#‧₊˚✩ HEADCANON ₊˚✩     /     ❝ heidrun ❞
stcrforged · 2 years
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heidrun is a jötunn and the guardian of bears and nature.
blood was spilled upon the snow the day god of thunder slayed all of the jötnar in midgard, but one managed to survive this bloodbath. heidrun, being a descendant of skaði. heard the call of the wild that day and made the decision to leave the mountain. she always answered when nature whispered her name. the thrill of the hunt took her far away from the mountain and she didn’t notice the arrival of thor until it was too late. the screams travelled through the veins of the mountains, filling the earth with grief while the ground was painted red.
she ran and didn’t stop until her feet stepped in warm liquid. the sight before her was horrible. it was a nightmare that had come true. the snow was stained. there were corpses everywhere. no survivors. grief filled her and it hurted like nothing she had ever experienced.
she laid down in a cave at the foot of a mountain and cried. she cried for years and years. moss started to grow and at last there was nothing left of her. when the single tear had been shed, something else started to grow inside her. deep down below, something rumbled and filled her veins. rage. all this rage.
she broke free from the earth with a giant roar. the mountains shook and the sky cried for she was one of the last giants. this was her time and she would not rest until her kin had been avenged. thor and odin would die by her hands and the nine realms would know her name.
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the all-father heard the whispers. one of the giants had survived, but he did not care. for what could one woman do against him and his realm? having a cruel sense of humor, he named the goat which produces mead for the einherjar after her. the mockery reached her, only adding more wood to the fire, the rage burning so much brighter. the sleep had been long and the world was changed. she needed to adapt of she wished to survive. it was in the shape of a bear, not human, she gathered tales and secrets. old and new ones. it was an attempt to avoid the drunk god and it was successful. she was never found.
it wasn't until many years later that she decided to leave midgard. she travelled to vanaheim. there she met freyr and the rest of the resistance. she offered her help. she wanted the all-father and the god of thunder to burn and this became the beginning of her revenge. the wild nature of the other realm was enchanting and she enjoyed her company. it felt satisfying, to help and at the same time interrupting odin’s plans. she was not often at the camp. her soul was wild and she liked to wander. it was easier that way. to help other and to fight enemies. but the day freyr and byggvir was captured by the einherjar, she returned. they were her friends after all and friends helped each other.
finding freyr and byggvir was not a problem for heidrun, as she was a descendant of skaði, the queen of the hunt. only byggvir managed to escape during the sudden eclipse. they retreated to the camp and it was in there she met two peculiar strangers. kratos and atreus. the young boy was in shock when he saw the frost giant. it was during their short journey to the temple were freyr was being hold captured that she learned the boy had another name. loki. he had many question which she understood. together they managed to free the god.
heidrun did not travel with kratos and the others to asgard. it was during the great battle she appeared, together with angrboda and fenrir. she wore a full jötnar armor and her form was different. she was as tall as thamur. it was impressive and terrifying. sometime during ragnarök she transformed into a giant bear. she fought together with fenrir for a while before her brown eyes caught sight of the god of thunder. the fire inside her ignited and she battled him. she managed to injure him a bit, but then the serpent arrived and his hates for thor was bigger than her, bigger than the world. she stepped aside and continue to fight elsewhere.
after ragnarök, heidrun decided to stay in midgard to help. she began repairing the jötnar’s old sanctury in the mountains. she also visited angrboda and helped with the animals (and to keep her grandmother in check).
heidrun has a signature spear. the blade is long and sharp. it was one of the few things she found after the massacre of her people. lúnda has improved it with magic and other materials. since it contains magic, it can change size and it can be turned into a pendant which heidrun wears around her neck.
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her body is covered with several tattoos. her fingers is decorated with runes. her two arms are decorated with a bear each and within the bears are even more runes. a black line runs from her lips to the end of her throat. she usually wears blue war paint one her cheeks as well.
hasn’t spoken with the serpent since she doesn’t want to draw thor’s attention
hasn’t dared to travel to jötunheim since she doesn’t want to expose her realm to the all-father.
has a very lovely singing voice. it’s mighty and beautiful.
good with herbs, animals, hunting and tracking.
has met laufey in vanaheim.
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hirvenxsoturi · 1 year
Are there any important npcs in Bev's life? What are they like?
