manabuhosaka · 7 months
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sorokatu2000 · 1 year
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fuji-u-u · 1 year
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友達が私にピッタリのお店がある‼︎ ということで、 そのお店に連れて行ってもらいました🫢 ボリュームも、すごいけど いぎなり美味しかった! 訛���が出るくらい、美味しかった✨ 食後のデザート付き🍰☕️ 教えたいお店がある!って 言ってもらえると 嬉しいよねー😆💕 今度は私がここに妹を連れていこう と思う(ง ᐛ)_ ̥ෆ ̥_(ᐖ ⱴ) 毎日コツコツ頑張ってる私💪 頑張った分ご褒美だぜ(⌯¤̴̶̷̀ω¤̴̶̷́)✧ #稼ぐ #副業 #求人 #金持ち #臨時収入 #働きたくない #高収入 #お金持ち #権利収入 #初期費用 #仕事辞めたい #副業始めました #収入アップ #副業したい #ビジネス #不労所得 #ルイヴィトン #グッチ #リッチ #専業主婦 #サラリーマン #お金 #起業 #へそくり #在宅ワーク #副業ママ #国内旅行 #稼げる副業 #プチプラ #ダイエット https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp1ECjmP7iu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bearbench · 1 year
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mayumamiri · 2 years
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leomacgivena · 24 days
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yorithesims · 1 month
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子どもたちを冬のお祭りに行かせたら、ちゃんと2人分の自転車が停められてて愛しみ。幼稚のテオちゃんにまたビビらされてるケイトwテオちゃんのチェス、グランドマスターまでがんばってるんやけど、先が見えないわ…いつまで対戦せなあかんのや…テオちゃん専業主婦でけっこう貧乏なのよね(セレブ一族にあるまじき世帯)ブログでもやってもらおうかしらwこれでも一応セレブやからってティーンの子が自宅までピンポンしてサインもらいに来るなんて初めてなんですけど…こわいやん(;^ω^ ≡ ^ω^;)
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kennak · 11 days
もともと人間は男女関係なく成人したら一人分の収入と一人分の家事を負うものだと考えます。 そんな成人二人が夫婦になったら、二人分の収入と家事を夫婦間でどのように分担し合うかは各夫婦の自由ですが、そこには二人分の年金掛け金を負うことも含まれると思います。 もともと3号という概念はおかしく、妻が専業で二人分の家事・育児、夫が二人分の稼ぎを負うなら、その家庭で二人分の年金掛け金も負担するべきではないでしょうか。
年金月17万円・70代夫が急逝…���しみの妻(元会社員)が思わず二度見した「遺族年金額」、専業主婦にも妬み爆発「これでは働き損では?」(THE GOLD ONLINE(ゴールドオンライン))のコメント一覧 - Yahoo!ニュース
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moznohayanie · 2 months
(...) 人口減少の一番の原因は何かといえば、出生率の低さです。なぜ日本は出生率が低いのか。それは根底に男女差別が存在し、育児のみならず家事、介護が全部女性の手に委ねられているからです。こんなに多くの負担を押し付けられて、誰が赤ちゃんをたくさん産もうと思うでしょうか。
(...) レヴィ=ストロースが人間の意識は社会構造がつくると指摘しているように、育児も家事も介護も全部女性に押し付けられ、男はそれが当然だと思っている社会に育った女性が、「管理職になっても辛い思いをするだけ」、「専業主婦のほうが楽でいい」と考えるのはごく当たり前のことです。
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monogusadictionary · 2 months
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aya1023 · 11 months
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sorokatu2000 · 1 year
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fuji-u-u · 1 year
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LINEが出来ればすぐ参加できますよ︎👍🏻 ̖́- 参加希望¨̮⑅*❥❥❥https://bit.ly/3WL89t1 無料説明会実施中⸜🙌🏻⸝‍ #稼ぐ #副業 #求人 #金持ち #臨時収入 #働きたくない #高収入 #お金持ち #権利収入 #初期費用 #仕事辞めたい #副業始めました #収入アップ #副業したい #ビジネス #不労所得 #ルイヴィトン #グッチ #リッチ #専業主婦 #サラリーマン #お金 #起業 #へそくり #在宅ワーク #副業ママ #国内旅行 #稼げる副業 #プチプラ #ダイエット https://www.instagram.com/p/CpbbCOJvbKC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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killsmells · 7 months
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prince-kallisto · 1 year
Saguaro and 1950s Femininity vs Masculinity
So, I was working on doing another clothing analysis (as I did with Larry’s suit), this time for Saguaro. However, the more I delved into Saguaro’s style, I realized how deep his insecurity lies, just through his clothes! Each piece of clothing connected more and more with the 1950s, the point I decided to make a separate post for the historical references. I will be making a post dedicated to analyzing his clothes though! ^_^
Quick disclaimer: I am not an expert in fashion or history, this is from my own personal knowledge, research, and passion on the topic. If there are any corrections or additions you’d like to make, please let me know!
