moononmyfloor · 1 year
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Not many Cdramas caught nor retained my attention in the 2nd half of 2022, but the few I did watch were pure gems. However I didn't think I have enough entrees to fill 30 days with, so I cut the number down and also conjoined some. Without further ado here we go!
My C-Drama Review of the 1st Half of 2022
(Concept loosely based on anniedelavoye' s. I did hers last year but then realised I simply cannot submit only one entry per day NOR wait a whole year to do a review. I do things by bulk 😆. So I broke the reviewing into two halves so I can do this with fresher memory and also more dramas will get the spotlight.)
1. First Drama I finished in the 1st half of 2022
Love Between Fairy and Devil! Lots of praises have already been sung about this show, I don't have anything new to add.🤭
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2. New Favourite Actor/Actress
Zhai Zilu, Zhou Dawei, Wang Youjun, Chang Long.
All caught my attention this year, all very promising! I hope they have successful years ahead! (And please don't end up being evil people :( 🙏)
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3. Best Performance
Wang Xiao and Yan Bingyan as Zhou baba and mama in Examination for Everyone. These two veteran actors brought this two characters and their dynamic to life SO realistically and endearingly, you could almost touch it. It was like seeing my own parents onscreen. Mad respect.
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4. Favorite Drama OST
This is an odd answer but the first few seconds of the opening theme song of Fei Teng Ren Sheng captivated me. I was like: "Hold on. That's one BEAUTIFUL melody?" And I replayed and replayed that part over and over. The rest is good too but it was really the part before the verse that I felt was quite unique.
I also liked this song from Side Story of Fox Volant.
5. Most Watched Genre
I think I should remove this question here onwards. I never pick a drama by genre, I have no aversion to almost any. I do have a preference to Period dramas and Slice of Life but they are not really taken to account if everything else about the story doesn't appeal to me. So this question goes nowhere and indicates nothing in my case.
6. A Drama I Dropped
Light Chaser Rescue. Its first episode was one of the most annoying I have ever seen in my life. The ML cool-hero driving and the FL sassy-heroine force hitching a ride and the entire sequence of the car crash rescue had me 🙄. A show either has to own up the wackiness or should be full on realistic, for me. This was neither here nor there.
7. Favorite Character of 2022 2nd Half
I don't think there was anyone I fell head-over-heels for this time, but did like Madam Danchuan in New Life Begins a lot. I just love her aura of power, how fiercely protective she's of her women, AND how she will always allow you to have the final choice. She never forces her authority to make decisions for others, no matter how good she might internally think it'd be for you.
I also liked Bai Lu a lot, she's just a minor character but she stood out most to me among the Solar Term girls. She's sassy, and I think if I am to travel into NLB verse I'd like to be Bai Lu. Just like her I don't particularly care for men, I want to mind my own business and just chill with my jiejies lol.
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8. Best Cinematography
I should remove this question too because I feel like I'm not professional enough for this, haha. Sometimes I love the visuals of some dramas only to find out that from technical aspects it actually sucked.
9. An Older Drama I Watched
Red Sorghum (2014). It's a CRIME that Red Sorghum's drama version has only ep 1 eng subbed, but also, having watched the movie I know how brutal it can get so maybe its a good thing only ep 1 is subbed, and after all ep 1 ends in a kind-of conclusive place so it does feel like a standalone story of its own, and I HIGHLY recommend watching it.
Do yourself a favor and watch this single ep because baby Zhou Xun and baby Huang Xuan are SO CUTE! Like toe-curlingly cute, I was squealing the whole time! 😍😍😍😍😍😍
Also it has some GORGEOUS backdrops!
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10. A Drama that kept Me on Edge
Nothing really. I mean I did eagerly wait everyday for new eps of NLB and Da Kao but that's not the same.
11. A Drama Location I Want to Visit
I kind of want to visit Hengdian replicas of real locations, then visit the actual thing (such as Forbidden City) and try to compare and contrast lmao. I wonder how similar they are!
