#the absolute delight of following a tournament happening live in japan
doctapuella · 1 year
bosj30 has me in such a chokehold
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volchyayagoda · 7 months
i don't think i ever posted much about our trip to japan, and today i starting thinking about some of favorite memories, so here, you guys can have them too:
walking through a field-y part of ueno zoo behind a group of college boys who had made up a call and response song about aye-ayes. funny kings one and all
the group of girls with a bubble machine at shibuya crossing late in the evening who were clearly having the time of their lives
the two extremely sweet older ladies who were handing out samples of, i think some kind of jelly?, at a food court who were very excited to practice their english with us while i was trying to practice my japanese with them. they were even more excited when we told them we were from reno and started telling us how much they loved las vegas
walking along the path to ueno shrine, where some of the sakura had bloomed early
hanging out at nara park and watching a drama unfold where a little boy (maybe 5 or 6?) wanted to feed the deer, apparently not expecting the deer to be so aggressive when you have senbei for them, and a minute later watching this same boy run away from the deer, who followed, while screaming for his dad to help him, and his dad just stood there cracking up. like, me if i was a dad, honestly. the boy was fine btw
going to tokyo tower at night, which i had wanted to do since i was 12-years-old, and meeting a subaru cosplayer. things that make me think "actually fate IS real"
trying to get up the courage to ask a mandarake employee where to find the saiyuki doujinshi for kate, and while kate and i were discussing this, another customer overheard me and asked if i wanted help, and then very kindly asked for me. this actually gave me the courage to ask where to find the berserk doujinshi later (:
the very nice older man on a packed evening train who offered kate his seat, which was a godsend because her feet were dead after a full day of shopping
our first taxi driver, who was unfortunately very soft-spoken, speaking with me in japanese even though i had to keep asking him to repeat himself bc i couldn't Hear, and telling me i spoke beautifully, which i know actually means "it's very nice that you're trying", but was still very sweet to hear like right after getting off the plane
the little ramen-ya that sat six people we found in osaka where i had the best ramen i have ever tasted in my fucking life. i dream about her every day
seeing all the girls around kyoto who were dressed in kimono for graduation.
going to kasuga-taisha shrine. i'm not religious in any way, but it was a very like...meaningful experience. that's the non-corniest way i can put it lol
watching the real life mario kart tournament happening on some cordoned off streets while we were walking back to the train from tokyo tower. the little carts were so fucking funny and it was absolutely delightful
walking down the street in kyoto and seeing a man cycle past us with his sleeping shiba inu tucked into like, a baby sling on his chest
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