotlight for like 2 seconds isn't even a step in the right direction it's the bare minimum!!! it's something we should've gotten during the shibuya arc!!!
also yes. i will die mad about yuki tsukumo and tsumiki. they could've been saved idc idc killing off one of the strongest female characters in your series is just plain WRONG. and tsumiki deserved to live my god.......NOT ANGEL. TSUMIKI. AGHHHHHHHH.
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myherobirdbros · 8 months
BNHA Chapter 403: Review by Birdbros
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First let me just say that baby Toshinori is so cute I can't breathe. Now, to the actual review. I love that his childhood was good and beautiful. That he didn't grow up in tragedy and had a loving mother and potentially the reason why he's so invested in being a hero. Because she didn't discourage him and instead fostered his dream so he could be proud of who'd he become one day. Also may I just say that this entire All Might arc has been giving. It has given so much and I've loved every second off it because honestly some people needed to be reminded why this man was the number 1 hero. Still though, just the thought of his mother dying and All Might having to take on the world and fix it without here breaks me in a way I can't fully explain.
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Yeah no, nop, no. I won't let you do this. He's not gonna die. Not All Might. Not after everything. I refuse to accept it. He has so many other steps to take Okay! Stop it. What do you mean and end of an era?! AFO you absolute fucking clown, do not hurt him! I mean it!!!!!!!
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Damn..... he really cut off Toshinori's backstory just like that. Wtf man. We rarely get this man reflecting about himself and you had to go and do that!!!! The fuck is wrong with you!!!!! I hope you die a painful death AFO it's all you deserve you piece of shit......I'm getting way too emotional *sigh* Okay, let's try and be more logical here. Now that All Might hasn't been able to use Bakugou's quirk it means Bakugou might come back right? My boy might finally come back and save him, right? Right?! I mean it makes so much sense. Feels like the story has been building up to this. Midoriya fighting to win and Bakugou fighting to rescue. Like a reverse role. Please please Hirokoshi. You can't have taken Edgeshot from me and Katsuki too. You can't T_T Don't Nobara me man, please. Also once again, fuck you AFO your arrogance will def be the end of you. Toshinori won't die a hero because HE WON'T DIE AT ALL!
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Thanks a lot Stain. Seriously thanks man. You could not have done anything but lose your quirk to this man (turns out I lowkey hate Stain *sigh*). Ugh, I know it's not really your fault and you sort of tries to save my man a little while ago but fuck, did you have to lose your quirk to this loser too?! I'm already mouring Hawks damn it. I can't do this anymore. Look at Toshinori's face T_T No one should ever make him look this hopeless, ever. This shit is illegal. Also, imagine loving killing someone so much you literally tear your mouth wide open joker style, the fuck AFO, the actual fuck? My dude you really need to sit down and finish that ancient comic book of yours because this aint it fam. This really aint it. You're so villain it's not even funny anymore.
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Shoutout to Tobita (my absolute favorite villain - he makes me so soft protect him at all cost) and star's crew who just like me would have hesitated to fire at All Might. I love you all and I hope when Bakugou comes back he beats the shit out of AFO for you. (Horikoshi do not make a liar out of me). Also psycho eyes AFO. Once again this man does not fail to creep me out. Die!
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Is he... is he planning to tear All Might in two? Is he really about to do this?! WTF WTF WTF STOOOOOOP. I can't do this. My sanity cannot handle this. Someone stop him! Fuck Midoriya crying is breaking my soul. This is not okay. I'm not okay. Shigaraki you bitch stop laughing! Everyone just stop. This can't be happening T_T This is so grusome I'm legit tearing up. And Midoriya's eyes is killing me. This is so wrong so so wrong. Someone please please please.
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I...... Oh my God..... my baby. My baby. He's back!!!! He's back yall. I..... Katsuki..... oh sweetheart T_T
I'm so emotional I legit walked away from my screen to take a break from this rollarcoaster. Thank you thank you thank you Hirokoshi! Thank you!!!! Also can we take a second to appreciate the beautiful art people. U.I exploding, Midoriya's tears blowing in the same direction. The light that shines on that tiny figure on top of U.A and then that zoom in on Bakugou's weathered figure. It's all so *chef's kiss* beautiful. I'm in love. And def will print this panel out and hang it on my room because my baby is back!!!!!!!
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I take that back. I'm hanging this up. Me and Best Jeanist sobbing over this right now. Our baby is alive!!!!!!! But look at him, he's so tired and haggered and back from the dead. He deserves a nap, not to fight a psycho who can't just quietly go into ground and never come back. Also theory: now that Bakugou has essentially come back from the dead, might his quirk have evolved to the extreme edge like we've seen for many before him such as Touya and Uraraka? And since Katsuki literally died maybe his evolved even more? My biggest hope. Beat his ass Katsuki. Make him regret that he was ever born.
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Not a bakudeku shipper but I'm 100% a bakudeku friendship apologist so this, seeing Midoriya look up, tears flooding from his eyes because he's so fucking terrified he'll lose his mentor just like he lost his childhood friend only to then look up and see Bakugou is doing something to me I cannot explain. And Katsuki.... Katsuki with the ancient All Might card he's still holding onto for dear life. Katsuki remembering their baby selves. Katsuki being so out of it but standing up to fight for All Might like All Might stood up to fight for him at Kamino..... *sobs hysterically in a corner* Also the symbolism of All Might always having looked back at his past because all the steps felt so important just to now look forward because the steps his kids are gonna take are the important thing for him now..... yeah I'm not okay.
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This is truly the beginning of a new era huh. Bakugou and Midoriya, carrying on All Might's dreams and hopes..... Hirokoshi you bastard. How can you do this to me. WTF MAN WTF!!!!!! And look at Katsuki's eyes. The explosion within them. It's so beautiful. I love it so much. And now him and Izuku's feelings are one; they'll save All Might and redefine hero society.
