#*giggling and kicking my legs* the monster hunter has fallen in love with a monster they are supposed to hunt!!!
visenyaism · 2 months
wyll and durge r such a good romance if ur a nice durge. like yes i’m my fathers favourite evil living embodiment of violence. And u are the wonderful noble hero the world needs. not that wyll fixed durge but. i’m looking to u for guidance, i’m looking at you as a compass. you’re my lighthouse. i no longer remember who i am or what i should be, and you are not afraid of my horrors.
no you’re so so right for this it’s all so.
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hercleverboy · 5 years
his ; sam winchester
Part two of five
I was overwhelmed by the amazing response part one recieved, so here is the promised part two.
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Sam had decided to take Y/N in, despite Dean's protests that they couldn't bring a kid on the road with them, as Sam refused to give her away. she was his, and now that he had her, he wouldn't lose her again.
And eventually, after an accident in the bunker, Dean grew to love her just as much, swearing that he'd never let a thing harm her. Y/N could clearly remember the rainy day, when she was 11, where she listened to the rain that pattered on the ground outside the bunker. Sam had gone to get something to eat, promising to grab Dean some pie and Y/N her favourite meal. She was messing around on the stairs, as Dean watched from the table. Up until this point, Dean wasn't her biggest fan. He thought she merely distracted Sam, and whilst he could admit that he liked to see his brother happy, in this life, distractions weren't something they could afford to have.
"Hey, Uncle D, look!" She'd giggled, as she began to climb onto the hand rail.
"Kiddo, get down from there. You'll hurt yourself." He yelled, not ready to be held responsible when an accident inevitably happened.
"But Uncle D, look what I can do-" her sentence was cut short, as she had somehow lost her grip on the hand rail, and was now plummeting to the concrete ground at an alarmingly quick pace. Though, even surprising himself, Dean ran to catch her, and only just caught her before she hit the ground. She was now sobbing hysterically, as Dean attempted to calm her, whilst she cried into his shirt. He sat her on the table, looking her over to make sure she weren't injured before enveloping her in a hug again. Once she'd calmed down, she sat with Dean on the couch, feeling better in his embrace.
"You really scared me there, Sweetheart. You've gotta be careful in future, yeah?" He sighed, glad his niece hadn't hurt herself, as he wasn't sure if he could forgive himself if something had happened on his watch.
"Sorry Uncle D. Please don't tell daddy." Y/N pleaded, looking up at him with eyes that ever since that day he's never been able to resist.
"Of course not. It'll be our little secret, okay?"
She raised an eyebrow to him, unsure. She held her pinky out, and gestured that he do the same, murmuring the words, "Pinky Promise?"
With a smile, Dean locked his pinky with her much smaller one, muttering back a, "I Promise," before she rested her head into his chest and fell into a slumber.
As he watched her chest slowly rise and fall, he realised how he'd secretly grown to love his niece more than he's sure he's loved anything before. He made a vow that day. That he would protect his niece with his life, as he would protect his brother.
Sam always complimented that Y/N had grown into such a stunning young woman, now at the age of 16, with long curled locks of hair that cascaded down her back, and a acutely framed face that made her just so magnificently beautiful. Though, much to the brothers disappointment, with her age also grew her curiosity.
She would now always have questions whenever the brothers would leave for a few hours, claiming they'd gone shopping for groceries at a plaza a few hours away, and that they'd bring back something awesome. Though, they'd return that night with nothing but a pack of beers and some chocolate from the corner store down the road, and new cuts and bruises that were left unexplained. Sam wasn't stupid, though for as long as he could he ignored Dean's pleas for him let Dean show her how to protect herself from the monsters and demons in the world. However, Sam wanted to shield her from that life for as long as possible, hoping that he could stop her from getting hurt. She'd walked in on an argument of theirs one time, as they disputed on whether or not to tell her.
"What If someone attacks the bunker whilst we're not here, Sam? What if she can't defend herself?" Dean had yelled, looking at his brother with pleading eyes. They'd checked on Y/N before they'd began their dispute, as she had fallen asleep on her bed with her uncle’s music pounding in her ears, and assumed that their argument wouldn't wake her.
"The bunker is safe, Dean. There is angel warding all around, nothing is getting in." Sam attempted to persuade his brother, though he new Dean was right.
"I'm not suggesting we do what dad did. I'm not saying that next time she tells you she's afraid of the dark you hand her a shotgun. I'm saying let's teach her the basics. How to draw a devils trap, how to defend herself from all the crap out there, and any other sigils she may need." Dean pleaded. He understand Sam's need to protect his daughter, but she needed to know how to defend herself if she was going to survive this life.
