taihua · 25 days
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Went to the danmei meetup at Anime Central and everyone clapped
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snackugaki · 1 year
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soft apocalypse 3
training is basically bonding, right? ft. future!venus
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bythefurry · 2 years
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"vincent valentine is a prettyboy" vincent valentine is a BASEMENT DWELLER who HASN'T WASHED HIS HAIR in 30 YEARS
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fluxedbuds · 3 months
I'm starting to think it's impossible to have a Yogs gimmick account without inevitably rping with anons. Putting chemicals in the water that make us play toys
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idolmelodies · 28 days
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nordickies · 7 months
There was a post ages ago where you drew the Faroe Islands. What happened to it?
Do you mean this post? It's a bit outdated, I hadn't really developed Faroe at that point. And there could be a lot more to talk about. But it's still there!
Unfortunately, you're not the first person to say my posts have gone missing. The Tumblr search engine is truly awful!
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aerplain · 8 months
oh and i think its also kinda interesting talking about 'what counts as art', because for the longest time i didnt even consider most of what i did 'art' considering that it was just 'depiction of a character or animal or thing' without paying too much attention to composition or meaning or message etc.
and being on tumblr for a while and just seeing 'drawing for fun even when its not particularly meaningful' considered as art did change my view on it. like i wouldntve said someone doing the same thing as me 'wasnt art' i just didnt See what i was doing as Art it was just 'drawings im doing'.
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incesthemes · 3 months
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why aren't they ever allowed to know foreign languages. dean can read ancient greek nbd but french and german? no those are just too esoteric. google translate save me
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the-squiptionary · 5 months
Squipiverse - noun. The universe in which squip technology exists.
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wereh0gz · 14 days
Issue 69 (nice) is very good and very fun :]
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tennessoui · 2 years
"This was never right" from the prompt list? 💖
hey hi hello!!! thank you for sending this in!! this (like the last few) are based on a tumblr au: professor can-fuck-me, which does not have a fic of its own but probably could have a discombobulated one shot at this point because this lil ficlet puts the total word count over 8k oops
anyway bit nsfw but not much; sort of implies again that they got together a bit before they should have (they slept together a few weeks before the class was over, while obi-wan was still his professor) so be careful if that's a squick for you!
“I think you’ve got a good thesis,” Obi-Wan leans back in his chair, tucking the red pen in his hand behind his ear. He’s taken off his glasses at some point in the last thirty minutes, which becomes very inconvenient when he goes to push them up his nose and almost hits his eyes.
God, he’s too tired for this. He and Anakin had stayed up much too late into the night yesterday, at first fighting and then fucking the fight out of each other only to go to bed still upset. He’d forgotten until his alarm had gone off at eight in the morning and Anakin had hit him with his pillow to get him to turn it down that he’d scheduled back to classes office hours every Friday morning for the first month of school.
So now here he is, nursing a bit of a hangover, his third cup of coffee, and trying to remember if the shirt he fished out of his closet would hide the hickies he knows Anakin had left on his neck.
The student in front of him is frowning down at her paper. It’d been a miracle to see someone had already started the assignment he’d given the end of the second week of classes, as it’s due right before fall break, but upon reading her work, he sort of understands. He’s trying to find a polite way to say Complete doesn’t mean viable, but before he can, there’s a knock on his office door. 
“Sorry,” Anakin Fucking Skywalker says cracking the door open a bit, “only it’s been thirty minutes, and I sort of need to talk to Professor Kenobi? Oh, is that your paper? Which short stories have you chosen to write on? I’m stuck between two.”
Obi-Wan gapes at him as the girl flushes bright red and fumbles through an answer, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.
“Oh, that’s a wicked dichotomy between themes there,” Anakin tells her. Obi-Wan isn’t even sure he knows what those words mean, but the girl turns even more red and jumps up with a flustered apology for taking so much of the professor’s time, and a loose-ended question as to whether or not she’ll see Anakin in class later, perhaps they could talk more about the essay prompt?
Because, of course, Anakin looks like a college student. Because, of course, in June he had been one. He’d been in Obi-Wan’s sodding class, and he’s been hanging around his house all summer—considering that he sort of lives there now—so of course he’d heard the different drafts of that prompt enough to fake his way through a brief conversation. Obi-Wan doesn’t think he’s ever read a short story in his life.
“Yeah, you bet,” Anakin tells her with a smirk, holding the door open so that she has to duck under his arm to leave. “I’ll see you around.”
Obi-Wan is livid. Obi-Wan is so livid he doesn’t know if he should try standing because if he’s any closer to Anakin Skywalker right now, he’s going to try and strangle him. “That was completely inappropriate,” he snaps. “What are you even doing here?”
“Proving to you that I listen when you talk,” Anakin lilts, locking the door and coming to stand in front of the desk. “Professor.”
