#(also he doesn't live in my city which isn't ideal but at least he works in my city and he has a car so i can ignore this for now)
niallandtommo · 1 month
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nordic-language-love · 8 months
Hii~ idk if you talked about it but could you tell us your journey in Japan? How is it + how did you manage to go there (if you want to share ofc!)
It's because I'd like to move to Japan and I'm trying to collect information on how to successfully go there.. so if you have any advice pls lemme know, I'd really appreciate it! Have a great day!
Hi there! I sure can :)
How I Got There
Pretty much everyone I know who came to Japan is an ESL teacher (not surprising given I am an ESL teacher and so are all my colleagues, and when I was doing research I mostly searched Youtube for people's ESL experiences in Japan). The most common route of application is via the JET Program. There are also a number of Eikaiwa companies that hire from abroad and will sponsor your visa (this is what I did - I'm happy to give you the details of my recruiter over a DM if you want). However, pretty much all of these options require you to have a bachelor's degree (doesn't matter what in). The main problem with these kinds of companies is you don't have much control over where in Japan they put you, and typically you won't be in a big city (although you might be in a surrounding area - one guy from my training group is based in Saitama). The pay's also not great (but as long as you live within your means, you'll be very comfortable and you can definitely save up).
Even if teaching English isn't something you fancy, it's probably the easiest way to get into Japan if you have a bachelor's. You don't have to be a native English speaker (although you should be at least a comfortable C1, ideally C2 level), and once you're in Japan you can find a job you actually want much more easily.
You can also try GaijinPot for more jobs - there's a section for people applying from overseas. But please check on places like Reddit or FB groups whether a job seems reasonable before applying; anything that advertises pay "per hour" is unlikely to be a liveable wage, and I've been told 240K/mo in Tokyo is not really sufficient (no problem for me out in the sticks, but Tokyo living costs are crazy).
How It Is
I love the nature here! I live in the Tohoku region so I'm surrounded by mountains and forests and I feel so lucky!
The summer sucks if you aren't a fan of the heat. We had 33-37ºC every day from mid-July to the start of September. I have a colleague who grew up in the UAE and he's been laughing at us all saying how beautiful the weather is, but for me, who is native to a cold and soggy little mound of grass in the Atlantic, it is horrendous. Not to mention the cicadas. Idk if there are cicadas where you live but I was NOT prepared.
You can get by without Japanese, but making the effort will go a LONG way. If you've only ever travelled in Europe or English-speaking countries, you'll probably have the impression that "everyone speaks English to some degree" and that you can always find someone with good enough English to help you. This is not the case in Japan! Your interactions will be very awkward if you don't make the effort. You'll probably be fine in bigger cities but more remote regions will be very difficult to navigate.
I understand Japanese a LOT better than when I first came here. I can still barely speak it, but I'm always surprised by how much I can pick up from the kids from the words I know and context (this is a huge advantage to teaching if learning Japanese is your goal: young kids will babble at you in Japanese CONSTANTLY). I'd probably speak it better if I made the effort to go out and talk to people but I'm shy lol.
I love the job! My colleagues are great and the kids are so much fun. My company does provides really good support and my work-life balance is perfect for me. I also get to use my creative side making classroom materials. But I don't get sick days and I only have 10 paid vacation days, 5 of which are at the end of the year and cannot be moved. I'm also pretty sure most other eikaiwas and Japanese companies will work you a lot harder, and you'll have much longer hours and higher expectations from your company.
Hope that helps! Best of luck with everything. Feel free to shoot me another ask if you have more specific questions!
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kaija-rayne-author · 9 months
When I finally manage to get BG3, I think Astarion is probably going to be the big one for me, broken sex neg chaotic elf vampire? He could be custom crafted for my likes. Angst and snark? 😍 I really do love elves. And vampires, which if you've read my books you probably already know that about me. Oh and the angstier the romance the better as long as I eventually get my HEA/HFN.
More blathering 😅 below the cut.
