#“its so annoying that tims still being depicted as a teen”
oifaaa · 4 months
Made up a reason for myself that tim doesn't age because of shenanigans when he went looking for Bruce when he got lost in time. Makes no sense but keeps me sane a little 👍
See I just say Tim is a chronic liar (bc you know he is) so he's just keeps saying he's 17 years old bc if people find out he's actually 19 they're also gonna ask questions like "what are you doing with you're life?" "Got a job yet?" "Why are you fighting with a twelve year old?"
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reddrobins · 4 years
curiosity killed the cat and perfection killed the bat
tim drake x reader
summary: you were the batgirl to Tim’s robin. his everything, that is until you started to deteriorate away.
warnings: depiction of eating disorders, angst, hurt/comfort
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You hadn’t always been a perfectionist. Really, if anything that was a new trait. But of course, all new things become old and all good things must come to an end, and you were the best thing in Tim’s life.
Bruce had taken you in under circumstances like any other of his children. Small child, carrying absurd amounts of trauma on their back. He saw potential in you the minute he laid eyes on your scared shaken form back in Crime Alley.
You were quickly welcomed into the family and not long after made friends with Bruce’s newest son, Tim.
You and Tim were inseparable the moment you met. Bruce could tell there was a bond like no other between the pair and would never dare to break the two of you up. So when Stephanie decided to go solo, the role of batgirl was open and Bruce saw no other option than you to be Tim’s new crime fighting partner.
You were thrilled. I mean what average child gets to go ham on criminals nightly and punch out their aggression? Though you knew batgirl was a more strategic role within the duo, you still couldn’t have been more excited to be a part of the team.
However, that joy didn’t seem to last too long.
Your first week as batgirl you decided to watch some footage of old fights on the batcomputer. It was videos of when Barbara and Dick were batgirl and robin and boy, were you blown out of the water.
You were drawn to Babs. Her moves, her brain… Her body. Everything just seemed so superior to you. You started to feel inferior, to feel like you weren’t good enough, like you didn’t deserve the mantle. It was basic comparison at its finest, however when you add comparison on top of years of trauma, it shifts into something different. Something more sinister.
Tim was the first one to notice your mood shift. Of course he was, the teen was your partner both in life and at ‘work’. The first signs he noticed was your increase in irritation and newly adapted short temper. The most prominent example being the one fateful night on patrol.
“Batgirl, do you have the location of the drug circle?” Tim asked as he scoped out the area from atop the WE building.
“Yes, it should be right under the pier. A small ship where they’re beginning to load up cargo for a trade.” You responded as you grappled from building to building - catching up to Tim.
“Okay. Here’s the plan, I’ll go in first, quietly. Then you can swoop down and take out the two thugs by the boa-”
You interrupted him, “Why are you going in first?”
Tim furrowed his eyebrows behind his domino mask. “I- I just thought you would’ve wanted to do some recon before we go in fighting…”
You crossed your arms, “do you think I can’t handle it myself?”
Red Robin was at a loss for words, beyond confused. You were a partnership, were was this sudden burst of irritation coming from?
“What? No, (Y/N) - I mean batgirl of course not. Why would you even think that?”
Rolling your eyes you sneered, “You just always calls the shots Tim. I’m starting to think you don’t think I’m capable enough.”
He was taken aback by the accusation, you were never normally like this. “That’s not that at all. No way, I think you’re more than capable, I just… I just thought that’s what you’d want?”
“Sure Tim.” You glared at him, “if you think you can pull this off on your own, then why don’t you get on with it. I won’t interrupt your work anymore.”
And with that you left, grappling away from Tim and back home to the Manor. The raven haired teen was left astounded. What the hell had just happened? Did you really just sacrifice the mission for what, a mild argument? He’d definitely be talking to you about this later.
The second sign he noticed of your change in personality was your avoidance of dinner. Or all meals for that matter.
“(N/N)! Alfred’s calling us for dinner! You want to come down?” Tim hollered from the stairs.
You however were busy in your room, music up to a volume that drowned out Tim.
Downstairs, the teen groaned and clambered up to your room knocking once before entering.
There you were, on the floor doing crunches, eyes squeezed shut due to over exhaustion. “(N/N)” he called again, this time from the doorway.
You sat up and pressed pause on the speakers, facing Tim. “Oh. Hey, what’s up?”
“Um, Alfred made dinner and wanted me to come bring you down… am I interrupting something?“ 
 “What? Oh that, no. It was nothing. Just some pretraining workouts before patrol tonight.” You laughed, looking off into the left. 
 Though Tim was a great detective, it didn’t take skill to know that you were lying. However, he let it go. “Okay… so, you coming down?” 
 You bit your lip in contemplation and then finally shook your head. “Uh, I had a big lunch and am still not really hungry. So please tell Alfred I’m really sorry and I know whatever he made was wonderful.” You lied, hoping he would let the conversation go.
Luckily, he did. 
“Sure. Just please come down if you get hungry. With all of the extra training you’re doing you need to make sure you’re staying nourished.”
