#“You go Clea honey show him what is good”
maplleaf · 1 year
《 The Prettiest of Them All 》
Giving them a 'strange' outfit after losing a bet
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(Dainsleif, Alhaitham, Shenhe)
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{☆} Dainsleif: Maid Outfit
- he is... an old man
- Dain knows that certain things are romanticized nowadays, but he doesn't really get why you want to see him in a maid outfit.
- though, seeing how it's you who requested it, he couldn't help but say yes. He did lose the bet after all.
- plus the stars that seemed to have formed in your eyes from excitement rivals the stars on his cape so... can he really just deny the request?
- for the entirety of the day, which he lends to you fully to fulfill the bet, he acted like a maid that he's used to seeing back in Khaenri'ah.
- old man even promised he'll do everything you ask him to for the entire day.
- by that he meant everything.
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"Dain, honey, this isn't really necessary."
Dainsleif shook his head as he stood beside you, holding a tray he found in one of your cabinets. His posture is straight, the short frilly skirt and stockings he's using doing wonders to your imagination.
"You requested a maid outfit, it would be fitting for me to act like this," he stated. Yes, you did do that, but it was to see him in a cute maid outfit; not being taken care of like fragile glass for the whole day.
The twilight sword, who picked up a dustsweeper for a weapon now, cooked you a delicious meal for breakfast this morning; now he's insisting that he do the same for lunch. It's comforting being cared for by your lover, but you barely had to lift a finger the entire day, Dainsleif even helped you wear your own clothes!
You sighed, it's still worth it seeing Dainsleif in this outfit; the frilly skirt didn't cover anything below his knees and an adorable headband he's wearing. Yet, you feel guilty for making your lover act as a maid than a lover, even if it's because of a bet.
Placing a hand on top of Dainsleif's as he placed down the tray. "You said you'll do anything as my maid, right?"
Dainsleif's starry eyes looked back at yours, feeling your thumb caressing his rough hand. "Then I request you to have lunch with me as a lover," your free hand pulled the chair not so far away so it'll be right next to you.
Dainsleif chuckled, a smile formed onto his face. He didn't mind this whole maid thing, truly. Even if the design of the maid outfit isn't something he's used to seeing, he didn't mind taking care of you for the day; it's one of the ways to show his love for you after all.
The twilight maid stood straight as he finished preparing your meal, then sat down on the chair you offered. You couldn't help but smile as you took a spoonful of the food and directing it to Dainsleif's mouth.
"Open up, love," the blonde does as he's told, tasting the food he made himself. "Good isn't it," you said, or more like stated. Dainsleif's methods of cooking are simple for the sake of ease when adventuring, yet the results are always a delight.
"It's good."
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{◇} Alhaitham: Nurse Outfit
- He was... not happy with this.
- He's not into wearing different outfits for fun, choosing to wear the same style of clothes everyday. But he knows what this is.
- Humiliating, to say the least, but he's not backing down from his words; honestly, losing to you in a bet is surprisingly more shocking than wearing the fontaine-like nurse outfit.
- a nurse? You could've chose a doctor and he would be happier. The outfit didn't even looked like an actual nurse outfit, choosing the version with a tight skirt, pastel green color, and a hat with the red plus sign signifying a hospital
- he sighed and agreed on wearing it, but only for half an hour and no pictures.
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"You're stranger than a hydro slime that prefer being in the desert."
"Shh, nurses don't insult their patients, 'haitham." Alhaitham scoffed as he continued reading the words on his book, "you're not even a patient."
Closing the page to go to the next one, you leaned on his broad shoulders. "I might be one if my heart gets broken by that attitude," it was a joke, clearly. Alhaitham knew you didn't mind his distant persona, you were able to be in a long-lasting relationship with him after all.
The acting grand sage is currently sitting on your lap, a book in his hand and your hand holding onto the page waiting for him to finish his reading. His legs are cross legged, the tight skirt had preferred it and he wasn't in the mood to have his legs spread out.
Alhaitham sighd as he tapped on your hand, a signal for him to go to the next page. "Why did you even want me to wear the outfit if we could do this without one?" Alhaitham asked, or more like demanded an answer to.
Your hand slowly turned to the next page before idling on the page beside the one he's reading. "You look cute with this," you complimented, "well, cuter than usual."
The last sentence came with a chuckle, one that made Alhaitham's cold heart melt into a puddle, even if his blank expression says otherwise.
Meanwhile due to the lenght of the skirt, Alhaitham felt a particularly cold wind hits his legs and almost made him shudder, perhaps it was a bad idea having your kitchen window open.
It's not uncomfortable per se, but seeing as he's so used to using long pants, his body simply doesn't feel familiar to it. Noticing the slight shake, you began to worry.
It's been getting colder slightly in Sumeru. The rain season started and the bright and warm sun had rarely hit the city nowadays, stranding the place of the usual warmth.
Not wanting Alhaitham to get another cold wind hitting him your legs starts to shift and your hand getting him off your lap. "Hold on, I'll get a jacket for you," a push on your chest made you fall back to the couch. It's strangely attractive how strong Alhaitham's arms are.
"You made me wear this ridiculous outfit yet leaving at the same time? Since when were you this rude," Alhaitham scoffed, placing your hand back to the pages and the same position as before. The acting grand master smirked at your dumbfounded and reddening face, how couldn't he?
Coughing to relief some embarassment, your hand had slightly gripped the paper stronger than before. "Right, of course. I couldn't just leave my favorite nurse alone," you tried to regain some control back.
The two of you continued on reading after that, for every page that Alhaitham finished your fingers would delicately move on to the next page.
By all mean, Alhaitham finds it strange how you feel attracted to an outfit. Though seeing as he's the only one you want to see in this oufit, he'll count it as a win of his own.
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{♤} Shenhe: Bunnygirl + Blazer overlay
- "Oh, Yelan showed me this once." "what."
- Much like Dainsleif, she doesn't really get it. Though, it is her first time wearing a blazer as an overlay for the outfit, you gave it to her saying "This'll make you look cuter than ever."
- the addition of a headband with bunny ears made her slightly confused but brushed it off since you looked happy when she wore it.
- the entire day, the two of you played card games and showed Shenhe some recent Fontaine inventions.
- It was a rather relaxing day, even if she's wearing a strange bunnygirl outfit you found being sold by a travelling fashion designer. Shenhe doesn't mind and you almost melted at the cuteness of your lover.
- the only complaints she had about the outfit is that you can't place your head on top of hers due to the headband.
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Your heart is close to melting into a pile of goo as Shenhe looks at you with a neutral gaze. This isn't the first time you wanted her to wear something, though usually it's matching clothes you have for eachother.
"Just one more thing," you mumbled, taking the bunny eared headband from the counter. Shenhe leaned against your hand to match your height. Backing up from your girlfriend, you gazed at her happily.
A balance between elegance and cuteness, the blazer did well making her look sophisticated. This moment just couldn't be wasted, not even a second! You started to search for something you bought another Fontaine invention.
Shenhe turned her head to look at your direction. Though the woman perked up in curiosity as she saw you held up a box whilst yelling 'got it!'
Shenhe watches as you took a device from the box, her own curiosity beating her as she read the words on it.
"A memory preserving box of wonders," Shenhe read on the side. There was an influx of Fontaine inventors coming to Liyue for the Lantern Rite festival. In that time, you had the dazzling opportunity to buy certain clothing made by their fashion designers and some inventions they sold.
"It can take and develop a picture at real time, the result would be similair to the one you usually carry around," you answered, head on her head before realizing it's an uncomfortable position and backing away. Shenhe flinches as you placed your head beside her ear instead.
"Now smile to the camera, love," you told her, a flash of light taking over both of your eyesight as the picture was slowly being developed within the machine of the kamera.
You were still behind Shenhe, waiting for the results. Though the adepti's student turned her body around to see you on an eye-to-eye level. She carefully took off the headband and placed it on your head instead.
"Shenhe, what's wrong?" you gave a nervous laugh, fearing the headband or the outfit might've made her uncomfortable. Shenhe's beautiful eyes looked back at yours with no hint of being flustered by the distance between you.
"You didn't place your head on mine because of it, I don't like it," she admits, making you confused on wether to sigh from relief or chuckle at her. The picture from the kamera slowly developed, colors emitting from the once darkened frame.
Now with your head on top of hers, both of you appreciated at the picture. Shenhe even kept it alongside the picture she has of her old home, carrying it around everyday as a reminder of you.
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whenimaunicorn · 4 years
Playing House - Part 7.1
This one's a little short and a little subtle, but I thought I'd whet your appetite for more mayhem this week. Going for a weekly update schedule on Tuesdays for as long as I can keep it up!!
There is a small time jump here; it’s been a few days since the last chapter. 
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Catch up: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ivar has really nice knives. You’ve never seen him cook, not since you moved in and not before, but you know the set of expensive Messermeister knives in the grey canvas case belong to him. They are just a dream to use, better than anything that you could afford.
You know that the knives belong to him because he gave you very explicit instructions for their care. “No one else is allowed to touch them,” he told you during the first week after you moved in, running his fingers down the longest blade as he showed them to you, “but I will allow you that privilege if you follow all my rules.”
There’s a problem today. His breath hitches when he opens the case; your body stills. “Y/N, what is this?”
You inch forward, peering over his shoulder with apprehension. His fingernail is tapping at the wide blade of the chef’s knife.
“Did you dry these with a cloth, right after you cleaned them?”
There are a few translucent white circles marring the blade, the kind that are sometimes left behind after water evaporates.
“I—” your throat is suddenly dry. “I must not have.”
“Evidently not.” He turns the knife around, offering you the handle with a significant look. “Wash it again.”
He doesn’t seem angry, and the tingling in your body is not exactly anxiety. “Of course.” His eyes linger on yours, even after you look down to carefully take the exquisitely-crafted tool from his hand.
You turn to the sink, listening to Ivar gather his ingredients behind you. This morning he had surprised you with a long, very detailed shopping list for what is apparently his signature pasta sauce. Details as in brand names, and specifying the amounts down to the ounces. You have never seen the boy cook before, but today you’re learning why he would even own expensive knives.
I cook, he had said almost defensively as you teased him about the uncharacteristic request. But do you think that animals like my brothers deserve to enjoy my skills?
Your cheeks warm now as you contemplate that statement. It meant that he considers you to be worth cooking for tonight, doesn’t it? You rub soap on the knife carefully from the back edge and glance over at him.
