#(and I'm not really wanting this to be rb'd yet)
koushirouizumi · 2 years
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G H O S T G A M E Ep. 43 ~ Emma Haynes & Ruri Tsukiyono + Digi-Girls Supporting Digi-Girls (and welcoming/supporting them, as they should)
"Hey, are you Kiyoshiro's girlfriend?" - Emma
"...Did I worry you?"
IMGs by @koushirouizumi / @izzyizumi {DO NOT Copy} {DO NOT re-post} (Please ASK to Use)
{Note: This is a 'no re-blogs' post, so you won't be able to re-blog it 'Likes' are OK!}
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shmowder · 3 days
SO I was about to say that we never spoke on your BG3 blog, but I actually found one question by me, asking if you were playing the original Pathologic or P2 😂 By the time I found that blog you'd already pretty much moved on to this one (which is fine!). But I rb'd a couple fics to my sideblog. Certainly never imagined myself reading about a giant half-spider woman but here we are ♡ The thing about Minthara is that I adore her but I don't know anything about the rest of the game and it's too expensive for me to commit to right now - and I'm always hearing about her romance being bugged anyway.
Yuria <333 And Sister Friede but more importantly, Yuria! I love that you love her too! I confess that I never got past the Abyss Watchers but tbh I'm amazed I got that far. And at least my Ashen One got to meet Yuria (and heard her best line "And I, of course, am also thine" hehe). Good for you for getting through it! Bloodborne is the one Fromsoft game I've beaten and it was rough getting used to the Dark Souls combat, so I watched a walkthrough of the rest. And I've also watched a ~90 hour walkthrough of Elden Ring, which did put me to sleep occasionally lmao but I just don't have the willpower to play huge open world games anymore.
I almost finished a NG+ playthrough of Bloodborne recently, until I started the DLC and promptly got my ass handed to me and I was like hmmmm actually now is the perfect time to start a new SDV farm 🤔
But, I'm taking a little break because I've indeed started Patho 2 again!! It's the beginning of day 5, I'm using super easy settings again and I found my old notes of where the Dead Item Shop is every day and which items to save for upgrades etc. Despite that, I seem to be missing more than ever. I may have focused a little too much on trading and collecting herbs and caches. Forgot the bell rang on Day 3 and didn't gather the Apple Basket Gang rip :( (I noticed that Lara and Artemy both have dialogue about not being 30 yet, so there's that question out of the way) But on the bright side I have more eggs than I could ever need (maybe…) and I'm on my 3rd inventory upgrade.
Haha, based on that anecdote I'd say you know more Russian than I do. I know a lot of people listen to other things when playing games but I've never tried that except when hatching Pokemon eggs. I love hearing the in-game sounds and music. Victor and Yulia have the same theme playing in their houses!
Yes of course we can be friends! Requesting from writing blogs is what originally got me interacting with others, so, kind of like you, just the other way around 😅 Then I discovered it can be nice just to talk sometimes. It seems like you're having a good time on this blog! Chill is good. Part of me is still flabbergasted that there's a Pathologic x reader blog that exists and it's run by a great writer who obviously has so much love for the characters which is a huge plus <3 But I like the memes too :) I can't speak for other anons, but I always check my entire dash until I'm completely caught up.
Moving on… WHEN I TRANSLATED THE TITLE OF THE VICTOR X READER FIC!! Hooo boy, I'm a simple girl and the "You're good, my little dove, you're good. Despite it all, you're good" quote is one of my favorites. It's like you read my mind with the description - SOFT, TENDER, and UNSTABLE? Three of my favorite things 😇
So!! I am the human embodiment of this emoji while reading 🤭🤭🤭 Honestly so galaxy brained of you make it into a fic, I could never be upset about that. There's such an atmosphere to this from the very beginning, I don't know how to describe it but I want to bite it. Playing house with slightly off vibes, "Like handling a stray cat" OUGH. (I agree that'd he'd want to play at domesticity.) The way he notices everything, his solicitousness. Reader as sacrificial lamb imagery. "He takes and takes like you're the cure for his morose soul."
The immortality vs mortality thing! That's when I really got why this works so well as a fic instead of hcs. I love that it feels like a character study as much as a smut fic (and ofc I appreciate all the little details about time). TOP TIER SMUT ALSO. His endless patience while also being in emotional/spiritual/physical agony, him praising the reader's patience, he does seem like the type to draw it out a while - "He'll hide you from the world and everything dangerous outside" 😳
And the end!! What a beautiful, brilliant mind, what a sensitive fragile heart, what a lovely soul. My goodness. Just - [keysmash] [disintegrates]
That was AMAZING and you should be proud. Thank you for taking my request and running with it <333
If my overzealous reaction to the froggy chair birthday pic never made it through, thank you for that too! It's delightful.
Happy birthday!! 🧁🎉 I hope you enjoy the day.
🐿️ anon
You remembered my birthday! I love you!
God I was refreshing my notes waiting for your reaction over the fic. I'm so happy you liked it <33 Especially how you qouted your favourite lines and your reaction to them, that's literally the highest of praise I could receive. You understand the underlying themes, the whole playing house but something seems off, Victor's inner fits of monologue occasionally completely going off-rails and showing how lost in his head he tends to get. How his brain switches focus between topics constantly before snapping back to reality and vice versa.
Conflicted in everything. At times, he appears as if he's pleading with you, below you as loyal as a guard dog. At others he appears above you, pulling your strings with sheer authority and nothing else.
The whole turmoil of deciding to let Reader die a natural death, to be selfish and never allow them into the Kains grand scheme of immortality, to know you'll only exist by his side before your soul is lost to the cosmos forever.
I avoided bringing Nina by name but her presence is heavy in each line of the story. How much he would let you hurt him and others as much as you want like she used to do, how he lets your sins slide and sweeps your wrongs under the rug. How he clings to your mortality because part of his resents humanity for taking his wife away, for stealing his own life and future away.
The whole wings and feather symbolism. Immortality is the wings the Kains are sewing together one thread at a time, each feather plucked being a brilliant person's soul. That eventually, maybe they too will ascend past the larva stage and be able to live freely with no fear of death much like Icarus flew above the seas without regards to his father's words. They're flying straight into the sun and they mistake its blazing fire for the heavens above.