Pokémon has lately been experimenting with more cultures outside of Japan, and has long history with Pokémon US. Even in the original Red and Blue, we have Lt. Surge aka the “Lightning American.” This trend continues within Saguaro, whose outfit immediately struck me as being inspired from American 1950s fashion.
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The pink, yellow, and purple of his blouse is reminiscent of the 1950s color palette. These colors dominated interior design, fashion, and cars. The vertical stripes in his blouse were also a booming design trend in the 50s. French fashion was a huge inspiration to both Europe and America at the time, so it appeared in women’s clothing a lot. Now, the pink and yellow stripes give off a nearly-dated and sentimental look. But with his pants and shoes, he pulls it together in a contemporary, cute outfit (my future fashion analysis will go in-depth on this).
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He wears a pink hair bow and his apron is adorned with a purple one. Again, bows were all in the rage in the 50s, especially as film stars like Audrey Hepburn influenced the fashion world. The bows were subtle and dainty, decorating the hair, waist, and neckline. It’s very significant that he wears an apron, one that even has a homemade touch. See the cute patches? The stitching on them implies he must have sewn them on himself. Anyways, the apron is practically the symbol of the 50s housewives.
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When you think of the American 1950s, the image of the Housewife is probably what comes to mind. And although the role of the Housewife was, in reality, grueling, the romanticization still had a huge impact. America was in the Post War era, with men returning to their homes and families. As such, more women began to return to the household, as during the war, women took up the empty positions in the workforce. Not only did American ideals wanted people to revert back to the perfect family, the 50s was the period of the Cold War. It was basically a culture battle between America and Russia, which gave America all the more reason to spread their propaganda of the perfect, nuclear family. And as such, the feminine, submissive homemaker who kept the house tidy and had dinner ready with a smile. All while keeping up on latest fashion trends, of course. This was the made-up norm, not the reality, but the way it influenced gendered roles was irreparable.
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This is not to say that Japanese culture has nothing to do with though. Quite the opposite in fact: it’s the key to understanding Saguaro’s insecurities. Post World War II, Japan started taking more influences from Western culture than ever, the boom starting around 1945. The Sengyo-shufu (専業主婦) was rising in popularity, meaning the “full-time housewife.” However, this was met with a controversial reception by Japanese women.
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In 1955, an essay critiquing the housewife was submitted to a feminist magazine called Fujin Kōron (Women’s Review). The housewife, according to this essay, was a lazy consumer that only gossiped with other housewives, while her husband did all the dirty work. (I’d like to note how Saguaro says his classroom is a place where students gossip. He also considers his Home Ec classroom is be a “palace.”)
This sparked a scandalous debate (ronsō) in the magazine through essays, nicknamed the Housewife Debate, primarily between women. It went on from 1955 to 1979, through AT LEAST 33 essays. Since it was a feminist magazine, both Japanese working women and housewives were reading through this debate of what their role should be. Several essays defended housewives, while others took a neutral stance and said the home, kitchen, and work place weren’t gendered places. But as these were a product of passion, both working women and housewives were heavily insulted and criticized in these essays, pitting both sides against each other.
