#“borrowed” the cake
cheesycatz · 29 days
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congrats on the birthday
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emilnikos · 9 months
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more doodles and stuff ya ya yayaya.
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tarochimochi · 3 months
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Losercake, everyday, daily
Day 70
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good-beansdraws · 11 days
Massive Milgramsona art/info dump as a treat to myself!! Alas, my fatal flaw is being unable to shut up about anything even while simultaneously embarrassed/nervous to share, so here's literally all the info I have on her 😅
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Name: For the sake of posting online I’ll call her Rose!
Number: 012
Color: #E7355B
Age: She’d be 20 when Milgram started
Status: Milgram Staff, Machine Technician
Song genre: Pop/theater (a mix of Mahiru and Kazui's vibes)
Backstory: She is studying abroad in Japan to work on technology related to the mv machine when she stumbles into top secret info about the trials. Horrified at the lack of prior testing, she demands to be included in the experiment to make sure the brand new tech runs smoothly and doesn't harm anyone in the process. To prevent her leaking info to the public and deciding an extra participant wouldn't hurt, Milgram agrees.
Role: Rose performs routine maintenance and updates on the extraction machine, and checks in with prisoners' health to make sure it's not having any adverse effects. She listens in on the interrogations, ringing the bell to signal Es when the machine is ready for use (re: my theory on how it works >:3). She then watches the mvs after Es to make sure there are no glitches.
(Though she is a personal milgramsona, her role in the story is supposed to reflect the audience's experience overall when it comes to how much info we know, emotions we experiencing regarding guilt/responsibility, and how much power over events we actually have given the voting system and trial breaks.)
Trial 1
Jackalope's comments during trial commencement: Oh, I almost forgot participant 012, Rose. We've never had more than one staff member before, so we figured that sort of numbering would be fine. Hey, don't look at me, it's not like it was our idea to include her. She's not a prisoner -- the only crime she's committed is sticking her nose where it didn't belong... You can ask her for the details, but she's just here for maintenance on our extraction machine. It's not easy keeping that thing running smoothly, you know? As part of her duties, she'll be privy to all the same information as you, but don't let her be any more of a busybody than she already is -- she has absolutely no authority when it comes to your verdict decisions, got it?
MV: Mic Check - “Can anyone hear me?”
VD: Positive Feedback
Cover: Pathological Facade - Ghost
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Her album would release last in line. The VDs aren't interrogations since there's been no crime -- Es asks about her duties and observations of the prison. In them, she admits her predictions that she and Es will eventually be on trial for their involvement in the prisoner's fates.
Thus, her mvs are focused on her emotions towards the prisoners, her pride in helping bring justice, and her guilt at providing Milgram a means to pass judgement on people she cared about. I'm going to Goncharov the actual mvs/songs, but Mic Check is generally an introduction to her job behind the scenes prepping the equipment that will allow the prisoners' songs to be heard, as well kick off symbolism of her as a performer herself. She'll make a comment about how the experiment is leading to tragedy, "as if someone said Macbeth" (then covers her mouth, as she's standing in a theater herself).
I kept getting tripped up looking for Deco*27 songs that worked and weren't already taken, so I decided to go with some favorites and vibe-matching songs from other artists!
Comments during trial closing: It's good to hear you weren't a pushover when Rose gave her thoughts on the verdicts -- you guys disagreed on quite a few of them, eh? Ah... so she's not the type to pick fights, is that it? I guess that explains how she's managed to get along with everyone. (sigh) Even you knew better than to get attached like that. Well, at least she's kept our machine up and running the whole time.
Trial 2
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Commencement: Now I need to wake Rose. We're going to need some extra upgrades to our machine if we want to get the most out of this round of extractions. I've got a sneaking suspicion that she and her bleeding heart are going to try and sway you during this trial. Her duty is specifically to look out for the prisoners' safety, but yours is only to judge them. Don't forget that.
MV: Changement - “Don’t say ‘break a leg,’ if it might just break.”