“Anakin,” Obi-Wan warns. “You shouldn’t be here. You’ve no reason to be on campus anymore, let alone visiting me during my office hours, let alone interrupting a meeting with one of my students so you can take up my time and—”
“I remember meetings with you when I was one of your students,” Anakin murmurs, sitting on the edge of his desk and propping himself up with a hand over the middle of his papers. He leans forward and takes the red pen out from behind Obi-Wan’s ear. “You’ll forgive me from wondering what you were doing behind another closed door.”
Obi-Wan stands, and his hands are shaking with anger directed solely at his partner, who in the last few weeks has simply become unbearable. Picking fights. Prodding. Needling. Going for blood.
“Leave,” Obi-Wan tells him hoarsely. “This isn’t right.” He means that it’s not right for Anakin to be here now, for him to drag any and all personal issues into his workplace, into his office. It’s not right for Anakin to make him lose his mind like this, it’s not right that his hands have already migrated to his hips, it’s not right how much he loves this impossible man as much as he hates him in this moment.
“Professor,” Anakin murmurs, looping his arms around Obi-Wan’s neck, “this was never right.”
Obi-Wan kisses him half to shut him up and half because he can’t not kiss him when he’s wandered into his office practically begging for a kiss. There’s a lot he thinks he’s probably fucking up in this relationship, but he knows how to kiss Anakin.
Anakin, despite everything else, knows how to kiss him as well.
His boyfriend moans and arches into him, adjusts the angle so that he’s standing in between his spread thighs, sucking on his tongue and making noises that are far too loud for the current venue. It’s like—it’s like he wants to be caught. It’s lke he wants everyone to know.
Obi-Wan separates himself with difficulty from his boyfriend’s lips, pulling back to study his face.
Anakin’s eyes flutter open just as reluctantly, mouth slightly parted and spit slick.
“You remember the sort of things you told me here?” Obi-Wan mutters lowly to try and keep all arousal from his voice. “Back before I was even close to breaking. Few months in. Anything that was troubling you, anything you were trying to work through.”
“You’re a good listener, Professor,” Anakin replies, licking his lips. One hand falls to rest on his shoulder, the other to resst on the small of his back, fingers skirting the line of his ass. Obi-Wan barely resists the urge to roll his eyes. His partner loves any and every chance to feel him up.
“I’m listening now, Anakin,” he tells him, catching his chin in a bid to force eye contact. “Has something been troubling you?”
Anakin blinks at him and then his face breaks open and his mouth scrunches up and his eyes squeeze closed and when he opens them again, they’re spilling over with wetness. With tears. “I didn’t get the job,” he cries even as Obi-Wan guides him forward so he can press his head against his neck. “I was so close, I was in the—the final stages—but they went with someone else, and I really thought I would, I really thought this was the one, but they didn’t want me—”
Obi-Wan hushes him gently, soothing his hand down the planes of Anakin’s back. “It happens, darling,” he murmurs into Anakin’s curls. “Is this why you’ve been so horrible, love?”
It’s a testament to how upset Anakin is that he doesn’t immediately say anything to protest that, just shrugs weakly and tries to nuzzle closer. “It’s—it’s September, and you said that I should move in for the summer but it’s September now, and I didn’t get the job because they didn’t want me and I can’t think about you not wanting me without my chest getting all tight so I keep—I just need you to say it, alright, I need to hear it.”
“I love you,” Obi-Wan replies, nonplussed. He tells Anakin he loves him all the time, almost every time he thinks it, which is truly a staggering amount of times.
“No,” Anakin says, which isn’t usually what he says in response to that declaration. “No, I mean—if you want me to leave. I need you to—you can’t just…just wait for me to get the message, alright, I…I cling.”
“Anakin,” Obi-Wan pulls back. This is a feat, considering how tightly Anakin’s arms are latched around him. “Anakin, darling, I don’t want you to leave. Ever. I love you. I love having you with me. Every place I am, I want you to be there as well.” 
Anakin sniffles and wipes his wet face all over the shoulder of Obi-Wan’s shirt. He really loves a horrible person, he thinks with something like awe and infinite patience coursing through him. “That’s not true,” he mutters.
“It is,” Obi-Wan disagrees immediately. “It—”
“You just said I shouldn’t be in your office during your office hours,” Anakin points out, sitting back and wiping a hand over his eyes to get rid of the last of his tears. “So which is it?”
Obi-Wwan stares at his impossible boy. But, well, Anakin had come all the way out here to see him, and he’d been so vulnerable and achingly sweet. Perhaps he should be rewarded with equal honesty. “Darling, if you don’t think I’d rather kiss you until our lips are raw here on this desk like this than read shitty, cobbled-together essays from some student obviously aiming for a recommendation letter, then I don’t know what to tell you.”
