#(I've seen so many of us in the tag talk about this topic we're all insane)
molinaesque · 6 months
On the topic of Raphael and him "being bad in bed".
Okay I'm only ever going to talk about this at length once and then never again. I've been avoiding talking about it until now because bringing it up always just seems to keep this topic in circles and it becomes an endless pit of nothing.
First of all, I know most of the time (like maybe 70% of the time) it's for the lolz. I get it. Hell, Raphael fans will be the FIRST to quip about this.
For those taking it seriously one way or another... It becomes such old hat VERY fast.
Those who use it as a jab towards Raphael havers are... Kinda dumb. Because it's like... Okay, and? You act as if somehow negates the entirety of his character somehow just because "HAR HAR HANDSOME DEVIL MAN IS BAD AT SEX" and it's so... vapid and boring? Also it seems a lot of people keep thinking "bad at sex" = JUST that he finishes too fast and nothing else but they seem to forget that the player character came up with that insult on the spot (rather than seeing it as a commentary about his pure selfishness and where it stems from). Haarlep is also a bias source. There's a semblance of resentment from them AND they're a damn incubus. EVERYONE'S terrible in bed in comparison (have you seen Tav? Little shit just lays there like a sack of potatoes during the Haarlep scene). This isn't me saying "Oh it means Raphael is terrific in bed because Haarlep's word cannot be trusted". HELL, no. Quite the opposite, actually. I'm saying "okay... What can I glean from that set of information?"
I feel like this goes for Raphael havers too who have this conversation. I feel like many tend to fall into this trap of odd desparity when they realise that "oh no our magnificent hot man is bad at sex" and somehow treat it as if it's forever a caveat and somehow negates the ENTIRETY of Raphael as a complex character. My first reaction when I got this information during House of Hope was laughing and then going "mmm that's so interesting and adds such a great layer to this already amazing character. Where else can I take this to". In fact, House of Hope as a quest does SO much in adding all these tidbits that make Raphael not just another boring, all knowing, god like, ineffible character. It made me love and appreciate his character even MORE. instead of going in circles and lamenting in how this is somehow "the worst thing ever", I think it's way more fun to explore it and delve into where the root of his narcissism and self esteem issues come from. The dichotomy and complexes of his character. There's SO much to talk about there and yet we're still just stuck on "haha devil man is a bottom and bad in bed" (which is another ridiculous thing btw because people seem to misconstrue bottoms as JUST being submissive. Y'all need to be more open minded 😂).
Apologies if this came off as ranty/condescending maybe. But it's coming from someone who's just minding her own business but have to see a variation of that line CONSTANTLY in the notes/tags on my art/gif posts and as I said... It gets so old REALLY fast. Like please be more imaginative than this, I beg of you. 😭
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yawnderu · 4 months
non con means non consensual
no consent = rape
can you explain why you don’t think writing rape is an issue and that it shouldn’t go unreported? i’m curious
please be kind i’m genuinely curious as to why people think it’s ok to write about
This has been explained multiple times and— not to be rude, but you can easily do your own research. It's tiring explaining this over and over, but here we go again.
TW: talks of SA and rape.
If you think it's an issue, Tumblr and media gives you the options to blacklist words, tags, and even usernames, in case blocking is somehow not an option.
There are things called dark fics, which include topics such as dubcon, rape, and other things. The fact that an author writes about these topics doesn't mean you should report their content or account, it's actually very easy to avoid, and you're responsible for your own triggers and media consumption. Every single author who writes dark fics and I've seen in the COD fandom writes the trigger/content warnings at the beginning of their fics because we understand it's not for everyone.
I've explained this before, but as someone who used to get molested/SAd since middle school and until my late teens, writing about these scenarios helps me cope. Why? Because I get to have control over what I write and situations similar to everything that happened to me, and I get to pick which character is doing that, rather than all the people who did things to me.
Some rape and SA victims develop kinks related to it, and that's totally okay. The fact that we write things about it does NOT mean in any way, shape or form that we want this to happen to our readers or ourselves, it's simply a kink that oftentimes comes from being a victim ourselves. It's all a fantasy, a controlled environment where we can write these things and have control over it, unlike in our real lives.
You may not agree with these things being written and that's where the fact that you can easily avoid them comes into play. It's truly as easy as dismissing a post, blacklisting words/tags, and blocking the creator. Trust me, no creator will ever care that you block them. I have so many people blocked in here, including some of my mutual's mutuals or followers and that has never been an issue.
Dark fics are not for everyone and that's totally okay, but reporting a creator's account for writing a sexual fantasy with fictional characters is something way too extreme. We're not posting rape videos, we're simply writing things with fictional characters. If you're (in general, not only you) not mature enough to understand why dark media is created, you're likely not old enough to be in our blogs in the first place.
I hope that explained it well and pray that this will finally be the last ask I get about it.
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frownyalfred · 2 years
Hi, I'm sorry to bother but do you know about this?
If you don't, I hope you can read this, and maybe you can repost about this...
Again I'm sorry to bother but this woman is like Umbridge in Harry Potter. Really. It's terrified.
Yes, I've seen that. I've been pondering how to talk about this, as I've seen other authors/blogs bring it up.
It's no secret that I love and use ao3. I've been on fanfiction.net, LiveJournal, Dreamwidth, etc etc in my time. I've seen fanfiction purges and policing, and it's almost always to users' detriment.
There are many topics and stories I don't personally agree with. I know the adage "don't like don't read" is a bit overused, but I stand by it. Personally, I hate reading stories about underage sex/abuse. It grosses me out. I stay away from stories about graphic sexual assault and rape; it triggers me.
But that doesn't mean I want those stories wiped off the internet. And who am I to really draw that moral line, anyway? If, say, I purge ao3 of pedophilia and any underage sex, will non-con and dub-con be on the chopping block next? Who decides that?
Proponents of "curation" on fanfiction sites make a similar, parallel "slippery slope" argument. They claim that easy and visible access to topics like child abuse or incest will lead to inappropriate behavior or beliefs in real life. It will legitimize these topics, and encourage such actions.
I don't think I need to tell most people that reading about something doesn't mean you like it, endorse it, or want to perform it in real life. Nobody ever asks men who read American Psycho if they maybe shouldn't have, in case they start killing women left and right. Just because I read a story where siblings sleep together (hello, Game of Thrones?) doesn't mean I want that to happen in real life!
The candidate referred to in the tweet seems to be not so subtly endorsing fandom censorship. You can read her interview at the link above, and it's chilling. She seems indifferent to the nuances of these discussions, ones we've been having for years on tumblr and in reaction to fandom purges.
Fanfiction is censored, corralled and contained when it looks bad for owners, companies, and sites. When advertising interests hesitate to put their ads next to graphic smut, capitalism reacts accordingly. IOS hides things on tumblr mobile because it's about money.
And that's exactly what ao3 was created to avoid. It is user-owned and operated. It is literally -- literally -- an archive of our own.
I support the hell out of ao3, and I always reblog posts encouraging others to do so if possible. We finally have a goddamned "safe space" for any kind of fiction under the sun -- any -- and we're risking it over a candidate who appeals to misinformed, underinformed moralism.
