#(rip hiromu the other day)
doctapuella · 1 year
bosj30 has me in such a chokehold
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sofya-fanfics · 1 year
Your Name On My Skin
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Fandoms : Naruto / Fullmetal Alchemist
Relationship : Edward x Sakura
My Crossover Ships Week 2023 contribution for the prompt : Soulmates.
I’m sorry for the mistakes, English is not my native language. I hope you like it.
Summary : Edward slowly opened his eyes. A ray of sunlight passed through the half-open curtain. Edward turned to the other side of the bed and looked at Sakura. He smiled. She was lying on her stomach and she was sleeping peacefully. His looked at her bare shoulder where his first name was tattooed. He was lucky to have Sakura as a soulmate.
Disclaimer : Naruto belongs to Masashi Kishimoto and Fullmetal Alchemist belongs to Hiromu Arakawa.
Edward slowly opened his eyes. A ray of sunlight passed through the half-open curtain. Edward turned to the other side of the bed and looked at Sakura. He smiled. She was lying on her stomach and she was sleeping peacefully. His looked at her bare shoulder where his first name was tattooed. He was lucky to have Sakura as a soulmate.
He had his mark when he was nine years old, at the same age as Sakura, at the same time. Sakura's first name had appeared in the night on his right forearm. At the time, he did not want a soulmate. It did not interest him. All that mattered to him was learning as much as possible about alchemy and not thinking of a potential soulmate he was sure he would never meet.
When he had lost his arm, there was no more tattoo, no more soulmate, nothing. There was just metal. He knew things did not work that way. You did not lose your soulmate because your member had been ripped off. He felt a void every time he looked at his automail.
He had met Sakura when he was fifteen. He had been seriously injured and Sakura had healed him. She was on a mission at Central City Hospital. Tsunade had sent her at the request of the head of the hospital. When Edward first heard her name, he felt complete. As if he had found his place with her. He did not want to be separated from her anymore, but he knew that was impossible. His life was far too dangerous and he wanted to protect her. In no time, she had become his priority. So he had left the hospital without telling her his name. It was better this way, he tried to convince himself each time he looked at his automail.
The more he was far from her, the more he felt this emptiness in his heart. The more time passed, the more he suffered of the distance. But he had to hold on. Until he and Alphonse restored their bodies, he had to stay away from Sakura.
He saw her again several years later, when he was twenty. After the Fourth Shinobi World War, she went on a trip through different countries. She wanted to help as many people as possible.
One day she had arrived at Resembool and had met Edward again. He was finally able to tell her who he was. She was furious with him and he quickly realized how strong she was. She had called him an idiot and told him that they would have saved themselves years of pain if he had said who he was from the start. But she understood why he had done that and she told him that she would certainly have done the same.
Edward approached and kissed her shoulder. Sakura moved slightly but did not wake up. He finally had the happy life he had wanted with her since the first time he had heard her name.
The end
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starrspice · 4 years
SO  I first Discovered Fullmetal alchemist when I was maybe 12 (right about when the show was first airing) and I was in about 5th grade. I was still restricted from watching anything other than pg13 content by my parents (which naturally includes Adult Swim)
So one night I just could not get to sleep, no matter what I did. And I had an old Disney TV that my parents had recently Hooked up to cable so I could watch cartoons in my room instead of taking over the living room tv. 
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(this tv specifically) 
And I remember turning the volume super low so my parents wouldn’t hear me watching TV in the middle of the night. Well I loved (and almost exclusively watched) Cartoon Network  so i turned my tv over to that channel only to find a very weirdly styled cartoon. It was actually an anime and to the best of my memory it involved Kitsunes/spirits and magic boxes and a weird staff and to this day I have been unable to find the name of that anime. 
BUT after that I saw Fullmetal Alchemist   and because I was super tired and like 12 I didn’t really understand the plot and couldnt properly keep up with what was happening, I just knew that I really really liked it. And remembered the show by its ending credits.
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WELL  I didn’t catch the name of the show and being 12 I was too dumb to figure out how to find it again. I stayed up late the next night in hopes of seeing the show come on again but it didn’t.  It wasn’t until I caught that Adult Swim called the anime segment of the channel Toonami. Which led to me finding out what anime was (and getting really interested in it). 
Then, I’m not sure quite how much time had passed, all I know is that later, I happened to notice the ending credits I remembered in a thumbnail on youtube, and clicked to watch it. I had finally found the name of my very first anime (I consider it my first cuz I still have no idea what the weird fox one was called). 
Naturally, being in middle school, I had begun to stay up a little bit later and get more interested in some older focused content (usually watching tv 14 stuff since I was still young and squeemish) and I looked on Toonami’s schedule one weekend to notice that Fullmetal Alchemist would be on. 
SO my dumb 12 y/o self sat up late waiting specifically to watch some anime i found by complete accident. Like I said the show was still coming out at this time so each episode that aired was usually a new one. Well I was not prepared for this. 
So the episode I am referring to is in season 4, Episode 2: The Abyss. In this episode Edward and the fort Briggs soldiers are trying to take out Kimblee while searching for scar, and Kimblee basically gets the jump on Ed and causes a massive explosion.  This explosion made Ed (and Kimblee’s 2 Chimera Soldiers) fall deep into a mine shaft.   While trying to stand up and look around EDWARD FINDS OUT HE HAS LITERALLY BEEN IMPALED
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Ok like  I was  a 12 yo girl and had a dumb cartoon crush on this bratty loud mouthed blonde from a weird anime I saw (cuz I mean come on, he kicks ass and dude was RIPPED) 
So for the 2nd I’d ever seen him, to be when he gets impaled through the stomach and spend a good portion of time screaming in pain and rushing to seal the wound  I was MESSED UP over it for at least a few days like DAMN
ITS SO TRAUMATIZING  and the thing is, I wasn’t upset because I saw it happen.  I was upset because “OMG HE MUST BE IN SO MUCH PAIN! ITS GONNA LEAVE A SCAR, AND HE KEEPS SCREAMING IN AGONY” like damn
my sweet little 12 y/o brain is crying over the pain of an anime character I had seen once 
and like, ever since then, any time a character gets impaled like that I physically and mentally cringe  like, it is now a deep subconscious thing that I HATE impalement more than any other depiction of injury or violence. And now I’m back on my FMA Kick and reliving this shit again AND IT MAKES MY SOUL ACHE WATCHING IT AGAIN
UPDATE: I FOUND OUT WHAT THE WEIRD FOX ANIME WAS!!!!!!! Apparently its called Kekkaishi and its still really weird to me
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fablecore · 4 years
oh!!! just bc i saw u mention arakawa hiromu in a previous post, i just thought id mention i reread fma the other day, and i just kept thinking abt how some of the comedic elements in mnp are very similar!!! i think it was mainly cus of the way u r able to intermix serious theme with just plain old fashion silliness - but yeah!!! i thought that was v cool (*⁰▿⁰*)
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nothing was more formative to baby writer lychee than arakawa hiromu going “i will write about immense philosophical themes but show them in acts of kindness and moments of bravery and also the love that saves the world is actually the same love in folding a blanket over your sibling’s chin as they sleep and in offering a hungry stranger something warm to eat.” ed choosing his brother over alchemy is the best ending possible and so courageous of arakawa to follow through on her circular narrative literally no other shounen mangaka could ever.
also yes 98% of my comedic chops is ripped directly from fma <3
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wrestlingisfake · 3 years
Wrestle Grand Slam preview
Originally New Japan Pro Wrestling was going to do two big stadium shows in May. I'm guessing the strategy was to keep fans socially distanced, but book bigger buildings so they could sell more tickets. Unfortunately Japan had another surge in COVID-19 cases, and another state of emergency was declared. New Japan ultimately canceled the Yokohama show and postponed this one, in the Tokyo Dome, to July 25. Unfortunately, with the pandemic going the way it is in Japan, the government has probably limited the number of people who can attend, and New Japan is probably taking a bath on this show no matter what.
But that's not our problem. All you need to know is that you can stream the show live at 3am EDT, Sunday morning, July 25. You can stream it on NJPW World (about $9.05 US per month). Or if you don't want the hassle of subscribing to a Japanese service, you can get the show for $19.99 on Fite.tv. Both services will provide English commentary, and both of them let you watch it later on-demand (in case you don't want to be up all night).
Shingo Takagi vs. Kota Ibushi (maybe) - Shingo is the 3rd IWGP world heavyweight champion, and he's making his first defense of the title. As of this writing Ibushi is still the advertised challenger, despite missing several recent shows due to a case of aspirational pneumonia. Hopefully the time off has allowed him to recover. If he's forced to pull out, I'm beginning to think New Japan will not announce that until the start of the show.
The main event of this show has been cursed for months. Originally, Will Ospreay beat Ibushi for the title and Takagi in his first defense, to set up Ospreay vs. Kazuchika Okada on May 29 in the Tokyo Dome. Then Ospreay went home with a neck injury, and Okada caught COVID-19, and the show was postponed. So Okada faced Takagi for the vacant title on June 7, and after Takagi won he challenged Ibushi to face him on the "biggest stage" possible. Then the Tokyo Dome show was rescheduled, with the unfortunate main event of "two guys Ospreay just beat." Now Ibushi has pneumonia, and if there's going to be replacement there will be zero time to set it up.
Under normal circumstances, this match headlining a big show would be a real treat. It won't be as fun if I'm worried about Ibushi's cardio. I know the running gag is that everybody thinks Ibushi is superhuman, because he looks ten years younger than he is and he falls on his neck and acts like it's no big deal. But dude. I mean, if he shows up at this show ripped to shreds and ready to go, it'll be great and play into the myth. But I can't imagine he'll be 100%.
At last night's New Japan show, Hiroshi Tanahashi said he's ready to take Ibushi's place if needed. That's as close as anyone has come to being positioned as a replacement. Honestly, that's not a bad consolation prize, and Shingo-Tana even has a ready-made instant storyline. (Tanahashi beat Shingo for the NEVER title a few months ago, so he's a logical challenger for Shingo's world title now.)
A title change would be pretty wild right about now, but I think this new world title has bounced around too much as it is. We need stability, and we need a champion who can weather these difficult times. My man Shingo can do it.
Tetsuya Naito & SANADA vs. Zack Sabre Jr. & Taichi - Naito and Sabre won the IWGP heavyweight tag team title from Dangerous Tekkers on July 11, so this is the rematch.
I really don't understand why you'd book the Tekkers to chase Tama Tonga & Tanga Loa for six months just to immediately pull the belts back off of them, especially if you're just going to do an immediate rematch. Makes no sense. Whichever team loses here is going to look kind of pathetic, to the point that I'm wondering if you have to start teasing a breakup angle. But it's New Japan, so I don't think they'd jump right into that sort of thing.
My preference is to see one of these two teams defend the title more than once against various teams. I don't care which of them does it, but the other needs to go to the back of the line. That would be pretty disastrous for Dangerous Tekkers, so I guess I'm rooting for them to regain the belts and get back on track.
Kazuchika Okada vs. Jeff Cobb - With Will Ospreay out of action, Okada is stuck feuding with one of Ospreay's henchmen in the United Empire. That's not a knock on Cobb, who's strong as hell and super cool. But it's like one of those He-Man episodes where he just fights Mer-Man, because Skeletor is out of town or something. Mer-Man is dope as hell, but nobody thinks he's gonna beat He-Man on Skeletor's day off. With that said, it'd be mighty cool if Cobb scored a huge upset to set him up as a key player in the main event scene.
El Desperado vs. Robbie Eagles - Despy had just finished a grueling defense of the IWGP junior heavyweight title against Taiji Ishimori when Eagles announced he was next in line for a title shot.
Eagles, an Australian, has been pretty scarce since the pandemic began. He did compete in December's Best of the Super Jr. tournament, but even so it's a special event to get to see him. Even so, Eagles is not exactly a dominant force in New Japan's junior division, and I'm not expecting him to be a major threat to Desperado here. With Hiromu Takahashi cleared to compete, the money is in setting up Hiromu-Despy for the title. I don't see Eagles figuring into that picture, so he should take the L.
El Phantasmo & Taiji Ishimori vs. Ryusuke Taguchi & Rocky Romero - ELP and Ishimori are defending the IWGP junior heavyweight tag team title. Taguchi is the coach of his not-quite-a-real-thing group, Taguchi Japan, and Romero coaches Roppongi 3K, so together they are the Mega Coaches. I like the Mega Coaches but they're going to lose hard here.
New Japan Ranbo - This is a gauntlet battle royale for possession of Toru Yano's KOPW 2021 trophy. Two wrestlers will start the match and each additional participant will enter at regularly-scheduled intervals. Participants can be eliminated at any time. Once everyone has entered the match, and all but one has been eliminated, the remaining entrant is declared the winner and win the trophy.
