alexiabae · 10 months
KIND¹; lia wälti x fem!reader
Summary: during a match between switzerland vs spain, lia was involved in y/n's injury.
Warnings: mention of blood, injury, hit on the head, fluff.
Note: English is not my first language.
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not my gif.
"We can!" Irene shouts in the changing room before they all get out of it and go to the tunnel to wait.
This was the captain's job, but since the last encounter that it passed to other hands, even if she didn't wear the band. It doesn't matter anymore. The real captains would show it with it or without it, and Irene is the proof of it. Of course Irene gave them a speech after Ivana's, not despising the function that the coach gave her.
They all embrace one another and give some encouragement before they put a foot out from the changing room, leading it Ivana.
Y/N waited between Tere and Aitana. She brushed her braided hair, nervously biting her bottom lip.
"Stop it, you would mess it up." Aitana muttered, putting off Y/N's own hands from her hair.
Y/N turned to look at her. "It is our last chance." She confesses her worries.
Aitana smiled gently. "I know. And we give everything. You know that last game isn't all our fault. It's too from the coach side. So don't blame it on you, show them what you're capable of. Even if some of them know about it." Aitana winked, reassuring her friend and teammate. They are from the same age, they always played for the same team and they always played in the national team, youth and senior. Aitana knows everything about Y/N and Y/N knows everything about Aitana.
Y/N nodded, grabbing a hand with hers and turned to look in front again, meeting Tere's back. She saw how the other national team came out, concentration written on their faces. She gets scared when saw Ana's face, she knows that face. It was like if the blonde read her mind that when saw her, she gave her one of her soft smiles, raising a hand and waving it in the air. The midfielder does it too, but with a lipped smile.
Some of her teammates greet her too. Alexia and Jenni were the ones near her and started a little conversation, including a hug.
"Nos vamos para casa, Aitana." Y/N leaned briefly to Aitana and muttered only to her to hear.
"Cállate." The Catalan hissed, rolling her eyes. They still have their hands intertwined.
Y/N tried to focus on Aitana's hand and look away, avoiding the rival team. Some chats were heard between all of them, until the referee indicates that it was time to go outside. Y/N let out Aitana's hand and walked behind Tere. Once they are in the center of the pitch, they put themselves horizontally, waiting for the anthems to sound.
"You look pale, are you okay?" Alexia asked her while they waited for Ivana to do the captain's things.
Y/N nods, hugging her. "Sip. No need to worry." She lied to her, not wanting to disturb the concentration for her fault.
Alexia looked at her suspiciously, but remained quiet. She patted her shoulder and ran to her position, Y/N following behind, receiving a wink from Aitana since she is to her side.
She finds Ana's gaze again, who is right now in front of her. "Hey, you missed me?" Ana smirked.
It relaxes a little Y/N's nerves. "Right now no. Ask me another day." The blonde snorted by her comment.
They remained quiet and heard the count down, Spain put in movement the ball. Y/N received the ball and she passed it to Irene. The minutes passed and the possession was for Spain, like they always control the ball and Switzerland has two times the chance to score. It was a corner that almost changed the result, coming again from the Swiss part.
"You need to wake up, Y/N!" Aitana ran towards her and tried to make her concentrate. "Forget about your expectations and play. Play like you always do." The Catalan gave some encouragement to her friend.
Alexia keeps an eye near Y/N, wondering why she is playing like that, missing easy passes or distributing the ball wrong.
"You have right, Aiti. Sorry." Y/N nodded, running with more conviction towards her position, waiting for Misa to kick the ball.
The rest of the first half, Y/N changed her style. She passed to play badly to be the one who created more chances to score. They went half time with a draw.
"I don't know what Aitana told you. But keep that way." Alexia walked by her side, bringing her left arm around Y/N's shoulders.
Y/N smiled. "Sorry about the start... My insecurities get in the way." She confesses, blushing a little.
"Well... You changed your mood. If you want to talk about it, let me know." Her friend offered, smiling with affection.
"Vale. Thanks." Y/N said, leaning briefly her head on Alexia's.
They walked towards the changing room, the coach giving some tactics for the second part, letting them five minutes before to go again towards the pitch.
Irene grabbed Y/N's shoulder and stopped her until the defender was alongside and started to walk again.
"I know what happened before. I understand why you acted that way, our coach doesn't give us hope to win. But I'm giving you it." Irene started to say, the height difference is showing a little. The Basque look down to look at Y/N with firmness. "You can do whatever you want with the ball. You have that magic. You can't let ignorant people get to your head. Play like nothing matters, like if you are a little kid again and the time doesn't matter." Y/N bites her bottom lip to hold the tears from the words that her captain gave her. Because yes, she always considers Irene, Alexia and Jenni their captains.
"Thank you." Y/N muttered, nodding with her head.
"Any time." Irene smiled, squeezing her arm.
The start of the second half was epic for Spain. They scored after five minutes to start it, thanks to Y/N that gave the assist to Salma Paralluelo. People would think that it was for a motivational speech from their coach, but the reality was very far away from that. It is thanks to the players that they scored. A new change came with the words that they exchanged between them.
It was the 70th minute when something changed again. Y/N was acting like a pivot, she is not used to playing in that position, but new changes came in the national team, so she needs to adapt. Well, it was in a counter attack from Spain, Y/N was the last player and she started running upside waiting for Ona to pass the ball to her. Y/N was in the center of the pitch when Ona passed it to her, when she was going to control the ball with her chest, there was a little hole on the pitch that made her lose some balance and make the rival player hit her on the face, with her feet.
Y/N felt and heard the sound the impact made on her left eye. She knew that it wasn't on the eye, but it hurt like it was. She let out a scream, falling to the ground while she covered her face with her hands.
For her teammates, it happened in slow motion. They saw how it was clearly on the eye, making them run towards her and towards the rival player, screaming.
Ana runs quickly to put herself in the middle. "Hey! She didn't do that on purpose." She tried to explain at them to understand, holding Alexia and Aitana. The blonde looked briefly to her friend, seeing how affected she is.
"I don't care!" Aitana roared. She was the first one to go to where Y/N was laying, pushing Lia aside aggressively when the Swiss tried to see how Y/N is.
Alexia was biting her lip so hard to retain what she was thinking that surely soon she made a cut. So she decided to go where Y/N is laying surrounded by her teammates.
Lia saw how the medic team from Spain came quickly and moved out all the players, seeing how they reincorporated Y/N up. A lot of blood was covered on her face.
"It's not her eye." Ana told her, letting out a relief sigh. She heard the medics saying to Spain's players that it wasn't her eye.
Lia thanked whatever it is to hear that. The brunette raised her hands towards her face and let tears roll for her cheeks, feeling really bad for her actions. Ana noticed how quiet her friend was and saw how she covered her face with her hands.
"It's not your fault, Lia. It's a bad coincidence." She muttered, hugging her by her shoulders, kissing her head.
"If something more happened I would never forgive myself, Ana." Lia muttered.
Ana sighed again. "But that thing didn't happen. So, please stop overthinking." She saw how Y/N stood up, holding with a hand whatever the medics gave her. The public started to clap, making Lia look at what happened and standing up she too, tried to go where Y/N is, but Ana grabbed her wrist, shaking with her head.
"Are you okay?" Aitana asked once she stood up, wiping something on Y/N's face with affection.
"It hurts, but I'm okay." Y/N said in a hoarse voice.
"I'm going to kill her." Aitana muttered by her side.
Y/N snorted. "Shut up. Me and you know that it wasn't true. Also, it is not her fault. There is a hole here." She pointed at the spot where it was, seeing how Aitana clenched her jaw.
The others approached her, relieved sighs and heard that it wasn't a big injury. Y/N walked slowly out of the pitch, until she saw the referee going to the player who made this to her and showed a red card, earning claps from the public and some of her teammates.
The medic team took her towards the tunnel, Y/N keeping an eye on the player that was walking behind them. The Swiss received some support from the staff team and teammates before the brunette walked towards inside.
"Hey." Y/N stopped walking, turning to look at the brunette player.
Lia stopped too, caught with the guard off. "Hey..."
Y/N smiled, grimacing a little when she felt the skin tense. "Do you want to accompany me? I pass it badly with this type of thing."
Lia nodded slowly, seeing the confusion on the medics faces. Y/N extended her hand with a smile, the Swiss took it and let it guide herself by the other three people. They approached Spain's changing room and Lia let the medics do their thing. She walked where Y/N was laying and held her hand, squeezing it when saw how scared Y/N looked.
"I don't like needles." Y/N let the other know, knowing how scared her face turned on.
Lia still didn't speak, she just squeezed her hand, caressing her palm with her thumb too. She saw how her left eyebrow was inflamed when they took off the ice pack, her eyes fully close and a bruise starting to form. The Swiss swallow, already feeling more guilty when she sees the state she lets her rival.
While the medics stitched her left eyebrow, at some point happy screams were heard, letting them know that someone scored. Right now it was the last thing that Lia cares about.
"Vale. He terminado." One of them said, cutting off the thread while the other put on a bandage.
Y/N sat up while talking about some things with them, clearly Lia can't understand it because it is in their language. They give her a water bottle, offering too one to Lia before they get out of the big room, letting the two alone.
"Sorry about Aitana's behaviour. She is very protective of me." Y/N muttered, giving her a lipped smile.
Lia copied her. "I understand. I should probably do the same thing." Lia talked for the first time.
Y/N liked her voice. "Your face sounds to me..." The Spanish player said, her eyebrows knitting, once again forgetting about her new injury and hissing from pain.