Ivar is inspecting the fresh herbs you bought. You hold your breath, but he gives them a little nod and moves on to the onion and garlic. You dry the knife and bring it to him.
“Good girl.”
Even just those simple words have your body thrumming. He’s not a dick about it, he just likes things his certain way, and that submissive streak in your soul is just loving every opportunity for Ivar to keep telling you what to do.
He sets the knife down, then holds out his hand. “Give me that towel.”
He folds it twice and lays it on the table in front of him. He pulls a tool from the bag that looks like a round little sword. “Oh,” you say, “does it need to be sharpened?”
“This is not for sharpening,” Ivar says, his voice cool and still, like he’s preparing a ritual. “This is a honing steel.”
“It’s a common mistake. But we don’t want to sharpen a knife too often. Sharpening removes some of the metal. This,” he says, setting the tip of the steel against the towel and holding the hilt up vertically with his left hand, “is for honing.” He lifts the knife in his right hand and sets it at a close angle against the steel. His fist grips the hilt of the steel firmly, while his fingers curl more loosely, elegantly around the handle of his knife. He draws it down the length of the steel in a firm, deliberate movement. “Honing merely aligns the sharp edge of the blade, so it doesn’t blunt itself by curling to one side.” The blade crosses to the other side, sliding down in another brisk line. He builds a rhythm, every movement deft, controlled, and faster than you would have felt safe moving that blade around. “There.” He admires the edge with a satisfied nod. “Bring me the teak cutting board, from the bottom of the pantry.”
You didn’t even know they had a “teak cutting board.” You and Ubbe have been using a scarred plastic one that looks ready to crack in half at any moment.
You find the board wrapped up in the back; when you pull it out you want to cry. The rich shades of amber and honey in the woodgrain are just gorgeous. “Why do you have such beautiful things?” you say softly as you set it down in front of him.
“I like beautiful things.” He catches your eye, and there’s no way he’s not including you in the sentiment.
You smile and look away, smoothing your hands down your skirt just to give yourself something to do. Your movement draws his gaze, and a thick, satisfied look suffuses his eyes as he admires your outfit. Inspired by your little domestic 1950’s housewife fantasy, you’d bought yourself a vintage dress, royal blue, complete with full, knee-length skirt, fitted waist, and sweetheart neckline. Now that that fantasy seems to be coming true, you couldn’t resist putting it on today, even if your only plans consisted of staying home and cooking with Ivar.
He drags the knife across the steel a few more times.
“How do you know it’s sharp enough?”
He flashes you a grin, the one with the sadistic edge that makes your knees a little weak. “There is one test,” he lifts the knife in his competent grip, “to see if it can shave an arm hair . . . hold still.”
His eye glitter as you take a step back from him, sucking your arms up tight against your ribcage. Even though the idea of Ivar holding cold steel against your body is making your heartbeat quicken, a little warmth gathering between your legs.
He cocks his head, don’t you trust me written all over his smirk. He savors your discomfort for a moment, before speaking again. “Or, we slice a piece of paper.” He takes a flyer off his stack of mail on the table, something unimportant with Act Now! in big block letters at the bottom. Grasping it at the top between two fingers, he lifts the knife and slashes down quickly through the vertically-suspended page.
It slices neatly in two, the outer edge fluttering down to the floor in front of him. “Wow, that is sharp.” You wanted to say something infinitely cooler, but how exactly do you tell someone “your knife skills are turning me on right now?”
Ivar frowns at the lower portion of the 9-inch blade. “I felt a catch toward the bottom.” He turns back to the honing steel and rasps a few more precise passes.
He may be pretending this is still a normal conversation about sharpening, but there’s a darkness in his eyes when he looks up at you again. He tips his head dramatically to the side, looking you up and down until your cheeks start to heat up.
“Seeing something that you like?”
You stammer out two answers at once, so the sounds you actually make are non-sensical.
“Do not forget that I can tell when you are turned on.”
You finally notice your mouth hanging open, and you close it.
He inspects the blade’s edge with an unnecessary flourish. “You into knives?” he asks casually. His predator’s eyes watch carefully from under heavy brows as you flail about for an answer.
“Mmm,” you say, completely uninformatively. “Um, you mean like, sexually?”
Ivar nods slowly, as confident as you are flustered.
“There is something—something about it,” you babble, trying to push through your embarrassment well enough to be honest, “but not like… I’m not saying I want to get cut up right now.”
Ivar’s mouth makes a soothing sort of sound, his gorgeous lips puckering up. “Of course not. But there’s something about—” he hefts the knife in his hand, “—the threat inherent in a dangerous object, isn’t there. Even though I’m not even threatening you with it right now.”
You gulp. “Yes.”
His head is waggling, eyes narrowed over his smile. “Come here.”
It’s simultaneously the best and worst thing he could possibly say to you right now. You want to trust him, but you really have no idea what Ivar Lothbrok will do to you if you come within arm’s reach of him. You make a small sound.
He makes a beckoning gesture.
The heavy knife is resting against the cutting board; when you step toward him Ivar leaves it there and opens his arm to pull you in close. With a hand on your waist he guides you to face the cutting board, your back against his front. The stool he’s sitting on is tall enough that he can still see from behind you, and his arms up come up around either side of your body.
“One more test. I want you to feel this one.” His voice is rich and low, so close to your ear. “Did you know that if the knife is sharp enough, cutting an onion won’t make you cry?”
“No,” You say brightly, through a burst of exhaled air. You’re relieved, although maybe just a little bit disappointed, that the topic of conversation is back to cooking, and not secret dark kinks that you might not even be ready to admit to yourself. Ivar’s body brushes softly against yours as he places an onion at the center of the cutting board and sets the knife against it.
“Here,” he says, wiggling his right hand just a bit. “Take the knife from me. Keep it lined up, but do not cut yet.”
You do as he asks, and his hand ghosts over yours, covering your grip on the handle.
“You barely have to push down. Slide it forward slightly, and the blade should sink right in.”
His guiding hand follows as you do, and the onion comes apart easily.
“Good. Keep going. We want this one finely diced.” He keeps your body pushed forward with the pressure of his from behind. Is he making sure your face is right above the onion, ready to take in all the fumes that usually blind you with tears after the first few slices?
You get the skin off and keep slicing, as instructed. The little approving noises Ivar is making into your ear must mean that your method is correct, so far. And, miraculously, your vision is still clear.
“A dull blade crushes the onion cells, releasing the chemical that makes you cry. A sharp one slices through so cleanly that this barely happens. Are you feeling anything yet?”
“No,” you say. Not from the onion, at least. The way Ivar’s body is wrapped around yours, his breath warm on your neck, has you feeling all kinds of things.
Ivar coos. “Then I’ve done well. And so are you. Even finer, please.”
You pinch the back of the blade between your fingers and chop quickly. Ivar has released your hands, placing his own about your waist instead. When you finish, you set the knife down and he coaxes you to turn around.
He inspects your face. Your eyes had started stinging just a little during that final pass, but no tears have formed. His tongue clucks, softly. “Honestly I’m a little disappointed not to get to see you crying. I think we’ll remedy that later.”
You just about quiver in his arms.
You were supposed to be his sous chef today. I mean, that would only be appropriate given the roles that you two like to assume with each other in every other context. And it is Ivar’s recipe, after all. But once he knows what watching him use a knife does to you, he performs all the rest of the dicing and chopping himself. You’re relegated to walking back and forth across the small kitchen, fetching and washing and lining up the neat little prep bowls as Ivar fills them with each of his ingredients.
He watches you all the while, in between bouts of extreme concentration on his work. He says nothing about your dress but you catch him admiring its twirl as you spin through the kitchen.
Watching him chop the garlic is almost unreal. Ivar’s not one for that garlic press contraption, and clearly he doesn’t need it. He takes a second knife from his collection, one that’s flatter and a little more squared. His slices are just about paper-thin, and he’s minced them and scooped the little pile up on the side of his blade so fast you just have to stop and stare as he does it again for each clove. His hands are large but elegant, their subtle strength readily apparent as he handles the blade with impressive agility.
“Why did you switch knives?”
He tilts the tool in question in his hand. “This is called a santoku. Japanese knives are great for speed, and the fancier skills. But for most tasks I prefer the weight of the chef’s knife. These German-made ones feel so good in the hand.”
“They really do,” you agree. “How did you get so into cooking?”
“Just a hobby I picked up for a while.” His eyes meet yours. “I am enjoying having the excuse to remember my skills again.”
You almost can’t bear to keep looking at his face, his angelic visage just beaming his delight at you. For the second time you flush, and duck your head. You’re definitely not used to Ivar being so . . . direct about his feelings for you.
He saves you from having to respond by issuing his next order. “We are ready to start cooking. Measure a tablespoon of olive oil into the pan, turn the burner on high, and help me get my stool next to the stove.”
He puts the garlic in first, stirring it briskly to, as he explains, suffuse the oil in its flavor. Next come the onions, and there is something about the way his wrist cocks as he keeps everything moving in the pan that’s almost as fascinating as his knife work. His rhythm remains steady as he directs you to add each ingredient, his other hand lightly teasing at your waist, or your hip, or your leg at the bottom edge of your skirt every time you move close to him. He pretends he’s not doing it, but there is mischief behind his eyes. By the time a thick red sauce is filling the wide pan, you’re about ready to skip this dinner and see what other treats he’s got planned for your night in.
The apartment door swings open. Ubbe enters noisily, slamming the door shut behind him. “Smells so good, Y/N! I’m starving, what are you—” He cuts off when he rounds the corner into the kitchen, and sees Ivar sitting by the stove. He takes in the luxury kitchen tools spread out on the table, and you in your housewife dress and your kitten heels. He pulls back just a little, like maybe he’s thinking he shouldn’t intrude. But then he leans one forearm against the wall and grins. “You’re making the sauce, bro?”
Ivar rolls his eyes. “Yes, Ubbe.”
“I can’t fucking wait.” He turns to you, his wolfish eyes bright. “This is gonna be the best spaghetti night you’ve had in your life.”
“It is not spaghetti night,” Ivar says crossly. “We are having gnocchi. Also, I didn’t think you were going to be home.”
Ubbe shrugs. “I don’t have anything going on.”
“Ubbe,” Ivar chides, shaking his head as he speaks. “Don’t you usually have a date lined up just about every night?”