The most important ones would be his daughter, Cora, and his mother Heidrun. Cora is the person who grounds him, she's his center. The person that makes him do the things he does, so that he can raise her to be a good person with strong morals. Cora is also sassy, and much like he was when he was a kid her age.
Heidrun on the other hand, is what he would describe as an unstoppable force of nature. She was a single mother, the woman who raised him and molded him ultimately into the man he is today. She prefers a simple life to a life of luxury, and lives in a cabin in the woods instead of a house in the suburbs.
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odinspattern · 2 years
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Say hi to Heidrun Aeducan! Heidrun is genderqueer and uses she/they/he pronouns. I have a headcanon that most dwarves «signify» their gender with braids.
Heidrun is the first queenborn dwarf of the royal line in three generations. Currently being exiled because one brother outmanoeuvred two of their siblings, whoops.
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ammocharis · 2 years
Splash of Color - DA headcanon celebration
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Splash of Color Saturday Prompt: Tell us about important figures in the history of specific regions, and cultures, in Thedas! Past kings, queens, leaders of empires, and leaders of tribes. Perhaps there are infamous rebels, gentle healers, renowned teachers? Or someone else who has extraordinary importance to your narrative from the past? Let us remember them, here!
Thanks for an awesome prompt @thedasincolor!
Tyrdda Bright-Axe, founder of the Avvar, and Hendir, prince of the dwarves, had a child together. This child became the next leader of the tribe when Tyrdda passed away. What was their name? What did they achieve? How did their parents' heritage affect them? Saga of the Avvar-Mother says little on the matter, so let me spin the yarn further.
The Rise of Heidrun the Wise
The Avvar tribe found itself in a precarious situation after breaking away from the Alamarri and leaving the Fertile Valley. They travelled to the south and west of the Lake of Tears (which became known as Lake Calenhad in the Exalted Age) where Mount Belenas once stood. The mountainous land was a harsh environment compared to the plains they had left behind. Nonetheless, the Avvar set out to make it their new homeland.
On their long journey, the Avvar took shelter from snow in a vast cave. However, they found no safety as their entrance enraged a mighty dragon. Tyrdda managed to defeat it with the help of her leaf-eared lover. Venturing deeper into the cave system, they eventually encountered a group of dwarven warriors led by prince Hendir. He was the heir to the king of the Valammar Thaig.
At her lover's behest, Tyrdda approached Hendir with a proposition of peace. The prince agreed, and the tribe began to flourish. A number of Avvar merchants and warriors were chosen to maintain regular contact with the Valammar Thaig. They started learning the Trade Tongue, which was an artificial language invented by some brilliant minds in the Merchant Caste to improve communication between distant thaigs, as the dwarves spoke a dozen of different languages and dialects at the time.
Tyrdda formed a deep friendship with Hendir. Following her lover's advice to extend her bloodline so that the Avvar tribe could remain strong, she asked Hendir to sire a child with her. When their daughter was born, she was bestowed the name Heidrun, from heiðr meaning "bright" and rún meaning "secret" or "rune". Heidrun spent most of her childhood on the surface, but she accompanied Tyrdda whenever the Avvar-Mother visited the Valammar Thaig. She often joined other emissaries as well, as she was always welcome in the dwarven realm. Heidrun learned the Trade Tongue directly from her father. Her command of the language was excellent thanks to the early start she'd gotten. Soon, she conversed in Trade fluently, even better than Tyrdda herself. She also soaked up a lot of the ancient dwarven language spoken in Valammar.
The link between the Avvar and the Valammar dwarves grew stronger each year. The Avvar brought in goods from the surface: furs, wood, mountain crystals, fresh fruit and vegetables, and so on. In return, the dwarves crafted weapons and armor for the mountainfolk to bear. It allowed the Avvar to strengthen their position and succesfully deter the most zealous followers of Thelm Gold-Handed who still carried a grudge against Tyrdda.
Due to the increased contact with the surface, the Trade Tongue began expanding its vocabulary in order to describe items and concepts that did not exist underground. Roots of these new words often originated from the proto-Alamarri language, which was spoken by the Alamarri as well as the recently established Avvar tribes. Proto-Alamarri later evolved into Alamarri, Avvar, and Chasind languages. The Avvar speech changed the least throughout the ages.