You quirked your head at his response, “extra training I’m doing?” 
 Tim sighed and ran a hand down his face, “Do you really think I don’t hear you sneaking down to the batcave every night? The floorboards are old you know.”
 Not knowing what else to do, you put up your walls. “What are you spying on me or something? The fuck Drake, I thought we were a team?��� 
 Tim faltered at your response, not knowing what provoked this outburst, “What? No. Of course not. I just care about you okay?” 
 The teen walked over to you and lifted his hand, bringing it up to caress your cheek. However before he could make contact, you pulled away instantly. Hurst flared in Tim’s eyes. 
 He sighed, “Okay. Well I’m going back down, feel free to come down if you need anything.” Walking to the door, Tim shut it behind him and waited for a few second, seeing if you would change your mind.
However all he was left to hear was floorboards creaking and pained counting as you continued your workout. 
The third thing Tim noticed was a change in your clothing style. Suddenly all of your favourite dresses, crop tops and t-shirts were swapped out for baggy hoodies and men’s jumpers. Tim swears you steal them from Jason.  
The two of you were sat on the floor of the batcave, Damian off in the distance spearing dummys with his katana. 
 “So” Tim started, “last night I was looking into our case and I found out some pretty interesting facts. The guy were looking at, his name is Gregory Jacobs and guess what, he works for Sionis. If we crack him, he could be a huge lead to whatever- what’re you doing?” 
 “Huh?” You looked up at Tim. 
 The teen pointed at your wrist which you currently had two digits wrapped around. Immediately, you unclasped your grip. 
"That?” You laughed, “That was nothing. Just something I do when I’m nervous.” Based on the inflection in your voice and your lack of eye contact, Tim could instantly tell you were lying. However, like last time, he decided to drop it. 
 “Uh, Sure… what’s your opinion on the Jacobs thing? Say we go on patrol tonight?” Tim quirked an eyebrow, obviously really intent on taking down Sionis’ men. 
“Yeah. Sure.” You said distantly. Tim was about to respond when you opened your mouth again. “Hey Timmy, you mind if I take a nap. I’m just really tired right now and want to rest up before patrol, you know?” You stood up from your spot on the floor. 
 “Um yeah. Go take a nap. I’ll catch up with you later about the case.” Tim stood up too and leaned in to kiss you on the check, only for you to once again pull away abruptly. 
You gave a weak smile and ran up the stairs from the cave, heading towards your room. 
“Somethings wrong with her, Drake.” Tim turned around to find his little brother, sheathing his katana. 
“I know. I just wish she would tell me.” The older teen sighed. 
 “Do you wish me to talk with her?” Damian asked, shocking Tim. Why all of a sudden was he being nice? 
 Tim shook his head, “No, it’s fine Damian. She’ll just get annoyed with you. I’ll just wait for her to talk.” 
 The younger Wayne nodded, “I’m only asking for her well-being, Drake. Don’t get any ideas I’m going soft on you.” 
 Tim smirked, enjoying this unusual moment with his brother, “of course not Damian, I wouldn’t expect that of you.” 
 “Good. Now I am going to go play fetch with Titus. If you decide you’d like me to talk with (Y/N), I shall be in the yard.” Damian went up the stairs leaving Tim by his lonesome. Lost and confused on how to help you get through… whatever you were going through. 
 The fourth time Tim noticed something was off was when you fainted on patrol. And man, was that the scariest night of his life.
“Red Robin to Batgirl, I’ve located Jacobs, are you in place to attack?” 
It was the night of the mission. Tim was overly stoked whereas you, well you had your mind on other things. The suit felt really tight, almost like you were too big to be in it, you’d much rather opt for your oversized hoodies. You kept thinking about the breakfast you had that morning, everything was just too much. “Yeah...” you responded.
“Good. Batman,” Tim spoke into the coms, “we’re moving in.” 
You swung your grappling gun to the nearest ledge, jumping off your current perch, and ow, why did that hurt? Your shoulder felt like it was on fire and when you landed on your feet, you felt like you broke both your ankles. 
You hissed in pain and Tim heard, “Batgirl, are you okay?” 
You nodded, “Fine, dunno why that hurt all of a sudden though...”
To say Tim was worried about this mission was an understatement. For the past few weeks, though you had been working out, you seemed to be quite frail, walking slowly, speaking with no energy - it was scaring Tim. But still, you insisted you come on the mission.
“Okay, just please be careful... I’m going in, are you behind me?”
You mumbled a ‘yes’ into the earpiece and followed your partner into the building.
Flipping down from the awning, you stumbled on your landing, luckily Red Robin was there to catch your fall. “Are you sure you’re okay?” he whispered to you.
You shrugged him off in annoyance, muttering an ‘of course I am.’
“Okay, we’re going to split up from here, I’m going to take the two guys in the back and you can handle the one by the cargo, then we’ll both go after Jacobs.”
Though you didn’t see why Tim insisted you only take down one goon, you complied with the plan and snuck over to the cases of drugs.