I'm looking forward to playing it for more than the characters. I played and adored the first two, though I honestly preferred Champions of Norath for mechanics. I've been role playing in video games and ttrpg for most of my life. Role playing as a 'normal' person ever since I figured out that I was definitely not the same as neurotypical people. Reasonably sure many autistic/ADHD folks share the experience. I'm looking forward to seeing what they did with the city and story.
Buuuut, I also thought I'd love Fenris from DA2 and I really ended up almost loathing him.
I've got ptsd, it's some of the most ridiculous stereotypical rep I've seen, I don't even drink! Many people with ptsd don't! And of course they haaaad to go with the alcoholic shut in when he's not murdering people thing. Ugh! Fenris is also so freaking mean. I didn't romance him at all because of it, but if you can't see a character's growth without romancing them, it's not very good characterization. He's especially vicious to Merrill, who is just so sweet and doesn't deserve to be talked to like that. Honestly, no one does. Wonderful growly voice which would do things to me if the character weren't so objectively awful, but a voice, even to a voice slut like me, isn't enough.) Yes, stereotypes do exist for a reason, but it's also why stereotypical rep is bad!
So I dunno, maybe I'll be right and Astarion will work for me. I also love the meaning of his name. 'Little star' from the Greek. It's been on my list as a future character name for years.
But Karlach might work depending on her personality. Gale is just pathetic enough from what I've seen to make me like him.
I dunno who it'll be tbh. I'm polyam too, so being able to be polyam in that game is a huge attraction for me. (Unfortunately, apparently you can't do that with Astarion and Karlach.)
Honestly, I don't get why everyone is so excited about having sex with Halsin in bear form. Have you seen bear penis? Thin, not very short for most species, and they have a bone in them. A bacula is what penis bones are called and humanoids notably do not have them anymore. The largest bear we know of currently is the badly endangered polar bear, and their baculas are roughly 7 inches long. That doesn't exactly scream it's gonna feel great, y'know? At least, 😅, not to me. All y'all do you. I'm not trying to kink shame.
It's just not a factor of attraction for me. TBH, I haven't seen much about Halsin at all. Which is kinda surprising given the fuss about 'sex in bear form' thing.
And yes, I'm very well aware how odd it may be for an aro/ace person to enjoy romance novels and games so much. It makes sense to me (sometimes) in a game or on page. It doesn't make sense in real life for me. I'm a sex positive ace, I can enjoy it with the right emotional or intellectual (ideally both) connections.
I'm also autochorisexual, so it makes sense that way too. I'm far more likely to fall for a fictional character than a living person.
Ugh. I wish I didn't have to wait for this game. But my birthday is coming up and I'm hopeful someone will get it for me. If not, I'll have to keep wishing. I'm still looking for a job, but it’s really not going well very quickly at all.
Shrugs. Everyone seems to act like aro/aces all hate romance and sex but that's definitely not been my experience. Some of us are sex neg, I have good friends who are, but I've talked to far more sex neutral or sex positive aces.
I really wish people valued creativity enough to pay for it more frequently. Just a living wage. That's legit all most creatives want. Enough money to pay the bills every month.
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thevindicativevordan · 7 months
Why do you think DC wanted to boot PKJ off Action Comics ?
Anonymous asked: Expectations for Aaron writing Action?
Well I was working on a NYCC 2023 post, and unfortunately the damn thing suddenly deleted itself. Left me totally drained seeing all that hard work gone, so I'm going to keep it short this go around.
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Aaron is a very similar writer to PKJ in both tone and style. If he were taking over for the long term I'd be cautiously optimistic - but he's only doing three issues. Doesn't matter if he sucks or is great, he'll be gone in a blink of the eye. Leaves me with no strong feelings regarding him.
Pitch sounds cool, it's the Multiverse Bizarro that Tomasi used. It will be darker in tone and Bizarro has a new power seemingly. Waid consulted and Aaron says he "passed the Waid test". Shows how influential that Waid has become that he's being brought in to help the other Superman writers. Once an editor always an editor. Timms on art is fine, he's not an artist I have strong feelings for but I liked his work on Son of Kal-El and his brief Superman run with PKJ. Given Bizarro was on the cover of Williamson's first issue but is showing up here, I wonder if this is just Williamson farming out a story to Aaron that he didn't have time for himself anymore.