*stands up and applauds like crazy* There has been several misses for me in this manga but moments like this is why I'm happy I never gave up on it.
Welcome back Katsuki darling. Welcome back, it's been too long.
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chiarrara · 2 months
This is gonna be the wildest hyperfixation blend I’ve come up with BUT hear me out: Set in the basketball au, the gang travels to Britain for a game and after winning decide to stay a few days longer. But - it’s may. And it just happens that they’re right in time for the Coopers Hill Cheese Rolling And Wake event . Gojo (thinking ab it now would he be their coach in this au? ) sees this as a perfect opportunity to celebrate their victory with a potential new one .
While it’s a lot of fun it’s also incredibly dangerous (feel like at least one of them got concussed ) and they end up getting scraped up by Geto after reaching the bottom of the hill . Honestly I do think Toge would win
(Side note Nobara lowkey reminds me of the woman who won the womens league last year despite passing out, and still said she’d come next year again. Legend behavior .)(another note I’m so sorry on my lack of knowledge on sports the only ones I know about are stuff like this. I nevertheless love this au)
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So. Okay. Yeah. Okay.. I can see it, I see it.
a) Shoko is actually the head coach in the basketball au. But I think Gojo was the coach of the men's team before the merge. Either he's on the coaching staff as an assistant of some kind. Or he got a promotion and works in the Athletic Director's office. Or he is the Athletic Director. idk. I think I want Nanami to be the Athletic Director??? Doesn't matter, he's around. And yes, he would suggest something like this.
b) May is definitely in the off season. Which actually makes this somehow more likely. They're in the UK for some exhibition tournament, sure why not. Couldn't do it from like Nov-Mar because they had regular season games and postseason games. Some off-season oversees marketing gimmick is definitely withing the realm of possibility.
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c) This however, is an absolutely insane thing for a sports team to do. Just actively seeking out injuries that could end their season or even their career. Cost them scholarships & opportunities. Risk their teams chances at a winning season, good tournament seeding, championship titles......
and yet
I do think it's something Gojo would suggest, and I do think they would pretty much all do it. Megumi might sit out. Unless Yuuji or Yuuta convinced him. Nobara would get overly competitive with Maki as a backwards flirting attempt. Maki would play along at first, then actually get really competitive back because she hates losing. They would both try to sabotage each other and end up both loosing their footing and tumbling down the hill together.
Yuuji would try to go as fast as possible, lose his footing and absolutely face plant into a rock or a tree (I assume there's not trees on this hill. I hope there are no trees on this hill.) He re-breaks his nose.
Panda would immediately tuck and try and roll down the hill like he is a wheel of cheese, but his cheese would veer off and run into someone else, knocking them out and he would make it to the bottom without his cheese (I'm assuming this disqualifies you?)
Megumi would literally walk.
Yuuta sits out. He wants to give the others a chance to win. He came here last year and absolutely decimated everyone, stayed on his feet, not a scratch on him. But no one else on the current team was on that trip so none of them actually know this, and he doesn't want to dim anyone's shine.
And Toge wins. He just kind of, survives at a decent pace. And the dude is good on his feet, what can you say.
Geto (who is also on the coaching staff) originally thought it was a bad idea (because it is) but honestly thought it would be really funny so didn't put up much of a fight. He helps them all up at the bottom with his charismatic little smile that basically means "you're all idiots, but this was very entertaining, and watching you whine about all your aches and pains on the plane ride home will also be very funny because I will give you so much shit" and then takes Yuuji to the hospital.
This was a very funny, very bizarre scenario, ty for the ask lol
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ultfreakme · 5 months
junpei most wronged character in jujutsu kaisen. geto and megumi having their bodies invaded is something terrible for me especially if megumi died he was a character with so much potential. sukuna what an annoying villain. nanami deserved more. itadori poor thing just gets beaten nobara deserved more attention. noritoshi kamo, yuki hajime were wasted. ps; yuki I liked that she was nerfed I don't like her. wow, the worst plotwist is megumi's sister, my god, she was totally wasted, there was no construction with megumi, poor thing. inumaki deserved more attention, he has insane power and was a corner. Now gojo, in my opinion, his death was very shallow and forced he doesn't even look like the gojo that was sealed, a totally different gojo If he had fought and caused damage to the sukuna then it would be different but he dies like no one like any sorcerer. Now I don't understand one thing why he wanted a pat on the back from geto if his students were there supporting him. Now my hope is Megumi, I really want him to come back, poor guy, he just suffered, he lost everything and everyone, what a cruel fate for our boy. Sorry for something cruel I said, I would really like your opinion.
No need to apologize nothing was cruel, you're super considerate anon!! I agree with pretty much everything ;_; Junpei deserved better, the entire cast deserves better but I think Gege wants this to go this way. It's tragic, and that's unfortunately the point. The Gojo v Sukuna fight.....idk what to think tbh because I don't enjoy the way he died, but I also really liked the way his last scenes in the afterlife played out. I think Gojo was meant to die young, in a fight. JJK has this theme of the younger generation surpassing the older generation, of the older generation passing on their will to the next. Nanami did this for Ino and Yuuji, Yaga kinda did it for the Gojo generation of students. Gojo actually kinda does it for Ijichi and his direct students like Yuuji and the second years.
The old has to die for the new generation to grow stronger and be better. So Gojo was going to die, at one point or another and the only person who's capable is Sukuna. Gojo was never going to win against Sukuna, not because he's not the strongest, but because he isn't Yuuji. Yuuji is the person who will kill Sukuna, for like, narrative reasons.
