#(the pinned post has also been updated!)
raifuujin · 1 year
It’s done!
The directory of all the various DC related books (that I own) has been completed!
Not all of the scans are mine, when other people have shared for the main series and spinoffs over the years, but a very solid chunk are my scans of all the ‘unimportant’ material. (If other people had good scans, I opted to save my own time, even if I could scan my own copies, basically.) And now it’s all fairly organized in one easy access list!
Includes: Conan, Kaito, Yaiba, the novels, movie manga, educational manga, activity books, tokubestuhen, archives, game guides, etc.
Now that it’s caught up, I’ll try to keep it up to date when I get more books in the future.
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bigshotspambot · 11 months
I probably will not rebrand yet but feeling pretty ABNORMAL about all spamton’s forms now <3 Perhaps I will make more tags for big shot and regular spamton
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Fucking bird HELL SATAN gif to communicate this fact.
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detco-hell · 11 months
Welcome to (detco) hell!
An archive for Detective Conan screenshots managed by @kostektyw.
Every screenshot posted or reblogged here will contain info about the episode of origin, along with more detailed tags for easier browsing.
Now also tagging Conan's outfits, since they're a useful tool for identifying an episode based only on a screenshot.
The tag rules i follow can be found in the tagging guide or under the read-more!
Blog open for suggestions and submissions, if you have some pictures you'd like to see here or perhaps identified – i will do my best to help!
tagged as show’s name, so far including: detective conan
Episode Info for Detective Conan
“episode n” (like “episode 4”)
case title according to detective conan world wiki (for example “Magic Lover’s Murder Case”)
“manga based” or “anime original”
year, for example “1997”
episode range in hundreds, like “1-100”, “100-200”, “200-300” and so on
characters present in the pictures, with surname first, following the spelling on detective conan world wiki
episode's theme, including: “winter episode”, “beach episode”, “onsen episode”
post originally from this blog (or my main) are tagged as “detco hell original”, post from other blogs as “reblogged”
openings and endings as “opening n” and “ending n”, as well as the song title and artist
if the song title or artist name contains non standard characters, it will be tagged twice, both with and without them
Conan’s clothing tags
tagged will be only the most distinctive articles of clothing, usually shirts, jackets, hats
most common tags contain color + article of clothing, like “blue shirt”
patterns will be tagged if distinctive, like “striped shirt”, “K jacket”
if an article of clothing is in multiple colors, like striped shirt, it will receive multiple color tags, like “blue shirt”+“yellow shirt”
if only small elements are colored differently, like zippers or pockets, they will not be tagged –with exceptions of collars and hoods, like "purple collar", "beige hood"
tagged articles of clothing include: shirt, jacket, hat, sweater, sweatshirt, socks, shoes, hood, bowtie (exception: red bowtie, see below)
tagged colors: blue, purple, pink, red, yellow, orange, green, black, white, beige
clothing style: “beachwear”, “formal wear”, “pajamas”
“no glasses” only in screenshots where Conan’s not wearing them, normally glasses will not be tagged
“red bowtie” will be tagged only if Conan is wearing (or holding) the bowtie in an outfit that does not classify as one of the classics below
some outfits will be tagged as a set, and will not be split into specific elements. these include:
“bowtie classic” - Conan’s first outfit, with red bowtie, blazer and shorts
“vest classic” - similar to the previous one but with light blue vest instead of the blazer
“bowtie classic shirt and suspenders edition” - no blazer, only shirt and suspenders
"bowtie classic shirt edition" - no blazer and no suspenders, only white shirt
if any elements in the classic outfits differ from the norm, they will be tagged separately
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outpost-43 · 1 year
Artic Au Comic - Start Chrono comic  Setting - Locations and Hc’s for the setting The cast - Art and Headcanons of the main group Discord server 18+
Hi! this blog is run by Bryn EddsworldRUs/OccultOpossum.  Updates approx Saturdays 11am est
Content warning pages may contain
Horror/Suspense themes, Blood/Violence and some gore, body horror, guns, some strong language,
Ask box is open for general questions/ect (no ma!s)
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dictionarydyke · 1 year
🥒pinned part 2!🥒
🪱i’m quincy, but you can call me will, henry, bittu, or any iteration of my url🪱
🪀pronouns: they/it/one, any neopronouns are good too :)🪀
🐁currently going through the identity crisis to end all identity crises, so yea. this spot used to be where i had my identities but now all you get is that i’m queer as Fuck, tyvm🐁
🦎(check this out too please!)🦎
🪥tagging system! “avy tag” is @/bowling-bullfrog, “birbathy tag” is @/thebirdinator3000, “‘prollyundiagnosedadhd’ tag” is @/topgunmenbefinebruh, “safi tag” is @/sillyygeese, “mysterious mischief maker tag” is @/dead-immortal, “unforgettable tag” is @/hazmatazz (this better work </3), “les strange tag” is @/very-strange-indeed, “lima tag” is @/beansthebylershipper, and “inquiries” is my asks tag🪥
🦩my sideblog is @encyclopediaofsapphicness where i rant about random shit🦩
🧇some of the moots! @bowling-bullfrog @topgunmenbefinebruh @thebirdinator3000 @hazmatazz @namenotfound0 @beansthebylershipper @sandinmybed @fangirlingismylife @very-strange-indeed @cgi-heart-eyes @ad15124 @dead-immortal🧇
🩺my dms and asks are Always open, and i’m always looking to meet someone new!!🩺
🧯i love tag/ask games so send them to me if you want! i might not do them right away but i appreciate them and will get to them eventually :)🧯
🥗i swear kinda a lot? so i guess this is a warning for that. i try to tag things appropriately but please tell me if i’m doing something wrong! or if you’d like a post tagged alternately or whatever :) 🥗
🦐uhhh special facts about me: my birthdays on leap day, i play bassoon and baritone, uhm not much else?🦐
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iinexorabile · 7 months
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"Anyway, so I started slaying, right, and--"
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"Uhhh, huh, didn't I just banish your ass? How the hell do you keep gettin' in my house?"