Ubbe is only looking at you. “That just doesn’t seem very interesting anymore.”
Ivar makes a dismissive sound and nudges you. “Time to add in the spices, Y/N.”
You tear your eyes away from Ubbe, and all the things that you might just be imagining are lying behind his eyes. He walks away as you lift the last prep bowl, headed back toward his room. You sprinkle the herb blend over the sauce.
“Now we simmer,” Ivar says, turning the burner down low. “But we must keep stirring.” He slides the spoon quite precisely around the edges of the pan, then spirals it through the middle. “Can you do it this way?”
You take the handle from him and attempt to replicate his practiced movement. After a little adjusting, he leans back with a satisfied sound.
“Keep that up. No more than sixty seconds between stirrings.”
He reaches for his crutches, and you lift a brow in silent question.
“I want a shower before dinner.” He gets to his feet, then leans down to murmur low into your ear. “I am planning a long night after that.”
How can he slay you so well with only a few words?
The corner of his lip is quirked as he shifts his weight back into his crutches. “After ten minutes, start the water boiling for the gnocchi, too.”
Read On
Taglist:  @swagmonstertoes @hanhanxx @xxdearlybeloved​@littledeadrottinghood @persephone-is-here-omg​ @rekdreams247​ @what-the-heart-desires @inforapound​ @creepshowzombae @tomarisela​ @vladsgirl@youbloodymadgenius​ @walkxthexmoon​@funmadnessandbadassvikings @trashqueenbitch @justlovelifeblog​ @earl-aive​ @supernaturalvikingwhore @equalstrashflavoredtrash​ @that-was-not-supposed-to-happen​ @ceridwenofwales​ @grungyblonde​ @pokeasleepingsmaug​ @hvittysmutanon​ @honestsycrets​ @wuxiesalt @thorins-queen-of-erebor​ @writingfromasgard​ @tootie-fruity​ @lordsexmachine​ @ uncomfortable-writers @sadbutatleastsassy​ @sweatstreatz01 @ritual-unions-gotme​ @likealostkiss @thehangedmanandthehoneybee @xxlilqueeniexx​ @thefightingdragon​
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strawberrykake · 4 years
Reacting to you falling
Promptober 2020: Autumn/ Fall
a/n: As you can see, I used a play on words here hehe forgive me
+ It’s the beginning of fall. You’re both walking on the road, the pavement still wet from the rain earlier. ++ Friends or lovers? let’s say almost lovers <3
Kuroo, Tsukishima, Akaashi, Kenma
🍂 🍂 🍂 🍂 🍂 🍂 🍂 🍂 🍂 🍂
u didn’t see where u were going
all of a sudden u slip
and ur behind met the wet slippery ground
u look up and see Kuroo’s worried look on his face
it quickly vanishes when he holds a hand toward you. “Damn, falling for me already?” he says with a smirk.
you retract your hand from him, pretending to be annoyed (but truly you’re super embarrassed by what just happened earlier)
“haha funny” you say, trying to get up on your own but the slippery ground wouldnt let you
you feel a hand gently wrap around your wrist
and almost effortlessly, Kuroo lifts you off the ground
“oh- uhh, thanks.” you say looking to the side, now the embarrassment is evident by the red tint on your cheeks
he’s still holding your wrist.
“um k-kuroo you’re still holding my hand” You look at him and he’s staring at u with a strange look on his face
he’s never look at you like that before
“cute” he thinks to himself
“Don’t let go, [y/n]-chan. I can’t having you fall again” His hands slides down from your wrist and into your hands, clasping them
you hesitate before closing your fingers into his which makes him smile
you guys continue walking down the rain stained road hand in hand
before u could even think, the ground meets your face
you stay there for a few moments, contemplating life
“get up, shorty” (a/n: hnestly, i feel like tsukki would still call you shorty even if you’re tall so tall readers dont feel left out ^_^ )
“nah i’ll just stay down here” you say, highkey lowkey embarassed not wanting to show your ruined face
you hear him sigh
“if you’re not gonna get up in 3 seconds i’m gonna leave u here” the blonde says.
“3....” you stay there. Nope. “2...” You can leave. “...1??? Ok bye.”
you thought you heard footsteps fading
Yes, now that he’s gone, he wont have to see my face (which is now quite dirty)
you quickly get up and go through your bag for a mirror and some clean wipes
you felt someone from behind you grab your shoulders and turn you around
you squeal in surprise
it was just tsukishima. What are you? a ninja? you think to yourself.
“TSUKKI, AT LEAST WARN ME” you forgot how messed up your face was and tried to turn around
“No, don’t move.” He grabs the wipes from you and cleans your face
you cant help but notice his features up close: the honey brown eyes through his black framed glasses, pointed nose, and slightly curving lips. you were practically gazing at him
but he’s too focused on cleaning your face
“Tsk. How clumsy can you be?” He quietly says with an irritated look on his face.
Once he’s done, he takes a good look at you (he’s checking to see if you’re in any pain) before walking away.
“Okay, done. let’s go” He says walking ahead.
There’s no way he didn’t feel anything.
And it’s true because he was hiding his blushing face after (omgg why did i do that? he thinks to himself)
“Akaashi!!” you yell out your favorite setter’s name.
It’s been a while since you’ve seen each other since school began. You wanted to celebrate the beginning of fall season together
He smiles and waves at you and starts walking toward you
you’re about to approach him but your feet steps on something very slippery
oh no no no
you fall on your sides, your right arm taking the impact
he runs to your feet and crouches down
“hey, are you okay?” His eyebrows furrow, worry evident on his face.
he carefully holds both of your hands, inspecting them
you didn’t seem to be hurt anywhere
his eyes look up to yours in question (also like “🥺” a/n: yall- omg imagine akaashi doing that face)
His blue eyes lock with yours. You almost got lost in them.
“Ah, don’t worry about it. I’m good. It’s just a tiny fall. I just need to get cleaned up” You say shrugging. He helps you up, still holding both of your hands.
“Got it.” The dark-haired boy nods and takes you to the convenience store nearby where he gets some snacks and some clean wipes.
you were walking alongside Kenma when u accidentally trip on...air?
you dont know how but you just fell
it happens sometimes
you almost could’ve saved it
“ugh” you grunt in annoyance
You dust off your pants and before getting up, Kenma takes one of your hands and helps you up
he doesn’t make any eye contact
he starts muttering something under his breath
you could only make out some words: “fck you gravity”, “i hate gravity”, and then some other curses (a/n: manga readers knowjxhsjjs)
he seems to be glaring at your hand too
his brain: $!&!(& gravity. Why does gravity exist? Gravity can kiss my a-
“Umm, Kenma. Are you talking to my hand?” He finally looks up, surprised.
“Uh no. Nothing.” He lets go of your hand. “Are you. . .okay?” He asks, now looking down on his phone. His hair drops down and frames his face, almost covering it but his eyes look to you from the side.
“Yeah!” you smile widely with a thumbs up. You know how Kenma truly cares for you.
His shoulders relax and he smiles a little.
No one can make him smile like that except for a few exceptional individuals
“Alright then, [y/n]. Come on” You continue your journey with Mr. pudding head.
a/n: ok got a lil carried away...next prompt may lean toward more fic style writing (i’m not a writer but i’ll try <3)
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luciendurrant · 4 years
Real-Life Fairy Tale ~ @JaydeKnox
Once upon a time, a cat helped a little bird learn to fly. Fast forward to today...our wedding day! Garett kept teasing me that Jayde was going to chicken out and stand me up at the altar. “Chicken, get it?” he laughed as we got dressed. I groaned loudly and checked once more to make sure I had Jayde’s ring before taking a shower and getting dressed. Maybe one day I’d get to torture Garett right back on his wedding day. Stranger things had happened.
I woke to the smell of pancakes, eggs, and sausage. I grinned as I stood and stretched. The night before had been perfect. Josie, Hope, and I ordered pizza, watched movies, talked, and just had an all-around fun night. It was great spending so much time with them. I ran a brush through my hair and grinned as I slipped my fuzzy slippers on. It was my wedding day! Luc and I were finally going to be husband and wife. I couldn’t help but skip out of the guest room as I joined an already laughing Josie and Hope for breakfast.
Once I was dressed, I went to the kitchen where I found Zak had picked up breakfast. “Morning,” he said with a grin. “Thought you might need some extra protein today.” I laughed and walked over to see plates piled high with bacon, sausage, ham, and eggs. “You even got those honey biscuits I love! Thanks!” He nodded and got glasses down to pour us some juice just as Garett came in. “Boy, it smells good in here.” I handed him a plate. “You can thank Zak for that.” He took the plate, bowed theatrically to his cousin and started fixing us each a plate. Then Zak brought over our juice and we sat down for a hearty breakfast and great conversation.
Breakfast was amazing. Josie really outdid herself. We ate and laughed, spending a little longer after breakfast just enjoying hanging out and catching up. Apparently, Hope was getting pretty serious with her date, Cal. I picked on her and gave her a hard time, laughing every time she blushed. It was great spending time with her and Josie. I had missed it so much. But before long it was time to get our hair and makeup done. Josie had found someone who was willing to make house calls and had a whole team lined up for us. We set about cleaning up the breakfast mess while we waited for them to arrive.
After breakfast, I volunteered to clean up. I needed to do something besides waiting around. The anticipation was driving me crazy. Garett and Zak tried to give me a hard time, but I finally shooed them away. While I washed and rinsed our plates, I recited the vows I knew by heart in my head and tried to picture my beautiful bride standing before me. It had been quite a wild and crazy ride getting to this point in our relationship, but I wouldn’t have changed a thing.
When the makeup and hair crew finally showed up, we were ushered into our spots and soon getting fixed up. I listened to Josie and Hope as I was getting my makeup done, wasn’t supposed to talk...or laugh, but I think they missed that memo. When I finally gave up and tuned them out so that Mr. Porter would stop giving me “the look”, I thought about Luc, not that he was ever far from my mind. I couldn’t believe that by the time the sun set tonight, I’d be married to the love of my life! So much had changed since I came here. I went from having no family to having a sister and, soon, a husband! I couldn’t wait to see what was next for us.
After I finished the dishes, I joined Garett and Zak on the back porch for some fresh air. Each of us lost in our own thoughts. Zak checked his watch, “I better get going if I’m going to pick up Beatrice and Clea. See you there?” I nodded with a smile. “Thanks again for breakfast.” He grinned and clapped me on the back. “Any time.” Garett walked with him to his car while I headed back inside to take another quick shower and change into my suit.