True to her name, Heidrun became fascinated by the runes that were used to record Trade Tongue. She often acted as a scribe to her mother, marking down the goods that were being sent to and from underground. When she stayed in Valammar, she perused her father's ledgers, learning about the deals that went on between different dwarven kingdoms. She had a knack numbers and could always spot an error in the calculations. When Hendir was crowned king of Valammar, he allowed Heidrun to study texts in the Shaperate library.
Heidrun did not inherit her mother's magical gift; in fact, she displayed partial resistance to spells and lyrium, a sign of her dwarven heritage. Her sleeping mind seldom wandered in the Land of Dreams. As a result, she was able to participate in the process of enchantment crafting, albeit for a shorter period of time than dwarven smiths, in order to limit the exposure to concentrated lyrium. Despite this setback, she developed a great skill in enchantment making. One of her accomplishments was designing a pattern that could protect items against the damaging effects of frost.
Tyrdda passed away when Heidrun was a young adult. As it had been planned, the Avvar-Mother's daughter became the next tribe leader. As the only remaining blood kin of Tyrdda, Heidrun had the right to decide what should happen to her earthly possessions. She gave away many of them but decided to keep the most powerful artifacts such as the famed axe. She couldn't use the fire-staff herself, of course. Instead, she intended to store them in a well-protected place so that greedy, corrupt people couldn't put their hands on them, while those who prove worthy may borrow the gifts in times of dire need. She requested help from her father to build a vault where her mother's greatest trophies could be hidden. Hendir readily provided workers and materials to construct the vault.
As a teenager, Heidrun got the idea to adapt the runes for the Avvar language. She created several new symbols to account for the sounds that didn't exist in Trade, and she was tweaking the design over the years. Following her mother's departure to the Lady's domain, Heidrun finalized the idea. The first thing she used the runes for was to write down the Saga of Tyrdda Bright-Axe that the skalds were singing. Then, she mapped out the area south of the Lake of Tears and chose eight places, one for each stanza of the Saga. In those locations, she planned to erect stone stelae that'd be inscribed with the verses. Among the letter symbols, a direction marker would be hidden. Once a determined hero would discover all secret markers, they'd be able to locate the vault. It wasn't the only safeguard that Heidrun arranged, suffice to say, Tyrdda's legacy was exceptionally well protected.
During Heidrun's rule, the Avvar forged peace with the Alamarri. Though it was fragile, no major breach of trust occurred for almost five decades. Remnants of Thelm's followers attempted to revive his cursed dream, but they were decidedly crushed by the joined forces from the highlands and the plains. The two tribes engaged in trade of goods and exchange of ideas. The Alamarri established a connection with the dwarves, following example of their Avvar cousins.
Nearing the end of her life, Heidrun suggested building a fortress on an island on the Lake of Tears. Over the years, the Avvar regained their power, now claiming most of the western shoreline. Heidrun thought it'd be sensible to establishing a vantage point on the lake. Moreover, waters of the lake were believed to possess mysterious power. Heidrun wished to study it more closely. She drew the first draft of the fortress. Soon, construction began, with help from the dwarves naturally. Heidrun lay the cornerstone, unfortunately, she didn't live to see the completion of her project. The fortress was finished several years after her death. It was named Kinloch Hold due to being located near the estuary of the lake, however, the Avvar often called it Bright Hold in honour of Heidrun. The fortress survived almost a millenium, until the Imperium invaded and tore down the hold to construct their skyscraping tower on top of its foundation.
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ancaestre · 3 years
quick fact dump for the dunbroch triplets.
they’re the children of merida dunbroch and hiccup haddock. since hiccup is merida’s king consort, this means the triplets take their mother’s last name in most cases, however in scenarios and occasions where the haddock name holds weight ( such as with pirates/explorers ) they will introduce themselves as haddocks. 
although all their names are gender-neutral, hildr and heidrun are girls and merle is a boy.
hildr and heidrun take after merida in looks, with wild red hair haoling a rounded face, but they have hiccup’s green eyes. whereas merle takes after hiccup in looks, but has merida’s blue eyes. 
hildr and heidrun are absolute dumbfuck chaos demons. they are wild, untamable and thirst for adventure and adrenaline. somehow their personalities seem more reflective of their triplet uncles than either merida or hiccup, much to merida’s horror and hiccup’s chagrin. 
merle on the other hand is much more softspoken and while still gets into plenty of trouble, it’s usually because he’s strong-armed by his much more boisterous and outspoken sisters. he likes to write though, and often uses his sisters’ shenanigans as inspiration for stories. 