Normally in a New Japan Ranbo match, eliminations occur via pinfall, submission, or exiting the ring over the top rope. But since this is a KOPW match, added stipulations were proposed for the fans to vote on. The winning stipulation is that handcuffs will be placed around the ring, and you can eliminate an opponent by handcuffing him to something. I suspect this rule has not been thought through, and some weird edge cases will come up during the action. In layman's terms, this will be a wacky shit show with crazy shenanigans. I'm looking forward to it.
No participants have been announced except for Yano. I would expect a bunch of the older guys and prelim guys will show up, and maybe some wrestlers we haven't been seeing lately. But this isn't a Royal Rumble, or even a Battle Riot or a Casino Battle Royale, so I wouldn't hold my breath for any earth-shattering surprises. Anyone could win, but at this point Yano is to the KOPW trophy what R-Truth is to the WWE 24/7 title. The winner of this match is either going to be Yano or be losing to Yano very soon.
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alienbrainwave · 4 years
17 questions, 17 answers
tagged by: @nedsseveredhead​ thanks bro
Rules: Answer these 17 questions and tag 17 people to do the same.
Nicknames: ali 
Zodiac Sign: aquarius/pisces cusp baybee 
Height: 5′6
Hogwarts House:  
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Last Thing I Googled: misconceptions of us aksjdhkjdhf stan shinee 
Song Stuck In My Head: 🎶dancing in the moonlight, alone, alone🎶
Number of Followers: erm some number or other i cant be bothered to check im lazy
Amount of Sleep: uhm.... ~8 hours? 
Lucky Number: 7, 10
Dream Job: dream job??? artist. just like in general. if i could just chill and create art for a living that would be cool. btw my commissions are open for cheap rn 👀help me achieve my dream job akjhfkjhs  yes i am using this to self promo 🤘😔
Wearing: black tee black jeans with ripped knees
Favourite Song: oh this is tough. probably rain by sid 
Favourite Instrument: bass guitar ........ i want to play it so bad...... also violin..... 
Favourite Author: hmm i dont really read much anymore so ill just put my favorite mangaka. hiromu arakawa 
Favourite Animal Noise: the mrrp noise cats make when you touch them when they are sleeping
Random: ehm im really bad at this im really boring.... ive been on the same run in cookie clicker for 479 days
Have a recent pic:
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this is my oc onion :)
tagging: not 17 people lolllll @mangosandchili​ @ocular-intercourse​ 
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gdwessel · 4 years
New Japan Road Night 5 - 9/9/2020: Junior Tag Final Set; G1 Climax 30 Entrants Revealed: Jay, KENTA, Juice, Cobb, Ospreay Return to Japan, Yujiro, YOSHI-HASHI, Suzuki Back In
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The tour continued today, although it seems like the focus of the show was superfluous to why everyone was looking forward to it. That said, you can see it now on NJPWWorld, and the Finals to crown the next IWGP Juniorheayweight Tag Team champions are now set.
- 9/9/2020, Miyagi Sendai Sun Plaza Hall (NJPWWorld)
Satoshi Kojima d. Yota Tsuji (Lariat, 7:34)
Kazuchika Okada [CHAOS], Toru Yano [CHAOS], SHO [CHAOS] & Gabriel Kidd  d. Hirooki Goto [CHAOS], Tomohiro Ishii [CHAOS], YOSHI-HASHI [CHAOS] & Yuya Uemura (SHO > Uemura, Udehishigi, 14:16)
Hiroshi Tanahashi, Kota Ibushi, Yuji Nagata & Tomoaki Honma d. Minoru Suzuki, Taichi, Zack Sabre Jr. & DOUKI [SZKG] (Ibushi > DOUKI, Kamigoye, 13:33)
Tetsuya Naito, Shingo Takagi & SANADA [Los Ingobernables] d. EVIL, Dick Togo & Yujiro Takahashi [Bullet Club] (Naito > Togo, Destino, 9:50)
62nd IWGP Juniorheavyweight Tag Team Championship Tournament: Taiji Ishimori & Gedo [Bullet Club] d. Ryusuke Taguchi & Master Wato (Ishimori > Wato, Bone Lock, 14:34)
62nd IWGP Juniorheavyweight Tag Team Championship Tournament: El Desperado & Yoshinobu Kanemaru [SZKG] d. Hiromu Takahashi & BUSHI [Los Ingobernables] (Desperado > BUSHI, El Es Claro, 17:15)
With this, Despy/Kanemaru win the group stage phase of this tournament on head-to-head, and advance to the Final on Friday v. Los Dos Peligrosos. I guess NJPW are officially calling it the Bone Lock instead of Yes Lock now. Kawato taking two straight losses in this tournament seems like they are definitely doing a “slow burn” with him on this Master Wato gimmick after all, after having a great showing out at Dominion. SHO & Ishii continue to feud. Final tourney standings:
Despy/Kanemaru - 4pts (2W 0D 1L) Los Dos Peligrosos - 4pts (2W 0D 1L) Ishimori/Gedo - 2pts (1W 0D 2L) Taguchi/Wato - 2pts (1W 0D 2L)  
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And now, the moment we’ve all been waiting for: the reveal of the participants in this year’s G1 Climax, the 30th such tournament under this name.
The question of how NJPW were going to fill twenty roster spots ended up having a simple answer: they are just bringing in guys early and are seemingly having them self-quarantine for 14 days before the tournament starts. That’d be the easiest explanation, although I would have thought travel restrictions might come into play here. Nevertheless, Jay White, KENTA, Jeff Cobb, and Juice Robinson (who was also out for an injury, which is why he’d not featured on NJPW Strong as yet) are all making their way from the LA Dojo back over to Japan to feature in G1 Climax.
The elephant in the room here is Will Ospreay being back, in these post #SpeakingOut times. For those not in the know, Ospreay featured prominently during that movement, as he and his partner Bea Priestley were involved in blackballing British womens wrestler Pollyanna for the crime of reporting one of Will’s mates as sexually assaulting her. Indeed, during #SpeakingOut, it transpired most of BritWres were either perpetrators, or complicit in, sexual abuse, assault (sexual or otherwise), grooming, abuse of power... the works. It was pretty grim. Probably not coincidentally, Priestley and Jimmy Havoc (someone else who was prominently named) have since lost their jobs with All Elite Wrestling, whilst Marty Scurll has been demoted from his job as Ring of Honor head booker “pending investigation” after it was long rumored but finally revealed, his relationship with a minor.
Therefore, there are quite a number of people who aren’t thrilled to see Ospreay come back to NJPW, myself and my co-host among them. And his proclivity for being a total shithead on Twitter doesn’t help matters. Unfortunately, these sorts of cries tend to fall on deaf ears at NJPW and Bushiroad. If it doesn’t directly affect them, they tend to do nothing about it. Witness the inaction they took regarding the allegations of domestic abuse by Kiyoko Ichiki against Tomoaki Honma, a wrestler the company had fired in the past (pre-Bushiroad). Michael Elgin continued to have a job with NJPW for over a year after allegations he’d covered up a sex assault by a student of his wrestling school had been made, and his duplicity about the matter on Twitter; despite this, NJPW definitely knew about the controversy, and kept him off their USA cards because of it. 
(And for the record, once more  -- the accuser did settle out of court, withdrew their original accusation, and indeed was named as an abuser/groomer themself. Regardless of all that, Elgin outed himself as a sex creep in numerous other ways, even if this particular case was not one of them. As well as a two-faced shit, to boot.)
Indeed, it seems as if Ospreay cheating on his partner would bring about more action from Bushiroad, as Taichi and TAKA Michinoku would tell you. Although, that seems to have its limits as well, since Tetsuya Naito had been accused of it in the past. Katsuyori Shibata was in the midst of his own cheating scandal when, well, Sakura Genesis 2017 happened and made it all a moot point.
Be all this it may, Ospreay is back in NJPW for G1 Climax, for ill or for good.  I daresay we will have more involvement from all 5 men now going forward, as the roster begins to regain its former shape pre-pandemic.
Also back this year in G1 Climax, for the first time since 2015, is Yujiro Takahashi. Let’s face it, he’s been a lower card wrestler pretty much ever since then, if not before, and it was only through his being there when they needed a warm body to feud with Kazuchika Okada on returning to active shows that’s earned him this spot. YOSHI-HASHI and Minoru Suzuki are also back in, for the first time in two years. David Finlay is left out in the cold yet again, whilst Satoshi Kojima will seemingly never get his final G1 run that Yuji Nagata, Manabu Nakanishi and Hiroyoshi Tenzan were afforded. IWGP US Heavyweight Champion Jon Moxley, after ripping it up last year, also out of this year’s tournament. And of course, no shock outsiders this year either.
Block lineups:
A Block: Kota Ibushi, Jeff Cobb [FREE], Kazuchika Okada [CHAOS], Tomohiro Ishii [CHAOS], Will Ospreay [CHAOS], Shingo Takagi [Los Ingobernables], Minoru Suzuki [SZKG], Taichi [SZKG], Jay White [Bullet Club], Yujiro Takahashi [Bullet Club]
B Block: Hiroshi Tanahashi, Juice Robinson, Hirooki Goto [CHAOS], Toru Yano [CHAOS], YOSHI-HASHI [CHAOS], Tetsuya Naito [Los Ingobernables], SANADA [Los Ingobernables], Zack Sabre Jr. [SZKG], EVIL [Bullet Club], KENTA [Bullet Club]
As of this writing, the full schedules have not yet been released. We do know that the Block matches will be the only matches on these shows, so we will not have the endless prelude tag matches this year. We will keep you posted on this.
The next show is on Friday, and the full card has not been released yet. However, there will be the junior tag finals, as well as a NEVER Comedy titles match on the show, for your entertainment.
- 9/11/2020, Tokyo Korakuen Hall (NJPWWorld)
62nd IWGP Juniorheavyweight Tag Team Championship Tournament Final: Hiromu Takahashi & BUSHI [Los Ingobernables] v. El Desperado & Yoshinobu Kanemaru [SZKG]
NEVER Openweight 6-Man Tag Team Championship: Hirooki Goto, Tomohiro Ishii & YOSHI-HASHI [CHAOS] © v. Kazuchika Okada, Toru Yano & SHO [CHAOS]
More TBA
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ghostofviperwrites · 4 years
Suzuki Gunz Crime Family - Chapter 13
Word Count: 1868
Warnings:  Language, light violence
March 1, 2003
“Obviously our relationship is tenuous at best,” Naito admitted as he strolled casually around Minoru’s conference table.  The two groups had gone underground to Minoru’s meeting room which was located just down the hall from his office and the room where the kobun met.  “We need something to tie us together and cement us as family.” 
“What exactly are you proposing?” Kanemaru asked skeptically following the man’s movements around the room. 
“An answer as old as time.”  Naito said flashing a grin.  “Marriage.” 
Shouts erupted from the Guns filling the room with their contentious responses to his proposition.  
“Quiet.”  Minoru shouted making a hush immediately fall over the room.  “You do realize we are rather in a time crunch don’t you?  How to you propose we pull off a marriage and all it entails when we’re gearing up for a war.  We need guns yesterday.  Not months from now.” 
“Marriages Suzuki-san.  Plural.”  Naito said with a grin.  “We marry one of yours. You marry one of ours. As for the time frame, there will be no big weddings.  One officiant, two brides, two grooms.  We’ve told you Minoru, we are ghosts and we plan on staying that way.  There will be no big weddings or announcements or anything of the sort.” 
“Arranged marriages are a bit antiquated aren’t they?”  Iizuka asked.  “This seems rather, barbaric.” 
“We are barbaric men.”  Hiromu said with a lackadaisical shrug of his shoulder.  “This is kill or be killed for your family.  You wish to strengthen our bond and get your greedy little hands on our guns, then you meet our terms.” 
“Just who are you proposing gets married?”  Taichi asked Naito who looked at Sanada who gave an almost imperceptible nod to his leader.
“Sanada has a sister.  She’s young and hot and knows her place.  Of course as she is his little sister Sanada gets the ultimate approval.”  Naito said.  “As for our side same rules apply.” 
The two groups separated, the Guns moving over to their conference room to discuss Naito’s proposal. 
“I know this is a rather unexpected development,” Minoru told his men as they sat around the table.  “But I can’t deny that it is the quickest way to seal our families together.  Things will remain as they are, none of them will be joining our kobun.” He reassured them.  “I believe Naito wishes to keep his family off the radar and will stay out of our way.  Do you agree Taichi?” 
Taichi lit a cigar and took a deep drag off it blowing the smoke towards the ceiling as he contemplated his response. 