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After our hair and makeup was done, we quickly set about getting dressed. I was in my old room, turning in the mirror once dressed, when Josie and Hope called that it was time for me to come out. I laughed and called back for them to close their eyes and count to three. When they promised their eyes were closed and then started counting I opened the door and walked out. I had to carry my shoes and giggled as I walked, barefoot in a wedding dress down the hall. As they reached three, I struck a pose and waited for their reactions.
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Garett and I had a heart to heart on the way to the ceremony site. He wanted to remind me that Jayde was still fairly new to being a shifter and didn’t fully understand what having children would be like. He made me promise to use protection until could explain it to her and she could decide whether or not she even wanted children. “Believe me, Garett. I have been thinking about that. We’ve been careful ever since she moved in with me. I didn’t want to scare her by discussing it before the wedding. I didn’t want to chance her feeling pressured to answer a certain way thinking I would change my mind about marrying her.” He nodded as we parked. “Just had to make sure. Ready?” I grinned. “Absolutely!”
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Josie and Hope reacted way better than I thought they would. After rounds of Oohh's and aahh's...we finally started slipping our shoes on. Once we were all ready, we took turns posing for pictures, alone, and with each other. The moment the pics were taken, I knew I was going to make a scrapbook of this day, I never wanted to forget a single detail. This was one of the best days ever. Before long, it was time to head to where the ceremony was taking place. It was the first time I’d ever been in a limo. I loved it because we could laugh and talk along the way without fear of causing an accident.
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The ceremony site was perfect. It was simple and elegant. Just the way we wanted it. Garett and I greeted the judge before saying hello to our guests. It was a small, intimate wedding. Only a handful of friends and family. Couldn’t ask for anything better. I felt a tug on my arm, Garett was gesturing to the limo arriving with my fiancée. I grinned, thanked the guests for coming and followed my best man over to the judge’s side. When we were in place, I swear I held my breath as the limo driver opened the door for Hope, Josie and my bride.
Hope got out first, followed by Josie. They blocked me from view and gave me a few minutes to catch my breath. I was so excited. I wasn’t sure I was going to make it down the aisle without running to Luc. When I calmed myself down, I eased out of the limo behind them. Josie nodded and the music started up, signaling Hope to start walking. Once she had taken a few steps forward, I moved to my sister’s side and linked my arm in hers. I couldn’t help but tear up a little, “You’ll never know how grateful I am for you finding me and helping me see that it was okay to be me. I thought  I was going to be alone forever, but because of you, I know what it’s finally like to belong. To have a real family. I wouldn’t want anyone else standing beside me today. I love you, big sister.” Josie gave my arm a light squeeze. I could tell she was choked up. “Let’s get you married before we both ruin our makeup.” I laughed and let her escort me to my future.
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Hope and Josie looked so lovely when they emerged, but they couldn’t compare to the vision that walked towards me on Josie’s arm. Jayde had never looked more beautiful or more confident as she glided towards me as if on air. At some point I felt tissues being tucked into my hand. I hadn’t even realized that I was crying. I was so proud of her transformation into a strong, loving, happy young woman compared to the way we met. So proud to call her mine. So proud to be taking her hand in front of the judge and pledging my love and my life to her.
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The minute I saw Luc, it took everything in me not to run to him. Being separated, even for just a night, was one night too long. The minute Josie placed my hand in Luc’s...nothing else mattered. The ceremony passed in a blur, although I did tear up a bit with our vows. Before I knew it, the judge was pronouncing us man and wife, and I was in Luc’s arms with his lips pressed to mine. We were married!! When the judge introduced us as Mr. and Mrs. for the first time, I might have cheered right along with everyone else. I couldn’t help it. My life was so empty before and now, not only did I have a sister, I had a husband. I had never known what real love was or that I could love someone as much as I loved Luc. And now? I had a man who loved me and wanted to be with me for the rest of his life. I was beyond happy! I was over the moon.
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kurtty-drabbles · 4 years
The Omen au (part 8)
N/A: A small idea to use show more of Thor´s situation as for Mike´s power...he´s out of the attic but he can´t blast everything in a whim, no, he needs control and the X-men are great in teaching how to control and use your powers.
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling @bamfoftheundead
Thor supposes that if he´s truly in need of Amora´s assistance instead of the Avengers that should tell something about himself or the Avengers and right now, the man has no time to reflect about his team as right now Amora may be the only one who can help him and...that little girl.
Amora lives on a magical island that few know and even fewer can leave unharmed. Thor is the exception as he knows, deep down, Amora has a kind heart underneath her thick skin.
"Amora" Thor speaks once opening the doors to reveal the Enchantress in her throne looking down on everyone and anything as this island belongs to her and no one should forget that(Thor concedes that so far, Amora is doing a great job as a leader) and notices one curious sight next to her. "Loki?"
The man is gagged and wrapped by vines with a green substance dropping in his exposed skin who seems to brother him...a little. Thor really has no time to ask about Loki.
"The God of Thunder in my realms...where is Sif, your beloved?" she asked with contempt in her voice and Thor could tell her the time where Sif leave him to be with Horse! Thor but that´s not important right now.
"I´m not here to speak about the past...I came here to ask your help" and he kneels before the Enchantress showing respect for the ruler and for her magic prowess and this courtesy pleases her very much.
"Tell me, son of Odin, what you need from me" her tone is polished and she holds no illusion that the man she still holds feeling is here to confess his love, but, what Thor could ever want from Enchantress? Better listen first and think carefully.
Thor is not dumb enough to ask me to be on Avengers...but maybe he needs some help in the magic department, Scarlet Witch is good, I´ll give her that, but, she´s still young while I saw everything one can imagine.
"Hela made me her prisoner" is a hard statement to make but Thor is no liar. "And bound me and a little girl to do her bidding. I want a way out of this"
Amora arch one eyebrow. "You´re Thor, the God of Thunder, not even Hela could bound you forever and the seals she puts on your body and soul, yes, I can see and even sense them...aren´t enough to stop you nor control you"
"You´re correct, is not and she knows this...that´s why she´s using that little girl to make me do her bidding for her" Thor explains hoping his expression alone is enough to transmit the message of how and what this little girl is.
Amora is a woman and she saw everything and she can see the hidden message here. "Very well, how hidden is this child?"
"She puts Veella in her dimension ...near monstrous,  right now she´s with Hela" he trails off as his eyes are glowing with the thunder and it confirms what Amora initially thought.
Poor girl.
"Ok, I may take her out from there...but I´ll need Hela to be distracted for at least 5 minutes" and before Thor says anything self-sacrificing Amora turns and looks at Loki. "So, you little liar and thief, wanna pay your debt?" and she smiles in a way that proves once again why she´s the ruler of this island.
Michael is not surprised that Prof X found them even if the so-called professor does not want to admit(how convenient the X-men are sent for this unknown area where only Kitty and Michael are the only mutants here) but Michael can play along.
He´s the first to admit all his contact with people is with his family and TV channels and while he still loves Hanna Montana with all his heart and soul Michael can admit that is very unlike that any real person acts the way those characters did.
Scott Summers aka Cyclops introduced themselves and explained the situation to a confused Kitty and for equally confused Michael (who is acting perfectly here) and while he´s on his azzure form...no one seems to connect the dots he's related to Raven.
(To be fair, there are many blue mutants that aren´t related to each other, he saw on TV so there´s that)
"We´re the X-men...we were looking for someone" Scott then receives a telepathic signal from Jean making him look at her. Michael can hear the conversation once he closes his eyes ("Don´t be too formal, honey" "I won´t, promise" "And one more thing....hey, are you listen to us?" and Jean turns to Michael who is an excellent actor and looks so confused and frighten that makes Jean smiles in sympathy.
"We´re the X-men and we help any mutant is in need and I think ...maybe we are supposed to meet you two"
Kitty is a bit hesitated but remembers Mystique and decides to accept the offer.
Raven Darkholme is not taking well the situation and the students, the ones who are still present can see Raven going nuts (Marrow whisper this with her fellow friends) as Sabertooth is called and Raven is proving again to be unstable as Sabertooth is not a person you can unless you want to kill someone.
(There´s one rumour saying he eat one student and the thing is...Sabertooth never hides his cannibalistic tendencies...)
"You call me, love?" Sabertooth asked ready to grab Raven and make love with her in front of everyone and Rogue is ready to beat this man out of this school now. Yet, Raven seems to have calmed down seeing Victor Creed.
"That horrible girl...she stole my child, my innocent baby" she puts her hands on her face and keeps having flashes of the dangers of the world "please, bring my son back, please"
"Raven, I´d anything for you...and the girl...should I bring her back too?"
"Eat her for all I care...I want my son back"
Teresa Pryde was having a nice morning when a woman named Clea Water ("It used to be Strange but now I´ve changed to Waters" "What? What´s going on?") appears with a mission for Teresa Pryde of sorts.
"I need your help...you´re a perfect and reasonable human being and I really need a human, especially a woman, insight on this matter," Clea said once proving she can do magic and she´s not even from Earth.
"Why me? Why now?"
"As I said, you´re a sensible person, plus, you have a daughter who is a good girl...we witch don´t have such luck in the mom department" Clea states and Teresa crosses her arms for a moment.
"Can I trust you to return to my home safely and at the right time? Not from 5 years from here on now?"
Clea cut her hand and the blood formed a seal on her hand. "I swear to return you home once the mission is complete and no, you shall not be taken by any plot twist of the planet of the ape"
As soon Teresa said yes, a mercenary group starts attacking the house and Clea is the one protecting the location. For now. "We have to go now," Clea said and a portal opens and Teresa (taking what she could jump in)
She left a message for Kitty on her cellphone.
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bittysvalentines · 5 years
If Pies Could Talk
Happy Valentine’s Day, @BajillionKittens!  I think I hit all of your requests, so I hope you enjoy the fic!  Thanks to Georgia and Silvia for organizing everything again this year! 
Love from @aflailureandamasterpiece aka Julibean19 
If Pies Could Talk (also on AO3)
Summary: Jack wants to ask Bitty something but he can’t find the words. If pies could talk, they’d call him a lovable failboat.
Zimbits, Explicit, POV Jack, Bottom!Jack, Communication Failure, Baking Jack, Cuddling & Snuggling, Special Appearances by Dex and Señor Bun
“Bits?” Jack asks, gently pushing unruly blond curls off Eric’s forehead.  “Time to get up.”
