#*cries in neurodivergent*
moonandris · 2 months
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lawbreaker13 · 1 year
So are we just not going to discuss the perfectly depicted struggles of a nonverbal child in the new Human Resources season, or...?
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qcoded · 7 months
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small comic because my art is going to be the death of me
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amusingmusie · 3 months
musie, hello!!! I wanted to ask who your other favorite characters are from Hazbin and why?? do you also like Helluva Boss?
I've watched Helluva Boss and I really liked Season 1! Season 2 kinda lost me so I've stopped watching, but I still respect the show and the acclaim it has.
As for my other favorite Hazbin characters! Okay, soooooo, I don't think there are any characters in the show that I dislike, but I have my favorites. In no particular order:
Velvette. That's my WIFE. She is a horrible person but it's okay I can fix her just enough that she stops committing horrible crimes but stays a little mean cuz I <3 mean redheaded women!!!
Alastor. Duuuuuhhhh but uh.....I prefer pilot Alastor to series Alastor, A LOT. That's no hate to Amir, he killed it, it's the writing and personality changes that I don't vibe with. I miss how outwardly jovial he was with dark, sinister undertones. He was very much a "show, don't tell" character that quickly became a "tell, don't show" one in my eyes.
Vaggie! I fucking love Chaggie and I love Vaggie's backstory. She also cracks me up being one of the more level-headed characters in the show while everyone else is bouncing off of the walls.
Okay, so....by far....my COMFORT character is....
Husk. Husker. Husky. HUSK HUSK HUSK HUSK HUSK HUSK!!!! I have really adored the whiskey cat since the pilot days but wasn't super open about it, but then during my hiatus my attachment to his character GREW EXPONENTIALLY. He activates my daddy issues but not like, in a sexual way, more of a "ooooooohhh father figure" kind of way. I know Lucifer is the fandom dad, I just find him way too nice, I need someone a little gruffer that I can irritate nonstop. Give me grumpy ass old man that's nice only to the people he really cares about PLEASE.
I'm cringe. I know.
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gayandagod · 1 year
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whats-it-mean · 6 months
if you know someone with ADHD, this is your sign to ask them to tell you about their current hyperfixation!!
you don't have to actually listen. just nod your head and give little hums of approval and let them tell you all the useless info for a little bit. tell them that it sounds cool and that you enjoyed hearing about it. you will make their entire week
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hyperfixation-fix · 24 days
Aight so.
Just reblogged a post that mentioned Nico canonically having depression (totally agree), but I wanted to talk about my other headcanons around Nico's mental health AND MORE IMPORTANTLY his recovery journey.
(AN IMPORTANT NOTE: I'm very wary of talking about headcanons involving mental illness, bc it can easily cross the line into romanticising mental illness. I grew up in that kind of online space, and it's toxic af and makes recovery almost impossible. So I want to emphasise, especially for younger fans who read this - Nico gets better, canonically and in my headcanons. So did I. So will you. It takes work, and often it's not a painless or pretty process, but it's so much better than letting yourself rot away in the dark. Romanticise being well, being happy, and getting better.)
In my head, Nico is autistic. But I think he's been so traumatised and so dissociated for so long that he doesn't even really realise how much things affect him, how much easier things could be if he gave himself permission to be the way he is.
FOR EXAMPLE. I think he is specifically very sensory-sensitive, but he's so disconnected from his body and brain that he doesn't really realise it. He just always feels Bad™️ and has never been safe enough to figure out why. So then, once he gets comfortable at CHB and really starts to finally feel safe and present, he starts to slowly untangle things bit by bit. Will is a big part of this - he's very intuitive and notices stress queues in Nico before Nico even realises he's stressed.
It starts off with Will noticing Nico avoiding crowds, which isn't necessarily weird for a kid who spent the last several years with ghosts, but then he realises it's not actually the people that bother him. It's the noise. Like, Nico avoids the Apollo Cabin as much as possible, even when it's completely empty except for Will, bc it's constantly got music playing a little too loud. Nico doesn't even really know why he doesn't like it and doesn't really bother thinking much about it, but Will is like "huh that's interesting". And, as he gets closer with Nico, that pattern becomes more and more apparent - in noisy places, Nico becomes tense and guarded, but in quiet places he's more relaxed. Then Will notices Nico's sensitivity to textures. Some clothes are consistently "grumpy Nico clothes" and some are "happy Nico clothes".