Quietly, you reached out behind the thug and pressed your hand to his mouth, pulling him behind the crate. You tried to use your core strength to flip and straddle his neck but to no avail, you were just too weak.
He got the better of you and wailed a punch at your temple. You stumbled slightly, blinking away the dark spots in your vision. Cursing, you charged at the man again, batarang in hand. 
You threw it at your target but alas, the force wasn’t strong enough and it clattered against the crate, limply falling to the ground.
was the room spinning or was it just you?
At this point you couldn’t even tell. Nonetheless, you tried to attack one more time, sliding onto the floor you stuck your leg out in means to trip him, but it just barely made the man sway.
He laughed, “So this is Batgirls replacement? A weak little twig like you?”
You felt a flare of anger in your chest, how dare he call you a replacement!
You let out and angry growl and with all of your might pounced at him, tackling the large man to the ground. 
He laughed again, and easily threw your body off of him, leaving you to crash into a wooden crate.
You laid on the floor staring up at the ceiling, was the ceiling always that high up? Where are those dots coming from?
Weakly, you tried to sit up, ignoring the heaviness of your head, at least that was until you passed out.
When you came to, you realized you were in fact, tied to a chair, however not by yourself. Tim was tied behind you on his own chair.
“Timmy?” you mumbled.
The teens ears perked up, “(Y/N)? Oh thank god, you scared me so bad.”
“Tim, what happened? Why are we tied up?”
He sighed in response and craned his neck to look at you, “After you fainted, the third thug came at me. There was just too many of them for me to handle while thinking about if you were dead. God, (Y/N), you scared me so bad. Please don’t do that again.”
“It’s not like I chose to faint, Tim.” You sneered, upset that he was putting the blame on you.
“Well you are the one that chose not to eat. The one that chose to overwork them self. The one that didn’t ask for help when you were clearly struggling... I mean, am I wrong?”
You gulped, so he knew... 
“Tim... I-”
“(Y/N) I’m not mad at you, I just want to know, why? Why put yourself through that?” He pleaded with you.
You sighed and then out of frustration and exhaustion, let out a cry. “I had to okay?! I saw footage of Babs and saw how much prettier and skinnier and smarter and just better than me she was. I didn’t have a choice but to fix myself to live up to her legacy.”
Tim’s heart broke at your sobs, god he wish he cold take away your pain and just tell you how naturally beautiful and smart and unique and talented you are... He just didn’t know how.
“(Y/N)... you didn’t have to do any of that. You, you’re amazing just the way you are. And, and I know I wont be able to change your mind but, but... I love you. I’ve loved you since the moment I met you. I never wanted you to be any more than you already were because in my eyes you’re amazing. You’re my (Y/N) and I wouldn’t ask for any different.”
You gasped, I mean you knew there was something between you and Tim, but love? He loved you? You cried again, overwhelmed. “Tim, I love you too. I just thought I had to be better, to prove myself to you all, to show that I actually deserved the title of Batgirl.”
“Oh love, if you want to talk to someone about deserving their title, hell talk to me. I’ve struggled with that for years. But I would never, ever tell you to do something like this. You’re so much more than a body. You’re just a beautiful soul, inside and out.”
“God Timmy, you’re such a sap... But you’re my sap. Or, is that okay?”
Tim smiled, leaning his head on your shoulder, “That more than okay.”
The two of you stayed like that for a bit until you were brought back to reality. “Hey Tim...” The teen in question gave a loving ‘hmm?’
“Um, how are we going to get out of this?”
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afni-fics · 3 years
Elder Scrolls DC - A Reluctant Dragonborn - Chapter 17: Dragon Rising (part 1)
Elder Scrolls DC - A Reluctant Dragonborn - Chapter 17: Dragon Rising (part 1) by C_R_Scott Chapters: 17/? Fandom: Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Red Robin (Comics), DCU (Comics) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Characters: Tim Drake, Lucien Flavius Additional Tags: Crossover, Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Skyrim/DCU crossover, Reluctant Dovahkiin | Dragonborn, Not Beta Read, Alternate Universe - Skyrim Fusion, Modded Skyrim, Skyrim Spoilers, Tim Drake is Dragonborn | Dovahkiin, Batfamily-centric (DCU), Tim Drake-centric
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Tim and Lucien make it back to Dragonsreach with the intention of dropping off the Dragonstone and then going to the Temple of Kynareth for some well deserved and long overdue rest and recovery... But then again what is it that they say about the best laid plans of mice and men...?
"I'm sorry. What did you say?"
At the annoyed look Jarl gave him, Tim realized his "Timothy Wayne" mask must have slipped a bit. He slipped his "mask" back on and gave the Jarl an apologetic look. "Forgive me, Jarl Balgruuf," he said, speaking up a little louder than before and motioning vaguely toward the right side of his head. "I took pretty nasty blow back at the Barrow and I'm still can't hear well out of this ear. Can you repeat what you said?"
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Balgruuf sighed. He looked at Tim and repeated his last statement, a little louder this time so Tim could "hear". "I want you to go with Irileth and help her fight this dragon!"