VD: Control Variable
Cover: TOXY - Kujiragi
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I did my best to write out the title pronunciation out in katakana since I wanted it as the name of the dance move, not a direct translation of meaning. I went with シャジェモ "sha-je-mo" as the closest I could get to the "shanj-mou" sound, but feel free to correct me if there's a better way to write it. The door is based off of various set designs for Clara's home in The Nutcracker. (There's no deep meaning that this is the only one not opening -- I realized too late all the others are cracked open and my art app doesn't have the tools to easily fix that so I'm sticking with it 😭)
A changement is a small jump in ballet -- I thought it was fun to combine that (which means "to change") with Control Variable (refering to the variable in an experiment that never changes). The video shows conflicting emotions as her decisions/inaction caused so much to happen between trials, yet at the same time she feels like there's so much she'll be unable to change even if she really wants to intervene. Her mvs show the prisoners pretty regularly (since they are her crime, she's realized), and the teaser line is paired with references to Mahiru's broken leg.
The thumbnail combines different areas of study -- mechanical, medical, musical, mathematical (theater spotlight, muscles, Weakness notes, motion formulas). I think it's super cool how many areas of expertise are passed around the fanbase when discussing the characters. I've picked up new facts about plants, food, anatomy, geography, music, animals language, (sigh. color theory.), hobbies, professions, mythology, etc from fans with different fields of knowledge. While that's one of my favorite aspects of the project from the outside, I think it would be super intimidating to someone on the inside trying to tackle so much information at once.
Closing: As for Rose... (laughs) I thought she was dooming herself before--! Not only has she gotten hopelessly attached to everyone over the course of this trial, she's even started a relationship with one of the prisoners! And of all the people she could have chosen... Eh? Oh no, we have no policies against that for our staff. I mean, the whole point of Milgram is to explore human nature, the power of emotions, the complexities of connections, all that crap. I'm just grateful she shows a bit more common sense when she's operating the machine...
Trial 3
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MV: Showstopper - “There won’t be applause, but I’ll take a bow, okay?”
VD: Please Exit Left
Cover: Ironina - Nilfruits
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I don't know the album theme yet, but this is the tentative sprite and thumbnail design. The T2 sprite was kind of an "innocent" one, since at the beginning she still has faith in her role in the prison, excited to work with everyone there. (Plus, I joined the fandom a little after t2 started so that's peak excitement time lol). The T3 sprite has much more of a "guitly" feel to it because, at the end of T2 and after this hiatus, she'd harbor a lot more guilt about her position and fear about the experiment's conclusion. As a fun little detail, her pencil has been replaced with a more permanent utensil as final verdicts are locked in.
Now listen. My artist brain was constantly fighting my science brain when doing sprite designs -- I know gloves like that and nothing else isn't proper PPE. I know none of those are safety shoes (god forbid wearing just socks??? to the lab???). There should be no jewellery at all. The whole point of a lab coat is that you don't roll up the sleeves and expose your bare skin. However. It's anime character design. There can be compromise.
Referencing Rose's personal life as a performance and comparing Milgram's trials to one, I wanted the mv to play on "showstopper" as both a great show and a literal attempt to stop the project before it reaches its finale. There would be creepy comparisons in the mv between operating stage equipment and prison executions: curtain/set ropes and nooses, heavy duty lightswitches and electric chairs, etc.
And lightening things up again -- birthday art and minigrams :3
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Birth flower: Camellias. Pink camellias symbolize love but also longing. The fact that they bloom in winter, and have a quick death (the entire flower wilts at once, instead of individual petals falling off), have inspired different meanings in different cultures -- overcoming hard times, facing death in battle, inseparable lovers, and so on
Three minigrams featuring my own annoyance that her design is a bit close to Shidou's coat/gloves look, a mandatory short joke, and a pun that works so perfectly for my Put-In-Situations guy
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littler0b1n · 7 months
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Doodles of me messing around in procreate
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mercymaker · 1 month
your colouring is so crazy good!! what do you do to make the background look like that?
Thank you! ♥
And honestly... a couple hundred adjustment layers and a lot of time spent tweaking and adjusting layer visibility, layer masks, shuffling layers around and making new ones.