"No, Dean. What if showing her that makes her think she has to be like us? That she has to be a hunter? I won't have that life for her!" Sam had yelled back, running his hand through his hair in frustration. Y/N had left her room minutes ago, waking up and concerned as she heard her father and uncle arguing. She'd been hiding around the corner, but decided now it was time to speak up.
"Dad? Uncle D? What's happening?" Her voice was clear as she stepped around the corner, coming into view.
Sam cleared his throat, and Dean remained silent. "Go to your room, Y/N."
"No." She shook her hair stubbornly. "Not until you tell me what's going on."
"This is not a debate, Y/N. Go to your room, now." Sam growled, looking at her angrily.
"You can't send me to my room like I'm just some kid, Dad! I'm growing up, I'm not your little girl anymore. You have to start talking to me." She pleaded, as Dean nodded towards Sam.
"It's about time she knew, Sammy."
"Knew what? Dad?" She asked, looking at your father so confused and angry that he wouldn't confide in you.
He stepped towards her, breathing heavily.
"Okay, Y/N. What I'm about to tell you, might sound weird, but I need you to trust me."
"Always, Dad. What is it?"
After they finished explaining, everything seemed to click in her mind. The long hours they were away, and the coverup lies he'd had to tell her.
"Y/N? Baby girl , please say something?" Her father pleaded, as Dean searched her eyes for some understanding.
"I want to help." She murmured.
"What?" Sam questioned.
"I said, I want to help you guys. When you go out on hunts, I want to help."
"No. Absolutely not." Sam shut her down quickly, his voice raising to angry levels.
"Why the hell not? Uncle D can train me, teach me how to fight. Dad you can't seriously expect me to sit here at home all day whilst I know you and D are out there risking your lives." She was gobsmacked, unsure how her father would respond.
"I said no, Y/N And that. Is. Final." Sam said menacingly, his finger pointing towards her.
"I'm sorry, Dad. I wasn't asking." She mumbled quietly. "Uncle D, Tomorrow morning will you teach me some things? Tell me what I can read up on?" Y/N knew Dean couldn't resist her eyes, he'd never been able to, and she squealed with joy when he heaved a small mutter.
"Sure, Princess."
She hugged him tightly, before running back towards her room with a smile on her face, excited that she would finally be able to be useful.
"Sam. I'm sorry, but she needs to be taught."
Sam only grunted in response, walking towards his brother with a scowl. "If anything so much as scratches my little girl I swear to god."
Dean smirked, his arms going up into a surrender.
"You have my word, Sammy. You know I'd never let anything hurt my favourite niece."
Dean headed off towards the weapons room, a smirk on his lips as Sam called after him, "What? She's your only niece!"
Y/N spent what felt like forever training with Dean. He'd taught her every move she could use during combat; even showing her how to use various weapons. Though Sam wouldn't let him show her how use the grenade launcher, because apparently it was 'unnecessary'. Sam had shown his daughter, much to his dislike, how to patch herself up should she find yourself injured and alone, though he swore it would never come to that. However, Sam couldn't protect her from everything.
Then, out of nowhere, comes a hunt. It had taken 2 whole days of Dean persuading his brother that his niece was more than prepared to fight, and that she was becoming an incredible fighter. She'd now had 6 whole months of training, and she’d even managed to flip Dean onto his ass a few times when she practiced with him, though Dean’s ego would never allow him to admit it. So reluctantly, Sam agreed to take you, as it was only a simple hunt, a rogue werewolf who needed to be dealt with. Though, he was incredibly strict with his terms.Y/N was armed with a single shotgun that contained silver bullets, and a pocket knife. Things that she was told only to use in the case of an extreme emergency, which Sam was confident would not occur. If things went south, she was to run for it, go back to the Impala and wait. If Sam or dean weren’t back within the hour, she was to use thespare key Dean had given her to drive back to the bunker. 
As the Impala came to a hault outside the warehouse, which Sam had tracked the werewolf to, Sam turned to his daughter, who was sat excitedly in the back seat.
"You stay behind me at all times. It's just one werewolf, Dean and I will gank it, and then we're out of here. Understand?"
"Yes, Dad. " She rolled her eyes at her father’s overprotective ways, as she attempted to conceal how excited she was to be going on her first hunt.