12. A Popular Drama I Didn't Enjoy
Strange Tales of Tang Dynasty. Not due to any particular fault of the drama itself, the production and visuals and aesthetics all were excellent, and all the ingredients were right there. I simply felt it didn't particularly offer anything I haven't already seen. The first ep reminded me strongly of Legend of the Demon Cat, which was a movie I loved a lot and still had a pretty fresh memory of. Sometimes strong acting and unique execution will carry a story that is otherwise pretty tried-and-tired, but unfortunately that was not the case here either.
13. Best Scriptwriting and Directing
Though I wouldn't say they were the best overall scripts, New Life Begins had the BEST female character writing I've seen in ages, and Da Kao (Exam for Everyone) had the most thorough writing of family dynamics.
Directing-wise, I liked what I saw but nothing that particularly blew my mind.
14. Best Production
The Long River. Even though I didn't get to properly see it yet, I heard they made an artificial Yellow river simulation for all the flooding scenes and there are LOTS of those scenes in this drama and... whew. It's not often you get a proper serious historical drama and when you do, it's usually difficult for any other drama to beat them production scale wise anyway😆.
15. A Drama that Made Me Laugh
Mr. Bad. The "character from a story comes to real life and messes with the other lead's life" premise will always be full of potential for unhinged shenanigans, and Mr.Bad doesn't fail. The main leads are so fun and the dynamic never boring, and Chen Zheyuan is SUCH a hoot with his expressions.
16. A Drama that Made Me Cry
NLB and Da Kao did, but they were more like tears of exhilaration. Instead lemme share this very good crying scene by Wang Yibo and Wang Jinsong in Being a Hero haha.
17. Most Satisfying Drama
New Life Begins owns my whole heart and soul! You can read my review for ep 1-14 here, and my current opinion of the drama remains the same if not better!
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Even though it is a fluffy and ahistorical drama, lots of "proper" period dramas could learn from NLB about how to write your women as intelligent, dimensional individuals and not caricatures fallen victims to irrational jealousy and hatred. Since it's a feel good romcom everything always turn out for the better and that may not always be the case in history, yes. But this approach that these women tried to make a difference still holds valid regardless the genre.
You should learn that Past =×= 100% Oppression, 0% fighting back when it came to women, the same way Modern times doesn't mean 0% Oppression and 100% feminism (laughs in sarcasm). The foundations of how far we have come has been laid since centuries ago, AND there are lots of fronts that we have actually backtracked/regressed in compared to the past as well. Progressiveness is rarely linear.
Ok I digressed. Back to review 🤭.
18. Most Dissapointing Drama
Hu Tong. Life in Beijing hutong neighbourhood across eras told through 3 women of 3 generations of a family is quite possibly one of of the most interesting premises I've heard, but the first episode dissapointed me thoroughly with its unconvincing, in your face and over the top characters and storyline. Such potential, gone down the drain. If the drama didn't take itself seriously, neither would the audience.
19. Favorite Wardrobe
Hao Jia's wardrobe in NLB and Dongfang Qingcang's in LBFAD. The fine details and embroidery are 😘🤌. 100% would wear both styles, depending on the day lol.
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20. A Drama That Deserves a Shoutout
Our Times. An omnibus type of drama where you'll be told slice of life stories of people in such interesting and niche jobs that you rarely get to see portrayed realistically in dramas. Such as traditional Chinese theatre dancers, or a sports coach in a rural area with minimal facilities. Also if you get uninterested with one story you can jump few episodes ahead to the next, so that's kind of a plus too, haha.
21. A Drama that Taught Me New Things
Are You Safe. Taught me lots of valuable tips about cyber safety. Unfortunately that was the only positive thing about this drama and I think it won't be presumptuous to say literally 99% people who watched it will agree with me.
22. Best Relationship
The care and nuance all the families were written in The Examination for Everyone was through-the-roof excellent. Unnecessarily stereotyped toxic Asian family portrayals out, empathetic and 3D Asian parent-children dynamics in! Gosh, I saw myself, my family, my society, my culture in this drama. Thank you and much love.
