#(he has always thought different they've established it through the movies he watches and the 'you are what you eat')
grapejuicegay · 2 years
thinking about wat standing up for akk to an angry kan right after ayan stood up to an angry waree for him... about how the situation escalated to where akk would have to try and support waree to calm her down a little bit because ayan pushed and stood up to her in a way people usually don’t... about how akk seemingly supporting her made kan so angry but also revealed to wat how willing akk was to make himself look like the bad guy... about how akk has always been brave in a way that nobody sees but how he doesn’t even try to defend himself to kan... but also about how pushing the boundaries is revealing more about all of them to each other that they never even knew despite really, genuinely being close supportive friends
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broodybuck · 5 months
Title: Best You've Ever Had
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes
Rating: E
Tags: 18+ explicit smut, dirty talk, no refractory period, top Steve, bottom Bucky, established relationship, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot
[ao3 link]
Steve Rogers is the best sex Bucky's ever had.
Okay, maybe Bucky should mention the fact that Steve is the first and only person he's been with where they both have the serum. And sure, that makes a difference.
Cause once is not enough. Twice isn't either and it's not just about how many times. It's about the way Steve knows exactly how to do it, knows exactly what to say while they're doing it, and knows exactly everywhere to touch him.
Maybe this is dramatic, but Bucky swears Steve can read his mind. He's never had a partner know everything he likes in bed. Things even Bucky didn't know he liked until Steve did them.
How? That's usually the question Bucky asks himself every time Steve turns him on so much it hurts and then fucks him so good, he's useless to do anything else for a good few hours.
He hopes Steve feels even half the way he does. Sometimes Bucky worries it's not as good for Steve because a lot of times, Bucky gets so lost in his own pleasure, he's not sure how much he's doing in return. But the problem is, once they get into it, Bucky can't think straight. So he doesn't have the mind to worry once they're fucking. It's not until after — a while after — Bucky will worry if Steve's enjoying the sex as much as he is.
One day, he'll remember to ask. But not today. Today, they're on the couch. They were supposed to be watching a movie but that lasted about twenty minutes before they took their pants off, Steve fingered him while sticking his tongue down his throat. Then Bucky got in Steve's lap and started riding him.
Bucky slides himself up and down Steve's cock slowly. He likes taking his time in the beginning before his head fogs.
"You riding me, sweetheart?" Steve purrs.
He can't say what it is but when Steve talks to him like that, points out exactly what he's doing in that sweet, syrupy voice, god bucky feels on fire. He wants to melt into the man, get Steve as deep inside of him as possible.
Bucky nods, sitting back down to the root and stilling for a moment. His eyes close from the feeling of Steve fully inside of him. It's still not enough until Steve says, "You like taking all of me darlin'? Yeah, I know you do."
He lifts Bucky's hips up then starts thrusting into him fast and hard. It vibrates through Bucky, every ram of Steve's cock is sending bolts of pleasure through his entire body. He doesn't know how it's possible, how Steve makes him feel so damn much.
Even after he comes, Steve's still fucking him, and it's like his orgasm just blends one endless wave of pleasure into another. Never fully ebbing even as Steve flips him onto his back, lying them flat on the couch so he can fuck him with his legs spread in the air.
The pleasure keeps layering over the last until he's coming with Steve this time. They both moan, both panting out harsh breaths. But Bucky's not done, neither is Steve. They need more. Steve slides back in, pushing through his release dripping out of him, and fucks him again.
It's hours later, they're both in the bath.
In the beginning, they had to be wary of bathing together because resting their naked bodies against each other would start the pattern all over again. They'd lose another few hours and really tire each other out.
But now, they've had sex in the bath and shower — and everywhere — enough to know they prefer it on a dry surface where they have the space for every part of each other to be accessible to the other.
Bucky's back is resting against Steve's chest, his legs barricading his. Steve's thumb is making slow circles on his chest. It's calming, perfect like always.
Bucky breathes in slowly, the thought comes back to his mind.
"Can I ask you something?"
"Anything," Steve whispers. He sounds so relaxed, they both are.
"Is... when we... have sex, is it... good for you?"
He feels Steve stiffen behind him, ever so slightly, and his heart begins to race suddenly. He hadn't thought about how he'd feel if Steve told him he wasn't satisfied.
"Are you seriously asking me that?"
Bucky feels his face blush, he's happy they can't look at each other.
"Can you just answer."
"Buck," Steve sighs. "Of course, it is. Jesus, I thought it was obvious I can't get enough. I thought — oh god, is it good for you?"
"Yes! Obviously, it is," Bucky responds immediately.
"Well, I thought it was obvious for me too. What would make you think I wasn't enjoying myself?"
"I just... get lost in it sometimes," Bucky admits quietly. "Too much. And that's never happened before. I'm pretty sure I just end up lying there for most of it."
Steve huffs out a laugh, at least it sounds like it. Bucky snaps his head around with a look of disbelief. Steve's laughing?
Steve turns him around, hiking Bucky's thighs over his own so Bucky's sitting in his lap facing him now.
"Buck, you don't just lie there. Are you kidding? You do get lost in it, yeah, but that's my absolute favorite part."
"It is?"
"Yes, god. You're not just lying there, Buck. You're writhing under me, moaning my name, digging your nails into my skin. Watching what my cock does to you does more for me than you know."
"Yeah?" Bucky smiles, relief washes through him, and also a flash of heat.