The Swiss thought that she looked adorable. "I'm Lia. I play for Arsenal, we face each other two seasons ago." She explained, caressing mindlessly Y/N's hand.
Soon, Y/N's eyes brighten. "You are Ana's friend! She told me stories about you two."
Lia blushes. "I guess it is me."
"What are you doing here?" Someone else came, interrupting their conversation.
The brunette lets Y/N's hand fall and stand up, ready to go.
"Shut up, Aitana. She is here because I asked her if she can accompany me while they stitch my eyebrow." Y/N said, standing up too.
The Catalan looked at Lia suspiciously, but remained quiet. Soon, another one came, making Aitana walk to where they are standing.
Alexia frowned. "¿Qué hace ella aquí?" She asked in Spanish. She knew it was rude, but wanted an answer without the Swiss finding out.
"Y/N tiene un crush." Aitana stated, her jaw clenching. Y/N blushed, hitting Aitana's arm. She hoped that Lia didn't understand but her name and crush is enough.
The brunette blushed too, maybe she didn't fully understand what the Catalan said, but something she caught.
Alexia leaned her head aside, walking to where they are. She extended her hand towards Lia, the Swiss accepting it shyly. "Next time be more careful, please." The midfielder said kindly, but with a firm tone, just like her gaze.
"Alexia!" Y/N whined. The mentioned shakes Lia's hand softly and hugged Y/N carefully, giving Aitana a smug smirk.
"I don't find it funny." Aitana growled, annoyed. She was standing beside Y/N, with her arms crossed about her chest. Alexia rolled her eyes, in part understanding her, but the other she just wanted to hit her.
More of them came to see how Y/N is, frowning and giving some dirty looks at Lia.
"Irene, Jenni! Let her alone, I ask her to be with me." Y/N grabbed Lia's hand when saw how the tall women walked towards the brunette with decision. She put herself between Lia and the two women.
Jenni looked at Alexia, who was there before them and wanted an explanation.
"Se nos ha enamorado." Alexia answered, shrugging with a playful smile.
Y/N turned towards her quickly, giving with an eye a bad look, while her cheeks turned red. It makes Alexia laugh.
Irene raised an eyebrow, looking at the Swiss inquisitive. "You are Ana's Lia." She pointed out, crossing her arms. She wanted to intimidate the woman, she heard too about Ana's stories and if the blonde was right, Lia can have all the approbation from the team. Barcelona team unless.
Lia swallows, nodding. In other circumstances, she doesn't get so intimidated by someone easily, but she kicked in the face of one of Ana's friends and she looked intimidating.
"Uh? Our Ana?" Jenni asked loudly, looking for Irene to confirm it. The defender nodded. "Es guapa." Jenni winked to Y/N, earning some protest from Aitana and others and the laugh from Alexia, who was finding it funny.
"Dejadla en paz." Y/N hissed, blushing more. She tried to move with Lia to the exit, but it was impossible.
"Lia? What are you doing here?" Ana asked, confused, entering inside and walking towards all of them. She raised an eyebrow when saw Y/N and Lia holding hands. "¿Qué me he perdido?" She inquired towards her teammates.
Y/N roll her eye. "Nada." She said quickly, letting out Lia's hand, even if she soon missed her contact.
Ana looked at her, a loving smile creeping on her face. "You are good. Nothing happened to your eye?" She asked, putting both hands on Y/N's cheeks, examining her close eye, seeing a purple bruise forming around it.
"Just stitches to my eyebrow." Y/N muttered, crossing her arms like a child. The blonde Swiss chuckled and kissed her forehead carefully.
"Le gusta tu amiga." Jenni hummed, making Y/N choke with her saliva. Ana turned to look at Jenni and then at Y/N, raising once again an eyebrow. She is still holding her face with her hands.
Some chuckled was heard around them, Lia a little confused but guessing that they are making fun of Y/N, for her reaction.
Y/N moves out from Ana's hold and walks to her cubby, throwing her empty bottle at Jenni. The forward grabs it easily, laughing.
"Lia?" Ona called her. The Swiss looked at the defender, who approached her and whispered. "They are making fun of her because they think that she has a crush on you." She felt bad for Y/N and wanted to help in a way, and if Lia can help you, it was okay by her.
Ana heard what the freckled girl said and smiled. Lia opened her eyes, surprised. Not waiting for it at all. Then, she walked slowly towards Y/N, not caring anymore what they could say.
"You know...? I heard some stories about you that Ana shared with me. From her perspective you look funny and adorable. I don't know... But, do you want to take some coffee later? Maybe we can share some embarrassing stories about Ana." She said, a kind smile on her lips.
Y/N looked at her, a little in awe. "I love to. I have a lot." She muttered, agreeing with the proposal.
Lia chuckled. "Good. I have a lot too." The Swiss said, grabbing Y/N's phone from her hands and writing her number phone on it. "Here you go. I texted myself to have your number, I hope you don't mind."
Ana looked offended. "I'm going to be the topic on their first date? I mean, if it was for another thing okay, but not for embarrassing stories." She muttered, making her teammates laugh.
"Look it for the good part, you create a new couple." Jenni said, laughing.
"I still don't agree with it." Aitana said stubbornly.
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nitewrighter · 1 year
Hey, uh, about the "retcons" in Overwatch's story, do you know which ones are genuine retcons and which ones are additional lore added into the story?
That's a good question, because I've been in this fandom for 6 years and I've seen a lot of people call things retcons that were really just lore reveals that went against fanon. Like for example, when Moira was introduced to the game, a lot of people were saying that it retconned Mercy being the creator of Reaper, when that's not true--a lot of people headcanoned the idea of "Mercy created Reaper" into fanon because Reaper had an elimination line for Mercy that said, "Don't forget, this is all your fault" but it was also never clear if that was an elimination line he had for Overwatch members in general, or if that was referring to something else, or if it was just a taunt. In any case, there simply weren't enough details on Reaper's condition before for Moira's addition to the cast and her corresponding lore of giving Reaper his abilities to call Moira's entry into the lore a retcon. (Also it's just fucking dumb to saddle literally every medical science thing Overwatch was up to onto Mercy I mean come on, people.)
Reaper having a family? Also definitely not a retcon, we see him stalking what is presumably his son and his family in the Christmas "Reflections" comic way back in 2016--and his family is mentioned again in Ana's "Bastet" short story.
Is the Cassidy Name change a retcon? I mean there had been hints at Cassidy using pseudonyms before in certain voice lines and also in the "Joel Morricone"/"My name's not Joel" bit with Sombra. But anyway I think the meta factor of not wanting to associate a fan favorite character with a predatory Blizzard employee is justifiable enough to just... hand wave the name change. I mean they still have the old name on his "Trainhopper" comic so I guess the Pseudonym lore bit is just there so they don't need to worry about changing it back in older media---but also that just shows that Blizz is lazy as hell because if I can edit and replace over a 1000 mentions of Cassidy's old name in my 300k+ word main fic continuity, I'm pretty sure they can edit a 10 page comic.
I feel like they've also always been a bit iffy on the whole status of God AI's, particularly Anubis. Like the lore says "Anubis and other god programs were quarantined in Egypt" but we never hear anything about any other God AI and it's Anubis that kicked off the omnic crisis, apparently, But I'll have to read the Sojourn novel to be clear.
For me the most egregious and clear retcon is the changes they made to Widow in what is clearly a hamfisted attempt to give her more 'agency.' In the previous lore, as we see in Ana's comic "Legacy," Overwatch thought Amélie Lacroix was either kidnapped again or dead following the death of Gérard LaCroix. She disappeared off the face of the earth (presumably doing super secret assassinations for Talon) and basically didn't appear again until she put Ana's eye out. In Widowmaker's new bio, which came out with Overwatch 2, they say that the police were pursuing Amélie as a suspect in Gérard's death and Amélie willingly went to Talon because she had nowhere else to go and quote, "Killing Gérard made her feel alive." Like, when you're being pursued by the cops, and you've literally already been brainwashed to kill your husband, I don't think there's actual agency there.
For me the old Widow backstory was a lot better because it made her scarier and more nuanced as a character, it made the stakes feel higher in the universe, and it doesn't make the timeline confusing with what Moira was up to at the time. And also Widowmaker taking out Ana's eye is vital to Ana's character because Amélie is part of the body of Overwatch's failures. All of Ana's thoughts leading up to the point where Widowmaker takes her eye out indicate how Talon has been in Overwatch's blind spot, both figuratively and literally. So all around it's just kind of a dumb choice that turned a genuinely eerie character who partially represents the failures and vulnerabilities of Overwatch into a boring generic Femme Fatale.
But yeah anyway I would say, compare the new Overwatch 2 bios to the old comics and kind of make your own judgments from there.
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wildissylupus · 1 year
Reply to @lovingoverwatchguys
Loved your post!! Thank you for tagging me in it, you made so many good points! I agree with you on a lot of what you said and there were a couple things that stuck with me!
A realization that I have come to that has always been bouncing around my head is that Cassidy and Jack or on the same path but going in different directions. The way Jack is acting right now is very similar to how Cassidy has been implied to have acted when he first joined Blackwatch, angry, distrusting of other, violent, all the while still having that slim sliver of hope. Meanwhile Cassidy has been implied to be one of the next leaders of Overwatch, doing what Jack did and personally offering a place in Overwatch to those he think could help.
There is one thing I do want to point out and that is I don't think Cassidy is mad at Jack for not telling people he was alive, if that was the case he would be mad at Ana too, which he is but it isn't because she didn't tell people she was alive it's because of her past treatment of Pharah. I believe the reason Cassidy is mad at Jack is that Jack didn't listen to Cassidy when he warned Jack that something was happening with Gabe. Something that always stuck out to me was the fact it was Cassidy recounting what happened in Rialto, not Gabe.