I do wish the rest of the cast was explored more properly. It's a huge list of characters, Gege could have taken his time for more chill arcs where we get to see the characters more happy and interacting under less threatening situations. Right now, there's zero cool down time and it's fight after fight. The Culling Games forces this but we did have about a month's worth of time in-story where the characters were training, I wish Gege actually wrote that time period instead of showing it through flashbacks because frankly I'm exhausted from all the fights (side note: I'm a Yuki stan hehe I was super upset, and still am about her death ;_;).
I think Megumi will live for sure. His role in the story and his own desire is to be saved. Yuuji wants to save him and that's his biggest motive. Trust Megumi's coming back.
EDIT: i'm so sorry I forgot to answer why Gojo wanted Geto with him to pat him on the back. I think it's because Gojo still very much considers Geto his best friend, his special person. He's the one person Gojo considers his equal in a way no one else is. He explains it himself; in terms of understanding him, his students just don't. The difference in level of understanding is that Gojo thinks his students are like plants in a garden he really loves. You can love a plant all you want but it's never going to understand you. Geto understands Gojo. Gojo dies wanting to be understood and the only people who understood the loneliness that comes with strength are Geto and Sukuna. Hence, despite loving his students, he wanted Geto there.
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pinknightsinmymind · 2 years
【 pride, love, and joy : chapter seven 】
nanami x reader
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wc: 5k
masterlist link: here
summary: The [L/N] family is reeling after the news about Yumi. The house is quiet. Everyone's in a blur. It takes a couple of days, but Mrs. [L/N] asks [Y/N] to visit the market with her. She agrees and during her trip she runs into a certain Mr. Nanami.
note: mexico was called new spain until 1821 when mexico gained independence from spain and this story takes place between 1819-1820; keep in mind that parts of the west in US during this time were a part of mexico (or new spain as it's called during this time period)
a/n: hey so it's a been a while since i've updated lol. tbh i've been having a hard time with my mental health and i had lost motivation for a while alongside with having a bad writers block. but! i think i'm back and hopefully i'll be able to update on time again! i hope you enjoy this chapter. i was having doubts about my writing and where the story was going but now i feel like i've solved that! pls enjoy this chapter! :)
← chapter six + chapter eight →
[Y/N] was angry at Mr. Gojo when she had first found out what he did, sure, but not like this. This was pure rage she felt flowing through her body. Yumi? Her own sister? Mr. Gojo ran out on an engagement with her to only end up marrying within the same family? But why? It didn’t make any sense. She had never noticed any romantic tension between the two before, so where did it come from? How long had they been in love? But wasn’t Yumi supposed to still be in France? Why would she do this?
“How?” [Y/N] asked. She was doing her best to keep her composure.
“Based on what Mr. Gojo told me, his son asked Yumi to come home from France early to elope. She arrived a few days before Mr. Gojo ran off, and was in Scotland by the time he did.”
“But Yumi wouldn’t do something like that,” Mrs. [L/N] protested. “She’s a good girl. She wouldn’t blemish the family name like this. She knows she can’t get married until [Y/N] does. She’s not even out in society yet!” Mrs. [L/N] was trembling. “She’s the scholar of the family, the level-headed one. She wouldn’t do anything like this.”
“Yet she did,” Nobara said, suddenly breaking her silence. “This was so… contrived of her.” Nobara shook her head immensely. “She knew that [Y/N] and Mr. Gojo were set to be engaged and even congratulated her for it.”
“None of it makes sense,” [Y/N] muttered. “None of it does.” Mr. Gojo running away, Kento and Mr. Suguru knew nothing, the fact Yumi came home early from France just for this. Yes, Yumi would never do something like this…Unless she knew something they didn’t. [Y/N] didn’t know what it was, but there was a bigger picture none of them were seeing. There had to be a reason for all this madness. [Y/N] was angry at all the lies, but she wasn’t so blinded she became a fool. Yumi wasn’t stupid, either. She was the scholar of the family. “She wouldn’t dishevel her honor or blemish the family name like this unless she had her reasons,” [Y/N] said.
“What could possibly be the reason for this?” Nobara asked. “You’re allowed to be angry, you know.”
“Oh, I am angry,” [Y/N] said, “but there has to be something more to this. No one knew anything and Mr. Gojo just suddenly runs off and gets married? I’m not a fool. They’re hiding something.” [Y/N] didn’t know what it was, but she vowed to herself she’d find out one way or another. She rose from the seat she had been lounging in, grabbed her book, and left for her room.
+ + +
A dark cloud unlike any other fell over their home after Mr. [L/N] broke the news. No one knew what to say or think. Nobara spent more time with her sister than usual, doing her best to comfort her and keep her mind off things. Despite her efforts, she knew none of it would be enough. She could see the gears turning in [Y/N]’s head, the dark clouds brewing over her. Her sister had, essentially, stolen a potential husband from her. Any woman would have been seeing red at this point, and although [Y/N] was angry, she was more puzzled than anything. Her sister was too smart to be stupid enough to ruin her image like this. She filtered through everything she knew about Yumi. Quiet, calculated, smart, articulate, heavily involved in her schooling. Which begged the question. Did she abandon her studies to marry Mr. Gojo? That seemed too out of character for her, and the only way to get answers would be through questioning her, but [Y/N] could feel she wasn’t ready for that. She also wasn’t ready to speak to Mr. Gojo either.
Had they betrayed her, truly? Two people she loved and trusted more than anything? It seems they had, and although she could feel the dark tendrils of anger pulling at her, she didn’t want to give in. [Y/N]’s thoughts were interrupted by the sound of knocking at her door.
“Come in!” [Y/N] responded. The door opened and Nobara revealed herself at the front door.
