#( otp!pepperony 'IT'S ALWAYS YOU' )
mcfiddlestan · 3 months
A-Z Asks
A, C, L, and U
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
I'm forever and always going to love FrostIron, WinterFrost, WinterIron, Stucky, and a whole bunch of other Marvel ships. Since I'm currently not working on any fanfic, the ship I currently like a lot doesn't have a ship name. It's the main characters of my original WIP: Alexandra "Xan" Duquesne and Jackson D'Andre "JD" Avery. They're childhood besties (his dad and her mom were BFFs in college), teenage lovers, and as adults they suffer from being idiots in love. Did I mention he was in a boyband? Yeah. It's based off of an *NSYNC fanfic, so. They're my babies at the moment.
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will.
Uhh...a few. Pepperony, WinterWidow, or any ship involving Doctor Strange.
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves. (Characters you’re neutral about are fair game, as are characters you merely dislike. Characters that you absolutely loathe with the fire of ten thousand suns are exempt, as there is no point in giving yourself an aneurysm over a character that you hate.)
Both Natasha Romanov and Pepper Potts are BAMF women. I genuinely adore the characters in the comics and most times in fanfic. But I absolutely hate their portrayals in the MCU. I'll leave it at that.
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
So I'm kind of exhausted. I'll name three characters for three different fandoms but I'm totally not explaining why they're my faves. If you know me, it should make sense, LOL.
Marvel: Tony Stark, Loki, Bucky Barnes
Star Wars: Darth Vader, Obi-Wan Kenobi, General Leia Organa
Doctor Who: the Tenth Doctor, Rose Tyler, Martha Jones
Thanks for asking! A-Z asks
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burningfudge · 1 year
What is your opinion on the Marvel romances? Personally, I feel like with VERY few exceptions, it's always either catastrophic or dysfunctional, to the point where you question if it's even worth it to cheer for it.
Just friendships or unintented relations seem weirdly more healthy or less problematic, again not at all of them, but still.
depends on if you're talking about the mcu or the comics
i think most mcu romances are super bland and passionless, and while i like some of them, i'm not very invested in them. my favorite canon mcu ship is probably spideychelle, but they could've been written better. fosterson, starmora, pepperony are pretty great too, but all four of them are currently not together :(
in the comics, i'm concerned with only a handful of couples, mainly buckynat (my forever otp), faltinestrange, and wiccling. i don't really care about the rest. i do have a soft spot for scarletvision in the 80s comics before john byrne broke them up for no reason, but god, that was a catastrophic ending. just tragic. buckynat, faltinestrange, wiccling, and 80s scarletvision are all relatively healthy for the most part. they're a lot better than some of the other weird romances and every single mcu romance.
basically, i don't care about marvel romances besides the ones i've mentioned and the rest of my ships aren't canon lol
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4, 14, 24 :)
4. say something nice about a ship you don’t ship (it can be another ship in your fandom, a mutual’s OTP, etc)
Pepperony, aka Tony/Pepper. I don't like them as a ship. I don't think they're a healthy romantic couple - friends? Totally. But not an actual couple. That said, at least when she's not treating him like a burden because of his PTSD that's interrupting her sleep, she's generally a calming influence when Tony seems to feel like his brain is on fire with too much activity. I like that. And I like Morgan, who was a byproduct of their ship.
14. the ship that always makes you smile
Well, there are several. Loki/Tony would probably be one of the top ones. Loki/Bucky, Loki/Steve, Loki/Justin (the AUs I've written, at least, those make me smile). Loki/Emma, Emma/Tony, Emma/Steve, Emma/Bucky. And pretty much a mix of all of those. Clint/Nat always always is smile-making. Scott/Logan, Logan/Kurt. Coulson/May. Big smiles from that one. Hannibal/Will (series only). John/Sherlock (RDJ and BBC versions only). So many others. Happy fluffy ships.
24. how has fandom positively impacted your life?