His little dove petname fitting perfectly with the Icarus symbolism, with you being a beautiful bird he wants to keep caged in the mortal real out of selfishness, out of the desire to finally call someone his own. All his life he has give for the future of humanity, both his wife and two kids turned into chess pieces to be sacrificed in times of need.
And that's fine that's okay. He can handle it. His family may belong to the future, they may belong to mankind and the utopia they're slowly shaping. He is strong and pragmatic, he can more than understand why heavy costs and live with the consequences. He will carry that burden of guilt indefinitely.
But you, oh you.... He won't allow it. You have to slip away from their clutches, from his own sharp claws. You won't belong to the future, you will belong to the present forever with him, forever to him.
I enjoyed writing it so much. I started as Headcanons but the words piled up and the sentences started weaving themselves on their own. It was so beautiful, I didn't have the heart to trim the growth and force it back into the headcanons mould, so i let it blossom into a full story even if it meant more work.
Headcanons are usually effortless, stories are not. I had several open tabs by the end of writing it searching for various idoms, symbolism and word synonyms. Looking through Victor's qoute then remembering the latin endearment term for dove.
I really wanted to paint the picture of how he makes loving you a form of self-flagellation, but I had to keep the message subtle so it shows how well he hides it. How on the surface you can easily mistake his infatuation for any adoring partner, but deep down he's completely unstable behind the calculated hardened face. I'd argue that he was as crazy as Nina if not even more. He just happened to be better at hiding it. It was an elaborate plan for him to play the role of the reliable soft-hearted self-sacrificing leader to win people's favour, to paint the Kains in an angelic light so their women may be as cruel as their hearts desire.
Again, thank you for leaving such a sweet message afterwards. People rarely do, you get accustomed to fulfilling requests then throwing your writing into the ocean after posting it. The reblogs and likes are good and all but I just want to hear another human's words at times you know? Another soul's opinion, something that proves that this exists and was read by an actual person rather than a number counter going up.
Although oh my god you read THAT Minthara fic?? A beautiful webbing?? IT'S ONE OF MY MOST PROUD WORKS! One of my most ambitious too! The descriptive scenery in that fic took a lifetime out of me, so much blood and tears poured onto the layout of the garden, of the sussur tree and blood rose. Writing it felt like my magnum opus at the time, although now I'd say Lingum Vitea holds the spot for the amount of Latin I had to research for that Burakhovsky fic.
I'm so glad you liked that fic! They're my favourite children <333 I like the rest too but sometimes I write things purely out of passion and they shine brighter than the rest in my eyes.
You've already started your P2 playthrough hell yeah! I hope it goes well and it's fun! I actually missed the apple basket gang meeting too in my playthrough- I thought it was scripted to be missed because it directly coincident with the Bachelor calling people to town hall and proclaiming quarantine so I thought oh, it must be cancelled duh! I didn't realise you could still walk to it ah-
You can never have too much eggs, trust me.
Being a trader hoarder is good! you'll eventually learn which people overpay for which items and look out for them. Usually trading is rng depent on which npc you meet on the road to your current mission because straying from the path means losing precious time.
Good for beating bloodborne and going on ng+! Hell yeah! I've never played it but it seems hard bc of the parries and no shield. I miss my shield in ds3 :( During the end of the game, my brother was watching me play and he tricked me into going to the end boss unprepared. He claimed it was just another npc for a quest and I didn't know it was the end boss bc I didn't watch anything about dark souls before playing it- I just walked to the soul of cinder all like "omfg hiii bestiee :3 " then got stabbed.
BUT I FUCKING BEAT HIM IN ONE TRY! EVEN WHEN I WAS TRICKED AND ALMOST DIED. I managed to clutch with my trustyyyy shieellldd.
But also I died to that weird balls tree 90+
I am not exaggerating, I genuinely couldn't handle that lame mini boss tree. I killee the abyss watchers in two tries and the soul of cinder in one but a fucking tree is responsible for 70% of my deaths through all of the game.
I'm celebrating my birthday today. it's not going well but at least I have a lot of cake and will buy myself flowers in an hour after the shops open. I got cheesecake! I love cheesecake! I think Yulia would like cheesecake or is she more of a dark chocolate person? I still have your request for her nsfw hc so don't worry it wasn't swallowed by tumblr.
Honestly I can't believe I'm the only pathologic x reader blog- Seems almost blasphemous tbh. I hope more pop up in the future, this fandom is surprisingly chill and nice. Especially for such a hardcore game.
I hope your day is amazing <3
Oh and I did receive your froggy chair submission! I just wasn't sure whether to reply to it publicly or not in case you wanted to stay anonymous to others on this blog. I'm glad you liked the meme I threw together and my other memes on this blog hehe. I like making them, it's like visual storytelling.
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sovaharbor · 3 months
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anyways that one post i rb'd a few days ago that was like "don't use ai art to make your ocs use picrew like god intended" or whatever spoke to me. and. well. i've had a valorant oc just kinda sitting around in my head for a while now and i decided yeah fuck it i can finally expand on it. the fact it took me THIS long to really make an oc for a series i'm obsessed with is kinda shocking. tbh. but here we are.
anyways their callsign is tempo. i don't have a real name for them yet but they're from italy. italians are now canon in valorant
they're a radiant with time-based abilities. i think within just regular lore context, it's Very powerful, probably on neon's level of "damn this could be actually very fucking dangerous" -- i'm thinking slowing, speeding up, pausing, potentially even time travel if given the time to develop and train their powers. within the game's context though, probably only slowing/speeding up. i think full-on pausing would be miserable and probably not something valorant would have in-game? so. yeah.
the harder part though is the Lore of it all... in my head i have this really crazy idea of omega earth tempo being dead. like, freak accident with their powers dead, thanks to the legion. so now the legion is trying to storm alpha earth and steal alpha earth tempo, because they want alpha earth tempo to essentially reverse things for omega earth & bring them back to a point in time where the radianite crisis isn't nearly as severe, but AE tempo is rightfully terrified because they 1) don't have good enough control of their powers yet, and 2) DON'T WANT TO POTENTIALLY DIE ANYWAY.
but then you can't really reconcile that within the game context. &, so, part of me is like well! not like tempo will ever exist in the game anyway! might as well just go all out with the lore! BUT OTOH I LOVE MAKING OCS AND JUST *FITTING* THEM INTO CANON, YKWIM? so...double-edged sword. i suppose it'd be kinda cool for tempo to exist within the game as, like. maybe just someone in the training range? maybe they could speed up / slow down training bots or something silly like that, idk.