We see what he recounts in the trailer for Retribution and even then Gabriel is dodging Jack's questions, asking if he's sure he wants to here the story, talking about plausible deniability, the fact that in the actual event it's Cassidy narrating and not Gabriel implies to me that Cassidy gave the more detailed account. Not only that but at the end of the trailer Jack asks, "What about you, anything to add?"
To which Cassidy responds, "Where do you want me to start?"
In contrast to Gabriel, Cassidy doesn't waltz around the issue, he gets straight to the point and as we see in Retribution, Cassidy gave a recount of everything. So it reasonable to believe that after this moment Cassidy would have been making sure Jack knew what was happening with Gabriel. Especially since after and during Retribution you can clearly tell that Cassidy lost a lot of trust in Gabriel.
So how did Gabriel get as bad as he did even with Cassidy telling Jack what was going on after the events of Retribution? That's simple, Jack has been shown, even now, to see the best in Gabe.
I like your idea of Cassidy being the one to get Jack to talk about Gabriel and helping Jack move on, because something I think I have talked about before is that Cassidy has gone through this type of situation before back in Deadlock. Cassidy was betrayed by Julian and was put into a situation where it was very likely he could have died if it wasn't for Ashe, Frankie and B.O.B.
Which leads me into, Cassidy has shown to be more willing to kill Reaper than Jack has. Cassidy saw the way Gabriel fell, he's also gone through this kind of betrayal before, he's also the blueprint when it comes to redemption being the first character in lore to go through and complete that kind of arc. He knows you can't force someone to redeem themselves, they need to choose that path, and yes he does view the old Gabriel fondly but again, he's been though this before.
I can honestly see Cassidy and Jack talking about Gabriel and bonding over they're grief but I also see that during one of those conversations Cassidy comes to the conclusion that he is the only one that can kill Reaper if it gets to that point.
Because yes, he still has a connection to Gabriel but he has his own team to worry about now. I think Cassidy is very much a "Forgive but don't Forget", he knows that holding onto anger does more harm then good, he saw what happened to Gabriel, what happened to Genji, so he's not going to make that mistake, but he's also not enough of an idiot to trust someone blindly after they've pulled some bullshit.
Honestly I think the future of Cassidy and Jacks relationship is going to be incredibly interesting, if not tragic. Combine that with the stuff that you've talked about with Tracer and I can certainly say I am not prepared for the Story Missions, I am most certainly going to cry.
Wow, this is way longer than I expected it to be, I hope it made sense!!
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prettyboi14 · 8 months
Imma vent for a bit so um, yeah, I'm gonna use this post as my safe space rn 😭
It's hard to describe just how lonely I've been the last few days/weeks/months. Time has been going so so slow yet so fast at the same time. 2 months ago, a whole 2 months ago, the last two or 3 days of August, I lost all of my friends. And I mean, all of them. Even my best friends of 3 years. And a guy who I actually loved, a lot, told me to kill my self. This guy was one who had been with me when I was very much struggling. He helped me through what I assumed was something similar to a panic/anxiety attack, he had similar mental health to me so we bonded a lot over that. So for him to tell me to kill my self, meant a whole lot more then if it would have been anyone else. I think about that everyday and it's been probably 2 months since that happened. I can't get it out of my head. I keep seeing that text message in my head and I genuinely don't know how much longer I can deal with it. I loved all of my friends so much. And I hate that that hate me and that I hurt them. Those friends helped me find myself, they watched me grow up and find myself, and I watched them grow up too. I know friends grow apart, but it still hurts.
Along with that. I haven't told anyone this, because I just haven't. I've wanted to tell my bf but I haven't really spoke to him since it happened and it's not something you would usually say over text. I didn't tell my old ana coach when it happened and I told him actually everything. It happened multiple weeks ago, but I've thought about it pretty much everyday since. To explain, I was at this thing with my mom, it was like outside, and there was booths for like selling stuff and shit. My mom was on one side of the booth thing we were at, and I was at the other, she wasn't really paying attention to me, and I was just like looking at the things at the booth, it was a candle booth. I was standing pretty close to the table as to not like block the way. however, a pretty old guy, like if I had to guess, like 50+, on the heavier side too, walked up behind me, put his hands on my shoulders, and then in my waist/hips, and squeezed them as he slid behind me. But here's the thing, there was plenty of space to walk behind me, like, there was at least like 4+ feet behind me for him to walk. I was super uncomfortable and weirded out when it happened, when I mentioned it to my mom, she just brushed it off, like she usually does, so she doesn't really know what happened, she just knows, someone else grabbed my shoulders as I didn't get much further into saying it before she started talking. The entire day, I was uncomfortable. And It was like I could still feel his hands on my waist and shoulders. It still feels like i can. I thought I'd get over it that day, but clearly I haven't. I keep thinking of it, it keeps like replaying. I keep feeling his hands. I know it's like, nothing, but I hate it. I want to forget it.
This year has been a complete hell hole. I want out.
I'm tired of feeling like I'm constantly trying to dig myself out of the hole yet end up just breaking the tension of the dirt and making more fall. I feel like I'm buried underground in a coffin and I'm just wasting my air and energy banging and yelling for help. I'm tired. As much as I don't want to go on, I know I have to, I can't leave my bf. Plus, I promised myself i wouldn't die a virgin. I've kept that promise this long, I can keep it longer.
I've stopped trying to live though. I don't care about living. Even if I were to try, I still wouldn't be living, or alive. I might not be dead, but that doesn't necessarily make someone alive. I know it's gotten way worse then I probably think it is. I've mentioned it before, but it's gotten to the point where even my mom is worried. And she doesn't notice shit.
I picked up my floor for the first time in 2 months. It didn't make me feel better. It just reminded me of when I had my friends. Last time I had a clean room, I had friends, who I loved. And I was blissfully unaware that my [now ex] bf was a complete difference person and was lying to me.
I want my life back.
I could say a whole lot more, but this is already a lot longer then I planned.
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stagefoureddiediaz · 2 years
hi nonnie! First of all, hail to the costume meta queen. You kill it every single time and i adore you and you’re metas! Actually on the edge of my seat for the upcoming one! Secondly, WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT EPISODE like buck, couches, buddie of it all SCREAMING! I just rememebered that taylor said to buck that he already has meaningful relationships in his life and now we’re comparing buck’s relationships with couches and he picked the one couch he already got ( yeah i know that means that’s he is choosing himself, to be single and i’m so proud) but the possible implication that that single sofa represents eddie also while wearing the stripped shirt ( i mean we all remember buck carrying eddie). Third of all, i’ve been meaning to talk to you about eddie and his well idk how you call it but the thing around his shoulder where he carries his mic when he ‘s working (radio harness i suppose). Well since i noticed thanks to you that clothes are really important part of the storytelling i wanted to ask you do you have any thoughts about it. Because ever since ana has been introduced eddie always wears it on the opposite side. But before her he has always worn it same as buck. Sorry for my english, i hope you understood. Can’t wait for the meta and you’re thoughts❤️
Hey Nonnie!
Awwww thank you so much - I hope you did enjoy the second one and I'm sorry I didn't get to this sooner - life has been a bit crazy and I haven't had time to go through my inbox until now!
I'm still not over that episode to be honest - CHOICES were very definitely made and I am very appreciative of them!!!
As for Eddie and his radio holster and strap - the change from left shoulder to right shoulder happens at the beginning of season 3 - post Shannons death and also Buck being crushed by the ladder truck. I'd need to go through and check who wears it on what side at what point. Not something I included in my costume plots for each character so I don't have the information to hand, but once I've finished them (on season 5 now so hopefully it'll be done soon!), I'll go back through and add this information in so I can form a better idea of if there is anything to be read into it. Because I don't know if anyone else changes the side they wear it on, or if its just Eddie - leave it with me and I'll see what I figure out (it'll probably be in the mid season hiatus, but feel free to come back and remind me in case I forget!)
And Nonnie your English is wonderful so don't worry - I understand you perfectly!
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therummonster · 1 year
{this is kinda long, you don't have to read it}
alexis: hey! benny! wake up!
benny: huh? what's goin on?
kayla: you missed the entire mission plan because you fell asleep.
benny(grabbing a drink): is that so?
mara: yeah. don't take this the wrong way but maybe if you pay attention to the mission plans, you wouldn't have as many... broken mechs.
benny(drinks a small amount before setting the glass down): so i need to pay more attention?
alexis: yes-
benny: you got jump scared by an icicle, you also have numerous accounts of hitting yourself in the back of the head with pebbles behind you.
alexis: ... how did you know-
benny: let's also not forget that you, sterling, heath, all thought it was a good idea to team up with the guy that just looks like bad news.
heath: well ulitus told us-
benny(spins around to stare directly at vasillia): sorry silli, but i apparently need to pay attention! so i might as well get out all the pointless little details out in the wind!
vasillia: benjamin, don't you dare.
benny: fine, fine.
vasillia: ...
benny: ... you get high off of cat nip.
vasillia: YOU LITTLE-
tayrun (snickering)
benny(without even turning): you had to get kayla's help because you couldn't put down this weird bear thing that just looked really sad. literally nothing special about it. this was also about a week ago.
tayrun: well- i- yeah...
astra(trying to climb out a window)
benny: i thought i was going to kayla next but since you're going..
benny: you wait at the door whenever alexis and sterling leave until the nexus point gets triggered, then you jump on to the couch and pretend you weren't just waiting for them.
kayla: oh my god this is a massacre...