“It makes sense.”  He finally said.  “If they were just wanting our side to commit I’d be a little more concerned, but they seem to be making effort to equalize things.”  He took another drag.  “And at the end of the day they have the upper hand.  They have the guns we want and it seems there is no other way to get it then to go through the Ingobernables.” 
“Does everyone agree?” Minoru asked, looking at his men one by one and gaining their tacit approval for this undertaking.
“That’s settled then.  Now the hard part.  Whose sister is on the table?”  Taichi said leaning back in his chair and looking over the table. 
“Chie is really the only choice.”  Minoru said speaking of his sister.  “Taichi doesn’t have one, Lance and Davey have no family, Taka has no family, Desperado has no family, and Zack’s is estranged.  Would have to be either Chie or Nobu’s sister. Or Iizuka’s though she’s a bit old.”
“You sure about giving over your sister?”  Kanemaru asked.  “Might need her for later negotiations.” 
“No, MiSu’s right.” Taichi said.  “This is the strongest allegiance we need.  We need those guns.  That’s our future.” 
“Alright so we’re turning over Chie.”  Iizuka said.  “Who’s getting hitched?  And don’t you dare say you Minoru.”  He said sternly.  “They don’t get the boss.”  Minoru’s protests died on his lips as he saw the mutinous expressions on the faces of his family giving a reluctant nod of agreement.
“I’ll do it.”  Taka said.  “It’s my fault we’re in this mess.”
Various chorus of denial and exclamations of it’s not your fault rang out.
“Not happening Taka.” Minoru said firmly.  “You’re not ready for marriage just yet.”  
“Better pick someone who’s going to meet pretty boy’s standards.”  Lance said with a laugh. “I mean does nobody find it odd they’re going to be marrying the sister of a guy who hasn’t spoken a single word in the time we’ve known him?”
“Let’s not worry about that right now Lance.”  Minoru said. 
“I’ll marry her.  I mean she’s gotta be hot. Look at her brother.”  Desperado said with a smirk.  Minoru nodded in acceptance of his offer, casting his glance around the table for any other volunteers. 
“I’ll step up.  Give pretty boy some options.”  Kanemaru said with a smirk.
“You know I’ll do it for you.”  Taichi added. 
Decisions made the Guns filed back to where LIJ were waiting.  Naito leaning back in his chair, eyes closed as if catching a nap while Bushi and Hiromu sat on either side of him carrying out a hushed conversation around him.   Evil and Sanada sat silently next to each other, eyeing the Guns as they entered and took their seats. 
Naito lowered his arms, eyes opening and looking at Minoru.
“My sister Chie is our offering.”  Minoru said smirking as he made the generally unflappable Naito look surprised, which he quickly covered.
“Okay. Pick whoever you want. We’re all on the table.”  Naito said.  “Though I would suggest avoiding Evil if you care for your sister’s wellbeing in the slightest.”  Naito grinned at Evil who simply smirked in response as the rest of them shared knowing smiles. 
Minoru templed his fingers looking over the Ingobernables.  He honestly didn’t care.  His sister was little more than an accessory in his life.  Never seeing her more often than every couple of months.  He could thank his father for that.  Minoru had never formed an emotional connection with either his mother or sister.  His gaze lingered on Sanada for a moment before moving on.  The man was already giving up his sister, he would let him be.  
“Bushi.”  Minoru pronounced after several long moments of introspection.  Bushi nodded in acceptance.   “On our end they’ve decreed I’m off limits but anyone else is available to you.  Desperado, Kanemaru and Taichi have all volunteered.”
“I’m agreeable to Desperado.  Marry off both our masked men.”  Naito said.  “Sanada?  Does that suit you?”  Sanada looked up from his phone heaving a sigh of annoyance at having been interrupted. Nodding without even glancing in Desperado’s direction making Naito laugh.  “Don’t know why I bothered to ask. He doesn’t give a shit.” 
As one Los Ingobernables rose to their feet and headed towards the doorway.
“Weddings will be in three days.  12:00 here.”  Naito said as they walked out.  “Hope you don’t mind if we borrow your car to get home Taka.  No hard feelings.”  He laughed as they walked out of Minoru’s home and in to the crisp night air.
The next morning Minoru woke early, enjoying a peaceful breakfast while his family slept in the home around him.  He had a feeling this little interlude was going to be his only peace for a while.  Pushing aside his plates Minoru grabbed his jacket and headed to his car.   In the fifteen minute ride to his mother’s home, which up until a few years ago had been his home, Minoru contemplated the reactions he was going to get from both his mother and sister when he imparted the news.  His mother he was rather sure was going to accept his decision.  It was the way she was raised and she had been in an arranged marriage with his father, so she knew the way things were.  His sister was a wild card.  He didn’t know her that well, hadn’t bothered to spend much time with her.  The two were practically strangers. 
As soon as he was inside Minoru accepted the barrage of affection his mother laid on him with a grimace, letting her kiss his cheek and hug him until he disengaged and stepped away his discomfort clearly evident.
“Oh Minoru, what your father did to you I will never forgive.”  Asako lamented shaking her head sadly.
“We’re not discussing this.  I need to see Chie.” Minoru said shortly straightening his jacket. 
“Why Chie?” Asako asked, her heart sinking as she realized the implication of his words.  “No Minoru. You can’t do this.”  She said softly, casting pleading eyes at her son.
“Just get her.”  Minoru demanded heading towards the study.  
He was sipping from a tumbler of scotch when Chie made her appearance.  Minoru ran a critical gaze over her frowning at her trendy jeans with holes ripped up the legs to her crotch and a crop top that was revealing entirely too much cleavage. 
“Okaa-san said you needed to see me.”  Chie said flopping down in the chair across from Minoru without invitation making him frown. 
“You look like a stripper.” He said coldly. If she was under his care she would never be so blatantly disrespectful he thought as she rolled her eyes and flipped him off.  His mother was weak allowing her to behave and dress like this.  This marriage would only benefit her.  He had a feeling Bushi was not the type to allow his wife to run wild. 
“Are you a virgin?”  He asked making her gasp and blush.
“How dare you Minoru!  That’s none of your business.”  Chie shouted started to rise and run from the room. 
“It is my business.”  He snapped.  “Now sit down and shut up.”  Chie felt chilled as Minoru stared at her coldly, challenging her to not listen to him.  Hesitantly she sat watching her brother as he drank.  “In three days you will be married.  My driver will pick you up at 11:00 to drive you to my home where you will marry to secure a family allegiance.” 
“You have got to be fucking kidding me!”  Chie shouted forgetting her fear and pushing out of her chair.  “I don’t belong to you Minoru.  You can’t order me around. I don’t give a fuck what kind of badass mob boss you think you are.” 
Fury burned through his veins as she carried on and Minoru stalked around the desk backing Chie across the study until her back hit the wall.  His hand wrapped around her throat and he squeezed threateningly. 
“You will do as you’re told.”   Minoru hissed.  “You will be ready when my driver gets here.  You will be pretty and compliant.  Do you understand?”  Chie nodded her face turning red as Minoru kept his grip firmly on her neck.  “And you better pray that you managed to keep your legs closed and preserved what belongs to your husband.” 
Minoru released her and watched with disdain as she fell to the floor gasping, looking up at him with fear in her eyes. 
“I’ll see you Tuesday.”  He said walking out without a further glance. 
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takerfoxx · 5 years
IM Swiftly Descending Darkness, Chapter 1
The Yagamis died the same night that the storms came.
Storms. Consider that concept. To many reading this, storms are mere inconveniences, a time when things get wet, dark, and cold. When one is on its way, we go inside, close the doors, shut the windows, maybe bring a few valuable possessions and fix up the odd leak, and just wait. It could even be exciting, a fun break in the normally calm weather. And when they are over, we go outside, clean up the mess, and go on with our lives.
Even in a wild land such as Gensokyo, where civilization is a luxury rather than a standard, there are places where storms aren’t much more than a time throw up the protection charms, get everyone inside, and keep themselves entertained until the cacophony had passed. Sure, there was danger and damage, but they were temporary problems, not life-changing disasters.
To all of the above, I say this: try living in Wilds sometime. Try keeping your family alive as torrents of rain thick as a waterfall come gushing out of the skies, as blasts of wind powerful enough to throw a full-grown man off his feet rip through the countryside, as lightning rips down from above to strike anything foolish enough to poke its head up, as hillsides collapse, as rivers turn into raging floods, as cellars are swamped and food stores ruined and roofs destroyed and walls pulverized. Out there, far from the safety of the Human Village, the Youkai Mountain, or any other pockets of stability, storms are far from troubling changes in the weather. Whipped up by the untamed country’s natural magics, the storms of Gensokyo are monsters to be feared and respected, and no amount of preparation can guarantee your safety.
But the worst of it wasn’t even the storms themselves. Those were dangers, yes, sometimes even lethally so, but the worst of it were the darker sorts of youkai, the savage sort that kept travelers close to the paths in large groups to avoid. That sort was bad enough, but something about the stormy season whipped them up into a frenzy, and then no one, not even other youkai, were safe.
As such, as soon as the skies started to turn gray and those sensitive to such things felt an all-too-familiar tingle, the call went out. All across the Wilds farmers, loggers, hunters, travelers, and anyone else who lived out there gathered their families together and made for the shelter provided by great halls of the villages and hamlets.
By the time the first of the rains started to fall, the great hall of Three Springs Village was already packed. From his place by the door, Elder Suzuki surveyed the place. Everyone in the village itself was already there, as were most of the inhabitants of the local farmsteads. The children of the Aoki Yume Children’s Home and their caretakers were of course all there, having been among the first to be brought over. A few new faces were there as well, mostly travelers and the occasional magician. There were even a few youkai there as well, mostly low-power fairies and other spirits known to be friendly to the village. They were also welcome. After all, the storms threatened them as well.
However, it wasn’t everyone. Elder Suzuki was halfway through his sixties, and he had seen many a stormy season come and go. As such, he knew the name of everyone that ought to have been there. And there were still three families missing: the Momoes, the Yagamis, and the Naitos. A team of the village’s strongest was out there, sent to find them and bring them to safety, along with any other stragglers they might find. Elder Suzuki prayed for their safety as well.
Despite how crowded the place was, it was eerily quiet. Oh sure, people were talking, eating, and even laughing, but it was mostly in hushed voices, and any laughter died quickly. Everyone seemed to be on edge, listening for the first sign of an approaching youkai gang. Tensions were high, and occasionally an argument would break out, though it was always quickly diffused by the others before it could become a fight.
As for Elder Suzuki, he remained sitting right where he was by the door, all of his senses extended, and what magic he knew was focused on the ring of warning charms set up around the village. The moment anyone set foot past the border, be it Human or otherwise, he would know. That was the worst of it, waiting for that signal, not knowing if when the alarm was sounded, it was going to be their friends or something else.
Silvia, one of the women, walked up to him with a steaming bowl of hot onion soup and a cup of water. He would have preferred wine, but he needed to keep his head clear, so he just accepted them with a nod of thanks.
“Has there been any sign?” she asked as he blew onto the steaming broth.
“Not yet,” he said.
Silvia bit her lower lip. She had friends out there, he knew. She had worked on the Momoes’ farm while growing up, and her husband’s brother was part of the team that had been sent to seek them out.
Sighing, he reached over and gently took her hand. “They’ll be fine,” he said. “Hiromu’s leading the team, and he’s the most capable man I know. If anyone can bring them home, it’s him.”
“I know,” she said. “It’s just-”
Then Elder Suzuki went stiff. The low tingle on the back of his neck had suddenly flared up. Someone had just crossed over the border, setting off the alarm charms.
Then another one did.
Then another.
And another.
Seeing the look in his eyes, Silvia spun around, stuck her fingers in his mouth, and whistled shrilly. What little noise there was silence immediately, and everyone turned to see her gesturing for everyone to remain silent.
His heart pounding, Elder Suzuki extended his senses, trying to get some hint of who was coming. Normally the charms themselves would tell him, but in that rain it was all they could do just to send any kind of signal. Whoever it was, there was a lot of them and they were heading for the great hall.
Then, through the door and through the rain, Elder Suzuki heard voices. Human voices.
“It’s us!” called a familiar voice, followed by a heavy knocking at the large door.
Elder Suzuki felt some small relief, but didn’t allow himself to relax just yet. He got up, opened the small panel in the door, and peered out.
Then he finally let out the breath he was holding. “It’s them!” he called. “Open the door!”
The locks were undone and the heavy door creaked open. A blast of wind roared inside, and heavy rain pelted at anyone standing anywhere near the door.