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cheerstotheelites-if · 9 months
Oooo, prompt time again! Here's a fluff one from the master list.
"I got these because I know they're your favorite."
W/ Ophelia ❤️
I honestly have no idea what master list you were looking at, Anon, because I know I rb'd the enemies to lovers one and was expecting a prompt related to it. 😭
Though this is fine too, don't worry. 👌
Gifts are something foreign in the Edevane household.
It was never a love language to begin with, often instead resorting to words or a simple pat on the shoulder.
It's the void of that language that Ophelia grew up living with, and a reason why expectations are held so low on receiving, well, anything material. She doesn't outright asks, but the yearning seeps through the cracks every now and then. She wouldn't mind receiving a gift, even if it was something simple like a standard pencil, she would treasure it for life.
Alas, Ophelia knows the possibilities of such wishful thinking are just that, wishful thinking. No one's going to give the weird girl, who's into strong gore and monsters, something so pleasant.
Besides, trash deserves trash, right?
Isn't it how that's supposed to work?
Ophelia blinks out of her confusion, as she looks up from the gift bag that you're currently showing her, then back to you. There is a smile on your face, excited and eager.
"I..." Ophelia starts, only to trail off for a moment as her confusion returns again. "Congratulations to you?"
"What? No." You huff, the hand holding the gift bag falling to your side as you pout. "I got you a gift, Ophelia."
Her eyebrows raise in both surprise and the still lingering confusion. "Oh."
Really? 'Oh'? That's it? Ophelia holds back the urge to grimace at herself. Gods above, why is she so awkward? Why did the Pantheon made her to be awkward?
"You sound disappointed." You say, more of an observation than taking offense.
"No, I'm just—!" Ophelia vaguely made some gestures as she tries to grasp her next words. "—just surprised... and confused. Why give me a gift...?"
"Well, I just want to." You simply state, smile returning and offered up the gift bag. "Here. I hope you like it."
Hesitantly, Ophelia's hands reach out, gingerly taking the gift bag from your hand. She opens it, both not expecting much, yet at the same time curious to what it is.
This is...
She pulls out a set of charcoal pencils from the gift bag. It's an expenive set, with metal case and brand name in gold, and all.
"How..." She looks at you, eyes wide in disbelief. "How did you get this? Don't tell me you loaned from Fleur."
"Oh gods no!" You exclaim immediately. "I'd still be paying her until my death bed because of how much interest it'll stack. I just saved up my allowance for a while." You simply shrug. "I saw you eyeing it a few weeks ago, so I just thought, why not surprise you?"
Ophelia frowns a bit. "You really didn't have to do that. I could've just bought them on my own."
"Well, yeah, but I did it anyway." You grin at her, hands on your waist now. "I got them, because I know that brand of charcoal pencils are your favorite."
Ophelia stands there for a moment, staring at you in shock. Her head dips down to her chest not too long after, the tip of her ears reddening heavily.
"You're forever going to be an enigma to me." Ophelia mumbles out.
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vacantgodling · 1 year
I don't know if you've already said this and I forgot - what's Chidori's weapon and how did he choose it?
Also Jihan/Hue...I want to know everything but for an actual question, what were they like when things were more stable with them? Did they have favorite things to do together? (Is there a thread of vampires vs. werewolves in this world?) And also how does the witch assignment system work?
~ @void-botanist
bless u for questions i am giving you your favorite drink of choice & a blanket tm
so for chidorky! so this is his weapon, it's called torment. :)
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i'm still working out the details of how train masters weapons Work fully but basically i do know that you don't choose your weapon, your weapon chooses you lol. i think once you are nearing graduation at the train academy (it'll get a name i swear), you choose your weapon and start to train with it. all train masters have weapons because in doing train master work one of your biggest responsibilities is protecting the train from harm be it from disasters or Outside Threats. the city/trains can be a bit lawless and gang raids and Creature (idk what they are yet) attacks are common lol. the gems on torment glow when he uses it and its pretty special. i just still gotta figure out the whole thing lol. i do know that in Main Character fashion torment is pretty powerful and so many other train masters are surprised that he has it/it chose him.
hee i'm still working out hue and jihan (i'm doing literally every question from that ship ask i rb'd the other day to learn more about them & its been fun :D) so i'm gonna post that soon lol! but have a LARGE RAMBLE under the cut :D
when things were more stable between them god, they were really good. the two of them have been together for almost 20 years LMAO so they know each other extremely well & they're extremely comfortable around each other. comfortable, as in the can share a look over their kids heads and know what to do to fix or calm a situation. comfortable, as in jihan did hue's ties before work every day and hue has no clue how to tie one without him. comfortable, as in they're still so comfortable around each other. that hue finds it so hard to hold this distance between them after the entire divorce because jihan isn't a partner he fell out of love with, and it hurts how much he knows jihan still loves him. whenever he sees the kids or does something that he would do for hue like before but shies off it physically hurts hue because he still loves him too lol. hue is a MESS rn baybee and jihan is no better.
in terms of favorite things to do together, they love cuddling and napping together, but they're both also really competitive lol so a lot of their date nights were doing something game esque. bowling, paintball, quiz nights, "competitive karaoke" (LOL) they love to do things that get adrenaline pumping and are fun and silly. both being mostly nocturnal they also really like stargazing together :)
i haven't finished thinking about vampires/werewolves (and ig other supernatural creatures/witches) in this world yet BUT when i do i'll definitely tag ya!