This is just a peek at the coloring section of my latest Malstarion gif set:
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I wish there was a method to this madness lmao but it's really just adding and adding and adding until i get the gifs to look what i want. going from this to this:
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hazeeex3 · 14 days
Hey I'm redoing my site again and am adding a section for a group of characters nd I'm making art for it here's a bit!
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engelfeather · 2 months
Fangs and Fur: chapter 3
Hearing the door slam shut, Xavier got startled awake. The loud noise made his heart pound rapidly. Fear quickly clawed its way into his heart.
[ Was he caught? ]
Frantically looking at his surroundings, he made sure he wasn't trapped in some jar, ready to be made into a meal...or better snack for the giant. After all, his size could barely be considered a nutritional feast to the beast.
To his luck and relief he was seated right where he had previously fallen asleep at. The gigantic goat thing hadn't found him. . . yet. That meant the giant probably had left its living space, leaving him all alone. Peaking out of his hole, he made sure his suspicions were correct and that the giant hadn't just returned from...doing something. Thinking to himself he realised he hadn't even figured out where exactly he was at. Wherever he was, it was definitely not a place on earth he knew about. That is.. if he was still on earth to begin with.
He shivered at the thought of being trapped in a world that wasn't his own. Not only that, but other questions began to stir up. How did this creature manage to exit its own world? Are there more of it? Surely.. god.. more of them. The thought of that terrified him. If one of them could cause such destruction, a whole species of them would be a huge devastation to the land. An end to all the normality and humanity he once new. His planet was in grave danger.. and there was absolutely nothing he could do to stop them if they tried anything.
Does that... also mean that beast isn't just gigantic but has some form of magical abilities? That would make his situation even worse, no, not just his, but his whole world. ...A giant is one thing, but one to bend the fabric of reality itself made it more horrifying.
Seeing no point in continuing to let despair take a hold of him, he decided to go out and explore. Slowly creeping out of his pathetic excuse of a home, he gazed upon the vast landscape of bottles of alcohol, cigarettes and rubble that laid spread out where the monster had previously been. Nothing.. no sound or vibration of footsteps. He truly was alone, it felt strange to actually be alone after the events that occured a day prior.
His blood boiled at the thought of it. Clenching his fist tightly, he wanted nothing else but to punch the beast. To scream at it and to make it feel miserable. Oh, as miserable as the people it tormented. But he knew better, he would just be crushed or devoured, if he would even be acknowledged with his size. Sighing at his own misfortune, he carefully began creeping around, like some bug scavenging for scraps of food. Food.. his stomach grumbled at the thought. He hadn't realised just how hungry he was. His last meal felt like it was ages ago.. if a day without food could be considered that-
Knowing he'd have to find something worth calling sustenance for his body, he began to navigate around the house. Trying to find a kitchen in this godforsaken place took longer than expected. Straining his already tired body, his mind began to cook up more questions to deal with.
[ What if the giant noticed his presence somehow? What then!
Should he run?
Should he hide?
What's the point of surviving as long as possible if the fear torments him until finally he is found. Even if he wasn't caught, would he continue living like this? Surely not.. ]
Imagining living like an annoying pest the rest of his life was not something he wanted. The constant fear of being noticed lingering in his mind was already awful. He didn't want to imagine what a beast like that would do to him.
Being lost in his thoughts he bumped right into the huge door that lead to the kitchen. Gosh, did he not have enough wounds already? Annoyed, he glanced to the small crack between the door. At least the door was open, he'd easily be able to squeeze himself through the slit.
Walking over and sliding through the small opening, he barely took in his surroundings. Rather he looked for potential hiding spots and, more specifically, crumbs. He needed something to nurture his body... Even if those "leftovers" didn't sound all to appetizing. Looking up to the huge countertop where he assumed the giant prepped its meals, he saw a towel hanging there.. a few threads swayed loosely around. If he could reach one of the string, perhaps he could climb his way up there. His body tried to protest, but he had already made up his mind. Perhaps if he was lucky, a few fruits or food, that wasn't just meagre scraps, laid around. As if a new spark lit up In his body, giving him the energy required, he ran towards the towel.
