#( hellooooo! 🥰
samijey · 8 months
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Sami's amused expressions while Drew is trying to convince him to stay away from Jey (Monday Night RAW 16/10/2023)
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bittcnneck · 4 months
🍪 "I think it would be fun to bake cookies together, Lacey! I think I'd like to give some to Jin~"
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"oh, definitely~! I would love to!" Lacey nods, extending her new friend an apron. "I broight him a plate as a thank you for helping gift when he moved in the boxes for me, he seemed a bit reluctant though.."
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"I guess it makes sense, he really must be watching his figure, huh? He takes it very seriously.. hopefully he didn't eat any sweets today so he will partake in a few cookies." She chuckles, opening the cabinets and taking out ingredients. "Can you take out the bag of sugar from the top left drawer please, Xiao?"
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akajustmerry · 9 months
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about to see Taylor Russell speak Lucy Prebble's words 5 feet away from me in REAL LIFE 👀
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koffeenoe · 1 year
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Bikini time 💙
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singsweetmelodies · 1 year
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sunlightfeeling · 1 year
I can read! I can read!
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Romaji: Sorosoro, i tte ki masu!
Translates to “I’ll be going soon!”
or literally “Soon, I’ll go!”
I CAN READ 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻
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gatual · 2 years
theyr happy today for some reason😗
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ava-ships · 2 years
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My reaction to the Trigun Stampede trailer pretty much
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avigellar · 1 month
fiiiinally freeing up some time to work on more of my muse intros—phew! hey, everyone—it's just me, ryan (h/h, 25+) back with an intro for another favorite of mine: avi gellar-cho! he's a muse i've picked up, dusted off, and reworked for this space, and i'm actually really stoked to dive into him. in my opinion, he's really cool. he's a voice actor and now podcast host whose based in korea solely because of his husband—it's complicated, but he's really happy!—and though it's taking him some getting used to, he's stoked to learn more about his husband's culture/home!
avi gellar was born and raised in new york city. his parents operate a kosher bakery that's well-loved in their neck of the woods, and he grew up learning all of the family recipes. while it was never exactly a passion of his, he understood why his mom and pop loved to bake so much. he can taste the love in everything they prepare, and although he's over thirty now, he still feels their love, and they definitely still view him as their blue-eyed baby boy.
as a kid, he learned that he did extremely good impressions of his favorite cartoon characters, a skill that he spent far too much time honing, but it kept him out of trouble, so his parents didn't think much of it. that, and he often made them laugh with his impersonations, so they weren't complaining much either. they thought he was quite the character, and so did his peers at school, who revered him as something of a class clown. he dodged bullying by making everyone laugh instead.
it was a fluke chance, but when his dad saw a listing for an open call looking for voice talent for a new series to be launched on a kid's tv network, he told avi about it and avi auditioned, and out of hundred of others, he landed the leading role in the show—marking the start of his career. (side-note: canonically, i'm claiming that he was the og voice actor for aang of atla. why? because i can. 😆)
he's done tons of voice work over the years, and now, he hosts a podcast about voice work; one where he often has other voice actors from all over the world as guests to talk about their shared craft. as of now, he's living in south korea with his husband, who he met along the way after a previous engagement of his failed dramatically. it's daunting to be in a new place, especially one that's more socially conservative than new york, but he's excited to learn more.
avi gellar is funny. that's something that everyone who meets him can say about him. even those who hate him can't deny that his quick wit and comedic timing aren't near-flawless. some say he could've genuinely gone into a career in comedy, but he refrained from that. he never wanted to be a comedian, and he doesn't like being in the spotlight that much. hiding behind animated characters is more his speed.
he's not only funny, but he's also a rock. he's solid. he works hard. he's someone who works within the realm of fantasy lands and animation, but in real life, he's got a practical edge about him that prevents his head from floating into the clouds too often. since he's been involved in the entertainment industry since childhood, he's got great business sense—typical capricorn sun—and makes strategic financial decisions. it's why his fortune from his youth is still supporting him. he's used it wisely.
avi is a work-horse. his willingness to work is immense, and he'll do all he can to ensure that he and his family are supported. he's not the type to sit idly by and hope other people make change in the world. no, he's someone who gets up and gets shit done. he can be a bit hard on those who don't choose to get up and do the work, but it's only because he genuinely doesn't understand that mindset.
want dad advice? avi's your man. he's still young, but there's a way about him that makes him feel genuinely wise beyond his years. that, and he's not afraid to be a critic; to be more stern with people he thinks can use a bit of a wake-up call. his paternal instincts are rather strong, to be honest, and so is his propensity toward using dad jokes.
i'd love any and all plots for him, idk. i'm much easier to brainstorm with than lay out ideas, so let's work something out together! 🥰
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samijey · 7 months
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Monday Night RAW 23/10/2023
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libraryofloveletters · 4 months
congratulations on 8K Anj!! you deserve it so much, lots of love 💗 for the SMAU celebration, can I send a request for Mick Schumacher x press officer!reader at Merc? thank you!!
thank you so much babe!! <333 // all pictures are from pinterest and/or instagram.
more than..?