In they came, eight men escorting a miserable gaggle of men, women, children, and even five more fairies and a couple of other youkai as well. As the young men helped them inside, Elder Suzuki quickly scanned the group, checking off names from the list in his head. To his further relief, the entire team had made it back. He also saw the entire Momoe family there, as well as the rest of their household. Silvia rushed forward to embrace them as her husband ran over to greet his brother.
The Naitos were there as well, which was very good news. They were hunters and furriers that lived far from the village and had little in the way of defenses. Of all those threatened by the storm, they would have been among the most vulnerable.
“Elder Suzuki!” called the young man leading the group. Though his features were covered by the thick hood of his heavy coat, Elder Suzuki recognized him immediately.
“Hiromu,” he said, placing a hand on the young man’s shoulder. “Well done.”
Behind them, the last of the stragglers was brought inside, and the doors closed with a heavy thud, exiling the storm outside. As the other watchers bolted and locked up, Elder Suzuki looked over the group again. “Did you find them all?” he asked. “I don’t see the Yagamis.”
Hiromu pulled the hood off, revealing a mustached face that was very wet and very tired. “No,” he said. “I found everyone I could, but…”
Elder Suzuki’s heart fell. It was as he feared then. “Come,” he said, hoping to get all the details before anything grisly was let slip. “Warm yourself by the fire.”
As the group dispersed to their families, Elder Suzuki and Hiromu walked over to where the other elders were sitting around a blazing fire pit. Someone gave Hiromu a cup of warm wine, which he accepted with a grateful nod and practically collapsed as he sat down.
“What happened?” Elder Suzuki said after Hiromu finished draining the cup.
Hiromu set the cup aside and wiped his mouth with his arm. “It was bad,” he said. “The Yagamis’ farm was the furthest out, so we had to go there last. But it wouldn’t have mattered. A youkai gang had hit it before we even set out.”
A small murmur of dismay went up from the group. Elder Suzuki closed his eyes and whispered a prayer for the souls of their friends.
Hiromu continued. “It was a slaughter. I saw old Junko split in half. The farmhands had all been ripped to pieces, same as Rocco. It looked like they had been trying to defend the place. And the girls-”
“That’s enough,” Elder Suzuki said hastily. He already had enough mental images of people he knew being murdered and defiled. “We don’t need to know that.”
“Of course. I apologize.”
“No need. There were no survivors then?”
Then Hiromu smiled, showing those white teeth that had helped made him a favorite of the young women of the village. “Well now, I wouldn’t say that.” He leaned back and craned his neck to look over to one of the men that had been part of his rescue party. “Watanabe! Bring her over here.”
Watanabe walked over to them. It was then that Elder Suzuki noticed the small bundle wrapped in blankets held in the man’s arms.
Elder Suzuki’s brow rose. “Really?” he said.
Watanabe nodded and smiled. He pulled aside the blankets, revealing the small, chubby face of a sleeping infant girl, one only a couple months old.
She had her mother’s straw-blonde hair and her father’s round little nose. Though he had seen many a marriage in his time, Elder Suzuki still remembered the day that the child’s parents were wed. Rocco Yagami had been so nervous that he nearly repeated the same line of his vows no fewer than three times before Elder Suzuki had gently reminded him of the next part. Not that Miho, his bride, had done much better. She had been so lightheaded that she almost had walked right past her groom and right into the wall. She had claimed that it had been the fault of the veil. But when the two of them had been joined in the eyes of their family, of their friends, of their ancestors, of the sky, and of the gods, they looked so radiant together that their earlier missteps had not mattered in the slightest.
And when they had welcomed their first daughter into the world, it had been difficult to imagine couple that had been more happy or more proud.
Elder Suzuki had seen so much death in his years, so many friends gone, so many fine people taken before their time. The Wilds were hard, often cruel, and even if one escaped becoming a snack for the youkai or evil spirits, then there were several dozen other ways to die, from disease to disaster. It was always hardest when it happened to children, while was far too often the case, especially when man-eating youkai were involved. They took children. They preferred children, and there was quite often little left to be found.
The Yagamis and their household were all good people, and they would be mourned. Still, Elder Suzuki knew what a miracle it was that even one had survived, much less their youngest.
“How?” he said.
“Their safe room,” Hiromu answered. “They had it made special, hidden beneath the barn. Would’ve passed right by it, but as it turns out, Watanabe here helped them build it.” He clapped his friend on the shoulder. “Did a damned good job of it too, thing was so hard to find. Found her tucked away down there, fast asleep.”
Watanabe smiled proudly, though it didn’t last long. He had been Rocco’s friend after all.
“Amazing,” Elder Suzuki said, shaking his head. “Though I wonder why no one was down there with her.”
“Who knows?” Hiromu said with a shrug. “The dead keep their secrets, and keep them well. I’m just glad we found her.”
“I remember right after she was born,” Watanabe said sadly. “Rocco was in the tavern, and he was just so happy, buying drinks for everyone and singing songs. I said to him, ‘Rocco, you’ve got four now, and they’re all girls! When will you make a proper heir?’ You know what he did? He looked at me like I was crazy and said, ‘Let me tell you something: when my girls grow up, they’ll be able to whip any boys in the village hollow. Guarantee it. I don’t need no boys when I have them.’” He shook his head and sighed. “Gods, the poor bastard.”
Elder Suzuki laid a hand on his shoulder. “He would rejoice, knowing that even one escaped alive.”
“I know. But still…”
It was then that the tiny bundle in the stocky man’s arms starting to stir. The girl blinked her brown eyes. Then her face contorted and she started to cry.
“Oh,” Watanabe said, looking alarmed. “I, ah, don’t really know what to-”
Turning to the rest of the crowd, Elder Suzuki raised his voice. “Satoko!” he called over to a small group of adults surrounded by children. “Satoko Yume!”
The middle-aged woman in charge of the Aoki Yume’s Children’s Home looked up in surprise.
Elder Suzuki crooked a finger, beckoning her over.
Still bewildered, Satoko gently set down the young boy she had been holding and made her way over to Elder Suzuki and the others. “What’s wrong?” she said when she neared.
In answer, Watanabe showed her the fussing girl in her arms.
“Oh!” Satoko said in realization. “Oh, the poor thing. She’s all alone, isn’t she?”
“Only survivor of a youkai attack,” Hiromu told her as Watanabe passed the child over. “Whole family gone.”
“It was the Yagamis,” Elder Suzuki said. “They had a farm, far out in the Wilds. Apparently they got hit before the storms even started.”
To this, Satoko bowed her head. “The good spirits guide them safely across the River Suzune.”
“Agreed,” Elder Suzuki said. “Her name is Rumia. You…will look after her, won’t you?”
“Of course I will!” She sat down and started rocking Rumia back and forth, shushing her soothingly. “That’s what I do, after all. Rumia is more than welcome-”
“Is that a baby?”
The new voice was loud, childish, and obnoxious. Everyone looked up to see a small blue-haired fairy with six crystalline wings rushing toward them.
Most of their group scowled, no doubt partially because of the rude interruption but also because none of them were feeling particularly friendly toward youkai of any kind. Elder Suzuki was much more tolerant of their magical neighbors, so long as they were of the benign variety, but even he wasn’t exactly in the mood to put up with their nonsense.
Heedless of this, the fairy shoved herself practically into the flustered Satoko’s lap, trying to see the child. “C’mon, let me see!”
“All right, no,” Hiromu said, getting up. He seized the fairly by the arm and roughly yanked her away.
“Hey!” she said, whirling to face him. Planting her hands on her hips, she thrust her lip out and scowled. “Don’t touch me, or I’ll freeze your arm off!”
“Try it,” Hiromu warned. “Try it, and I’ll-”
Elder Suzuki cleared his throat, drawing both of their attention. “The child is scared and tired and needs her rest,” he said to the fairy. “So it’s best to leave her alone.”
The fairy’s scowl deepened. “But I wanna see the baby!” she whined.
“Didn’t you hear him? Leave the poor thing alone!” Hiromu waved the fairy off. “Go on. Get!”
The fairy gave him one last glower. She stuck out her little pink tongue and pulled down one eyelid with her finger before turning to run off back to her friends.
“Obnoxious little nuisance,” Hiromu growled as everyone settled back down. “Why do we even let them in?”
“Nuisances they might be, but even they deserve protection from the storms and what the storm brings,” Elder Suzuki told him, his tone gently chiding.
Hiromu sighed. “Fair,” he admitted.
That done, Elder Suzuki turned his attention back to the squirming bundle in Satoko’s arms. She was rocking little Rumia back and forth, whispering to her in soothing tones.
Elder Suzuki shook his head. The poor Yagamis. They did not deserve what had happened to them; no one did. It was just one of the many dangers that they had to accept living out in the Wilds like they did, but it never made it easier when it happened.
As for Rumia, the fates had done her a cruel turn, but at the very least she was alive and would be cared for and loved. Satoko was a good woman, who cared deeply for the children that had been brought into her house.
Then he cast a dour glance, not at anyone within the hall, but to the northwest, where sat the Human Village, the center of Gensokyo’s Human population.
Satoko was a good woman, and those she cared for were innocents in need of all the support and protection that could be provided.
Unfortunately, not everyone agreed.
Twelve years later…
This was torture.
Rumia felt the yawn forming and didn’t even try to stifle it. What was the point? Everyone else was ending toward sleep, lulled off by the warm Sun and Ms. Haruna’s droning voice.
Ms. Haruna Ishii looked like a boulder. She stood about a meter and a half high, was nearly as wide as she was tall, had no neck, and a face like a pit bull’s. No one knew her age, and no one had ever mustered up the courage to ask. And while she certainly knew a lot about numbers and what one might do with them, she had never bothered to figure out a way to pass that knowledge in a way that didn’t immediately make Rumia’s eyes start to cross and her brain to shut off all non-critical functions purely out of self-defense.
To help keep herself awake, Rumia looked around the room, hoping to find something interesting to amuse herself.
Unfortunately, all she found were more kids looking as bored as she was.
Fat Keiichi Matsuda was scribbling something on his chalkboard that probably had nothing to do with numbers. Loopy Kana Anaberal, who was usually at least interesting to watch, wasn’t doing anything weirder than follow dust motes in sunbeams with her eyes. Even Rumia’s mortal enemy Haruko was of one mind with Rumia in that she was struggling mightily to keep her eyes open. The only one that seemed to be paying any sort of significant attention was that outsider girl Melissa Garcia, and that was probably because she honestly didn’t speak great Japanese and was trying to just make sense of anything she was hearing.
Rumia sighed. If the other kids couldn’t be counted on to be entertaining, them what good were they?
Then she turned her head to look over to the opposite side of the classroom, where her two closest friends were sitting, one right in the front of the other. The one in the front was Kohta Momoi, a boy her age with naturally spiky black hair and eyelids so narrow that it often difficult to tell if they were open or closed, a quirk that he often exploited to his advantage, as he was now. Kohta sat with his back leaning against the chair at a slight angle, face directed toward the blackboard, and hands folded on the desk in front of him. At a glance it would appear that he was paying rapt attention, but he was in fact fast asleep, having long figured out the perfect pose to let his body settle into without giving away the game. Rumia deeply envied him for that.
Behind him was a girl who did not share his skills or natural advantages and was struggling mightily to keep from nodding off. Though she was of the same age as Rumia and Kohta, she looked to be only about half that, with a scrawny little body and shimmering silver hair cut straight just below her ears. Keine Kamishirasawa had been at the orphanage as long as Rumia and Kohta, but she didn’t complete their trio until a few years ago, when the two of them had caught a few of the others bullying her and had driven them off. While neither of them were averse to killing a few idle minutes by tormenting some of their fellow orphans, they preferred to save that sort of thing to those who really deserved it and could at least fight back. Picking on someone just because they were smaller than everyone else and looked kind of weird was just unsportsmanlike. After that, Keine stuck around with them for safety, and before they knew it their duo had grown by one.
Rumia eyed the two, calculations running in her mind. Getting their attention without attracting Ms. Ishii’s attention was going to be tricky, as a few unfortunate failed past attempts had taught her. At the moment Ms. Ishii was facing the kids as she droned on and on, but sooner or later she would turn around. To prepare, Rumia scribbled a brief message on a piece of paper. Then she stealthily tore up a second paper into pieces and crumpled them up. That done, she waited.
Oblivious to the conspiracy that was hatching right under her nose, Ms. Ishii went on and on about stuff that nobody cared about. Rumia tensed up. Any second now. Come on, any second now.
Then Ms. Ishii turned her back to the class to write something boring on the chalkboard. Now!
Rumia tossed one of the paper wads right at Keine. It had to be Keine. There was no guarantee that she would be able to wake Kohta with that alone, and even if she did, if he awoke too abruptly it might catch Ms. Ishii’s attention, as they had learned on one unfortunate occasion.