I can't blame new fandom members for getting caught up in it. Especially teenagers. They're still figuring out where they personally draw the line. Of course they're clumsy, and apply that filter to everyone around them. It's human nature.
I encourage every reader and non-reader alike to consider where their opposition to certain topics and stories stems from. Is it personal? Moral? If this story was a book at a library, would you ask the librarian to toss it in the shredder? Or would you simply put it down and walk away?
In the United States, even atheists and non-Christians are still unconsciously performing Christian, moralistic values. We do things for the sake of the "children" that make very little, logical impact on perceived ills. We are all (even me, and I'm Jewish) subject to this line of thinking, even if we reject it.
My opinion at the end of the day is that well-tagged, well-described, age-gated content should be allowed to exist on ao3 with very few, if any, limitations. If you don't like the tags -- great! The system worked! Read something else.
"Don't like, don't read" needs an update. In my mind, I've been calling it "bag it, tag it, don't wag it" which I know is silly, but it covers all the bases. Put your content in the correct category (explicit, etc) tag it correctly (sexual assault, etc) and don't shame others for what they choose to consume.
Anyway. If you're a member of ao3 (donated 10$ or more in the last year) you're eligible to vote in the board elections. I highly encourage you to do so. You can learn more about the discourse at the link above, or at ao3's elections page.
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mueritos · 2 years
How do you feel abt the topic of transmisandry? I personally don’t like the term (bc it implies that misandry is real), but a lot of discussions of specific transmasc oppression and transman oppression have devolved into people saying transmasc oppression is small potatoes and (in some cases I’ve seen) not real or just a by product of misogyny and there doesn’t seem to be any other term or tag where we can talk abt the oppression specific to transmascs , particularly trans men of color. So I wanted to ask your opinion on it, if you had one.
Hmm. I've had different ideas about transmisandry in the post and have sortve agreed with some aspects of it. I'll be inserting a read more.
It's true that transmen are treated much differently than transwomen, ciswomen, and cismen. But I also don't think coining this oppression as "misandry" is helping anyone. People don't hate transmen because we're men, they hate us because they think we're women. Terfs believe we're sisters lost to the patriarchy and trans agender, transphobes dont even see us as men, and lots of cis queer people infantilize transmen because we're seen as men-lite, again, not even as men. We're fetishized because we are seen as men-lite or as "pussy boys" (again, viewing us as women, and ofc theres nothing wrong with transmen calling themselves pussy boys, its just weird when cis people do it). I do genuinely believe we have, will, and do experience misogyny, only because misogyny affects everyone. Just because a cis man isn't going to be targeted by misogyny, he is still affected by it because of his distance from misogyny (he's not viewed as a second rate human for being a man), he profits off of it, but he is also forced to be a misogynist and internalize misogynist ideas that in the end do not allow him to be emotional, a caretaker, a father, a parent, a husband, and a good person.
Transmen do experience misogyny for the fact that we have lived as women, whether some of us view that period in our lives as us being women or just performing femininity; to be honest, it doesn't matter, because any perception of femininity is seen as inferior. I don't think its wrong to say that transmen experience misogyny, nor is it transphobic to say this. Like I mentioned before, misogyny affects everyone, and we all gain and lose from it in many ways. Female abusers gain from misogyny because they're seen as simply "crazy girlfriends/wives,etc" who do harm that is normalized within that archetype, harm that society as a whole accepts. Transmen gain from misogyny the moment we're seen as "cis-passing", because men will switch up their language around another man in regards to what they say about women. But transmen are affected by reproductive rights, sexual health access (abortion, family planning, birth control, STI/STD testing), and transmen are infantilized largely because we are still see as a lesser sex than cisgender men, something which I would argue IS misogyny. As a transmasc latine, I've had to face heavy gender norms that largely did not shift at all for me even after I transitioned. I was still expected to keep the house clean, cook, take care of children when needed, and while this should be expected of everyone, it was still something that was never expected or even seen in the cismen of my family. In fact, a lot of transmascs of color have to navigate the role of both, and while this is optimal as really everyone should just be doing both roles (and roles as in let's de-gender their functions, like everyone should be cooking, cleaning, doing housework, yardwork, child rearing, etc), it is again not really expected from cis men in communities.
I do think we can come up with a better term, and I've always opted to say "trans oppression" or "transmasc oppression", because while our infantilization and dehumanization IS different according to our status as transmen, I still have a hard time believing it is COMPLETELY different from womens'. I don't think there's anything wrong with being a transmasc who is open to the fact that we still have proximity to womanhood, much like transfemmes can be honest about their proximity to malehood. This isn't to say that transmascs or transfemmes have a "male priviledge" or that transmascs ARE women and that transfemmes are secretly men, or whatever else the terfs say, I think its just a fact that because we have to oscillate between various genders, roles, and identities, that that has made us gain the experiences of those roles we've had to inhabit, voluntary or not. I spend a lot of time in women's spaces, not just because as a feminist one should, but because women's spaces used to be for me! And truthfully, I think women's spaces should be open to trans people; our oppression is rooted in misogyny, just as it is rooted in racism, ableism, sexism, homophobia, and etc.
As for a better term, I think its best to leave that up to the members of our community who have largely shaped it. My proximity to whiteness is far greater than other trans people, so if anyone were to come up with new language or terms, I would prefer to use the ones created by BIPOC trans people. I think it's one of the reasons why I prefer saying "trans oppression" instead of specifying a oppression; when we use hyper specific terms, we move away from the various intersections and similarities between other communities and their oppressions, similarities and communities who I think we need to have better connections and solidarity with. I think we can talk about how transmisogyny primarily affects the lives and well-being's of transwomen and still acknowledge that misogyny also affects transmen without stepping on any toes. I say this, of course, with disclaiming that we can't say this without acknowledging intersectionality (as I always make these claims with intersectionality in mind, but I do have to disclaim because I also realize not everyone walks through life with these intersections constantly in mind). Racism, ableism, colorism, etc need to be acknowledged in order to help those who need social networks, assistance, and aid the most.
I understand the need to label everything we feel; it brings community and a term to rally behind. But I think using the language we already have can do the conversation justice, we just need to have these conversations with nuance, which unfortunately for a lot of people, they just like...do not have. The lack of queer history, solidarity, and queer experience that so many people have...and then these are the people that end up speaking the loudest. The best thing i can say is build solidarity and community, continue learning, continue talking, and get off the internet. Queer spaces are much more meaningful IRL than online.