At first, everything went along as both Tim and Lucien had expected once they left the camp they'd rested in after leaving Bleak Falls Barrow. They spent nearly the entire day walking back to Whiterun, with a brief stop by Riverwood to drop off the Golden Dragon Claw with its original owner. Of course it was well past sunset by the time they entered Dragonsreach, but not so late that the people they needed to speak to were asleep. 
Once inside Dragonsreach, they immediately delivered the Dragonstone to a very pleased court wizard Farengar, who had been speaking with a strange hooded woman before their arrival.
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Tim only halfway paid attention to Farengar and his guest. He barely stifled a yawn as he felt a touch on his good arm.
"Finally," Lucien whispered behind Tim with what sounded like a great amount of relief as Farengar was distracted speaking with the woman. "I know it's late, but let's get out of here and to the Temple. If we're lucky, a priest or priestess will still be awake and can take a look at your injuries."
Tim nodded wearily. This most recent journey to Whiterun felt longer and more taxing than his previous travels to and from the city. He knew his body was close to his limit, and he could feel the fever from the night before creeping up again.
Unfortunately, Tim had no luck to speak of that evening as Jarl Balgruuf's guard Irileth stormed into the wizard's room, announcing that a dragon had been sighted nearby.
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Tim bowed his head to the Jarl, shaking his head slightly. He didn't even bother masking the apologetic disbelief in his tone. "I... I would love to help. I really would. But--"
Jarl pointed at Tim. "You survived Helgen, so you have more experience with dragons than anyone else here."
"More experience? Is that what we're calling it now?" Tim echoed under his breath as he found himself unwillingly reliving memories of the disaster at Helgen and his first-hand trauma due to the flames of that black dragon. He wanted to snap at the Jarl, to tell him that he was an idiot and he was not going to go anywhere near any more dragons. He wanted to storm out of Dragonsreach and put as much distance between himself and this castle as he could. 
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"I... I'll do what I can, Jarl Balgruuf," Tim muttered in a defeated, obedient tone with his gaze lowered before turning on his heel and walking down the stairs as quickly and politely as he could towards the doors that would take him back into the city of Whiterun proper. 
"Timothy! Wait! Tim! Stop!" 
Once outside Dragonsreach, Tim didn't stop walking until finally, at the base of the large tree in the courtyard of the upper district of Whiterun. Lucien caught up with him and forced himself directly between Tim and the path leading down another flight of stairs to the marketplace. Lucien seemed a bit winded, as he'd had to dash to catch up to the young man before he got completely out of reach. 
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"What do you think you're doing?!" Lucien demanded after he caught his breath enough to speak. 
"Please Lucien... Just get out of the way. I have to catch up with Irileth."
"Why?! You are in no condition to face down a rabid skeever, let alone a full blow fire-breathing dragon!"
"The Jarl asked--"
"The Jarl is an idiot!" 
Tim looked at Lucien with a startled expression. 
Lucien appeared absolutely beside himself with frustration as he continued on his rant. "Just because you survived the dragon at Helgen doesn't mean you have anything significant to contribute to a fight against it now that's reared its ugly face again. Clearly you are not fire-proof, and you are in no way armed or armored enough to face down a monster of that magnitude, ESPECIALLY after everything you went through in Helgen and in the Barrow and after an entire day's travel on foot from the wilds of the hold all the way to the city! 
"Besides, anyone with eyes can see you're not well! Even Irileth gave you a look before she went out to gather the rest of her soldiers after the Jarl made his ludicrous demand!" Lucien took a moment to pause and catch his breath again. When he spoke, it was with a more even tone. "If the Jarl wants extra bodies and blades to throw against that beast, he's got a whole boatload of Companions waiting right there who would be more than happy to add dragon-slaying to their list of accomplishments." Lucien threw an arm at the nearby mead hall of the Companions' guild made from what looked like an overturned viking longboat. "All he has to do is walk down the damned hill or send a messenger if he's too lazy for even that."
Lucien gave him a pleading look. "Timothy... You're not even a citizen of his Hold. You're just... passing through... and you owe Balgruuf no allegience."
Tim wavered. If he was healthy, if he wasn't sick, if he had his Red Robin gear, he knew he could help the soldiers of Whiterun fight this dragon and win. It was what he did as a Titan. It was how he was raised as a Bat. But he was sick and injured and if he tried to fight in this state, he could very well find himself dead, or responsible for the death of others.
Lucien could see the conflict warring on Tim's face. It confused him. Why would anyone suffering as much as he was right now with illness and injury want to continue fighting when the should be resting and healing? 
"You don't have to follow the Jarl's orders," Lucien said gently. "It's not like you're a soldier and he's your comman--"
The scholar's eyes widened as he had a flash of insight. He immediately thought of Tim's skillful fighting style both with his quarterstaff and bare hands as they went through the Barrow. He remembered the young man's strategizing as they came upon bandits and traps and draugr. He recalled in his mind's eye not just the burns on his arm and back, but also an odd collection of other far older battle scars peppered across his torso and limbs. He gazed at Tim as if seeing another part of him for the first time. 