so basically with the witch resurgence program, witches and real magic (that isn't species specific) had sort of dwindled out of the world several hundred years ago. people kind of accepted it and let bygones be bygones. however 20 years ago, human children suddenly started being born again with magical aptitude and prowess. got babies sneezing and blowing up buildings LMAO which is NOT GREAT. bc humans aren't necessarily equipped to handle this type of magical ability (though some continue to learn, other parents kind of view it as waaaay more than they can handle) so a special adoption agency was formed. wolves and were-creatures tend to take on a LOT of young witches bc pack bonding mentality, however other creatures will take them on as well. it works on both a volunteer & scouting basis which means there are families who do apply to take care of these babies, but other times if there isn't any volunteers or there's more demand than there are volunteers, those in the agency will seek out supernatural families or couples to see if they can foster children for a bit since the govt is still trying to grapple with this whole situation. that's what happened with hue and jihan (though they have formally adopted esther and ozzy). as a recently wed supernatural couple + one being a wolf & one being a vampire (who has known witches with magic in his lifetime) it made them great candidates to raise some witch kiddos if they were willing. hue, coming from a large family was down with it but he wasn't sure about how jihan would feel about starting a family. but jihan wants to do everything with hue, he loves him so dearly. so he was down to raise some kids lol. they were given esther first, who is a particularly powerful baby (and probably good that jihan, a pretty old fuck whos seen magic enough to know some bits and bobs about this) but her bio parents actually ended up having another child a few years later that ALSO had magic - ozzy. instead of separating the two sisters, they thought it'd be better to home them together so that's how they got ozzy. as the girls got older and their magic has become more stable, they started to meet with their bio parents. while they don't really view them as their mom and dad, they are creating a good budding relationship with them :D there's also talks of a magic school being in the works! though that's gonna be wild because... there hasn't been magic for so long so who's gonna teach it ?? lol?? so yeah that's just kind of the gist sorry this was so long;;;
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fakeosirian · 1 year
tagged by: @gender444 HI!! ty <3
relationship status: stage 3 of Deeply Single but not mad/for good reasons (last relationship took a very long time to recover from emotionally/kinda difficult for me to see people in person rn/coping with multiple new mental health diagnoses/sexuality has fluctuated violently like 4 times in the past year tho i think its stable now??) so in a "if an opportunity arises i'd take it but i do not seek it out on purpose" place lol
fav color: i go through phases with fav colors and it's been a green past couple years (specifically forest and kelly green love those shits) but my Always Colors are teal, dark scarlet, dark brown, and that purple that's almost indigo but it's still Definitely Purple do you know what i mean.
song stuck in my head: luka luka night fever specifically only the first ~30 seconds
last song i listened to: pet body by miya folick
three favorite foods: CURRYYYY MY BELOVED <3 specifically the golden curry bricks...but at the end of the day idgaf all curry good put it in my body; ice cream i will spare you the list because it'd be easier to say which flavors i don't like vs the ones i do; hmmm i can't just say soup in general but it's so hard to pick Just One. i will say beef and barley. but just know that ramen and grillcheese+tomato are basically tied w it
last thing I googled: i wish there were no traffic accidents movie (that post i rb'd a bit ago reminded me of a movie i saw years ago thru mst3k with AWFUL dubbing of child actors where they kept wishing for there to be no war or traffic accidents Specifically and i'm obsessed with the idea that like. this is such an understandable yet specifically worded wish that keeps coming up. unfortunately google just kept telling me about the time matthew broderick killed somebody and i got bored and gave up)
dream trip: there's so many individual places i'd Want To Go that i get choice paralysis picking just one so tbh. i will just say that i really want to finally go on a road trip/camping with my college friends LOL we've been talking about it for years and never thrown down the gauntlet/been firm about a specific time or plan but hopefully this year or next...we were talking about all going to canada since one of us lives right near the border now/we want to visit him anyway so fingies crossed...
anything i want right now: to hit my breaking point on not doing one of 4 or 5 odd things i need to get done and just Do It. but OTHER THAN THAT a camera tripod T_T the stack of books method is simply not cutting it any longer. also human interaction
tagging anybody that wants to tbh but Summoning @4th-and-roebling @zombiepatch @windowsdestruction @voxxed @aurora-boreas-borealis there are more people i want to tag but im Norvous so if we're mutuals and u want to do it then go ahead and say i tagged u LOL
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mx-mind · 1 year
hey sky!! for the OC ask meme you recently rb'd on your other blog, could I ask: 1, 4, 11, 19, 23, 32 (feel free to swap horror out with the like.. yume nikki-esque type of game! i'm curious to know! :D) 40, 44, and 50? :]
it's a lot to ask, so feel free to skip over any if you'd like! and sorry for asking so many! your ocs are very cool and i like learning more about them ^-^/
HI SARAH thank you for all the questions I love OC questions :3 Sorry for taking so long to answer these ^^;
1. Your first OC ever?
Twas a My Little Pony OC named Western Cat (name received from a generator). This was also generated, but she was "a unicorn with flame colored hair, a golden coat, and purple eyes". I interpreted flame colored as red and yellow hair, golden coat as golden yellow, and purple eyes as. Well, purple eyes. I then turned her into a Sonic OC, and years later made a human design based on the Sonic OC and changed their gender to match mine and wait a minute... That's Sky! My OC who acts as a fictional in-story representation of myself! So yeah, my sona is actually my first OC (after dozens of revisions over about 8 years of existing)
4. A character you rarely talk about?
Hasedonia! Mostly because I don't have too much for her and her story yet, but I also tend to talk about H&R! less than R&RWG. She's another person who's been isekaid to Phitania and appears to be half dragon
11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a “sunshine”?
Bailey is probably the closest to sunshine? I originally thought "just as a kid though", but she's still optimistic as a teen.