With one 'big' jump he took a hold of one of the threads. With determination, he began climbing his way up the towel. Maybe PE class came in handy after all.. from what he remembered, he was supposed to focus on his breathing and in this situation, not. Look. Down. Despite doing what he was taught, he still had to take breaks to catch his breath. Sweat dropped down his forehead, his hands on the verge of slipping, causing him to hold on to the towel tighter. His arms were red as blood pumped through them, his veins burned, as though they were about to burst. It felt as if hours, days, MONTHS passed, yet the fabric he gripped continued onwards for what felt like forever. With barely any strength left, he slowly looked up... Almost. Almost! Taking a deep breath, he focused on his goal, his willpower stopping him from giving up.
After another several long minutes, he finally reached the top. Exhausted he laid on the countertop, all spread out like a starfish. His breathing was quick and frantic. If not for his ambition to continue, he could've just closed his eyes and let it all end. For a while he did actually close his eyes.. it felt as if he was falling into a dark, deep pit. The deeper he fell, the more the despair he felt building up in his heart.
All of a sudden he snapped out of it. Instead, a sweet smell hit his nostrils. Due to his exhaustion he didn't have the time to see what food lingered around. There, in the corner was a cake. It contrasted to the dull and sad colours it was surrounded by, popping off of it like a spark of light shimmering in the dark.
Without thinking about it, he ran towards the cake, almost tripping in the process. The lack of energy was replaced with the desire to devour this delicacy. Now standing in front of this sugary blessing, he saw just how huge it was. A big smile formed on his face, this mission was a complete success! Pushing away the reality he found himself in, he imagined himself jumping into it and rolling around in its soft frosting. A genuine laugh made its way out of his throat. How lucky he was to have found this absolute blessing of a cake. He wanted to cry in response to the overwhelming feelings of ecstasy.
[ A cake.. A cake just for him! Was he in heaven? Perhaps he was.. ]
Thinking about it further, he would've been the perfect topping for it for the giant to devour, if he was honest with himself. Maybe this was just a trap to lure little people like himself to reveal themselves. Though what did that matter, he deserved this after everything he went through. Plus, the giant didn't linger around, he was alone! Perhaps being so tiny had its upsides after all. This was enough to fill him up for weeks, if not months! Too bad he couldn't take it with him.. it would've most likely alerted the giant that something was off. After all, a cake doesn't just randomly vanish. Though the confusion on the giants face would be priceless.
An idea popped into his head. If he already can't hurt the thing, he could at least make its day to day life just a tad bit more inconvenient. Like a poltergeist haunting a house, he could steal items, move them or even try and break them by throwing them off a table or something. Even if it wasn't much, the annoyance of on such massive creature would make his own day slightly more happy.
Taking a few pieces of the sweet delicacy he walked over to a window and with a few failed attempts, managed to get a hold of the windowsill. Heaving himself up, he then leaned against the window and looked outside. This was the first time he actually got to see the outside world. It looked ..somewhat familiar, with the obvious difference being that everything was huge. The buildings also looked slightly different. Though he couldn't quite place his finger on what it was. Maybe the architecture was different, that wouldn't be a surprise. After all he was in a completely different world. However that wasn't the weirdest thing. The fact that there was neither a sun or a moon illuminating the sky, irritated him. If it could even be considered that.
The sky had an orange tint to it, like one would expect from when the sun went down. Though rather than it coming from a certain point in the distance, it was everywhere. If anything, it looked like someone just turned the brightness down. There was no setting sun.. nor was there a rising moon. What a bizarre world..Though that wasn't what concerned him the most. Strange looking gigantic creatures roamed the city streets, from afar they didn't look as threatening, but he knew better. This confirmed his suspicions that not only was he not on his own planet..or world for that matter, but that there was more of them. More of them to torment and kill his people.
Oh how he hated them already. It was as If the knowledge of their existence made his own living experience then times worse. Despair was the only thing he felt seeing so many of them linger around. Going about their day as if he was nothing more than a speck.