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liked by mickschumacher, jackdoohan, susie_wolff and 231,543 others 
youruser: race week in the U S OF A 🌴
tagged: mercedesamgf1, mickschumacher, jackdoohan // location: miami
view 432 comments 
mickschumacher: coolest caption ever 
comment liked by youruser
usermerc: the best press officer tbh. ✨ iconic ✨
susie_wolff: so nice to see you again!!
↪️youruser: you too susie!! <3
lewishamilton: 🤍
comment liked by youruser
user44: y/n >>> the other press officers 
↪️mickschumacher: I agree with that 
mickschumacher added an instagram story
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youruser added two instagram stories.
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mickschumacher added an instagram story.  
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liked by pierregasly, mickschumacher, lance_stroll and 310,495 others 
youruser: ringing in the birthday schumacher style ♥️
tagged: mickschumacher // location: mexico
view 832 comments 
estebanocon: happy birthday y/n!! 🥳🩷
↪️youruser: thank you estie! ♥️
mickschumacher: anything for you 🥰
comment liked by youruser
user14: did.. did mick really take her to mexico for her birthday ??? 🧐
↪️youruser: yes he did <3333
mercmick: it’s giving more than press officer 
delulufangirl: THE LAST PIC??
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pupyuj · 7 days
HEHEHDHDHCJ i thank the lord everyday for the existence of accendio mv bcs EVIL!YUJIN??? god i need her. GOOD!GAEUL GIVE ME THE WAND I CAN DISTRACT HER 😛😛😛 also this doesn't have too much smut purely bcs i didn't rlly think it'd fit much into the scenario but there's still some crumbs! 😭
[cw: dubcon (implied), yujin is really creepy and insane]
anon said the words ‘obsessed’, ‘stalker’, and ‘crazy’ and i just immediately thought of those admirers that go too far with their crush on that one person and yeah.. sounds like something yuj would be alright 🤪 her being the cool sunbae yujin that’s taken a strange liking to you, literally just some girl 😭 yujin being so confident of herself that she doesn’t waste energy by being subtle at all! constantly waiting by your locker to say good morning, sometimes she even takes you to class, waves at you if she doesn’t have time to talk to you, makes small talk in the bathrooms, the library, the courtyard, the gardens—wait, how is it that she knows wherever you are almost all the time?? 🤔 maybe it was all just a coincidence, yujin knows the campus like the back of her hand after all! 😅
anyway, yujin is very romantic! she knows a lot of things that you like! how? why, she kindly asked your friends.. with a few threats here and there bcs they were becoming suspicious of her intent but the point is that she got the information she wanted, okay? ☺️ she knows your favorite type of flowers, favorite foods and delicacies, and sometimes shows up at your front porch with those exact gifts just for you! 🥰
except that.. you never told her where you lived. not even which part of town your house was in. not even your friends could’ve told her. that’s why they showed up to school with bruises and cuts one day. but turns out yujin found you anyway. like she always does.
that was the final straw for you—you were officially creeped the fuck out! and so you start putting some distance between you and yujin but she didn't like that at all! she started following you around more, practically running after you every time you dash away from her.. she wasn't going to give up easily! 😣😣 you tried to block her from all of your social media accounts bcs she keeps spamming you with borderline threats and pictures of you that she has taken while she stalked you but she was really stubborn!
wouldn't think there would be anything wrong with climbing your house and watching you right next to your bedroom window,, her heavy breathing fogging up the glass with how close she was just to see your clearly,, you looked so beautiful sleeping so peacefully! :(( but you'd stir in your sleep, as if you knew something was amiss beyond your little dreamland.. then you'd wake up and find your window slightly open,, at first you thought that you probably just forgot to close it again but then your eyes snap open at the sight of the figure sitting on your bed,, your first instinct would be to kick it and move away but it was faster than you! it covers your mouth shut and only under the tiniest stream of moonlight did you recognize the person that had broken into your room—ahn yujin!