Ha...haha...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. *queue up They're Coming to Take Me Away, Ha-Haaa! by Napoleon XIV*
Seriously, I think fandom has ultimately (insanity and obsessiveness aside) brought me a sense of community and family that I only have a little of outside of my fandom connections. It has improved my writing in leaps and bounds. It's taught me what I do and don't want in relationships with other people (friendship and romantic/sexual). It's taught me about who I am as a whole. It's given me several outlets on how to work through shit in my life. It challenges my brain and keeps my brain active so that I don't get the brain-bads (dementia/Alzheimer's) - or at least, it'll keep it at bay. It gives me something positive to think about while the whole world is going tits up.
Love Your Fandom.
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hopefulcanary · 3 years
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"Only One Bed", for the June @tonystarkbingo 💙❤️
IM3, the post-nightmare scene we never got to see, after things calmed and they had a chance to talk out what happened. 'never go to bed angry' in practice.
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bridgertonlife · 5 years
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Source: @vanillabean_97 on Instagram 💕
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rebelmeg · 3 years
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For my @tonystarkbingo June Flash square “Dating” from Card 005!
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Can we talk about this real quick?
I think one of my favorite glimpses we get of happy Pepperony is all the stuff at the lakehouse. Like they have lived together at the Tower and in Malibu but this is really a home. This is where they get to just be Tony and Pepper and raise their daughter and their alpaca and chickens. 
I especially love all the pictures they have all over their house. There’s already been a post with the breakdown of pics you glimpse during Tony’s ending goodbye speech with legit pics of the actors and that was beautiful. And then of course there’s the pic of Tony and Peter in the kitchen and I think there was a Howard one too? In the deleted scene with Gerald though did anyone just notice this giant picture collage in the background?
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And this other group of pics behind Pepper’s other shoulder?
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You can spy a baby Morgan picture with a couple others and a little note on the wall.
The other collage is hard to make out any definite pics but you can make out a few of what looks like Tony.
They were just so happy ya’ll. They built this life in those 5 years, a culmination of their entire lives together and they just lived it to the fullest. That house is full of happy memories, and pictures, and notes. 
They knew how short life could really be and they made the most of the time they had together as a family before the next crisis came for them and i just think it’s beautiful and they deserved 100 more years and a million more pictures together and i just have a lot of feelings right now...
*returns to crying under my blanket of despair for all eternity*
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thetony-stark · 5 years
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the strongest avengers
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downeysgirl94 · 5 years
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—you can love him, but you can’t keep him
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the-batgirl · 5 years
When Pepper saves Tony in Avengers Endgame, I want her to take off her Rescue helmet, dramatically flip her hair and say “I got you.”
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hallowthyname · 5 years
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Even if I knew you'd be the one that got away
I'd still go back and get you
Even if I knew you'd be my best and worst mistake
Oh, I'd still make it with you
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eohachu · 5 years
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when i drift off, i will dream about you.
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tonyandpepperstark · 5 years
From now on, in this blog, I'm tagging the sad, angsty edits and fics mostly related to "Avengers Endgame" and Tony Stark's death scene as "sad pepperony" I thought I let you all know, in case someone wants or needs to blacklist that stuff ✌🏻
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sunshinchuu · 5 years
endgame au where people let mcu!tony live with his two sons, harley and peter (+ aunt may cuz lets be honest she wouldn't EVER leave her bb), perhaps another baby (please marvel let them have it please) and the love of his life virginia "pepper" potts.
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bridgertonlife · 3 years
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The married couple that fights together, stays together 💕 #PepperonyForever 😊
Tony's figure is here, in order to be with his wife forever and ever 🤧
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Did anyone else notice...
At the start of Endgame after Tony does his little speech and goes to lay down he does this little smile right when he closes his eyes...BECAUSE HE IS DREAMING/PRETENDING THAT PEPPER IS THERE WITH HIM BECAUSE LIKE HE SAID ITS ALWAYS YOU.
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