Will decides to run little experiments, making subtle changes around Nico and taking note of Nico's reaction. For example, suggesting Nico change clothes before a date because "I like the black jeans better" ie "the black jeans are a softer denim and stiff denim makes you grumpy". Or swapping out Nico's sheets bc "whoops my bad, I was practicing wound cleaning and spilled supplies all over them! But don't worry, I've replaced them with a new set so it's all good," ie "your sheets were cheapass 100% cotton and rough af and that's why you haven't had a good night's sleep like, ever, so here's a high-quality satin (or whatever, idk fabrics) set that probably won't bother you as much." And lo and behold, Nico sleeps like a baby every night after that. Or orchestrating a whole plan to get Nico into the Apollo Cabin when it's quiet (music gets turned low, siblings are threatened with weeks of dish duty if they don't keep it down), and seeing if he's less on edge. AND HE IS.
And eventually Nico picks up on Will's increasingly elaborate accommodation experiments (Will is simply having way too much fun at this point - he feels super sneaky, finds it hilarious that Nico still isn't noticing, and also just loves seeing Nico less stressed out) and is like "Solace I know you're up to something, out with it or else." And at that point Will is like "ok bet" and pulls out a fucking spreadsheet (Annabeth taught him how to use excel (yeh I know demigods don't vibe with tech but this is my headcannon so deal with it) with great joy and little-to-no interest in why he actually wanted to learn) with a bunch of Nico's triggers and sensitivities and the success rates of different accommodations. Nico is like "I'm actually going to kill you, you've been fucking with my brain for months????" but is barely containing how curious he is and how sweet he actually finds it that Will has thought so much about how to make Nico happy. But Will knows, especially when Nico, even while grumbling, takes the spreadsheet with him.
The next day Will presents Nico with a present he was saving for the final big-reveal: some loop earplugs or something similar. Discrete and practical 😌 Will just leaves them next to Nico's bed with a cute lil sticky note that says "Before you orchestrate my untimely demise as promised, give these a go. Consider it the last request of a dead man walking ;) love you Neeks x".
And that's that. The earplugs make a massive difference, much to Nico's surprise and Will's smug satisfaction, and from then on Nico starts to reconnect with himself and gets better and better at recognising things that make him more comfortable, and using them. Will considers his experiment over (a resounding success, of course), but is unwaveringly supportive and helpful as Nico figures stuff out.
Lol that became very long sorry, but it made me happy to write it out hehehe
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heresiae · 9 months
me, before realizing what was going on and starting the diagnosis process: goddammit! I got distracted again. what's wrong with me!! and why I'm not understanding shit?! the argument is simple. why is everything confusing?
me, after the realization: adhd, behave! we need to hear this. I know this dude is boring, the argument is boring, but we need to make an effort. autism... I know, I know. they're confusing and not following a logical narrative pattern. we'll ask ALL the questions after.
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laz-kay · 6 months
Upon watching Bob's Burgers for the first time, my dad has decided that Tina is the main character and he and I are Bob and Tina. I want to cry :')
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mariatesstruther · 5 months
Okay but what about hairDresser!maria?
Sarah is growing up and starts to get more vain with herself, and tommy notices she's having a hard time with her hair. So after he picks up the girls from school for joel, tommy leads all of them to the salon and that's where they meet maria. Man just imagine maria giving sarah all the tips for her hair and trying different hair styles🥺Maria focusing on braiding sarah's hair and trying to ignore all of tommy's flirt attempts lmao. And cute little ellie asking for braids too awwwwwwwww
we LOVE hairstylist maria over here!!!! i could’ve sworn i made a hairdresser au already where tommy takes sarah to salons and maria teaches her to do her hair but i cant find it 😭😭😭
i do imagine that as sarah grows up past like 4-5 and realizes her hair is different from most people around her, she’d be less vain and more self-conscious (i really doubt you meant vain in that way so don’t worry about it, im just sensitive to language regarding black little girls and their hair). austin texas in the 1990s-2000s was only about 10% percent which isnt bad, but i know from growing up in a predominantly white area that it heavily impacted how i saw myself and my hair.
