#( i might need to get stronger ones )
poorly-drawn-mdzs · 27 days
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Unsolved Mysteries.
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mctreeleth · 1 year
Big Dice Update:
The metre tall dice is very good but it is difficult so say that is bigger than some of the other “biggest” dice I have seen, and now that the technique has been worked out it isn’t that hard to do the math for the next size up, and the sewing is not technically challenging it is just slow, so like, I may as well go for broke in my attempt to make the biggest roll-able D20 there is.
I found some $4 a metre light grey canvas at Spotlight while I was home over the long weekend but they only had 5 metres of it and I needed 10. Fortunately the one up here in the city also had some, so I now have the 10 metres required to make both the 135cm (bigger than the biggest roll-able dice I have found record of online) and 70cm (can fit through a door - just) D20s.
I have ordered a pack of rainbow dyes to colour it (I just want big random rainbow splotchy batik) which hopefully gets here by this weekend, so we can get some spray bottles and make a day of it. I still need to order a hundred+ dollars worth of zipper and twill tape, and then go back to Spotlight for about $30 of the cheap poplin for the tubes.
As always, the noodles will be the last bit bought, because these two will require another 20 of them, and my apartment is quite small.
Oh, and I would like to take the real big one to the medieval fair, which is in less than 4 weeks.
I make such good choices.
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ectoplasmer · 9 days
did you guys know i loove ymy boyffriendss orr
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azuree1733 · 9 months
WHY ARE THEY NERFING JASON SO BAD IN THE COMICS RN like his current character design is iconic and I love that he looks like a mortal kombat character but bro please I beg of you one good solo run with jason 😭
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shxdowedterios · 5 months
I'm just saying it would heal me to see Sonic and Shadow fight at the peak of their abilities, man...... like. Early seasons RWBY levels of choreography pacing and camera work. That would fix me a little bit...
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i went on a walk and came back 60% more evil
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big feeling insecure about my writing hours
wish I could write faster. wish I had more time to do it. wish I weren't so ambitious, so verbose. wish I weren't so perfectionistic and could embrace the "write the parts you want and stick it together with duct tape" approach. wish I could know that my fixation on this fandom would carry me through the process of writing this (and ideally my other fic ideas too). wish I could know that people will still care about this story when I'm done with it (wish I could know that people are interested in it now). wish I weren't still on chapter fucking three of this fucking eight chapter fic. wish I had the technical skills to pull it off.
wishing for a lot of things and feeling like I'm going to get none of them.
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thebleedingeffect · 1 year
I've reached that part in age of calamity where in order to reach 100% I just have to grind out missions for hours in order to get all the necessary materials. I will not be doing that tonight though <3 god bless
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blujayonthewing · 1 year
good news! I have invented a cocktail that captures, exactly, the essence of Cucumber Melon Fragrance
bad news! that is a bad thing
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chisatowo · 1 year
Watching videos essays abt political stuff is fun except for the fact that it's abt real life and it's not fun
#rat rambles#^ just finished a video essay abt trans stuff and is having a Moment™#Im ok just kinda emotional#and filled with rage abt everything ever but yknow when am I not#I rlyyy need to see if theres any lgbtq originisatons in my area#if theres one close enough maybe I could start vollenteering? idk#Im just anxious abt not being considered queer enough yknow the usual sorts dhndhdjhdjd#but honestly its more so abt my lesbianism since I have a very complicated relationship with ulit#like it makes me feel like if I bring up my acearo identity it makes my lesbianism less ~real~ somehow#like idk I wanna meet other queer ppl irl and I want more queer friends and I wanna be able to experiment with stuff#but idk why Im so scared abt the idea of having to explain myself#I know ppl probably wont care but ig Im just scared that if other queer ppl reject me then Ill have nowhere to go#or maybe itd go great and I could get a girlfriend like fuck man thats the problem xhdkgsksh#it could be the best thing thats ever happened to me but Im so anxious abt trying#Ive been so lonely and fuck man I dont trust myself to not let myself get trampled#sorry this got real personal real fast dhdkgdkdh again Im ok just emotional#now that I brought up the girlfriend thing tho I am going to be having gay thoughts while I shower so oops dhkdhkdh#idk Im still so unsure abt how I feel abt dating no romantic attraction asside like#again Ive never been able to experiment? and I also just dont know if theres anyone Id be willing to date in practice#like it might just be lonliness but it also could be me forming a stronger sense of self and better existing outside of relationships#and as such feeling more comfortable abt the idea of having more deep relationships with ppl even outside of dating and such#but again its all theoretical rn 😔#anyways I need to shower bro its so late#rat vents
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korinthiakos · 1 year
Fuck-- I might sleep now, ughhhh
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orcelito · 2 years
Shoutout to the high school student who said she'd always wanted to work at a bubble tea store like. I Could Give You Your Dream.......... it's a pretty shit reality but lmao
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Lae'zel's character and her entire situation at the beginning of the game becomes so much more funny when you find out she's 22. It makes so much sense. Imagine you're 22 and you're exposed to this dangerous toxin or chemical or something - but not to worry, you learnt that this can be easily fixed, you just need to dial 911 real quick. Common knowledge. Everyone knows that. You learnt that in kindergarten, it's up there with fire alarm drills.
But the people you're stuck with have no concept of modern medicine and when you say "let's go to the hospital" they will say shit like "i think they kill people at the hospital" and "we should ask this swamp lady" or "this guy over there told me about this homoeopathic healer kind of guy but he got abducted" or "this random bard wants to help" and "I'm not going to dial 911 because I don't want the government to know my home address" or "maybe we should consider a deal with Satan". And then a bunch of them KEEP consuming the chemical because it makes them "stronger". One guy might explode for unrelated reasons. You have a few days before this situation is getting critical and suddenly they're solving crime and doing general charity for the community.
And FOR SOME REASON you still try to help these idiots and you STILL want to help them get the cure even though they all keep insisting the "doctors" at the "hospital" might try to "kill them" and they don't have insurance. And you keep telling them to just. go. to. the. hospital. before the time runs out and you all die very horribly of a very treatable condition.
And also you're 22 in a foreign country and you're responsible for shepherding this gaggle of idiots who are all ranging anywhere from 24 to 240 years old.
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autism-corner · 1 month
i dont want to lose weight bc what if a pretty boy needs to cling to my arm or sit on my lap?? then where would they go?
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todayisafridaynight · 10 months
Entomologist Ichi!!! Yes!! Wren and I have discussed it before :3 he just gets so happy collecting them... and he's such a gentle soul with curiosity at the center!! Perfect for a bug boy
Bugs the coolest bitches around and ichi is Also A Cool Bitch i just think they could be friends !!!!
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