After Aaron, Williamson takes over for "House of Brainiac" which is the big Superman crossover story. Brainiac wants to find his Queen and is unleashing his Bottled City of Czarnia to get her. Supes, the Superfamily, Lex, and Lobo team up to stop him. Great pitch - but Williamson writing another event by himself is a huge red flag. He's 0/2 on events thus far and my concerns had previously been soothed by the assumption that PKJ would help him this time, which sadly is not the case. If it's shit at least we get to see Sandoval draw the hell out of the fight scenes.
Next we will get at least two more creative teams, one of whom is almost certainly Waid and Henry doing the Phantom Zone/Aethyr storyline. Not happy to see Waid claim that story, his Silver Age sensibilities are not going to live up to what PKJ was building to. Huge disappointment at this chance to let PKJ flesh out the Phantom Zone like he did Warworld pass by. After Waid we have one more team, and if Tom King isn't shooting his shot by now he will never get on a Superbook. Turning Action into an anthology book feels like a last minute decision made to buy time while they try and get a permanent creative team, which I do think has a chance of being King.
As mentioned in other posts, PKJ claims he will still be writing Superman and I believe that means he's been tapped to write the Justice League relaunch. He was saying on Twitter that we would get to see his Warworld plot threads such as Kryl-Ux unfold elsewhere, and also he would touch on the backstory of the events we saw in the FS House of El one shot. Sounds exciting to me, the kind of story actually worth bringing JL back.
Oh and starting with issue 10, Williamson is doing a Superman arc that is a Western, expands on Moonlight's backstory, and brings in Terra-Man. Sign me the hell up for that! Redondo seems to have permanently moved to Superman from Nightwing which means I'm probably dropping Nightwing soon.
For other DC news I am ecstatic to see Spurrier and Campbell reunite for more Hellblazer, but otherwise it was a fairly muted showing from DC aside from one huge rumor that I'll cover in a separate post. Oh and I guess there was the Elseworlds announcement but since that was mostly Batbooks I’m not interested.
Apologies to all the Asks about the new Ultimate Universe, I did get them but they were deleted.
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Ultimate Spider-Man - Pitch is perfect, a mid-life Peter inspired by Spiderverse Peter B. Parker is exactly what I want. Ideally this Peter will be married to MJ and a father to Mayday but we can't rule out Hickman throwing a curveball and having him be divorced or dating Liz Allen or something. Seeing DoomReed hold the spider in the vial that Maker had, plus the transition scenes of 6160 Peter wearing all the suits makes me guess that DoomReed will time travel back and give Peter his powers similar to how he and Tony used time travel to save Cap. Thus this Peter will have been Spider-Man for a while, in secret. Or it's setting up a bunch of variant covers and instead we will see what happens when Peter gets his powers much later than usual. Either way I am excited about reading Spider-Man comics again, no mean feat.
Ultimate Black Panther - Great choice for writer, Hill's run on Blade rules and his name dropping Dune as an influence has me hyped since I love the book too and it's influence is all over the work of Hickman and PKJ. Great artist in Caselli. Moss is the editor and that is not great. He edited the main BP book and his tenure has been a disaster. Hickman needs to be involved to protect Hill from Moss. Costume design is not great either, feels 90s in a bad way. Of all the new Ultimate books, this is the one I hope is most like the old UU in terms of updating T'Challa, his supporting cast, and Rogues Gallery for a modern era. Fine to start off with "Ultimate Moon Knight", but let's not wait too long to bring in traditional Panther foes like Achebe who need the spotlight and revamps.
Ultimate X-Men - Not interested. Momoko is a talented artist but I only care about the A-List X-Men. A bunch of OC mutants does not intrigue me. Easy skip.