"Wait. You ARE a soldier... of some sort... aren't you?"
Tim nodded reluctantly. "In my homeland, I-- well my entire adopted family really-- we're..." He trailed off a bit as he tried to figure out the best words to give to Lucien. "... peacekeepers for our city. For Gotham." He raked his hand through his hair. "It was our mission to protect the citizens from threats both inside the city and beyond. The mission... always comes first."
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Lucien sighed. "Well that explains a bit," he murmured with a small groan. "The way I see it, Timothy, you have two choices before you right now. One... You can disregard the Jarl's order entirely. You're not his citizen or his soldier. You've gone above and beyond already getting that Dragonstone for him. He technically owes you a favor, not the other way around. We can either go right now to the Temple over there so you can start the healing process, or we can just leave Whiterun altogether. I'll pay the carriage driver whatever he wants to leave tonight for Solitude. It may take a couple of days, but at least this way there's no risk of being dragged into any more of the Jarl's nonsense. We'll either find another priest in another town along the way, or we can go straight to the Temple of the Divines in Solitude once we get there."
"And the other choice?"
"The other choice is..." And Lucien returned his pleading look to Tim as he continued reluctantly "... you continue after Irileth and complete the Jarl's ridiculous unreasonable request. You do your best to assist against the dragon, but knowing you're likely to get yourself hurt even worse or killed in the process."
Tim stood for a long moment in silence. He looked to the doors of the Temple of Kynareth with a longing expression, and for a moment Lucien was hopeful that the young man would choose the path of self-preservation. 
Then Tim bowed his head solemnly.
"I'm sorry, Lucien," he whispered as he turned away from the Temple and walked around the scholar to go down the stairs leading toward the marketplace and the path leading out of Whiterun. "If there's some way for me to help Irileth and the soldiers, I have to at least try. If I don't at least try, I don't think I could live with myself." 
He did pause and looked up at Lucien from the bottom of the stairs with sad, apologetic smile that frankly broke the poor scholar's heart. "Thank you for worrying about me, though, and taking care of me the past couple of days.  I... really appreciate all you've done. You're a good man, Lucien Flavius. I'm lucky to have met you." Then Tim gave him a half-hearted farewell wave and continued on the path to catch up with Irileth and her soldiers, leaving Lucien behind.
Warning: This is being pantsed more than plotted, and this is not beta read. We'll see where this journey takes us. Mostly I'm just doing this for my own amusement.
Note1: If you have any questions about the playthrough and Tim's feelings/experiences that aren't described in the chapters, please ask me in the comments. I'll do my best to answer your questions as best I can.
And so we start the "Dragon Rising" questline of the main story arc of Skyrim. Lucien gets more insight into Tim's character as a person as his disdain for the Jarl of Whiterun grows.
Honestly, even in previous playthroughs of Skyrim, it always struck me as kinda stupid that the Jarl would ask our Dragonborn to go help Irileth fight the dragon at the watchtower before even considering reaching out to the Companions that are right down the street from him. Balgruuf, as a character, never struck me as especially bright either in matters of politics, war, or governing. Clearly the ones managing to hold Whiterun Hold together are Irileth and Proventus.
#elder scrolls dc#fanfiction#tim drake#skyrim fanfiction#batfam fanfic#red robin#batfam#crossover#lucien flavius#wip#afewnovelideas
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taiblogcomics · 4 years
Mind Games Over Matter
Hey there, misery porn. Are ya ready, kids?? Coz it's time for the really terrible stuff in Titans to set in~
Where better to start than with this cover~?
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Oh boy, this cover. Hang on, friendos. This is gonna be a rant~
Okay, first things first. The Tron look itself is not the problem. In all honesty, I think the Tron look is cool. Spider-Man had a Tron-looking suit for a while, his stealth suit, and it was really cool. The Tron look is not the problem! If they'd just kept it to Superboy, it'd be fine. The problem is that this is a team book. And just look at this team. Practically all of them are wearing black. There's some colour on the right, but let's look at the left for a moment. There's Superboy, whose colour is red. Red Robin, whose colour is red. And Wonder Girl, whose colour... is red. Or maybe two of them are scarlet and crimson.
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So, as a team, why does this look not work? Because they all blend together. Take the Fantastic Four, for example. They're a team that all wear blue uniforms. But they all look unique, don't they? Half the time, the Human Torch is bright red. The Thing wears the bottoms of the uniform, but is also still a rocky orange monster. Invisible Woman is usually a transparent white object. The only regularly blue one is Mr. Fantastic. Or let's go the other way: the Teen Titans animated series. Cyborg and Raven both have blue in their design, but they're very different blues. Starfire and Beast Boy both heavily use purple and green in theirs, but Starfire's official colour is orange, at least according to the theme song. Point is, it's not the uniforms themselves, it's the lack of unique looks among the team.
And to top things off, Kid Flash just got a new costume a scant two issues ago. Was that not good enough~? We had to turn him into a human light cycle~?