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:3 /pos
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The about link in your pinned is broken ,, may I ask which flags are in your profile picture ;0?
ngl the about link is broken cuz i deleted the page cuz it's kinda pointless and was also outdated fskldjksljdjkljklfsjfds- i need to update my pinned post. anyways the flags are (from left to right) ace, lesbian (technically lesbiflexible), agender, polyamorous, rhythmheavengender, bigender and fictoaesthetic. there's also the adhd butterfly symbol thingie idk what to call it n also the catkin flag. :3 i have lots of flags-
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clarafell · 9 months
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Guess who has (almost) completed her carrd? This girl!
The release of the new movie trailer has inspired me!
You can find the carrd here!
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ria-starstruck · 1 year
im going to have NO drawing tablet for the next 4 days so that means i can add NO new animatic frames because im unable to draw with the mouse. absolutely demolished rn
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^me when im drawing with the mouse
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I can't believe I've returned to this site, after a two year hiatus... or so...
The blog is SFW to follow but read the rules if you’d like to interact with me! (Whether that’d be through asks/replies on personal text posts/own posts, etc).
Rules set here: https://fuckyeahmasahirosakurai.tumblr.com/blogrules
I'll be around reblogging things and might post that one occasional personal post (and if not, I'm obsessing over some game on Steam/some fictional husbando/making terribly impulsive purchases/busy with life and such).
My inbox will stay open but anon's off (for the sake of whatever sanity I have left and the fact that my last asks I had weren’t exactly very pleasant to read). The messaging system is strictly for mutuals only! :)
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luckyemo · 1 year
do people know what extension and what setting hides pinned blog posts lmao
#i have both xkit and tumblr savior and like am Just realizing one of them has an auto turned on setting that hides pinned blog posts#lmao @ me the past weeks being like Why do so many blogs say read my pinned but then Dont have a pinned oops#i just thought ppl deleted their pinned wout updating their description or something#im assuming its tumblr savior bc that one also auto has reblog headers turned off so you dont see the name+icon of ppl who commented#so it looks like one long post of someone talking to themself and that was annoying af until i realized#but also tumblr saviour has like 4 settings and none of them are for pinned so ive been looking thru xkit and??? nothing#like my best guess is pinned posts gets considered to be 'promoted' or an ad or something like that which like?? why#why do ppl even use posts for their abouts instead of pages like posts can be filtered out by extensions unintentionally like this#and also be filtered out intentionally with blacklists? esp bc with these pinned abouts ppl put like about byf and blacklists all on them#so like i just feel like the likelihood of someones pinned post containing a blacklisted word of someone who would be in their tumblr#orbit is like extremely high? like if youre into the same stuff its likely youre also not into the same stuff so like wyd for when like#like for example you have the word radfems blacklisted and your friend has no radfems in their byf -> u cant see your friends pinned#i am really really not sure why external about/link pages or pinned about posts are even used here this isnt twitter?????????????#tumblr has its own built in pages??????????????????????????????????????????#?????#???????????????????????????????????#anyways lol if u know how to see pinned posts containing words yr not blacklisting lmk
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therandomartmaker · 6 months
Reasons Discord's New Mobile Layout Update is Bad
The reply function is redundant, as most people are used to just holding down and tapping the reply option at the top. If they're going to change it, they shouldn't have gotten rid of the member list for this functionally bad option. It also doesnt line up with any other platform in terms of swipe direction.
The member list is gone from easy viewing
It doesnt auto open your last group chat/DM making multiple simultaneous conversations far more difficult and longer
It's already broken my app once (Locked all channels including other servers' to one channel. I could not access anything except that and my DMs.)
You can not see images that have been pinned in the pins tab.
The search function was fine before. Where did your before, during and after date search go??
All of Discord's individuality is disappearing.
Getting used to a mobile format actually impedes usage of the desktop format and likely discourages people from multiplatforming discord because theyre so used to the "intuitiveness" of the new "tailored for mobile" experience
There is no way to CHANGE IT BACK. This is like Tumblr rolling out Tumblr Live without any Disable button At All.
Why are they marketing midnight mode as Something fucking ENTIRELY new??? It has always been a feature on Android as the AMOLED theme???????