“I’m headed to the stable to take care of Bernard. Do you want to come along? For… fresh air?” she asked. Nobara wasn’t one to show it, but she just wanted to help her sister feel better. In her eyes, how could you possibly recover after finding out your sister stole your fiancé?
“I’ll join you,” [Y/N] answered. She rose from her bed and joined Nobara at her door before shutting it behind her. She followed her sister quietly through the mahogany colored walls and out the home’s back doors. A cool breeze flowed through the air and cooled [Y/N]’s face and drifted through Nobara’s short hair. [Y/N] never thought long hair suited her sister, so when she finally cut it to this length she felt like her sister really came into herself. It was like she became her—Nobara.
“I’m bathing him today,” she explained. “And combing his hair. You can watch, or help if you’d like.”
“I’ll help with what I can.” The barn was empty except for the four horses the family owned: the three mainly used for the carriages and the one that Nobara cared for. He was more like a pet than a domesticated animal used for human convenience. The smell of hay and a slight hint of feces wafted through the air, but this was a barn and it was to be expected. The wood structure was old and bleached from the sun, but it was still a sturdy building. The horses stood silently in their stalls except for the occasional neigh or huff of breath, but Bernard especially peaked up when he saw Nobara. He began prancing in his stall and loudly neighing. When she and Nobara reached his stall he calmed as soon as Nobara opened the stall door. Nobara reached out to the animal and pet his mane gently. Bernard seemed to lean into her touch and even closed his eyes as she did so.
“I gathered the water before I came to your room. We’ll start with bathing him.” Nobara grabbed the bucket settled in the back of the room and handed [Y/N] one of the brushes. She could smell the lye soap on the brush as she rubbed it gently on the horse’s body. Nobara took one side and she took the other; they worked quietly for a while as they thoroughly cleansed the horse. Bernard smelled like, well, a horse. The soap wouldn’t entirely rid him of the stench of a farm animal, but it would help.
“Why do you like horses so much?” [Y/N] asked.
“Do you read the paper?” Nobara asked in return.
“Of course I do.” What kind of question was that? Everyone did.
“Well, have you read the stories about New Spain?”
“I can’t say I have.” [Y/N] dipped the brush in the soapy water before returning it to Bernard’s body.
“In New Spain it’s nothing but open territory towards the West. It belongs to Spain, but lots of men from America have been settling there. I’ve heard they’re called cowboys because they herd cattle and manage ranches. I think it’d be fascinating to be one.”
“I see.” [Y/N] had never heard of these “cowboys” before, and she had never heard her sister talk about them before. “And this is why you care for Bernard?”
“Yes, and because being in a stable is better than being stuck in the home all day as a lady. I don’t like the idea of being the lady of the house; I just want to be a woman as I am.”
“It is tiring, isn’t it? To be a woman with a set fate?”
“Extremely.” Nobara sighed. “But since Yumi married well, and you might be soon, maybe I won’t have to.”
“A free woman,” [Y/N] remarked. “What a life that would be.”
“It’s the kind of life I want. What about you? What do you want?”
“I don’t know.” Once [Y/N] finished scrubbing she grabbed the scooper inside the bucket and poured it onto Bernard’s body.
“What about your engagement with Mr. Nanami? Don’t you want that?”
“I don’t know. I feel so… lost. First I was to be engaged with Mr. Gojo, then Yumi marries him, and now I’m engaged to Kento—”
“Kento?” Nobara asked in shock. “That’s new.”
“—Mr. Nanami,” [Y/N] corrected nervously, “who seems to want this engagement, but I don’t know what I want.”
“Do you not like him?”
“Yes, well, no. It’s complicated.”
“But why? He likes you and you like him, so why must it be hard?” Nobara asked. She rolled her eyes and shook her head while pouring more water on Bernard. “I swear. You ladies make things so difficult.”
“Because what if I really do love him? That’s terrifying, don’t you think? To actually feel an emotion as real as that after preparing yourself for a fake marriage all your life?”
“It’s only scary if you make it. Like the dark,” she offered. “Really, I think you make it too complicated.”
“If you say so.” [Y/N] grabbed the towel Nobara handed her and began to dry the side of Bernard’s body she had previously washed. “This is calming. I see why you do it all the time.”
“See? As of right now I can only bathe and groom him, but I’ve asked Mr. Lawrence to teach me how to clean and change horseshoes later. You should come around her more often. We can gossip more.”
“I like gossiping with you.”
“Speaking of,” Nobara said, “do you want to talk about it?”
[Y/N] sighed. “I’ll have to eventually, won’t I?” Once she finished drying Bernard’s back leg she straightened up and let out a sigh. “I think something’s not right.”
“I agree,” Nobara said. “It’s strange. Mother and Father always prided themselves on how much of a genius she is, but this isn’t very genius at all.”
“As much as I’m angry, go easy on her. I’m sure she has her reasons.”
“Are you serious, [Y/N]? You can’t possibly be graceful in a situation like this. Any other woman would have her head by now.”
“I think there’s more to this than we can see. Why else would either of them do something like this? They’re hiding something.”
“Say you’re right. Does that make what she did okay?” Nobara grabbed a dry brush and began combing through Bernard’s mane, slowly and gently.
“If the reason is good enough, then perhaps. I don’t want to lose my sister or someone who was one of my close friends.”
“Too optimistic.”
“I’ll figure it out one way or another,” [Y/N] confidently. “Just you wait and see.”
“Well, when you do, come and tell me.”
+ + +
A few days had passed quietly at the manor just like the sun’s passing that ushered in the morning. [Y/N] woke up to the sound of knocking on her door, and soon the creaking as her mother opened it regardless. She hid her face under the blankets and pillows. She didn’t want to get up or face anyone. She just wanted to stay here.
“[Y/N], wake up, please. I’m going out to the market today. Would you like to join me?”
