♾️ a tune please ! 💜✨👉👈
you got true blue by mark ronson, but specifically this version by julia nunes
favourite lyrics is just the whole chorus: fucking around, i'm falling in love//saying goodbye 'cause you're giving it up//all that you were, all that you lost//who ever thought it came with a cost?//i ran to you, i ran to you//i ran to you and you know why
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growingwithem · 1 year
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Beautiful smile 💙
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measuredmotion · 3 months
a shitty summary of your blog: jonah hauer andre giersza- I MEAN KING.
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hoonclub · 1 year
happy new years guys ☺️🤍🤍 thank you for being part of my fun in 2022 😆 in 2023 let’s all be happier and healthier, having even more fun as we all love enha together 🫶🏼
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honeyl2v · 1 year
finally finallyyyy
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carronpatrick · 2 years
How does it feel like for having a blog for 14 years
Man, it feels so damn bizarre. I created this blog in 10th(?) grade and I'll be 30 this upcoming May and it's just. I've been on the internet since like Y2K and dial-up on those free AOL internet trial CDs they sent in the mail. But, most of the sites (apart from Neopets, my beloved Uni hasn't been fed in a few weeks, lmao) don't exist anymore, so to have a record of all my cringy past moments is wild. 😂 Also makes me feel very old despite not being old.
Also, hiiii! :3 dude, I saw you followed me last night and I've been too shy to say anything, lmao. But
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orions-bolt · 3 months
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The rock I cling to in a storm 🪨 ⛈️
Celebrating 7 years with @fell-contract today 🤍
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comfortunit · 2 years
ed ideas anon: i'm too shy at the moment, but maybe one day i'll dm u!!! but i did excitedly wanted pop in with another idea: legally blind/extremely poor vision antho!Edgar (any iteration- personally i like to imagine an old robot body computer with poor sight treated no different than a human with similar really appeals to me for some reason???)
no worries! it’s ok!
and yes!! canon canon canon!! low-vision/blind edgar 100% !!! i only posted one piece featuring my ‘human’ edgar (in my mind, it’s supposed to be like a dream or simulation) and neglected to mention it in the tags, apparently, but my ‘human’ edgar is blind. and also gets very chatty with people all over SF… now THIS i might honestly write a oneshot/ficlet for… a sensory description of edgar’s simulated/imagined life as a human…
(i’ve also purposefully not been talking much publicly about human/anthropomorphized edgar since i think the Core of most A.I. fiction, electric dreams included, requires that the A.I. character not have a mobile, autonomous humanoid body. because otherwise that’s robot/android fiction as a sub genre— but i’m just splitting hairs at this point over narrative integrity lol)
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davidbyrne · 1 year
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"I sense the world might be more dreamlike, metaphorical, and poetic than we currently believe[...]. I wouldn't be surprised if poetry--poetry in the broadest sense, in the sense of a world filled with metaphor, rhyme, and recurring patterns, shapes, and designs--is how the world works. The world isn't logical, it's a song."
Happy Birthday David Byrne (May 14, 1952)
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straykidsgallery · 5 months
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Happy Sunshine For The Most Beautiful Sunshine ☀️ @yonglixx 💛
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povertygoblin · 3 months
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Safe in Fathers Arms
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cheruib · 2 months
tomorrow last day of fasting !!!!! then it’s eid!! 🥳
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I can’t get over how especially squish they both look here
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aikatoru · 2 months
Reblog for larger sample size 😂
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olmoonlight · 7 months
baby 👶👼🍼
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flowercrowngods · 1 year
you said soft things so have this little thing very loosely based on how my first birthday after I moved away from home to live hours away from my family my brother got me a flower delivery thing each month for half a year. So for six months I had the same guy deliver flowers to me, it wasn’t anything but like… it could be, I can make it steddie (it’s 3:30 am and I wrote this in my notes so sorry for any mistakes)
So, Steve who moved kind of far away for college and is living in a shitty student apartment and hasn’t decorated it a lot and Robin thinks he needs something nice to look at every day and something to remind him he has people that loves him when he convinces himself that they’ve forgotten about him now that he’s away. So she gets him a flower delivery once a month with notes saying encouraging messages or bad jokes, sometimes a tiny update. It helps him, he’s not doing badly or anything and actually enjoys studying but he misses his friends.
Then we have Eddie who’s the flower delivery guy, it’s his side job, or it’s his main job and then he also gets payed to play some gigs sometimes. Either way, he delivers flowers. Mostly it’s to old people from their grandchildren, for birthdays, and from someone’s partner, often a partner that has fucked up (he also hand writes the messages that come in with the order and he’s had to write some very pleading apology ones in his time)
He has a monthly order to the same guy, the same gorgeous guy who last time opened the door looking so soft with glasses sliding down his nose and hair all messy and holding a cup of half drunk coffee and gave him such a warm smile he almost proposed to this stranger on the spot.
Every month he’s both so excited to deliver his flowers and also dreads it because he’s 99% sure this guys girlfriend sends them, that they’re long distance and she gets him flowers every month with little notes that he has to write, this month it was ‘I scraped up my whole leg climbing up the tree outside my window sneaking back into my room, I don’t know how you used to do that all the time.’ So like, obviously high school sweethearts if he used to sneak into her room.
So, it’s great because he gets to see this guy who’s stupidly pretty and always gets this wondrous look on his face like he’s still in awe about the flowers months in and that’s honestly the highlight of Eddie’s day. But, it’s awful because he also has to hand him flowers from someone else knowing he’s just some insignificant middle man.
Steve at this point gets more excited about the guy who delivers the flowers than the flowers, he loves them and all but this guy who comes every month and with a dimpled smile hands them over is taking over his brain. He doesn’t want to make him uncomfortable by asking him out though, like he’s doing his job and it feels inappropriate.
He complains to Robin who time after time tells him to just ask the guy out, if he says no it may be a little awkward but it’s a tiny interaction once a month it’s fine. Steve knows she’s right but still doesn’t, is afraid to break the spell of their monthly exchange. Robin grows tired of his pining though and the next time she places an order she makes the note ‘the guy who gets the flowers wants to ask the delivery guy out but keeps chickening out so I’m doing it for him: Delivery guy with bangs and ‘the prettiest brown eyes’ will you go out with Steve?’
Eddie reads that message of the order, has to write that message out with wide confused eyes and hope rising in his chest. When Steve opens his door he shoves the flowers at him and blurts out “I thought you were dating Robin”
Steve gives him a confused look, which yeah of course he does, so Eddie takes a breath and tells him to read the note. The confusion on Steve’s face slowly fades and is replaces with red cheeks and a sheepish smile.
He clears his throat and glances up at Eddie. “She’s my best friend,” he tells him, “may or may not get to keep that title depending on how this goes.”
Eddie is feeling too many things to say more than a breathy, “yes.” At Steve’s raised eyebrow though he clarifies.
“Yes I’ll go out with you.” Then a sudden horrifying thought hits him, “if you actually want that and your friend isn’t joking or got it wrong or-“
“Does 8 o’clock tonight work for you?”
Eddie nods and Steve’s smile gets wider with each frantic jerk of his chin.
“It’s a date then.”
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and then on their first date, eddie gets flowers for the first time. doesn’t have to deliver them, doesn’t have to give them away, no, these ones are his to keep, and he allows himself to take a deep breath for the first time, getting to enjoy the way they smell, the way he always watched people do. never once taking his eyes off steve, who watches with a smile. 🥹
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