#((ahh baby!!))
hellishgayliath · 1 year
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“Fafa says its importent and nice to share so you can have my ofher cookie!”
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ceilidho · 8 months
you get mad at Simon for choosing a gas station bathroom to knock you up so in revenge you cut up his stupid fleece to make into a baby blanket. Simon gripes a bit but secretly he really likes that something he wore for years now holds his baby, and even makes his baby smell even more like him.
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ningadudexx · 10 months
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Seasons greetings! GET THEM OUT OF HERE NOW
silly doodle i also did... they are interesting creatures
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hershey-the-person · 1 year
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i dont think ive ever related to a character more than i relate to him and ... oh well , i dont have enough words to explain my perpetual love for him . but thank u for being my favorite mentally ill fictional ( whyy) kin.
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patrickztump · 3 months
still find it funny that pete wentz wrote "i am your worst nightmare" knowing full well this guy was going to be the one singing it
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francy-sketches · 1 year
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Rhaena and her pink barbie dragon 🎀
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goebee · 3 months
Very quick n messy but I have a love how ugly some of the babies are
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sysig · 5 months
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Off to make mischief and terrible decisions for everyone (Patreon)
#Doodles#UT#Handplates#Gaster#Papyrus#Sans#Help they keep appearing#Where have I heard that one before lol#Genuinely! I wasn't expecting to keep drawing them but my pencil kept moving and they kept showing up on my paper!#Especially Gaster but the other two plenty as well#Got to employ a bit of my favourite coloured pencil ♪ I Will find a way to use my blue on nearly anything#Luckily for me they come prepackaged with blue magic so that was easy enough#Wiggly baby Papyrus does Not want to go >:( At least he's not being hurt :(#Some smoking Gaster ♪ I still quite enjoy drawing smoke honestly - fun to get to do so with a character who actually smokes haha#You can see I also added swoopy-swoops to his Lost Soul head - I like it much better for being such a small detail#I think it looks weird in black rather than white but against a white background-#Without them he feels....hmm something. Something old that I don't want#Not like the Classic Lost Soul head tho haha - similar but not quite the same!#I love his design ahh ♪ He's really so pretty but so much of that is in his details! Like the way he wears his clothes or holds his body#I'm always a sucker for that style of turtleneck as well haha ♫#Perhaps his turtleneck keeps the smoke in chest from escaping longer :0 Yet another reason to wear them!#Shot of the little family before things went Completely terrible - before the plates and all that#I'm rather pleased with his hand pose there actually :) Keep an eye on your kids Gaster you've only got the one eye to do so!#And then some silly ones lol - I am desperately curious if animated skeletons would have a hyoid bone#It's not as though hyoid bones are specific to humans! They're just A Type Of Bone! Surely skeletons would have All their bones right?#But in the human skeleton it's not resting against another bone it's just floating there tethered by muscle and sinew#Would it float? Would it rest inside the lower jaw? Would it attach to the neck vertebrae??#It'd probably get caught on his turtleneck a lot easier than like - getting it caught on his neck bones for example#They have a kind of fused canine-teeth-like structure as well they're like a weird set of tongue-teeth lol#It's just fun to imagine ♪ Similar to how the rest of the skeletal body like - magnetizes? to itself :)
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aadhiskanmani · 7 months
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"You feel complete, you feel...yeah complete, that's the right word"- Deepika Padukone
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torenchao · 30 days
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happy month of volo day 2!
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clori-eden · 1 year
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LU Writer Appreciation Project 2023
hosted by @seekingseven (love yoouu!!)
My gift for RLin based on chapter 16 of their fanfic Four's a Crowd
Guys, this scene is deep and I didn’t feel like one drawing could do it justice so I decided do a comic instead. All of the emotion Legend was feeling here, is just WOW. However, there was only so much I could portray here, for Legend’s actual thought though process, I recommend reading the full story and chapter. 
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Me: 'Hmm, do I draw hiccup too short? Like, I know canonically he's described as small and scrawny, but am i overexaggerating this? Fishlegs is 4'10 maybe i should put hiccup a bit closer to that, i dont want it to seem way out of place.......' Gustav Larson:
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fujoshigirl7 · 1 year
Ep 9 really made me see why ppl are interested in plantcest...Their relationship is really so complex
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I love how this is symbolic to their relationship. Vash is the anomaly in his rhythm, he's annoyed with his behaviour yet he does nothing about it and let's him be as he can't bring himself to push Vash away
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And the smile over here.... I'll forever be in confusion as to what it means. Is he reminiscing and hence smiling? Or he is playing just like Vash and he used to play together and is smiling cause ppl will never understand what they both can create when together ? Also love how that shot signifies the distance between knives and humans. He's something unreachable, unapproachable.
(Warning: adorable kicked puppy ahead!)
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Ah his expressions with Vash say so much that he doesn't even need words.
Vash: what are you planning?
Nai: Heh, i thought you'd never ask Vash. Glad to see you're finally getting interested in what I've planned for us. Now let me just get my ppt of 100 slides t-
Nai: Not now lady! I was just going to show him my ppt. Has anyone told you you've terrible timing?!
(lol this conversation was just a joke. Although i do think he becomes very expressive with Vash)
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Oh he's pissed, he's damn pissed. His own brother would never side with him just because some humans manipulated him and he's just so tired of it happening again and again. I'm loving the possessiveness of that statement!
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Another one for the possessiveness 😋. Also the expression! The shock that he'd point a gun at Him, the hurt and then the masking in hysteria it's just beautiful! Even the VA did a great job of portraying the tremble in his voice to transitioning it into laughter but with the underlying tremble still present
Loved this episode!
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its-ticsticstics · 11 months
i won't go into details but .
living with disability and parenting often means you have to deal with childrens aid (child protective, whatever else) services.
and isn't not our fault.
we live in a society that does not view disabled people as capable adults and every day, we're fighting that stereotype.
keep us, and all of us fighting through corrupt systems that undermine our ability as parents only because we're disabled, in mind.
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meowonhao · 5 months
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wtrclrsndrunknpstls · 3 months
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Okay here’s an actual drawing in the sketchbook of MY LOVELY MAN
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