“No, I’m staying in,” [Y/N] grumbled. Mrs. [L/N] huffed before pulling the sheets off her daughter’s body.
“Stop moping around. Now get dressed, we’re going out.” [Y/N] groaned as she heard the rustling of her mother’s skirts while she left the room. She didn’t even close the door, [Y/N] realized. It seemed to be intentional because seconds later, Catherine, a girl close to her age entered the room to help her dress. Both women were more silent than usual, but it had been a while since [Y/N] had seen her around. They’d known each other for years.
“Catherine, it’s been so long since I’ve seen you,” [Y/N] said to her. The girl smiled and nodded.
“Well, you’ve been on some adventures yourself,” she remarked. [Y/N] swiftly put on her pantalettes as Catherine got her stays ready for wear. [Y/N] turned around as Catherine assisted in pulling the stay over her body as her fingers swiftly got to work in tying the strings. Soon after [Y/N] pulled the petticoat over her body, ensuring the two straps rested gently on her shoulders. The gown pulled over her head was a pale yellow, and the pelisse was white with blue trimmings.
“I have, but what of yours?”
“Well, I'm a recently married woman.”
“Catherine!” [Y/N] cheered. “That’s wonderful! You should’ve told me sooner! Congratulations.”
“Thank you.” Catherine took a step back and examined her lady’s dress. All seemed well, and the material fit her snugly. “I think you’re ready. Your reticule and bonnet are in the dining room.”
“Thank you, Catherine. Next time I see you, tell me all about your husband.”
“And you tell me all about yours,” she retorted. [Y/N] felt a little flustered at her response, but said nothing. She left her room and looked for her mother only to find her waiting at the front door. She surely wasn’t wasting any time.
“Come, I have a long day ahead.”
“What are your plans?” [Y/N] asked. It was sunny as soon as the two of them stepped outside, the temperature just right as the sun beamed overhead.
“I need to buy new sewing materials, linens, and maybe I’ll visit Mr. Price’s bakery today.”
“Mother, they make the best pastries. We have to go.”
“I’ll consider it.” Her mother let out a sigh, and [Y/N] couldn’t help but wonder how the news about Yumi was weighing on her. Was she sad? Disappointed? Angry? She couldn’t tell, and she didn’t want to ask.
“That’s enough for me.” The two of them walked past the growing grass as they made it to the nearest walking path. If it were a few degrees warmer it would have been too hot to walk, and the two women were thankful it wasn’t. While thinking of Yumi, [Y/N] realized that meant she was the new lady of the Gojo household. Being the lady of a household seemed like a tiring thing, and nothing like anything that Yumi would ever sign up for. [Y/N] didn’t feel it was a lesser thing to be and respected woman who did so, but she always felt like it was something that her sister never wanted anything to do with. Her mother was the lady of the [L/N] household, and if she married Kento, she’d be the lady of the Nanami-Itadori household. Was that something she could see herself doing? Running the house, entertaining guests, coordinating meals, and being a wife. Is that what she wanted? To be Mrs. Nanami? Kento was a good man, she knew that now, and being his wife couldn’t possibly be a bad thing. In fact, it sounded quite… pleasant.
“Mother,” [Y/N] said amidst the silent walk, “what’s it like being the lady of the house? Do you find it difficult? Do you hate it?”
“Why do you ask?” she responded. “Do you want to be the lady of the Nanami house?”
“That’s not why I’m asking,” [Y/N] said quickly. “Please, just answer my questions.”
“Well, it’s work of its own kind. I take care of my children, run the house, make sure everything is held together, I manage your father and I’s image, I entertain guests, ensure my children are wed when the time is right. That’s my duty.”
“And Father? How is he part of your duty?”
“I love him. I get to run this house with him and have a beautiful family. It’s what I always wanted.”
“But Father and your’s marriage was arranged.”
“Yes, it was, but I always loved your father. From the moment I first saw him. I never thought I’d actually marry him, though. I suppose God was on my side.”
“I see.”
“If you’re asking because you want to know what to expect, there’s nothing wrong with that. I had a similar conversation with my mother when I was your age. I know there is something between you and Mr. Nanami, but you seem afraid. He doesn’t, though. I know a man who has dived head first when I see one. Don’t let a good man like that go.”
[Y/N] mulled over her words. She did feel a certain kind of affection for Kento, not one that she was eager to identify, but one she knew was there. Thinking of him, saying his name, thinking of his neatly styled hair, the way his shoulders relax while drinking his morning tea; it all made her heart palpitate. She couldn’t deny she felt something for the man. She knew she did. Here she was, calling him Kento every five minutes, thinking of him constantly. It was a startling fact, but she knew it was true. She was enamored with him, terribly fond of him.
“How do I know if this is what I really want?” she asked. That was the question at the heart of all her fears. What if she made a mistake? What if she chose wrong and she regretted her decisions after?
“What would you do if you didn’t have it?” A simple question, with an even simpler anwer.
If she didn’t have Kento, she’d regret it for the rest of her life. She’d regret not exploring the possibilities more than if she ventured forward and found she didn’t want him after all. It seemed to her, then, that pursuing him was the only way to know with certainty what she wanted.
+ + +
[Y/N] and Mrs. [L/N] trip to the market had been smooth. They gathered the food her mother wanted cooked for dinner for the remainder of the week and pastries from Mr. Price. The only thing her mother had yet to buy was the fabric and thread for embroidery. It was her mother’s favorite hobby, and it seemed she had saved the best for last. The sun was in the middle of the sky by this time and had elevated the temperature somewhat, but not too much.