ofc she wouldn't see a problem with breaking into your home,, doesn't hesitate to threaten you either! saying that she'd hurt you or worse if you were to make a single noise and alert your neighbors. yujinnie just wanted to get close to you! in her head, she has been nothing but kind! why did you insist on rejecting her?! she truly didn't understand, but that was okay. she was going to make you understand! now that she has you all for herself... she can do anything she has been wanting to do! like kissing you (she was very happy when you eventually kissed back despite your initial resistance!), touching you (she always knew your skin was so soft), and ofc, fucking you (you rlly had to make her for work it—kicking and punching and trying to bite her hand... but in the end, yujin got her way with you. like she always will from now on.) 😰
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piyat-tidaaaa · 2 months
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HELLOOOOO back again this time with the stuff I put effort into XD The beach scene came to me in a dream /real it was so cute they played like water volleyball and took a nap together 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Wayyy better than that one dream I had where Skarlet got send to behavior camp and Erron was the camp counselor and Kano was there for some reason he called himself and a dog bitches and friggin d1ed idk why….
Edit: I FORGOT TO MENTION SOMETHING !!! I also had a hc where Skarlet is like super unhealthy and mentally unstable while she’s under Shao’s control and once it’s severed she improves XD (middle second slide)
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mikasrave · 4 months
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Hellooooo, here’s Damirae lol 🥰
I’m sorry I haven’t posted in a long time 😭 Life just got the best of me but I’m going to try to post more often and also share the next part of the comic 🩷 thank you to everyone who has reached out to me and continues to support my art you are too kind 😭
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gtgbabie0 · 13 days
hellooooo🥰 first time requester here!!! (let me know if i am not doing anything right for future reference!! :) ) i loved your cowboy! remus lupin x preachers daughter! reader. was curious if you could do a continuation??? maybe seeing her at the saloon or in a public place??? just a thought! thank u so much:))
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-Cowboy!Remus Lupin x reader
{Seeing the preacher’s daughter in the saloon was the last thing Remus expected, although he won’t be complaining.}
This is perfect, thank you so much for requesting. Enjoy lovelies💕
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The oil lamps cast a low moody light through the saloon, the glasses clinking and the patrons sharing a laugh or two whilst they play poker. It’s relatively quiet for a Friday, with most ranch owners taking advantage of the extra light the summer brings.
Remus is sitting at one of the tables with his hat pulled down low. One of the men opposite hands out some cards as Remus pushes a couple of coins and a handgun onto the table, his offer makes the rest of the men at the table share a couple of smirks.
Then the Saloon doors swing open, at first he doesn’t think anything of it just figuring that the general store owner from across the street had closed early. Then he hears Lily Evans’ voice followed by your giggle and he damn near falls off his chair in shock.
The rest of the men in the Saloon also share confused looks, they all know your father. The proud man who gives daily sermons, dedicating himself to spreading the word of God. What's his daughter doing stumbling in here?
Remus tips his hat up, looking under the edge of it and over in your direction. He smirks proudly, not quite believing that you dared to venture out because he knows for a fact your father was more of the overprotective type, and with that comes his strictness.
He keeps a watchful eye on you, shooting death glares at anyone who gets a little too close to comfort as you take your seat at the bar. Of course, you’re in a world of your own, completely oblivious to the cowboy who sits at the back table.
Remus can hardly pay attention to the game of poker that he’s stuck in. He’s far too distracted by the way you’re perched up on that stool and how the dress you’re wearing hugs at your body. You’re absolutely angelic, the warm light that dusts against your skin, and that sweet giggle of yours only proves this to him.
He wins by pure luck with a royal flush. Claiming the winnings that were piled up on the table with a cocky tone as he gives them a, “Thank you, gentlemen,” before walking over to where you’re sitting at the bar.
A hand against your lower back makes you jump, taking you out of your conversation with Lily as you let out a gasp. “Easy there Darlin’ s’just me.” Remus drawls, leaning against the wooden bar, his elbow propping up against the surface.
You look over to him with bright eyes, sparkling with excitement as you watch him order a whiskey. “What’re you doing here?” You ask him with a certain air of giddiness in your tone.
Remus knocks back his dark liquid with a low groan, placing his hat down on the bar before looking down at you, his eyebrows raised slightly in amusement.
“Could ask you the same gorgeous.” He smirks, the back of his fingers brushing against your warm cheek as he admires your pretty face.
You idly trail your fingertips along the rim of your whiskey glass with a shy smile, glancing down at your hands as he tucks your hair behind your ear. “Just stopping in for a drink with Lily-” You cut yourself off as you glance behind you, noticing that she had disappeared off to speak to Mary.