i LOVE the idea that tommy and joel would put extra effort, as much as they could, into making sure sarah’s hair is loved and taken care of. i love the idea that maybe they start taking her to the salon as soon as she’s old enough, like 3-4, to sit in a chair long enough to get herself and her hair pampered
so here’s some actual plot: maybe sarah has a regular hair stylist that she’s gone to since she was literally 2, mama shirley (HEY MAMA SHIRLEY LETS BRING U INTO ANOTHER AU). unfortunately mama shirley is getting older, her hands not as agile and quick as they used to be, and she tells the miller boys that she’s planning to retire soon. they’re both pretty anxious about it because sarah like routine and sameness, and getting her hair done is already enough of a feat for her with all her sensory issues, which mama shirley always accommodates for. luckily, mama shirley assures them she’s found a brilliant replacement that’s she’s been training for months
when sarah meets maria, it’s like the little girl is meeting an in real life princess. maria has long, long, long locs that go all the way to the back of her knees, some streaked blue and purple and pink—all sarah’s favorites. maria has gentle hands and rounded nails that feel good when they scratch at sarah’s scalp in the washbowl, just like mama shirley’s. she has a whole punch of stim toys and fun charms on her locs, necklaces, and bracelets that she lets sarah reach up and play with while she works.
she talks to joel and tommy about their life with her and how she’s doing in school and how they take care of her hair at home, making gentle suggestions here and their based on her own experiences growing up as a black girl in a predominantly white area—fuckin’ omaha, nebraska. she lets joel and tommy step in and try whatever she’s doing with sarah’s hair. tommy, bless him, is so nervous and into her that his hands are way clumsier than usual. luckily, his poor attempts just make her laugh and place her hands next his to show him how to smooth out sarah’s hair correctly, without flicking the product all over himself and his shirt
she remains sarah’s hairstylist for years, and tommy falls in love with her slowly at first, considering he only really sees her once every four weeks. eventually he starts going in for his own hair, then offers to do free repairs for the salon—then, finally, maria pulls him into the back room one day and says “ya know, miller, you don’t have to work here to spend time with me. you can just ask me out.”
“i—i can?”
“you can. you’ve taken long enough.”
“i—uh. alright. sorry to keep you waitin’, ma’am. dinner? tonight?”
“dinner sounds good :)”
gonna tag my hair babies @boilingcowboy and @clickergossip bc i feel like they’d appreciate this idk and i feel like rose may be the only person to remember my other hairstylist au 😭
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puhpandas · 7 months
Quick question: is it weird that I hc Gregory as ADHD or is it, just, completely normal to see him as that?
its completely normal dude. if you see traits in him or even dont and just. want to see him that way it's fine. headcanons for characters are apart of life genuinely like everyone sees themselves in a character sometimes
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peachyygoblin · 9 months
Isaac and Flower ramble!!💐✒️
Isaac and Flowers' similarities , and why they would make a good dynamic for more interaction because I love them ARGHHH !! 🌼🦅
Flower and Isaac are similar in ways many would not see at first eye, which is what sets them up to be viewed as an unlikely duo, until these reasons as to why they are the same would come into light!
For one: they both struggle with intimacy. Isaac with more physical and Flower with more emotional, although they both struggle with the other aspect too. This is something we have seen them tackle on their own without ever seeming to realise they are both similar in that way!!
I feel that once they understand that they are alike in this way, they may become closer and try to help each other out, especially considering their boyfriends are friends too! While Thor and Nigel watch ants, an unlikely friendship could be found with Flower as they could both talk about their respective partners and what its like to be in a relationship after many years of being caught up feeling the shared guilt or loss that they have both experienced in their last relationships in life! They both hold these complex feelings with love and how they emotionally regulate these feelings! Being similar in this way despite being hundreds of years apart could be something the both of them could share talking about together🌼🦅!!