The windows of the linen shop reflected the bright sun and from the outside she could see it was mostly empty except for Mr. Owens and his wife. The couple had owned the shop for years after Mr. Owens had inherited it from his parents. Although the shop sold linens and supplies for sewing and embroidery, it also doubled as the tailorshop his parents founded. The counters were made of sleek wood and held all the fabrics and thread you could possibly want in any color. This is what made the Owens’ shop the best in town. While her mother entered the shop and greeted the owners, a new jewelry shop down the street caught [Y/N]’s attention. It must have just opened, [Y/N] thought. She was curious and unwilling to wait for her mother to finish shopping, so she thought she’d venture on her own.
“I’ll be visiting the new jewelry shop across the street. Come find me when you’re done,” [Y/N] said before wandering off. [Y/N] made it across the street and had barely opened the door when she heard the muttering of multitple voices. Some were hushed, some louder than others, but they were speaking fervently.
“I feel bad for the poor girl,” a woman said. “She’s going to be corrupted by the devil.”
“The devil? Mrs. Marguire, how could you say something like that?”
“How could I not say the truth? That poor girl is marrying into a faithless family.” [Y/N] stood still as she held the door. They may not have heard it open, but she didn’t want to alert them just yet of her presence.
“Some thoughts are better kept in your mind,” the woman advised.
“Nonsense. God gave me a mouth, didn’t he? Regardless, the [L/N] family is already in ruins. I heard their second oldest eloped.”
The woman gasped. “The oldest hasn’t married yet, she’s only engaged.”
“Yes, to a man whose father hated the church. It’s a shame. I hope she doesn’t end up like his family.”
“I have to admit, they got what they deserved. Faithless fools are all the same.” [Y/N]’s blood began to boil. Not only had they been gossiping about her sister, but about her engagement to Kento as well. How could they say such cruel things about him losing his family then present their face to society as if they were innocent? [Y/N] swung the door open loudly and walked in the shop. The two women looked shocked to see her face and glanced at one another.
“How could you say something like that about a man who lost his family? How cruel can you be? You call yourself people of God yet show no sympathy for others. You can call me and my family improper if you’d like, but don’t say such disrespectful things about the dead.” Any desires [Y/N] had to browse through the jewelry now were gone and she exited the shop quickly. The door closed loudly behind her, but she couldn’t move. She only stared at the ground, the broken pieces of cobblestone and the weeds that broke through the stone. Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door behind her opening. When she turned around she felt her heart jump into her throat. Kento was the one who exited the shop, and they now stood face-to-face with each other.
“Kento,” she said suddenly. He nodded silently, the look in his eyes so heavy and empty. “You’ve come to the market today, I see. What did you come to the jewelry shop for?”
“To see if they could repair an old watch of mine,” he said simply. He glanced around the market. A person or two milled around, but it wasn’t exactly crowded today. “Would you like to take a walk with me?” he asked.
“Of course.”
The two began walking side by side in silence. She knew Kento heard everything, but she didn’t know what to say. The walk went on for a few minutes until they passed the butcher shop and the streets were absolutely empty. It was then that [Y/N] heard Kento take a deep breath and sigh.
“I heard everything.”
“I know.”
“Thank you for defending my family like that.”
“It was the right thing to do,” [Y/N] said honestly. “How could they talk about people who have passed like that? It’s mannerless.”
“I’ll say,” he commented. “I had almost forgotten what it’s like to be my father’s son.”
“What do you mean?” [Y/N] asked.
“The stain of my father’s beliefs followed me everywhere, but after being taken in by Mr. Itadori they didn’t. It was almost as if everyone forgot, or if they didn’t, they kept it to themselves. I thought they had, though. This is the first time I’ve heard someone talk about me in public like this.”
“I’m so sorry you had to hear them say those things about you.”
“It’s just… even worse now,” he muttered. “Now you have to be dragged into it. You have to live with that stain now.”
“Don’t worry about that. People can say what they want, whatever they want, and it’ll never make a difference to me.”
“Do you mean that?” he asked quietly.
“I do. I mean it with every fiber of my being.”
“I feel a sense of,” he paused to find the word, “guilt for how they talked about you just now. You don’t deserve that.”
“I know, Kento, but those women will talk no matter what. I could be the picture of perfection and they’d gossip about me anyhow.”
“I suppose you’re right. I only wish I was more able to protect you from that, is all.”
“I don’t need protecting,” [Y/N] said confidently. “In a couple of weeks they’ll find a new topic to gossip about.”
“You’re really not bothered if people gossip about you because of me?”
“No, I’m not, because that’s how these women are. Gossiping is bonding for them, and it makes our world go round. So, no, I don’t care because it doesn’t matter. Once a new topic of discussion comes up they’ll forget all about us, so don’t worry.”
“I suppose you’re right.”
“I am right,” [Y/N] announced. “Moving along. Were they able to fix that watch of yours?”
“They were.” He let out a breath and [Y/N] watched as he began to toy with his hands. Was he nervous about something? Kento was never one to fidget regularly. He was always poised and rigid, and never fumbled. Something was weighing on his mind.
“Is something wrong?” [Y/N] asked.
“No, but I need to talk to you about something.”
“Well, let me hear it, then.”
“The thesis I’ve been working on has been going smoothly, and I’m nearly done with it, but a friend of mine in Ireland has presented me with an opportunity to finish it there.”
“I see,” [Y/N] muttered. “So you’ll be gone, then? For a while?”
“And I won’t be able to see you for some time.”
“Yes,” he answered again. "I'll be gone for three months." The news saddened her. She had been becoming more accustomed to seeing Mr. Nanami, excited by the idea of his presence more and more. “But we can still write each other, can’t we?”
“Do you want to write me?”
“I do.”
“That wasn’t so hard to say now, was it? Very well. We can write to each other, but you must write me everyday.”
“Of course. Anything less would be blasphemous.”