19. Introduce an OC that means a lot to you (and explain why)
I don't really talk about these characters too much since I don't really talk about my regular novel stuff, but one of the main characters is a Jewish girl named Talia. She works in a bookstore and the story opens with her... not exactly in the best place. She's been fired from many places, she's a huge people pleaser and ended up getting dumped for that, she's still not over her ex, and she feels like she disappoints everyone she meets. Her arc has her moving on from her ex as she and her old friend Cassie reconnect. Instead of it ending with her and Cassie dating as would be typical of a YA story though, she just stays single. I don't think the story is really YA anymore since she and everyone else have aged up as I've gotten older, but I created her back when I kept missing an old ex-BFF. I also just like that she doesn't end up in a relationship at the end because YA stories I read at the time ALL had romance in them. Before I really started to realize I was arospec I felt like teens should have the opportunity to see characters that stay single and are okay with it in order to send the message that you don't have to date. I don't even know if Talia is arospec or not yet but either way it's important that she has the option to not date and still learn to be happy without one
23. Introduce OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like?
The Sun King is a benevolent ruler who acts as Shiko's guide and confidante in his journey through Phitania, a magical world where Shiko becomes the hero. Hey, I think I should add more to this guy. *Turns around and now he's the main villain and his character and actions are now similar to the likes of King Bradley from FMAB, Kyubey from Madoka Magica, and Belos from Owl House* Oops...
So basically yeah he was supposed to just be a stock king character until I wanted to develop him more. He's still the ruler of Phitania and initially appears to be an ally, like he acts like the perfect dad towards everyone and the country is at peace, and then after Shiko dies he reincarnates him back on Earth and tells him he needs to send people to Phitania and then he can be brought back. Originally there was no real reason except hey we need isekai protags, but uhhh you know how I mentioned Kyubey as being inspiration? Yeah... Turns out everyone in Phitania is someone who had a miserable life who got "sent" there and he gave them happiness but has secretly been draining them of their hope and determination in order to become all powerful! And he was just supposed to be some guy...
32. Which one of your OCs would be the most suitable horror game protagonist and why?
Neil! This can work as both a human and a truck. He has a lot of trauma, and his life is basically a horror game. Even though he can drive himself around as a truck, Shiko can still take control of him at any time and that tends to happen when they have a target they need to run over. Like imagine at any moment your freedom can be taken away and you're forced to run through someone at top speeds in order to kill them. That's so fucked up
For Yume Nikki protag, I'd say Evanthe. Its whole story is it running through various scenarios to decide what to do with its newfound sentience, so the open-ended nature of a YNFG combined with a vague ending would work well with this. God now I wanna make one...
40. Any fond memories linked to your characters? Feel free to share!
Jaxon is the first OC I got fanart of from my friends! This is the first attack I got of xim on Artfight, and then here's another drawn by my excellent and talented friend @lab-labrava
44. Something you like about your OCs in general
They all try to fight against their fate and have fun colored hair :3
50. Give me the good ol’ OC talk here. Talk about anything you want
Nova Armstrong! Ze's a Batman Rogue OC I recently came up with based on the Rookie from Lego DC Super Villains and the first Planet Master (old Silver Age villain who only appeared once; ze's actually related to him but I dunno how yet). Nova is a henchman for hire and can temporarily steal people's powers and strengths. Ze will also copy other people's personalities, though this is due to an effort to fit and unrelated to hir powers. Ze does this to fit in with any rogue ze wants to get hired to
Hir reasoning for working in the rogue industry is ze's trying to find hir brother, but after ze does find him, ze ends up becoming a solo villain called "The Black Hole". Now ze goes really overboard with the "steal people's powers and strength" shtick and keeps trying to find ways to make it permanent. I haven't designed it yet beyond "this needs a long flowing cloak with a hood" and "stars" but hir whole costume is based on space
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channelrat · 2 years
😮😮 what Bo tattoo are you getting!! I don't have any yet myself but I want a few and a Bo/Inside one is definitely on the list!
Bestie it's so bad I have so many in mind (I want 1 for SURE the others are depending on the situation)
I want a flower doodle from one of his signed CD's (with maybe aeom lyrics I've not decided but the flower for sure)
There are like 3 but I like this one (I have Higher quality on my laptop lol)
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Second in line is this sad man bc I've wanted him since I first saw it in Inside during the WWI viewing part
I wanna say "robert we're really in it now :((" to him when I'm in a situation
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I want a simple lineart of the Make Happy clown specifically bc that special means so much to me & theres an artist on here (I have it rb'd but I cant find it rn) that has a good one who I'd message when it comes time
& I also kind of want a dumpling, just a small little dumpling. Nothing big & not in like a very obvious spot but I want a dumpling because of how much I obsessed over Five Years back in like October to now
If the flower doesnt have lyrics (though I've already discussed how they'd layout w/ the flower with one of my friends on here) then I'd probably get lyrics somewhere else but I havent decided what song or lyrics
*the flower gets "You say the whole worlds ending honey it already did" if I choose lyrics there
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contact-right · 2 years
but does that mean you won't be posting any more gk gifs?????? and I have been mostly liking posts because I didn't know 😕
Hi! No, I won't stop making gifs for this blog, but I have been less inspired lately and I'm more active on my other blogs. To compare the two wouldn't be right, as the gk tag isn't that big, but when you put time and effort into a gifset of a movie/series you love and you get more engagement it's just different. Like I never would've imagined one of my posts there would get over 900 notes, that's just crazy to me and it motivates me a lot more to make stuff. To put it simply, I still enjoy making gifs, as that's the first and foremost reason as to why I do it, yet the moment you do get engagement and other users love the thing you made, sharing said thing so other users can see it and/or love the thing you've made with their own tags and insight, it makes the whole tumblr experience a lot more fun.
Of course, I experience that here too, and there are lovely peeps hanging around here, but it's sad to see really amazing gifsets/edits that I know must've taken hours to make by just looking at it, not getting the engagement, and thus disappearing into the tumblr void. Like the only thing I can do about it is put stuff into the hbowardaily queue but that also takes time and I don't always have the time and energy of the world lol.
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For example, I scrolled through my blog real quick and these are the notes on a bob gifset and a gk gifset. Likes are nice, and every creator must adore everyone who even wants to look at their stuff, but it isn't how this website works.
Anyway, no worries anon!! I understand it's probably mostly new users who just don't know and that's fine. I rb'd the post because it is bothering me again lately and I thought maybe some of my followers would have some use of it to better understand this hellsite. I see you blank blogs lol 👀. I'm just afraid that if this continues, there won't be a tumblr anymore after a few years because it can't function properly, and then where do we go? Not twitter lmao.