After grabbing the needed equipment from the trunk, the three made their way into the old building. Dean kicked in the front door, and they made their way through the dark hallways, turning round sharp corners, always ready to attack. Dean’s flashlight was the only source of light, but that only seemed to add to the odd adrenaline rush Y/N was experiencing. Rounding another corner, they heard it before they could see it. The gruesome beast stood on its hind legs across the room, and was feasting on the bloodied remains of what appeared to be a human heart.
It snarled, dropping the heart from its pointed claws, slick with blood, as it stood to its full height, growling at the boys who stood protectively in front of Y/N. Dean raised his gun, yelling out a sort of battle cry, before charging towards the beast, shooting it with the silver bullets, of which the werewolf seemed to have no problem dodging. Sam pulled out his own gun, going to shoot, aiming for its head - only for it to dodge those bullets too. The animal was smart, and soon enough, both Dean and Sam had fired all the bullets they'd brought with them. The wolf went for Dean, grabbing and digging it's nails into him, making his arm bleed profusely before the creature threw him against the wall, knocking him out cold. Sam stood still protectively in front of his daughter, who was shocked by the scene that had unfolded in front of her. Sam remained still as the wolf snarled, baring it's teeth as it prepared to attack. 
"Y/N, you know what I told you to do." Sam whispered, hoping he could at least save his daughter.
"No, Dad. I won't leave you." Her voice shook through her cold and hard faced exterior - because she knew that Sam was weighing out his options, and many of the outcomes ended up with her being the only survivor. The werewolf was much more powerful than anticipated, and with Dean out cold, there wasn't much that could be done.
"I said run!" His angered, harsh tone frightened her, but she was stubborn, he supposed she got that from him. “Please.” He begged. 
That's all he was. A man, who now stood in front of his daughter, shielding her from pain so unimaginable, asking his little girl to run to save herself.
And as much as everything in her told her to stay, to fight , she obeyed.
A sense of relief filled Sam, as he watched his daughter run, now she was out of harms way, what happened to him didn't matter.
"Come at me then, you son of a bitch." Sam exclaimed, as he picked up an rusty metal pole from the floor, just as Dean began to regain consciousness. The werewolf charged towards Sam, knocking him off of his feet, as it climbed on top of him, it’s jaw snapping open and shut in an attempt to get a bite, though Sam only just managed to hold him off by using the metal pole to keep it at arms length. Though Sam knew it wouldn't hold. Suddenly a whistle cut through the thick air, and the werewolf's attention was diverted to its source, Y/N, who stood strong yet incredibly afraid, and had stupidly tried to save her father’s life by diverting the attention to herself. The werewolf left Sam, as it charged straight towards Y/N, bearing it’s teeth. In all honesty, she had no clue what she was doing. It was a death sentence, really. She may have been becoming a skilled fighter, but no way was she naive enough to believe she could fight of a creature like that. As it charged towards her at an alarming speed, she made no attempt to move. She couldn’t outrun it and she couldn’t fight it off. She was petrified, her blood pulsed through her and she felt as though she couldn’t breathe, but she simple glanced to her father, and she supposed that dying so that he could live wouldn’t be so bad. 
 So many things happened all at once. The sound of Sam screaming her name, or perhaps the hurried footsteps of Dean, who'd managed to scramble to and from the Impala since regaining conciousness to grab more silver bullets, or even the burning pain in Y/N’s abdomen, as the werewolf plunged its long talons into her with one swift move.
She gasped, watching helplessly as the werewolf removed is claws, and she stared as her crimson blood dripped from the tips, whilst her body fell heavy to the ground. The sound of a gunshot ran through the air, as the werewolf's body fell heavily a few meters away from her, and she could faintly make out the figure of Dean holding the gun. Sam ran toward her, kneeling at her side, as he took off his plaid jacket and attempted to apply pressure to her bleeding abdomen, though it was difficult, because his mind couldn't comprehend the quick events that had just occurred.
"Y/N?" Sam placed his hand on the side of her face, and she struggled to keep her eyes open to see him leaning over her. "Come on baby, don't leave." He begged and she could tell he was crying, but lacked the energy to make any movement.
She fought to keep her eyes open, looking into his as tears poured from them. "Dad. It hurts."
"I know baby girl, I know. But hey, it'll be okay. Dean! Dean!" Sam looks behind him, to Dean who is stood in shock at the sight of his niece lying so near death in front of him. "Dean! What're you doing? Call Cas!"
Nodding rapidly, Dean begins murmuring to himself, though after numerous tries, there was no sign of the angel.