benny: you have spent multiple days doing work from charlie.
charlie: can confirm! i haven't slept in days! do i even need to sleep? people drink coffee to stay awake so..
benny: you will literally give someone a panic attack if you drink coffee while connected to them. just hop off and pass out.
champagne: how do you know all this????
benny: the same way i build mechs! i just know i've got the practice. sorta like how you got practice pretending you don't care about us and getting annoyed at our stupid things! and hiding the fact you've been visiting dinocross park the first wednesday of every month.
champagne: i shouldn't have said anything..
vasillia: you still go back to that place!?
benny: eeny meenie miney.. Mara, for the love of god don't feel bad for the people that were at the coalition!! they were gonna cut you to bits as if they were the second coming of christ!
mara: i can't help it!
benny: i know, but please!
sterling: benny i think you've proved a point-
benny(staring at the gopher): hush. ARCHIBALD!
everyone: tf??
benny: have you yet figured out how to turn off the record function?
gooby(flabbergasted expression)
everyone: TF!?
benny: i take it you still didn't know! don't worry, nobody else has em because i wasn't as paranoid as i am with the knowledge you can just appear!
jake: what on earth..
benny: kid, don't worry about it. sterling, i may as well get to you since i don't got a clue what the two braincells in the murder machine that likes cute things are doing.
sterling: that- that wasn't everything???
benny: nope! i mean... c'mon. me and cham have been dating for... like 5 months?
sterling: you- you have?
alexis: sterling. they haven't been keeping it a secret.
harold: jeeze sharp! i feel like ya went over board!
benny: you quiet down, your dad sold you and your boss tried to get my friends killed multiple times.
harold: eh, y'know what that's fair.
benny(turns back to jake): alright, since i think that's about everyone, this a brief thing.. i don't need healing, i am fine.
ana: liar.
benny(stares at ana)
ana(staring practically into his soul)
benny: final piece, you scare me a bit. not because of your powers however..
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slutforsnow · 9 months
A Cowboy's Dream
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
"The Truth"
A/N: I'm going to try and make this longer than the last chapter; I'm sorry for the lack of activity- my mental health has been absolutely shit since my partner shipped out for basic training and I'm trying my best. I hope you all like the story so far! :)
"Holy hell, you've got a nice house-" Eliana complimented, looking out the window of Jasper's car. The Cullen House was huge and beautiful. Even the 'unnatural' amount of windows was perfect, especially for stargazing.
"Thanks; Carlisle worked his ass off for it," Jasper replied, pulling the car into the garage. The pair got out and Jasper locked the car whilst leading Eli to the living room. She noticed that Jasper didn't call Dr. Cullen 'dad', earning a semi-bewildered look from her. Jasper chuckled, sensing her confusion.
"I'll explain that too, don't worry, Eliana."
"Please do, because I am... so fucking confused right now," She told him, slowly turning as she followed him inside the Cullen House. It truly was beautiful, yet gave off a very… dead feeling. All the older and almost artificial-looking items in the house looked perfect… too perfect to Eliana. Even the odd collection of what seemed to be high school graduation caps was odd.
"I will, but you may want to sit down for this," *He quipped, pulling Eli out of her daze. He pulled out a chair for her and she blushed, but sat down with a soft 'thank you'.
"Well… I'd like to say that you're wrong about my family. We're not human… not anymore," He began. The blonde soon dipped into the long explaination of the Cullens' history. The turning, the time frames, the trauma, all of it. He seemed to have sucked Ana into it as if he were a storyteller. She was captivated; listening to him speak about how Dr. Cullen had turned almost everyone and how they all came to Forks as it was one of the places that had very few sunny days.
When he finished, he waited for the laughter that he presumed would come after, yet it never came. The only thing that followed was worry. Pure worry with no signs of disbelief.
"The Spanish Influenza…? An asylum..? Being mauled by a bear..? Murder?.. Suicide-?.. Are you all okay??? At all??" She questioned, looking up at Jasper with worry. Jasper was, at the very least, shocked. He expected her to deny it all, call it bullshit, or to laugh in his face. But she was concerned.
"We're all okay.. sort of. We've had time to heal, and when we're turned we slowly forget about our past lives," He reassured, earning a nod from her.
"What about you..?"
"Hm-? What do you mean?" He questioned, looking at her curiously.
"How did you.. well, how did you get turned..?" She clarified, slowly.
"That, Eli, is a story for another time. But… do you see why I need you to keep this a secret? Not even Bella can know."
"Of course, your secret is safe with me. But… why did you tell me?"
Jasper chuckled this time and smiled a bit at the table. "You were figuring it out after Edward stopped the van from crushing Bella. It was only a matter of time before you'd find out what we are and we couldn't risk anyone else knowing."
"Ohhh… okay yeah, that makes sense. But… a few questions if you don't mind me asking?" She asked, starting to feel silly for wanting to know these things.
"Does garlic hurt you? What happens if you come in contact with the sun? Do you really die from a steak through the heart?" *She asked, leaning on the table and flicking her wrist in excitement.*
"Garlic can't hurt us. We don't die from a steak through the heart- actually we die from our head being ripped off and having our bodies burned. The sun however… oh God, I don't wanna talk about it," He explained, looking away as he started to answer about the sun.
"What? What does the sun do, I'm curious!"
"No, no, no it's awful-"
"Oh come on, it can't be that bad!"
"We sparkle. Like sun shining on a dazzled car sparkle," He confessed, earning a look of 'What the fuck' from Eliana.
"You.. sparkle?"
"We sparkle, yes, we sparkle." It took all Eliana had to not fall over and start laughing her ass off. Jasper glanced at her, smiling as she covered her mouth to avoid laughing.
"Go ahead, laugh, I don't care."
The moment Jasper gave her the okay, Eliana doubled over laughing so hard she started to cry from how much she laughed. Jasper could only think of one thing as she laughed. 'She's not so bad after all..'
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thisguyilike · 9 months
4.1 Varensia
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The next day, Emmy carries on her habit of watching students enter the school gates. Of course, she finally learns the identity of the mysterious green bag boy, but nothing will stop her from watching him from afar. He's a little weird and bonkers, but he was really fun to talk to. A toothy grin flashes before her face at the sight of him taking a step into school.
"Tea! Good morning!" Emmy yells out to him from her spot, leaning out of the window to wave wildly at him.
"Hey, don't lean out like that!!" He panics upon seeing half her body hanging from the window. She giggles and pulls herself together, giving him a small, timid wave. Tea smiles at her, taking his time to ascend the stairs. In the meantime, Emmy enjoys the rest of her sightseeing time.
"Emmy~" A delicate voice creeps up behind her. The air around her heats up. Someone is approaching her. Before Emmy could retaliate, a pair of hands hoist her by the waist. Emmy's shrill yelp echoes through the corridor, followed by the sultry laughter of Valencia.
"Hey!! Don't grab me like that! You know how ticklish I am." Emmy folds her arms. Valencia giggles, playfully smacking her by the shoulder.
"Aw~ I'm just kidding!" Valencia jokes, tilting her head slightly with a mellow smile. Ah, yes. Valencia, another scandalmonger but not as annoying as Karen. At least in this life. For the time being. Ever since Emmy's transfer, Valencia has been nothing but a nice friend to Emmy. Too nice, actually. The number of times she had to turn down her ludicrously rich gifts was too much to count on her hands. It was only through Valencia she made friends with Jessica, Wade, Voyager, and well, Karen if she even counts.
"So, what did ya come here for? Ana's late as always if you're looking for her." Emmy says, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose. Yes, Emmy is visually challenged.
"Oh Emmy, I'm just here to see you!" Valencia beams with a smitten smile, wrapping her arms around Emmy. The assaulted Emmy takes a great amount of effort to not pull away instantly. As Valencia pulls back voluntarily, she pats down the creases of her maid-ironed uniform. "Actually, I hear you yelling at this guy with cute hair~"
"Hah?!" Emmy exclaims. A wonderful surprise, someone heard her screaming from the first floor. How could that go wrong? "Uh, I didn't know he had cute hair!"
"Don't lie to me, Emmy! I know there's something, right?" Her honey-sweet voice sets in. Emmy knows this very well. Valencia's looking for gossip. She's like a siren, except she doesn't sing that good. However, Emmy does know that Valencia had never caused scandals for Emmy. Maybe a bit too early to say since she'd only transferred a few weeks ago. "Are you interested in him? That boy!"
"Well, he is really nice and stuff."
"That's so cute coming from you, heehee! Don't worry, I'll keep it a secret!" She giggles, ending it with a smile. Right, Emmy tends to forget Valencia's one of the popular netball girls of the school. Thought you'd tell from how classy and stereotypical her name is. Plus, she's rich, it kinda contributes to her fame. It hurts her to say that she once assumed Valencia bought most of her friends.
"That'd be nice, thanks." Emmy grimaces, unsure how to feel about her promise.
"So, have you chosen a club?" Valencia asks, taking a small space beside Emmy on the window. With last night's conversation with Tea, her intentions seem to point to joining netball, mostly because Tea's interested in basketball. However, she still had her doubts; Karen's a turn-off even for gay people. "Hopefully I'll be seeing you more if you get what I mean, heehee!"
"Ah, you mean netball?" Emmy makes a face, which Valencia catches onto quickly. "I'm not sure. Maybe?"
"Awh, maybe I can think of something for you?" Valencia seems to be putting some effort to use her brain. "Oh! I got it! Emmy, oh Emmy, you'll like this so much!"
"Um, you think so?" Emmy isn't too sure what to expect from a nutcase.