I hope that helped a bit. It's a bit lengthy and i could keep talking, but I would rlly appreciate any further thoughts, ideas, or critiques :)
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purpleheartskies · 1 year
For now, I'm going to include a note in some of my posts asking that people not reply or reblog with comments or tags that do things like:
insult the writers
claim "bad writing"
say things like "the show is dumb", or "we're not supposed to see it that way", or "it happened off-screen [even though we have no proof]" (if there's no proof that something happened off-screen, it's not canon)
say that s5 was rushed and not written properly and/or the s5 finale is the "real ending" because the writers thought that the show wasn't going to be renewed (which the writers have outright refuted and which is illogical given their decisions for the plot, characters, and characterizations in s5)
say that the writers are too afraid of the majority of the fans to have the story in s6 go any way that might upset these fans, or that Netflix is affecting the writers' decisions or forcing them to give fan service. (I know there's usually politics involved with networks and production companies wrt show runners having creative agency, but the consistency in the storytelling style and characterizations indicates that the writers still have the same level of the creative agency as in early seasons.)
any dismissive statement about the writing of the show
These types of comments and tags minimize the contents of a post and effectively shut down conversations about important topics related to the characters and their character journeys.
I enjoy healthy conversations and debates, and I'm used to certain CK fans dismissing my opinions and posts because I'm a "Robby fan". But, most of my interactions with fans after s5 just have me tired of not being able to talk about the story itself and the storytelling without people minimizing what I'm saying with their negativity and condescension towards the writers and the writing.
I know a lot of people are upset with how the story has gone so far. I'm also not happy with a lot of the narrative decisions. I've also mentioned before that I'm not happy with a lot of the messaging so far. However, the nuance in the storytelling is still there. It's been pretty consistent since the start. The characterizations have been consistent too. So when people say "bad writing", I disagree. I think of bad writing as gaping plot holes, inconsistent characterizations, incongruous timelines, etc. I don't think of narrative decisions that I don't like as bad writing. I recognize how the story is framed, but framing is just one aspect of the story and is a tool for storytelling. The context, subtext, and a lot of what we have in the story itself tells us so much that is in contrast to the framing. This show has some of the best indirect storytelling I've seen in a show. I find the storytelling and characterizations to be really interesting, and I hope to keep discussing Robby and his story without my posts being dismissed.
And tbh I wonder where people's imaginations are. This is a fictional story, and a lot of things can still happen. For example, I actually don't think the baby plotline is meant to continue. If you take the time to analyze the story, it's pretty obvious that the baby was used as nothing more than a plot device this season for a few negative reasons, and this new "family" itself isn't meant to be a/the "happy ending". That's all I'll say about this plotline in this post. I'll see how some of my new posts do before I share my full thoughts on this plotline in a later post about how and why I think things may go a certain way. In general, I want to keep talking about the story as if it's a story.
Robby and his journey represent certain people in society and the traumas and struggles they experience. So far, the story and other characters haven't been too kind or sympathetic towards Robby, and sadly, the world and society irl aren't too kind or sympathetic towards many people who have similar situations to Robby's. I think his story is important, and I want to keep talking about it. I want to keep the conversation going about the important topics being explored in Robby's story.
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fimproda · 8 months
Author talks: (Negative) Opinions and reviews
(Grab some snacks and a drink. This is a chunky boi.)
This post was a long time coming.
I wrote a version of what you're about to read back in, like, 2019, on my Italian Wattpad profile, after years spent dealing with ungrateful authors and being called rude, wrong, and whatever negative adjective you can and cannot think of.
It's time to address this topic yet again, in English, here on Tumblr, hoping to reach as many people as possible and, the writing gods willing, change a mind or two.
The straw that broke the camel's back (or rather, my back) was a series of TikTok videos, made by a bunch of Italian booktokers, either in support or in opposition to another booktoker who had dared to review a pretty popular book that had made its rounds on Wattpad before being self-published on Amazon.
It so happened that I, for one, knew the author from our shared time on Wattpad, and I also knew the book, which wasn't good back then and is not any better now; moreover, I saw the video review and I agreed with the booktoker's every word, especially with the way this girl kept an even, calm, almost professional tone and justified every critique.
So you can imagine my surprise when a veritable swarm of detractors began stitching this booktoker's video, saying that her opinions were wrong, that she was bullying the author, and yadda yadda yadda; thankfully, some other booktokers were on her side, but this also meant that this back-and-forth shitstorm went on for days, and maybe it hasn't even ended yet.
I need to add that the author blocked this poor girl on every social media, and the book's most passionate readers (the ones that the author brought over from Wattpad and the author's friends/family, I assume) flocked to the booktoker's other accounts to keep blaming and disgracing her.
All this over a negative, yes, but overall objective and respectful review.
And it doesn't end here.
Many other straws continued to destroy the camel's back.
For instance, some accounts I follow for fandom content on Instagram or even here on Tumblr, who for the most part are not authors themselves, make a point to regularly remind people not to tag authors in their negative reviews of those authors' books.
On the other side of the coin, I've seen some authors, especially on TikTok, flip their shit over a "negative" review (and I should add even more quotes around the word negative, to be honest). Some even stated that a 3 out of 5 stars rating is a negative one, saying, "What would you think if a person called you 3/5 cute?!"
I don't know about them, or about you, but I would preen like a peacock if someone called me 3/5 cute.
(It'd be different if they said I was 3/10 cute, of course, but we can't really expect basic maths from some people, can we?)
Back in my Wattpad days, I've even stumbled upon someone who said that, seeing as all content on Wattpad is free (which is not even true nowadays, but whatever), no one has any right to leave a negative review. @zoyalannister can vouch for this; in fact, I believe it was her who sent me a screenshot of that comment, and we're still shocked about it years later.
I'm sure that some authors among you will understand how utterly pissed I get when I read, hear about, or get otherwise involved with such things.
So, with all this in mind, let's clear up a few things, shall we?
None of us is writing because we've got a gun to our head. We're writing, posting, interacting with readers, and everything related to this, because we want to.
In wanting this, we make our works public.
Some websites like AO3 allow us to choose if we'd like to "protect" our stories by keeping them out of reach of the unregistered users, but for the most part, everyone can search for our works, read them, and comment on them.
These are the terms and conditions. And yes, nobody really reads the terms and conditions before accepting them, but this doesn't give us a right to bitch about the consequences when they come a' knockin' at our door, does it?
Fuck around and find out, am I right?
Granted, there's comment and comment. If I, reader, come to you, author, and start insulting you, your family, your cow, and the interior designer who remodeled your kitchen, you have every right to call me all kinds of names (I wouldn't do that if I were the author, as it would mean debasing myself to the reader's level, but anyway) and slam-dunk my opinion into the trash.
(Yes, this happened to me. I've been insulted. One girl went as far as offering to, and I quote, "shit on your head, so that you close that sewer of a mouth". Context: I had commented on a story—not this girl's story: she was another reader, the author actually agreed with me—saying that I thought something was cacophonic; in Italian, this word sounds very similar to the verb cagare, which, indeed, means "to shit".)
Same thing if I, reader, come to you, author, and correct your grammar when there's absolutely no reason for me to do so, because your grammar is already correct.
(This happened to me, too. Many, many times. I know I've got an impeccable grammar in Italian; I even scored third in my age category at the nationwide Italian language Olympics when I wasn't even sixteen years old. I've been reading since I was, like, three or four, and "seriously" writing since I was thirteen. But people didn't like when I corrected their grammar, so they felt the need to come and correct mine. One memorable occasion was when a girl declared, in all seriousness, that the second singular person of the imperative of the verb fare must be always written as fa', with the apostrophe, and that my writing it as fai was wrong, because that was the second singular person of the indicative of fare. She ignored both that 1. the indicative and the imperative are the same exact thing in most cases, and 2. fa' and fai are the exact same thing as well, with the apostrophe representing the elision of the final i.)