No Ultimates is surprising but my suspicion is that Black Panther will tell the story of T'Challa housing the Ultimates in Wakanda and Hickman wants to push people towards Hill's book. Eventually the Ultimates will spin out of UBP I reckon.
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Expect the same level of quality here as Orlando showed on the previous SW book. That said if this is not setting up the restoration of the twins being mutants, I find more Magneto drama tedious. Either pull the trigger and make them mutants again or keep them away from Magneto and the X-Line.
And that was basically it for Marvel announcements that I care about. Might check out the vampire event since McKay is writing, haven't decided yet.
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songofclarity · 2 years
Considering your generally favorable opinion of Wen Ruohan, I'm wondering how you justify his actions at the beginning of Heliocentric. Isn't it... kinda problematic to have that be the starting point if the end goal is Ruojue (at least, that's where I'm definitely hoping it's going lol). I say that because my first novel had a similar "problematic" start to a romance, but it only involved the threat of sexual violence. And yet, dozens of readers told me that there was no way a romance could work between the two leads if that was how the relationship started. And yet, I find that it somehow works in Heliocentric... of course, it's far from ideal but there's so much potential for an actually healthy relationship even if it's born from dark beginnings.
Aha, you're right, it is problematic to start Heliocentric as I did and then start entertaining Ruojue as a possible endgame!
It's OK though because Heliocentric isn't suppose to be a romance. It's a hurt/comfort fic. I LOVE hurt/comfort fics for that delicious flavor of tearing my heart out or just making it bleed! Wen Ruohan did something very awful and now they both have to figure out how to live with it, either together or apart.
And it would be neat if they found a way to live together, wouldn't it?
Wen Ruohan is a main character who has also been going through his own lowkey whump journey because no character is safe from me. So although his actions are what really pushes our primary main character Nie Mingjue's whump journey, we are also witnessing the moment when Wen Ruohan finally hits his lowest point after years of internal struggle and suffering. It is also, in part, suffering caused by Nie Mingjue's own actions and decisions before Heliocentric even begins.
The first thing we see is that Wen Ruohan is a man in power, but the first thing we learn is that he is not a man in control. He is not himself. He is not well. I can't justify his actions, but I also think of how people can plead insanity at court lol Their actions aren't justified in that we all suddenly agree what they did was OK, but rather we are meant to understand that the circumstances in which the event occurred and this person's distorted perception of the situation changes the meaning behind the act.
The non-con is still non-con to any reasonable person, but Wen Ruohan was experiencing a very different scenario in a distorted headspace created by lies people have been feeding him. I hope readers take notice of the toxic environment of Nightless City, the people surrounding him, the lies, the manipulations, the complicated grief, the failure of those who saw he needed help but didn't offer it, and many other factors are evidence to what caused the collapse of his state of mind when Nie Mingjue finally arrives on the scene.
But the non-con itself was not an act of violence for violence sake. It was not his way of reinforcing his power over Nie Mingjue. It was not a predatory act where he was sexually or romantically interested in Nie Mingjue. Nie Mingjue's revival from near-death in the Fire Palace gave Wen Ruohan hope when Wen Ruohan was in a dark place. Wen Ruohan then had a deliriously wild, positive reaction to seeing Nie Mingjue back on his feet again. And Wen Ruohan grabbed onto that hope, onto that excitement about what he's been told about Nie Mingjue, in the most despicable, aggressive way possible.
Comfort isn't always soft.
Although non-con is definitely a hurdle to work with, to be very honest, the fact that their dark beginning doesn't involve a breach of trust keeps my heart open to a Ruojue endgame. Without trust, it is hard for love to grow.
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covenlegacy · 2 years
Hello. I was recently told by psychic that I have a twinflame based on my photo and birth time and I have not much knowledge about it but I noticed weird changes in me like wanting to achieve more, be better version of myself. It's a mix of depression with periods of enthusiasm till now. But it happened since I developed crush on someone platonically. Why, tho? Why they cause change if it's not my twin? And isn't it that only ,,outstanding individuals" have twinflames to change society? I'm nothing special. Could you tell me how to recognize if we have a twinflame? What we feel, any syntomphs.
