eljohn06 · 1 year
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FITNESS includes any type of activity that activates the body's systems and keeps them in a certain state. On the other hand, HEALTH involves every bodily system and can only be attained by leading a healthy lifestyle.
One of the most important things we can do for our health is to engage in regular physical activity. Physical activity can improve our brain health, help us to manage our weight, lower our risk of disease, strengthen our bones and muscles, and improve our ability to do everyday tasks.
Our lifestyle should include a commitment to good health. A healthy lifestyle can aid in the prevention of chronic diseases and debilitating conditions. Our self-esteem and self-image depend on how we feel about ourselves and how well we take care of our physical and mental well-being. Living a healthy lifestyle means taking care of our body.
How to maintain or what are the benefits of being Physically Fit:
Improve your memory and cognitive function (all age groups).
Many chronic diseases can be avoided.
Help with weight loss.
Reduce your blood pressure and improve your heart health.
Improve your sleep quality.
Reduce anxiety and depression symptoms.
Combat fatigue caused by cancer.
Reduce joint stiffness and pain.
Keep your muscle strength and balance.
Increase your life expectancy.
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Benefits of Healthy Eating (ADULTS)
It could help you live a longer life.
Maintains the health of the skin, teeth, and eyes
Muscle support
Immune system booster
Bones are strengthened.
Reduces the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers.
Encourages healthy pregnancy and breastfeeding
Aids in the proper functioning of the digestive system
Aids in the attainment and maintenance of a healthy weight
 Benefits of Healthy Eating (CHILDREN)
Maintains the health of the skin, teeth, and eyes
Muscle support
Aids in the attainment and maintenance of a healthy weight
Bones are strengthened.
Helps with brain development
Promotes healthy growth
Immune system booster
Aids in the proper functioning of the digestive system
What do we require to be physically fit?
Exercise and physical activity can enhance your health and lower your risk of contracting a few diseases, including type 2 diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular disease. Exercise and physical activity can improve your health both now and in the future. Most importantly, consistent exercise can raise your standard of living. should engage in at least 150–300 minutes of aerobic activity that is both moderately intense and vigorously intense, or 75–150 minutes of each, throughout the week, or an equivalent combination of the two.
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  What are the prerequisites for human health?
The foods we consume and the way we live can make us feel better and keep us from getting sick. You feel better and are less prone to get sick when you are healthy. It may also assist you in avoiding illness as you age.
A balanced lifestyle
We can categorize all the food we eat into five categories. All food groups are part of a balanced diet. Your body receives different nutrients from various foods, which it needs to function.
Vitamins & Minerals
Different vitamins are necessary for our health. Both vitamin C and vitamin A are good for our skin and eyes, respectively. We also require certain minerals. Our bodies need iron and calcium to maintain healthy bones. Meat, milk, green vegetables, and seafood all contain minerals.
Carbohydrates & Protein
Foods like potatoes, bread, rice, pasta, cassava, and yams are examples of starchy foods. All of these come with fiber and carbs. We get our energy from carbohydrates. For growth and repair, protein is required. Protein is found in foods including meat, fish, eggs, almonds, and legumes (such as beans and lentils).
To stay hydrated, it is critical to consume plenty of water. This is particularly crucial prior to, during, and following exercise. Water is the healthiest beverage you can consume. You should attempt to stay away from sports drinks and fizzy drinks because they are very high in sugar.
To keep our bodies strong and fit, we need to exercise frequently.
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eljohn06 · 2 years
Safety Protocol and Guidelines to avoid Dehydration, Overexertion, Hypothermia, and Hyperthermia during MVPA participation
A condition by which your body loses more fluids than you take in.
BEFORE: Drink at least 16- 20 ounces of fluid one to two hours before an outdoor activity.
DURING: Drink cool water rather than cold water to help your body absorb the water rapidly.