Or, same as above, but exchanging grammar for, I don't know, a historical event, or a certain piece of information, or that kind of stuff in general, when you author were in the right and it's my sources that were wrong.
(An author, who was in university at the time, told me that she didn't know what inflation and spending power were, and so she hadn't accounted for them in her story. This happened after I mentioned those things when I pointed to her that you wouldn't hire an assassin in the 1960s with the same amount of money you would use nowadays. If I recall correctly, that author was majoring in a STEM field.)
(As a counterpoint, I was positive, for a long-ass time, that the hip bones were in fact a hip bone—meaning, that I should use the singular word, cresta iliaca, instead of the plural version, creste iliache. A reader corrected me on this, and I'm still thanking her today.)
You understand what I mean, right? Don't let me insult your intelligence by spoon-feeding you the meaning of my words.
If I, reader, come to you, author, and either correct your grammar when it's wrong, or a certain piece of information you chose to include in your story that is wrong, or whatever I decide to comment that could be perceived as negative—
—but I justify my point, cite my sources, maybe even linking them if possible, and keep my opinion contextualized and objective, you must at the very least lend me an ear and listen to what I have to say.
Never, in my nine years of roaming the fandom part of the Internet, have I ever written a comment on a fic saying something that I just pulled out of my ass, without checking first if there was any merit to my words. Never.
@zoyalannister can also vouch for this, as she's known me for eight of those nine years and witnessed many, if not all, of my altercations with my fellow Wattpad authors over my opinion of their story (which, allow me to clarify, they had literally asked me for—but again, even if they hadn't, their works were public and open for anyone to comment on, and I still would've been in the right).
Alas, it appears that many authors lack the self-awareness and self-criticism I believe are needed if you want to try your hand at writing, especially if you want to do it professionally.
And, good God, so do many readers.
Why, oh, why do some readers (some non-authors) go around proselitizing that people shouldn't tag authors in their negative reviews?!
Are they close personal friends with an author who doesn't like to be tagged in negative reviews of their books? Are they being paid to push this agenda? Do they have such a terrible relationship with criticism in every way, shape, or form that they feel like it's okay to get mad on someone else's behalf and dictate other people's actions?
These people like to say—parrot, is more like it—that negative reviews either don't benefit anyone, which is such an enormous pile of bullshit that I don't even know where to start dismembering it, or could only benefit the reader, essentially working as a way to help someone decide whether or not to read and/or buy that particular book.
I think negative reviews benefit both the author and the reader.
As an author, particularly as a Wattpad/AO3 author (but, if I understand correctly, self-published authors on Amazon can edit the digital version of their book with more or less the same ease), I cherish each and every correction comes my way, precisely because I can edit my text right away and, by doing that, make it better.
Aside from "small" corrections with regard to grammar or some other objective aspect of my fics, good, chunky, lenghty, justified, contextualized negative reviews in general help me rework my stories and make them better, both retroactively and for the future.
What I just said also applies to the flip side of the coin, when it's me, as a reader, writing the negative review.
Instead, with regards to reading negative reviews, even though I myself never look at reviews when deciding whether or not to add something to my already gargantuan TBR list, I can see why some people would rather read the reviews and survey the ratings before making that choice.
I should warn you, though, if you're one of these people, that very few reviews, be they positive or negative, can be taken at face value.
(In what follows, I will be talking almost exclusively about negative reviews, but everything I say can be applied to positive ones, as well.)
In my twenty-two years of age, I've come to the unfortunate conclusion that not everyone can truly read, and even fewer people can truly write, so the first problem you could run into is this: the person behind the review either understood fuck-all about the book they just read, or they did understand something but cannot put their opinion into words, or they didn't understand the book and cannot put their opinion into words.
The second problem is that some negative reviews are written with a specific purpose in mind, which is entertainment in some cases, clout in some others. Yet again, @zoyalannister knows how many times I barged into our Whatsapp chat to tell her that a SJM detractor on TikTok straight-up invented some stuff to rant about, subsequently getting views and likes and comments and general activity on their account.
Moral of the story: don't believe everything you see or hear about on the Internet, and always, always form your own opinion based on facts, not hearsay.
(Funnily enough, this is how I got hooked on SJM: I wanted to form my own opinion about her books. The rest is history.)
And, moral of the whole story:
Readers: as long as your opinion is not a personal insult to the author or even threatens to spill into that territory, and as long as the author didn't explicitly say that they don't want to be tagged in a negative review, don't ever restrain yourself from writing one and/or tagging the author, whatever other people might tell you.
Readers: stop speaking on authors' behalf. Not every single one of us will lose their mind if confronted with a negative review. Some of us are searching for just that. Let it be, as it should, an individual decision.
Readers: contrary to popular belief, you do not need to suggest an alternative route for all the things you comment negatively on. You do not need to sweeten the pill for the author with the proverbial spoonful of sugar. You do, however, need to explain the reasoning behind everything you say (or at least that's my opinion).
Readers: I will never block, slander, or insult you if you write me a negative review, even if you don't use the same courtesy towards me and your opinion is not justified in any way. In that case, I will only get mad and refute your every point, as I believe is my right to do.
Authors: don't be a bitch and listen to your readers, if they're making sense. Don't try to convince yourself that they're not making sense when they are.
Authors: look at your works with a judging eye. Be your first critic, be your own critic.
Authors: when facing a negative review, don't hide behind half-assed explanations or apologies or, God forbid, suspension of disbelief. If you fucked up, you fucked up. Cherish the reader who told you that, who maybe even told you how to fix it.
Authors: some reviews have to be destructive before they can be constructive. If there's mold on your bathroom ceiling, you don't just paint over it: you remove the mold first, and then paint over it.
Readers and authors: conduct yourself with dignity. Keep your cool, be level-headed, turn on your brain. And always, always, tell the truth.
Aaand I'm done.
A huge thank you (and congratulations) to everyone who got this far. Unfortunately, I'm everything but laconic.
I'd like to hear your thoughs about all this!
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t-u-i-t-c · 7 months
Hey, tell me about your interest in fashion. For me it's just silly little projects that I don't get, but I respect it and I want to know the perspective of a person who is interested. I'm genuine. And what should a regular person get from those. How to analyse it for everyday fashion? Or is it a form of art that should be treated as one, and has nothing to do in regular everyday fashion? I have a friend who studied fashion design but I never get to ask him/never thought about it. 😌☺️
Honestly, I don't know a lot about fashion in a technical sense myself. Fashion can be a broad spectrum, as it does refer to popular trends, but I'll talk about clothing here.
In reality, I just like to look at the clothes and think about them, but when I was younger and even now I watched a lot of videos and shows about designing clothes and their construction. I find it to be quite fascinating, and I enjoy seeing the process and the completed pieces. I consider it to be a form of artistic expression, although most clothing I've ever made was for dolls. There's a lot that goes into the craft, and I've seen some people that take months to meticulously complete a piece and I've seen others just wake up and decide to make a dress that day.
