tokyo-akb48 · 2 years
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liyatv · 7 days
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柏木由紀: 【密着】ソロデビュー10周年ライブの裏側を大公開!!
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frops · 2 years
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oneoksiyeon · 2 years
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if  we  stare  at  each  other  until  dawn,  can  you  trust  me? 
akb48  ♡  根も葉も rumor 
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mayudog · 10 months
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一応、No title_のアカウントだけは残していましたが、この件を知ったので、完全にTwitterから消えます。
同時に、No title_はもう制作を辞めることにします。
(↓ DeepL)
I answer to Marshmallow.
I did not say anything to her. There is no way I would have said anything rude. I'm not jealous of her, and I think she paints a lovely picture.
The information you have heard is false. I don't know who you heard this information from, but please report the account.
I am publicly disabled and depressed due to numerous outbursts, slander and trauma. As such, I am quietly making games and resting my spirit away from the causes that make me sick.
In the meantime, I only kept my No title_ account, but now that I know about this, I will disappear from Twitter completely.
At the same time, I will quit creating No title_.
The current version will be the completion.
So let me just live in peace and quiet now.
How many times have I been slandered? What in the world have I done? It is truly a horror that bad rumors about me are spreading without my knowledge and without my knowledge and without my roots.
I am already tired. I don't want to be depressed any more.
Please leave me alone.
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soimort · 2 years
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永野芹佳 (AKB48) - Twitter - Sun 11 Sep 2022
#FIDAGOLDCUP にて #根も葉もRumor を披露させて 頂きました☺️💓楽しかったああああ🥹 On #FIDAGOLDCUP I performed #Ne mo Ha mo Rumor☺️💓 It was fun🥹 今回の根も葉もrumorレッスンのときに 先生がダンス綺麗だね、 と褒めてくださったのが とても自信に繋がりました🥹 しわあせりか✌🏻 During the lesson of “Ne mo Ha mo Rumor” this time The teacher complimented me, saying that my dancing was beautiful It gave me so much confidence HappySerika✌🏻
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leatherbookmark · 2 years
random observations part 2/?, aka micro redemption moment for yao-zongzhu:
i know cultivators, at least those worth their money, are all young, springy and sexy, but the way sisi and bicao are described upon their entrance is kind of... idk, rubbing me the wrong way? even though it’s not neessarily negative, just pointing out that they “weren’t young anymore” and that “the areas of their eyes and lips showed signs of age”. it makes me want to go, yeah and? what of it? is it so bad that they have wrinkles? the japanese edition plainly uses 老い, “the old age” and i’m just. help.
(i know danmei is probably not the right place if you want some hot oyaji goodness, but hhhhhh)
(unrelated but. did zhao yunlan from guardian have his cute stubble in the novel? the wiki only describes him as young and handsome which, thanks! i’ll easily be able to tell him from thousands of other danmei protagonist!)
kindasorta screaming at “it wouldn’t be an exaggerration to say such a face was horrifying enough to make one completely lose their appetite”. what a WAY to talk about a person! also everyone “grew displeased as their expectations weren’t met” when they saw bicao and sisi. they literally just escaped death! i guess maybe that made them expect the comforting presence of hot chicks?
hm. exr describes sisi as “weathered” (such as “one not only looked weathered” and “the weathered one”, but the japanese edition says she “had an air of a prostitute”... wait
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there we go.
(and now a skip to the scene where yao-zongzhu lays down his theories)
interesting. in the original novel, when talking about the rumors that would arise about jin guangyao if jrs has been Different, he uses
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as well as 风言风语:
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in japanese as well, he says 根も葉もない噂, aka rumors (噂) that are
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however, in the exr translation:
Even if they didn’t suspect his parents were related, if the child was really dull-witted, others would inevitably point at Jin Guangyao, saying that such a child was born only because he had the dirty blood of a prostitute in him.
in cql, he says the same thing as in the novel, except the subtitles don’t really give it justice (”if they really had a (a mean word) child, other might point fingers or gossip behind his back (...) and rumors similar to that”). even google translates 说三道四 as “irresponsible remarks”.
of course, this might be just the online dictionary definition, and the actual usage of the words might just mean “people will talk”. however i do think it’s interesting, and a little bit of character rehabilitation -- not because it makes sect leader yao seem like a better person (not... really), but because he at least has the brains to directly distance himself from the alleged rumors that “could” arise from “people”. they’re baseless! and slanderous! of course, that ain’t us, RIGHT, i’m just saying what Others Might Think.
and then everyone says “holy shit, dude! you’re so perceptive!” and i :’)
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endekashi · 4 months
Deep and bushies.
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The snowfall that everyone has been waiting for has finally arrived! However, it seems to have fallen a little too much. What should we do?