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justsmth2 · 2 years
I have no explanation other than "just thought about it a lot" so here
Avengers x HDM au
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Tony and Amara
- settled at 14 years as American Crow but changed to White Crow after Afghanistan
- I really don't know if daemons can change in adulthood but Tony definitely changed after Afghanistan so it's logical
- crow's symbolysm is adaptability, cleverness and intelligence, teamwork and reciprocity, transformation
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Steve and Grace
- settled as Coyote at 17, after Steve's mother died
- Steve was kinda shocked bc of her size, he thought that she will be small as him
- Coyote symbolizes adaptability, the ability to see the truth in a situation (civil war, guys), knowledge, and intelligence.
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Natasha and Leonard
- settled as Fox
- in slavic culture foxes symbolizes cunning, tricks adaptability, independence and good fortune
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Clint and Mia
- Hawk, yes, obvious
- my headcanon is that Clint chose the name "Hawkeye" after her
- means an independence, adaptability, good messages and clairvoyance
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Bruce and Olivia
- Raccoon!
- have a bad reputation but actually really cute and kind
- is a helpful symbol if you need the cleverness and tenacity to make things work in an area of your life
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Thor and Heidrun
- actual goat from Norse mythology
- goats represent sure-footedness, desire, creative energy, revelry, tranquility, aspiration, and faith.
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imagine-loki · 5 years
Wedded Bliss
TITLE: Wedded Bliss CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 37 AUTHOR: MaliceManaged ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Odin determined to find Loki a wife in a misguided, though somewhat well-intentioned attempt to ‘mellow him’. … RATING: T NOTES/WARNINGS: So, in the comics, Sif and Heimdall are siblings, and since the MCU never bothered to address that either way they’re siblings in my fics, too. Heimdall also has nine mothers in both the myths and the comics, though none of them are named in the latter as far as I know, so I’m relying on the myths for that. In the myths, they are nine sisters who apparently all gave birth to him (however the hel that works), but as far as Marvel goes I am headcanoning them as polyamorous lesbians and Heimdall and Sif are adopted. Because fuck you; I do what I want.
Sif’s mothers turned out to adore Edith, five of them practically fawning over her to the point where Sif jokingly said they might not let her leave. Or at least, Edith was pretty sure she was joking. There was a moment’s concern over the attack in the forests, but it was quickly put to rest with how quickly and easily it was dealt with. They ended up spending the night, with Edith being put up in Heimdall’s old room after Eistla sent word of such to the palace so no one would worry.
“I have to ask,” Sif asked Edith before she retired to her room for the night, “Did you initiate things with Loki, or…?”
“No, he did,” Edith replied then let out a soft laugh, “Dumbass kissed me in the middle of the invasion, while we were surrounded by dead chitauri. Why?”
“Oh, no reason,” Sif replied entirely too innocently, “Goodnight.”
“Right,” Edith said, eyeing her suspiciously as she walked away.
Their return to the palace was uneventful, though Sif’s mothers ganged up on Edith to make her promise to come back sometime, much to their daughter’s amusement. Word of the attack had gotten back (Sif blamed Heimdall, grumbling something about meddlesome brothers) though thankfully little fuss was made about it; instead as soon as Thor and the Warriors Three managed to corner the women, they demanded all the details of the fight. Edith was admittedly surprised at how well Loki seemed to take the whole thing, but she chose to be relieved rather than suspicious. At least for the moment.
“I think it safe to say not many will think you easy prey any longer,” Volstagg laughed after Edith finished recounting her side.
“I mean, you’d think the time I spent here before would have told them that.”
“They must have thought you defenceless without Loki,” Hogun guessed. “Not a mistake they will make twice.”
“Serves them right,” Fandral concluded, to nods of agreement.