When I look at clothes it's more about what I think looks interesting or fits into my aesthetic preferences, though I do find that I see some clothing from time to time and immediately associate it with a character, like many people on here.
(A bit off topic, but the character I tag most under fashion posts is Amu from Zyuohger. This is because she canonically does modelling work and I think she'd dress very fashionably. Everything I tag for her has a specific reason I feel it would fit her. )
Anyways I feel like fashion, just like any other art form, can be analyzed in a variety of different ways. Construction, color stories, patterns, textures, pricing, label, accessories, makeup, hair, etc. can all come together to create a piece, not so different from say a drawing. I like to ask myself why I think certain decisions were made and for what purpose. How could different decisions change the affect of the piece? If we're talking about designers and labels, how do we know on sight that it's their design? For example, Vivienne Westwood and Moschino can't be mistaken for each other as they have their own signatures.
There's a lot more questions to be asked, especially if you get into areas of costuming where many pieces are meant to convey something about a character. An example would be of the mantle that Gira wears in King-Ohger. In King-Ohger the mantle is symbolic of the King of Shugoddam, and when Gira rips it off of Racules and dons it himself, it is symbolic of Gira's intentions to take Racules' title and throne just as he declares. Post-time skip, when Gira decides to hand the throne to Douga he removes the mantle and hands it over to Douga, showing us that Gira does consider it to be a symbol of his title at this time. I could really go on to speak more on each character's costuming and elaborate more on Gira but I've already rambled a lot.
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ilikekidsshows · 1 year
Basically, the issue that's causing the anti-Dadrius folks is the same thing that caused so many issues in the Miraculous fandom, the Gravity Falls fandom, etc.: past generations thought "everyone who disagrees with me is wrong". Today's generation thinks, "everyone Secretly Agrees with Me Already, but some psychological dysfunction is preventing them from seeing things properly". So, today's fans are obnoxious because they don't think the rest of us are wrong, they think we're Brainwashed (TM).
I have seen the argument that some people online think that they're so correct that everyone does agree with them, but is just hiding it for whatever reason. That they're using the argument that: "you have no reason to trust anything a stranger online tells you," to justify completely making up everybody else's personality. But I've mostly seen that attitude in people who think: "Maybe we shouldn't act like asses 24/7 when online," should always be answered with: "This is the internet! Everybody's an ass!" while the fact that someone just politely asking them to be less of an ass should already be evidence to the contrary. "Everybody else is an ass, so I am justified." Basically, they feel they're so correct, they don't actually write any proper counterarguments despite being the one to start the argument.
There is more to the tendency to try to pick fights in fandom spaces, though. I feel stuff like tag-bombers and post-hijackers are a result of more people online disregarding the concept of personal space, even in a digital space. Like, how often does someone defend hopping onto someone else's post with something combatative with: "You posted this publically online, so I'm justified in arguing with you," completely forgetting the possibility that the post might be trying to reach like-minded individuals? They definitely show the Everyone Secretly Agrees With Me attitude in viewing this behavior as okay when they're called out on it.
These people also actively stalk the tags used by people who disagree with them to find posts to argue with, or just post their opposing takes but tag them with the tags used by the people who are guaranteed to disagree with their posts. They often play coy ("I used the ship tag because I'm talking about the ship no other reason I swear!"), but tag-bombing is about picking fights. Basically, everything is treated as an invitation to debate, every topic as something suitable to debate over and every other fan as a willing debate partner.
I've seen people lamenting how we no longer use phrases like: "Don't like, don't read." Basically, fandoms can no longer just accept that one group of people thinks this way and another group of people thinks that way and if you feel too strongly about mutually exclusive takes, you probably should avoid each other for the sake of having a lighter fandom space. Shipping wars have always been a thing, and could get pretty ugly, but these days people seem to feel so strongly about everything and feel the need to prove that they're correct more often than before.
For many, it used to be enough to privately think you are right and chuckle with your like-minded friends over how everyone else is wrong, but now you have to prove that your way of thinking is actually the most logical one. Like you said, these people think that the only reason anyone thinks differently from them is that they don't know any better and they just need to be educated, because, surely, if they knew all the facts, they'd agree with the "obvious correct take".
Some fandom behaviors have gotten more exhausting, is what I say.
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sheetbeat · 1 year
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hi! i'm leslie, a multifandom nut.
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SheetBeat is my main, AO3 is 24HoursRemain (◕‿◕✿)
this is a chonky post! sections are a heads-up, my stuff, characters and links.
I'm 19, based in the UK (BST/GMT) and love a ton of things. Honestly, this post is here mainly to keep my brain sorted, with satisfying anyone's curiosity as a plus.
I'm very into DQXI, Banana Fish and especially Hunter x Hunter. That's not an exhaustive list. The following won't be either, but it's a start!
In the following fandoms I'm less active, but I don't love them any less. If you want to talk to me about these things, that would be just as swell!
- ffvii (mainly the original)
- jjba
- cardcaptor sakura (haven't seen clear card)
- ace attorney (haven't played dgs/gaa yet)
- fallen london
-monster and mawaru penguindrum (these I don't read fic for but I do read a bunch of analysis posts!)
- and reading outside of games / manga (sometimes)! Peake, Poe, Le Guin...
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☆.。.:* a heads-up .。.:*☆
Should've used one of the many appropriate specific hxh image references for this, like the Troupe's coin-tossing habit and what happened at the Arena around the Succession Contest time. Darn. Anyway...
- My main is SFW, but many of the series I'm into includes more heavy stuff. And my AO3 (sometimes NSFW) bookmarks reflect that, I think!
- Will make it a habit to tag properly. Please let me know if I slip up! Just be aware that I'm a fan of Banana Fish, which is an animanga series that takes a stab at very sensitive and potentially triggering topics. Take care - I'll be as clear as I can with tags so you can make informed judgement calls.
- The same goes for tagging major spoilers. I'll tread even more carefully with ongoing series and manga spoilers.
- By the way, any HxH fan who hates Gon, thinks he's bland /a psychopath / a monster? I respect your opinion, but we're never going to see eye-to-eye on that one 😅
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☆.。.:* my stuff .。.:*☆
I have work to do, but fandom is more fun.
- Betaing. I only do one fic at any one time.
At the moment, I'm very busy and very happy working on a HxH!BB entry :D
- HxH nerdcore recs including geek music from Brazil. Gets my minimal language muscles going and transcription is real rewarding. Plus, I get to share some cool songs!
I still need to start my nerdcore recs ^^"
- Greed Island writing prompt fills, provided by the server. It's a great community giving out HxH writing prompts based on the G.I cards among a ton of other challenges.
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☆.。.:* characters .。.:*☆
I'm a fan of quite a few characters. Naming all of them would take a while. Here are the ones I read about / analyse / think about the most.
Roughly in order, but love isn't a science. I do like a bit of cheesiness.