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23. A Drama I Wanted to Watch but Couldn't
The Long River. No subs 😭
24. An Upcoming Drama that I'm Excited for
JoL 2 and Under the Microscope! 🤩 (Please come 😭)
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Sean bienvenidos japonistasarqueológicos, a una nueva entrega de arqueología nipona en esta ocasión os hablaré del castillo de Sunpu que se encuentra en la ciudad de Shizuoka, en la Prefectura de Shizuoka. - El castillo de Sunpu, fue en el lugar en donde vivó, Ieyasu Tokugawa en los siglos XVI-XVII, donde pasó sus últimos años de vida, las ruinas de las torres del castillo que se construyeron con diferentes métodos de construcción durante el período Sengoku y el período Edo. - Sunpu Castle Park es uno de los lugares turísticos representativos de la ciudad de Shizuoka es un parque que utiliza las ruinas del castillo, macizo de flores Aoi lleva el logo de la familia de Tokugawa como proyecto conmemorativo del 400 aniversario de Ieyasu Tokugawa. El área está bajo excavación, se encuentra en la zona noroeste y se está realizando actualmente la excavación de la torre del castillo. - Hay una parte del castillo que está muy reconstruida y que se puede visitar con un módico precio, dado que el segundo piso y los superiores no se pueden abrir al público debido a la ley de construcción, el piso se quita para que la estructura se pueda ver desde abajo. - La Puerta Este/Tatsumi Yagura, está rodeada por un foso y está cerca de la estación Shin-Shizuoka. La torreta Tatsumi Higashigomon y Tatsumi Yagura están conectadas,el Tatsumi Yagura fue restaurado en 1989 y la puerta este se restauró en 1996. La entrada al jardín Momijiyama está cerca de la puerta norte del parque del castillo de Sumpu. Hay un gran estanque en el centro, y está dividido en 9 áreas que se asemejan al paisaje de Shizuoka con flores de temporada. Hay una estatua de Yaji-san y Kita-san fue construida para conmemorar el 200 aniversario. - En 1585, Tokugawa Ieyasu comenzó la construcción del castillo y en 1588 se completó la torre del castillo Sunpu.Incluso después de que Ieyasu empezará el shogunato de Edo en 1603 y se mudó a Edo, la familia Tokugawa continuó preparándolo.Se dice que es el lugar donde Ieyasu regresó al castillo de Sumpu en 1607, se retiró y murió en 1616 a la edad de 75 años. - Espero que os haya gustado y nos vemos en próximas publicaciones, pasen una buena semana.
Welcome, Japanese archaeologists, to a new instalment of Japanese archaeology. This time I will be talking about Sunpu Castle, located in the city of Shizuoka, Shizuoka Prefecture. - Sunpu Castle was the place where Ieyasu Tokugawa lived in the 16th-17th centuries, where he spent the last years of his life. The ruins of the castle towers were built with different construction methods during the Sengoku and Edo periods. - Sunpu Castle Park is one of the representative tourist sites of Shizuoka City is a park that uses the ruins of the castle, Aoi flowerbed bears the logo of the Tokugawa family as a project commemorating the 400th anniversary of Ieyasu Tokugawa. The area is under excavation, it is located in the northwest area and the excavation of the castle tower is currently underway. - There is a part of the castle that is heavily reconstructed and can be visited for a small fee, as the first floor and above cannot be opened to the public due to construction law, the floor is removed so that the structure can be seen from below. - The East Gate/Tatsumi Yagura, is surrounded by a moat and is close to Shin-Shizuoka Station. The Tatsumi Higashigomon turret and Tatsumi Yagura are connected, the Tatsumi Yagura was restored in 1989 and the east gate was restored in 1996. The entrance to Momijiyama Garden is near the north gate of Sumpu Castle Park. There is a large pond in the centre, and it is divided into 9 areas that resemble the Shizuoka landscape with seasonal flowers. There is a statue of Yaji-san and Kita-san was built to commemorate the 200th anniversary. - In 1585, Tokugawa Ieyasu started the construction of the castle and in 1588 the Sunpu castle tower was completed. Even after Ieyasu started the Edo shogunate in 1603 and moved to Edo, the Tokugawa family continued to prepare it. It is said to be the place where Ieyasu returned to Sumpu castle in 1607, retired and died in 1616 at the age of 75. - I hope you liked it and see you in future posts, have a nice week.
