#( opinions are ic! )
novembermorgon · 1 month
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wyrmswears · 2 months
yknow what, fuck you, [unhumans your previous elemental masters of lightning and ice and makes them best friends^_^]
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Ice is an unspecified eldritch being. He has an uncanny valley effect on humans that unnerves the majority of the team who in turn can't understand how Libber, Garmadon, and Wu don't feel unsettled by him. Eventually, the teams warms up to him, and though no one becomes as close to him as Libber is, everyone knows they can come to him if they want to hex their ex or get a demon exorcised (sometimes these are one and the same).
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Libber is a raijū and though this isn't common knowledge when she joins the elemental masters, news quickly spreads; she isn't great at keeping secrets. She DOES bite and Maya learnt this the hard way.
more art but also cw for death under read more
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mushtoons · 8 months
doodled this in between commissions 💕 more au doodles for the soul
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scrawnytreedemon · 9 months
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some picked-mins i doodled, alone in a server vc :}
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egophiliac · 2 days
This is a very random thing, but years ago I played a game where all the fae had Scottish accents, and I’ve never been able to imagine fae without Scottish accents since.
Therefore, I think that every fae in TWST has a Scottish accent. More specifically I’m convinced that Sebek has a Doric accent, and also that Silver actually has a Cockney accent.
I’ve been needing to share this with you for a while now, and I’m curious on your thoughts here.
ooh, that's a fun idea! I do see some Scottish inspiration in some of the little aspects we get to see of the fae culture (like the Day/Night courts, although they aren't quite as. extreme. as the Seelie/Unseelie :'). so it tracks!
I do like the idea of everyone having different accents in general! not in, like, a cartoonish or stereotypical way, but like...they're from all over the world, so I think it makes sense that that they wouldn't all speak with the equivalent of, like, a transatlantic accent. (...although that would actually be amazing in its own way, hold on --)
(there is something uniquely wonderful about the idea of Silver with a Cockney accent, thank you for bringing this into the world. his whole weird mix of formalities becomes that much better if you imagine he's never said an h in his life.)
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fragileheartbeats · 25 days
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groundrunner100 · 6 months
I declare these Olympic Games OPENED!!!!
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tanglepelt · 11 months
Dc x dp idea 85
Danny keeps freezing things. That on its own. Not a big deal. When it takes ectoplasm to melt, naturally or by an ghost attack it becomes one.
He could also just will it away. To bad he doesn’t know that. In Amity it just goes away on its own. How could he know that doesn’t happen everywhere?
Now his parents have dragged him on a cross country tour of all the ghost haunts and attractions.
If only the other vigilantes rouges would stop attacking around them. He keeps having to freeze their feet to the ground. He would not let another joker incident happen.
Rogues are not ghosts.
The other rouges need to be protected from his parents.
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kumeramen · 2 years
Hello again! Thank you for making the shisusaku bl I am so happy!!!! But could you also make an obishisusaku? I don't like the obisaku but if it's a trio with shisui then yes! If it's not too much trouble of course ❤❤
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starry-bi-sky · 1 month
I'm so annoyed. @kingcrow01 tumblr ate your ask about Danny's opinion on the League. tumblr i pressed 'save draft' why didn't you sAVE DRAFT.
ANyways I'm making a post instead. For everyone else, the ask was in summary:
What was Danny's opinion on the League now that he's left it? If he missed the familiarity of it, if he recognized the cult-like behavior inside it, and if he now detested his grandfather.
And to answer (again, grrr): It's complicated! We love complicated <3. Yeah, Danny does miss the familiarity of the League, it was still his home for the first ten years of his life and he has a lot of memories there. Plenty of good along with the bad, and while he's less homesick than he was when he was 10, it still hits him like a truck at random intervals.
Sam, Tucker, and Jazz are great, and he likes the Drs. Fentons enough that he's contemplated murdering Vlad for his meddling, but if he wants to eat the same food his mother used to make him and Damian, he has to do it himself and he can't get the taste right. No one knows arabic so he speaks it to himself because he doesn't want to forget his mother tongue, and he has a few books too. Frankly? He genuinely misses training.
Getting to use Sam's gym helps with his restlessness, same with training with Maddie, but he has no one on or above his level to go against other than his mother. And he only sees her twice a year at most. He knows that he's getting stagnant and he fucking despises it like a bad itch he can't scratch.
He feels conflicted about missing the League, however, since by now he recognizes the flaws and what was wrong with it, and he recognizes that it was cult-like. But even that is kinda, hrm, complicated? If this was a fic I would be able to go better into depth about what he has and hasn't unlearned because cult deprogramming is hard and Danny's doing most of this on his own.
Sam, Tucker, and Jazz have helped with the more obvious stuff: like the ecofascism, the disregard for human life, his emotional constipation; the more obvious stuff that shows in his behavior and personality. But none of them are professionals nor do they actually know the full extent of what Danny's life in the League was like. They only have snapshots since Danyal is very tight lipped about it. So they can only help with what they see themselves through Danny's behavior or word of mouth.