Disable swipe-to-reply by activating full-screen Launchpad in Advanced Settings
Discord’s new layout is apparently permanent. Keep sending feedback and rating it one star on all appstores; if you get redirected to the advice article, double tap gove feedback.
If you, too, dislike the theme, head to settings (you can double tap your account picture) and go to Appearance, scroll to New Layout and Send Feedback.
Overall, what they've done is disorientate every single current user on discord, and you cannot avoid it unless you've not updated to the latest discord because this is not an update. It is a feature that has already been on the latest update and is being slowly rolled out, like Tumblr Polls.
Good Luck, and may we send as much feedback as possible and have them make it optional or at the least, revert it. I've already sent in at least seven complaints to discord, commented on their instagram post about the layout and I'm about one star review it on google play and app store.
This isnt just the appearance and vibes being off like the new (ish) app icon, this is a matter of functionality.
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lieahsblog · 3 months
i’ve run out of smart words and metaphors, just please please help this father from gaza evacuate his son for treatment. the goal is $15k please help them reach this ASAP.
EDIT: UPDATED campaign link for Fadi has been posted so keep scrolling. I also posted the campaign link of razan(see pinned) who’s mother needs treatment. Razan’s campaign has fallen under the radar so please share and donate. Please scroll and read the whole post for the crucial info. thanks for sharing!
edit: are u guys even reading the edits. AMPLIFY RAZANS CAMPAIGN. ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
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UPDATE TO EVERYONE REBLOGGING: Fadi and his family have evacuated to egypt now. They still need to cover living expenses AND his medical expenses for his son so this is Fadi’s new campaign: https://www.gofundme.com/f/brain-surgery-of-a-sixyearold-child-due-atrophy?utm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheet&utm_medium=chat&utm_source=whatsApp
this is Fadi’s p@yp@l to help with their living expenses: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=GLVYEA82FPMX2
MORE URGENT INFO: I would like to add that another family needs your help. I’ve made several posts about Razan’s family(including her mother who needs treatment) and this campaign has fallen under the radar. their goal is $50k and they have not raised even half. we really need to pick up the slack, so i would like to please ask everyone to donate to razan’s campaign AND find a friend to match your donation!! one you have done so, please make your own post about razan’s campaign and share it with all your mutuals. we need this campaign to have so much more visibility so please join me in amplifying and #floodthedash4razan!! let’s work together and help razan and her family. give some love, support and donations towards razan’s campaign‼️‼️ I would like to direct everyone to please AMPLIFY and share Razan’s campaign(please also checked my pinned where you can see more about her campaign!!) i will also share her campaign in this post, again please show some support and amplify and donate to her:
Thank you all for sharing!
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adragonofthings · 18 days
Scam blogs (and how to spot them)
Unfortunately, scams do exist on tumblr. That is why it’s key to always try to search around when someone’s sent you a request for mutual aid. Not every account is trying to scam you and for the most part there is legitimate blogs who need your help. Sadly there are also scammers who pretend to be needing mutual aid as well so here is a simple guide to figuring out scams.
How old is the account? The pinned post usually is a good way to tell if the account contacting you is new or old. If you scroll the posts, you should see if they were made around the same time as the account.
How many posts are on the account? Most blogs will have more than just a few posts here and there. After all, a well used blog has thousands of posts for you to look at.
Are there more original posts? Usually someone needing help will have multiple posts of their own instead of a single post that’s pinned. They will also post updates regularly regarding their situation and answer asks clarifying details when necessary.
What does the link on the pinned post say? If it’s a linktree claiming to be a GoFundMe link, that’s something to be suspicious of because it’s likely not. If the link is an actual GoFundMe link that isn’t a linktree link then that usually means the account is legitimate and may have shared posts verifying who they are if you scroll a little.
Is the ask being mass sent to users? While this is done by legitimate accounts too, it’s unfortunately also commonly done by scammers. If you search the ask you got you may find it was sent to multiple accounts across several months and from several different senders with no changes to the overall text itself. Even the formatting errors are not fixed.
Are there any warnings out for the username? Try searching the senders username to see if anyone’s made a post claiming the account is a scam. There should at least be one post about them. If not, it’s likely that they are too new to have been reported yet.
Are you a well known account? How likely is it someone would find you without searching specific tags or posts for users to contact? Think about it. How often does someone send you asks for money that is a relatively new account with only a few reblogs and only one original post? If it’s almost daily, then you should be wary of the asks.
What do you find if you search part of the pinned post in your preferred search engine? If a fundraiser pops up using the same text and doesn’t mention using another mutual aid method, it’s highly likely the blog sending you the ask is impersonating a real person who needs support.
Does the mutual aid post make sense? Some scammers don’t know how medicine works and may list some that don’t work like claimed. They’ll just use whatever sounds ‘right’ without further research. Someone who needs medication will always know what their medicine does they don’t guess because they’ll usually have a doctors paper they go by.
If you have properly recognized a scammer and have fully been able to confirm that their a scammer with enough evidence, please report scam accounts and alert anyone whose shared the scam post.
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:3 /pos
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