aoao-atuto · 9 months
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【グループ展】ARTsLABo 童話展 2023 ARTsLABo Fairy Tales 2023
この度、Gallery CORSO様にて2023/8/9(水)〜2023/8/12(土)の期間で行われるARTs*LABo様主催のグループ企画展ARTs*LABo 童話展 2023に参加させていただきます!
ARTs*LABo様では2年ぶりとなる、「童話」がテーマの企画展となっております! 実在の古今東西の童話以外にもオリジナルの童話、及び絵本のイメージなどなど、愛らしい雰囲気の作品が並ぶ会期となりそうです。 自分も実在する童話で参加しました!何なのかは…見たらわかるね(-_-;)
そして今回も開催期間中のスマホ画面が楽しみです。 (東京遠い…)
A4の新作1点(¥28,000 額縁込み)
ほかの方々の素晴らしい作品もたくさん展示されますので、ぜひ興味のある方はお越しください! (まぁ、偉そうに言える立場じゃないけど…(´・ω・`))
※会場での感染症対策等、詳細な情報は下記の公式HPからご確認お願いいたします。  参加したグループ展の会場でどなたかがどんな病気になっても悲しいので…
I'm pleased to announce our participation in the group exhibition!
I'm pleased to announce that I'll participate in the group exhibition " ARTs*LABo Fairy Tales 2023 " organized by ARTs*LABo, which will be held at Gallery CORSO from 8/9/2023(Wed) to 8/12/2023(Sat)!
This is the first exhibition at ARTs*LABo in two years, and the theme of the exhibition is "fairy tales"! The exhibition will feature not only actual fairy tales from the East and West, but also original fairy tales and images from picture books, all of which will create a lovely atmosphere. I also participated in the exhibition with an actual fairy tale! You will know what it is when you see it.
And again, I'm looking forward to seeing your phone screen during the exhibition. (Tokyo is far away…)
This time
One new A4 work (¥28,000 including frame)
will be exhibited.
Many wonderful works by other people will also be on display, so please come and visit us if you are interested! (Well, I'm not in a position to say so, but…)
*Please refer to the official website below for more detailed information, including infection control measures at the venue. I'll be sad if anyone gets any kind of illness at the venue of the group exhibition we participated in…
For more information, please visit! (HP of the organizer)
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sh0wk0 · 2 years
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mimic923747 · 1 year
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Labyrinth Art 01
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konitahirao · 2 years
今は昔、誠意無く信じろと云ふ者ありけり。 烏合に混じりて人を狩りつつ、己の為に使ひけり。 あわよくば、意の儘の世にとぞ思ひける。 其の烏合の中に、物解る人なむ現れ出でたる。 怪しがりて、探り入るに、為人解りたり。 其れを云へば、一寸も憚らぬ人、いと怒れられて逝きたり。
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b-dama · 2 years
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mayukonakamura · 2 years
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Little Red Riding Hood
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spangle1982 · 2 years
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#おとぎ話 #ザ50回転ズ https://www.instagram.com/p/CdC7eMlBkDq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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twilighthappiness · 28 days
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"A Mixer..!?"
— This is a reupload of something I did for his birthday! It's mostly based from an old draft I had in docs, so it's not a 1:1 recreation of the first upload, but it's still mostly the same..
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“A mixer... This kind of event isn’t really my thing, is it?”
Tsumugi stood by the entrance of a karaoke place, letting out a sigh. There weren’t any new notifications as he scrolled through his phone while he waited.
He was dressed pretty casually, some dark pants that complemented his light shirt and matched with his blazer. Hopefully this didn't seem too overdressed... his current wardrobe has been more suited to fit with his position after all. 
He was going to wear a much comfier shirt, but it seemed like all that time in his closet made it so that the moths got to it first. What luck, he seemed to have...
Recently though, an old friend of his had contacted him, talking about inviting him to a mixer along with a few acquaintances. He's never been one to turn down an invite so he accepted it almost immediately, even staying up far longer than he should have trying to finish work due for the week.
It was an early leave for a Friday afternoon such as this one at least, and Natsume did begrudgingly lend him some concealer while simultaneously scolding him for his sleeping habits... How cute, he reminisced when he would do the same for him as well back in the underground library.
He checked the last message his friend sent him, saying that the would meet up at around 3pm but it was already a few minutes past that.
"Maybe I was too early or I was sent the wrong time..." He murmured to himself as he reread the message. "
Now that you were here anyway, might as well book the room in advance, it was the weekend after all and other highschoolers would probably come by later. 