A soft, negative noise meets Jack’s ears as Bitty groans and rolls over, showing Jack his back.  
“I know it’s early, bud,” Jack says, lifting his comforter back and sliding into bed behind his boyfriend.  “But it’s not checking practice early… it’s 9 a.m.”
“It’s Saturday,” Bitty protests, pulling Jack’s arm around his waist and shuffling backward into his chest.  “It’s the day of rest. We’re resting.”
“Isn’t the day of rest Sunday?”
“Do not chirp me,” Bitty mumbles, barely turning his head toward Jack, eyes still closed.  “It’s five a.m.”
“It’s nine.”
“Do you want to argue or do you want to cuddle?”
Jack smiles, leaning in to press the tip of his nose to Bitty’s hairline and taking a deep breath.  Exhaling, he kisses the side of Eric’s throat, delighting in the happy murmur and wriggle of appreciation it gets him.  “I want to cuddle,” Jack whispers, still smiling.
He set an alarm on his phone anyway.  They have time. Settling back into his pillow, Jack pulls Bitty tight to his body and lets his eyes fall closed.
When his timer goes off forty minutes later, it feels like it’s only been a few seconds.  Jack groans and reaches for his phone, eager to stop the pop music that’s blaring from the speakers.  “Did you change my ringer to Beyoncé?” he asks, opening one bleary eye to silence the alarm.
“It’s Nicki Minaj, you heathen,” Bitty mutters, rolling over to face him.  
“It’s terrible,” Jack insists, dropping his phone back onto the nightstand as Bitty’s fingers slip under the hem of his tee.  “Crisse, your hands are cold.”
“Feel like warming me up?” Eric asks, apparently much more awake than Jack is.  
“Just come here,” Jack says, sliding one arm under Bitty’s neck and pulling them flush together.  He hooks his chin over Eric’s shoulder and curls around him, rubbing soothing circles against his lower back.
“This is nice,” Bitty says, sighing contentedly, letting himself sink into Jack’s body.  “We should do this every morning.”
“If we did this every morning we’d never make it to Faber.”
“You say that like it’s a bad thing,” Bitty says, breath hot against the side of Jack’s throat.
“Coach Hall might have something to say about it.”
“Well,” Bitty says, nipping Jack’s skin, “he’s not here right now.”
“That would be awkward.”
“I’m trying to set a mood here, Mister Zimmermann.  Work with me.”
“Oh,” Jack says, feeling his face heat.  He had been enjoying their morning snuggles so much he hadn’t noticed the hardness growing against his hip.  
“Yeah,” Bitty says, breathy and low.  “Oh.”
Before Jack has a chance to respond, Eric is rolling on top of him, straddling his thighs.  He looks up to see the sunlight bouncing off Bitty’s hair, giving him an ethereal glow. The effect is gorgeous and has Jack flicking his eyes to his phone and considering pulling up his camera app.
“I want you,” Eric says simply, biting down on his lower lip.
Smiling, Jack crooks his finger at him until he drops down low enough to kiss.
The moment Eric’s lips meet his, Jack melts, sinking deep into his pillows.  He runs his palms under Bitty’s sleep-worn shirt and splays them across his back possessively, moaning into his mouth.
Eric hasn’t brushed his teeth, but Jack did just before waking him, so it’s easy to ignore in favor of sucking on his tongue.  It’s hot, but slow—a deep kiss that Jack can take his time with. He pulls Eric in even closer and sucks on his bottom lip until Bitty is whining into his mouth.
Eager to find what other desperate sounds he can pull from Bitty, Jack reaches up to cup the back of his head before rolling them over and settling his hips between Eric’s thighs.
“Lord, I love when you do that,” Eric breathes, eyes fluttering shut as Jack slides his hands up his stomach, taking his shirt with them.  
“I love when you wear my clothes to bed,” Jack says, pulling the old Habs tee over Eric’s head.
“If we could turn up the heat once in a blue moon maybe I’d sleep naked.”
“I’ll consider it,” Jack breathes against Bitty’s exposed stomach.  He nudges one of Bitty’s nipples with his nose before wrapping his lips around it.  It might be nice to sleep wrapped around a naked Bitty, but Jack also likes what they have—a warm cocoon of bedding and threadbare pajamas—a twin bed just barely big enough for two.
“Fuck, Jack,” Bitty whines, arching into his mouth.  
Jack switches to the other side and sucks until Bitty’s hands fly up to twine into his hair, not pulling, but tensing every time a shiver runs through his body.  Letting out a satisfied huff of breath, Jack pulls off and follows his hands down to Bitty’s waist, licking and biting a line down his stomach on the way.
“Will you blow me?” Eric asks, trailing his fingers along the curve of Jack’s jaw.  “Your mouth is so hot and wet. God, it feels so good,” he says as Jack nibbles along the waistband of his borrowed flannel bottoms.  
Jack sighs.  
If only he found it just as easy to ask for what he wanted.  It’s not that he dislikes doing this for Bitty—quite the contrary—but there’s something else he’s been dying to try.  He just hasn’t been able to get the words out yet.
Hooking his thumbs into the elastic, Jack pulls Bitty’s pants down, lifting them up and over his erection and then down to mid-thigh.  He leans back for a moment just to look his fill.
Eric’s thighs are trapped together by the elastic, but otherwise he’s exposed, golden skin on display for Jack to admire.  His forearms look pale in comparison, and Jack marvels at the soft hair that sits below Eric’s navel, leading to his cock.
“God, I want you to fuck me,” Bitty sighs, looking down at him with his lower lip caught between his teeth.  
“Later,” Jack says, leaning down to get his lips around the head and lick at the bead of fluid at the tip.  The salt hits Jack’s tongue and he can’t stop the groan that builds in his chest at the taste.
Eric squirms below him, so Jack drapes his forearm across Bitty’s stomach and presses him back into the mattress.  He sinks down lower, taking more of Eric into his mouth before licking back up.
Bitty breathes hard above him, already panting before Jack even really gets started.  They’ve been doing this for a few months now, but every time with Eric feels like the first time—eager and a little sloppy, but also brilliant and intense and all-consuming.
He takes Bitty deep, relaxing around the stretch in his throat when Eric jerks under him, sitting up so abruptly Jack chokes before he has a chance to pull off.  
“Sorry, sorry!  God, I’m so sorry, sweetheart,” Bitty says, thumb rubbing across Jack’s wet lips.  “It’s just… do you smell something burning?”
“Tabarnak!” Jack curses, dropping his head to Bitty’s bare thigh in defeat.  He groans, high and pained as he shakes his head back and forth. “I’ll go check.”  Pulling away, Jack rises to his feet and slowly marches downstairs, furious with himself.
By the time he reaches the kitchen, Dex is pulling the charred remnants of a pie out of the oven and Bitty is hot on his heels, redressed in his pajamas.
“I’m so sorry Bitty,” Dex sighs, placing the burnt wreck on the stovetop with Bitty’s cherry print oven mitts.  “I thought I’d gotten the temperature to stay even this time, but it must be on the fritz again.”
Jack rubs his fingers over his temples as Dex retrieves his toolbox from the hall and pulls out what he thinks he’ll need.  “I’m really sorry about your pie, Bitty. Once I get it working again I’ll take you to Murder Stop & Shop for some more butter, okay?”
“That—” Bitty stops short, peering over at the blackened crust.  “That wasn’t my pie. The lattice looks nice though. Which one of y’all found my vlog?” he says, voice raised to call through the Haus this time.  “If I find the link on Twitter, I swear to Beyoncé I will end you.”
“It’s not—” Jack hesitates, hand clasped warily over his eyes.  “I made it,” he finishes, voice so low he can barely hear it over the pounding of his own heart.
“You… you made this?  Jack, honey,” he says, fingers catching Jack by the wrist and pulling until he stops covering his face.  “Did you make this pie for me?”
Jack nods, unable to find any words to explain further.
“Dex,” Bitty says, fingers now intertwined with Jack’s, “Thank you so much for tryin’, but I don’t think Betsy’s broken.”
“Are you sure?  Because the temperature has been all over the place and—”
“I distracted Jack.  He made that pie for me, but I burnt it.  Betsy’s working just fine. Isn’t that right, sugar?”
Jack nods, looking up just in time to see Dex’s face flush under his freckles.
“We’ll clean this up later,” Bitty says to Dex, reaching out to shut the oven off before pulling Jack by the hand all the way back upstairs to his room.
When they’re finally alone, Jack collapses against the back of the door, his entire body shaking slightly.
“Do you want to tell me what all that was about?” Eric asks him, hands on his hips.
Jack opens his mouth, but nothing comes out.  
“Honey, what’s wrong?”  In just a few steps, Eric is directly in front of him, cupping his cheeks and tilting his face up.  “Whatever it is, you can tell me.”
Taking a deep breath, Jack steels himself.  “I was trying to—”
He can’t do it.  It’s not happening.  This was all a stupid idea and now Bitty’s looking at him, wide brown eyes soft and expectant and Jack can’t say it.  He can’t say anything at all.
“Trying to what, sweetpea?”
A long minute passes before Jack can bear to open his mouth again.  “I wanted to ask—”
“Jack,” Bitty says, breath catching slightly on his name, “please tell me that was not a proposal pie—because as much as I love you, I am nineteen years old.  That would just be too much for us right now.”
“No,” Jack says, clearing his throat.  “No. I wasn’t trying to propose.”
“Jesus Christ on a cracker, you had me worried.”
“Not that I wouldn’t—”
“We will have that conversation later, mister.  Much later,” he says firmly, but with a sweet smile that speaks to their bright future together.  
“Okay,” Jack agrees readily, taking a deep breath.  They really are getting ahead of themselves.
“What’s this all about then?”
Jack sighs, resigning himself to embarrassment.  “You know sometimes words are hard for me.”
Bitty nods, tangling their fingers together again.
“I thought maybe if I made you something… you would… ”
“Be able to read your mind?” Bitty says, with a fond laugh.  “I love that you tried to bake for me, honey, I do. But even the perfect raspberry pie isn’t going to be able to tell me whatever it is you want me to know.”
“It sounds so stupid when you say it like that.”
“It’s not stupid.  It’s actually kind of adorable, but I’d rather you were comfortable enough to just tell me what you’re feeling.  How can I make this easier for you?”