[ That was what he was to them, nothing more than a dust speck. ]
Even the savoury treat he had gotten a hold of didn't make the feeling of dread go away. He continued observing them walk around, imagining them to be his own people...imagining that everything was normal.
( Previous chapter: )
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kimtaegis · 3 months
haven’t had such a nice day in so long
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dreamaze · 2 years
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Xdinary Heroes ♭ TEST ME
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sonknuxadow · 6 months
okay another twitter takeover done. the only parts that were like outrageously bad/out of character was the weird ship teasing stuff i didnt like that it was annoying. and also the fact that they brought the swiftie stuff up again at the end the taylor swift thing in the frontiers one was one of the biggest "he would not fucking say that" moments of my life did they really have to bring that up again. but the twitter takeovers dont really count as canon imo so i will just look away and pretend i do not see it
anyway other than that it was just. fine . there wasnt really anything super special this time but there were still some fun answers in there, knuckles especially was pretty fun to have around a lot of my favorite moments were related to him . love that guy
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saetoru · 11 months
nobody writes the al-haitham content i desperately want to read 🥲
time to open a google doc and do it myself 😔
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pissywiser · 5 months
pulled an unconsenting all nighter , itd 10 am im feeling bright hapy cheerfula and most of all i am eepy. and i had a oone (1) cup of tea . (i need a shit )
#i was late to the film because i thought the party was today#and it was yesterday#and i never actaully figured that out until birthday boy texted me saying erm alex where are you ..#so i had to sprint to get a bus to get to the cinema#forgot ihis hilarious birthday card face palm#and i tried my very hardest to sleep but i was so boiling hot and my friends were on tiktok right by my ears .. :(#anywway it was great actual y we watched saw whcih was great#had a colin the catapillar rip off cake (tesco verison) that we dripped candle wax on and had to eat around ( i did anyway hope others did#the same hands clasping togetehr emoji)#and the most disgusting i think vodka? it was hazelnut it tasted so fukcing bad#this guys brought it in a fucking reusable water bottle and we put dr peepper in multilple times to try improve the taste#whixh eventually made a difference but there was so many of us and i dont think anyone was that drunk sadly#there were some beers but the y got guzzled pretty fast early on#anwyas im fucking thrashing my spanish homeowerk rn#the walk back home was so lovely bc its finally getting cold here and teh sun was shining??? unheard of .. englad n what the fuck ..#earliest ive had breakfast this holiday before 10 o clock holy fart#oh i got a cd!!!for christmas that i did get from a nother friend but idc its differenvet verions and it eats so#oh and my period started whichc was so typicall#had to borrow the only pad in the bathrroom cupboard sorry pookie#this ismy diary basicallly#i will not show my teeth too quick !!! rock on#strokes refernce ! nerd emoji finger sticking up oemji
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kotikaleo · 2 years
🎉🌸🌺🌸Happy birthday to me!! 🌸🌺🌸🎉
Yoooo it's June 13th!! My day, my birthday!!! I just wanted to share some things with you!
First of all... LOOK AT THE GIFTS!!!
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Thanks to my love and my parents!! The doll actually holds my stylus! I don't know how convenient it will be, but I know for sure that if a plushie or a toy holds a thing on my table it won't get lost (Ranboo and Toothless plushie proved the point XD), so it's an interesting experiment.
Secondly LOOK AT MY CAKE!!!
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I made it myself. It's blocks!! Minecraft Blocks!! The cake is a bit wonky, but pretty good for a first try! Also it was really tasty!!! I will make Minecraft Cake 2.0 later XD. Now when I know all of the mistakes and things I can makeeee.... I'm exited!!!
And lastly... I wanted to ask you for something. We Russians have a tradition of rebloging as a gift to a artist. So please reblog this post (or any other with my art uωu)
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You don't have to, but that would've been awesome!!
That's all for now! Hope soon I will bring more art for you, and maybe a birthday stream today later! (can't promise that, but hopefully) Have a good day!!! 🌸🌺🌸🌺🌸
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shadowxamyweek · 1 year
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chiropteracupola · 2 years
does anyone have a lemon I could borrow
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