Ah, your friend was going to be late again, wasn't he? He has to learn that he has to be on time with events he’s hosting sooner or later. Then again, you were always a bit critical of him, you probably just got here way too early seeing as your place wasn't too far from the meetup spot.
As you kneeled down to get your drink from a vending machine, you noticed a peculiar figure in the window's reflection. You turned around to open your drink, squinting slightly when you saw that it was a guy.. ? with long, messy dark hair and glasses. He was just idling around like you were, with a defeated look on his face. 
Hm, wait. 
You weren't exactly an avid fan of idols but one of your classmates was and they would tell you all about them. One of them in particular was...
Tsumugi Aoba from Switch!?
You didn't want to get your hopes up nor interrupt him, maybe he was just here to practice since this place was a karaoke spot. It did look like he was meeting with someone too with his casual getup, but it's not like you get to meet an idol everyday. 
Asking for a picture probably won't be much, huh?
- - -
Your approaching footsteps caught Tsumugi's attention and he looked at you with a smile. "Uhm, can I help you with anything?" He asked as he put away his phone into his pocket.
"Excuse me, are you 'Tsumugi Aoba'?" You asked back, clutching your own phone tightly. 
He looked at you with a sheepish expression, rubbing the back of his head. "How may I help you? " Tsumugi then noticed the phone in your hands. “Are you a fan, perhaps?”
"Yes.. sort of, my friend is, mind if I took a photo with you for them?" 
"Oh sure!" 
At first he was surprised, not expecting to meet a fan at a time and place like this but he supposed that it happens when he's out in public for a casual occasion. Tsumugi wasn't the type to worry about his appearance anyway and as you opened your camera app and set it selfie, he posed with a peace sign right next to you. 
"Ah, may I see it? We could redo one again if it turns out I blinked..." 
"Let me go see.." 
As you checked the photo, it looked pretty fine. 
Though just then your friend's chat bubble popped up and said, "on my way there!" There was a flash of recognition in Tsumugi's face when he saw your screen, noticing how similar it was to his friend's chatname. He said your friend's name aloud, which made you widen your eyes.
"...You know them?" You asked. 
"Oh, they invited me to a mixer today, are you also part of that?" He replied with a closed-eye smile, a sigh of relief left his lips as he realized that he wasn't alone in this. 
"Well they did mention something like that.." You trailed off, not sure how to take in the fact that your friend never mentioned that they actually were acquainted with Tsumugi.Then you pointed to the karaoke rooms. “He said he’ll be here in a bit, maybe we could practice before everyone?” 
“I’d love to!” Tsumugi clasped his hands together, his eyes almost sparkling with admiration as he looked at you. “I guess my luck has turned around for today, I didn’t have to wait for too long.” 
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findareading · 2 years
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sakiko427 · 2 years