But in summary: He sees, for the most part, what's wrong with the League and disagrees with some of the stuff they do now. But he's very conflicted, and trying to dissect his feelings on the League confuses him. His protests about it whenever Sam and Tucker joke about it have at this point become mostly empty (altho it still causes him some discomfort), and its an inside joke between them three.
As for Ra's? Despises him. If only because Ra's wanted him to kill his little brother -- thinking about his motives with the League confuses Danny, cognitive dissonance and stuff, -- a lot of his hatred stems from "He wanted me to fight my baby brother to the death. I destroyed my relationship with Damian because of him, I had to fake my death and leave my home, and I will never meet my father or see my brother again because of him. Fuck that guy."
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traffic-light-eyes · 8 months
What if, during his years as the Ice Emperor, Zane's body deteriorated? He had gone 40-60 years without maintenance in a cold, harsh, wet environment. His body slowly fails itself, leaving him in "sleep mode" for longer and longer periods of time. His seemingly unlimited power sources dwindles, diminishes. He finds it harder and harder to keep focused.
When he is rescued, the ninja don't immediately think to give him a check-up. He seems perfectly fine to them, working in regular order-they're just so happy to have him back. They start to see it, though, when his memory fails him.
Some days, he wakes up thinking he's back in the Never Realm. Some days, he stays there. They're frightened, terrified. They have never seen Zane like this: cold, cruel, vicious.
When it happens for the third time, they decide its more than just readjusting to normal life. They give him a check-up.
His insides are frostbitten and decayed, brittle. Zane has always felt cold to the touch, but never like this. Never has his cool metal felt so aggressive.
They don't know how to fix him. They fear his heart has been rendered frozen; if they tried heat, it surely would melt. What are they to do?
The answer is far simpler. Heat it subtly from the outside. The warmth of his family would do-piled under a too-small blanket watching master chef reruns, giggling, throwing popcorn at the screen. Zane runs cold, his heart frozen to ice. He has never felt warmer.
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hotcacaonoice · 3 months
Sokka: Suki is pregnant again what should we name the baby
Toph: Little Shit
Sokka: that has offensive words, they won’t let us
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mimir97477906 · 1 year
girls having fun
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bluejay757 · 9 months
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TW: mentions of self harm
Lies. Simon out right said he didn't want to be Ice King and that he would have rather died. "But what about what Ice King wanted?"
They're the same fucking person. Ice King is not a separate consciousness or personality, he just doesn't remember being Simon.
Betty was not wrong or selfish she fucking sacrificed herself because of how much she loved Simon. She deserves the world. Simon is not depressed because he lost his ice powers he's depressed because the love of his life is fused with an all powerful demon and he's never gonna see her again, not even in the after life, had she made it out he would have been happy. Would they still feel out of place in the futuristic and magic world? Yes. But atleast they wouldn't be going through it alone.
Simon's predicament was a metaphor for two things. Addiction and dementia. Are you saying you think addicts don't deserve help when they literally beg for it? "You can't force an addict into rehab" you're right you can't, but he wasn't forced he wanted help. Do you think if an addict seeks help they deserve to be told, "no you should just accept who you are now" and be forced to live in their condition for eternity? Wtf. And dementia obviously isn't curable, but if it were everyone with dementia or alzhiemers would want it cured and deserve it. Because no one wants to live like that.
Simon wanted to be himself again he just wanted his wife there with him, he wouldn't have rather stayed the Ice King the only thing he misses is the blissful ignorance that came with it. It's like when you're depressed and you purposefully make yourself numb because numbness is better than sadness, until even that stops working so you turn to SH because you think it's better to feel pain than nothing at all. It is unhealthy and a harm to yourself, Simon doesn't need to go through that again.
"Ice King deserved to be accepted!" He literally was. Everyone had accepted him except for betty, but oh wait she was about to accept him until patience fucked her up and gave her a false sense of hope, it's not her fault Magic Man made her insane. Not to mention everyone else had waaaaay more time to come to terms with Ice King. It took Finn his whole life, and he didn't even know him as Simon, PB took hundreds of years to be on good terms with him, and Marceline, the only other person who knew Simon as his true self took nearly 1,000 years to come to terms with and accept Simon as Ice King. So what makes you think his Fiance, who had gone crazy through no fault of her own, would be able to accept everything that happened just like that? I mean did you ever stop and think how quickly that all happened for her? One morning she's having breakfast with her fiance in like 1999 and then that night she's in the year 3000 fighting a demon to save that same man? She had literal minutes to process all of this, she woke up that day not even knowing that Magic was real.
And one last thing Simon fears death now. He has a will to live unlike before when he wanted to die or kill himself, if that doesn't prove he's better off now idk what does.
I will not stand for Betty slander. She did the right thing. And I'm sick an tired of people saying otherwise.
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fennelrabbit · 8 months
Maybe I'll find time to make a longer AT post, maybe even a detailed presentation, but for now I have to say:
The arc they put Simon on for the miniseries is just so, so wrong. It's incompatible and not what his character needs to grow at all.