"Yes, oh yes you must think of doing this!" Valencia impels. "So, I heard this rumor from last batch's seniors. You should ask your boyfriend to join the cooking club with you!"
"Wait, wait he's not my boyfr—"
"Oh, don't be so modest!" Valencia says. "You'll easily make him fall in love with you, trust me for love advice."
"Um, thanks?" Emmy says, not too sure what else she could say. "Wait, why cooking club? I can barely cook..."
"Oh, you're missing my favorite part!" Valencia says. "If you, a student, invited their crush, the boy you were shouting at, to join the cooking club, the chances of you liking each other will be off the charts! Many of them ended the year being lovers, and our seniors have worshipped those stats ever since before we arrived!"
"Well, that definitely sounds fucking legit," Ana cuts in all of a sudden. It seems Valencia succeeds again at distracting Emmy from watching the people.
"That's a myth? Holy shit!" Carly appears next to Ana, both equally late and equally reprimanded with cleaning duty. "Matthew and I were in the cooking club back in elementary you know, I remember he used to be so sweet back then."
"Oh, hey guys," Emmy says with a tired sigh.
"Ana! Carly~ Why do you two come so late all the time? Do you want my drivers to pick you guys up personally?" Valencia as always, too hospitable.
"Nah dude," Ana says. "But thanks though."
"Dude, didn't you see the gas price increased by a cent??" Carly interjects. "So expensive, I'm not ever gonna need a car!"
"Oh, I know that. My father owns the oil and gas royalties." She replies nonchalantly.
"What the fuck?" Carly swears, all too similar to her dear husband Ana.
Emmy is starting to think the seniors are kinda desperate. If the cooking club's their only hope for romance, what if the school burns down? Not that it'll happen in this world or any other, just saying. Maybe it will if Celeste's the one cooking, but why would she even be involved with cooking when she can't even boil an egg at low heat for five minutes under supervision without it exploding?
"How do you even get it to explode...?" Emmy mutters to herself.
"Explode? Is there a bomb in school?" Valencia asks with a smile. This is why she's a nutcase.
"Probably thinking about Celeste and that one cooking masterpiece she fucked up," Ana barely hits the mark, but Emmy feels no need to clarify. To be fair, that barely narrows down to anything.
The idea of cooking gives Emmy a thought. The myth is utterly ridiculous, but the club itself may not be so bad. She definitely does not take interest in the meandering desperation of a senior's false hyperbole to gain a life partner and populate their world. There's no way cooking can bring her close to Tea, unless she cooks a love potion or something. She once heard from Hyde that Tea really likes custard puffs and chocolate chip cookies. Emmy is really good at making chocolate chip cookies.
"Oh yeah, it's all coming together." Emmy clasps her hands together, giggling excitedly to herself.
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winewithdann · 2 years
to our brokenhearted mom 💔
little angels’ call ☁
We miss you Mom!
We love you. Sorry that we didn't get to tell you because we had to go early. Thank you for carrying us in your womb for months. Thank you for sacrificing your life for us. Thank you for loving us more than yourself. It's a shame we never had the chance to say this to you. And to do things like the other moms did with their kids.
Actually mom, you don't have to worry about us. People are nice here. People are really happy to see us. They told us that they know you. People really adore and love you, don't they? 🥰 They welcomed us with the warmest and tightest hug when we arrived here. They gave us sweet smiles, but not as sweet as when you first held us. How we wish we could phone call or video call you so you get to meet them. Elsa and I know it breaks your heart into a million pieces that we had to go. But we made a friend here, His name is Jesus. He said He's sorry for you, but He needs us more here. Mom, we love you so much, but please be patient with yourself. Earlier today, He took us to this big cinema and we watch you crying. It breaks our hearts. It breaks our hearts that you are still blaming yourself for not being enough. It breaks our hearts that you feel guilty for being happy some days. Mom, please don't. It breaks our hearts that you're afraid to move forward. Moving forward doesn't mean you love us less. We know how much you love us. Please don’t live your life thinking like that. A grandma here named Mary, told us she understood your pain. She said she is sending you help. I don't know what and how but we're grateful for her. We are sorry, Mom. We wanted to go down and be with you and tell you how much we miss and love you. But Jesus told us it's better for us to stay here. He needs us here around His seat. In that way, we could watch over you and the people who love us. He assured us that we would meet again here. But before that, we want you to do a few things for us and for yourself. You have to stop, Mom. Stop blaming yourself for something that isn't your fault and beyond your might. Mom, you also need to stop feeling guilty for feeling happy. You deserve it more than anyone else. You have to allow yourself to heal. Jesus said it's His gift for you- the healing, the rest and comfort. It's all from Him. It's okay to smile and laugh. It's okay to move forward. It's okay to continue living your life. In that way, we can also stop feeling sorry and guilty for leaving you too soon. We want to see you smiling and laughing and falling in love again. Doing so doesn't mean you love us less or that you are starting to forget us. 💗 We never doubted your love for us. Not even a single day. We love you so much too, Mom.
We're afraid we have to end it here. He is calling us to go. We are going to watch the waves today with Him. We will visit you in your dreams one of these days. Just promise us, you will start looking after yourself and that you will be kinder to yourself. Accept the gifts Jesus is sending your way. We're excited to meet you again but don't make it happen too soon. For now, we will enjoy watching you in the big cinema with Jesus.
We love you so much, Mom. We miss you. 🥺
Your angels 👼🏻👼🏼,
Ana and Elsa
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astarlow · 2 years
hi! if requests are still open when you get this could i get a ashe, mercy, ana and dva x fem reader (all separate ofc and feel free to add any other overwatch ladies i don’t mind!!) cheering up their s/o after a rough week? also if it could contain fluff and be a mix or just a head canon that’d be amazing!! i’ve been having a rough week myself and ur writing has made me a whole lot better so ty v much 💖💖 hope u have a lovely day :)))
Characters: Ashe, Mercy, Ana and D.Va Form: Mix Warning: None I think Synopsis: How they cheer their s/o after a rough week Word count: 1475 A/n: Requests are always open, so don't worry. Especially requests like those, I'll be glad to do it! I hope this will help you feel better and I'm happy to know my writing has helped you, have a lovely day as well and I hope your weekend will go better
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🍵Ana has seen it all, she just knows when her s/o has a rough week
🍵She's all the way here for her
🍵She makes her sit and asks her what happened
🍵she can be her shoulder to cry on if she needs to
🍵if she doesn't, that's alright as well. Ana is always here if she wants to vent or just talk about what happened
🍵If she is an Overwatch soldier, she's going to tell embarrassing stories about her comrades. Especially Reinhardt since she's been by his side for a lot of times
🍵And she knows he doesn't mind it too much
🍵If she's not, she's going to tell stories about her days as a vigilitante
"This tea is best if it's still hot," she informs her as she sips in her cup. She gives an umperceivabke nod, staring at the cup. She stares at her for a moment before placing down her cup.
"What is it?" She looks up and sighs.
"It's just- I don't know, it's just too much." She gestures at everything around them and she acknowledges it by nodding.
"Would you like to discuss it further?"
"I don't think I want to."
"That's alright, would you like to hear a story?" She crosses her arms on the table and places her head on them.
"Yeah, why not."
"As a sniper and as a support, I often have a wider view of the battlefield than my other teammates. That is because I am often in the back. You would not believe how many times I've seen them tripping on themselves or forgetting someone was watching over them. Especially Reinhardt. Always charging in, he even got himself stuck in a tree one time." She cracks a little smile. "I'm still surprised he didn't break that tree back then." She shakes her head in amusement.
"Let's talk a walk outside, the weather appears to be perfect for a little walk."
🐰she might take a little bit of time to notice that her s/o is feeling down but once she does, she has her whole undivided attention
🐰gaming time!
🐰all the recommendations her viewers let on her stream or her other social media, she had already made a list to play it with s/o
🐰and right now, it seems like the best time to do it
🐰she has all genre, if she’s in the mood for horror games, she has many. Adventure or action? Don’t worry, she owns many of them
🐰if s/o just wants to watch her play game, she gladly does it. No stream, no camera, no light, just a little bit of action between her, s/o and her game
🐰if she’s busy and can’t be by her s/o’s side, she is sending tons of cute animals picture (bonus point if it is bunny ones)
🐰fanart!! She has tons of them and some of them include s/o so when she’s back she is going to show some of them
“Done with the game?” Hana asks quietly when she notices s/o is leaning on her shoulder. Her character in the game is immobile while she goes on the menu, having an idea of the answer s/o is going to give. Her answer comes out muffled but she somewhat hears a yes. She closes the game and switches off the screen.
“Wait here, I’ll come back in just a second. I need to show you something!” She gets up in a blink of an eye, heading toward the living room. S/o waits patiently, laying down on the couch.
A sudden portrait is shoved above her head so she could instantly see it. She blinks a few times, realizing it’s a portrait of them. It depicts them, in front of a temple in Busan. They’re both smiling and the light is shining of them. Hana is leaning on s/o while she’s holding them both stable. Their smiles is wide, their eyes crinkling a bit from their laughter. S/o recognizes it as a picture Hana posted on her social media but it’s clearly painted. The brushes’ strokes are still visible.
“Wow… that’s amazing.” She sits up while Hana hands her the portrait. She scans it and the more she observes it, the more beautiful it is.
“Right? It’s one of my subscribers who drew us.”
“Is that so? Could I get their handle? I want to thank them.” She points at the bottom of the painting.
“It’s here!” She chuckles and nods a bit, not noticing it before she pointed it out.
“Thanks.” She gives her a little kiss on the cheek.
“No problem!”