Well, first of all, some people are given to us specifically for our upgrade. Your downturns most likely depend on your life environment and problems. I don't think it's something mystical. If you read Google, then I (like you) have bipolar.😂😂
Most likely, "severe depression" does not happen, I think you just don't notice what upsets you. Well, or there is a certain person who upsets you (an energy vampire, for example). I also advise you not to get upset because of problems or any losses. A small loss does not mean a lost war. (c) My history teacher.
In general, I myself do not fumble in this topic, because now the tarot-based fantasy will begin.😂😂
The first "bell" is dissatisfaction with living conditions, and in principle with the conditions of society. Arranging the world. You begin to question the quality of the relationship in which you are, it begins to seem to you that everything is not going as it should. All relationships - friendly and romantic - turn into something that doesn't suit you, but you can't say exactly what. I want more, I want to change the world, "direct it in the right direction." It's also the moment at the bottom when you realize that it's terrible. There is presumably some kind of event that turns the familiar world in your understanding. This is the end of that (everything) what happened before. You start analyzing everything, your eyes open. You start getting information from everywhere. At the same time, without getting emotionally involved.
You are beginning to be dissatisfied with the dogmas of your world, traditions, and all attitudes (mostly yours or acquired from religion/ society). Then there is a difficult period of "killing yourself", through the complete destruction of all the values that were and the beginning of the search and construction of "yourself", what and who you wanted to become, the origins, the "true self", your desires. Constant questions "what do I really want".
The search for a new hobby, memories of all the old hobbies that a person has abandoned. Nostalgia in principle. Learning something new. And vice versa, learning (again) something forgotten. Something like "I wanted to be a veterinarian as a child." These are the first hints of the call of their destiny. Along with this, there may be financial problems and difficulties. Just "following the dream" becomes difficult, perhaps some significant events occur. Divorces/deaths/accidents. This is a test of the spirit, if I may say so. Ideally, a person should start everything from scratch, in a new place, and so on. But he usually finishes everything.
Then perhaps the call to travel begins, to certain countries, cities. Or you just want to leave your country/city. The desire to travel, and very strong. In principle, ambition is included. The desire to act, to be active, to win, to be successful. The desire for approval. At the same time, this desire usually goes along with actions, or at least knowledge of what you will do. The feeling that you can't be stopped. Everything starts to work out when you follow your calling.
I'm not sure if it's possible that a person would understand… how does he know he's in it? It is rather a state of mind when a person loves himself so much that he is ready to wait for exactly the partner who corresponds to his attitude, because he has already overcome all his complexes and understood what he wants from life and from relationships.
At the same time, recognition and analysis of not only the environment but also yourself. It's when you see the whole picture. Where did you do something wrong, and why is it being done to you now. Karma, all that.
A person feels his strength, himself. He does not need worldly goods, even though he understands their value. In his life, his principles and formation and the search for himself become a priority. He feels good alone with himself. (like that meme, "it's good when you can talk to an intelligent person," he said and walked away from the mirror). In solitude, a person feels calm, he is not afraid to be with his "cockroaches" and fears, he feels filled.
He may also feel anxious because his world does not accept/understand him. A great desire to change the situation, to go wherever you look. Intuition may begin to work or a premonition of trouble or danger may appear. The subconscious mind can give hints about gemini or basically anything in your life. Prophetic dreams are also possible, or some other types of dreams of "insights". places you haven't been to, but want to visit. Any other "hints".
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yandere-romanticaa · 4 years
ᴛʜᴇ ᴛᴇʟʟᴛᴀʟᴇ ᴛᴀʟᴇꜱ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍʏꜱᴛᴇʀɪᴏᴜꜱ ᴀɴᴅʀᴇᴡ ᴊᴇᴋʏʟʟ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴜᴀᴠᴇ ᴇᴅᴡᴀʀᴅ ʜʏᴅᴇ.