Anyway, we open on somebody's unfinished Animorphs fanfiction. By which I mean an actual horrific depiction of Tim Drake turning into a bird. This is presented to him as a loss of control, a fear of his. And we turn the page and we see the *next* thing wrong with this issue. Meet Omen. In previous continuity, Omen (AKA Lilith Clay) was one of the earliest members to join the Titans, way back in 1970. She was unnecessarily killed off in the godawful "Graduation Day", and only appeared a couple times after as a zombie or Black Lantern. So anyway, the New 52 brought her back as a villain.
Not just any villain, but now she's blonde with red tips on her fringe haircut, a tattered floor-length black dress, and her eyes stitched shut and bleeding. So in case you didn't yet think the New 52 was backsliding into edgy '90s shlock, here's your proof! And while Omen is tormenting Tim with visions, Cassie is trying to pound her way into their chamber. Bunker tries to pull her back, pointing out that the chamber is full of water and they should come up with an actual plan. Cassie's response is to gut-punch Bunker and tell him to stop telling her what to do. Oh good, what a lovely team dynamic.
After Solstice continues to be the level-headed one and points out that turning against each other is what Harvest wants, we cut back to Tim and Omen. Tim's returned to human, and he defies Omen by insisting she's not really an enemy, just another person Harvest has corrupted. She's annoyed by his fortitude and sends him away, opting to take Cassie to torment instead. And while she's taunting Cassie for her life choices, Tim is brought before Harvest, who also taunts him. Harvest then walks off, content to ignore Tim for now. Tim is then ominously fitted with his Tron armour. It's not even a bodysuit, it's like an actual breastplate.
Back with Omen, she's picking on Skitter now, experimenting with separating Skitter's bestial side with her human half. Human!Skitter gets all "reunite us, or life itself is doomed!", which Omen thinks is hilarious. I think it's hilarious too, because thanks to my foresight of having read the whole series, Skitter is probably the least consequential character in the story. Bunker suggests that it really sucks having your private-most thoughts invaded and turned against you, and Solstice mentions this is what Omen does to prepate those for the Crucible.
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We get a brief meanwhile of an investigation of the fight back in issue 5. Amanda Waller--who I actually forgot they turned skinny for the New 52--is leading the investigation, commenting on how metahumans are getting younger and younger. So, being Amanda Waller, she immediately defers leadership of the investigation to someone else, a guy named Agent Lance. Back in the actual story, Cassie and Skitter are being fitted for their Tron armour, and Tim stops by. Apparently he'd rather comment on Cassie's word choices than help her. I'm not sure I even buy his criticism that young people don't say "to boot".
Bunker and Solstice have a one-page conflict, where Bunker is upset that she didn't tell them the full extent of horrors that being Harvest's test subjects amounts to. She apologises, confessing that she was just so scared. See, that's all you need. I'm glad they didn't turn Solstice into their "manufactured conflict" go-to. While that's going on, Omen starts prodding around Kid Flash's mind. The amnesia thing kicks in, and whatever caused him to forget actually becomes a psychic backlash on her, repelling her from him. He dashes off and tries to take Bunker and Solstice to safety, only for both of them to be shot. That's when he wakes up suddenly, clad in his Tron armour, in the same room with Cassie and Skitter.
And while they're in there, Tim is doing his own heroic leader shtick. He infiltrates the other end of the base while Omen is working on Bunker. When she refuses to let him go, Tim lashes out--killing her. Except no. He suddenly wakes up back in the room with the others, still strapped to the table. Harvest himself enters, and reveals that the whole thing was essentially trying to push Tim to the limits where he'd kill someone. Harvest calls up another of his goons, Leash, who uses his powers to drag all the Titans along into the Crucible area, where the Culling will begin. That's a complaint for next time, but yeah. Here we are~
So yeah. If it wasn’t last issue, this is where the series really began its nosedive. For one thing, this is just a whole issue of tormenting our heroes, and that’s not very pleasant to read. Secondly, they reintroduce Omen--who has been dead for a whole nine years, by the way-- and make her a terrible, angsty, asshole villain. She is working for this Harvest goon for no adequately explained reason (a recurring theme, as we’ll soon see), and might as well have been a different character entirely. But no, she’s referred to as both Omen and Lilith in story, and since this is a Titans story, it’s pretty clear she’s the New 52′s interpretation of the real deal. I’ve read a lot of the 1980s New Teen Titans series and I actually really liked Lilith in those books. So this is just personally really disgusting to me.
And all of this isn’t even half as bad as what’s next, my dear readers. Because oh boy, it’s finally time. All this has been leading up to something called “The Culling”, and we’re gonna get into that next week~
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7 Horror Reads to Chill Your Soul This Summer
It’s summertime, and word on the street is that the livin’ is easy. If you’re anything like me, summer’s arrival means that you’re hiding in the air conditioning and comfort of your home (mosquitos find me quite the tasty treat and I’m not trying to contract West Nile). Othersout there who aren’t as delicious to the carnivorous ectoparasites of the world as I am are hitting the road. They’re going to the beach, they’re camping, and they’re laying in the sun to absorb the delectable, radioactive rays of the sun. It’s the time of cold drinks, loud music, and if you’re a fiend like the rest of here at NOFS, spooky stories.