They talked a while longer, before going their separate ways, with Loki informing Edith that his mother wished to have lunch with her. After refreshing herself from her ride, Edith made her way to the Allmother’s sitting room, where a table was set with a light lunch for two in consideration of the feast later that evening; Frigga came over to greet her then they sat, waiting until the maids were gone before beginning to converse as they ate.
“I hope Sif’s mothers were not too much; they can be a touch… overwhelming at times.”
“I noticed,” Edith replied with a slight laugh. “They weren’t too bad, when they weren’t trying to kidnap me.”
Frigga chuckled. “Yes, they seem to do that; I feared for my sons the first time they visited the palace.”
“Oh, nooo!”
“They mean well; and they have raised fine children, none can deny them that.” They paused for a while to focus on their food. “As to the other matter; I believe I may have identified the worst offenders.” Edith looked at her expectantly. “Unsurprisingly, Lady Agneta was the instigator.”
“Geez, talk about not taking a hint,” Edith rolled her eyes.
“Indeed. She has so far recruited Ladies Sigrunn and Inge, who have in turn been whispering to Ladies Dorthe, Gyrie, Heidrun and Erna. Others are not quite so affiliated, but, well…”
“They’re not exactly lining up to be my best friends.”
“No. Agneta and her followers are the worst of the lot, though; I have caught two attempts to infiltrate maids of their own amongst yours.”
Edith snorted. “Like that would work. Even if they succeeded – and Anna and Gunhilda didn’t eat them alive as soon as they figured it out – it’s not like I actually rely on the maids to get things done most of the time.”
“Yes, but they are lazy and entitled; it would never occur to them that some of us are a bit more self-sufficient.”
“So, how do you want to deal with this?”
“I should be asking you that, dear; it is you they are attempting to sabotage.”
“Well, yes, but I’m pretty sure my solution is illegal.”
“You cannot set their belongings on fire, Edith,” Frigga said with a disapproving look.
“I know; that’s why I’m leaving it to you,” Edith replied with a sweet, innocent smile.
Frigga hummed unconvinced. “Well, I believe a bit of public embarrassment might just dissuade them from their efforts. That is, after all, one of the few languages they speak.”
“Oooo, devious,” Edith clapped delightedly, leaning forward conspiratorially, “Tell me more.”
They were stood at the palace’s main doors, Frigga flanked by Edith and Sif and looking every bit the queen she was, waiting for the hunting party to return. And return they did, to the cheers of the gathered crowd, Odin in the lead followed by Thor and Loki and the rest of the Lords bringing up the rear along with their kills. When they reached the doors, the royals dismounted and walked up to Frigga, Odin taking her hands in his and bringing them up to his lips in a rare display of public affection. Thor and Loki kissed her cheek then Loki moved to Edith, taking her hand and bringing it to his lips as she curtseyed.
The kills were sent to the kitchen to be prepared and cooked for the feast and the hunters one and all dispersed for their chambers to bathe and ready themselves. Edith was once again accosted by Frigga’s troupe of maids to be readied for the evening; this time the gown was of a deep forest green with black and gold accents, tailored specifically to match Loki’s own outfit so to irritate Lady Agneta and co., though the colours complemented Edith’s features wonderfully. She did once again don the earrings Loki had given her once her hair was pinned up, happy for a chance to show them off.
“My Lady, your escort is here,” Gunhilda announced, making great effort to keep a professional demeanour.
Loki walked in and faltered for a moment when he saw Edith, though he managed to keep his composure better than last time. “You and mother are trying to kill me, I am convinced.”
Edith laughed as she walked over to him, extremely touched that he was wearing his pendant out in the open, though she knew for a fact he’d barely taken it off since she’d given it to him. “Maaaaybe.”
“I would like to be flattered by your choice of colours, but I have a feeling it has little, if anything, to do with me.” Edith simply grinned mischievously in response and he shook his head amusedly before offering his arm. “Shall we?”
“We shall,” she replied as she took his arm, letting him lead her out of the room. As they walked she turned her face up to him. “Just so you know, we have a fanclub back there thanks to your antics.”
“Oh, I am aware,” he replied with a mischievous half smile, “Why do you think I do it? Well, other than to impress you, of course.”
Edith laughed, shaking her head. “Hey,” she spoke up after a little while, earning a questioning look, “Are we okay?”