Remus hums softly, caressing your jaw with his thumb as he tilts your head back over to look up at him once again. “Does your Pa know?” He asks with a sly smirk when you shake your head ‘no’
With that he tuts teasingly, the roughness of his palm against your soft cheek sends a shiver down your spine and you can’t help but shy away from him ever so slightly.
“Darlin’ you tryin’ to give your old man a heart attack?” He chuckles lowly, his hand falling to rest against your hip.
He watches as you pout, the way your eyebrows furrow together. A huff escapes your lips and he bites his tongue, keeping his teasing words to himself with a smirk that teeters against his lips.
“I don’t need his permission to go out for a drink.” You tell him, taking a sip of your whiskey with a slight grimace on your face. That gets him, watching the disgust twist through your expression, he can’t stop himself from chuckling into his palm.
Remus leans down slightly, pressing a kiss against your forehead. He lets his lips linger for just a moment before pulling back as the bartender pushes another glass over to him.
“Nah you don’t, just gotta be careful baby.” He says, his expression softening slightly. He puts his hat down upon your head, tilting your chin upwards to look at him.
He quickly knocks back his second glass, his eyes meeting yours as his thumb rests against your chin. “My girl…” he whispers under his breath, his hand falling to gently fiddle with your cross necklace.
“I’m careful, always am.” You tell him, fixing his hat to sit comfortably on your head as he pays for yours and his drinks before you can even start to complain.
He nods in acknowledgement, but he also knows that won’t stop your father from marching his way into town to get you, he’d save you from that embarrassment.
“Come on sweetheart, let’s get ya home.” He says, relief washing over him you give him a soft nod. Thankful that you’re not going to fight him on it, you understand how difficult your father can be at times.
The sun had completely gone down, making space for the moon and stars. Remus guides you out of the smokey Saloon with a hand against the small of your back, helping you up to saddle his horse.
He takes you home as promised, pressing a sweet kiss to your lips as you place his hat back onto his head. He doesn’t leave until he knows you’re in the safety of your home, an odd sense of longing swarming his stomach as he rides off.
One day he’d save up enough money to buy some land and get a house… first he has to get enough courage to ask for your father’s blessing.
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-Art by @/sophithil on twt
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faithst · 1 year
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pairing zb1 x gn!reader
genre fluff
warnings mentions of food?
notes hellooooo, thank you for requesting <3 i’m sorry for the delay ☹️ and i hope you enjoy this ^^
also trying out a new style of writing reactions, (inspired by @chxrrymxxnlight , go check them out !) tell me if i should stick with this or my old one ❤️
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— zhang hao
awkward. like really awkward
awkward smiles, trying to brush them off
unless they get too close to him or anything, he’s really polite 😇
zhanghao had brought you on a date to a new café that recently opened. everything was great; the service, the vibes, the food and especially your boyfriend. you thought nothing could ruin this moment until a waiter decided to come back to your table right after taking your orders.
the waiter didn’t even look at you and went straight to zhanghao. “you’re really cute, can i have your number?” zhanghao was really shocked, now very uncomfortable and looking at you for help. he tried to brush the waiter off by saying “i’m sorry, i’m kind of in the middle of a dat-” the waiter put a hand on his shoulder.
“i know we can work it out.” the waiter said, smiling at him. he pushed their hand off, standing up obviously annoyed. “you shouldn’t just touch people like that. let’s go babe.”
— sung hanbin
v v v v v polite
awkward laughs whenever they do a pickupline 😀
makes an excuse to get out of it
you were shopping with hanbin for skincare products. he said he’d help you find a product that was good for your skin type. as he looked around the wellness store, he found a brand that he wanted to recommend. he grabbed one of the moisturisers and showed it to you “this one is great, i use this.” you took it from his hand and looked at the product information.
a worker came up to you both, smiling as they look at the product in your hand. “oh, this product is very good for a cutie like you!” they say, beaming to hanbin who was now laughing trying to brush them off, awkwardly shifting to you.
“you should give me your number and maybe i can tell you about our promotions.” they continue, offering their phone to him. “haha, no worries.. i actually have somewhere to go now!” hanbin took your hand, running out the store in a flash.
— seok matthew
makes it obvious he’s in a relationship
doesn’t want to be mean
but he still shoves it in their face that he’s perfectly happy and in love w you 🥰
matthew had brought you to dinner, with you looking so stunning in his eyes. everyone could’ve seen how lovestruck he was; basically giggling and twirling his hair around. well, everyone except this one person.
they came up to you both, confused on the sudden approach. they gave you a disgusted look but then faced straight to your boyfriend. “you’re definitely my type.” they say, smiling as they hand him their phone asking for his number.
“my partner thinks that too!” he says, grabbing both your hands as he kisses your knuckles making you blush a rosy red. matthew made sure the love in his eyes were even more prominent after that.