🧨 Ashe is a busy woman but she tries her best to be here
🧨she would never want her partner to feel neglected
🧨Especially at times like this
🧨If it is someone that has bothered her, you can be sure they'll be taken care of somehow
🧨She leaves her hat to her care and it's a way for her to show she trusts her and her way to show her affection
🧨Once she's done with that, she's going to treat her based on her s/o's preferences. Fancy restaurants? For sure. Go shopping? Hell yeah. Just chilling? She's not a fan of that but if it is for her s/o, of course she'll do it
🧨She asks B.O.B to tell everyone to leave them alone for a moment and they usually comply
🧨Today and for the rest of the week, it's her s/o and only her that matters
"What got you so upset treasure?" Ashe just came back from a heist, upon seeing her s/o's frown and body language, she knew something is up as soon as she entered their shared house. S/o snaps her head to the side, surprised upon seeing Ashe here. She didn't hear her come through.
"I-it's nothing much, don't worry." She approaches her, raising one of her eyebrows in suspicion before letting a chuckle.
"Yeah, right. Nothing much, huh? Who is it? I can go give them a few 'words'."
"Just one of my coworkers." She gives her a nod, muttering something under her breath. She places her hat on her head and she's by the door once again.
"I'll be back pumpkin, if you need anything in the meantime, just call B.O.B." S/o doesn't know if it is a good idea of telling her who it is but it's too late anyways. Soon enough, she drifts into sleep.
Once Ashe is back, she notices her sleeping on the couch, the hat on her belly. She smirks at this then heads toward her. She scoops her in her arms, heading to the bedroom. S/o snuggles closer to her, while still being asleep.
"I gotcha treasure."
🕊️ Here comes another busy woman, though Angela has the chance to be able to see her s/o more often than not
🕊️ Her doctor's side often takes the upper hand.
🕊️ She's going to ask her tons of questions. If she is eating well if she drinks enough water and sleep enough hours.
🕊️It's only when she notices it isn't a medical treatment she needs she's going to let out a soft "oh"
🕊️ She's going to drop everything she can and lead her s/o outside
🕊️ Fresh air always helps her and she believes it might be the same for her
🕊️ She finds a green patch and lets her s/o lies down on her lap while she brushes her hair
🕊️ She does this game of asking her what she sees in the clouds, what forms and when they're done, she's going to prepare some drinks and a hearty meal for the both of them
"Let's get outside, alright Liebling?" S/o is too tired to give another answer and she follows Angela. She holds her hand while rubbing her thumb against the back of her hand.
"This should do it, would you sit beside me?" She points to a patch of grass near the sea. The breeze is salty. Angela sits first and s/o follows suit. She hums a little tune while she's looking at the landscape. S/o stares at her lover and she returns the look.
"Is something on your mind?" She shrugs while looking at the landscape.
"It's just-" she ruffles her hair before sighing heavily. "it's getting hard…" she finishes while laying on Angela's lap.
"I can understand. At least, you won't have to go through this week ever again. Just take it one day at a time dear, you're doing great, trust me." She kisses her on the lips for a brief moment while smiling brightly. S/o cracks a smile and nods.
"Yeah. Thanks Angela," she whispers out and she returns the nod with a brighter smile.
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alexiabae · 11 months
TIRED; caroline graham hansen x fem!reader
Summary: in which caro rant to y/n about how she felt on her national team.
Warnings: short fic for this precious sunshine.
Note: English is not my first language.
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not my gif.
She read the breaking news.
And she was devastated.
If it was true, how can you leave out two of your best players out?
Two players who came to win the champions league.
Y/N grabbed her phone and was meeting by a photo of her with her girlfriend, making her forget momentarily about what she was going to do. She searched for Caro's number and pressed the button once she found it.
A tone.
Two tones.
And at the three tones, Caro answered it.
"Hola min kjærlighet." Caro greeted her in a groggy voice, clearing her throat after.
"Shit. Are you sleeping? I don't watch the hour, sorry." Y/N curses, making the forward laugh.
"Don't worry. I needed to wake up soon." The blonde informed, letting out a yawn.
Y/N bit her bottom lip; "I read the news... It's true?" She asked unsure, not wanting Caro to get mad or upset.
Caro sighed.
"It's true. I don't tell you anything because I don't care anymore about this national team." Caro hissed the last part.
Y/N could hear how pissed she is about it.
"You don't have fault about anything, okay? Neither Ingrid." Y/N let her know, even if she didn't know the full story.
"I know it. It's the fault of Hege. She didn't listen to us, to her players... It's frustrating. Sorry, I don't want to bother you about it." The Norwegian rarely gets mad or angry or raises her voice.
Y/N shakes her head even if her girlfriend couldn't see her. "No, no. You know that you can count on me, and if you want, I will be grateful to hear it." She said with a soft voice, putting herself better on her seat on the sofa, watching by her window the dark sky.
"Hege punished us for telling the truth. She didn't care if we lost match after match. She only cares about herself. We aren't good enough because we don't work sufficiently on it. We need staff people who care about us, not participating in the world cup. It matters if you do ridiculous things in front of the world." Caro said in a rush, her voice getting raised as her angrier thoughts showed up. "And Ingrid? She didn't say anything bad. She admitted our mistakes, but of course if you want to play you need to shut up and nod." She finished.
Y/N was really surprised by Caro's statement. Not from the words, if not for her tone of voice. It was a mix between angry and sad, winning the temper.
"My advice is that you need to do it for your teammates, they don't have the fault for your coach being uncompetitive." Y/N muttered, not wanting to disturb Caro. "And for your country. The people who show you their support, no matter the countries they are from. Like me for example." She tried her best to cheer her up.
Caro let out an inevitable soft chuckle at her last comment. They are in silence for a few minutes, processing everything in their minds.
"You will see Ana today." Y/N remind her, playing with her laces from her pajama short.
"Yeah. Something good, at least." The blonde muttered, rolling on her bed, closing her eyes.
"How is Ingrid?" Y/N can't resist asking by her friend.
"Affected. But she received some calls before and she is better. And she has us too." Caro explained.
Y/N felt bad. She found an hour ago about Norway's news and probably Mapi or some familiar found it hours ago and called the brunette.
"Sorry about not calling before... I was working." Y/N apologises, regretful for having a shit of a job.
"I supposed that you're working. Don't worry, babe. I just want it to be over and fly to the warm city where I live." Y/N giggles, finding funny how her nordic girlfriend hates the cold.
"What about me?" Y/N teases.
Caro plays a lazy smile. "You are the most I miss right now... So, be prepared when I come back because I'm not going to let you go."
"I can't wait." Y/N whispered, smiling remembering the moments with her.
"I will let the national team after the world cup." Caro confessed after a moment of silence. "I can't anymore. I'm really tired of their behaviour. They know what they want and they don't want me. So..." She trailed off, sighing.
"I will support every decision you make." Y/N support her.
Caro smiled; "Thank you, min kjærlighet. I just want to focus on us, family, friends and my club. That's all I want."
"Well, I'll let you rest a little more." Y/N said watching the hour on her phone, setting an alarm to watch the game in a few hours.
"Sorry that you asked for the morning to watch me play..." Caro said sadly. "I'll make it to you, I promise."
"Don't be silly. You don't have the fault. And sadly that type of shit always happens. So focus on passing to the next level."
Caro laughed at how her girlfriend denominated it like a video game.
"I will try my best if they let me." The blonde said. "For you." She added in a whisper.
"Te quiero." Y/N whispered back.
"Jeg elsker deg mer."
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kvrolcva-blog · 6 years
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[ 女王 ] -            
        ❝ Don’t ask why I keep disappearing... Just be glad I’m still alive. ❞
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roseserpentpress · 2 years
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Adding some variety this time with a Sakata Gintoki x Hijikata Toushirou anthology fic collection. This one is actually the second book I did! I had a hard time deciding the anthology name since I was like ugh silver and iron sounds too pretentious- and then figured a title that was pretentious and then proceeded to make fun of it for being pretentious is a very Gintama thing to do, and ended up rather pleased with the title.
Since it was the second thing I typeset I ended up with a few issues in the final print (and binding... I didn't intend for a straight spine but forgot about rounding it, but a lot of people like to leave their spines straight anyways so it's fine) that I'm tempted to go back and fix and maybe redo the whole thing another time (we do not talk about the inverted page number positions. Is this why the icha icha series numbers are all centered instead of on the outside of the page? No absolutely not) but in the end I still enjoy it the way it is, so for now I'm at peace with it.
Originally I was actually going to add little designs above each title page of each story, but in the end I got to trigger-happy for the printing and bookbinding process and printed it before I drew the designs. I did in the end while bored draw the designs after, so maybe I will eventually redo the book. We'll see.
List of fics in the anthology:
Summer Heat (3k, G)
Hijikata gets ordered by Kondo to go on a vacation. For some reason, he runs into Gintoki there.
I told you once (and here's the twice) (3k, M)
“Ah, stern as always. You never change, do you, Hijikata-kun?”
“And you always do whatever you want to”.
“Right, I’m working on that”, and then Yorozuya lifts his hand and takes Hijikata’s cigarette from his mouth, placing it between his own teeth. Hijikata himself is too stunned to do anything other than just look at his mouth, lips curved over where his own had been just moments before, his body now kicked into high alert as if responding to an imminent threat.
An animal realizing they’re prey.
Two years is a long time yearning for someone.
Stop the rising tide, I need extra time (3.5k, E)
No one really comments on the change in their relationship, and Hijikata doesn’t know how to feel about the general air of lack of surprise around them.
Sequel to "i told you once (and here's the twice)". Hijikata is trying his best to make a place for himself in Gintoki's life. Gintoki loves him for it.