“I don’t think you can,” Jack says, voice barely above a whisper.
“Okay,” Bitty says, pulling Jack’s hand again until he stands.  “I have an idea.” He locks his door and flicks the lights off before leading Jack over to his bed and pulling the curtains shut.  
Jack gets in as soon as Eric yanks the covers back and relaxes into the mattress only after Bitty is curled around his back, tucking the duvet around them tight.
“Sometimes the hard things… they’re easier to say in the dark,” Eric tells him, breath hot and comforting against the back of his neck.  “So we’re just going to lie here for a while and if you feel like you’re ready, you can tell me. I promise I won’t laugh or be upset or anything.”
“I don’t—I didn’t think you would laugh.  I’m just nervous,” Jack tells the darkness.  Light still peeks through around the curtains, but he closes his eyes and pretends it’s midnight, that they’re alone in the Haus, that his words will never see the light of day—will never leave this room.
“Here,” Bitty says, reaching behind him and returning with Señor Bun.  He presses the doll into Jack’s hand before pulling the duvet up around their shoulders again.  “He’ll make you brave.”
“Now I feel weird,” Jack says, huffing out a laugh.  “I can’t talk about sex with him looking at me.”
“So this is about sex, huh?” Bitty asks, taking Señor Bun out of Jack’s hands and setting him on the window sill facing away from them.  “What Bun doesn’t see can’t hurt him.”
“He’s seen a lot already,” Jack points out.
“Well, if things are about to get kinky, I’d rather keep him in the dark.  Whatever it is you want, I’m sure we could work something out. So why don’t you just tell me?  I promise to keep an open mind.”
“It’s nothing kinky,” Jack says quietly.  “I don’t think it is, at least.”
“Then what has you so nervous?”
“I don’t know.  It just—Parse didn’t—” Jack can’t finish the thought.
“It’s something you feel like you shouldn’t want?  Because Kent didn’t?”
“I guess?”
“Honey,” Eric breathes, snaking a hand under the hem of Jack’s shirt and resting his palm against Jack’s bare chest.  “Whatever it is. I won’t judge you. I just want you to be happy.”
“I want…” Jack takes a deep breath just as Bitty presses his hand tight against his heart, pushing them together.  The pressure is comforting, grounding. Jack takes strength from it and finally finds his courage. “I want—I need you to make love to me.  I need you to fuck me.”
Bitty sucks in a surprised breath and then lets it out slowly, the air ruffling the back of Jack’s hair, making his skin pebble.  He leans in until his lips are just grazing the shell of Jack’s ear and asks, “That’s what you want?”
“Yes,” Jack says, a tingle shooting down his spine.  Heat spreads through his body as Eric hitches his hips even tighter to Jack’s ass, betraying his arousal.  
“All you had to do was ask, sugar,” Eric says, voice pitched low.  “I’d be a fool to not want to make love to you. And I am many things, but I’m no fool.”
“Please,” Jack whimpers, all shame gone.  The tone of Eric’s voice coupled with the insistent press of his erection has Jack hard and leaking already.  When Eric’s teeth come down around the tendon in his throat, he whines, unabashed. It sounds pitiful, but he doesn’t even try to muffle it.  He wants Eric to know how badly he needs this.
It’s a matter of seconds before they’re naked, clothes flung to far corners of the room, duvet lost on the floor.  Jack wouldn’t be surprised if his Habs tee was ripped at the collar considering how forcefully he yanked it off Bitty’s body.
Bitty preps him quickly, the both of them too keyed up to take their time.  As Eric slides a condom over himself, Jack feels an ache deep in his body, a ravenous, empty pain that has him hitching his knees up to his ears.  
Biting down on his lip, Eric slowly pushes into him.  He takes several measured breaths and then begins to move, absolute filth spilling out of his mouth.  In a matter of seconds, Eric is tensing above him.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, you’re so fucking perfect, baby,” is the last thing Jack hears before Bitty buries himself deep, coming in rhythmic pulses inside him.
It’s over before Jack feels fully satisfied, but that just makes his hunger pangs more pronounced.  He ignores them knowing Bitty will be ready again soon enough—that he always has more stamina the second time around.  Jack is already the first to know what Bitty feels like when he orgasms—the first to hold Eric inside his body. He shouldn’t be greedy, as much as his body begs to differ.
As fingers quickly take the place of Eric’s softening cock, Jack thrusts down hard remembering all the ways Bitty has explored his body—has touched every inch of him.  Eric knows him now… knows everything.
He comes with three fingers spreading him wide and Eric’s name on his lips.  
Neither of them touch his cock.
It’s messy and overwhelming and everything a first time should be.  
Jack can’t wait to do it again.  
“Thank God you burnt that pie,” Bitty says, breathless, as he flops onto his back next to Jack.
“If you came at me with a perfect raspberry pie right now after what we just did I’d think I was still dreaming.”
“Well, we’re out of raspberries now, but I could go to the store…”
“Jack Zimmermann.  What did I do to deserve you?”
“You taught me to make pie in the first place.  It was really all your fault,” Jack says, resting his head on Eric’s chest, a slow smile spreading across his face.
“I can’t believe you’re chirping me right now.  You’re the one that made me a ‘Please Fuck Me Pie!’”
“I can’t believe you didn’t know I was flirting with you that whole class.”
“I thought you were just really concerned about your GPA,” Bitty whines in embarrassment.
“Thank God we got an A,” Jack says, copying Eric’s turn of phrase.  “If we didn’t maybe we wouldn’t be dating right now.”
“You’re saying Betsy brought us together?”
“I’m saying I think we owe Dex a thank you gift.”
Thanks for reading!  Happy Valentine’s Day!
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serenagaywaterford · 5 years
random thoughts:
jsyk, Serena swam in the place my dog poops. I hope Fred stepped in it. Die Fred.
(spoilers obvs)
NOT. ENOUGH. JANINE. the only time i cheered out the entire 3 episodes was that one glimpse of janine.
I got to see my girl Alma though which was lovely.
OMG. Can... I just... that scene with Emily walking through the hospital was the dumbest fucking, most American stupid scene ever on this show. It was so fucking cheesy and absolutely 10000% unrealistic. Who actually thought it was a good idea? They should be fired. Or sent to go work on Grey’s Anatomy or something. Not even that shitshow aka SVU would do something as painfully cliched and cheesy as that. Firstly, this show is fucking stupid. Okay. If all this shit was happening, Canada would have got like MILLIONS of refugees. Seeing the cops escort some raggedy refugee would be common af. Maybe it’s the baby thing? Still, Canadians aren’t gawkers like that. We also don’t like embarrassing displays like that. It’s so American it hurts.  NOBODY CLAPS LIKE THAT IN A FUCKING HOSPITAL. It’s a quiet place, okay. Also, why don’t any of these doctors have anything better to do? Anyway. I hated that scene so much.
Nick is so boring. So boring. He’s just a wet doughnut. I sorta liked him getting angry at June but also I wish I cared about anything he has to say. Bye Nick Bland. Good riddance.
Lawrence’s one liners? Funny. Lawrence? Disgusting awful psycho. I hate him sfm. 
Fred? Also disgusting. I hate him 10000x more. Everything about him is repulsive. He’s so much worse this season. I hate everything about his entitled, poor me, manpain. I hate hearing about any of his feelings. Fucking die already. I found him interesting enough as an antagonist in the show before but no longer. Redundant.
Beth. Too good for Nick. Too good for this world.
Too much staring. I AM SO SICK OF IT. It wastes time. Is redundant af at this point. I’m bored. Stop it.
Moss... um. Honey. I love you but... what the fuck was up with all the over-acting? 302 seemed particularly bad. Like I just can’t take it anymore. Who directed 302? They should be fired too for making her do that. Also, lady from Transparent, what the fuck was up with her acting?
Luke is useless. Like, I get it. I get why he’s a huge damp sulkbaby but I mean. I don’t want to see it? I’d rather just not see him at all cos literally I can’t recall a scene of him not being fucking useless or ignorant. Or half-assing it. I want to like Luke, honestly. But I just... don’t. I love the shit outta Moira and Erin, and I adored Moira/Emily interactions. But Luke? Miss me with his manpain.
Once again, I hate Lawrence. He is no good. He’s so fucking creepy and gross. I do not understand why people like him? And I don’t mean, “I don’t know why people like this character.” I mean, “I don’t understand why people like this person.” As a character, sure, he’s interesting and revolting and does his role well. He’s even got some funny lines and Whitford has great delivery. I mean these people who LIKE HIM. As a person. They think he’s great and a good guy. I don’t get it. Are we watching the same show? He’s a great character and a terrible person. That said, he’s still a dude and I’m not about to say he’s such a great character that I want to know all about him. Nah, bros. I wanna know all about Emily, Moira, Serena, Janine, Alma... and June I suppose but we already have quite enough of her. I don’t care about Lawrence’s backstory or emotional turmoil. I don’t need his perspective cos I’ve seen it before, I know it already. It’s in so many movies, books, and TV. So, he may be a well-written character but he’s not a fascinating one. If we wanna dig around in the psyches of bad people, Serena and Lydia are far more fascinating cos bad women’s stories are so much rarer to explore in any depth.
So, June got her feet lashed to shit again. And then she’s just walking around like no biggie next scene? Did the writers forget the first season when June couldn’t walk at all? All I’m asking is a bit of a limp?
June going straight to the house that just housed the handmaid that ran away with June’s baby seems... well, like complete bullshit. Never.
SERENA ISN’T WEARING HER WEDDING BAND. She’s done. She hates that man and I hate the fact everyone is pushing her to just get over it. Fred... is horrible in literally every single way. Every. Single. Way. (And sure Serena is horrible in some ways, but not nearly the same ways as Fred.) I just want Serena to be free of him. I want her and June to murder his ass. Graphically. That is the only violence I want to see on this show in the future. OMG, I can’t actually explain how much I hate him and I vomit in my mouth thinking about Serena having to get back with him. Even if I know she has to in order to survive. Ugh. 
UM. Okay, the “blood against the snow” bit was really interesting. I don’t recall Offred saying that in the book but Atwood brings it up often when talking about red. It was clever to include her own words, just like last season with the “men are afraid women will laugh at them...” bit.