"Damnit Cas!" Dean cried, his fist colliding with the wall next to him, before he went to kneel next to Sam and his dying niece. Sam was whispering sweet nothings into his daughter’s ear, making empty promises, as his hand gripped her’s tightly. Sam looked hopefully up at his brother, hoping that he'd managed to get Castiel's attention, though Dean could only shake his head.
"He's not coming Sammy."
Sam looked exasperated. Tears cascaded down his stubbly cheeks, and he held his daughter close as he continued to promise her that it was all going to be okay.
"Uncle D?" She whispered, her other hand reaching out for his, needing all the comfort she could get.
"Yeah, I'm here sweetheart." He promises, as Sam looks at him, and Dean can practically hear his heart breaking.
"Promise me you'll take care of Dad." Tears fell down her cheeks. “He’ll blame himself, but, but you can’t let him, okay? This was my decisionand I-” She cut herself off, lacking the energy to continue speaking. She knew things weren't going to get better. This was it for her. But She'd never regret dying if it meant her father could live.
" Hey, hey, It’s okay. I promise darling." He kissed her forehead sweetly, as did Sam, and as Sam begged helplessly for his daughter not to go, her head finally fell to the side, and her hands fell limp, her eyes falling closed as her breathing ceased.
"Y/N? Baby girl? Wake up." Sam took his daughters arms, and shook her gently, as if that would bring her back. "Please, Y/N. You can't leave."
And Dean can do nothing but watch as his heartbroken brother cries over the daughter that deserved so much more than what she got. Sam sat beside his daughter for hours, holding her limp and cold body in his, rocking her back and forth as he sang the song his mother used to sing to him when he was young. Eventually Dean managed to convince Sam that it was time to go.
"Come on, Sammy. We should go now. We can give her a proper hunters funeral, like she deserves." Dean attempted to say, as he touched his brothers shoulder, though Sam shoved him off.
"No." Sam roughly said, as he stood, lifting his daughter into his arms. "We'll bury her. So she can come back to us when she's ready."
"Okay, Sammy. If that's what you want." Dean hated seeing his brother in such a way, and this time there was nothing Dean could do to make it any better. So Dean sat in the drivers seat, taking her to a lovely patch of greenery, where Y/N's favourite childhood spot was for her and Sam to watch the stars, and Sam sat in the back, cradling his dead daughter to his chest, as tears still fell down his cheeks.
That was the night that Y/N Winchester died.  A night that Sam would never forget.
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holylulusworld · 5 years
The Italian touch – Part 2
Could you write a dean x reader virgin series? She's not so skinny, have curves and take place in leviathan period? She's in her twenties and bobby kinda adopted her she's not American but Italian and alone in the world? Please
Pairing: Dean x Reader, Sam, Bobby, Edgar the Leviathan
Future Warnings: language, angst, injured Dean, blood, injured Sam, characters death?, violence
The Italian Touch Masterlist
A few weeks later…
“Can I help you?” You ask Dean.
“No, uh…I was just looking for something in my trunk.” The hunter stammers and you know he’s lying.
Since Castiel ‘died’ once again you see Dean looking at the trench-coat in his trunk almost daily.
“Bobby is away, said something about an emergency. Jody Mills called him from the Sioux Falls Hospital. He will be back soon.”
“Sioux Falls Hospital?” Sam asks.
“Yeah. Jody saw something. Can’t tell you what, but she knows about the supernatural and she called dad so I guess it was a monster.”
“We got a case. Might be Leviathans. Swim team mangled to death, Stockville Highschool.” Dean explains.
“Shit. You think those things…Leviathan’s Castiel had inside his body are behind those murders?” You ask.
“I’m afraid so,” Sam answers your question.
“Then let’s roll. I’ll text dad that I go with you for a case. I guess he doesn’t need back-up or he would’ve called me.” You say and Dean grins like insane.
“Sure. You can ride shotgun. Right, Sammy?”
“Yeah, okay. But remember what I said to you.” Sam warns again.
“I got it, Bitch!”
“Alright, I’ll get my stuff and then we can check the case out.”
Running into the house you grab your duffle bags, hunters diary, and your favorite jacket. Taking the book you read to find something helpful about Leviathan’s too you check your appearance in the mirror.
“Remember she’s Bobby’s daughter! No touching, flirting or even worse!” Sam states.
“Yes, daddy!” Dean mutters watching you coming out of Bobby’s house. Taking your stuff out of your hands Sam puts it into Baby’s trunk.
Dean is busy opening the door to the passenger’s seat for you like a gentleman. Giggling you kiss his cheek.