Anakin tilts his head forward so that his next words are breathed against Obi-Wan’s lips. “Prove it, then.” he murmurs. “Professor."
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fortjester · 2 months
Open the boops! I want to boop you!
respectfully, i aint doin that <3 much love
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uniformbravo · 2 years
idk if anyone ever mentioned this here but zack tweeted this a couple weeks ago regarding ch8 and i am Afraid
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#paranatural#pnat#pn blogging#so obvs we got max visiting the doctor abt his arm#that emoji did NOT fuckign prepare me for the doctor to be davy tho jgodnfjgmg ig theres no appropriate emoji for that freak#then isaac w doorman & king catnine?? idk if all 3 of those emojis are relevant to each other or if theyre broken up into different scenes#then the yarn + grandma im p sure is the vice principal/witch#turtle is obvs flipflop and karate gi is master guerra#i assume the boxing glove is related to them as well so like. isabel scene#then we got dr bigfoot and uh. a fish. and a wizard;;;#cult shit??????? i have no fucken idea#and then skull + vampire someone gets turned into a vampire???? OR the skull could just be referring to the death cult in general#the vampire could be related to either the skull or the other two emojis to the right#which i assume are the pk the doctopus and pj...? or any other ghost ig but. if its those 2 specifically it could be a max scene#and pj specifically would connect to the vampire bc of Theories#then some shit at the lakeside like. is that emoji meant to represent mayview's two hills Specifically or is it just. Sunset#or sunRISE i think that emoji is specifically sunrise but maybe zack picked it bc of the hills??????#OR MAYBE TIME OF DAY DOESNT MATTER AT ALL AND IT'S JUST MEANT TO BE MAYVIEW IN GENERAL AAAAAHHHHH#also why is there such a long pause between everything and the last two emojis WHAT does that mean#honestly wizard emoji could be uhhh mousey death cultist fortune teller maybe. or even some kinda Leader#or it's just to refer to them (cultists?) doing magic At All and not necessarily a particular character#i am making no sense MY MEMORY HAS GOTTEN FUZZY....... i need to reread ch 6 & 7 smh#ANYWAY PLS ADD ON IF YALL HAVE MORE INSIGHTS/THEORIES..... this is all i can glean u___u
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anothermonikan · 4 months
Me: Literally just trying to draw anything, anything at all
The irreversible impact these two fuckers had on my art:
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risingsunresistance · 4 months
feeling talkative but i have nothing to post about >:(
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spring-lxcked · 1 year
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Happy pride, the serial killer in the rabbit suit is queer. In all seriousness, I said I was going to write this headcanon awhile ago but I'm just getting around to it. Also: reminder that pansexual is an older term than people often think. Still, William usually defaults to "queer" on the occasion he's openly talking about his orientation.
William realized he was queer/pansexual when he was 15. It's the usual story: he developed an undeniable crush on a boy at school, but didn't pursue it. Obviously, he had grown up in a very unaccepting time and this wasn't something he was open about. His own feelings about it were initially mixed (a result of being raised in such a homophobic society), but by the time he left for university in America, he was neutral on his own queerness. It was simply a fact about himself. In university he explored his sexuality thoroughly regardless of gender, both casually and in very brief relationships. While he still obviously kept his orientation private from most people, he did find some other members of the community he could talk to openly. Finding out that William was queer in university wouldn't have been that hard, but afterward he starts being much, much more careful. Without getting into it, I think we all know that he couldn't afford to be outed with the type of business he was wanting to open. He (happily) marries and feels content that there's no way his orientation comes out. He does not and will not tell his wife about his queerness by default. Then the divorce happens, he's left with custody of three young kids, and dating just isn't his priority, regardless of gender. Still, William absolutely would take the risk of dating a man and even disclosing this to his kids (if they're old enough to keep quiet about it) if he really, really liked someone and intended the relationship to be lifelong. William generally doesn't care if his kids are queer, but his borderline obsession with keeping them safe (especially post-CC's death) can rear its head if they are openly queer. This is absolutely the part where he drops the bombshell of also being queer (if they don't already know) as a way to prove he has a "fair argument" about safety/homophobia. You might expect his reservation to be about the "optics" of him having a queer kid, but by this point (assuming his kid is coming out as a teen), he is actively caring less and less about that. NOTE: In verses where William is lowkey obsessed with head over heels for Henry (which, lbr, can be pretty much from university onwards lmao), he is seemingly much more likely to hint at his orientation, although this is only around Henry. Of course, he's more likely to open up about it/flirt if he thinks the feelings are mutual OR if Henry's queer as well (and Will knows). He also just generally talks about Henry in a way that is. . . potentially telling. Still, he'll claim this is just admiration, which is half true.
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