Second Point: They have both been viewed as strange/socially outcasted in their life/death!! ARGH this is something I'm passionate about the both of them! Through Flowers life after she subjected to her more hippie life and no longer subjected to what was viewed as ''socially acceptable'' , the was viewed as being strange or off-putting in a way that she never fully understood, especially considering the only thing she wanted to do was to spread peace, love and music, PLUS she is thought to have been raised in an extremely strict/religious household as according to Sheilas' views on her, so this being considered into the fact that she derived from the pressures she faced from not only her family but also outside factors such as the general views of the time perfectly align with Isaacs also!! Isaac while alive had his curly hair and odd clothing which never had seem to fit in entirely with the fashions at the time, Which is why he straightened his hair to try and 'fit in with the cool kids' as BSJ once describes (Which, again, is something Flower did when she went by as Susan, straightening her hair to fit in with the high societal standards for her at the time) shows perfectly how he was also viewed as odd, but those are only physical aspects, Isaac never seemed to say anything right and was awkward socially, making him seem odd and off-putting in the same way that Flower would have been viewed as in her time!! We see it more with the Flower we know today also, where she blurts out and interrupts and says things of concern, whereas Isaac is more reserved, due to his era where the only thing he knew was to bury his true self and his feelings, something which Flower used to do until after she would have left the cult, but still not fully allowing herself to show weakness and vulnerability in the same way which Isaac does!!
This shared oddness which they both have is once again another way in which Isaac and Flower could see that they are more alike than once thought, especially considering that they *BOTH!!!* would have been brought up religiously (most likely Christian) and how that affected them and what was expected of them, even more so because they are both queer characters and what that part of their identity means to them. Isaacs mother was nosy, most likely questioning and wondering her son constantly, while Flower was in a strict household where once again, she could not be herself!! Its very likely she only went to law school to please her parents and their high expectations which they had of her. We know she never truly cared for it, as she constantly skipped classes to hang out with her partner, even though we know she was smart and capable enough to get into the school.
This expectation of pleasing and living up to parental expectations can once again be linked to Isaac and his expectations to marry for wealth or closing a deal, many marriages in his era were not for love, but rather for economy or business, its probable that his marriage with Beatrice was arranged, as they slept in separate rooms and beds, while he was lucky to have found a friend in Beatrice, it sill most likely would have been a marriage to please Isaacs' parents and their expectations of him to marry well to maintain a good reputation in his family, similar to Flower to maintain a good reputation of her household name too by going to law school!! Something which still was viewed as odd for women at the time, as they were still expected to be housewives or a mother tending to her children, but if she *was* to still subvert and be odd, may as well have her job be something respectable, right? 🌼🦅
Another smaller point: they both have a deeper caring and love for things which they do not show as often. This is due to all the years they both have had to suppress actual feelings in trade of being viewed as 'the perfect child', or societally acceptable, So when we see them both serious, we understand how much they truly care for the things which are important to them!!! If Isaac and Flower interacted more, we could truly get to see this shared dynamic in which they understand each other deeply, the way they changed themself, the way they both had crippling pressure applied to the both of them to be viewed as perfect, yet never truly achieving it due to the fact that no matter how hard they both tried, people found them weird or strange, another mini note, both of these characters seem to be written very neurodivergent coded, they both struggle with societal situations, have a hard time with tone and sarcasm, both stim a lot physically and have a strong sense of justice amongst many other things, i think it would be wonderful if they both actually were and it could be another thing that they could share in common, an understanding between the two that they are both different and that is a wonderful and beautiful thing to share, to be weird and for that to be and incredible thing, as it makes them, well, *them*! Maybe this is me reading into it too hard because I myself am ND but oh well teehee, I think that Isaac and Flower are more alike than what most people think, and for them to interact more and have that shared experience interacting together could be a wonderful thing to see on screen!! like hello they would be so silly together
BUT YEAH!! that was my long thread about Isaac and Flower and why they are so similar, there's bound to be more, but these points were the only things I could think about at the top of my head, thank you for reading all of this if you actually did!! I think that they're neat you guys I love them a lot🌼🦅💕
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It's floor time, friends
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killemwithkawaii · 2 months
Emotional hangovers are so fucking stupid.
"Oh, you went out and had an especially good time in a highly stimulating environment for a few hours? Nice going, you just cashed in 3 days worth of dopamine. Get Meh, jackass."
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blushingchaos · 6 months
there is only so much anger that a short person’s body can hold, and i have reached that limit !!/!!:!/&/&/!
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grayraccoon · 4 months
don't you just hate not being in control of your emotions and just feeling too strongly with out a reason?
well same.
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