While the rest of the world tries to limit the creepy and macabre to the month of October, we live a life of perpetual petrification. When you’re at the beach or hanging out by the pool, let the other people get in and splash around like shark bait. We know that there’s nothing sweeter than a horror novel to help keep you cool and take your breath away. So, for this article, I’m going to highlight some of my favorite horror novels that are great summer reads.
So what makes a horror novel a “Great Summer Read”? Well, brevity is a plus. We don’t really want to be lugging around Stephen King’s IT or Robert McCammon’s Swan Song on our way to the beach or up a hiking trail. I struggle to carry those beasts from my bookshelf to the couch, to be honest. So, while it’s not an automatic disqualification, I tried to stay away from the 1,000 page behemoths of the horror world. I also tried to take a look at subject matter and pick titles that involve summer, summer breaks, vacations, or basically anything that can whisk you away to land of pure imagination. Basically what I’m saying to all of you is that this is a completely subjective list. I loved reading these titles either this summer or in summers past, and I think you will, too.
So, without further ado, here is my list of Great Summer Horror Reads:
  1. The Troop by Nick Cutter
    This was the first novel I read from Nick Cutter, and it hooked me for life. It follows a troop of 5 14-year-old boys as they embark on their yearly summer scout adventure on Falstaff Island, an uninhabited area not far from their home on Prince Edward Island. Their excursion is cut short when a bone-thin, obviously diseased man who tries to eat everything in sight lands on the island. Scoutmaster Tim does his best to help the man, but he is soon overtaken and the boys face a nightmare that worms its way into the group and destroys what they thought they knew about themselves.
This book is gory. It is disgusting. It is a vivid walking nightmare that is best read out in the open air, surrounded by other people. Nick Cutter has proven himself to be one of the most visual authors in the horror genre, and never is that more evident than in The Troop. He uses the remote setting and the fear of foreign beings inside your body with an insatiable appetite to create a suffocating sense of paranoia and claustrophobia. You are trapped on this small island with these boys as they fight the disease that brought the skeletal man to their shores, and you must find the survivor inside of you to make it off.
Perfect For: A long hike and camp in the wilderness. Read it by the light of your Coleman lantern. Don’t worry about the noises you hear in the darkness, they only approach when they’re hungry…
  2. The Cabin at the End of the World by Paul Tremblay
    I didn’t think that a book would ever crawl inside my bones quite like Tremblay’s A Head Full of Ghosts did. I was wrong. His new novel, The Cabin at the End of the World is his most tense, terrifying book to date, which is saying a lot.
Seven-year-old Wen and her dads are vacationing at their cabin deep in the forests of New Hampshire when she is approached by a giant stranger. He seems pretty weird, and he tells her that her dads are not going to want to let him in the house, but that they have to. Then three more just like him show up. Wen runs into the cabin and her parents barricade the door. The strangers approach, and they knock. They are disciples of a god that visits them in visions, and Wen and her parents are the only people capable of ending the coming apocalypse.
This is much more than a home-invasion story. It’s s tale of survival, sacrifice, apocalypse and doom that has you guessing until the very last chapter. Not only is the fate of this loving family at risk, but the future of the entire human race may just rest on their shoulders. (Side note: The Cabin at the End of the World is the first horror novel that I have read that has a queer family at its center. I know there must be others, but this is a first for me. Well done, Paul Tremblay.)
Perfect For: Staying at that creepy lodge you booked online. You and your family should be just fine! Maybe just don’t answer the door when you hear a knock, ok?
  3. Providence by Caroline Kepne
    You may know the name Caroline Kepnes from her amazing novel You, which has been turned into a series for Lifetime that will air this fall. Her depiction of narcissist/psycopath Joe Goldberg was refreshing, funny, dark, and utterly terrifying. Providence, her third novel, follows a different path than her earlier works, but it is just as gripping and horrifying.
One morning, middle-schooler Jon Bronson is abducted from his small New Hampshire town (what is the deal with New Hampshire, you guys? I mean, is it really that spooky?). He awakens at his home four years later with no memory of his kidnapping or his captivity. Beside him is a copy of H.P. Lovecraft’s The Dunwich Horror and a letter from his abductor that tells him that he is fine, but he has an un-specified special ability. The joy that his best friend Chloe feels after his return is smashed to pieces once they find out that his “special ability” begins to threaten the lives of those he loves.
Kepnes is one of the finest authors in the world and she is a master at creating pace and tension. All three of her novels force your eyes across the page like they are tied to the front of a freight train. Providence is an exploration of not only what makes us human, but what keeps us that way.
Perfect For: Sitting on the back porch with a sweet tea and plenty of sunshine. Be sure to pack sunscreen for the rays and extra Kleenex for the nosebleeds that will splatter the page.