Unfortunately, her first toss failed to clear the classroom and hit the floor right next to Keine’s chair without her so much as noticing.
Scowling, Rumia tried again. This time her aim was true and the wad landed neatly on Keine’s desk. Startled, the silver-haired girl jerked back to full wakefulness and blinked down at the new addition to the clutter on her desk. Then, putting two and two together, she glanced over to Rumia, one eyebrow quirked in askance.
In answer, Rumia held up her chalkboard. On it was just a quick sketch of a chocolate chip cookie and a question mark.
Eyes widening in realization, Keine quickly glanced back to Ms. Ishii to see if she was going to look their way anytime soon. When it was clear that she wasn’t, Keine looked back to Rumia, smiled, and gave a quick nod.
Okay, that was two of them. Number three would be up to Keine. She slowly reached up and gently shook Kohta’s shoulder, which they had learned was the best way to wake him without scaring him. It wouldn’t do to have him cry out in surprise, after all.
Kohta jerked slightly, but made no sound. He glanced over his shoulder at Keine, who then directed his attention to Rumia. Within the space of three seconds, Kohta had scanned the message, comprehended it, and gave Rumia a sly grin and a quick thumb’s up. All right, three for three. The game was set.
Then Ms. Ishii turned toward them again, and they quickly snapped back to their original positions, all traces of their plan removed. Rumia was satisfied. Their path was now set, and all she had to do was wait those last few minutes in order to carry things out.
Night was falling on the orphanage. Classes were done, sunlight was retreating, and the belabored staff were all taking a few much-needed moments to relax.
In other words, the perfect time to strike.
Three small figures crept down the hall on hands and knees, careful to avoid any boards that creaked, shoes off and socks covering both their hands and feet. Ahead of them, the door to the kitchen was slightly open, and from within a low, repetitive sound could be heard.
Slice. Slice. Slice.
The three of them lined up along the crack of the door, Kohta on the bottom, Rumia on his back, and Keine on hers. The three of them peered in.
The Children’s Home kitchen was a long, rectangular brick room, lined with counters. A wooden table sat in the middle of it like an island, and on the right-hand side were windows to the outside, right over the sink. The evening meal was being prepared, and all sorts of ingredients were out. A young woman stood at one of the counter, methodically slicing onions with a large knife.
Slice. Slice. Slice.
The three children exchanged grim looks. Their path was a dangerous one, but rewarding. On top of a shelf at the far end of the kitchen sat a large ceramic jar. And within that jar was their prize.
Cookies. Sweet, succulent cookies. A prize more than worth a little risk. They just had to get past the woman.
And…therein lay the problem.
Keine slid off of Rumia’s back and Rumia off of Kohta’s. The three of them retreated back from the door and huddled together. Nothing was said. Rumia merely nodded, and the other two scampered off down the hall, to the door to the outside.
Now alone, Rumia inched back to the door and watched. The others would do their part. All she had to do was wait.
Oblivious to the heist taking place right under her nose, the woman continued on, reducing leeks to pieces in slow, mechanical fashion.
Slice. Slice. Slice.
Rumia tensed up. Any second now, any second…
The woman’s head jerked up, and she abandoned what she was doing to rush over to the window. Throwing it open, she practically leaned her whole body out and called, “What happened?”
“Keine’s hurt!” Kohta’s voice called back. “She slipped on a rock and skinned her shin! Oh my gods, there’s blood everywhere!”
The woman sighed. “Oh, for the love of-” She shook her head. “Hold on, I’m coming!” She flung open a cabinet, grabbed a bag of bandages and other treatments and shot outside. She didn’t even bother with the door but instead leapt right through the window in one smooth, graceful motion.
Rumia’s window of opportunity was now open, but it wouldn’t be for long. She bolted into the room, scampering across the floor, under the table, and toward the far counter. Snatching up a three-legged stool, she propped it against the counter and climbed on top. Then she stood on her tiptoes and stretched up, reaching for the jar.
Almost there. I’m almost there. The jar was just out of reach. Stretching her legs even further, Rumia’s fingers brushed the jar’s edge.
Then a wooden spoon came whistling through the air and struck the back of her hand.
Crying out in pain and surprise, Rumia lost her balance and, to her horror, started to fall backward.
Time slowed. Rumia watched as the shelf and its maddeningly faraway treasure moved further and further away. Her gaze moved up to center on the ceiling, which was also drawing away. She was dimly aware of the impact that awaited her, and to her surprise she was not afraid.
Well, I guess this is it. Oh well. Everyone has to die sometime.
Then she stopped.
Rumia gasped out loud. She had stopped in a vertical position, at a perfect ninety-degree angle from the stool, her heels still on the edge of the stool top, with the rest of her body hovering in the air, unaffected by gravity.
I’m flying, she thought numbly. Holy cow, she was flying! She didn’t need to take the class after all; she had figured it out all by herself!
A wealth of possibilities revealed itself to her mind. She could shoot through the sky, dipping and darting through the clouds. She could play with the fairies, chase birds, be unstoppable at tag, anything! She could hover on the ceiling, just out of sight, and drop whatever she wanted on whatever poor sap that wandered by! She could go wherever she wanted, whenever she wanted, and nobody would be able to-
Then Rumia became aware of something pressing against her back, and her joy evaporated. She was not flying after all. Quite the contrary, something was holding her up.
A sinking feeling started to form in her stomach, and her gaze went upward. Sure enough, there was a face glowering down at her, that of a woman with pale skin, dark red eyes, and silvery lavender hair that was almost white.
The woman smiled, and Rumia cringed. Oh crap.
Suddenly the hand set against her back suddenly yanked back, pulling Rumia off the chair. The woman held her up by the back of her collar, lifting the child up as easily as if Rumia were a stuffed animal.
It was then that Rumia saw that she was not alone. Both Kohta and Keine were also dangling by their collars in the woman’s other hand. Kohta looked quite put out, probably annoyed that their perfect plan had failed so spectacularly, while Keine just had her head bowed in shame. Her knee was still dripping with the chicken blood they had smeared all over it for effect.
“Well, well, well,” said Miss Fujiwara no Mokou, the orphanage’s cook. “Look who it is. Really, guys? Really? This trick again? I mean, fool me once and all that. Did you really think you could pull it twice?”
Rumia sighed and slumped.
“And come on. Now? You’re pulling this now, with flying lessons right around the corner? Can you really afford getting another strike? You know they’ll just make you sit them out.”
Rumia jerked in shock, and given the stricken looks on their faces her friends felt the same. Oh crap, they hadn’t thought of that.
“So now I’m wondering if I should just turn you three in now. I mean, I’d hate to leave you all tethered to the ground for the rest of your lives while all your friends go soaring through the air, but rules are rules.”
“It was me!” Kohta suddenly blurted out. “It was my idea, I talked them into it! So don’t-”
“Yeah, no,” Miss Mokou said flatly. “That’s really noble of you and all, but give me a break. It doesn’t matter which one of you gets the original idea, the other two are always down for anything. Seriously, it’s like your minds are linked or something. Besides, aren’t heists usually Rumia’s thing?”
Still dangling in the air, Rumia crossed her arms and sulked.
“That’s what I thought.” Then Miss Mokou got a thoughtful look. “Still, kids will be kids, and making you sit out flying lessons seems a little harsh, so…”
The three waited with bated breath as Miss Mokou mulled over the situation. If one were to ask Rumia, the cook was taking her sweet time doing it too.
“Okay, how about this?” Miss Mokou said at last. “I won’t turn you in, and exchange you three get dishes duty.”
That was it? What a relief. Cleaning dishes wasn’t any fun, but it was loads better than never getting to learn how to fly.
“For the rest of the week.”
Oof. Ouch. Rumia grimaced. A whole week of scrubbing pots and bowls sounded like a nightmare. There were so many mouths to feed that the sink was often a disaster area by the end of the day. Sometimes it would take them hours to get through them all, and they always felt greasy disgusting when it was over.
Still…it was better than the alternative.
Rumia exchanged a look with her friends. They didn’t seem anymore happy about it than she was, but after a moment they all nodded.
“Good to hear.” Mokou abruptly dropped to the floor, which caused Keine to squeak with surprise. “Now shoo. Off with you.”
As the three failed bandits retreated from the kitchen, Kohta muttered to the others, “We should have just left her in the snow.”
“I heard that,” Mokou called after them. “Just for that, you get the big pot.”
“Nice job, lunkhead,” Rumia whispered back as Kohta’s face fell with dismay.
Well, here goes nothing. I suppose I should mention that this story’s been brewing in my head longer than Walpurgis Nights has even been a thing.
Anyway, like I said, I’m going to try for updates every other week this time, with this baby going up on FF.net sometimes next year.
Until next time, everyone!
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yuying27 · 5 years
For anyone in the fandom, here is what I have available to stream at the moment. Most of these things are already ready to go, what isn’t can be prepared for stream in a night or two, so I only need some advanced notice. I’m available to stream with notice, most Saturday and Sunday evenings, U.S. Eastern Standard Time.
I stream via Cytube. Certain things that are hard to rip may have to be streamed via old fashioned Livestream.
I haven't purchased anything in a while ‘cause adult life comes first, but hope to remedy that soon. There’s plenty of other fans on tumblr with access to more recent shows, and the shows of other troupes.