“You catch on quick. I understand that your work is your pride and joy, so I’m not upset. I simply ask you let me read it one day.” [Y/N] looked up and watched as the clouds moved slowly in the sky, without a care in the world. “Is that all you wanted to talk to me about?”
“There is one other matter.”
“Such as?”
“Would you accept a gift from me?” he asked. [Y/N]’s head whipped around.
“A gift? What kind?” [Y/N] watched as Kento reached into the pocket of his blue jacket and pulled out a small, brown box. He stepped closer to her and opened it up for her to see. Seated elegantly on the soft padding was a beautiful necklace. There were white diamonds shaped like flowers that would wrap around the neck. A flower bud made of silver dangled from the necklace with pearls that rested on each petal except for the red jewel in the center. It was absolutely beautiful.
“What do you think?”
“This is… for me?”
“Yes, so think of it as a parting gift for now.”
“Kento, I couldn’t possibly accept this. How expensive was this?”
“Not important. You are going to accept it. It’s custom made.” He closed the box and placed it in her hands. “Whenever you wear it, think of me.”
“I’m—I don’t know what to say.”
“A ‘Thank you’ would suffice.”
“Thank you, Kento. I’ll treasure this greatly.”
“Did you come here with someone?”
“My mother.”
“I’ll walk you back, if you’d like.”
“I’d like that, thank you.” The two walked side by side in silence once more, but this time it seemed much more content than before. The two rounded a corner, and [Y/N] and Mr. Nanami unexpectedly came face to face with Mr. Suguru and Mr. Gojo. It was like all the oxygen had left her body.
“Miss [L/N],” Mr. Gojo said. He also seemed out of breath. Mr. Suguru stood there with a dumbfounded look on his face. Clearly none of them had expected to bump into one another.
“Mr. Gojo.” She stared at him, into those bewildered blue eyes. She wasn’t ready to talk to him. Not yet. She needed more time. “I-I cannot talk to you at the moment. Some other time.”
“[Y/N], please, if you’d listen to me,” Mr. Gojo said hurriedly, “it would all make sense.”
[Y/N] shook her head. “Not today. Another one, perhaps, but now is not the time.” She pushed past the two men and continued onwards to the Owens’ shop. Mr. Nanami trailed behind her without a word. He was just as startled to see the two men as she was. Mr. Gojo watched as two of his former friends walked past him, not even daring to look back. Could he blame them? No, he couldn’t, but it still stung him deep in his heart. He knew of Mr. Nanami’s engagement to Ms. [L/N], so he knew that’s why Mr. Nanami said nothing. Mr. Suguru rubbed Mr. Gojo’s back gently.
“It’s alright,” he said to him. “You’ll find another chance to explain.”
Outside the door of the Owens’ shop, [Y/N] and Mr. Nanami stood in shock.
“I hadn’t expected to see him,” Mr. Nanami said.
“Neither had I.” The door opened suddenly, and Mrs. [L/N] walked out happily with a smile on her face.
“Mr. Nanami,” she cheered. “I see you ran into my daughter.”
“I did. It was a pleasant surprise.”
Mrs. [L/N] smiled. “What’s that in your hands, dear? Did you find something at the jewelry shop?”
“I’m sure Miss [L/N] would be happy to show you once you get home.”
“Is that so?” Mrs. [L/N] asked, and it was so. As soon as the two women got home and [Y/N] showed her mother the necklace, the older woman couldn’t believe her eyes. It became all she talked about for the rest of the day. Even Nobara was in awe.
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psychewritesbs · 9 months
Yaaayy, I'm the shounen-parody anon. Thank you so much for replying and it was so good hearing someone else gush about jjk too, you really made my day! Now I'm gonna ramble on again, if that's alright with you.
Yeah, about the dickmeasuring contest, the Sukuna-Gojo fight is an outlier and shouldn't be counted because I don't respect either of them 😔 (just kidding)
Okay, now back to main events, I don't think (only hope) that Gojo can survive this. EVEN if he manages to defeat Sukuna, he wouldn't stand a chance against Kenjaku in that state and let's be honest with each other, Kenny isn't a honorable man, he wouldn't just let a golden moment like this go by. (Gojo originally declared war on him afterall, and if he actually went and singlehandedly took out both of the big baddies then that would also suck storywise).
I fully agree with you on the Sukuna-Kenjaku-Tengen triad, altough I'd never REALLY considered Tengen in that way up until now. In my opinion it's all connected and I think Gojo dressing up as Toji is a lead up to Kenjaku and Yuuji's final fight. Kenjaku is Yuuji's mother (Gojo is Megumi's "foster father", currently donning the clothes of his actual father, whom he killed. Just as Kenjaku donned the "clothes" of Kaori, who was also presumably murdered by Kenjaku) and Geto is the equal but opposite of Yuuji, just as Sukuna is to Gojo. Megumi and Gojo's techniques are interlinked (Infinity vs Void, seemingly the opposites, but actually rather similar to each other. Also both Mahoraga and Gojo are symbols of balance) and if Yuuji's technique is confirmed, then switching places (whether it is his inherent technique, Sukuna's technique or one of the death paintings' he has swallowed is up for debate) is also similar, yet inherently different to Kenjaku's body-snatching.