Simon's problem was never that he couldn't see how important he was to the world or other people. In fact, that was one of the flaws Simon always had - valuing himself based on what he could do for other people, and not for what he values in himself.
Simon lived for Marceline because he needed to care for her and keep her alive. It was the right thing to do, and this sense of purpose slowed his descent into madness a lot more, but it wasn't enough.
When Simon is freed from the crown in the future, he doesn't worry himself about Marceline anymore because she's grown up and outgrown him. She's not a weak little girl anymore so Simon decides in his short time that she can live without him, now that she doesn't need him. Of course he knows that his death would be sad, but Marceline has friends and family now. In his mind, Marceline will be ok because she's not alone.
What else does Simon do with what little time he's given? He apologises to Betty.
Again, it's the right thing to do. Their "breakup" was very scary and confusing. So he makes it his duty to explain himself to her and he tries to set Betty free. "I went crazy. You don't have to feel bad about leaving me. I forgive you". Again, Simon is thinking about his life in relation to other people. He was a bad boyfriend to Betty in that moment, so he must rectify that.
And after that, what does Simon do? Does he fight to stay alive? Does he ask for help, does he try one last time to crack the crown and free himself before he dies?
No. Simon seeks and accepts death because he's tired, and he thinks he is empty. That there is no point to him staying alive.
Nobody needs Simon anymore.
Simon does not value or care about himself.
🐰🐈 So, how does this relate to the Fionna and Cake series?
Well, the issue is that putting Simon on this "Ghost of Christmas everything" style journey through the multiverse does not address Simon's problems at all. Simon isn't a selfish and arrogant character like Scrooge who needed to learn to care about and value other people. In fact, Simon was always very aware of how much people needed him. Simon liked feeling needed.
So this whole "Look Simon, Marceline is evil in the universe where you're dead!" and "in this universe, the crown ruined Finn Merten's life" isn't helpful for pushing or developing Simon's character. If anything, it's just enabling his tendency to value himself as a tool for other people.
And I know people are going to say "yeah, that's the point. In the end Simon learns to live for himself because Betty has moved on from him and wants him to be happy".
But it's like...no??? That's not really a cohesive story at all.
Man wants to die, metaphorically or literally. He can't admit it, because it's shameful to himself. Then someone needs his help, so he uses "helping people" as an excuse to sacrifice himself again, so that he can feel good about himself.
But this multiverse journey doesn't teach Simon to start doing things for himself again. The only new "friends" he makes are Fionna and Cake, and that was really forced. Simon isn't pushed to change anything in his life in the series, because he's not even inside his life anymore, he's hopping around in a multiverse adventure that is basically just a longer, more distracting version of the adventure Finn sent Simon on in episode 2.
Simon isn't shown the benefits of living for yourself. He's only told to keep on living "because he has to". Because the multiverse needs him. This is just Simon and Marcy 2 all over again, but worse, because we're supposed to believe that this experience showed Simon how to care about himself. This is the same reason he was living for Marceline. "Because he had to".
And what's the conclusion of this mismatched character arc? Does Simon finally find something new and exciting that sparks his will to live again? Does Simon make a new friend on his own volition, without the obligation of "saving them"?
No!!! XD We go on another tangent where Golbetty shows Simon he was being selfish because he wasn't paying enough attention to Betty's needs, puts him back in exactly the same shitty situation that pushed him to death to begin with -
Except now, for some reason, he feels happy, and doesn't want to die.
This is all completely wrong!!!!
You can't show a couple's entire relationship with 1 bus scene and then tell the audience it was unbalanced. It looks like Simon is being punished for one mistake (not getting on the bus) even though Betty is an adult woman who makes her own choices, and needs to communicate with Simon as well. It's lazy, it's rushed, and it's so half baked that the sentient dough is raw and asking not to be baked into bread 💀
Simon and Betty's problems are not given enough time to fit into the 'Simon your life impacts others arc' and it doesn't properly address Simon's inability to live for himself at all. We're shown he worships Betty and that his love makes him live for others, but we're never shown why he's like that. There's no new context about Simon, no new information.
We get a little hint that before meeting Betty, he actually was living for himself and doing his own things, but that's it.
And this whole miniseries, as well as reducing Betty to a sexist girlfriend prop again, does nothing to address or even validate Simon's misery.
All it does it tell a depressed, suicidal man that he's not allowed to die because it would make other people sad, and that he plays some stupid cosmic role in the multiverse.
Simon is being treated like a tool, again.
Betty doesn't have her own voice outside of Simon, again.
Anyway, yeah. I didn't like this miniseries obviously, hahaha 😅 and this isn't the only problem I have with it, not by a long shot.
This story was tone deaf and insensitive. Justice for Simon and Betty! They both deserve better writing.
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vyeoh · 9 months
What if I make a good omens figure skating au but instead of making them go to the Olympics they're literally just regular skaters at some club in Indiana or something
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