日本の考古学者の皆さん、新しい日本考古学へようこそ。今回は、静岡県静岡市にある駿府城についてお話します。 - 駿府城は、16 世紀から 17 世紀にかけて徳川家康が晩年を過ごした場所です。天守閣跡は、戦国時代から江戸時代にかけてさまざまな工法で築かれました。
城の一部は大規模に復元されており、1階以上は建築法の関係で一般公開できないため、床を撤去して下から構造を見学できるようになっており、低料金で見学できる。 。
1585年に徳川家康が築城を開始し、1588年に駿府城天守閣が完成しました。 1603年に家康が江戸幕府を開き、江戸に移った後も、徳川家では仕込み続けられました。 1607年に家康が駿府城に戻り、隠居し、1616年に75歳で亡くなった場所といわれています。
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murderedbyhomework · 5 months
Do you ever wonder if when Fang Duobing breaks up with Li Lianhua and leaves in ep 27, Li Lianhua flashes back to when Shan Gudao got mad and left Sigu Sect? Do you you ever wonder if he tried to chase after him so he wouldn't watch Fang Duobing die after he leaves just like his father, or did he decide to go back and cut off any relation to Fang Duobing thoroughly so people wouldn't hurt him to get to Li Lianhua?
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kuno1secondchallenge · 2 months
大喜利を見ていると「これはうまい!」と思うような秀逸な回答を 目にすることがある。 この本はそんな回答を生み出すための考え方を解説している。
…と面白さのない感想文を書いてしまっているわけだが、 この本を読むと楽しいことを探したくなる、生み出したくなる。
日々つまらないな、と思っているのは、 実は楽しい側面を見つけられてないだけではないか?とも思えたりする。
坊主さんのアカウントをフォローして、 日々活きのいい大喜利をチェックしながら、 柔らかな発想力を身につけたいものである。
大喜利の考え方 https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/447811773X
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justaboutsnapped · 3 months
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yinliuxiaowu · 10 months
ins引流推广获客 如何通过ins精准引流获客 最新黑科技 #金融 #币圈 #游戏推广 #交友 全球引流获客 不限行业 不限国家
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herbiemikeadamski · 2 years
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. (^o^)/おはよー(^▽^)ゴザイマース(^_-)-☆. . . 9月28日(水) #大安(甲申) 旧暦 9/3 月齢 2.2 年始から271日目(閏年では272日目)にあたり、年末まであと94日です。 . . 朝は希望に起き⤴️昼は努力に生き💪 夜を感謝に眠ろう😪💤夜が来ない 朝はありませんし、朝が来ない夜 はない💦睡眠は明日を迎える為の ☀️未来へのスタートです🏃‍♂💦 でお馴染みのRascalでございます😅. . 実を申すと私の父は事業家ってのも 大袈裟ですが、会社を持つ社長さん でした✋なので、子供の頃から割と 裕福な生活を送って居て、当たり前 の事だろうと思ってました🤣😆🤣 小さい頃より、様々な親父の雇人が 来て居て「お坊ちゃん」なんて言わ れて居た頃もありました😅💦 色んな所から転職して来る方も居て 東京都のゴミを収集する業務に携わる 方も居ました✋そんな方が私にこう 云うのですよ「ゴミを分別してるが 全てのゴミは燃やしてしまうんです」 「なので意味がないんですよ!」 