Perhaps... perhaps if it's all (or somewhat) true, then maybe... just maybe... there could also be something more about the Tengen-Shoko-Nobara triad too? Or what if it's not Shoko, but actually Yuki, we should consider into the equation? Just thinking about the possibilities makes me dizzy. (Okay, so here is how Nobara can still win). What if Nobara was a Star Plasma Vessel and since she couldn't survive her injuries, she had to fuse together with Tengen as a last ditch effort? Or what if she was saved by Shoko and then Tengen realized the potential in Resonance (it could be highly effective against someone like them) and hid her away until the true(tm) plan was set into motion? If Nobara could somehow manage to take out Tengen once they were fused together with all of the cursed spirits, then they could fulfill both theirs and Yuki's goals in the end. (Sort of a Reverse Uno Technique)
But that doesn't matter now, what matters is that I'm 90% sure that Kenny and Tengen were hate-fucking back in the good old days and I can't stop thinking about it. Also, what if it's Tengen who drove/pushed Kenjaku to madness, intentionally or uninentionally, like in Yuki's and Geto's case? Both Geto and Tengen took on the role of religious leaders (I mean... one directly lead to the other) and both Kenjaku's and Yuki's main motivation was "evolution". Geto consumed and was consumed, Yuki refused to be consumed. Aaaah, there is just so much there too. Damn you Gege.
(If any of this is incoherent or incomprehensible, that's not just the language barrier, I am simply incapable of being normal about JJK even in my native language, so it's a challenge either way)
ok, I'm going to give this another try. let's hope my cats don't jump on my laptop again.
HOLA shonen-parody-anon! Listen... gushing with others about jjk is like one of my favorite past times, so thank you for nerding out with me.
Let's ramble away under the cut.
Yeah, about the dickmeasuring contest, the Sukuna-Gojo fight is an outlier and shouldn't be counted because I don't respect either of them 😔 (just kidding)
ARE YOU THO?! Are you really just kidding?!!!!!
ok no but for real I'm curious as to what you mean by this bahaha. I feel like there's a story that is not being disclosed here that I want to hear more about...
I don't think (only hope) that Gojo can survive this. EVEN if he manages to defeat Sukuna, he wouldn't stand a chance against Kenjaku in that state
Yeah, I think Gojo is either a goner or at the very least will be badly damaged after this battle. As you say, if it isn't Sukuna who does him in, Kenny has been killing 6 eyes users for fun for a thousand years too.
Can you imagine tho?!!!! THE DRAMA! Kenny killing Gojo using Geto's body on December 24th would just be...
think Gojo dressing up as Toji is a lead up to Kenjaku and Yuuji's final fight
ok sooooooo... I must admit I didn't follow your theory very well but I fully support it lol!
both Mahoraga and Gojo are symbols of balance
OK! Do tell me more about this Maho-chan symbolical connection to Gojo as symbols of balance. I haven't researched Maho very much if I'm honest. All I remember having read is that a Mahoraga is summoned by a passionate/angry youth and likes music... something like that.
(Okay, so here is how Nobara can still win)
I continue to applaud your commitment to Nobara's non-confirmed death meaning she's defo still alive.
But in all seriousness, the questions you pose are very interesting. After all, we haven't been told what it is that makes a star plasma vessel so special, and, as you mention, Nobara's ct directly affects the soul.
what matters is that I'm 90% sure that Kenny and Tengen were hate-fucking back in the good old days and I can't stop thinking about it
🤣 and this is how you've installed a hc in my brain looool. So to me, more than Yuki/Tengen and Geto/Kenny parallels, I am wondering if it's more of a Gojo/Kenny and Geto/Tengen parallel?
I can't wait to find out either way!
Aaaah, there is just so much there too. Damn you Gege.
I feel like this is so relatable LOL!
This feeling is what fuels all of my rambles actually.
(If any of this is incoherent or incomprehensible, that's not just the language barrier, I am simply incapable of being normal about JJK even in my native language, so it's a challenge either way)
I feel like I just need to copy this disclaimer and use it moving forward lol.
ANYWAYS! Thanks again for dropping by shonen-parody-anon!
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torgawl · 6 months
No need to apologize for the tags, I agree with everything you put! I'm also pleasantly surprised that my feelings about Megumi's arc/story are shared. He had so much going for him in so many different aspects of his character, only to be the least interesting and developed of the main trio, imo.
Anywho, always happy to see you in my notes. I hope you have a good evening! 💙
yeah, i definitely agree!!! not sure if it's a me thing or a this was genuinely a poor decision but i don't know, having tsumiki in a coma for most of the series just to bring her back so she gets possessed and immediately killed off - for what, shock value? - felt lackluster. tsumiki serving little to no purpose to make megumi go through his own path of self-questioning and development feels like such an empty decision. i know megumi's morality is sort of unique with his selective goodness and it is brought up a bit with yuuji and his sister but that's sort of never questioned or explored in tense moments and i feel like that sort of thing is what's supposed to happen in a story?? especially when you have characters like haibara who existed just to die - and it wasn't supposed to be emotional, not to us - but even then his death served more purpose (characterwise for nanami). being told megumi's soul sinked when he's out of the picture just has zero real impact, in my opinion. ten shadows being hinted as having so much raw potential and having history with the six eyes (shown through gojo and megumi, sukuna's interest in him, etc) is such a relevant thing from beginning that not having megumi fully develop the ten shadows and the fight between ten shadows vs six eyes having nothing to do with him also disappointed me a little. i obviously love the sukuna plot line, i mean it was expected from the beginning, so that's not what upsets me. i just sort of wish there was more to him so everything actually felt emotional. and i say this as someone who really likes megumi. i know some people don't connect to his character but i always found him pretty interesting and even relatable. i just really feel like his, and especially tsumiki's potential in relation to him, was a bit wasted. not saying he's a bad character or badly written more that it felt more bleak to me in comparison to yuuji and nobara whom i feel like it's easier to be emotional about or emotionally connected with. but the manga isn't over yet, of course. not sure if he's (or his soul is) still at a point where he can be saved by yuuji so the whole "start by saving me" thing gets some sort of resolution but maybe things can still happen, who knows? gege knows... unfortunately i'm not gege 😂 looking forward to see how things develop regardless. anyway!!! thank you sm for dropping by. i also hope you have a good day
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