HxH Gon, Killua, Leorio, Hisoka, Melody/Senritsu, Bisky, Kurapika, Machi, Netero, Knuckle.
DQXI Sylvando/Sylvia : the wholesome jester who is actually a jester.
FF7 Barret and Aerith.
Jojo Josuke, Jolyne, Johnny and Gappy.
Banana Fish Am basic. Ash, Eiji, Shorter, Max.
CCS Tomoyo, Sakura, Syaoran, Toya
Ace Attorney Phoenix, Edgeworth, Maya, Apollo, Larry, Gumshoe, Athena
Monster Lunge, Eva, Tenma, Johan, Grimmer
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☆.。.:* check out my links .。.:*☆
...If you want! There's a couple of blogs I've not properly fleshed out. Shorter To Sing and Sheet Dump are pretty empty sideblogs. These are my links:
24HoursRemain is my AO3.
SheetBeat (hello! you're here!) is my main. It's for general fandom shenanigans - mostly HxH.
pop me a message - i love a natter!
Due to timezone tomfoolery and life getting in the way, I don't know when I'll be active. But I love rambling about fandom and hearing others do the same. Feel free to send a DM my way. We can talk about about some amazing series!
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reincarnight · 2 months
— mobile rules.
hi hi! my name is susanne (she/her, finnish, 21+), and this is an independent roleplay blog for soma cruz from konami's castlevania. i am largely unafilliated with any community in particular.
— ooc knowledge.
out of the games, i'm most familiar with soma's, so please bear with me while i go through the rest at my own pace.
i've seen seasons 1 & 2 of netflix's castlevania; i haven't watched nocturne. i'm open to potentially interacting with blogs based on either show.
— following.
i am selective and oc/crossover/duplicate friendly. keep in mind i'm unlikely to follow if i genuinely have no idea how our muses would interact.
i am not comfortable following/interacting with minors on this blog in particular.
personal/non-rp blogs will be blocked. i make an exception for those with a rp sideblog.
i softblock to break mutuals. unless i've hardblocked you, the door is usually open for becoming mutuals again. i generally don't break mutuals over inactivity.
— interactions.
i write with mutuals only and expect basic rp etiquette to be followed. i don't consider very minor actions, such as assuming my muse follows yours, to be godmodding if it moves things along.
ooc =/= ic. soma's actions or feelings don't reflect how i personally feel.
i prefer plotting over simply winging it. therefore, the most of my starter calls will double up as plotting calls.
i default to small text without icons. i don't generally mind how my partners format; just please avoid using more than 2-3 spaces between each word while threading with me!
please trim your posts and continue asks in a new post.
— activity.
i am a perpetually slow writer, and this blog runs on low/sporadic activity. i promise my slowness is never out of disinterest on my part.
if i am not here, the best way to contact me is through discord! feel free to ask for my username if we're mutuals.
— content.
mature themes, such as violence, death, cults and other canon-typical themes will be present on this blog. i am not interested in writing taboo/"dead dove" topics, and sexual nsfw content is highly unlikely on my part.
i tag most things as trigger cw (written) or trigger tw (visual). please tag animal abuse for me.
— shipping.
shipping happens with chemistry and ooc discussion. while mina is very important to soma, i don't automatically assume feelings from either side.
i'm down for other dynamics: platonic, antagonistic, you name it.
— mains and exclusivity.
generally speaking, i only practice mains; i'm more than open to it if we've talked a fair amount ooc about our muses and their dynamic + we mesh well together.
i may consider shipping exclusivity, but please talk to me about it first.
— drama and callouts.
please don't involve me in your interpersonal issues or drama; i consider this a hard boundary as it has happened too many times for my comfort. serious situations are excluded from this rule.
callouts are blacklisted as i'm not always in the right headspace to read them. if you see me interacting with a dangerous individual, please tell me in private. the chances are i was unaware.
credits: all graphics were created by me. the psd belongs to my good friend, aster, who is kind enough to let me use his psd.
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braveheartsquid · 2 years
Headcanon fodder: Death and Regeneration
[DANGER: This is a pretty heavy topic. As such, it will be hidden under a read more, and tagged appropriately. If your mental health is not up to it, skip this post.]
"When an Inkling or Octoling gets splatted, their physical body is destroyed. At this point, you might be thinking 'that's it, then'. Not really. Each of us has a spirit, or a spark, I guess you could say, that stores everything about us, from memories, to physical appearance."
"In most cases, any injuries are healed when we regenerate our physical bodies. However, in some cases, something known as a 'traumatic echo' can be imprinted onto our spark, leaving a scar of any injury that happened. It explains how Agent 3 still has her sanitization scar."
"Aging, at least, as far as we know, isn't really that much of a factor. It explains how Cuttlefish is still alive after all this time. So.. if time can't kill us, and we can regenerate our physical forms, what can truly kill us?"
"To be honest, I'm not sure, but we do have some ideas. One could be the idea of the spirit losing cohesion as a result of too many traumatic echoes. Too much trauma and the spirit pretty much.. falls apart."
"Another one could be a direct hit to the spirit with a certain kind of weapon. We're talking anti-matter weapons, like a knife. It is a guess that the spirit is made entirely of positrons. Oddly enough, that is considered anti-matter to electrons, but normal weapons pass through."
"It would have to be a certain kind of weapon that has a blade of electrons only. Protons and neutrons seem to disrupt this. Either way, when the spirit is shattered, the being is lost."
"We don't know what happens after that. There have been rumors about spirits being transplanted into new bodies, as well as two spirits in one body, but I've never seen that happen."
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mellointheory · 2 years
Social skills are really difficult for some of us, and we can work really hard on learning all the stupid rules of politeness and still never master it to the degree you apparetly have.
It's just, I've never actually seen somebody complain about how exhausting that is for THEM before. I live in perpetual fear of it, of course, being autistic, but usually people are very kind and say my social blunders are never as bad as I think they are.
Don't you think we yearn for the ability to form meaningful relationships with real people, to be told we're nice and welcoming? The post just felt like rubbing it in to me.
Okay, and? I’m a random stranger on the internet living my own life. I’m not engaging in a conversation with you about this because I have already said what I have to say on the topic, and you are a little anonymous person coming to me, someone you dont even know, and talking about how difficult your life is.
You are a stranger. You don’t need to come complain to me about how much you yearn for meaningful relationships. Go find someone else to discuss the post with who actually knows you and gives a shit about you. Maybe do some introspection on why you see someone saying “i am exhausted with dealing with so many blatantly rude or foolish people with no sense of boundaries on the internet” and you immediately decide you need to go vent in their inbox about how sad the post makes you feel. This is a fandom blog. It is not my job to give a shit about you. You are providing a prime example of people whose own lack of knowledge about social connections makes them exhausting to communicate with.
I won’t discuss the contents of the post itself because you can go reread it and try to use some actual reading comprehension. Look at the additions to it. Look at the tags. Look at hundreds of people saying that yes, they do know the struggle of internet strangers being rude and overfamiliar. Now look at yourself.
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what post ru talking about
there was one under the gulshan devaiah tag. day ruined instantly
but also I was referencing just this trend I've seen of people starting off their posts/opinions about the movie with "it wasn't perfect, but-" or "It had its Several Flaws, but-" which is. fair. and all.