Have a nice day!!💜💜
Edit: I'm not here to dictate how you should live your life just pointing out a problem in the current tumblr 'culture' that can't really be argued on as this website isn't built with an algorithm where likes matter but revolves around reblogs and that this currently doesn't help the website in any way whatsoever and that some creators, including me, rather put their effort where there is actual engagement. I love you babes, but let's keep this site alive, please. If you love something some other users make, REBLOG it.
The post I rb'd for context.
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enruiinas · 4 months
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Interaction PSA: Memes
[With less time to RP lately, I've had to be more selective and realized I often find myself browsing new followers' blogs for the types of PSAs they post/rb. Things like their meme and writing preferences, expectations for reply times, etc. They help me get an idea of if we'll be a good "vibe" or not, so I wanted to add a PSA / Interacting Info section back to my pinned with some (hopefully!) helpful info.]
♥ My memes have no expiration date. I go back through them regularly and if there are ones I no longer feel like doing, If it's in my meme tag, you're welcome to send it no matter how long it's been since I rb'd it.
♥ Memes are always welcome & a great ice breaker. If you're a new mutual and aren't sure how to reach out ic or ooc, memes are always a great option. Chances are, if you send me a meme for the first time and we haven't talked yet, I'll likely crawl into your IMs to say hello and thank you for sending something, so it's kind of two birds with one stone. (I am shy, but less shy when I know someone wants to interact enough to send something.)
♥ Multiple memes are not only welcome, but encouraged. I LOVE having options to choose from. My muse is sporadic and unpredictable. Some days I'm in an angst mode. Some days I just want fluff. Sometimes my brain just doesn't want to give me anything for a particular meme for a long time. I feel really guilty keeping people waiting for a reply if I don't get quick muse for the one & only thing they've sent in, so I promise you're both doing me a favor and making my day if you send me more than one thing.
♥ And no, I'm not exaggerating when I say there is no limit. You're not "spamming me", you're not "bugging me", you're not sending "too much". I light up each time I see "new ask received", so as long as you know they may not all get responded to right away / in order / in a "quick" manner and understand that I may still rb memes or post and/or like meme & starter calls even if my inbox is not empty, seriously - go for it. Feel free to keep sending even if I haven’t finished all of yours yet.
♥ In the case of new interactions, I will likely reach out to bounce ideas/thoughts for answering a meme. I don't mean this to be uncreative or annoying, but sometimes I freeze up when things are too open / have infinite possibilities. I do better with light discussion, outlining, or some plotting. If I reach out like this it's because I'm really excited and just want to bounce thoughts off of you to break that ice and get my brain cells working. I generally feel more comfortable winging it as I get to know a mun, but I enjoy plotting in general so if that’s your thing we can plot as much as you want, always!
♥ On NSFW Memes: This is the only exception to the above rules. Sinday and other spicy memes are reserved for active ships ONLY. I'm a selective shipper, and shipping generally depends on good chemistry between both the muns and our muses. I feel like you'll probably know if we have what I consider an "active ship", but pretty much if we'd had the "would you be interested in shipping" discussion and gushed to some extent about their dynamic (whether it's fully written out in threads yet or not), I consider you an "active ship". I timeline hop and write lots of verses, so our threads do not have to be linear. Like with any other meme, I may hold on to one until I get a good idea for it or feel like it fits or I've asked some questions I need to know first - but if we have agreed to ship and bounced any ideas on how we think our muses' overall dynamic will go, you can send these!
In the event of NSFW memes received outside of active ships, I will either reply in a different, PG/platonic context or - if that's not possible - delete the meme.
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Other PSAs: Memes, Plotting, On Verses & Verse-Building, General RP Preferences (Coming Soon), OOC interactions (Coming Soon), Mutuals & Affiliates (Coming Soon), ALL PSAs.
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littlenim · 1 year
was writing this out in the tags of the chuck tingle post I just rb'd as a means of explaining a point i feel was being missed by a few people in the tags, but realized it was getting way too cumbersome. left it there but i also kinda wanted to expand even more because i have lots of strong passionate feelings... sooooooooo, readmore...
for something that really impacted the way i frame the "separating the art from the artist" discussion i cannot recommend enough Emily Nussbaum's essay on her relationship to Louis CK and Woody Allen's work in her book I Like To Watch. it's a super personal and thoughtful take on a complex concept that I think often gets misunderstood and discussed without much nuance (the rest of the book focuses more on specific pieces of art and is super enjoyable to me as someone who loves film criticism.)
i think it's valuable in that her essay frames the core of the question "can you?" the same way that chuck does here and separates from the externally-driven choice to project a kind of morality (which is noble thing when you know the result of supporting the thing is harm in itself, regardless of whether or not you innately dislike the art in itself). a personal example, choosing not to purchase/stream new Kanye West music/merch/events while still listening to your old download/CD of Yeezus because you enjoy it.
from the completely internal "in the closest thing to a vacuum can i still get joy out of consuming this, or will my knowledge of the creator/circumstances of its creation hinder that?" which is in itself so simple, and yet is an aspect i feel people who ask other people these kind of simple "am i still allowed to enjoy x" questions haven't examined for themselves. this isn't meant to shame, these questions online come out of an understandable, natural, fear of social pressure, but they're revealing of insecurity/lack of faith in the asker's own values. but it's really that simple!
there's no way to remove information from your mind once it is there, the media-enjoyment vacuum doesn't exist. there's no vacuum where you're safe from the knowledge you already have and there IS a certain point where that knowledge will render you less able to enjoy something you may have once loved. it's a sad feeling! trust me- I was a huge HP fan growing up, and the love didn't just instantly vanish the second JKR started on her BS. but over time, the weight of everything did diminish the love in a way 10 year old me would never have believed was possible, with how strong and all-consuming it was then.
it was exactly like the feeling of falling out of love with a person who broke your heart. for some lucky people, in some cases, maybe it happens instantly, but in my experience it takes time. you still love them, and it might take weeks, months, a year to TRULY get over it. it sucks. but being betrayed and disappointed by someone you loved is unfortunately an unavoidable cost of growing older and wiser.