But what does Saguaro have to do with the 1950s and housewives??
Saguaro symbolizes, and is a product of, the Housewife Debate and American propaganda. The pink, the apron, the bows: Definitely a subversion of what you would expect from an imposing man like him. But these aspects play into the image of the 1950s housewife. And as he’s the teacher of Home Economics, I don’t think it’s a coincidence.
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But wait, (somehow) this isn’t all! Back to his outfit, let’s consider the loafers and suspenders. Generally masculine fashion that’s considered old-fashioned. Saguaro gives it a contemporary twist with the silver buckles, but it’s still very traditional, very gentlemanly. I’d like to note how the suspenders are holding up the apron.
With everything I discussed, you can see the conflicting ideals in his outfit; the mesh of traditionally masculine and feminine pieces. Saguaro is stuck in time with his perceptions of what a man is supposed to be, and his clothing reflects his beliefs. It’s why there’s references to the heavily-gendered 1950s
I know for a fact it isn’t a coincidence, because in this amazing post by @shinyhappydigistar, I learned that in Japanese, Saguaro uses an archaic pronoun: wagahai. It was used by masculine authority figures that demand respect. It’s also very arrogant. He’s trying to project his idea of masculinity as an attempt to hide his feminine interests.
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Saguaro is deeply insecure about himself and the role he’s “supposed” to play as a man. It’s clear he loves what he does, but when it comes to how others see him, he’s terrified of others finding out. He even says so himself that he has some narrow-minded views. Embarrassment over liking sweets and cute things doesn’t come out of no where.
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Here, he says “I’ve spent my entire life trying to maintain the image that others have of me.” It’s an insecurity stemming from his childhood, as something he must have experienced from the adults around him. Of course, we know very little of him in canon, but these lines imply incredibly important things about his character.
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The history is important to consider in a multi-faceted way, because these subjects are complicated. Especially with characters like Saguaro, who seem to have grown up with a strict binary of gender expression. He is the “gruff yet homey” Mr. Saguaro, and he’s having trouble accepting both sides of himself. He’s pitting his perception of masculine and feminine ideals against each other, instead of accepting the fact he likes both.
I hope this provided some character insight, I was really shocked the more I broke down his outfit! But maybe that’s just me haha (*⁰▿⁰*) It bums me out that character design, especially clothing, is underestimated in media communication. There’s A LOT to be said in a character’s clothes- deliberately drawn. Pokémon is a shining example of this, as I’m also learning through this analysis journey. Saguaro is an incredibly complicated character built from complicated history and self-expression. A lot of love was put into all of the SV characters, each going through their own journeys in life, making them more real than ever. I hope you liked it! ^_^
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jaguarmen99 · 9 months
814 名前:おさかなくわえた名無しさん[sage] 投稿日:2023/07/20(木) 11:28:20.36 ID:c4JvUPG0俺が小学生の頃、母がモラだった父と離婚することになり絶賛反抗期中で母を見下しまくってた兄は父に付く事に母をいじめる父も兄も嫌いだった俺は当然、母に引き取られる事になった父が金は出さない、専業主婦のお前に何ができる、謝るなら今のうちだと散々わめいてたから子供ながら引っ越し先はオンボロアパートとかで貧乏な生活になるんだろうなと覚悟してたけど引っ越し先は高級低層マンションで予想外すぎて衝撃だったエントランスからすごくて、最初は住み込みの家政婦とかやんのか?って思ったわ実は母は子供が無い自分の叔父からの財産を父にバレないよう相続してた叔父は不動産をいくつか所持していて引っ越し先のマンションも叔父の住んでたとこだった自分の中では新聞配達とかしなきゃとか、もうゲーム買えないなとか貧困生活想像してたし両親離婚前よりはるかに良い暮らしになるとか夢にも思わなかったな
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