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This is the same customer from Canada who joined us the day before yesterday.
He wanted to go backcountry skiing rather than crowded slopes. But hey, it's too much snowing today. Even if you climbed up hard, you could only go straight down. Let's take the lifts and ski the slopes first, and then go up. The weather looks good in the afternoon. I persuaded him to buy a 4-hour ticket.
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しかもRUN DMCのジャケットじゃん!!かっけ!!でも、あなた、そんなにB-BOYでしたっけ?
Ah! I found Kenoza! (Part Time Tail Guide)
And it's a RUN DMC jacket! How cool! But, were you that much of a B-BOY?
Hmm? The two guys in the back look familiar to me. Well, maybe it's my imagination.
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I thought it wouldn't be so crowded, but when the lifts didn't move easily due to snow removal, the line got longer and longer.
The words of a guest who said he didn't like crowded places prickled my heart.
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However, once We started shredding, all that went away in one shot!
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I am satisfied. I praise you. Thanks Sir!!
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Oh, it's Katoken and Shaw-kun, they said It's a Locus's foreigner tour.
What? That strange pose.
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It is easier to shred after someone than untracked!
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It was crowded, but i took him to a nice, hidden place.
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How do you like the rumored Japow?
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Let's take a quick peek into the very popular forest.
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The light is coming in and it's awesome. !!!!!
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Here's what the dam looks like now.
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The south face is already getting heavy and no good!
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The weather is getting better, so let's go up a bit.
He found himself with a four-hour ticket, and He used it to the fullest!
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Snow sinking to knee high on skis. Thanks to those who came before us! This ridge looks like they cut a lot of bushes when they built the lift last year, so it's comfortable.
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The view is great and the mood is invigorating!
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Thanks to the highway, we arrived quickly. It's a bit bushy, but it's not impossible to get there…well, I don't know.
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I knew it was a bush. And it was so deep I could barely fall straight down.
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I hope you have figured out that today is not a backcountry day.
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Still, there were a couple of turns that felt good.
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The moment I got to the car, He popped a Japanese beer. As expected of Canadians.
Well, Hotei, we ate a lot! After this, they are going to Myoko. It must be nice there, too!
Thank you very much for your hard work for two days!
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akirakf · 7 months
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Huaaaa bosan!! Entah kenapa, selasa ini semua dosen kompak mengadakan kelas asinkronus, dimana kami hanya mengerjakan tugas di rumah dan tidak perlu datang ke kampus. Aku kan, jadi bingung mau ngapain di rumah.
Kalau kau bilang 'ya kerjain tugasnya dong' oh, enggak dulu ya bestie. Selain ada dosen yang belum ngasih tugas, aku belum ada ide buat menulis essay tentang pengantar ilmu hukum. Masih mampet otakku, chuy.
Maka aku keluar kamar, dan pergi ke dapur. Mama dan Papa pasti sudah berangkat. Kalau si Bang Sat, kayaknya sih masih tidur. Tadi kamarnya masih tutupan sih. Dan aku baru ingat, hari ini Mbak Inah--asisten rumah tangga kami--sedang pulang kampung. Makanya, kulihat ada tumpukan cucian piring di wastafel, dan juga dua piring nasi goreng di atas meja makan. Sepertinya, Mama habis masak buru-buru pergi ke kampus untuk melaksanakan tugasnya sebagai dosen killer.
Maka sebagai anak yang baik, aku langsung membereskan cucian piring usai menyantap nasi goreng milikku. Eits, tak cuma cuci piring. Dapur dan meja makan pun aku bersihkan.
Dan, jeng jeng! Dapur sudah bersih. Siap untuk kupakai eksperimen nanti siang.
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Hmmm, tapi kok kayaknya bersih-bersih dapur aja nanggung ya. Maka aku langsung menyetel musik keras-keras, mengambil sapu dan berniat untuk membersihkan setiap sudut rumah Fujimine.
Lagu yang diputar, agar semangat ngebabu.
Saat anthem ngebabu mulai terdengar di penjuru rumah, aku mulai membereskan ruang tamu lebih dulu. Tidak begitu berantakan sih, hanya ada bekas koran yang tadi pagi dibaca Papa sambil ngopi. Iya, cangkir kopi kosongnya masih di meja.
"Chan chan~ ai chiki chiki bang bang~" aku bernyanyi mengikuti irama, sambil membereskan sisa ritual paginya Papa itu.
Dan, chan chan! Ruang tamu kini sudah bersih!
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Pindah ke ruang keluarga, lagu pun berganti. Untung, ruang tengah tidak begitu berantakan. Yah, Mama itu orangnya rapi banget sih.
"Kolak kolak kolak sop fanta sprit~ Kolak kolak kolak es plastik~ Fanta spirt fanta sprit es plastik es plastik~"
Sambil bersenandung ngawur, kubereskan apa yang bisa kubereskan di ruang keluarga ini.