List beyond the cut:
The Rose of Versailles 2006 (Asami Hikaru, Maikaze Rira, Kozuki Wataru, Takashiro Kei)
In Quest of the Blue Bird / Takarazuka’s Dream Kingdom 2004 (Asami Hikaru, Maikaze Rira, Todoroki Yuu)
Silver Wolf / Wonderland 2005 (Asami Hikaru, Maikaze Rira, Mizu Natsuki, Otozuki Kei)
Susano’o / Takarazuka Glory 2004 (Asami Hikaru, Maikaze Rira, Mizu Natsuki, Otozuki Kei)
Gone with the Wind 2002 (Todoroki Yuu, Asami Hikaru, Kozuki Wataru) ***this show has obvious race issues***
Datenshi no Namida / Tarantella!! 2006 (Asami Hikaru, Maikaze Rira, Mizu Natsuki, Otozuki Kei)
Asami Hikaru - The Last Day graduation digest
Primary Colors 2007 Asami Hikaru solo show post graduation
King Solomon’s Ring / La Mariposa 2008 (Mizu Natsuki, Shirahane Yuri, Ayabuki Mao)
The Dawn at Solferino / Carnevale: The Sleeping Dream 2010 (Mizu Natsuki, Aihara Mika, Ayabuki Mao)
Jin / Gold Spark 2012 (Otozuki Kei, Maihane Mimi, Sagiri Seina, Misuzu Aki, Hokushou Kairi )
One Night of Stars /  La Esmerelda 2015 (Sagiri Seina, Sakihi Miyu, Nozomi Fuuto)
Rurouni Kenshin 2016 (Sagiri Seina, Sakihi Miyu, Nozomi Fuuto)
Rome at Dawn / Les Bijoux Brilliantes 2006 (Todoroki Yuu, Sena Jun, Ayano Kanami, Kiriya Hiromu)
Me + My Girl 2008 (Sena Jun, Ayano Kanami, Kiriya Hiromu, Izumo Aya)
Ernest in Love 2005 (Sena Jun, Ayano Kanami, Kiriya Hiromu, Izumo Aya, Shirosaki Ai)
The Scarlet Pimpernel 2008 (Aran Kei, Toono Asuka, Yuzuki Reon)
Takarazuka Japonisme / The Bandit Chu Liuxiang Side Story / Etoile de Takarazuka 2013 (Taiwan tour, Yuzuki Reon, Yumesaki Nene, Kurenai Yuzuru, Toki Irisu)
Passion: Jose and Carmen / Bolero 2010 (Yuzuki Reon, Yumesaki Nene, Suzumi Shio)
The Treasure Sword of Habsburg -Candle in Your Mind- / BOLERO 2010 (Yuzuki Reon, Yumesaki Nene, Ouki Kaname)
The Legend of the Great King and Four Gods Ver.II 2009 (Yuzuki Reon, Yumesaki Nene, Ouki Kaname
Romeo + Juliette 2010 (Yuzuki Reon, Yumesaki Nene, Ouki Kaname, Suzumi Shio)
Top Sunshine!! - Yuzuki Reon career digest
The Last Day - Yuzuki Reon graduation digest
The Merry Widow 2013 (Hokushou Kairi, Sakihi Miyu, Nagina Ruumi, Seijou Kaito)
Guys + Dolls 2015 (Hokushou Kairi, Hinami Fuu, Kurenai Yuzuru, Rei Makoto)
Love + Dream 2016 (a Takarazuka/Disney collab revue, Hokushou Kairi, Hinami Fuu, Toki Irisu)
Romeo + Juliette 2013 Shinjinkouen (underclassman cast, Rei Makoto, Shiroki Mirei, Mao Yuuki, Natsuki Rei)
Top Hat! 2015 (Asaka Manato, Misaki Rion, Nanami Hiroki)
Guys and Dolls 2002 (Shibuki Jun, Emi Kurara, Yamato Yuuga, Kiriya Hiromu)
Soragumi 1998 (Shizuki Asato, Hanafusa Mari, Wao Youka, Kozuki Wataru)
Tsukigumi 2005 (Ayaki Nao, Sena Jun, Hatsukaze Midori, Kiriya Hiromu)
Yukigumi 2007 (Mizu Natsuki, Shirahane Yuri, Ayabuki Mao, Otozuki Kei)
Hanagumi 2014 (Asumi Rio, Ranno Hana, Hokushou Kairi, Nozomi Fuuto)
Hanagumi 2006 (Haruno Sumire, Sakurano Ayane, Ayabuki Mao, Izumo Aya, Matobu Sei)
Soragumi 2004 (Wao Youka, Hanafusa Mari, Juri Sakiho, Izumo Aya, Aran Kei)
Golden Steps 2005 (Dance revue honoring Takarazuka choreographer Hayami Kiyomi featuring like the who’s who of 2005 from Senka, Yuki, Hoshi, and Tsukigumi troupes)
TCA Special 2004 (end of year special featuring all troupes and medley performances from that year)
Takarazuka: Snow, Moon, Flower / Sunrise Takarazuka 2000 (revue performance from when Takarazuka went to Berlin feat. Kozuki Wataru, and a lot of rising stars from all troupes)
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switchbladegoddess · 5 years
A Perfect lover
Kelly had always searched for the perfect lover but it seemed like every time that she felt like that she had found it she always ended up getting a broken heart. She woke up the next morning hoping that maybe today would be the day that she finally found her perfect lover she took a shower then she got dressed in a pretty sundress that was black with red roses on it and her favorite black sandals.Then she grabbed her keys,her purse and she headed for the beach because she worked at a bar that was located on the beach in front of a hotel that looked like a white castle. She was serving drinks like she did everyday when she saw a handsome japanese man walking towards the bar she had never seen him before so she did not know if he was visiting or if he was new in town but she was hoping to find out. All of the sudden he handed her a white rose then he said every mans soul knows perfect love his life is a quest to find it my quest has ended here with you kelly replied and mine with you.Then he said my name is shingo she said my name is kelly shingo asked will you let me take you out to dinner? kelly said yes then they left the beach and they went to a romantic restaurant she said this restaurant is absolutely beautiful he said i am happy that you are here with me she leaned over then she kissed him gently on the cheek. Shingo said you are so beautiful she said thank you very much then they placed their order he ordered a steak dinner and she ordered a chicken dinner they continued talking while they waited for their dinner she asked what brings you to the usa shingo said i am professional wrestler for new japan pro wrestling so i am here for some shows that i will be wrestling at but something told me that if i went to the beach today that i would find my dream woman so i went and that is when i saw you at the bar so i knew i had to meet you before someone else took you away from me all of the sudden she was holding his hand he smiled at her because he could tell that she liked him. Shingo asked her so do you work at the bar everyday she said yes  shingo asked so do you have any vacation days coming up? she said i can take a vacation anytime since i never use my vacation days shingo said because i was wondering if you would consider going to japan with me when i go back home even though she knew that it could be a bad choice she said yes i would love to go to japan with you because she was already crazy about him so she definitely wanted to spend some more time with him. Shingo said that makes me so happy she said it makes me happy too because i am crazy about you even though we just met he smiled as he said meeting you has been the best part of this trip and i can not wait to introduce you to my friends naito,bushi,sanada,evil and hiromu takahashi because i am member of a wrestling group called los ingobernables de japon she shyly asked do you think that they will like me he said baby they will love you because you are amazing. Their food arrived after about thirty minutes they continued their conversation as they enjoyed their dinner they finished eating then shingo paid the bill and they left the restaurant. They walked back to shingos car they got in and before shingo knew it kelly was kissing him he kissed her back their kiss ended shingo said damn baby you are a great kisser she sweetly smiled at him shingo asked what are you planning on doing after this she said i was planning on going home  to watch some movies and relax shingo said or you could come back to my hotel room and spend the night with me she asked are you sure? he said yes since you will be staying with me once we get to japan she immediately said yes. Shingo drove back to the hotel where he was staying at they got out of the car,they walked inside the hotel,then they immediately went to his room he shut the door then he asked so what should we do now? she had an idea but she was afraid that he might think it was too soon since they just met a few hours ago so she said lets watch a movie together he said that sounds great  they laid on the bed then he turned on a karate movie she looked over at shingo who was involved in watching the movie she tried to enjoy the movie but all she could think about was the kiss that they shared in his car he looked at her when he asked what are you thinking about? she replied oh it is nothing he pulled her close to him then he kissed her deeply once the kiss ended he said is that what you were thinking about she said yes. Shingo pulled her on top of him she tried to climb off of him he playfully grabbed her around her waist so she could not climb off of him then he said what is the hurry baby she said because i will do what i was thinking of doing to you when we first got to your room he said what were you thinking of doing to me she said having sex with you he said why didn't you tell me this when we got here she said because i was afraid it was too soon since we just met he said i understand but i would not have said no because i know that you can feel my hard cock pressing against you so lets have some really hot sex she wanted him as badly as he wanted her so she said yes. Kelly climbed off of him she stripped off her dress so she was wearing nothing but a little black thong shingo said oh baby she quickly ripped shingo's shirt off she started kissing him all over his perfect body he moaned because her kisses felt so good he slipped her thong off while she was kissing all over him she reached his waist she slipped his tight jeans off him leaving him in his underwear which she quickly removed then the fun began. Shingo tried to get up she said no baby just lay there he laid back down she crawled on top of him she sat down on his cock which felt amazing to her he said wow baby your pussy feels so good then she continued riding him which he absolutely loved he held onto her hips to make sure she would not fall she was loving every second of it since she had not had sex in a while and she loved having his cock deep inside of her wet pussy. Shingo asked is it okay for me to cum inside of you? she said yes he said i love that because it feels so good to cum inside of a woman's wet pussy he playfully rolled her onto her back so he could fuck her until he came shingo fucked her hard which felt really amazing since her exes never fucked her hard because they did not like rough sex she moaned his name he said oh baby i love it when you moan my name like that he fucked her really hard until she came all over his cock which caused him to moan her name he continued fucking her until she came again which caused him to cum deeply inside of her wet pussy. He pulled out of her then shingo laid his head on her chest so she could play with his hair as they sweetly cuddled she said i have finally found the perfect man shingo said and i have finally found the perfect woman she kissed him gently he kissed her back shingo asked are you still going to come home with me when i go back to japan?  She said yes of course i am going home with you baby but remember it is just for a couple of weeks because i have to return to work since i will be all out of vacation days he said i know baby girl but i might not be able to let you leave me since i am already falling in love with you because i know that you are the woman i am destined to be with she said i love you baby he said you do she said yes because i know that you are the man that i want to be with for the rest of my life shingo said you mean you would be willing to marry me someday she said yes i would he kissed her sweetly then shingo said i love you baby and they fell asleep in each others arms.
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littlebluespoon · 7 years
Ohhh I'd love to see like Hiromu being a first grader and other kids steal Daryl and Lij being the fourth graders or older just towering over the kids like 'give. Him. Back.' .......but high school is nice too 😹❤
That happens in high school though. Poor Hiromu gets picked on and doesn’t stand up for himself so the others do. But then don’t you dare insult Hiromu brothers. Because for them Hiromu would do anything. You can touch him and take Daryl and he will happily let them stand in and take care of him and the situation. But you dare touch them and he will unleash the full force of Takahashi on you. The last boy who went near his brothers was terrorised out of school. Everywhere he went Hiromu was there, right behind him. Because no one hurts his brothers.
On the other hand the rest of the school know not to touch Hiromu after an idiot decided to rip Daryl apart. Poor Hiromu wasn’t seen for days. When he did return he looked so lost. They boy who tore Daryl to shreds was found upside down and tied to the schools flap pole on the roof. That same day at lunch Hiromu looked much happier because Zack Sabre Jr and El Despy from Suzuki Gun had managed to put Daryl back together.
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pwrestlingxpress · 6 years
Remaining Pro Wrestling Express Award Categories with my Nominees
Down below are the remaining categories that I’ve chosen for what was to be my first annual Pro Wrestling Express Awards but lack of responses have prompt me to cancel them with the hopes to try again next year.  Once more, I’m sorry but as they always say the show must go on.  Here are the final categories. 
Breakout Star of The Year
Cameron Cole - Reality of Wrestling
Velveteen Dream - WWE NXT
Flip Gordon - Ring of Honor
Hirai Kawato - NJPW
Katsuya Kitamura - NJPW
OMG Moment of The Year (Click on the date to see the video of that moment. Give credit to the uploader of the video for I take no credit in this) 
January 5th:  The return of Suzuki-gun at New Japan’s New Year DASH
June 4th:  Seth Rollins’ Frog Splash and Roman Reigns’ Spear at WWE Extreme Rules. Click here for Roman Reigns’ Spear.
August 13th:  Katsuyori Shibata returns
August 13th:  Tetsuya Naito’s suicide dive to Kenny Omega.  Start the video at 1:06 into it. 
October 22nd:  Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose spear Kane through the Barricade as a homage to Roman Reigns
Funniest Moment of The Year (Click on the date to see the video of that moment.  Give credit to the uploader for I take no credit in this)
March 28th:  Dean Ambrose uses the remote to “cut” off Baron Corbin during their face-to-face talk on Talking Smack.
June 5th:  The Miz’s paranoia causes his Intercontinental Championship celebration to be ruined
July 2nd:  Hiroshi Tanahashi is mooned by Billy Gunn during his Intercontinental Championship match at G1 Special in the USA Night Two.  Start the video at 10:45 into it. 
August 20th:  Cesaro rips a Beach Ball during the RAW Tag Team Championship Match at SummerSlam
November 5th:  Hiromu Takahashi arrives after the IWGP Junior Championship match between Will Ospreay and Marty Scurll at Power Struggle 2017 with protective gear for both his head and his hands 
Best Moment of 2017 (Click on the date to see the video of that moment if available which I take no credit for at all. Give all the credit to the uploaders)
January 4th:  Kenny Omega and Kazuchika Okada receive a standing ovation after delivering a possible match of the year winner at Wrestle Kingdom 11 in Tokyo Dome. Video clip NOT avaliable
January 28th:  Seth Rollins invades NXT Takeover:  San Antonio and calls out Triple H 
April 1st:  Matt and Jeff Hardy pass the torch to Matt and Nick Jackson to end Ring of Honor’s Supercard of Honor XI.  Video clip NOT available
April 3rd:  Finn Balor returns in the main event on Monday Night RAW
May 3rd:  Kazuchika Okada challenges Kenny Omega to a rematch for the IWGP Heavyweight Championship at Dominion 6.11 in Osaka-Jo Hall Video clip NOT available
June 11th:  Kenny Omega and Kazuchika Okada received another standing ovation after going the distance in the main event at Dominion 6.11 in Osaka-Jo Hall. Video clip NOT avaliable 
August 14th:  Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose reunite to a standing ovation in Boston
October 9th:  Sho Tanaka and Yohei Komatsu shock the world by returning to New Japan as Roppongi 3K and winning the IWGP Junior Tag Team Championship in their first match back from excursion at King of Pro Wrestling 2017 in Ryogoku
October 9th:  Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns, and Dean Ambrose reform The Shield in Indianapolis
November 5th:  Switchblade is revealed at Power Struggle 2017 to be Jay White who returned from a excursion in Ring of Honor 
Most Improved Wrestler of The Year
Dalton Castle - Ring of Honor
Juice Robinson - NJPW
Naomi - WWE SmackDown
Marty Scurll - Ring of Honor/NJPW
Braun Strowman - WWE Raw
Comeback of The Year 
Finn Balor - WWE Raw
La Sombra aka Andrade “Cien” Almas - WWE NXT
Cody Rhodes - Ring of Honor/NJPW
The Shield (Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose) - WWE Raw
Hiroshi Tanahashi - NJPW
Most Popular Wrestler of The Year 
Finn Balor - WWE Raw
Kenny Omega - NJPW
The New Day (Kofi Kingston, Xavier Woods, Big E.) - WWE SmackDown
The Shield (Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose) - WWE Raw
The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson, Nick Jackson) - Ring of Honor/NJPW
Most Hated Wrestler of The Year
Alexa Bliss 
Baron Corbin - WWE SmackDown
The Miz
Minoru Suzuki - NJPW
Silas Young - Ring of Honor
Feud of The Year
Cesaro/Sheamus vs. The Shield (Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose) - WWE RAW 
Jay Lethal vs. Silas Young - Ring of Honor
Tetsuya Naito vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi - Ring of Honor
Roman Reigns vs. Braun Strowman - WWE Raw
“The WWE Stooge” vs. The Elite (Matt Jackson, Nick Jackson, Adam Page, Cody Rhodes, Marty Scurll) - Ring of Honor/NJPW/Other Independent Wrestling Organizations 
Match of The Year (Click on the Title Match/Event Title to watch the match in its full Presentation)
IWGP Heavyweight Championship:  [Challenger] Kenny Omega vs. [Champion] Kazuchika Okada - Wrestle Kingdom 11 in Tokyo Dome
Ladder Match for the ROH Tag-Team Championship:  [Challenger Team] Matt Jackson and Nick Jackson vs. [Champion Team] Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy - Supercard of Honor XI
IWGP Heavyweight Championship:  [Challenger] Kenny Omega vs. [Champion] Kazuchika Okada - Dominion 6.11 in Osaka-Jo Hall
A Block Finals:  Tetsuya Naito vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi - G1 Climax 27
Raw Tag-Team Championship:  [Challenger Team] Cesaro and Sheamus vs. [Champion Team] Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose - WWE No Mercy 2017
Tag Team of The Year 
The Shield (Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins) - WWE Raw
The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson and Nick Jackson) - ROH/NJPW
War Machine (Raymond Rowe and Hanson) - Ring of Honor/NJPW 
Motor City Machine Guns (Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley) - Ring of Honor
The Usos (Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso) - WWE SmackDown
WWE’s Best Wrestler (Top Five according to an article from Bleacher Report that was posted back on December 8, 2017)
Dean Ambrose
Randy Orton - SmackDown! 