But speaking of weird inclusions: Lawrence reciting book!Offred’s line about how easy is it to invent a humanity for anyone. It was curious they had Lawrence saying that to June, whereas it’s Offred in the book thinking that about the Commander.  “He was not a monster, to her. Probably he had some endearing trait: he whistled, offkey, in the shower, he had a yen for truffles, he called his dog Liebchen and made it sit up for little pieces of raw steak. How easy it is to invent a humanity, for anyone at all. What an available temptation.”
My wife, when Nick showed up in 303: “Oh, this prick again!” Just out of nowhere cos we don’t talk about fandom shit. She has no idea the extent of my sick obsession with this show. She doesn’t know how much I loathe Nick lol. She’s completely casual and even she can’t stand Nick. Which is so lovely. And then when he was yapping about going to the front, she just muttered, “Hopefully he’ll die there.”
OH MY GOD. I HATE MEN. That whole Commanders meeting scene made me want to throw up multiple times. It started with the words “shipment of females” and just got progressively worse with every passing second.
Except... LMAO. June: *sees Fred at a meeting* Fred: Hello. June: Hey you see Serena? How’s Serena? Is Serena okay? Serena’s tough. She’s great. She’ll be okay. I love her. *proceeds to do the world’s worst cringe-inducing seduction* I think on some level even Fred knows it’s bullshit.
I love comparing June’s seduction of Fred to her seduction of Serena. They’re very interesting contrasts. She’s so painfully fake with Fred. And only sort of insincere at times with Serena. 
Man, Sylvia is a dick lol. LOOK RICHMOND IS HARD ENOUGH TO GET ACROSS WITHOUT YOUR LIME GREEN CAR BLOCKING THE ONE MOVING LANE OF TRAFFIC!!!!!! Jokes aside... I actually really liked that scene of Emily finally calling her. That was touching and the closest I came to actually getting sniffly.  Actually no. Traffic on Richmond is no joke. I’m not kidding. That was a dick move, Sylvia. LOL.
June saying Nichole gets her politicianess thing from Serena absolutely fucking slayed me. I don’t even care if she was emotionally manipulating her af, it seemed genuine in parts of that convo. TWO MOMMIES. June used her flashback!June voice at one point. Honestly, these two actresses run this town.  You can tell how broken Serena is tho cos she’s oblivious to how manipulative June is being. She’s been aware in the past as soon as June does her whole “Say nice thing, bond over babies, ask for something” method and called her on it. It’s June’s only trick. It’s transparent af. And Serena knows it. Yet, she seems completely wooed now and not at all suspicious. So, when she gets her wits together again, I suspect Serena won’t be so malleable.
I’ve said a bunch of stuff about June/Serena stuff in my tag rants so I won’t repeat it. I just fell in love with it all.
PRAISE BE!!! We didn’t actually have to see a Nick/June sex scene. Behold His miracle! I was so relieved. And then... curiously they continued that love-theme-y music all the way over into Serena’s scene with June and that was not a coincidence.
I know people really like that Boomtown Rats song being the music to the fire... And it’s a jam. But... it’s about a real school shooting and I feel like that’s just a little... off? (Not to mention Tori Amos’ version is better, imo.) I mean, okay, I did some drama courses in university and I did a thing about that song so I researched it all and it just to me doesn’t fit at all. A 16-year-old girl shot up an elementary school. And somehow, call me crazy, but that’s completely inappropriate to use in this scene. I get female rage, etc etc. I get they didn’t want to go super obvious and use a song about burning houses. But considering how EXCELLENT a song they chose for 3x03 with that Roy Harper track you’d think they’d find something better for the bed/house burning. Not only that but the motive for Spencer was ... literally nothing. She didn’t like Mondays and thought it would be fun to kill a bunch of kids--which is the complete opposite of Serena’s motivations. It just devalues it.
I want more of Emily’s journey. This is the first time I’ve actually been interested in Emily tbh. And Clea Duvall is a treasure.
I want a Moira/Emily BROTP. Honestly Moira just seems like the best friend anybody could have?
WHY IS NICK A COMMANDER?! WTF????? Was I just not listening carefully enough? Is he? Cos I don’t really pay attention when he’s onscreen tbh and the wifey was like “Why’s this guy a commander now?” And I was like, “What do you mean he’s a commander?” Honestly, Nick is just like a piece of furniture. I barely notice him onscreen lol. Okay, this has nothing to do with my dislike of him. It honestly does not make any sense. We saw that other Commander only got promoted because his wife got pregnant. WHY THE FUCK WOULD THEY PROMOTE NICK? What on god’s green earth has he EVER fucking done well? Why the shitting hell would they promote a Guardian who, under his watch, has had one handmaid kill herself, another one escape/”get kidnapped”, wife cheat on him then get executed, allow a BABY to get kidnapped, the house get burned down????? All those things seem like Very Bad things and put all together seem like something that would put him on the Wall for being such a shitty employee rather than someone who deserves MORE responsibility. There’s literally no reason to make him a Commander. Just conscript him to the Chicago front. You don’t need a reason. He’s a grunt. Eye or not. I DO NOT GET IT. Fred gets demoted and Nick gets promoted? Nahhhhh mans. Not buying it.
So little Nick. I love it. I want zero Nick, but this’ll do. I’ll even put up with him being a Commander (LMAO) if it means he goes away for a while.
Lawrence calling out June’s terrible seduction technique (it is really bad), and calling Fred stupid = :} 
OK BACK TO THE BURNING WATERFORD HOUSE... i cannot abide how SLOW June is ALL. THE. FUCKING. TIME. Like, she shows up in Serena’s little pyromaniacal bedroom inferno and is like “COME ON!” and pulls her out of the room in what appears to be a hurry. Then as Serena and Rita are rushing out June just fucking stops and starts staring at all the smoke as if she’s on fucking shrooms. Then there she goes on her bullshit... Hey, bish, the house is literally burning down cos your crazy ass soulmate set fire to her own life and maybe you should leave. No? Not interested? Sure, stand there. Feel up the walls like I did once on MDMA. Makes total fucking sense. TAKE YOUR TIME WHY DON’T YOU? Why not? It just reminded me of 2x13 when Rita was saying “You gotta leave NOW!” and June just took it upon herself to carve a bunch of shit onto the wall for no goddamn reason.
OKAY. I WAS RIGHT. The other night when I was like, “I think I know that beach.” I do know that beach!!! My dog likes to take dumps right where Serena was. (I clean up after him, don’t worry.) I can point out that beach on a map if you want. There are also heroin needles and ticks in the bushes. There is literally a water treatment plant 200m away. I go swimming exactly where Serena was and once a dead fish floated by and I had to wrestle my dog away from it. I have been swimming there a lot. It’s nice in the summer. HOWEVER, poor Yvonne in her drysuit doing that in fucking November or whatever. This lake is fucking cold even in summer sometimes lmao. Like, I’ve spent so many hours right in that spot... cos well, I used to live right up the road so duh. Of course now that I don’t live there now and it was winter so why would I take my dog swimming, that they decide to film there. OF COURSE.
Speaking of filming, not that anyone cares, they were at the St Lawrence Market at one point. It was so obvious. Wasn’t really paying attention to any of the other locales tbh. If I watch again and pay attention I prolly could pick out a few more but honestly the only person that entertains is myself.
I still can’t believe Serena was being reborn on dogshit/dead fish beach. 
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mmazzeroo · 5 years
Chapter 15 - NED IV - That’s A Big Campfire
@helloimnotawesome - Chapter 15 updated. I’m SO sorry for the long wait. Thought I forgot about you, didn’t you ;) Well....finally there’s a new update for you as well as a new mood board :) Enjoy, my friend! <3 
EDIT: Posted this earlier with the mood board but it got flagged!!! Stupid Dumblr, so while waiting the staff to realise their mistake here’s a repost and you’ll have to go AO3 to see the mood board. Sorry about that sweetie <3
NED IV - That’s A Big Campfire
"In a heartbeat, Dr. Stark!"
"Thank you so much, Sam," the boy is still so formal, "and Sam?"
"Yes, Dr. Stark?"
"Call me Ned, please." He smiled to himself.
"Ah right, yes, of course Dr. Stark...Sorry! Ned..." He could practically hear Sam blushing over the phone.
"Good! Now, once again thank you for helping with this, Sam."
"My pleasure, Dr. S..Ned."
Again, he chuckled at Sam's overly politeness. "Won't take more of your time. See you in a couple of weeks," not waiting for Sam's answer he hung up the phone. Crossing the big field of grass behind Dragonstone castle, he walked over to his wife and Rhaella currently busy cooing over his grandchildren who were rolling around on a blanket placed on the grass in the shadow of a beautiful old tree.
"Just spoke to Sam - it's all set."
"Wonderful, honey! He's going to be so surprised!" His wife was beaming up at him.
"Hopefully only in a positive way. I don't exactly have a good track-record when it comes to surprising my eldest son." He sighed as he looked around searching for the man in question.
"Oh stop it!" Rhaella grabbed his arm and pulled him down to sit between her and Catelyn. "He'll be so excited I bet he'll go speechless. You didn't see his sad puppy face when he was on the phone with Robb that day and had to tell him no. He looked like he thought he'd be ruining his brother's big day because of it. We didn't see him again until nightfall."
"He was always an emotional boy, Ned. Considering what he's lived through it's remarkable he's still able to be this empathetic." Catelyn gently stroked him down his cheek and kissed him. "Jon has a good heart. Been put back together with countless stitches yes, but at it's core still true and pure. He'll be over the moon when he sees what you and Robb has arranged."
He couldn't help smile at his wife's wise words. My sweet gentle sons. Trying to catch up on the time they lost together. "You're of course right - both of you." He quickly smiled at both women sitting on either side of him. "Instead of worrying I'll look forward to seeing some joy on my son's face." Joy! Wouldn't that be a sight!
"That's the spirit!" Rhaella gave him a big smile and light-heartedly nudged his shoulder with her own. "Now, not that I didn't know already, but I must say Robb has made a fabulous choice for his future wife." She nodded her head slightly to the riders further down the field.