A well beloved doctor living in London, Andrew has made quite a name for himself! All of his patients are very happy with his work as he is able to always diagnose them properly and give them the correct medicine - truly a divine blessing in this day and age. He's a cheerful gentleman in his mid to early thirties who always has a gentle smile on his face. He is very fond of children and he does not mind babysitting them whenever someone asks him to do so, making him popular with parents and single mothers especially. During the day time he is filled to the brim with work but he always makes time to have afternoon tea, chat with his servants, or just try to enjoy like in general. A truly kind man in the eyes of many!
Alas though, when darkness overcomes his manor a new side of the good doctor surfaces, a side that no one knows about.
And Andrew plans to keep it that way.
There are many, many things that the doctor desires, craves, needs. But he is stuck in the same place day by day as he is forced to play his role of the savior. Even the good doctor Andrew likes to indulge himself from time to time... But that indulgence has gotten out of hand. By sheer accident Andrew was able to create a special elixir which is able to shift him in to a completely different person. His body is different, his hair is different, everything is different. His psyche however, remains the same.
And Andrew uses this newfound knowlege to his advantage.
Dubbing his new alter ego "Edward Hyde", Andrew is pleased to do what he wants once the sun sets. He messes with the townfolk, he shamelessly flirts and seduces any woman he sees, he picks on the young and the poor, nothing is off the table. This becomes a habbit very quickly as Edward is soon well known among the city. Some flee and flinch at the mere mention of him while others scoff and prepare their fists for a fight. Things continue like this for a while until Andrew notices that whenever he changes in to Edward, his mind is no longer fully his. Even throught the day as he sits in his office he can hear a gruff voice at the back of his mind, telling him to just finish the damn paperwork already. He starts hearing this voice everywhere and he starts to think that he is going mad. The voice taunts him day after day until he finally turns in to Hyde. Only then is he able to feel some inner peace. Andrew soon starts to lose control over himself as the voice grows louder and louder, yelling at him and commanding him to do its bidding. Every day now turns in to a battle as Andrew struggles to get out of bed and face himself in the mirror... But that's the catch. On one fateful morning the reflection he sees is not his own.
It's Hyde's.
The glowing green eyes of Edward Hyde stare back at him as Jekyll does his best to hold his breath in. This can't be real, this can't be happening! By now Andrew is pretty much at war with this new persona he had made and he does not know how to stop this coflict. Both do as they please which contradicts their previous actions, making both Edward and Andrew more then a little suspicious to the public eye. By this point Andrew regrets having ever created Edward but it's too late now. Edward Hyde was a part of him now, a dark part of him which could not be released. The only thing Andrew could do was to keep him at bay even if he was bearly able to do so. This constant pushing and pulling was exhausting to both of them and both were more then ready for a release.
And their release indeed came, but not in the way they thought it would.
It came in the form of love. Love for a sweet darling, a twisted obsession and want over this special little lamb who stumbled in to their lives by sheer accident, at the wrong place at the wrong time.
Andrew and Edward remain greatful still.
The pushing and pulling dies down whenever (y/n) is in the room and their attitudes are completely different from each other. Oh, if only (y/n) knew just what sort of danger awaits...
Andrew Jekyll.
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Ever the gentleman, Andrew always places his darlings needs before his own. He worries for his sweetheart constantly as he dotes on them, making sure that they are safe and happy. Did his darling eat today? Did his darling sleep well? He won't ever stop asking these questions whenever he sees them, he just can't help himself! He never shuts up and he always seems to forget what he is trying to say but that's okay, his darling doesn't seem to mind.
Andrew stays gentle like that for a while as he treats his darling like divine royalty which does not go unnoticed by the people around him. He hears his servants whisper many things once he turns his back but he can't help but to blush a little - he may act a little awkward but in reality he really doesn't mind.
Andrew is also willing to bend over backwards and break his spine to get his darling whatever their little heart desires. He has more then enough money then he knows what to do with anyway! He wants jis darling to depend on him, he wants to be darlings only one true protector. He wants to provide for his darling like a good husband would.