Seth Rollins - RAW
Roman Reigns - RAW
AJ Styles - SmackDown!
Best Independent Wrestler
Rex Andrews - Reality of Wrestling
Cameron Cole - Reality of Wrestling
Kazuchika Okada - New Japan Pro Wrestling
Kenny Omega - New Japan Pro Wrestling
Cody Rhodes - Ring of Honor/New Japan Pro Wrestling
Best Overall Wrestler 
Tetsuya Naito - New Japan Pro Wrestling
Kazuchika Okada - New Japan Pro Wrestling
Kenny Omega - New Japan Pro Wrestling
Marty Scurll - Ring of Honor/New Japan Pro Wrestling
Braun Strowman - WWE Raw 
Now if you want to, you can voice your own opinion on any of these categories even the nominees I selected.  But like I said earlier, due to the lack of responses, I’m cancelling this with the hope of trying again next year but that’ll all depend on my schedule for next year.  Again, give me your opinion on these remaining categories and stay tuned to see other pro wrestling award winners being announced sometime in the near future. 
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leaveharmony · 7 years
[00:47]  Tsora Enoch: I would say “Daryl Takahashi is expected to make a full recovery” but that would entail explaining who Daryl Takahashi is and that would make me sound progressively crazier even for me
[00:47]  Tosh Snook: some wressler guy what got hurt?
[00:47]   Tsora Enoch : Uhhhhhhhhhh sort of.
[00:48]  Tosh Snook: it was a valiant guess
[00:48]   Tsora Enoch : Technically he is some wrestler's plushie cat whom Bad Luck Fale ripped in half
[00:48]  Tosh Snook: this does sound crazy keep going
[00:48]  Tosh Snook: maybe you can break your own record
[00:48]   Tsora Enoch : Hiromu posted a picture the other day of Daryl in a makeshift tiny hospital bed surrounded by barbie dolls dressed like nurses, and covered in bandages. One leg was in a cast.
[00:49]  Tosh Snook: ok this guy might have you beat
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placetobenation · 7 years
July 25th, 18:30 from Big Palette Fukushima, Fukushima
Okada vs. SANADA and Omega vs. Yano top today’s B Block show. Let’s get to it.
The story so far…
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Here we go…
Togi Makabe & Ryusuke Taguchi defeated Syota Umino & Kota Ibushi
Tomohiro Ishii & YOSHI-HASHI defeated Katsuya Kitamura & Tomoyuki Oka
Tetsuya Naito & Hiromu Takahashi (w/ the ghost of Daryl) defeated Hirai Kawato & Yuji Nagata
Chase Owens, Bad Luck Fale & Yujiro Takahashi defeated Taichi, El Desperado & Zack Sabre Jr.
Hiroshi Tanahashi & David Finlay defeated Jado & Hirooki Goto
B Block – Round Three
Satoshi Kojima vs. Michael Elgin
Kojima scored a shoulder block early and hit a neckbreaker after flexing his pecs, but Elgin caught him with a lariat and took control with a slingshot splash and elbow strikes. Kojima ducked a charge to set off the machine gun chops, with the follow-up diving elbow earning a two-count, before Elgin retaliated with a German suplex and mimicked Kojima’s corner routine. A DDT from Kojima put both men on the apron, and a second DDT sent Elgin to the floor, but he avoided Kojima’s plancha and recovered to land an apron powerbomb! Kojima just broke the count, but walked straight into a Falcon Arrow for two. He blocked the lariat, however, hitting one of his own and a suplex for two. Elgin then ducked the running lariat to hit one of his own for a near-fall, but the attempted second was countered to a Koji Cutter. Kojima clotheslined Big Mike as his tried to leap from the second-rope, but the lariat was again countered, this time to a pop-up powerbomb. Buckle bomb from Elgin, lariat from Kojima! After a struggle on the top-rope, Elgin connected with a sunset flip powerbomb and quickly followed with the Elgin Bomb for the three-count. Another hard-fought loss for Kojima, while Elgin gets his first points on the board. Good match. ***1/2
Tama Tonga vs. EVIL
Straight to the floor, where Tama took control thanks to a fireman’s carry Stun Gun across the guardrail and an extended beatdown into the crowd. After a minute or two of this, Evil broke the referee’s count, but remained at the mercy of Tama and his hard head. Eventually a missed corner splash allowed Evil to hit a sidewalk slam, and he sent Tama outside where he succeded with his customary chair-on-chair-on-head violence (for which I need a snappy name). Very relaxed refereeing, it must be said. Back in, Evil hit the fisherman buster and side kick, but Tama countered out of the corner with an Alabama Slam. A swift rope-running exchange led to a lariat from Evil and Darkness Falls followed for two. The STO was blocked, Superman punch from Tama (announced as such), and the Headshrinker DDT landed for a near-fall. The Gun Stun was avoided, setting off a very nice sequence of counters which concluded with Evil flattening Tama with the STO! One, two, three. Aside from the overlong brawling in the crowd, this was a good effort, with the two men having surprisingly well-matched styles. I don’t find Tama compelling in the main, particularly in singles competition, but it was good to see him assert his dominance here and control much of the match. ***1/4
Juice Robinson vs. Minoru Suzuki (w/ El Desperado)
Juice was limping on the way to the ring, partly as a result of Suzuki’s efforts in Sunday’s tag match, so of course Suzuki attacked him and his left leg before the bell. Juice recovered well to get the better of a fight on the floor and hit a senton in the ring for two, but after avoiding Suzuki’s rope-hung armbar was trapped in the kneebar version! Out into the crowd, where Suzuki attacked with bits of barriers and a chair, and El Desperado lent a hand too. Back in, Suzuki peppered Juice with kicks then invited some retaliation, which he got, with the American landing punches and a spinebuster. Cannonball and a back suplex for two, but Suzuki blocked a suplex and returned to the left leg of Juice, punishing him with a heel hook.  He pulled Juice to the middle of the ring and reapplied the hold, but Juice was able to scramble to the ropes. Juice fired up, nailing chops, and eventually downing a persistent Suzuki with a lariat. Pulp Friction was countered, but Juice did score with a big left hand, only for Suzuki to return in kind with a straight right. Sleeper into a delayed Gotch-Style Piledriver, and Juice was getting up from that. Suzuki wins.
Post-match, Suzuki went after the young lions and even threatened El Desperado. Another decent match, though as I’ve found with Suzuki matches so far, it didn’t quite live up to what I saw in the set-up tag match. Juice was game, and his selling of the leg was great, but he’s not a familiar face as a singles wrestler to most crowds, and today’s audience wasn’t behind him quite enough for this to be a total success. ***
Toru Yano vs. Kenny Omega (w/ Chase Owens)
Yano kindly offered Omega one of his DVDs, but when Omega opened it it was full of powder and Yano flicked it right in his eyes! Roll-up – one, two, no! Omega almost killed referee Red Shoes with a One-Winged Angel, but was low-blowed and again almost rolled-up for three. Yano removed every turnbuckle pad and despite Omega recovering sight, he got whipped into one of them. Simultaneous hairpulls! Back-and-forth hair rips! Not-Quite-Main Event Hair Pull Battle! Neither man would let go, so Red Shoes broke them up with a double axe handle from the second-rope! Good lord. They chased each other around the ring and Yano hit Omega with a plastic bucket from under the ring before taping his feet together. Then Omega caught Yano and taped his feet together! That noise you hear is Jim Cornette exploding. Back in, they had a hopping headlock/drop down sequence, ending with a double stomp from Omega, then fought over a suplex before Omega scored with the Snapdragon suplex. Owens gave Omega scissors to cut the tape, but even so, Yano rolled him up for a very close near-fall. Now free, Omega smashed Yano with the V-Trigger knee, sending him to the floor, and the Sublime Master Thief was unable to break the 20-count. Omega wins!
A damn good comedy match. Lots of inventive spots, both guys were totally into it, and I was thoroughly entertained. ***1/4
There seemed to be a technical issue at this point, because the feed dropped out, but it returned in time for the opening bell of our main event…
Kazuchika Okada vs. SANADA
Okada went Full Condescension on a rope-break, then was smart enough to avoid the leapfrog dropkick, but Sanada faked a knee injury off a turnbuckle jump and attacked Okada when his back was turned. After whipping him into the guardrail, Sanada choked Okada with his vest, and a back elbow and suplex earned two. He cinched in a chinlock, but Okada powered out, and after Sanada missed a standing moonsault, Okada scored a neckbreaker to kickstart a comeback. Back elbows, a DDT, and the kip up into a leaping European uppercut brought a two-count. Sanada pushed Okada to the floor, but found himself dropped into the crowd, where Okada scored with a running crossbody over the guardrail.
Back in, Sanada hit a rope-assisted low bow and applied the Paradise Lock at the third time of asking, with a low dropkick getting two, then Okada caught him with a flapjack to put both men down. Main Event Elbow Battle time, with Okada then successfully blocking the springboard dropkick and countering into the reverse neckbreaker. Diving elbow, Rainmaker signalled. Sanada ducked and this time connected with the springboard dropkick before hitting a backdrop for two. The Tiger Suplex was blocked with back elbows, but Sanada flipped out of the corner to apply the Dragon Sleeper. Okada made the ropes, but was floored with the double-leapfrog dropkick and Sanada hit the TKO for a near-fall! The moonsault missed, with Sanada landing on his feet and grabbing a Dragon Sleeper out of the corner, but Okada countered to a tombstone and again both men were down. The Dropkick from Okada! Rainmaker ducked and countered to a tombstone by Sanada! Dragon Sleeper applied! Okada struggled, then faded, but was able to stretch a foot to the bottom-rope. Moonsault from Sanada! Back into the Dragon Sleeper, but Okada rolled-through and hit the Rainmaker, keeping hold of the wrist, then smashing Sanada with a second! A final Rainmaker was initially ducked, but Okada blocked what looked like Sanada’s attempted Destino(!) and planted him to mat with the definitive third for the three-count.
A good match with a great closing stretch. Shame Sanada didn’t carry much of the aggression over from the Suzuki match, but he looked comfortable in there with Okada, pushing the champ further than in their previous two encounters, but again coming up short. Okada, despite apparently losing all faith in the Rainmaker as a one-and-done finisher is rolling right now. ****
Post-match promo from Okada and Gedo, and we’re out.
B Block standings after Round Three
Okada – 6
Omega – 6
EVIL – 4
Suzuki – 4
Elgin – 2
Robinson – 2
Tonga – 2
Yano – 2
Kojima – 0
Final thoughts: Everything was good, with the main event the best of the bunch, and while there was nothing absolutely must-see here, this was a strong collection of matches.