But why does literally the rest of bollywood not get the same treatment, yknow? Why is Indian queer content held to impossible standards, not even just queer content.
And this is not me making concessions for shit movies just because they're Woke™. This is about movies that actually delivered. Like badhaai do.
People who genuinely disliked it are literally so free to do so (I disagree, but to each their own).
But it seems to me like even the people who did like it are kinda being guilt tripped into saying it lowkey sucked. Which is. :/
Now I could've just encountered a disproportionately high number of people who said something along these lines. I'm probably generalising too much.
That being said
I can say with utter confidence that it was better than SO many Hollywood movies/Korean media out there.
And yet, there's such a weird system of internalised racism in place from growing up on an annoyingly fucking US/eurocentric internet that. We literally hesitate to shamelessly hype our own movies. Even the ones that have actually done well and have done right by the queer community.
Is that not tragic?
It's like we start off on this assumption that Bollywood = Terrible and then fight tooth and nail to hold onto that entirely baseless idea, just for the sake of.
Being "Not Like Other Indians I'm More Woke Because I Hate Bollywood?"
What is it?
Sorry about the rant. I'm just really sensitive about this because, hell man our movie industries get shit on and mocked by nondesis enough without us adding to it.
It's pretty much a given that movies featuring sensitive topics like this one will NOT be perfect. It doesn't have to be said unless it's a legitimate review- I've seen personal posts on here freaking out about badhaai do that are so self effacing it hurt my heart.
So. Annoying preachy PSA to everyone: next time you talk about queer content in Indian media, and the first words out of your mouth are something along the lines of "idk it wasn't great but personally I liked it idk" when you're more than allowed to say "it was FUCKING GREAT ACTUALLY."
Maybe ask yourself where it's coming from.
We're allowed to be proud of our own culture. I promise.
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hiya!! nice of you to stop by!!
call me leaf or jasper/jas :D (most nicknames are also fine by me! esp if we're mutuals!)
it is i, the one who follows too many accounts (over 2.8k to be a little more specific)
aunt to the lovely @yourlocalsewerdragon
twin to the one the only @wormtiddies
older discord sibling to the amazing @channeling-inner-potato
my other lovely discord sibling is @spixi
my beloved adopted sibling is @scalesthedragon
queerplatonically married to my loves @anarchy-n-arson @autistic-ace-bee !! you can also find us on our sideblog @leaphair :))
my carrd!
beloveds heritage post
my pronouns page!
all religions, ethnicities, members of the lgbtqia+ community, etc are welcome! just please be respectful! i generally try to avoid discourse <3
i love receiving asks/dms!! if you ever want to interact please do if you're comfy!
some things about me!
fairycore enthusiast
i'm an infp and 5w6 or something
autistic. anxiety too
because of this, tone indicators are appreciated when necessary!!
i'm a librarian! (well technically i'm a lower rank than that but librarian sounds way cooler i think)
i really like characters. Both in media and my own.
nsfw blogs kindly stay back
I’m pretty sure I have maladaptive daydreaming/at least a very vivid imagination and for me that entails having a very complex world in my imagination with way too much fantasy characters and fantasy lore (I’m down to talk about stuff like this if anyone has a similar interest!)
i'm from Aotearoa New Zealand :D
i'm also polyam and aroacespec. Or something.
i identify mostly with the term genderqueer in regards to gender,, but non-binary/nb also works!
i really like plushies if you couldn't tell
i really like iced coffee and chocolate milk
- transphobes, TERFS, tradfems, homophobes, acephobes, LGBTQ+ exclusionists, etc, proshippers, comshippers, dsmp fans, lgbtqia+ exclusionists, sexist people, nazi supporters, trump supporters, anti-semitics, right-wingers, racist people, people who harass others, nsfw blogs, just don't be an ass.
here's how i tag! so that anyone can block the ones they feel they should!
#caps - i use this for posts containing caps!
#bnha manga spoilers - general spoilers tag for the bnha manga!
#leaf says things - mostly just me using my blog as a diary, no triggering content as far as i'm aware!
#leaf rants - my stressy rants, usually involve mental health related stuff, probably best to block if you don't want heavy/mildly heavy topics on your dash, or if you only want positive posts!
#bnha - spoiler free bnha content unless otherwise tagged with the second tag on this list!
#leaf ocs - my personal oc tag! here i mainly post text posts and any oc art i want to share!
#leaf art - general personal art tag! will contain oc content but also just any old art, sometimes fanart!
#leaf reads yet another webtoon - webtoon liveblogging!
#leaf asks - any asks i receive will be put here
#_____:) - how i tag mutuals! usually it'll be their preferred name or a nickname in the blank spot!
#mutuals beloved <33 - general mutual chaos
Some fandoms i'm in!
ramble to me about these if you want!! or anything really!
komi can't communicate
bnha (i'm a manga reader and an anime watcher so talking about either is okay!!)
sk8 the infinity
idolish7 (i've only seen seasons 1 and 2 so far so no spoilers if possible!)
castle swimmer (webtoon)
not so silent (webtoon)
stare down (webtoon)
the four of them (webtoon)
nevermore (webtoon)
your wings and mine (webtoon)
given (mostly caught up in the manga but i forgor most of what happened)
yuri on ice
haikyuu (anime only as of rn)
saiki k
blue period (pretty much just anime only)
monthly girl's nozaki kun (anime only as of rn)
assassination classroom
anonymous noise (not fully caught up on manga)
the owl house
the legend of korra
voltron (kinda,,i havent finished it yet)
death note
the promised neverland (anime only, i've only seen a little of the second season)
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please enjoy your stay!! <3
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devotion · 3 years
tagged by @peterbenjiparker omg hi thank you <3
1. why did you choose your url?
y'all know i love love loved my old one @/darlingspidey which i still use as a sideblog on another whole separate blog that i'm on when things get hectic here... but i soon realised i was turning multi-fandom in feb and i had this url miraculously saved from before and went 👀 yanno what. and... yeah. my url that i've kept for the longest + it'll probably stay that way now (hopefully) <333
2. any side blogs?
.... you don't wanna know how many i have. if you ... knew, you'd genuinely think wtf. but there's 6 here that i use for different reasons. @thomasparker is one for recs.
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
in around two weeks, it'll be 20 months 😳
4. do you have a queue tag?
one which is q. dbjzbd off topic but i used to have the ... weirdest queue names and had “queue're so golden” or smth that i copied from seeing it somewhere thinking that it was how it was done, then realised it's a lyric from one of harry styles' songs 💀 didn't expect it like, i don't listen to him at all nor am i fan of his.
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
5 days before we went in lockdown, i was still part of a toxic fandom and instead, already had a tsh sideblog (@tsh-darling 😌) to get away from it all in the meantime. it was my first tom mutual who supported me when i suggested it. not a mistake at all; i love her still even though we're both busy rn 💕 and you lot. i thought that i would never get my 100 followers back lmao
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
it always goes back to pete. but tom hardy........ tom hardy, oh my goodness.