Flushing red Dean clears his throat when he sees Sam’s disapproving look. Mouthing a ‘bitch’ Dean opens the door to the driver’s seat.
“That car is so awesome! She really is a sight!” You squeal.
“Yeah. She is,” Dean rasps eying you up and down.
“Dean!” Sam warns once again.
“Shut up Bitch! Let her enjoy my car!” Dean mutters starting the engine.
Looking around the Men’s locker room your eyes widen. Blood is splattered all over the walls.
“I’m Special Agent Anderson, these are my colleague's Special Agents Cole and Nugent,” Dean says to the forensics examining the blood-splattered wall.
“The cops are out for a coffee, but I can show you the layout,” The forensics says and Sam nods.
Having a closer look at the wall Dean curses. Black goo…
“Leviathans?” You whisper.
“I’m afraid so. Fuck, Cas.” Dean mutters.
“Hey, the forensics said two of the kids are missing,” Sam says.
“So those two are stuffed with Leviathan goo?” You whisper.
“Shit. We need to find those bastards.”
“And what do we do when we find them, Dean? We got no clue how to kill a Leviathan.” Sam whispers.
“We should check the cameras…traffic cam etc.” You suggest.
“Good idea, kiddo!” Dean says grinning.
“Shit, they drove back into town. What now?” You ask.
“We should drive back to your house and wait for Bobby to come back. Maybe he already has an idea how to kill those things,” Dean suggests.
“Okay. Dad should be home now. We can meet up with him and plan our next steps.”
Hearing your phone ring you see it’s Bobby. Did he read your mind?
“Hey, dad. Oh..yeah…Wait. Here, dad wants to talk to you,” You say handling Sam your phone.
“What is it, Bobby?”
“The sheriff was right. The hospital was definitely our kind of thing. Met the bastard in the morgue. Fuck, I double-barrelled it. Silver buckshot, no effect. Nothing. That disgusting thing bled black ooze.” Bobby explains.
“Shit. Not even silver? We want to meet up with you at your house. A whole swim team got murdered. Black goo on the walls.”
“Castiel really fucked up! Balls! I’m almost home. We can discuss anything later,” Bobby mutters.
“Okay, later,” Sam says hanging up the phone.
“Let me guess, Leviathan’s in the hospital?” Dean groans.
“Yeah. Bobby used silver bullets…no effect at all.”
“Let’s drive back to Bobby’s and form a plan.” Sam sighs.
Seeing black smoke you panic. Jumping out of the Impala your run toward the burned down house. Bobby’s burned house, your home.
“Dad! Dad!” You scream panicked.
“Shit! Bobby? Bobby don’t you dare being dead!” Dean yells.
Walking through the remains of the house Dean looks around. No sign of a dead person.
“Any sign of him?” Sam asks while you stand next to Dean. Frozen to the spot you look at your destroyed home. Scared you might not just lost your home tonight.
“That place was torched. Son of a bitch! They knew what they were doing!” Dean curses.
“You think Bobby was back there?” Sam asks.
“I don’t know. I hope not. We should call him.”
Dialling Bobby’s number Dean ends up on mailbox. Walking around the junkyard cars Sam and Dean call for your dad. Tears are streaming down your face while you try to not break down.
“Bobby! Bobby you old geezer you better are not gone or I’ll kick your ass!” Dean yells.
Turning around the corner you see a stranger smirking at you and the Winchesters.
“Congrats, Winchesters! Apparently, you two are competent enough to warrant annihilating. I’ll take that as a compliment, boys.” Edgar says grinning.
Aiming his shotgun Dean fires two rounds in the side of Edgar's head. Black ooze is running down the Leviathan’s face. His face transforms and your blood freezes. Mouth enlarged, teeth long and jagged with a two-pronged tongue he snarls at the Winchesters.
One swift motion and he knocks the shotgun out of Dean’s hands. Grabbing Dean he throws him against a car and the older Winchesters groans in pain. Trying to punch Edgar Sam yells at Dean.
Lying on the ground with a broken leg Dean operates the controls for the hoist holding a car suspended in the air.
Distracted Sam doesn’t see the bar in Edgar's hands before it’s too late. Smashing Sam in the head the Leviathan makes him stumble and falling backward right before the car drops onto Edgar.
“Sam? Sammy?” Panicked you check on Sam. His pulse is strong and he’s breathing.
“Is Sam, okay?” Dean groans in pain.
“Unconscious but he’s breathing and his pulse is strong. What about you?”
“I think that bastard broke my leg. Fuck!” Dean grunts.