Emily talks in that essay about going back and re-watching the Louis show after everything about him starting to break, convinced she'd still enjoy it, and finding that there was an undeniable stain she could feel spreading on it, coloring scenes she'd have previously found innocuous in new light. almost against the will of the fan within herself, her perspective on art that has once meant a lot to her shifted in a natural and complicated way. i'm paraphrasing and simplifying very small parts of a very lengthy and complicated piece of writing (so please read it if you get the chance).
when you consume that media, only your heart can determine where the scales tip and the media becomes unenjoyable, and it's nobody's business but your own. nobody's asking you to try to change your own feelings on beloved art at the drop of a hat, they're just asking that you open yourself to them being changed. chances are, your feelings will come to align with your values in time- and even if they never fully do, you still have the gift of free will to choose what you give your support and praise to. so, basically, worry less.
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splendentgoddess · 3 years
Hello! Can I have 3, 14, and 18 for the fic asks please, my love💓💓💓
Hi @anisaanisa! Thanks for including me in the Ask game! And also thanks to Anon who also asked for #14, so I figured why post the same answer twice?
So silly me didn't automatically realize the Ask thing was only supposed to be about this last year when I RB'd it. If anyone can explain this whole "linear time" thing, so I can figure out what I did only within the last year, please let me know! LOL, I kid. (I do not kid.)
Okay so #3: favorite line/scene I wrote this year
This one's actually easy! Because even though I don't think I've posted anything in a year, I've been working on WIPs like mad, and I very recently I started a witchy WIP that just plopped itself into my brain out of nowhere. It has no title yet, and I've no bloody clue when it'll actually be finished, but the opening scene just tickles me to death and so for right now this is definitely my favorite recently written scene:
Kagome coughed and waved her hand in front of her face as the smoke cleared. Had she done it? Had she really summoned a familiar demon? The binding rosary she’d made had lit up and flown into the smoke, so it had to have worked, right?
But as the smoke continued to clear, a figure standing within the pentagram she’d drawn on her vinyl floor began to take shape, and it was not the figure of a loyal canine demon on all fours. It was the figure of a man. A man with long, gorgeous silver-white hair and...dog ears on his head? His eyes were golden and glanced around the room in shock and confusion before settling on her, the stunned expression on his face and her binding rosary the only things he wore.
“What the fuck?” he questioned loudly, sounding much more surprised than angry. “You actually summoned me?!”
“I...no!” Kagome shrieked. “Yes?” How had this happened?
“Gah!” he cried out then in belated realization. “Why am I naked?!”
“I don’t know!” She really didn’t. “Maybe clothes can’t come through the portal?”
“That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever- Quit staring and get me something to wear!” he demanded.
Kagome ‘eep’ed and turned quickly in her small living room, nearly falling over the cream upholstered couch she’d pulled up against the hallway entrance to make room for the summoning circle. She climbed awkwardly over the old, worn out piece of furniture and dashed down the short hall to her bedroom on the left.
Inuyasha rubbed his right palm down over his face in exasperation at the sight, chuckling a little despite himself. What even was his life?
dun Dun DUN...but nowhere near done.
Moving on! #14: a fic I didn't expect to write
Well I guess we could still count that one, LOL, since I had NOT ever expected I'd start a witch themed AU, and yet here we are. But bending the rules to go beyond just this year, since if we're talking completed and posted fics I'm going to have to, then for a more recent fic I did not expect to write I'm definitely going to have to go with In the Blink of an Eye from just last year. It was supposed to just be a shortie and part of my Splendent Shorties collection, but to say it got away from me would be an understatement. Over 10k words does not a shortie make, LOL. So in that way it was definitely unexpected!
Last but not least (not by a long shot) #18: current number of WIPs
Hold on, let me get an abacus, LOL.
Okay but seriously though, and I'm only counting actual WIPs that have like, legit story text written in them, and not just a keyboard smash of synopses and plot outlines. We're talkin' unfinished stories that are partly written as actual stories... 16. But that number actually doesn't include things that were WIPs like 10-15 years ago and so I know they're so horrible now that I could never just pick up where I left off and even if I salvage the idea itself it basically has to be started over from scratch, LOL.
You do not want to know how many separate "keyboard smash of synopses" files I have.
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lovebegins · 3 years
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*janice ian from mean girls voice* 2020... how do I even being to explain 2020? quite a shit year but besties, y'all made it bearable! here's a lil thing I wanted to make to express my gratitude! i love you 💘💘💘
pick someone supportive gc
@larryiswhatilivefor if i start explaining how much love you and how thankful i am to you, we’re gonna be here for the rest of eternity. but i’m gonna try summing it up in a couple sentences. im so lucky to have you in my life??? u make my life so bright and light!!! i am always thinking about you, always wondering what you’re doing and if you’re smiling. i’m so fucking lucky to call u my soulmate, my louis to my harry, my jimin to my taehyung 🥺 i love you so so so much 💘 hopefully i can come visit you in 2021 and know what being in your arms feels like 💖 i love u
@chupahojadee hi mortal enemy 👅 wanna meet in the parking lot of McD, fight and make out afterwards? deeeeeee, I love you so much. you’re such a huge inspiration to me. you’re incredibly strong and you love people with such intensity, it makes me feel so safe. i never have to worry about any kind of judgement when talking to you. never afraid to make mistakes because i know i’ll always be loved. i love you so so much and so thankful to you. 💗💗💗
@sapphichalo helloooo baby!!!!! i miss you so much!! i miss ft’ing with you and chas soooo much. ugh i wish we weren’t so busy 😩 can’t wait to move to our island and be sapphic as hell and live happily ever after 💕💕 i love you so much!! hope you’re doing well and happy new year!!!!!!