The question turned to confusion. “Why would we not be?”
Edith shrugged. “I dunno; I guess I expected more of a reaction to the bandits.”
“Well, I won’t say I am not… displeased, but you and Sif handled yourselves, as I am well aware you can. Do I wish to hunt down any of the dogs that might remain and destroy them utterly for daring to even think to touch you? Yes. But if you are to be respected as a warrior in your own right and have brigands think twice before coming after you, I cannot be seen to swoop in and solve your problems.”
Edith hummed in understanding. “Well, I can’t imagine that’s easy for you, but I appreciate it. That said; I wouldn’t be opposed to us going out later and clearing out any bandits left. You know, for the safety of the people, and all.”
Loki stopped walking and looked down at her for a moment, then took her face in his hands and kissed her deeply. “You are perfect,” he said admiringly.
“Well… yeah,” Edith replied, causing him to laugh, then they turned back to the hallway and continued walking to the feast.
Edith had to admit, the look on her self-declared ‘rival’s face when she and Loki walked in so perfectly matched was as satisfying as Frigga had promised. Loki looked between them and then to his mother and huffed a laugh, realising what was going on. That, of course, paled in comparison to the culmination of Frigga’s plan. It would long be remembered when Lady Agneta massively shamed herself by insulting the visiting party from Nidavellir, mortified to find she could not seem to stop telling them her innermost thoughts and opinions of each and every single one of them.
When she finally resorted to fleeing the room lest she say something to really anger the dwarves, many looked to Loki, who had been dancing with Edith when the show began. He shrugged, not needing to feign his surprise, and glanced at Frigga to find a very self-satisfied smirk upturning her lips. He then looked down at Edith, who smiled sweetly, though not at him; he followed her gaze to the remaining Ladies that Agneta had roped into her crusade, who looked about ready to faint as they came to realise they were in over their heads.
Odin huffed incredulously and turned to his wife. “You, my love, are as vicious as ever, I see.”
“I only protect my own, as any good mother,” Frigga replied, casually sipping on her goblet.
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stcrforged · 2 years
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heidrun (born 9:11 dragon) is a beorning warrior from the frostback mountains who became a mercenary in order to earn coin and survive. she is a potential companion and romance option for either a male or female inquisitor.
born and raised in the hidden and ancient village of the beornings, tall and strong barbarians who can turn into giants bears even though they are not mages.
heidrun was a carefree child, living in the free and wild among her kind, not dedicating a single thought about what might come. no, not a single tear of anger or sadness could be found here, for she was a sweet summer, letting the wind play with her hair while playing in the ice cold water of the river.
oh, how wrong she was. how wrong everyone was. evil lurked in the shadows and darkness rose from deep below. darkspawn and other creatures painting the grass red with blood. the laughter died out. the air was instead filled with screams of fear of pain. the darkspawn burned down their homes, tearing families apart, even imprisoning some of them. their leader, the architect had found one of the few scrolls that contains the history of the beornings. he thought that perhaps their blood was needed in order to wake up the old god.
so young and yet her eyes have seen more cruelty than any living man. it made her scared, scarred for life, marking decorating skin and soul from abuse and the sight of how your family was treated. blood and death, no escape.
at least that was heidrun had thought, until one day, she managed to escape. heidrun doesn’t remember the details and she isn’t sure she wants to. once again she is free to walk the earth, but it’s with a heavy heart and heavy shoulders. with the world under her naked feet, she decides to walk alone, trying to find other survivors while killing every darkspawn and demon that happens to stand in your path, awakening her wrath that boils beneath her skin. blood runs from her razor-sharp teeth while she takes another step into an unknown world.