I’m back tomorrow for Round Four of A Block, featuring Togi Makabe vs. Kota Ibushi and Yuji Nagata vs. Tetsuya Naito. See you then. 
Six down, thirteen to go.
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ghostofviperwrites · 4 years
Welcome to LIJ
Pairing:   LIJ/FCs
Category:   Smut
Word Count: 2528
Warnings: Five men, two women.  Sharing, slut shaming, language, oral sex. 
Their first meeting occurred in the downtrodden Tokyo café that Los Ingobernables liked to call their home.  Shingo Takagi felt something he hadn’t felt in a long time walking through that door:  nerves.   Not the performance nerves that were common place, but deep down honest to goodness nerves.  He had met them all individually at one point or another throughout his long career.  Hell, he had known Tetsuya Naito for over seventeen years.   He had trained with Evil and Sanada separately with their mutual trainer.   Crossed paths with Hiromu and Bushi in various promotions. Today he was meeting with them as a group for the first time.  To see if he would be a good fit for them. 
Shingo had been honestly surprised when Naito had reached out to him a few months ago about potentially coming over to New Japan Pro Wrestling when his Dragon Gate contract was up and joining Los Ingobernables de Japon. After some consideration Shingo had decided it was an opportunity he didn’t want to pass up and had conveyed his willingness.  However he had to clear this last hurdle in order to be formally offered a spot in the group. 
They were all in the booth when he arrived, save for Hiromu Takahashi.  Their heads were bent together in conversation, aside from Sanada who looked like he may be asleep with his head leaning against the window.   Silence fell over the table as Shingo approached and he found himself the center of attention.  He stared back at them not giving an inch as he met their challenge.  Finally Naito grinned and waved him into the booth as he and Bushi scooted into the curve of the corner booth for Shingo to slide in.
“Welcome Shingo,” Naito greeted him. “You know everybody right?” 
Shingo nodded receiving various greetings as the waitress approached their table. 
“Are you ready to order now Naito-sama?”  She asked politely with her pen poised over her notepad. 
“Coffee.”  Sanada half-snarled his voice barely audible as he shifted his body and hunched over the table.
“Just coffee Sanada? Sure you don’t want some fried eggs, or bacon?  Or maybe some Oyakodon?”  Naito teased.
“Fuck you Naito.”  Sanada spat irritably, his face looking rather peaked at the mention of all that greasy food.  He hunched in further on himself of Evil and Bushi joined in on the laughter with Naito as Shingo looked on with an amused half-smile. 
“Ignore Sanada,” Evil told Shingo helpfully. “He’s useless without his coffee.  Plus the pussy over drank last night and can’t handle his hangover.” 
“Fuck you too Evil.”  Sanada snapped.  “You’re gonna think its real funny when I puke all over you.” 
Evil frowned and scooted further away from Sanada looking ready to bolt at his threat. 
“Asshole.” Evil muttered. 
Everyone else put in their orders and conversation picked up with Sanada slowly joining in as his caffeine kicked in.  As time passed and the men ate and talked, the tension that had been evident in the air slowly dissipated, the relief nearly palpable as they all came to understand that Shingo was going to fit in just fine with this rag tag little group.   It’s always a risk introducing someone new to such a close dynamic, but even Sanada, the most reticent of the group gave his tactile approval. 
Since that initial meeting they had gotten together a few more times, always in the same Tokyo diner where Naito could trust LIJ’s business wouldn’t be spread around the gossip pages growing closer and getting a feel for each other.  Shingo got a glimpse into the well-oiled machine that was LIJ and began forming bonds with each of the members. 
Finally it was the day of his debut.   Everyone was giving Evil a wide berth given his surly mood.  He was pissed he wasn’t going to wrestle on the show, having a beat down angle instead that was going to set up his match with Chris Jericho at Power Struggle.  It was a big match and a big deal, but Evil was still fuming he wasn’t going to get in the ring.   The air in the arena was electric, buzz about LIJ’s new member at a fevered pitch, as well as the triple threat champion match had the audience impassioned.  
Shingo got called out of the locker room to do a pre-debut shoot in the hallways, leaving the remaining three members of LIJ alone in the locker room.  
“We gonna show Shingo what LIJ’s all about or what?”  Evil asked as he re-wrapped his wrists for the tenth time since he had arrived.   All eyes turned to Naito as the question they all had was voiced aloud. 
Naito leaned back in his chair, teeth chewing at his bottom lip pensively thinking about his interactions with Shingo. 
“Sink or swim right boys?”  Naito responded after a long pause. “We’ll throw him in the deep end and see what happens.”  
Further discussion was halted by a knock on the door announcing it was time for the tag match leaving Evil alone in the locker room as his brothers made their exit.   Agitatedly Evil paced around the locker room.  He hated not getting to fight.  It was a small consolation that he was going to fuck after all was said and done, but nothing beat the high of an adrenaline fueled fight followed by getting your rocks off.   He wasn’t overly concerned about Shingo’s acceptance of the group’s penchant for sharing.  He was either in or out.  No skin of Evil’s back.  
Needing something to do Evil decided to roam the hallways and find some entertainment for the group after their match.   He was given a wide berth due to the scowl on his face as he prowled, hooded eyes surveying the prospects.  Finding himself disappointed with the prospects Evil made his way to upper level to glance over the audience.   His eyes zeroed in a two young women about halfway up wearing LIJ shirts that had been cut and shredded to show off an almost indecent amount of skin and tiny skirts that barely covered their asses.  In his mind there was no question as to what kind of attention they were seeking.  Calling over a security guard Evil pointed them out and instructed they be delivered to LIJ’s locker room before the end of his match before he returned to the prepping area to get ready for his entrance.  
After their tag match the four members of LIJ headed back to the locker room in high spirits with Shingo’s successful debut.  The crowd loved him and they worked together very well for their first match.  
“I need to get fucked.”  Bushi announced as soon as they were in the confines of their sanctuary, plopping down on the couch.  Shingo’s eyes widened briefly before he laughed. 
“A post-match fuck is always good.”  He conceded going with the flow of his new stablemates.   It wasn’t anything that wasn’t true.  There wasn’t a better way to blow off steam than a hot quick fuck. 
“Be patient.”  Naito said simply his eyes glued to the monitor in the corner of the room.  As soon as Evil’s music started playing he was out the door to do his part with the run in save for Evil. 
“Want to go find some pussy?”  Bushi asked Sanada who was laying across the bench watching Chris Jericho beat the crap out of Evil. 
Sanada was about to agree when he glanced at his messages and saw Evil had already procured some entertainment. 
“Nah, Evil’s got it.”  Sanada said gesturing vaguely to his phone on the bench.  
Shingo listened with interest to the short conversation, his curiosity piqued.   A knock on the door had him rising and opening it, glancing curiously at the security guard with two scantily clad women.  
“Evil said to bring them by,” The guard explained and Sanada waved them in, sitting up on the bench as Shingo shut the door in the guard’s face.  
Shingo stepped back, leaning against the wall and watching Bushi and Sanada in action.  
“You ruined my shirt just to look like a fucking slut,” Sanada said derisively to the bleached blonde girl who was wearing a Cold Skull t-shirt that had been shredded to reveal her stomach up to the underside of her tits and the neckline cut into a deep V that showed off the rest of her cleavage.  
“It got me in here didn’t it?”  She responded haughtily with a smirk playing on her lips. 
“Something I’m sure you’re going to regret.”  Sanada said looking her over slowly making no effort to hide his disdain.  Shingo hid his smile as he watched her deflate a bit under Sanada’s manipulation, clearly not expecting him to be so dismissive of her charms.  
“What about you sweetheart?” Bushi chimed in.  “You all slutted up hoping to get fucked by us?” 
“I was hoping to meet you,” She admitted. “My name’s….”
“I really don’t give a fuck what your name is.”  Bushi cut her off.  “What we care about is how well your mouth works.”  
Bushi pushed off the couch and moved to stand behind her, his hand grabbing on the back of her neck and forcing her head around until she was looking at Shingo. 
“Go say hi to Shingo.  Show him how happy you are he joined our group.”  Bushi gave her a shove in Shingo’s direction.  With a few stumbling steps she fell to her knees in front of Shingo, her hands reaching for the waistband of his tights and rubbing his crotch through them.   Shingo grunted in approval as his cock hardened under her hands.  
Soon his cock was out and in her mouth, her hot tongue caressing his thick rod while she hummed around him, her lips stretched wide to accommodate his girth.   His fingers threaded in her hair and he began bobbing her along his cock at a steady pace. 
The sound of ripping fabric had him looking up, seeing Sanada ripping the shirt of the other girl in half leaving her looking shocked as he discarded it with a sneer.  
“Looks better on the floor.”  Sanada told her making her whimper as his long fingers caught one of her nipples and pinched it.  
Bushi came up behind her and pulled her skirt over her hips then ripped her thong straight off and tossed it towards her ruined shirt then pushed on her shoulders so she knelt down before them.   Both men freed their cocks and she quickly enveloped Sanada with her mouth as her hand stroked Bushi.  
The door of the locker room opened with Naito and Evil appearing.   Naito immediately moved to where Shingo was fucking his girl’s face hard and fast, drool leaking down her face.   Pushing down his pants Naito pulled her from Shingo’s cock and onto his own.  She bobbed up and down his cock several times before being yanked back to Shingo’s dick and being pushed down on his cock.   She lost all semblance of control as the two men pulled her back and forth between them every few moments. 
Behind them Evil stripped and grabbed the Cold Skull girl by her hair, yanking her to her feet and pushing her to the couch where Sanada and Bushi sat.  Pushing her over at the waist so she could suck on their cocks Evil moved behind her pushing her legs apart so she was spread open for him.   Her loud yelp as he slammed home was muffled around Bushi’s cock, Sanada complaining as she stopped stroking him.  Sanada gave her a warning tug of the hair with a sharp command to stroke him accompanied by a loud smack on her ass by Evil.  
Naito and Shingo moved over to the bench, Shingo sitting and settling the girl down on his cock, her face out so she could continue sucking on Naito’s dick as Shingo fucked her.  As he slammed up into her cunt she continuously gagged on Naito’s cock, getting deep throated with every thrust from Shingo while Naito kept a hold on her head and kept her lips locked around him.  
“Wanna switch?”  Sanada’s strained voice had Shingo glancing in their direction, seeing Evil nod and pull from their girl’s pussy trading places as Sanada lined himself up behind her.   Her mouth sucked on Bushi’s cock as her hand stroked Evil’s thick cock, aided by her own juices.  Sanada grabbed her hips and slammed himself repeatedly into her dripping cunt.  Bushi groaned as she deep throated him, swallowing hard around his cock before pulling off and switching to Evil’s dick, her hand replacing her mouth and quickly sliding along Bushi’s cock. 
“Cumming.”  Shingo announced as he felt himself tightening inside her pussy, grunting as he pushed her forward and pulled his cock free spraying over her back.   He slumped against the locker as Naito pulled from her mouth and laid her down on the locker room floor, situating himself between her legs and pushing his cock inside, hips pumping furiously as he panted above her.  
Pulling from his girl’s pussy Sanada yanked her neck around, pulling her from Evil’s cock and sticking himself in her throat as he came with a grunt.   Evil growled and pulled her right back to his cock as Bushi rose to take his turn with her pussy.  
“Her mouth sucks.”  Evil proclaimed pushing her off in disgust.  “Yours any good Shingo?”
“Not bad.”  Shingo answered with a smirk, watching as Evil left his girl to Bushi and moved over to kneel in front of the other woman.   Pulling her head up he forced his cock into her throat giving a small nod of approval as she gagged around his girth.  
Bushi finished with a groan, filling the pussy of his partner and smacking her on the ass as he pulled out.  Falling down on the couch Bushi watched Naito and Evil with the other girl, Naito’s face red with effort as he fucked her.   Naito gave a final thrust before pulling out and stroking his cock, spraying his load over her stomach with a sigh as Evil pulled from her mouth and covered her face with his own seed. 
Pushing her face away with a snarl Evil climbed to his feet and headed straight to the showers.  
“Time for you to go ladies,” Naito said as he gingerly climbed to his own feet with a wince as his knees had definitely not appreciated the position.
“Ladies?  Really Naito?” Sanada scoffed.  “Call them what they are.  Sluts who just fucked five guys cause they’re in a wrestling group.”    He rolled his eyes grabbing his own gear and walking to the showers to clean up. 
Naito chuckled and ushered the girls out the door, ignoring their protests of torn clothes and bodily fluids left behind as he shut the door in their faces before turning to Shingo with a grin. 
“What do you think about that welcome?”  He asked running a hand through his messy hair. 
“I think I should have come over to LIJ a long time ago.”  Shingo said with a grin.  
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