7. why did you choose your header?
the new spidey suit is so so so fucking fit.
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
a fic that's just turned a year a few days ago; “tummy rubs” - 1.3k notes <3
9: how many mutuals do you have?
mutuals who i talk to... 2/3 all the time. but when i'm normally freer than i am now, it goes up to about... er, 15? on another note, i love people who i follow and they follow back. just dk who all of 'em are tbh. you don't expect me to sit here and count them 😭
10. how many followers do you have?
i don't wanna share that but it's not a big deal. 65% less than m's tho lmaoo
11. how many people do you follow?
almost 300. i should try to clear it up but i've done that a lot in the past and recently there's been nothing but good vibes on the dash with everything that i hate filtered out bddjjdb so there's no need ig. i like it now bc it used to be so dead :( better than when i used to follow 700 tho amirite
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
i... don't. not necessarily, no. if you're calling me freaking out over the leaks of the nwh trailer, (which got called out for not being the case), those aren't shitposts. that's me being excited. 😔
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
when i'm on my holidays, hours. otherwise, i take month-long breaks, and pop in once a week or fortnight.
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
yeah. not really my fault but no one saw my side tho.
15. how you do feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
when i first started, i was gullible. now, it's bullshit. character development.
16. do you like tag games?
barely ever get tagged. but for the most part, no. i'm not that interesting.
17: do you like ask games?
i get like 2 asks whenever i do it so leave it :(
18: which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
prev post <3 a lot, you're right. everyone's writing is incredible, they all deserve it <3
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
mate i love all of them, i seriously do.
no pressure tagging: the mutuals who i haven't seen being tagged in others? @parkerpeter24 @spideyspeaches and anyone else who wants to do it? maybe i'm blind and i didn't see that you got tagged :( ♡
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orionsangel86 · 3 years
How are y'all puzzled by the end and how TPTB, Dabb and Singer seemingly got the wrong message about fandom, when I've seen countless of Destiel shippers being "pro-ship". Advocating to treat incest, pedo*lia and best*ality the same as queer ships, and how it's totally ok. How often "meta crew" called me terf, fascist for saying it shouldn't be accepted into our queer spaces. It got Bobo to write a char for superwiki. They prob thought we're all just thirsty women who want to see two dudes b*ng
I have no idea what you are talking about.
I’m not puzzled. I know some fuckery went down. I’ve stated my opinions countless times now over the past few months over on Twitter and since coming back to Tumblr properly on my conspiracies post:
TPTB are all business, and they made a last minute business decision based on backing the Walker horse and not wanting Destiel to distract from Jared/Sam, whilst being fearful of the gAY scaring away the CisHet Male audience that they so desperately wanted to cling on to for Walker.
Singer has always been a bronly. Has always seen any queer subtext purely as homoeroticism and is definitely the kind of person who would queerbait fans to get views.
Dabb was weak. He backed down and let his script get butchered.
I don’t know what you mean by destiel shippers advocating those things? Unless you mean supporting AO3 not being censored and regulated of course? Because if you are one of these people that thinks that AO3 needs censoring then you are part of the problem. Believe me, no one in Destiel fandom that I know of is normalising incest, pedophilia or bestiality. No one thinks those things are part of queer spaces.
Some people multiship though. So long as they respect tagging systems and don’t force other people to have to see nasty stuff like what you’ve mentioned, then let people be into what they’re into. I might personally find it gross, and a bit strange, but people are always gonna wanna explore fucked up topics for all manner of reasons. We ain’t purity police here.
Also something I feel I need to be very clear on, which I haven’t mentioned before but um “meta crew”. Which meta crew would that be? There are many many meta writers in spn fandom. We are not a hive mind. Some are some of the nicest people I have ever met, some I don’t interact with much but write some really beautiful stuff and seem to be good people, but there are others who call themselves meta writers who are just bullies, who mock and harass anyone who disagrees with their opinion. Do NOT lump us all into the same boat.
Why any meta writers would call you a terf or a fascist without a good reason is beyond me. I don’t have context here do i? Could you look back over what you said and consider if it sounded terfy? Or fascist? I dunno man I don’t have a say in this, if people have called you out for something you’ve said, maybe look back over what you said and try to see it from their angle? Especially if it was transphobic.
A general rule of thumb for interacting with any fandom:
Ship and let Ship - in other words, don’t judge people on the pairings they like, even if they are problematic, so long as those pairings are well tagged and labelled so people can block as necessary.
Your kink is not my kink - Don’t kink shame people. If people wanna write really fucked up shit, that’s their right. Again, so long as it is all tagged and clearly labelled with content warnings, then there shouldn’t be a problem. It’s not on you to psychoanalyse people for their reasons for being into twisted things. Some people may genuinely be abuse survivors who are using it as a coping mechanism. You don’t know.
The Archive is a fandom holy place - it is protected. It is adored. Do not attack it or you will feel the wrath of 100 different fandoms coming at you. The archive is free from censorship, free from corporate manipulation, free from outside sources trying to mess with it. The archive belongs to US.
Just generally don’t be an asshole. Fandoms tend to attract people who are different from the general norms of society. We were the nerds and losers in school, the queer kids, the ones struggling with MHI. We all have a lot of shit and are all just trying to navigate our way through life via our passions. Don’t shit on peoples passions. You’ll come across a load of people who disagree with you, and occassionally you might be unfortunate enough to come across actual bullies. But most of the time, it won’t take much to rub someone the wrong way because everyone in these spaces tends to be at least kind of emotional, and attached to their passions. So you really do have to be polite. I can’t even tell you how many people in this fandom hate me - some to the point of obsession and slander. I’ve got a block list a mile long and continue to add people to it. There are posts out there with my name and screenshots from my SM spreading lies and hate about me, encouraging people to laugh at me and accusing me of doing things that I have never had the time or the energy to do. Shit happens. Don’t be those people, and you’re golden.
Superwiki is well known by SPN writers for being a bible of information for the show. The writers have previously confirmed that they refer to the SuperWiki when wanting quick research for their episodes. Yes, Bobo named a character after the person who runs the wiki, but I doubt Bobo is aware of how problematic that person is. The name was just in honour of someone who put a lot of work into building the wiki, hell, even I use the wiki! But I certainly don’t support any of Jules personal views. Don’t read into things like that. It never means what you think.
The thirsty women part I would have agreed with back 6 years ago. But they have adapted with us now. We are no longer Becky in season 4. We became Charlie remember? And after that we became intelligent teenagers wanted to tell an exciting story. If they thought destiel shippers were all about the hot guys banging, they certainly wouldn’t have made the love story canon, and they did that. Remember? Cas confessed his love for Dean, and it was the most beautiful, touching, heartfelt moment in the entire series. They did that. Not because they wanted us to objectify the actors, but because they knew how much that love story meant to us. Unfortunately, the network had other ideas for the actual finale. But that doesn’t take away the writers intentions up to that point. So please don’t erase what they worked for.
Ultimately I’m not sure what point you were trying to make with this ask, but this post is I suppose my very long way of saying you are wrong.
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