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松村早希子個展 わたしの かわいい はどこから来たのか 〜かわいい源泉掘りおこし〜 🌟展示について🌟 今回の展示は、ご覧の通り文章がギッシリ。 これは、自分がこれまで出会った「かわいい」価値観に影響を与えた革命的存在(一般の方、著名人、漫画のキャラクターなどなど)を、絵と文章で表しています。 キャプションの文章は、下記ABCと本文内容①〜③で構成(例外あり) A:その存在と出会った年、自分の年齢 B:個人名or作品名 C:見出し 【本文】 ①どのように出会ったか ②その存在の魅力 ③自分がどのような影響を受けたか 当然ながら全てが思い入れ強すぎて(構成の都合上泣く泣くカットした絵もあり)、自分一人で書くとどうしてもただのダラダラとした思い出語りになってしまうところを、そんなもん誰も読まない!と、夫氏から私にインタビュー形式で記述、地獄の編集作業を経て完成。「ちがう!それはただの思い出!」「それで?!どんな影響受けたの?!言えないってことは何も無いんじゃないの?!」などと厳しく煽られながらまとめ、気分は稽古中の月影先生と北島マヤ…😇 これが掘り起こすという作業か、こんなにも辛いことを(実情は知らないけど多分)、アーティストは皆たった一人でやっているんだな…とつくづく思った。この作業を20年前からやっていたらもっと胸張って「自分はアーティストである」と言えてたかもしれないけど、やってなかったから今この展示があり、今の自分があるわけだよな!(ポジティブ) たとえば、はじめて自分の家で飼った(という言葉にも抵抗ある、家にお越しいただいた…)愛猫しまこの章は、しまことの出会いや生活の描写がバカ長くなりすぎて、とてもお店の中で立ったまま読むような長さではなかったので大部分をカットしたため、逆にすごーくアッサリしてます。 🌟 展覧会は残すところあと3日! 5/27(金),28(土),29(日) 14:00-20:00 ストロベリー・スーパーソニック @strawberry_supersonic 高円寺駅徒歩3分 道に迷ったらDMください! #かわいい源泉 #松村早希子の絵 #高円寺ストロベリースーパーソニック🍓 #高円寺 #展覧会情報 #わたしのかわいいはどこから来たのか #清水美砂 #大路恵美 #チビ猫 #エドガーとアラン #江藤蘭世 #CHARA #UA #佐藤江梨子 #井出ちよの #ドリアンロロブリジーダ #氷川きよし #ゆっきゅん #山戸結希 #おとぎ話みたい #art #drawing #illustration https://www.instagram.com/p/CeDA_lfviw8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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games-info-2022 · 3 months
The legend of Tora Senbei: Passion and inheritance that transcends time
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aoao-atuto · 9 months
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☆ARTs*LABo様主催グループ企画展「ARTs*LABo 童話展 2023」出展作品
金縁のガラスの靴が履けるものが、この国の王子の伴侶となる人。 この靴を履けるものを探してどれだけ経ったか。
The last one is the youngest daughter, Ella.
☆ARTs*LABo group exhibition "ARTs*LABo Fairy Tale Exhibition 2023" Exhibited works
The one who can wear gold-rimmed glass shoes is the companion of the prince of this country. How long have I searched for the one who can wear these shoes?
She is the last of the daughters of all the nobles in the country. Now let's see what happens…
Cinderella is the theme of this work. Ella is Cinderella's real name…apparently.
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oh-sunny-sun · 1 year
ー お伽話の夕べ ー
2023年5月13日 土曜日.
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"A Fairytale Evening"
Yesterday, around 5:34 p.m. on Friday.
Saturday, May 13, 2023.
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hirasen · 1 year
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#今回もやっぱり 、 #年またぎ酒場放浪記 (https://bs.tbs.co.jp/sakaba/)#鏡開き #まで見ちゃいました ! #あけましておめでとうございます !! #旧年中はお世話になりまして誠にありがとうございます ♪ #本年もヨロシクお願い申し上げます ♡ #吉田類の酒場放浪記 #酒場放浪記 #吉田類 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm34uaivd3K/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cafedumbo · 1 year
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みなさま、 妄想国内旅行にたくさんご来場頂き ありがとうございました! みなさま楽しんで頂けましたでしょうか? 私達も妄想で沖縄を考える毎日、 結構楽しみました笑。 実は沖縄には行ったことがないので ますます行ってみたくなりました。 毎度のことながら 唯一撮影したのが片付け後の1枚。 明日11/7は定休日、 明後日11/8は仕込み日で お店は連休させて頂きます。 水曜日からはいつものように お店で美味しいお菓子とコーヒーをご用意して みなさまのご来店をおまちしております。 #盗撮写真みたいに #遠くから撮影された写真と #激励のお言葉 #たくさんありがとうございます笑 #会話もあまり交わせませんでしたが #みなさまに癒されました #coffee #coffeeshop #brooklynroastingcompany #coffeelover #coffeetime #bakeshop #coffeebreak #ブルックリンロースティングカンパニー #せせらぎ通り #コーヒーに合うお菓子 #コーヒー好き #コーヒーのある生活 (CAFE DUMBO) https://www.instagram.com/p/CknoVsGJglx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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choco322 · 2 years
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昨日のランチ🍴 ・ #いつもお世話になってます #焼肉永秀 #永秀本店 #永秀 #神泉グルメ #神泉ランチ ・ #もちろんビール #ランチビール400円 😳 #タン切り落とし定食 #肉増し #焼肉定食 #肉増し増し #ホルモン単品 #焼きすき #特選肉定食単品 #焼肉定食単品 ・ #安すぎない ?😳 #ご飯おかわり自由 #よう食う夫婦 🙋🏻‍♂️🙋🏻‍♀️が #お腹はちきれるくらい食べた #安くない ?😳😳 #いつもありがとうございます 🙏 #美味しゅうございました ♡ ・ #焼肉 #yakiniku #焼肉ランチ #コスパ最高 #お肉が美味しい #予約必須のお店 (永秀本店) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiYedabvFiM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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