Common Misconceptions (7.6k, G)
“Yes, Hijikata-san, we were worried for you,” Sougo drawls, with a smirk on his lips, and then, like the little bastard he is, he asks, “Where were you?”
Hijikata thinks he knows exactly what conclusion those two idiots landed on after seeing him in the Yorozuya’s yukata.
(Or: 5 times people wrongly assume something about the relationship between Hijikata and the Yorozuya and the one time they turn out to be right after all)
Don't venture into the forest alone or you will end up befriending a lonely kitsune (7k, G)
"With his curiosity peaked, Toushirou slowly sat up and crawled over.
It was white? No, darker than white. Silver?
Toushirou picked up the tuft of fur on the ground, wondering what animal it could have come from. He had been here so many times, but had never seen an animal with silver-white fur. Maybe a new animal moved into the forest and he had yet to see it?
From behind the bushes, a pair of curious red eyes watched the young boy."
Kitsune! Gintoki x Human! Hijikata AU
7-year old Hijikata, shunned by his family, meets a young kitsune living alone in the forest.
Written for GinHijiGin Week 2020, for the prompt: Gintoki's Birthday.
And when it's time to remember, please don't forget your heart's greatest desire (13k, E)
After missing Ketsuno Ana's rare meet and greet session, Gintoki expected to head home and wallow in self pity while stuffing his face with strawberry shortcake and milk.
What he didn't expect, was to run into an unconscious man with beautiful black wings, and end up carrying him home.
A Human Gintoki x Tengu Hijikata oneshot AU
Inspired by marrbl's art (included in fic with permission from artist)
Downloading Pornography Can Lead to Computer Viruses and Strained Relationships (12k, T)
Tama is sick, and Gengai enlists Hijikata’s help to fix her. Too bad Hijikata never watched the Tama Quest arc, otherwise he might have known that the Leukocyte King isn’t normally a huge flirt.
Boys Over Flowers (12k, E)
Gintoki always thought that both he and Hijikata were just really good bros. They were just two normal bros who played Super Smash and joked around after school at WacDonalds. So what if they cuddled a bit while watching scary movies? And what if they shared a bed during sleepovers and jacked each other off in the morning? Bros did that, right?
Okay, maybe Gintoki and Hijikata weren't just 'bros being bros' afterall.
The Demon's Bride (15k, M)
Hijikata bowed and introduced himself. “Hijikata Toushirou, Shiroyasha-dono’s bride and soon-to-be wife. Pleased to meet you.”
Gintoki spluttered on his drink while Takasugi’s laughter got louder.
Shiroyasha/Ponikata AU
RVSP Even if You Aren't Sure You'll Make It, Just In Case; It's Better to Have More Chairs Than Less (16k, E)
Hijikata has a problem and needs Gintoki's help.
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laskyy · 3 years
hi, Ana!~ I hope you are doing well!! 💕 can I request a reaction to p1harmony when they first had a fight with their partner?~
you can ignore this request if it is uncomfortable for you! I really like your acc & work, and I always want to request something from you, but I have so few ideas about it😸
I love u, Ana🙌🏻💗
have a great day, Ana !!<<33
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Hi my love!
I'm so so sorry for the wait! But I finally had some time off so I'm going to write your request! And thank you so much for being so patient and sweet bub! I always look forward to your requests! I love you too Anna, and I hope you have a great day 💖💖💖
P1harmony when they fight with their s/o for the first time
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Tw: Crying, yelling, one curse word, fighting (not physically tho), hugging (as always, let me know if I missed something)
Genre: angst, fluff
You and Theo hadn't been spending a lot of time together and it was all because he was overworking himself.
Like the worried partner you were, you decided to confront Taeyang about this, but as he was stressed, things didn't exactly go how you planned, because now, you guys had your first ever fight, he was angrily running his hand through his hair and you were on the verge of tears.
(rest of Theo and the other members under the cut!)
"It's my job! You have to understand that!" Taeyang slightly raised his voice at you.
"But you're not eating well not sleeping well! And you barely spend time with me." the last part barely came out of your throat as you finally broke down and started crying.
Theo saw you in such a vulnerable state that he started to think to himself if he was even in the right to argue with you.
After a few seconds of thinking he realized that he was in fact overworking and that if he relaxed more he would have time to be with you and take care of himself.
He regretted this fight so he started feeling bad and ran to hug you while whispering sweet nothings in your ear.
"I'm so sorry baby. I promise I'll do a better job in taking care of myself." He said as you calmed down and hugged him tighter as you both enjoyed each others warmth forgetting about that arguement.
You and Keeho had been going strong with your relationship. Well, that is until he promised to take you out, but forgot, for the 3rd time this week.
So here you were sitting on the couch all dolled up while Keeho entered your shared flat as if nothing happened.
"You're three hours late!" You stated asyou watched Keeho raised one eyebrow in confusion.
"We had a date Stephen!" As you said this he widened his eyes, but then made a mad expression.
"Well, you know I can't just remember everything! I have a job you know? You knew what you were getting into!"
"At least try to care, so I don't make a fool of myself!" You said hoping he would apologize, but instead the fight got worst and not to mention you guys had never fought before.
Eventually you stopped shouting and went into separate rooms to calm down, but you both new you couldn't stay mad at each other.
Keeho entered the room you were in and hugged you from behind. "I'm sorry this happened, I'll try not to forget dates and not stay working until late when I can." And you couldn't say mad at him either.
"I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have snapped, I know how hard you work, and I'm so proud!" And with that ladies, gents and non-binary folks, you made up with your boy Keeho :)
Jiung was such an amazing boyfriend you couldn't even imagine fighting with him! Until you did fight for the first time.
You forgot to clean one of your dishes, because you were so busy with exams you barely had time to eat, but Jiung's clean freak side erupted and he must've been in a bad mood that day, because when he saw that dirty plate in the sink he snapped.
"Is it so hard to clean one plate? Do I have to do everything here?" Jiung shouted as you were trying to study in your room. And as you didn't answer he came in your room.
"Did you not hear me? You didn't clean your plate!" He said as he angrily stared at you.
"Ji I'll do it later, not now I'm studying!" You said trying to sound calm so he would leave you alone for now.
"Oh so leave basic decency out the window right? Do you think you'll get out of cleaning the dishes?" "Jiung it's not that deep! I'll do it later!" But your words were left unheard, because Jiung washed your dish and kept on calling you out everytime he passed by your room.
You were so stressed about exams and your first fight with your boyfriend that you couldn't take it anymore and started crying on top of your notes. Jiung heard sobs from the living room and came to check on you.
After conforting you, he recognized how much of a dick he had been so he apologized and showered you with kisses as he made you take a little rest break.
You and Intak were playing a few games as he was stressed from work, but what didn't help his case was the fact that you kept winning.
Normally he would be alright and even happy for you, but as he was stressed it was the last straw for him.
"You cheater stop that!" He said in a loud and serious voice. "You're not even good at this game!" He said again in a powerful tone.
You weren't aware of how angry he looked because you were celebrating your win, so you thought he was just playing around with you.
"Maybe you aren't that good in this game!" You said as you laughed slightly, but unfortunatrly Intak just wasn't having it today.
"Don't say nonsense! I always win these! Why are you vringing me down!" And from here you started to catch on his mood, but the fight, and your first fight, I may add, kept going.
But it all stopped when Intak started crying, because today just had been too much for him and you couldn't help but feel bad about seeing him in this state and the fact that you were also at fault for his breakdown.
"Tak, I'm so sorry baby, I was really immature. I should've known better, and I should have comforted you because you were stressed." You said as you wrapped your arms around your boyfriend in hopes to calm him down.
"It's okay, I'm sorry for causing this, I was in a bad mood, I just need your comfort now!" And of course you comforted your big baby.
You and Soul were hanging out in an empty dance practice and at first it was fun because you guys were just dancing around and playing with each other, but eventually it got late and you had to go home.
But Soul didn't seem bothered by that since he kept dancing and trying to perfect a choreo, so you decided to announce that you had to go, but things went south :/
"So I invite you here and you get bored just like that? Fine I should've thought twice before inviting you to such a meaningful place for me." He said as he turned his back on you to drink water.
"No, calm down! I have to work tomorrow and it's late! And you're not playing attention to me at the moment, so it doesn't matter to you does it? I'm leaving!" You said as you left the practice room in tears.
You couldn't believe you and Soul just fought, it was your first fight and you never thought you'd be in this position.
You were walking to your car when you felt two arms wrap around your waist tightly.
"I'm so sorry, don't leave like that. I was stressed about the choreo. I would never think twice about bringing you to meaningful places." Shota sniffled in your shoulder.
You turned around to hug him normally. "Oh baby, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have just left like that! It wasn't right." And with that you stayed a little longer in Soul's arms and went home in a better mood.
You and Jongseob were both watching a show together and you made a rule to only watch it with the other around so you couldn't be ahead of one another. It was an efficient way to avoid spoilers.
One day Jongseob came to visit and saw you watching the show, but he couldn't recognize the episode which meant you were watching without him!
If he was in a better mood he wouldn't have minded that, he would even have thought that It was cute how invested you were, but today he kept messing up his flow and the lyrics just weren't it so needless to say he wasn't in the best mood.
"What do you think you're doing?" Jongseob said as he paused the episode and got in front of the TV.
"I knew you were about to arrive and I couldn't really wait, so I just saw a few minutes of the new episode but I didn't think you'd mind!" It was true you only saw a little bit, and besides that, Jongseob had done the same thing several times to you and you never got mad at him.
"Well, but you broke our rule, so I'm mad! Why can't you get anything right?" He said as his voice grew louder by the minute.