@hotgirlhannibal hiiii (gayly) sab 🌸🌸🌸 i love seeing you on my dash so much! you’re so cool and funny ? iconic, me thinks 😎 it’s always comforting to see you on my dash! i hope you’re doing well and happy new year!!!! 💖💖💖
chas, olivia and tris!! ilysm you’re the loveliest angels 🍒 this gc is the best thing that ever happened to me. you’re my comfort, you’re my happiness, you’re my home. you’ve given me everything i’ve ever wanted. you made me realise how pure love can be. how loving can make one strong. you make me strong. i miss you all so so so much. you are the greatest loves of my life.
desi gays gc
@finelinedwalls oshiiiiiii we're besties bc of zayn and my stalking tendencies and I think it's beautiful!!!! the fact that we have so many shared interests between us!!!!! AHHHH!!!!! ultimate stan-brain-rot-besites <3 if not you, who would listen to me yell about hq!!!! about bts!!!! i love you so much and I'm manifesting a year of decolonization for both of us ✨✨✨ happy new year!!!! 💓💓💓
@alwayysyou hello aditi !!! ahh I'm so glad I hunted down your blog and sent you that text! you're so cool and fun and ahhh such a great person. it was really fun making that discord server with you even if none of us use it! we share a mutual love for organization and I stan you so hard for that!!! here's to hoping a fun filled 2021 where we make more memories together 💘 happy new year!!!! 💗💗💗
@amateurd18 amiiiiii hello!!!! ahhh I'm so glad you were able to join the mess that is desi gays! I'm so glad that we know each other!!!! you're so cool and so patient, ahh so much to learn from you 💓 I hope we can get to know each other better in 2021 and make more memories!!!! happy new year! 🥰🥰
bts friends
@everythingoes - taylor 🥺 my first supporter ever !!!! i was so shook when you rb'd my gifset and been constantly in awe of you since then! you're so cool and talented and so kind! i love your gifs so much and I miss you immensely!!! i hope you're doing great and that you have a lovely new year 💘💘💘 thank you for all the love !!!
@magicjin - al 😭😭😭 I can't even begin this without wanting to sob!!!! i love you SO much????? you're THE coolest person I've ever known! the artistry!!!! the kindness!!!! the person that you are????? I'm in awe and also a little bit (a lot, actually) in love with you. your edits... your gifs... the talent? unmatched. your love???? your kindness??? UNMATCHED. thank you jungkook bwl lover shirt 🙏🏼 I found one of my favourite people ever bc of that shirt !!!!! i absolutely love how bwl is our song. i love you so so so much 💗hope you have the nicest new year ✨✨✨
@bimbojoon - saraaaaa my fav desimyyyy <333 it's an honour to match urls and love joon with you!!!! i always try to find desi people on here and ahhh im so glad I found you!!! i love how easy it was to talk to you!!!! i love you so much!!! and I hope you have the bestest new year, a new year to make the love you have for joon bloom even brighter 💗💗💗💗
@userjiminie rafa!!!!!! bestie <3333 love you so much? i love that I found you and started talking you so quick! you're so fun to talk to! i love how we just ranted to each other about a dumb thing? that honestly bought me so much comfort! I'm so so so glad that I met you!!!! also your edits????? your gifs????? THEYRE SO STUNNING!!!! you're SO SO talented omg !!!!!! and so so cool !!! i have so much love for you!!! 💗💗💗 I wish you a lovely new year's ✨
@sugacutie - andy 🥺 how !!!! can !!! i !!! even !!! being !!! to !!! explain !!! how !!! fond !!! my !!! heart !!! gets !!! when !!! i !!! think !!! about !!! you!!! you're the sweetest person ever omg. thank you so much for hosting secret santa! it was so fun sending messages to my secret receiver (?) and ahhhh the fact that we just started talking about bts!!!!! ahhh you're so lovely and easy to talk to! thank you so much for the playlist! I'm gonna treasure it forever 💗 I hope you're doing well and hope you have a great new year's day!
fav bestie
@citrusgal - saaaaammm!!!!! my fav citrus gal <33 we have no interests in common except for social justice and loving pretty things and yet we work!!!!! you're so cool and you're always doing something really sick! i love you 💕💕💕 I hope you have the bestest new year!!!!
treasured mutuals 💗
@jinglebellrock @larryissocute @himbojin @atomicqueer @anjalibutch @dnpbants @svpportive @harrysau @ignaciovarga @wolfmanmp3 @jhumkalesbian @vocaline @transberries @sleepwalk-living @namjooniex3 @jintae @soft-lou @h-isforhome @fightofthestars @dionysuswearsanorangetracksuit @haikyuuprettysettersquad @dnpbants
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georgeinamerc · 2 years
hehehe hey bestieeeeee how are you?? i read your little sideblog ramble thing and i think it was good they knew right away what kind of blog you are djifdjias;o im so sorry but thats hysterical to me lol
that brain meme you rb'd made me laugh out loud but also cry a little bit because, like. yeah.
SPEAKING OF YOU BEING HORNY 24/7 DID YOU SEE THE TOTO PHOTOS??? ARE YOU OKAY??? STILL BREATHING??? HE WENT FULL TITS OUT IN THAT ONE PHOTO LIKE EYE-??? susie really said oh yes for your birthday im going to make everyone thirst over you on main :)))) i saw the pictures and immediately thought that v must be losing her mind lmaoo
GOODMORNING LOVE!!💖 Apart from the fact that i've been waking up at 8am every day this week which i absolutely hate and the fact that i'll probably have to go buy yet another book in hopes of actually passing a class, i'm alrighty!! What about you babe??
HEY what kind of blog am I????💀💀this is simply an f1 blog that happened to be a bit explicit once... i don't know what you mean...👩🏻‍🦯
BESTIE, they probably think I'm a perv how do i save my image?😭(i want it to be noted here that they haven't unfollowed me- yet at least- so maybe i have to keep it lighter in the tags idk)
no yeah bc that meme is so me it hurts😭😭 glad we share the same struggle, it's such a pain in the ass :/
"SPEAKING OF YOU BEING HORNY 24/7" -> NOT YOU COMING FOR MY THROAT TODAY JHBHRZSJBGJDGB I'M AUDIBLY SCREAMING (you're right tho)... THAT PHOTO SPECIFICALLY WAS SO DELICIOUS I LOVE MEN'S TITS, but my reaction was fairly composed bc my irl best friend is thirsting for him and yk i respect that- but i'm aaaalso respectfully looking 👁👄👁
Susie is such an iconic woman i love her sm!!! And she definitely didn't disappoint with that pic, she said "this is MY malewife but you can drool over him as a treat today, just this once :)" AH THEY'RE BOTH WINNING IN LIFE BESTIE i could never. It's funny bc i keep saying all this horny shit in my tags and then when someone is even remotely teasing me/flirting w me, my brain freezes and i'm just like 😃🧍🏻‍♀️
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