"How long have you been worrying about this?"
Bucky averts his gaze, feeling embarrassed when he says, "A while."
"Jesus, I hate that. I hate that you would ever spend a second worrying," Steve says then he cups Bucky's face to force his eyes back to him. "If you ever need to know how I'm feeling, you ask."
It's definitely a command, it makes a thrilling shiver run through him. He loves when Steve talks to him like that too.
Bucky nods as a response.
"Use your words."
"I'll ask next time."
"Right away."
"Right away," Bucky confirms.
Steve leans forward to kiss him then lets him go, letting his hands fall to Bucky's thighs.
"Good. Let's dry off before I think too much about my cock inside you."
Bucky shudders as Steve's hands lift him up. It's too late, he's already hard by the time they dry off. They fuck again before bed.
The next few times they fuck, Bucky's honestly not worrying anymore. He knows Steve wouldn't lie to him. But it ends up, Steve's been thinking about it since the bath.
Every time Steve's inside of him now, when Bucky's giving himself over to the lust, Steve's talking him through it. Telling him exactly what he's doing to him, what it feels like to bury his cock inside him, what it does to him to watch him come.
He's not sure if Steve's intent was to assure him of their talk, but it's doing much more than that. It's turning Bucky on to an unbelievable degree. He didn't think it was possible to be any more turned on. It's truly unfair how much Steve's words affect him in the bedroom. Now, Steve's doubling down on talking him through every fuck. Bucky comes harder than he ever has and he was coming was plenty hard before.
Bucky actually needs a break from it. It's too good, he needs one night to let his body fully calm down.
That night, Steve rolls over and starts kissing him. They haven't had sex since the morning and he knows what's coming. But Bucky has to pull back and lie that he's tired.
Steve stares at him like he has another head. To be fair, their endurance and energy levels are much the same so it's not a very good excuse to tell Steve he's only tired.
"Are you okay?" Steve asks.
"Yeah, I just need a little break."
"What?" Steve sits straight up. "Was it something I said?"
"No," Bucky laughs but the terror on Steve's face tells him to keep explaining himself. "No, no I like it too much."
Steve looks confused. "I'm not following."
"I need a break, a small one. I swear, you're like a drug. It's too good. I'm still feeling the three orgasms from this morning. And I love it, seriously, but since you've been talking so much more during it... it's on another level."
Steve's eyebrows raise. "So you like the talking?"
"I'm having an out of body experience, Stevie."
A grin wipes across Steve's face then. "So you're saying I'm the best sex you've ever had?"
The smile falls off Steve's face when Bucky laughs but he didn't mean it that way.
"You seriously need me to answer that? I told you I was losing my mind from how good it is and you actually need me to say the words."
"It'd be nice," Steve shrugs, biting back a new smile.
Bucky shakes his head, smiling incredulously. He leans in close, leaving an inch between them.
"Steve Rogers, you're the best damn sex I've ever had. Now if you'd be so kind, I need a tiny break from a hundred orgasms a day. So I'd just like to sleep tonight."
Steve's smile is beyond smug. He closes the space between them to plant a small peck on Bucky's lips.
"That's all I wanted to hear. Goodnight, sweetheart."
"Goodnight," Bucky says, rolling his eyes.
They wrap themselves around each other and sleep for the night.
By the next morning, they're fucking like rabbits again. Only now Steve makes sure to remind Bucky every day of how he's the best lay Bucky's ever had.
But Bucky's the best he's ever had too, so it's fine.
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captain-romania · 5 years
So I've just watched Avengers:Age of Ultron and I don't really know why many people are hating on it and why it's so underestimated. I know there aren't as many fight scenes as in the other MCU-movies but that's the point. Like have you ever thought of the fact that it's the first time of the whole sequence when we truly get a look behind the characters not fully introduced before.
Like look at Clint, it's the first time you realize how it feels to be Clint Barton, how much of himself he must give into being an Avenger, and how many things he risks and leaves behind for the group. Besides, he's the perfect dad, like ever (I truly wish Tony had had a father like Clint Barton when he was young.)
And let's just take Natasha after she was under Wanda's "mind games". She is utterly soft and vulnerable; and you suddenly realize what she's been through, you just suddenly start seeing what her tough badass look really hides, and how much she needs safety that she finds with Bruce.
And now that we've come to Bruce, he is constantly fighting with himself during the whole movie, he has to deal with the consequences of his and Tony's experimenting, even if they were just constantly trying to do their bests and make the work for the Avengers easier. And still, they're the ones who suffer from not only the others' remarks but their inner thoughts too.
And I don't know whether you caught the piece where Thor wants to understand what's behind his dream and he doesn't go for Jane even though he has the chance when talking with the professor, he's not even asking about her, he's only interested in the issue of the Avengers, such as saving Midgard, so to say, he puts it before his fucking personal interests.
And I haven't said anything about Steve and neither much about Tony because they've got their own movies about their inner battles but the slowly establishing friendship between the two is just breathtakingly beautiful, even if they're both in the middle of fighting their own demons. They just always stand side by side eventually, Tony even starts thinking the same way Steve does, and these two just hold the whole team together.
This movie is not about shooting and fighting battles with guns and power, but emphasising who are those people fighting them, how much this whole Avengers thing means to them, and how strong they are, not only together but one by one or in duos, and I think A2-AoU ist just different by focusing on the characters' mind and soul and personality more than ever before. So please stop underrating it this much.
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