roundtripjp · 9 months
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00prototype · 1 year
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From my last walk in the Tuileries Gardens in Paris 😊 パリのチュイルリー庭園での最後の散歩から 😊 . . #paris #tuileriesgarden #tuileries #jardindestuileries #fountain #parigi #jj #ff #landscape #trip #life #チュイルリー庭園 #チュイルリー #パリ #公園 #噴水 #自然 #航海 #休暇 #人生 #ライフスタイル (presso Musée de l'Orangerie) https://www.instagram.com/p/CouAp42oRyI/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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icompo · 1 year
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スマホケース。 航海にまつわるアイコン。
気に入ってくれたら、下記よりどうぞ。 https://suzuri.jp/icompo/12523563/smartphone-case/iphone14/white
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tobaitfishwith · 8 months
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keeperofoverlookhotel · 8 months
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jumy-m · 7 months
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Jumy-M Passing through the Seto Inland Sea / 瀬戸内を往く
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mirageview · 7 months
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【OPLA】海賊王真人版好好看⋯⋯重刷了好幾遍 第二季快來!!我想看索隆的威士忌山峰百人斬!!
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yoooko-o · 1 year
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今年の大きな出来事としては諸事情で退職を余儀なくされましたが、渡航制限の緩和もあり3年ぶりに海外渡航ができました。 また、ずっと行きたかった念願のチュニジアを13日間という長丁場で訪問でき、帰国した今でも連絡を取り合ってくれるチュニジア人とも知り合えました。
2022年12月31日 23:16
写真はチュニジアにあるChott el Djerid(塩湖)の夕焼けです。一面ピンク色の景色でとても幻想的で綺麗でした。その背景にある船はTitanic号になります笑
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yujie-le · 3 months
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Jewelry Bonney🍕
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pekingtaucu · 4 months
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halafish · 8 months
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00prototype · 1 year
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Autumn red 🍁 秋の赤🍁 . . #autumn #red #leaf #leaves #nature #jj #ff #colors #life #赤 #秋 #葉 #自然 #色 #生活 #航海 #休暇 #happiness #幸福 (presso Wawel Castle) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck_OiAII0xJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dpf-log · 9 months
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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“Casting Wary Eyes on Russia’s Air Strength Japan Is Planning a Mighty Sky Armada,” Brantford Expositor. February 7, 1933. Page 3. ---- Top image: Trim fighting planes like those pictured above represent Japan's bid for "a place in the sky” --- It was no futile gesture of defiance that Japan made through its war minister, General Sadao Araki, when it was announced that Nippon's military air forces would be strengthened to equal those of Soviet Russia. 
For Japan has the factories, the men, and the technical skill to build a mighty armada of the air. For additional money, it needs do only what has been done before: in 1931, 68 planes were purchased by public subscription within a few months after the launching of a patriotic appeal. 
Newly established in Manchukuo and hemmed In by China and the U.S.S.R., Japan has made no secret of the fact that she fears war with the Soviet Union. And Soviet airplanes, thousands of them, are ready to sweep into action, it is this air threat that Japan is especially anxious to meet— not only in Manchukuo and Korea, but especially In her desperately small and over-populated homeland across the Sea of Japan. 
Nippon had crude fighting planes and a plan of aerial combat before the beglnnlg of the World War. Her flyers saw service on the Italian front and later in Siberia. They used foreign-built planes and motors then but began to manufacture their own in 1918. 
Military and civilian schools were established, flying clubs organized, and scores of pilots turned out. French, English, and American aviators went to Japan to teach everything from transport flying to acrobatics. Commercial lines began regular operation. 
In 1931, airplanes in use by the army and navy numbered only about 500. To-day there are probably 1500. Only the Japanese war ministry knows how many more are being rushed to completion. The next Diet in April will receive enormous military budget to provide for pro-posed training camps fields and new airplanes. The only announced object is to match Russia pilot for pilot, plane for plane. 
LANDING HELDS SCARCE The greatest single hindrance to the development of Japanese aviators has been the scarcity of landing space. The country, being both mountainous and small, has had to sacrifice a large proportion of its valuable flat lands to make aerodromes. Since there are plenty of sheltered harbors for seaplane landings, however, naval aviation has prospered. In fact, the navy now is proposing to spend $50,000,000 for the construction of five new naval air bases. 
More than $2,500,000 being spent for anti-aircraft armament including artillery searchlights, sound detectors, and range-finding equipment. There defenses are concealed in strategic and carefully-guarded localities. 
One of the world's finest institutes of aeronautical research was opened recently near Tokyo. It is complete with huge wind tunnels for the testing of new types of planes, a large field for actual flying, and a $1,900,000 building, containing the most advanced scientific equipment in Japan as in the United States, children and college students compete in the building and flying or model planes. And when Japanese youths serve their compulsory term in the army, many more apply for aviation training than can be accommodated. 
There are about twelve busy airplane factories in Japan to-day and the largest the Mitsubishi company at Nagoya employs 3000 workmen At least a score of aviation schools including those conducted by the government are tinning out fledgling pilots.  ---- Bottom image: These new super-sensitive ears designed to detect the approach of enemy airplanes has been officially adopted as part of Japan's highly modern anti-aircraft equipment.
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Fireworks and Tapestries
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kanmonkaikyonohimajin · 9 months
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新日本海フェリー「ゆうかり」 新潟から瀬戸内海の某造船所へ回航される 2023-8-15 北九州市門司区和布刈にて...
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