Rushing to Dean’s side you check on him. Helping him sitting upright you see the cracked bone piercing his skin.
“I’ll call an ambulance. Hold on,” you sob dialing 911.
Sitting in the ambulance you hold Sam’s hand. Dean is knocked out by painkillers.
“Don’t worry, everything will be alright. We are almost there. Five minutes and we arrive at Sioux Falls Hospital,” the paramedic says and you panic.
“No, no. Anywhere else but not … Please. Somewhere else!” You scream…
Forever Tags
@donnaintx, @screechingartisancashbailiff, @fallen-wolf22 , @curly-haired-disaster-deactivat, @sister-winchesters99, @mogaruke, @the-is13, @helloitsmeamie203, @strayrosesbloom , @thewinchesterco, @hobby27, @kittycatlover18,   @gh0stgurl, @marvelfansworld , @sandlee44, @hawaiianohana15, @unlikelysamwinchesteronahunt, @katpatrova17, @notyourtypicalrose , @heyitscam99, @onethingthatkeepsmealive, @natura1phenomenon, @flamencodiva, @echoesofpassion, @cocklesbelli, @anushay1998
Dean/Jensen Forever Tags
@spnfamily-thewinchesters, @love-my-not-natural-babies, @supernatural-bellawinchester, @butifulsoul125, @lyinginthegingerlocks, @mirandaaustin93, @hawaiianohana15, @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester, @20gayneen, @x2closebut2farx, @janicho88, @thefaithfulwriter, @dreaminemz
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eringeosphere · 5 years
Had to have high, high hopes for a living. Chapter 2
Part 1
When Percy made his decision to stay with Lupa’s pack, his mind had managed to focus on two things. First, that Jason had been way too sad when he’d first met him. Even in the company of the wolves - who were awesome and scary and way bigger than normal wolves. Also really harsh teachers but -
Jason. Sad. Jason alone. Jason who was family. Cousin, technically - and after meeting wolves that weren’t really wolves that could talk, being told that he was the son of a God didn’t really surprise Percy.
Not that Lupa was telling him which godly parent had apparently fallen in love with his mum and then left. ‘Work it out yourself’ had been her general attitude when Percy and Jason had asked.
Okay, Percy may be getting sidetracked slightly. Staying with Lupa. Reason number two: his mum had said that the monsters were after him. Not his mum. Him.
The monsters will keep coming after him. Until Percy can beat the monsters, he’s not safe to be around, and the thought of his mum getting hurt because of him makes something inside of him hurt.
So. Join a wolf pack, protect his mum by not being there. ‘Protect Jason’ gets added to his list of important things within about three hours of his mum leaving, after the younger boy had tripped and nearly face planted into a tree root. Learn to fight off the monsters.
In all honesty, Percy had imagined a lot less running.
It doesn’t take long for Percy to lose track of how long it’s been since he left his mum. He keeps the slip of stiff paper that his mum had written the address of their apartment on buried deep in the pocket of his jeans. Percy can't actually read the words yet, but it's nice to know that he has a way to track his mum down when he eventually gets big and strong.
The days whirl into a blended mess of training and lessons that leave little time for thinking about anything else. He only registers that time has passed in the way that the nights begin to grow longer and colder.
His shoes go missing sometime in between wading across a stream and scrambling up the rocky bank on the other side, and after a little while the soles of his feet toughen enough that he doesn’t miss them.
Percy adapts to sleeping curled up on a pile of blankets in the cave that the pack often returns to, or the ground, or in trees, or in bushes, if they've travelled further afield. Jason had a little bit of a leg up on him in that sense, but soon Percy doesn’t even remember what it felt like to fall asleep alone, without the reassuring pressure of Jason or one of the wolves (or both) against his side.
Lupa does not simply teach the boys the means to hold their own in a physical manner; her teaching also include the history of their heritage - both Roman and Greek. This is met with varying levels of success, admittedly.
… and thus begat Dionysus by his Greek calling, or Bacchus in his Roman guise, youngest of the Olympians. And so concludes the tale of the origins of the Olympians.
Percy forcibly drags his attention back from where he’d been half distracted by a bird half way up a tree at the sound of Lupa’s pointed cough.
Perseus. Were you listening to the last bit?
Percy nods vigorously, despite his dislike of his full name. “Yes. I was. For sure!”
Lupa hums thoughtfully. Would you care to tell me who the Olympians are, then? They are likely to be very important as you grow older.
Percy frowns. He knows that much, alright. Lupa’s already covered the ‘strong demigods attract strong monsters’, so odds are good that him and Jason have a godly parent with some wallop.