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knowing grief and despair, perhaps more than anyone, she joins the inquisition wishing to help people. the world doesn't need more suffering. and a small part of her hopes that someday she might find other survivors.
the beorning can be recruited in the hinterlands after the inquisitor has successfully finished an operation at the war table. several spies of the inquisiton have been captured by red templars. however, they are saved by a tall woman who can turn into a giant bear. this reaches leliana and she thinks it is worth investigating who this peculiar warrior is. should the inquisitor choose to meet up with heidrun, they will find her near a smaller cave in the hinterlands. heidrun will admit that she is interested in helping the inquisition as she wishes to help others. the inquisitor may ask about her and the beornings and she will answer.
heidrun has a signature spear. it is almost as tall as her and the blade is long and sharp. it is one of the few things she found after the massacre of her village. as such, heidrun is the only companion who can have this weapon equipped. however, she can fight with other weapons as battleaxes, greatswords, and mauls.
heidrun hates darkspawn and demons with deep burning passion. killing any of these while having her in the party will garner approval. the warrior has a great respect for the nature and loves it dearly. as bears are sacred to the beornings, she refuses to kill them if you have her in your party (and you will loose approval). however, if you have her in your party, bears will not approach you due to her origin. she is not very fond of jar of bees either since beornings often use honey and beeswax. she approves of any decisions made that support mages since she does not like how mages are treated. she favors honest and kind response over aggressive ones. however, depending on the situation, she doesn’t mind aggressive or witty ones. the warrior is not the most talkative. she rather listens than talk. approval will be lost if the inquisitor pushes her for answers.
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knows a lot about herbs, flora and fauna.
a living compass and it seems she has visited most regions in ferelden, orlais and some other kingdoms.
extremely strong and can move heavy stones, trees and much more.
bears do not approach the party if heidrun is in it because they can sense that she is one of them. they respect her and keeps their distance.
the cold doesn’t bother her. it almost seems that she can’t freeze, however, she does not like the heat and does not do well in hotter climates.
expert att handling bees (therefore she does not like jar of bees), sometimes makes beeswax candles.
does not eat meat (like all other beornings).
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good ending
having helped people heidrun finds inner peace. she has learned to accept that she might never find others of her kind, but she has a new family. the inquisition. however, when the inquisitor successfully accomplishes her quest and operation, she is more than shocked. the warrior will be forever grateful and will always help the inquisitor when help is needed. after corypheus is defeated, she leaves to rebuild the village with the other survivors.
neutral ending
the other beornings was never fund, but having helped people she has found inner peace and she has a new family, the inquisition. heidrun decides to stay at skyhold, continuing to help people in need.
bad ending
heidrun regrets joining the inquisition. did they really help the world? it doens’t feel like that. death and destruction. she has seen it before and it’s enough. other beornings are found, but not alive. it seems she is the last one. feeling the anger growing inside, she leaves the inquisition after the corypheus is defeated. she travels the world, killing demon and darkspawn, loosing herself to the darkness inside. after trespasser, she decides to travel to the deep roads. there she fight darkspawns until she almost dies. beaten and broken, she returns to her village and lays down on the ground, taking a final breath. the children of sigfost is no more. a legend, a myth, a story that people will forget.
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stcrforged · 2 years
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heidrun ADMIRES the wardens, especially the hero of ferelden which is not difficult to understand since she lost everything to the darkspawns. they are fighting for a noble cause, rescuing anyone from the blight regardless of race, gender and class. they are the saviours she NEEDED as a child and as much as she wished they have saved the beornings, she understands that they can’t be everywhere at once. they are small in numbers and always fighting, trying to survive, just like her.
despite her admiration, she has NEVER considered joining them. she values her freedom too much. she doesn’t wants to be tied down again.
however, if the warden-commander sides with the architect, the demon who slayed her village and she finds out, she will loose ALL respect for them. her hatred for the servants of the dark will be as strong as her hatred for the hero traitor of ferelden.
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stcrforged · 2 years
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heidrun might not want children of her own, but that doesn’t stop her from being kind to them. many FEAR her at first sight, especially men and women, but children, they stop caring after a while. they are often in awe of her height and her muscles. she gives them piggybacks, letting them climb her legs, letting them win in arm wrestling, helping them reach things such as apples and other things. the skin-changer will ALWAYS be kind to children, even the mean ones, because she doesn’t wish them to have the childhood she had (or rather didn’t have).