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Oke, minus kamar mandi, lantai satu beres. Bersihin kamar mandi tugasnya Kakak aja. Kalau kamar orangtua serta ruang kerja mereka di lantai satu, tanggung jawab mereka aja. Kalau ada barang hilang, aku gak mau disalahkan.
Anthem pun berganti.
"Kudengar gosip gosip tentang dirimu~ Oh aku tahu itu hanya bohong~"
Sambil bernyanyi dengan terjemahan Indonesia sok tahu, aku mulai membereskan ruangan favoritku dan Kakak di lantai dua. Iya, ruang nonton ala-ala.
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"Dakara rumor rumor oh make a rumor~ Boku wa gak percaya~"
Dilanjut dengan membereskan spot favoritku, yang masih banyak buku berserakan karena semalam aku malas membereskan.
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Sip, spot favorit di lantai dua udah, sekarang tinggal membereskan mushola rumah.
Iya bestie, rumahku ada musholanya. Cuma ruangan seukuran kamar tidur yang memang khusus ibadah kok.
Karena mau beresin mushola, aku mengganti anthemku.
Kan, Kakakku habis sholat subuh, sarungnya gak dilipat lagi. Jadinya aku, yang membereskannya. Tentu saja sambil nyanyi.
"Adaaa sajadah panjang membentanggg~"
Dan mushola pun kembali rapi!
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Oke, kini spot terakhir yang harus kubersihkan. Apalagi kalau bukan kamarku sendiri. Kamar kakak juga bodo amat lah, orangnya belum bangun. Padahal sudah jam 9 pagi.
Anthemnya pun bisa pas, lagu kesukaanku!
"Eungdaphara over! Junbi hara over~!"
Sambil bernyanyi, aku mulai melipat selimutku, serta membereskan bantalku yang rada bau iler. Nanti deh, aku ganti sarung bantalnya.
Kasur beres, kini ke spot yang paling berantakan di kamarku. Apalagi kalau bukan meja belajar. Buku materi dimana-mana, kertas modul juga. Belum lagi kertas coretan lirik laguku.
"Urineun jijijik yeogineun jijijik NO CONTROL~"
"Dek, kok pagi-pagi kamu udah karaokean?" tanya kakakku, yang entah sejak kapan sudah di depan kamarku. Apa dia kebangun karena aku berisik karaokean sambil bersih-bersih?
"Produktif dong! Karaoke sambil ngebabu. Sana sarapan, piringnya mau gue cuci!" usirku.
"Lah tumben lo pagi-pagi ngebabu?"
"Gak usah komen, sana makan!" omelku. Kak Satoshi pun tidak membantah, dan langsung menghilang begitu saja.
Dengan beresnya meja belajarku, maka kegiatan bersih-bersihku selesai!
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Minus cangkir kopinya Papa sama piring nasi gorengnya Kak Satoshi sih.
Jakarta, 29 November 2022
Akira Kusumawardhana Fujimine
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kusuyama1975 · 2 years
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tokyo-akb48 · 1 year
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liyatv · 2 years
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柏木由紀: 【踊ってみた】柏木由紀がAKB48の曲でランダムダンスにチャレンジ!!
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frops · 2 years
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chiting3 · 2 years