“Wait, what was the question?” Percy asks.
Lupa doesn’t sigh, but Percy gets the impression it’s a near thing. Who are the Olympians, Perceus?”
Percy nods. “Okay, I know this for sure.” He brings his hands up in front of him and starts counting them off. “So there’s lightning guy, ocean dude, lightning guy's jealous wife -“
Behind him, there’s a faint wheezing noise. Percy plows on regardless.
“-plant lady, smart lady, sun dude, that guy’s twin sister …miss hunter! Er. War man, lover lady, volcano dude, messenger person, and … hearth lady or wine guy? And dead dude and his wife are also kinda important?”
Percy looks up from his fingers. Lupa is staring at him, mouth dropped slightly open.
“What?” Percy glances sideways at Jason, sitting cross legged next to him. “I’m pretty sure I got them all!”
Then Percy and Jason are treated to the sight of Lupa, several thousand year old goddess, trainer of Romulus, Remus and countless demigods thereafter, defender of the Roman Empire and Camp Jupiter, flop onto her belly and cover her eyes with her paws.
Jason breaks out into giggles and Percy can’t possibly be mad, if he managed to get his quiet cousin to laugh.
Percy creeps through the long grass, placing each foot with a care and attention he didn’t possess a couple of months ago. His quarry sits ten paces ahead of him. It hasn’t spotted him yet.
Percy can’t see very far, as the grass is at least as tall as he is, but the faint tugging in his chest that Percy has started to associate with Jason make him pretty certain that his cousin is circling around off to his left.
All to plan so far. Percy inches forward a few more paces.
Then the wind shifts. The rabbit lifts its head and Percy freezes. Please don’t look this way. Percy begs. I do not want to have to track down anotherone.
No such luck. Percy sees the rabbit nostrils flair, and he throws caution to the wind. Percy springs forward into a run, swipes for the rabbit, misses, but somehow manages to scare it into jumping right at Jason. It’s more luck than anything that leads Jason to successfully lock his arms around it before it escapes them both.
There’s a moment of slightly stunned silence.
“Nice, Jason,” Percy gasps, hands on his knees.
Jason flashes him a hesitant smile at the praise. “What now?”
Now, kill it.
At the unexpected voice, Jason and Percy both startle badly, and Percy’s head whips around in the direction of the speaker.
“What!” he exclaims, in sync with Jason.
Lupa’s expression is implacable. Percy is momentarily very jealous over the wolf’s apparent ability to sneak up on both of them through the dried up grass.
There comes a time when every living creature must die, Lupa states.
“Even the gods?” The words are out of his mouth before Percy can stop them, and he immediately wishes that he could take them back.
Jason sucks in a breath next to him. “Percy didn’t mean that!” he exclaims, and Percy feels a surge of fondness for Jason, so willing to try to dig his silly cousin out of trouble of his own making.
Fortunately, Lupa merely looks thoughtful. Yes, Perseus, even the gods may fade one day, she says, ignoring the face Percy pulls at the sound of his full name.
Lupa continues. You delay, little demigods. If you want dinner this evening, kill your catch.
As one, Jason and Percy look down at the rabbit clutched in Jason’s arms.
“Fine,” Percy mutters, and takes half a step towards his cousin, not that he has any idea whatsoever of exactly how he’s supposed to kill the unfortunate rabbit. As it turns out, Percy doesn’t need to, as his movement startles the animal badly enough that it kicks out with its back legs.
Jason yelps, loosens his grip, and the silly animal pushes out of his hands. Percy blinks, and it disappears into the undergrowth.
“I’m sorry,” Jason blurts out, wide-eyed.
Lupa pads forward. Apologies cannot change events. They are simply air and sound.
Jason swallows and Percy blurts out the first thing that comes to his mind. “It’s not dark yet!”
Lupa turns her head to him.
Oh, Percy really wishes he’d manage to think things all the way through once in a while, as he fumbles for the words to continue. “Well - you said we had until sundown to catch a rabbit, right? Right. And it’s still light, so. We’re not out of time yet! Let us try again.”
Percy folds his arms over his chest and glares at Lupa, nodding once - show no weakness - echoing in his head.
Lupa glances up at the sun. You only have a few hours until the sun sets. You’d best move fast if you want dinner this evening. She turns and pads out of the grass field in the direction of the forest. Percy stares after her, surprised that that had actually worked.
Percy looks at Jason. “What a pain -” he begins, then immediately cuts himself off at the sight of Jason’s face.