"Jongseob you're forgetting the fact that you've done this to me as well aren't you?" You said trying to keep your cool. "But it is not okay to do this!" Jongseob said loudly as the fight, your first fight, got into bigger proportions.
You both ended up crying and none of you wanted to apologize, but as soon as you looked in each other's eyes you just ran into each other's arms without thinking twice.
"I'm sorry Jongseob. I won't do it again I promise!" You said as you hiccuped in his arms.
"It's okay. I'm sorry for getting mad at you! I never wanna fight again! I love you so much!" Jongseob whispered against your hair as he pulled you closer.
Hope you guys enjoyed this! Take care! Have a great day/afternoon/night! Love you 💖
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outrunningthedark · 3 years
how do you manage to have faith that we’ll eventually get canon buddie? i want to believe it’ll happen but i’m not sure
i...genuinely can't understand how people *don't* have faith by now. we're not being baited because: - the show isn't over (and i have always maintained tim just might drag this thing out to the very end) - tim purposely avoids using buddie for ratings/social media hype (we're watching because we love our otp, but he is giving us NOTHING until the episodes air for the second consecutive year) my expectations for canon!buddie are vastly different from a lot of people: - i don't anticipate sex scenes and even kissing on the mouth is a toss up (would i appreciate it? yes. do i need it to be happy? no. give me forehead touches and hand-holding and i'll be *swooning*) the writers have been paralleling buddie's relationships with women to each other since season 2: - buck vs. shannon (which one had eddie's back, which one eddie trusted, how they cared for christopher) - eddie vs. ali (ali not being able to handle how buck operates, then we got eddie "i know you did" diaz) - buck vs. ana (skateboarding, christopher running to buck once he finds out dad's dating again, buck taking care of christopher because he felt it was his responsibility, the guardianship decision even though eddie was in a relationship and trying to move forward) - eddie vs. taylor (the lack of trust, buck completely forgetting about taylor as soon as eddie's awake, "you're not invincible" vs. "you act like you're expendable", taylor at eddie's house for the party, but the focus is on buck gazing at eddie and christopher) the entirety of season three where they dated NOBODY??? their arcs were intertwined??? (tsunami and all that went with it, lawsuit/fight club, buck being there for two family moments in 3x09 and 3x12, eddie begins was about buck's reaction more than anyone else's, eddie worrying about buck when abby came back) the fact that yet again tim got people talking about an outside love interest (last season it was ana, now it's taykay) only to go "lol jk they're not THAT serious" (and we saw signs of future problems tonight as predicted) before ryan was advised to stop speaking he said he was interested to see "what will happen with [buck and eddie's relationship]" (during mid-season three!) maybe he didn't have confirmation, but he *did* have an inkling oliver publicly trusting that tim and his writing staff would handle canon!buddie with respect implies another discussion (or two, or three) was had going into season four even if he and ryan didn't know *when* things will change ...what else do we need?
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mitsua · 3 years
Well, hello there, Ana in here! This is my first time posting in tumblr, hope you like it <3
For the people who already know me, I have Wit, Wattpad and Tiktok account, yes, it's me, I know I couldn't put the ">:D" like it is but... well the app didn't let me :,)
I'll be posting headcanons of the MHA characters, you can request anything, it can be a NB! Y/n, F!, M!, or whatever you want, into a scenario, feeling, anything! It's up to you, this first post it's already published in my Wit account and probably I'll copy some from here to there, or vice-versa, thank you so much for reading and hope you like it 😊
Y/n left the school and said nothing about it, until it was late
Warnings : cursing ( I think you already know from who... ) and bad grammar & spelling mistakes
Genre : Some angst
Serie : 𝐁𝐨𝐤𝐮 𝐍𝐨 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐨 𝐀𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐚
Y / n 's . . . GN !
Y/n had been off for many week now, nobody knows why.
But the reasok was, their parents were moving to America, business.
They didn't trust on Y/n that much to let them take care of theirself.
Y/n didn't know how to tell all the loved people they have known in there, they were all friends even though sometimes they had fights.
That's why...they decided to leave without any advice.
They didn't even tell Aizawa, just principal Nezu, with a little record of themself's saying bye and thanks for each experience.
They told specifically to not show it until it's necessary, to principal Nezu.
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~Midoriya's POV~
I started worrying about Y/n since the first day they didn't come to school...
It's pretty weird their absence, maybe, they got sick?!
Oh, I should text them!
<Private messages between ☆Izu☆ and ▪︎Y/n▪︎>
☆: Hello Y/n!
☆: Y/n?
☆: Y/n please answer!
☆: Y/N L/N!
< writing•°• >
☆: Hi?! How are you? Where are you? Are you ok?!
■: I'm fine, and I'm
☆: You are?
■: I'm in a fly
☆: Wow! Where? And why when we have classes?!
■: To America and
☆: You need to stop unfinishing your sentences Y/n
(I don't know if that word even exists but...sorry)
■: I'm not coming back
☆: How
☆: Why
☆: No no
☆: It's a joke right?!
■: 😔I wish it could be one
☆: No please!
☆: Y/n
☆: No
■ I'm so so sorry Izuku, I begged my parents to let me stay but they didn't let me
☆: Y/n
■: I'm so sorry
☆: Leave it
■: Izuku
< ☆Izu☆ is offline >
< in real life >
No no no
Y/n how could you?!
I was planning to tell you everything the next month
No please, please...
This has to be a sick joke
Their parents are the worst, please
-Third person POV-
Izuku changed his attitude, soon forgetting about Y/n...it was the best for him, he knew it, it did hurt him, much more than anyone in the class when they found out the truth, but be had no option than accept it.
They both lost contact with each other, Y/n still trying to text him every day for one year.
Izuku didn't do anything more than ignore all the messages, and some time later they found their true love...and this ended up being a non-important high school crush.
The love none of Y/n or Izuku deserved.
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-Katsuki's POV-
This nerd hasn't come for one week now, hasn't text anybody in the whole school, and not even Aizawa knows what happened to them, it's kinda...
I'll just ask if they're fine or some shit like that...
I took my phone and search for Y/n's number
It'll be better if I call them though...
< Chat between ◇Kats◇ and ♤Y/n♤ >
< Calling •°• >
< Calling •°• >
One more Bakugo, one more, you can..
< Calling °•° >
< ♤Y/n♤ has answered >
♤: Hi?
♤: Oh my-KATSUKI
♤: Bakugo Katsuki
◇: Fine!
♤: I was flying to America
◇: Wha-WHY?!
♤: I-I'm sorry
◇: Y/N?
♤: I'm moving to America and I won't come back
♤: I'm so so sorry
♤: B-but we can still-
◇: Fuck it
< ◇Kats◇ has ended the call >
< In real life >
No no... Y/n why?! Y-you can't leave me, you can't.
This is just a nightmare, you'll wake up Bakugo, find how can you wake up.
- Third person POV -
Since this call, Bakugo has ignored all Y/n's new messages he recieved every day, some of them saying 'hello' or 'I'm sorry'.
He'd cry looking all the pictures he had with them, reminding him it was a nightmare...a nightmare he left years after. When they met another person.
Y/n sadly got depressed, but at the end, Y/n saw the news seven years after they left:
PRO HERO DYNAMIGHT AND PRO HERO XXX ARE THE BEST JUST GOT MARRIED - click in the link below if you want to now more about this hero couple -
Which broke even more their heart but deeper, they were proud he could grow and forget the past...
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- Shoto's POV -
They're abscent..again? It's been a while, how long? Oh, right, one week...should I-? I don't lose anything trying.
< Chat between ¤Y/n¤ and ♣︎Shoto♣︎ >
♣︎: Y/n?
< seen >
♣︎: Y/n? I know you saw my message
♣︎: Remember you taught me WhatsApp's functions
< seen >
♣︎: Y/n are you fine? ♣︎: I'm asking just because you haven't come to school ever since one week ago
< writing •°• >
¤: Hi Todoroki
♣︎: What happened with Shoto?
¤: I think I can't call you by your first name if I won't be able to meet you again...
♣︎: What do you mean?
¤: Look, first this wasn't planned at all, and it's not my fault
♣︎: Just say it
♣︎: You're scaring me
♣︎: Are you ok?
¤: I'm completely fine, thanks, but
♣︎: But?
¤: I moved to America and I won"t be able to come back to Japan
♣︎: Good joke?
¤: It's not a joke and I'm so so sorry
♣︎: I thought you wouldn't leave me like everyone else do
¤: Todoroki please
< ♣︎Shoto♣︎ has blocked ¤Y/n¤ >
< In real life >
Come on
Why did I even blocked them?!
I-I just lost any possible contact they could have had with me, they aren't here anymore, you won't see them again...you-you-you have to go through it, they said you're strong, yoy have to take it...
Who am I kidding?! Did they leave because of me?? What did I do?
why can't I save anyone?
- Third person POV-
Shoto spent many years doubting any action or thing he said, since this day he changed a lot more, he got anxious, before, Y/n was his best friend and soon would ask them to go out on a date.
But he did regret blocking their contact, he didn't call or text back because sometimes he would act without thinking and then take back anything he said or did in the meantime; just like when he changed his phone number just to break all possible contact with Y/n.
Y/n also got anxious by the thought of being blocked by their best friend.
Some years later, they were the best pro-heroes each other on their country, but when Y/n got time, they visited Japan just to find Shoto with another person, kissing them.
Thank you so much again for reading, don't forget to like, or comment any other request you have, I'll try and write it as soon as possible! 😊 and the most important, don't forget to give your PLUS ULTRA!
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