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📣蜻蜓舞蹈團體班新班開課📣 暑假過完,想好要用什麼方式 繼續充實自己了嗎❓ 以下超多課程你一定要仔細看~ 【肢體開發課程第一期】 📆9/05起每週一 │19:00-20:00 【MV熱舞 │BLACKPINK - Pink Venom】 📆9/20起每週二 │20:00-21:00 舞蹈參考➡️https://reurl.cc/ERmy51 【MV熱舞 │ TWICE MOMO / CHAEYOUNG / TZUYU X Kiel Tutin - bloodline (Ariana Grande)】 📆9/20起每週二 │21:00-22:00 舞蹈參考➡️https://reurl.cc/O46gO9 【point重點舞蹈課】 📆9/21起每週三 │晚上21:00-22:00 《第一首》https://youtu.be/_nj648P6jOc 《第二首》https://youtu.be/uzrFSWHoFAM 《第三首》https://youtu.be/bLbKhXfxuD0 《第四首》https://reurl.cc/zNQLmk 《第五首》 https://youtu.be/z_aZECPvuXg https://youtu.be/if6tBBet_7M 【Aespa 에스파 '도깨비불 (Illusion)】 📆9/24起每週六 │14:00-15:00 舞蹈參考➡️https://reurl.cc/3YkQrX 【HIP HOP街舞】 📆10/16起每週日 │17:00-18:00 👇以下課程還差1-2位就可開班👇 🚂趕快搭上末班車順利上課! 【基礎律動第七期】差2️⃣位 📆每週一 │21:00-22:00 【羅志祥SHOW LO《修羅》】差2️⃣位 📆每週日 │17:00-18:00 舞蹈參考➡️https://reurl.cc/vWEx5L 【AKB48 根も葉もRumor stage mix】差2️⃣位 📆每週四 │21:00-22:00 舞蹈參考➡️https://reurl.cc/nOpM5l 【BoA X XIN - Better (對峙)】差2️⃣位 📆每週二 │19:00-20:00 【NAYEON - POP!】差1️⃣位 📆每週三 │20:00-21:00 舞蹈參考➡️https://reurl.cc/KQ2oQM ⚠️還有還有⚠️ 【NewJeans 뉴진스 - Hype Boy】 📆每週四 │19:00-20:00 舞蹈參考➡️https://reurl.cc/LM2o5a 【TWICE - Talk that Talk】 📆每週四 │19:00-20:00 舞蹈參考➡️https://reurl.cc/xQW8p5 【IVE - After LIKE】 📆每週三 │19:00-20:00 舞蹈參考➡️https://reurl.cc/rR0VE1 【ITZY - SNEAKERS】 📆每週三 │19:00-20:00 舞蹈參考➡️https://reurl.cc/LM2oaa – 以上課程心動了嗎? 📞歡迎來電:0983-392-236 一人1000加入會員,享終身好康 還有好康優惠即日起促銷中~🎉 個人報團體報、新生報會員報 怎麼報都優,詳情請看附圖說明❗️ 📌新北市板橋區文化路一段182號4樓 ( 新埔捷運站2號出口步行6分可抵 ) 個人報團體報、新生報會員報 有優惠,怎麼報都是超值好報~✌ 促銷優惠即日開催~🎉 🧍‍♂️個人班部份》原價6000 ▏一對一專屬指導課程 ➡新生首購6堂只要3600 ➡—MV課程一首歌整首教完 ☝個人班課程 可配合您的時間、日期、 曲目上課,排課彈性高, 臨時有事也可請假不扣堂數喔!🤗 👩🏻‍🤝‍🧑🏻團體班部份》原價2800 ▏團體班課程 ➡新生首購6堂只要2000 ➡MV課程一首歌整首教完🤩 團體班3位即可開班👉10位名額滿班 人數上有控制, 不用擔心課程空間擁擠 ⚠但需要加入群組預約登記哦~ ☝團體班-客製化課程 可以自訂您想要的課程內容✅ 曲目✅時間✅週次✅ 配合您為您開課招生喔~ ⚠如需報名要加入群組登記哦~ 歡迎自行揪團開班! ‼加入會員優惠多多‼ 入會費每人1000|可享終身永久會員價 🔅會員報名【個人班】6堂3000 ( 原價6000 ) 🔅會員報名【團體班】6堂1800 ( 原價2800 ) – 豐富優惠組合,趕快動起來報名✏ 讓身體可以好好動起來!🤸‍♂️🤸‍♀️ #dance #dancecover #dancecoverkpop #kpop #kpopdancecover #kpopdance #韓國mv舞 #mv舞蹈 #舞蹈 #舞蹈教學 #舞蹈課程 #舞蹈教室 #跳舞 #舞蹈班 #舞者 #舞蹈工作室 #蜻蜓老師 #蜻蜓舞蹈工作室 #板橋舞蹈教室 #板橋舞蹈教學 #板橋鋼琴教室 #板橋鋼琴教學 #板橋流行爵士鋼琴 #板橋租借教室 #板橋平價舞蹈教室 (在 蜻蜓舞蹈工作室) https://www.instagram.com/p/CijeO-fL_eN/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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getrend · 2 years
【AKB48】「根も葉もRumor」「元カレです」路線が「久しぶりのリップグロス」でぶっ壊された Source: まとめクロラ
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mega-stargazer · 2 years
AKB48はなぜ学生や街の人たちとコラボする? 元祖“会いにいけるアイドル”としての役割
https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/594fee4b9089991e1bd6514ed49ec76d781ae385  AKB48が6月22日放送『テレ東音楽祭 2022 夏~思わず歌いたくなる最強ヒットソング100連発~』(テレビ東京系)に出演し、5月にリリースした「元カレです」を披露した。  同番組のパフォーマンスで話題となったのが、三重高校ダンス部・SERIOUS FLAVORとのコラボレーション。5月2日に、SERIOUS FLAVORが公式YouTubeチャンネルにて「元カレです」のサビパートの踊ってみた動画を投稿。11万回以上の再生数を記録している。  AKB48の総監督・向井地美音は自身のTwitterで「根も葉もRumorでご一緒したシリフレの皆さんと、今度は #元カレです…
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