Andrew often loses himself in these little fantasies that he gets distracted from his work, cahsing him to mess something up or to accidentaly spill or destroy amything around him. It's a vicious cycle of endless pinning as Andrew just doesn't have the guts to express his feelings, much to Hyde's annoyance and amusement. Cracks will start to form deep within him as Andrew tries to restrain himself more and more whenever he is around his darling. His smiles are not entierly his anymore as he stares his darling down like a piece of meat. Andrew hungers for darlings love and approval which in a way, does make his darling a piece of meat to him.
No matter what he just can never get enough of his darling, ever. The cheerful smiles thrown his way are not enough, and good grief just the mere brush of darlings fingers against his own is enough to send Jekyll in to a panicked frenzy. He loses his composure right there and then as he is forced to look his darling in the eye and do... nothing. He can't do anything he desires, he can't grab his darling by the back of their neck and press those pretty little lips against his own...
He can't caress the love of his life freely in public.
Hell, he can't even touch them without someone making a fuss.
Everything, everyone, is slowly driving him mad.
His love is driving him mad.
Andrew's affection starts to turn conditional, he can only ever shower his darling with gifts if they behave how he wants them to, if they pay enough attention to him, which is of course never quite enough.
His sanity fades as lovesickness kicks in.
His patience is wearing thin. What's taking his darling to love him back already? Hasn't he done everything any ideal lover would do? He has done literally everything, it must be his darling! It can't be his fault! His soft spoken words soon turn sharper then any knife as he imagines that very same weapon in his hands, pressed against darlings pretty little neck. Bruised, bloody and broken, that's how Jekyll wants his darling to be now.
He wants to crush them in his love.
And chances are, he will give in to his temptations.
Edward Hyde.
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Tsk, tsk, this man is quite the charmer. A real smooth talker blessed with a deeper voice then his more seemingly more gentle counterpart, Hyde is no stranger to suggestive comments and rough touches. His feelings ignite like flames, quickly and suddenly. They take over his heart and soul, burning him and leaving endless ache and want in its path.
It's a strange feeling. He doesn't know how to feel about it...
When he meets his darling he treats her just how he treats other women. He craves nothing more then darlings body but when darling turns him down Hyde feels intrigued. Playing hard to get, eh?
He is always up for a good challenge.
Hyde stops paying attention to other women and his darling soon becomes his prime time target - Edward cannot move on unless he has his darling. He provokes, taunts and teases, just itching to see darlings reactions to his schemes. Cuss at him, slap him, do anything you want! Just as long as your focus is on him that wolf like grin will never leave his face. He just loves it when his darling turns red, it's so cute he could kiss her. His provoking continues like this for a while until Hyde begins to realize just how some couples act around each other. His softer side starts to show itself and it's something to marvel at really.
Unlike Jekyll, who is soft at the beginning and turns cruel at the end, Hyde is the opposite of that. He doesn't want to just mess with his darling anymore, he wants to actually love and care for her, to actually be in a commited relationship.
His protective side is on full display and anyone with at least a single braincell should be able to get the message.
Hyde often wonders when the Hell did he become so soft all of a sudden. He wants this pain in his chest to stop but the only way it can is if his darling is with him. He doesn't need anyone else... He doesn't want anyone else.
Let's hope Hyde's darling has a strong stomach because he doesn't give a damn who he has to hurt. He and Jekyll are nearly nothing alike but if they share on thing in common, it would be determination.
Edward Hyde has found his prey and he isn't going anywhere without it.
Tags: @3rdgymbros, @eclipsezero, @ghostiebabey, @yandere-of-your-dreams, @howl-of-the-hunting-lambs, @yandere-wishes, @severnrsstuff, @twstdreams, @twst-soul, @hattress-of-spades
I did my best guys, I hope this was okay! First time making a OC, sorry if it's too similar to the original characters. As I write more stories for them I'll try to build them up more! And feel free to ask any questions if you have them!