なんて💦私は若かったし、そんな事 どうでも良かったのですが、今に思 うと.(o゚д゚)マジスカ?\(__ )マジデスw そんな事を思い浮かべた今朝です💦 . 今日一日どなた様も💁‍お体ご自愛 なさって❤️お過ごし下さいませ🙋‍ モウ!頑張るしか✋はない! ガンバリマショウ\(^O^)/ ワーイ! ✨本日もご安全に参りましょう✌️ . . ■今日は何の日■. #京浜線に自動ドア車両. 1926(大正15)年9月28日(火)大安.当時の「日本国有鉄道(通称・国鉄)」の京浜線で初の自動ドアが  導入されました。  京浜線は現在の京浜東北線の一部で、桜木町⇔上野の区間でありました。  尚、日本で最初に列車に自動ドアが採用されたのは「モハ31系列車の乗降口」だったと記録があり  ますが、どの線で、どの区間なのか不明ですが国鉄なのは確かだそうです。  自動ドアの歴史って古いのに驚きますよね✋そんな当時って自動にドアが開閉する事が必要だったの  でしょうかと思いますけど、人間の横着感が新しい技術や科学を生むのかも知れないですね😅💦 . #大安(ダイアン). 「大安日(にち)」の略。 陰陽(おんよう)道で、旅行・結婚など万事によい日。 一切合切(イッサイガッサイ)が良いとされる日。 . #大明日(ダイミョウニチ). この日は、建築・旅行・婚姻・移転などすべてのことに 大吉であって、他の凶日と重なっても忌む必要がないともいう。 . #神吉日(カミヨシニチ). 「かみよしび」ともいい、神社への参拝や、祭礼、先祖を祀るなど  の祭事にいいとされています。 この日は神社への参拝や、お墓まいりに行くといい日です。 . #一粒万倍日.  一粒万倍日は何事を始めるにも良い日とされ、特に  仕事始め、開店、種まき、お金を出すことに吉であるとされる。  但し、借金をしたり人から物を借りたりすることは苦労の種が  万倍になるので凶とされる。  また、借りを作る、失言をする、他人を攻撃する、浪費なども  トラブルが倍増するので避けたほうがいいとされている。 . . #琵琶湖大橋開通. 1964(昭和39)年9月28日(月)、琵琶湖大橋が開通しました。 東京オリンピック開催に間に合うようにと約2年で建設工事が進める計画で昭和37年11月5日(月)起工式が行われ着工しました。 . . #パチンコ実践バラエティ番組『くずパチ』の日. #いじめ防止対策を考える日. #くつやの日.#まけんグミの日.#パソコン記念日.#プライバシーデー. #和光堂牛乳屋さんの日.#自動車中古部品の日. . . ●にわとりの日(毎月28日).●不動明王の縁日(毎月28日).●米の日(毎月8の付く日). ●鬼子母神の縁日(毎月8の付く日). . . ●9月28日を含む期間を設定している運動など 歯ヂカラ探究月間(9月1日~9月30日). . . #聖ヴァーツラフの日(チェコ).#教師節(台湾).#世界狂犬病デー(国際デー). . . ■本日の語句■. #少年老い易く学成り難し(ショウネンオイヤスクガクナリガタシ). 【解説】 若いうちはまだ先があると思って勉強に必死になれないが、すぐに年月が過ぎて歳をとります。 気づきたら何も学べないで終わってしまう、だから若いうちから勉学に励まなければならない。 という意味の諺であり戒めであり教えである。 似た出典に「一寸の光陰軽んずべからず(イッスンノコウインカロンズベカラズ)」がある。 類似の諺に「光陰矢の如し(コウインヤンボゴトシ)」、「少年に学ばざれば老後に知らず(ショウネンマ��バザレバロウゴニシラズ)」もある。 何れにしても、時は過ぎてしまうのは早いものであるから常に精進せよという戒めですね✋ . . 1969(昭和44)年9月28日(日)赤口. #渡辺美奈代 (#わたなべみなよ) 【女優、歌手、タレント、元アイドル/おニャン子クラブ会員番号29番】 〔愛知県西春日井郡西春町〕. . . (Saburou, Kumamoto-shi) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjBjk0BP-ZZbt5Dzmrhfc5wp_kWq7ZmptKpM4Q0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lline7k21 · 2 years