— shen ricky
politely declines
“no thanks.”
if the person is persistent, he just leaves them hanging 🧍
going out with ricky was very common and people staring at your amazing boyfriend in awe was also quite common. when you both decided to visit an art museum, he got more attention than the art displayed.
usually, people would just stop and stare. but this time, someone came up to him. “i couldn’t help myself because you’re very attractive.” they smiled before continuing “can i invite you out to dinner?” ricky looked at you before looking back at them.
“no, thank you.” he intertwines your hands, bringing them up to show it off to them “but-” they try to speak up but ricky already walked away to another section of the museum with you.
— park gunwook
confused 😐
looks to you for help
lets you speak to the person
you and gunwook were going to buy some stuff from the convenience store for a movie date at home. as he scans the shelves for a pack of his favourite snack, he reaches for the last pack of homerun balls when another person snatches it away from him.
his mood sullens until they offer the pack back to him “you can have this in exchange for your number.” they state, completely ignoring you. he was caught off guard by the abrupt bold move from a stranger.
gunwook looked to you, eyes signalling for help. you caught onto this and went in-front of him “sorry, he doesn’t have a number.” you pass by them, pulling gunwook along with you to another convenience store.
— kim taerae
the way he looks at people is so 😵‍💫
so naturally, he attracts alot of people
super dense and nice
taerae had prepared a cute little picnic date for you two to get away from work stress and spend more time together. he helped lay out the mat and the food that he made beforehand. while munching away on his sandwich, he noticed someone in the distance.
“they have a nice bag.” he says, pointing to the bag. you nod in agreement when the person that owned the bag came up to you. “sorry, i just happened to notice you staring.” they say, shyly smiling “oh, i’m so sorry!” taerae apologised profusely for staring.
“it’s okay, i think you’re quite cute.” the statement made taerae laugh, smiling as he thanked them. “i just thought your bag was cool!” he mentioned, his hand forming a ‘thumbs up’. they smile, thanking him before asking him for his number. he tilted his head “oh, do you sell this bag? i don’t think you should be selling them with your personal number.”
— kim gyuvin
honestly a bit scared
stranger danger ‼️
might call 911
as you both were about to line up to get onto the ferris wheel ride, someone approached you both. gyuvin was confused at first and just wanted to deal with it until they hit him with ‘i never believed in love at first sight until i saw you.’ his eyes widened at the pickup line.
immediately, he grabbed your hand and ran far away. “gyuvin, what was that for?” you ask, slowing down to catch your breath. gyuvin paced around, checking every corner to make sure the coast was clear.
“i’m gonna call 911.” he stated, absolutely mortified. before he could dial the number, you snatched his phone away. he tried getting it back but you stopped him. “they didn’t do anything, gyuvin.” you say, shaking your head while crossing your arms. gyuvin held his hands to his hips “hey, i could’ve gotten kidnapped!”
— kim jiwoong
he’s really pretty so naturally, it attracts
but you’re in luck cause he only has eyes for you 🫣
legit just ignores them
a perfect date with your perfect boyfriend; an ideal situation everyone wanted to be in. a situation that you were in right now. jiwoong wanted to make up for not having dates as he was busy with work so he brought you to a nice restaurant.
everything was perfect until someome came up to him with a sultry gaze. jiwoong didn’t notice them though, he didn’t want to. the person tried to get his attention but he didn’t budge. his eyes were locked onto yours, hands resting his chin. “how was your day, my love?” he asked, not breaking the eye contact.
in another attempt to get your boyfriend’s attention; they speak up “do you think i could get your-“ jiwoong shushes them with one finger on his lips before turning back to you, smiling. “where were we?”
— han yujin
says no but if they still try
he gets annoyed and he might be a bit mean 💥
brutally honest ?
hanging out after school with yujin were your favourite times, his too. loving the peace and quiet after a exhausting school day. you were about to ask yujin a question about an assignment that was due but was quickly interrupted by another student handing him a letter that had a paper heart on it.
“i hope you accept my feelings.” they say, shyly looking down. yujin just stares at the letter before placing the letter back into their hands. “no, i like them.” he said, looking at you. “i can be better than them.” they remarked, giving you a glare.
“no you can’t.” he said with a blunt expression, standing up. he offered his hand to help you up before picking up his bag and moving to another quiet place “we won’t be disturbed there.”
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© keiwook | 2023
taglist @bruhiamistake @trashhdez @chxrrymxxnlight @haesunflower @big-uwu-stan @gnwookie @yjhcloud
here, if you want to join the taglist !
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