  4. Some Will Not Sleep by Adam Nevill
    A bestial face appears at windows in the night. In the big white house on the hill, angels are said to appear. A forgotten tenant in an isolated building becomes addicted to milk. A strange goddess is worshipped by a home-invading disciple. The least remembered gods still haunt the oldest forests. Cannibalism occurs in high society at the end of the world. The sainted undead follow their prophet to the Great Dead Sea. A confused and vengeful presence occupies the home of a first-time buyer . . .
If you have read any of my articles, then you know how much I love Adam Nevill and his terrifying tales. I was able to interview him last year (check it out HERE), and that piece remains the highlight of my journalistic career. Most of you may know him as the author of The Ritual and Last Days, but I fell like his work that is most like a “Great Summer Read” is his collection of short stories, Some Will Not Sleep.
While the book itself has some girth, it is conveniently sectioned into several perfectly crafted short tales of the horrifying and disturbing. These stories, according to Nevill on his website, were written and published between 1995 and 2011, and they reflect fears that are often the author’s own. About the title of the book, I can’t explain it better than the Master himself:
Some within it do not sleep, some who read it may not sleep, and he who wrote it often doesn’t sleep.
Perfect For: Reading in the car on the way to your destination. That way, the nightmares hopefully won’t be able to find you as you travel down the road.
  5. Rabbit in Red: The Complete Series by Joe Chianakas
    (Disclaimer: Joe is a local author that I have had the pleasure of working with in the past through my job. The inclusion of his series was neither asked for nor was it paid for… Joe… come on, man. GIVE ME SOME MONEY, BRO!)
Have you ever wondered what it would be like if Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory was designed, created and run by Rob Zombie? Well, wonder no more! This series of books (the first of which was selected to be included in a 2016 Horror Block and sent out to tens-of-thousands of subscribers), compiled together in one volume, follows a group of teens as they spend their summer vacation competing for an internship under the reclusive owner of a horror film company.
They compete in VR challenges that mirror some of the most iconic scenes in horror film history and intense trivia that will leave even the most knowledgable horror hounds scratching their heads. This series of books is a quick read that will keep you up at night as the kids win their internships and enter the dark web of their beneficiary. It is a love letter to the horror genre and, as it did with me, it will make you fall in love with the genre all over again.
Perfect For: Handing out to your teenage niece or nephew when they visit for the week. They have annoyed you enough with the youth-words that they use, so it will feel really good to keep them up at night.
  6. Meg: A Novel of Deep Terror by Steve Alten
    You didn’t think I would put out a list like this and not include a shark book? You know nothing about me! Instead of going with the classic Jaws by Peter Benchley (which, to be honest, I really do not care for), I decided to opt for the book that started the series that the next great shark movie, The Meg, is based on.
Jonas Taylor is a deep sea diver working with the United States Navy. He spots a Megalodon while on a top-secret mission in the Mariana Trench. No body believes him, of course, because the Megalodon is supposed to have been extinct for millions of years. To prove them wrong, Jonas becomes a paleontologist (as one does) and attempts to find the beast again. His wish is granted when he returns to the Trench, only this time, one of the beasts follows him back up to the surface.
Chaos ensues. People are gobbled up like Tic Tacs and there’s only one man in the world that can stop it. JASON MOTHERF**KING STATH… oh, sorry… JONAS TAYLOR!
It’s ridiculous in all the right ways. It is a 50’s monster movie come to life with thrills, chills, blood and awesome one-liners.
Perfect For: Enjoying the bay while laying on one of those giant inflatable pool floats that look like a swan. You know the ones! Take a deep breath, relax, and hope that there’s nothing watching you from beneath the waves.
  7. Malevolents: ‘Click Click’ by Thom Burgess and Joe Becci
    I must say that I am a novice in the realm of horror comics. I know that there are a lot of them out there, but I’ve just never gotten into that style of horror literature. I can gladly say that Malevolents: ‘Click Click’ has opened my eyes to a whole new world of terror.
This incredible comic book from award winning writer Thom Burgess follows four school friends who dare one another to spend the night in one of Britain’s most haunted houses. They bring along with them an Ouija Board (what could go wrong), and tell each other the story of the ghost that lives in the walls and wants to take your tongue from your mouth.
I include it in this list because it is short (only 32 pages or so), it’s horrifying, and it transports you to a different place and time. If you’re stuck at home due to work or insufficient funds, Malevolents will take you on a trip that you will never forget.
Perfect For: Reading by flashlight after a summer storm has knocked out your power. If you don’t look at the shadows crawling out of the walls, they won’t come after you… I promise. ‘Click’
So, there you have it! Whether you’re out and about this summer or hanging out in the house like me, here are 7 horror reads that will chill your bones and keep you cool as the temperature rises. Do yourself a favor and pick these titles up today! While you’re at it, join our Facebook group, Horror Fiends of Nightmare on Film Street, and let us know what you think.
  The post 7 Horror Reads to Chill Your Soul This Summer appeared first on Nightmare on Film Street - Horror Movie Podcast, News and Reviews.
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