AFTER: Stay hydrated and if the water isn't helping to replenish your energy, drink electrolytes and observe your body's reaction. Seek medical help if feeling unusual
Excessive physical exertion, such as lifting, tugging, pushing, turning, wielding, holding, carrying, or throwing, can result in damage.
BEFORE: Before beginning any physical activity, make sure to warm up for at least 5-15 minutes.
DURING: If a spotter is available, ask for assistance to assure your safety. Keep your body in good alignment.
AFTER: Stretch and massage sore muscles as much as possible.
When the body's temperature falls below 35 degrees Celsius, it's called hypothermia. This is more common during the winter months.
BEFORE: If you're going to conduct an outside activity in chilly weather, make sure you've dressed appropriately and have the appropriate equipment.
DURING: Pay attention to your body's signals; if you feel the need to stop, do so.
AFTER: Put your body in a warm environment to help you relax.
A condition in which the body's heat-regulating mechanisms fail to cope with the heat it receives from the environment, resulting in an unusually high body temperature.
BEFORE: Avoid prolonged exposure to excessive heat or activities in the sun, as this is more common in warmer weather.
DURING: Pay attention to your body's signals; if you feel the need to stop, do so.
AFTER: If you suspect you're suffering from heatstroke, stop doing what you're doing and seek medical attention right away.
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eljohn06 · 3 years
Contemporary Artist and his Artwork
Andres Barrioquinto: “The Back of Love” at the León Gallery Magnificent September Auction 2019, at P12.9 million
Andres Barrioquinto is a Filipino artist that creates surrealistic portraits with Japanese art style and patterns. He was born in Manila, Philippines, on April 6, 1975, but spent his teenage years in Hong Kong, where he attended Royden House School. In the year 2000, he returned to Manila to study Fine Arts with a focus on Painting at the University of Santo Tomas. In the Philippines, he had 19 solo exhibits and five in Singapore. The Singapore Art Museum houses several of his works. 
Says one collector, “You need to hobnob, go to recitals and children’s parties, show up at the barbecues and blessings.” Another art lover sighed, “Oh, the lengths we must take to get our hands on a coveted artwork!” 
Including the Hybridity, he use the butterflies and flowers to create a clothe. Hybridity is another element and principles used by contemporary artist  in their artworks.
 -Disclaimer: Photo not mine. This blog is for educational purposes.-
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eljohn06 · 3 years
Chocolate - Toblerone
The chocolate was developed by Theodor Tobler. Toblerone comes from his last name, in addition to 'torrone' - an Italian word for a kind of nougat. It's 108 years old.Theodor Tobler and his significant other made this widely acclaimed chocolate in 1908. Chocolate making was in Tobler's family, as his dad claimed a confectionary shop in the last part of the 1800s. We devour 62,000 kilometers of Toblerone every year. Amanda EvertzMajor fun actuality: in the event that you spread out the entirety of the Toblerone chocolate bars that were sold every year — it would be 62,000 kilometers in length. That is longer than the periphery of Earth.
Its shape comes from artists. It's generally imagined that the state of Toblerone addresses the mountains of Switzerland. In any case, the shape is really intended to address artists the Folies Bergères — a nightclub music corridor in Paris. The artists structure a pyramid toward the finish of the show, subsequently the three-sided state of the candy.It comes in 10 sizes. From fun size, to life size, Toblerone comes in 10 sizes and loads. It's tallest treat available to be purchased is one meter long.
Toblerone is a world-popular, extremely old chocolate bar Subsequent to acquiring its patent in 1909, Toblerone experienced quick accomplishment as a family most loved chocolate bar, standing apart from the jam-packed Swiss chocolate market on account of its unmistakable flavor and shape
The actual chocolate is of sufficient quality, notwithstanding the way that I like numerous other plain milk chocolates better, for example, the one from Cailler.
the bear symbol of the city is depicted in the logo
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eljohn06 · 3 years
Chocolates “Toblerone”
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