“Hey no!” Percy exclaims, shifting closer to Jason and wrapping him in a half hug. “What’s wrong - don’t look so upset!”
Jason’s voice wobbles. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. It’s my fault.”
“Oi!” Percy shakes Jason gently. “Hey, I’m not mad, don’t worry about it! I’d have probably done the same thing - you know what I’m like.”
Jason hiccups. “Sorry.”
“Nope - you’ve got nothing to be sorry for. We just have to catch another one!”
Jason hesitates, then nods. Percy grins crookedly. “Great, so - here’s what I think we should do…”
Percy can barely see straight. His entire body feels like one big bruise and he can’t breathe properly. He digs his arms underneath him into the dirt and manages to push himself up onto his elbows, but a yelping noise is all the warning he has before a body crashes into him.
“Sorry,” Jason gasps, his legs sprawled across Percy’s back.
Percy reaches an arm around and squeezes Jason’s leg. He doesn’t have enough air to answer him.
Percy lifts his head, and meets Lupa’s calm gaze. The wolf crouches low in the clearing. A handful of other members of the pack: Latia, Cassia, Seneca and Avitus, ring around the edge, watching. They do not interfere.
Are you done? Lupa asks.
Percy knows how this goes. Percy and Jason both know how this goes - Lupa will not stop until she has taught her lesson, or until the two demigods give up. Percy and Jason have yet to give up when she’s been teaching them.
But Lupa has never pushed them this hard before.
Percy stares at Lupa, silent.
Are you done? She repeats.
And Percy, for the first time in a long time, really wishes his mum was here. Wishes that he wasn’t. Then Jason shifts slightly, and Percy remembers why he’d decided to stay. Percy bows his head. Takes a deep breath in, he forces leaden arms to move again. Pushes himself onto his hands and knees, then with a yell of effort, staggers to his feet.
The world spins and Percy very nearly topples straight over again. His head hurts, a dull, throbbing ache.
“Perce?” Jason croaks.
Percy doesn’t - can’t turn his head to look at him. He daren’t take his eyes off Lupa. “Once more, Jace. Come on. One more.”
Jason lets out a wheezy laugh and Percy hears him clamber awkwardly to his feet behind him. “On three?”
Percy’s answer is more of a snarl. “Why wait?”
Very good, little demigods. Lupa purrs as they approach.
Percy and Jason circle Lupa carefully, waiting for a chance. Lupa doesn't give them one. Her hind legs coil beneath her and then Percy has a seven foot tall, several hundred pound wolf lunging towards him.
Several months of newly found reflexes kick in past the fog in his head. Percy ducks beneath her front leg, pushes off the balls of his feet and jumps, somehow landing on Lupa’s back. Percy wraps his arms around Lupa’s throat and squeezes. His world narrows down to flashes of fur and lurching movement, faint yelps and then - a very human cry of pain.
Percy’s grip loosens. There’s a violent jerking motion and Percy’s flying - or maybe falling - he’s not, he’s not sure.
Percy hits the ground hard, and then there’s nothing at all.
Percy drifts, for a while. He thinks he might be being carried, but the people surrounding him are warm and familiar but it’s easier to just let himself spiral back down into the dark.
Percy wakes slowly. He can smell woodsmoke and cracking his eyelids open gradually brings into focus the rough stone stone ceiling of their cave, lit in flickering shades of orange and black.
There’s a warm weight on his chest. Percy looks down. Jason is sprawled on top of him, head resting on his chest, asleep. Faint puffs of air tickle Percy’s collarbone as his cousin inhales and exhales. They're both covered in an old wool blanket, but Percy spies the neat bandage wrapped around one of Jason's arms.
Welcome back, Perseus.
“It’s Percy,” comes his ingrained response, even as he twists his head to take in a little more of his surroundings. He glances toward the entrance of the cave.
"It's nighttime?" He guesses, based on the lack of sunlight filtering in.
Indeed. You've been unconscious for several hours. Jason was worried.
Percy blinks. Focuses back on his cousin. He’s not really sure what he can say to that, because Percy doesn’t think he’d change his actions at all. He clumsily wraps one of his arms around Jason’s waist.
“What else was I supposed to do?” He mumbles into Jason’s hair. “You hadn’t told us to stop, and we couldn’t run. We won’t always be able to run, so better to go out fighting than give up when there’s still a chance.”
Lupa doesn’t reply for a long while, enough that Percy begins to drift off to sleep again. A hard lesson to learn little one, but one to remember.
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