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貓七外送茶留言板賴:7K21台灣喝茶外約茶莊學生妹兼差外送茶推薦找外約Telegram: @K7213外送茶妹桃園外送茶留言板臺北買春優質茶莊台灣蘿莉#台灣外送茶籟:7K21 #外約蘿莉送茶18歲學生妹兼差 #模特麻豆外拍 #空姐外送茶 #網路紅人模特 #JKF女神下海捷克女郎兼差 #熟女人妻 #爆乳大奶茶臺北外約美腿網紅兼職知名小模內湖區外約H奶瑜伽老師淫蕩巨乳配合度100%全程無套內射買三送一買二送二外約特別茶奶水媽媽孕婦兼職童顏巨乳大安區外約貧乳學生妹骨感粉嫩鮑魚外約喝茶必點白虎正妹18歲處女實惠優待價位5萬一節100%保證#少婦#OL#貓七外送茶#台灣叫小姐#台灣旅遊#台灣哪家旅館比較好#台灣名產#台灣今天天氣如何#台灣旅遊#飛機#最夯貓七茶坊加賴:7K21#高雄外送茶#台南外送茶#台中外送茶#新竹約妹#苗栗#宜蘭#外島#墾丁#雲林哪裡好玩C字褲超薄型保險套費洛蒙香水顆粒螺紋型保險套多功能電動按摩棒逼真老二調情震動棒無線快感跳蛋遙控玩樂跳蛋AV女優自慰套充氣性愛娃娃真人比例娃娃前列腺刺激器台灣
加強加粗加長套AV女優愛液後庭潤滑液AV女優按摩專用棒猛男穿戴變身裝備SM激情裝後庭刺激探勘性感丁字褲角色扮演服買賣二手房二手車機車成人論壇網址台南個工 桃園個工高雄個工台北個工台中個工全身按摩北中南按摩SPA商家,經絡疏通、芳療指壓,按摩, 新北按摩, 台北市按摩, 桃園市按摩, 台中按摩,高雄按摩,新竹按摩,南臺按摩,指油壓,理容個工,個工按摩,理容按摩,紓壓按摩 ,全台精選按摩個工3P/多P 亂倫 人妻 偷情 偷窺 兄妹 兒子 口交 同事 同性 女兒 女友 奴隸 妓女 妹妹 姐姐 媽媽 嫂嫂 學生 學生妹 家庭 少女 少年阿賓 強暴 捆綁 換妻 校園 母子 淫蕩 熟女 父女 爸爸 美女 老婆 老師 肛交 虐待 處女 處男 變態 豔遇 車廂 輪姦 辦公室 迷姦
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cornerstoneophanage · 2 years
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一昨日の夕方から大雨になり、電動ポンプで庭に溜まった雨水を汲み出して。。。 そして昨日も❗️夕方から一昨日を上回る大雨になり、電動ポンプだけでは追いつかず子ども達もバケツ🪣で水を汲み出して助けてくれました! 1階は段差がない為庭に水が溜まって来るとそのまま中に入ってしまうので、昨日男の子が考えたイスのバリケード?! 何と👀これも役にちました*\(^o^)/* カンボジアの雨季はまだまだ続きます☔️☔️☔️ #一昨日 #夕方から大雨 #電動ポンプ #雨水を汲み出して #そして昨日も #一昨日を上回る大雨 #子ども達もバケツで #水を汲み出して助けて #1階は段差がない #そのまま中に入ってしまう #男の子が考えたイスのバリケード #役に立つ #カンボジアの雨季 #まだまだ続きます https://www.instagram.com/p/CfL_pLUpwgi/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tagtagebuch · 2 years
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cyberpapermusic · 12 days
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権力者の冠をデザイン? 天皇陵出土説もある謎の石枕の正体に迫る.
Designing the crown of a powerful person? Uncovering the true nature of the mysterious stone pillow that is said to have been excavated from the Emperor's tomb.
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metal-cn · 24 days
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yunmitsu-blog · 1 month
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luckycloudcomputer · 2 months
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antsloveyun · 2 months
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