#i think im just gonna start lying about tims age myself
oifaaa · 4 months
Made up a reason for myself that tim doesn't age because of shenanigans when he went looking for Bruce when he got lost in time. Makes no sense but keeps me sane a little 👍
See I just say Tim is a chronic liar (bc you know he is) so he's just keeps saying he's 17 years old bc if people find out he's actually 19 they're also gonna ask questions like "what are you doing with you're life?" "Got a job yet?" "Why are you fighting with a twelve year old?"
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Episode #7- “This is gonna be a match for the ages!”- Chris
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This was a really interesting tribal result/challenge combo. I don't even know what to say, really. Cheatham was supposed to go 3-2, but Steven was intimidated by his idol so I guess he flipped to him, and Noah somehow found out so he voted with Cheatham. I know why he didn't tell me, which was because he didn't want to risk being idoled out, but tbh I don't really know how he found out. Idk, maybe he lied? Or maybe he just didn't really know what to say. Regardless, maybe this doesn't look too good for me... down the line. I think I'm in the best position of the 4 Thrush to merge who doesn't have an idol. 2 people have to go over to Petrel, and they will be the only 2 eligible to be voted out. Cheatham would play his idol in this situation, (I just realized this isn't a guarantee but it would be insane to convince him so it's essentially impossible), so whoever goes over there with him is dead no matter what. It can't be me, and I need to think about who it should be. However, Noah and Steven are so deadset on sending Cheatham to Petrel that trying to change it now would be suspicious, so one of them has to die. Noah and I were allied for a while, but I still have some questions I need to ask him before I can be 100% sure that I'm making the right decision. He and Steven both came to me with different stories about what happened at tribal, both saying that the other one was so deadset on voting Amy that they had no choice but to vote her as well. idk what to make of this, bc I can't tell if one of them is lying or if there was just a miscommunication. Talking to Noah would probably help me figure out. Steven is clearly a relatively suggestible player (easy to flip to your side), so keeping him might be beneficial. Of course, he goes to the power, and in this case, the power is Petrel's numbers. So keeping him would depend on what Austin, who is the only person heavily connected to both of us (and could be at the tribe, so not Noah), does. I can't be voted out here so it's not a huge problem, but I can be set up terribly for the merge. After typing this out it's clear that Steven will have to go. No one would be mad at me, because I didn't really have a lot of choices here, but I think I'll make the right one tomorrow.
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For this challenge we are gonna have to send Kyle over first. At the point we are at, he may have to be a casualty for us all to make it through. After that we get as many people as possible over and the ones who dont will stay in Petrel and have an easy road to a majority. Worst comes to worst we do Liam
I would say that tonight I hate to say it but we can get Liam and Vincent out of the game. I think it would have my options more open with the people left in the game...can it happen though?
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The target seems to be Liam. Liam, the Dom to my Colin. If you go I am so sorry. I tried to get them to switch to someone else, but I just couldn’t risk my game. I hope we can be besties after. Maybe we can start a podcast to rival the real Dom and Colin? All the love! <3
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Holy shit I hope we can pull this off and get a actual big threat out. Love gwen as a person but for my game she gotta go .
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So we are in this challenge and the first vote ends in a blindside of Gwen going and I have to say I realize the votes fell where they were when Tim left but when AnnMarie basically said she couldn't trust me after that vote it felt like a slap in the face since I wanted to keep her and I'm part of a reason she is here. I just hope I can make it out of tonight and go from there woo
So everyone I guess was in on the gig. Which just means whatever happens from here on out, I remember that all of them showed their hand. I think if they vote Gwen or Rizo or me out then it makes sense. If not then all this does is show that they suspect without actually targeting us
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This competition is a mess & I'm really hoping it works out for me. This entire round has been touch and go for myself, having to create a new alliance with the people on the bottom hoping that it keeps my name out of people's mouths for the time being, and I think it's working? But this swap can easily mess it all up. I've gotta put my trust in Austin in the latter part of this challenge & hope he's actually wanting to swap over with us, which for him is much better in the bigger picture, but he could've easily just fed me, Sara and AnnMarie over to the wolves and left us to fend for ourselves against 2 Thrush's and another 3 Petrel's, and take his immunity to the merge with the other two Thrush's that'll join him, but we'll see I suppose. If he doesn't do this his numbers can easily be picked off at the beginning of the merge, so I just hope he knows that. I'm so nervous but if push comes to shove I might just have to throw someone under the bus to get the result I want, which is me sitting pretty at Final 10.
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Steven already throwing Vincent on the bus like he didnt tell Austin about the big alliance lol Gwen mentioned she told him but Im willing to play along. I definitely feel like Gwen is in trouble so I have expect her to be gone. Me and Rizo can salvage our position and go from there but all of em are fair game to me!
I think I was really gung ho on Vincent going and then I got blindaided and talked to Austin. He had it planned me and Rizo would be immune. I don't trust Steven all that much but like I am wondering. It is kinda big that our tribe left us out of a vote and now expects me and Rizo to vote with them? I dunno. I have to see if the longevity is worth it but I definitely feel like the fact they left us out of a vote says a lot and right now I just wonder...
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The immunity challenge did not go the way I planned for it to go. I was the first one sent over, and I immediately knew that I was the target. I am not an idiot. Sara saying she accidentally voted for me to go over? Yeah freaking right. I am going to lay low, and hope that Noah and Cheatham are willing to work with me. Noah says that he can probably get Cheatham to play his idol on me. I'm putting my game in their hands. They know I'm a threat, I know they are threats. We will have to stick together if this happens. Rizo and Chris have some 'splainin to do.
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And in one corner we got VINCENT and in the other we got STEVEN! This is gonna be a match for the ages! Who will survive? Who will die? THERE WILL BE BLOOD! THERE WILL BE TEARS! THERE WILL BE SWEAT! Tune in tonight at 11:05PM!
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OMG this is gonna be so stressful.  Gotta keep everyone happy so I can get what I need to happen.  I can go with cheatham and noah to the end or go with annmarie and sara either way I'm good I feel .
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I am probably getting voted out. So at this point, I'm just throwing all the info out there and hoping the vote gets switched.
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I'm about to go on revenge tour for Gwen
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3 votes Steven, 1 vote Vincent.
7 votes Gwen, 1 vote Liam
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