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mostly-mundane-atla · 4 years
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Happily, @basilgarden !
First, though, I'd like to establish some things.
Sex work doesn't make anyone "dirty" or "used up" and being a sex worker doesn't mean one is a "slut" or that they have no standards. (I could go on and on about how the stigma comes from a specific intersection of misogyny and classism, but that's a different topic, for perhaps another blog.) All it means is that the worker needed money then and there. Maybe it was to make rent on time, or to feed their kids, or maybe they have people breathing down their neck about a debt they need to pay back. It could be anything and it's not anyone's place to judge it as a good reason or a bad reason.
What makes the idea of Jin as a sex worker so interesting to me is that it makes sense in a socio-economic context. Sex work always booms in times and places with massive economic inequality, which Ba Sing Se has in spades. Wartime, whether or not the country or city state is involved, tends to create shortages, driving up prices and making some necessary items not realistically available. This leads to more people taking on sex work to suppliment their income.
The other thing I like about the concept of Jin as a sex worker is that sex workers never really get to be just regular human people? There are exceptions to this, of course (Nancy from Oliver Twist, Jenny from The Threepenny Opera, and the Harlots series just like in general come to mind), but sex workers are more likely to be used as sexy props or background characters that the audience can dump all their pity or disgust onto. On the occasion that we do get a fully developed sympathetic character who ends up doing sex work, it's usual portrayed as a heavy moral or social transgression. She (as this character is almost always a woman) is depicted as devolving from a human being to a sex worker. (Examples listed above are also exceptions to this.) It certainly showcases prejudices so many people have against sex work and workers, but it's not especially comforting or encouraging to those who consider it just a facet of their reality. That's not the case with Jin. She's just living her life, and it's not subject to anyone else's approval.
And there's another nice thing about this normalcy; it means she feels safe. In an ideal world she wouldn't work so young, but she's able to go about the city without fear of assault or harassment from strangers due to her line of work. I'd like to think it's something she keeps quiet. Maybe she has a small clientele consisting of boys (and maybe girls) her own age, because teenage hormones seem to come out of nowhere and they don't give you a guide on how to deal with them. They like her because she's patient with them and doesn't mock their shyness and always asks, "Do you want this?" and doesn't proceed until they say yes. Knowing how these things tend to work, she probably has at least one older, more experienced worker looking out for her and keeping her as safe as they can.
As for Iroh hiring her, she seems to have already been frequenting their shop and starting to crush on Zuko. Iroh is a good man and finally starting to get some money, so why wouldn't he offer to pay a girl for following up on a request for something she already considered, making ammends to the citizens of Ba Sing Se one person at a time? I'm not entirely convinced that Jin would take the money. Maybe if it was close to what she would normally charge, but if it was something more extravagant as Iroh seems more inclined to, she probably wouldn't feel comfortable taking it. If anything I'd think she'd take being offered payment as permission to ask Zuko on a date.
I don't think she would have asked Zuko without any sort of go-ahead to suggest it was something Zuko himself might want. If she goes to the tea shop because he works there and she wants to ask him out, she is the customer in that situation and he is the service worker. It would put him in an awkward situation where, as far as he knows, turning her down could offend her, leading to her no longer patronizing the shop which would make his boss angry with him for losing them a regular customer. We don't know what kind of workers' rights or lack thereof exist in Ba Sing Se, and I doubt Zuko, an obvious newcomer, would know either. Jin seems a decent enough person that she wouldn't want to put her crush in such a position, so regardless of who approached whom, I'm sure Iroh gave her the idea that Zuko would like to go on a date with her.
And before I wrap this up, I just want to say that as much as I love this concept, Jin isn't the first one I'd guess was a sex worker. Of the entire cast of Avatar characters, if someone told me one of them was involved in sex work and asked me to guess which one it was most likely to be, my money would be on Jet. I'll elaborate further if anyone's interested, but this post is already too long.
(Edit: I have written a separate post about Jet, right here in case you'd like to read it.)
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