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stcrforged · 2 years
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rumours speak of BARBARIANS that hold the secret of how to transform your body into a giant bear, but the circle of magi denies such stories.
somewhere at the foot of the frostback mountains lives the beornings, a human tribe BLESSED with old magic that can be dated back to ancient times. some even say they are the children of the god sigfost. they are similiar to the avvar and it seems that they have descended from them, but at some point they parted. why? no one knows and no one will tell.
the line between the avvar and the beornings are fine, but perhaps the most noticable is that beornings are taller and broader. they are about the same height as the qunari, but there are beornings that are even TALLER than them. another noticable feature among beornings is that they can change into giant bears even though they are not mages. it seems that mages are rare among the beornings. a mage is only born every every twenty-fifth year. no one knows why that is. it’s a mystery yet to be solved.
one of the tasks of the mages, is to keep the village hidden. the beornings very rarely leave their village. they have everything they need. a great river that provides water, the forest which provides food. the beornings does not eat any meat at all. bears wanders freely in the village as they are sacred. UNLIKE the avvar the beornings does not harm or hunt them.
however, the village which has been hidden for thousands of years, was FOUND at last at 9:18 dragon, several years before the fifth blight. forces of evil: darspawn and other creatures which were under the command of the architect had found it. the clever darkspawn had somehow found one of the few scrolls that contains the history of the beornings. he was fascinated by their abilities and thought that perhaps their blood and bones could be used in his attempt to awaken the OLD god. the sudden and unexpected attack was nothing but a tragedy and many lives were lost. some was captured as slaves. however, a few managed to escape but they have not yet found each other. the village became nothing but ruins, burned to the ground that was dark of blood.
unnecessary blood was spilled that day, but there is PROPHECY about the return of an ancient and proud race. the beornings will rise again, against all odds.
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stcrforged · 2 years
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for years heidrun believed she was alone, ever since she managed to escape the claws of evil as a child. the shock that washes over her the first time her eyes’ gaze fell upon beorn, another beorning who she recognizes, is PAINFUL. it feels like a punch to the stomach and she loses her breath. for so long she has believed she was alone, but alas, she is alone no more.
of course she remembers beorn from her childhood. he was like an uncle to her and many others.
she falls down to her knees, mouth open, not knowing what to say or do. tears starts to stream down her face, but they are not sad, no, they are HAPPY tears. for she has found one of her people.
they embrace each other, holding on for dear life. it feels like home. a feeling so long forgotten but now she will never let it go.
this is the start of something new and it doesn’t take long until they found more beornings. they start to rebuild their village in the vales of anduin. slowly but surely, the beornings grows and the scent of freshly baked honeycakes spreads across middle-earth. it’s a message to the world.
the beornings have returned.
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stcrforged · 2 years
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anger boil beneath heidrun’s skin. she will ALWAYS remember that no one came the day when the beornings was attacked. it was a massacre like no other. women and men, turning into giant bears to fight and protect, only to get killed by the filthy hands of the dark lord’s servant. and some even became slaves and prisoners. no men came. no dwarves came. no elves came. she can understand why no dwarves came. they didn’t have a kingdom. a home. it had been TAKEN from them. just like her home had become nothing but ashes and blood. she could understand why the riders of rohan did not came that day. they may live closer but it’s still a long way.
but it was the ELVES who lived the closest and they did not come. they did not fight. heidrun does not blame the mirkwood elves, except for one. their king. THRANDUIL. his kingdom is close to the vales of anduin and yet he chose to not participate in the battle. with their help they could have survived. but they did not.
so she blames their leader. their king. a fool. a coward. she despises him as much as the dwarves does and it’s well known that beorning does not fancy dwarves that much. but on this, they AGREE.
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ancaestre · 3 years
heidrun dunbroch, tag dump.
✧ ┇ heidrun   /   muse. ✧ ┇ heidrun   /   in character. ✧ ┇ heidrun   /   reply. ✧ ┇ heidrun   /   visuals. ✧ ┇ heidrun   /   dash games. ✧ ┇ heidrun   /   answered. ✧ ┇ heidrun   /   aesthetic. ✧ ┇ heidrun   /   musings. ✧ ┇ heidrun   /   headcanon. ✧ ┇ heidrun   /   about. ✧ ┇ heidrun   /   drabble. ✧ ┇ heidrun   /   verse  :  d1.  ✧ ┇ heidrun   /   verse  :  d2. ✧ ┇ heidrun   /   verse  :  d3. ✧ ┇ heidrun   /   verse  :  post-d3. ✧ ┇ heidrun   /   ic  :  url  ;  01. ✧ ┇ ship   / heidrun &  muse (  url  ).
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