Margaery and Sansa where on each their horse accompanying little Rhaenys on her pony between them. Rhaenys was in awe of both. Earlier in the day they had been sitting in the grass braiding each other's hair, adding flowers to the braids and even making garlands that they'd been wearing like crowns. He had to admit he found it adorable how the two took the time for Rhaenys and indulged her. Arya, on the other hand had rolled her eyes, pretending to gag and walked away. Oh how he loved his two girls. So different yet so similar. Just don't tell them that! They had the same fierce spirit, though when it came to expressing said spirit they'd chosen different ends of the spectre. Arya was, for the most part, hit first ask later. Sansa, on the other hand, would take the hits yet refuse to give in. My wild wolf and quiet wolf. Interestingly, he'd noticed a change in both over the past 5-6 months that Jon had been here at Dragonstone and everyone had made sure to make frequent visits whenever schedules allowed. The only one flying in a few times a week was Viserys for his therapy sessions with Jon. Arya was gradually beginning to show signs of something he could've sworn was a foreign concept to her - patience. Who would've ever thought! And Sansa, oh Sansa! She was slowly coming out of her shell, walking and talking with a little more confidence every day, and she was biting back. When Catelyn had told him that Sansa had suggested wearing a sleeveless dress as a bridesmaid, if Margaery agreed, his eyes had overflowed with tears. His shy, broken girl wanting to proudly put her scars on display like that to the world made his heart melt with pride and fatherly love. If I ever get my hands on Joffrey or Ramsey I'll smother them with my own bare hands!! Margaery, of course, had happily and eagerly agreed, knowing what a huge step this was for Sansa.
He couldn't help wonder what it was that caused all these changes. Has Jon returning helped fill a void we each had in our hearts? Is our individual healing contributing to us heal as a family? Have we all found our 'missing piece' in our lives and souls? Or are my girls just growing and maturing at their own natural pace? No, it was all connected to Jon one way or another. By his attempts to reconnect with his siblings and family for his own healing he was helping them with theirs as well. He knew Jon didn't necessarily do this knowingly. After all, the young man was simply trying to regain what he thought he'd lost. However, when he saw anyone in need of help - in anything - he immediately jumped in to provide any assistance he could. He'd always done that even as a little boy. Jon didn't want to see anyone in pain or suffering for any reason. Once again he was taken aback by his son's willingness to help others even if it meant at the expense of his own health. He had done so for years as a member of the Night's Watch, and it became even more ironic when taking into account Jon's blood type. O negative, also known as the universal giver because all other blood types could receive it without trouble - Jon however if given any blood type other than his own would die. It was as if the Gods had forged him to endure heartbreak, pain and suffering for the sake of others, to shield others, to help and save others. What was it Jon had said a few months ago? 'The same hammer that breaks glass forges steel'. That's it! Jon is teaching Sansa that she's steel while all this time she thought of herself as glass! Except he's hitting her with buckets of love. Ha! Jon you brilliant man! He made a mental note to go properly thank the gods when he returned to Winterfell before the wedding. Gods, the wedding! For a minute there he'd completely forgotten everything about it.  
He was happy for Robb and Margaery, but at the same time he couldn't understand his little boy had grown up so fast. Oh Ned, you sentimental old fool. Every parent thinks that. He shook his head slightly. In just a few weeks his son and heir to the title of Lord of Winterfell would be marrying the granddaughter of President Olenna Tyrell. It was quite a match and the media and the public loved it! The media! Damnit! Another thing we need to try to prepare Jon for.
Just after New Year's the Starks and Targaryens had sent out a joint press release informing the public of the miraculous return of Jonathan Dayne, heir to Starfall and the son of Eddard Stark and late Ashara Dayne. The families asked to kindly give Jon and his family time and space to recover from the shock, and any press inquiries could be directed to Mr. Tyrion Lannister. Shortly after the President had made a public statement that the Starks were collaborating closely with the authorities, and that further investigations into the events of the years since Captain Dayne's kidnapping and the people involved were already under way, and how she was hoping to hear about more families being united despite all the time passed. The public had responded overwhelmingly positive and sympathy messages online and offline had poured in. Especially messages from Dorne and the city of Starfall was filled with excitement of how they'd welcome him back home with open arms. Luckily, Jon and the cinnabons, thank you for that nickname Arya, had managed to remain sheltered on Dragonstone for the past almost 6 months. Now though it was time for him to step out into the limelight and take his 'rightful' place in the media as the Lord of Starfall. Viserys had assured him that Jon was ready for the circus and that he'd be alright surrounded by family. At least he'll have Dany by his side as well.
"Speaking of future spouses," his wife interrupted his busy mind, "your daughter has made a wise choice herself, if I may say so."
"Indeed! She's had a few trial and errors, but I have a good feeling about this new man in her life." In a mirthful tone Rhaella continued, "I have on good authority that he's from a reputable family, and he's even a war hero!"
"Oh my! What a catch!" Catelyn played along with Rhaella's joking tone and comically pretended to be fanning herself. "But is he handsome? No fun in bagging a man if he's looking like an oaf!"
"Believe me my friend when I tell you he's the prettiest in all the lands!"
He couldn't stop himself from rolling his eyes. Giggling like school girls!! Gods!
Catelyn wrapped her arm around his waist. "Oh c'mon, Ned, have a laugh!"
"Not as long as you call any son of mine 'pretty'!" He said feigning offence.
"But it's the truth, dear Neddy!" Really don't like it when she calls me that. "Next month at Margaery and Robb's wedding there'll be swooning left and right over all of your sons, but in particularly your eldest. Oh Cat, can you imagine how dashing he'll look in his uniform?! I might even swoon!"
All three of them laughed out loud at that image. Rhaella herself so much she had her head leaned back and holding on to him to keep from toppling over.
They all sat quiet for a bit trying to catch their breath again.
"On a serious note though, I do have a good feeling about those two. They are clearly good for each other, and in due time I expect it to naturally end in vows as well." Rhaella stretched her arms and tickled little Adei and Amador on their little chubby baby stomachs and the air was instantly filled with delighted baby giggles. "They are both mature enough to understand that this is something that needs to be done slowly. It warms my old heart to see them take their time to get to know each other and enjoy each other and not rush in like headless chickens." She turned her head a gave him and Catelyn a warm smile.
"They grow up so fast don't they?" His wife was looking at the babies with a wistful look in her eyes. "Oh by the way before I forget, Margaery and I have managed to colour coordinate Dany's maid-of-honour dress to the colours on Jon's uniform. Wasn't easy as the blue and red doesn't exactly go with the colour scheme of the wedding, but we made it work." She flashed a satisfied smile before adding, "with a little help from Sansa as well."
"And what did my daughter say to the changes?" Rhaella had an amused look on her face as if fighting to hold back a laugh.
"She doesn't know. We didn't want her to keep secrets from Jon. Not telling how the bride and her maids will be dressed is one thing, but in this case the reason why would be a big secret."
"Thank you!" He leaned in and give his wife a tender kiss on her temple. She clearly understands how sensitive Jon is about secrets. Gods I love her!
"When she questioned it, Sansa told her that all the Starks were colour matched with the bride as a way of symbolically welcoming her to the pack. Dany of course still looked a bit sceptical." She chuckled at the memory. "So Margaery simply told her it was a bride's prerogative to change her mind."
"Of course!" Rhaelle chimed in clearly amused at the story.
"So that means she'll be as surprised when she sees him as he will seeing her?" He was a little puzzled.
She chuckled. "Yes. She's just expecting him to show up in the traditional morning suit."
"Oh, we better be ready to catch two pairs of young lovers when they see each other that day then!" Once again Rhaella and his wife were giggling like school girls. Once again he caught himself rolling his eyes at them.
Catelyn cheerfully slapped him on his arm. "Don't tell me you weren't thinking the same thing, Ned." Actually I wasn't. "Jon won't even notice the bride walking right behind Dany, nor will Robb notice anyone in front of Margaery!" Again he was surrounded by contagious laughing and he willingly joined in. Gods, she's right!
"I take it Arya enjoyed joining the boys for her first tailor-made suit?"
"Immensely! Although she did find the whole 'having to stand still'-part very tedious." Both women joined in his laughter.
"Well my dear, she is our wild wolf after all." There was so much love in Catelyn's eyes and voice when she said it that he had to kiss her.
Pulling back he looked in his wife's beautiful blue eyes and said, "that she is."
Rhaella cleared her throat as she with an innocent voice said, "want me to leave?"
"Oh stop it, Ella! You're just jealous." Catelyn teased back
"I am actually but that wasn't my point." Laughingly Rhaella wrapped little sleeping Adei in a blanket and stood up.
Catelyn wrapped up Amador, still looking curiously around. As she stood up she placed the little boy in his arms and she packed up the big blanket they'd been sitting on.
"Should I be concerned though," he caught the two women's curious look now, "that our little wild wolf will throw a fit because she won't fit with her new favourite brother now?"
Catelyn and Rhaella shared a look he couldn't quite decipher though there was a hit of worry there.
"Well...," his wife looped her arm with his, "what colour tie and waistcoat will she be wearing?"
"All groomsmen have grey waistcoats and colour of tie is set to match the bridesmaid. Being Arya she of course chose a gold coloured tie, and though her and Bran have switched places I don't think you'll get her to change the colour of her tie. Sorry ladies."
"Oh no, gold should fit well with the golden pieces on Jon's uniform so we should be in the clear. Thank the gods!" His wife huffed out a sigh of relief and Rhaella was just chuckling next to them.
As they were crossing over to where the boys had made camp Catelyn suddenly stopped by his side, pointed and laughed. "How much wood did you tell them to use, Ned? That's big a campfire!"
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gokinjeespot · 5 years
off the rack #1241
Monday, December 17, 2018
 I got sucked into the vortex that happens this time of year for social events that I couldn't avoid. We went out to dinner on Friday at Grow Your Roots Café in Kanata with our vegetarian friends to celebrate my and Brian's birthdays, which are two weeks apart in December. I actually enjoyed my beyond meat burger platter. Way better than A&W's, although to be fair I haven't had the fast food version yet, but Brian has. And their fries were excellent too. Saturday was date night with dinner at the Yangtze Restaurant on Somerset Street and then crossing Arthur Street to Bar Robo to see the Tony D Trio. I've always wanted to see Tony D play live and this was a great chance to do that. It was intimate and we got a great table. We stayed for both sets and got home just before midnight. Not bad for an old fogey. The rocking music helped me stay awake. Sunday morning found us at the Carleton Tavern having breakfast at 9 AM. We try to see Sam the chef before Christmas and wish him and his family all the best for the holidays. Sam spoils us. You can tell he piles a lot more food on our plates than for other diners. You get that when you've patronized a place for 40 years. And finally, I venture out tonight to go see the Aquaman movie with my Jee-Riz partner Chris. I hear Amber Heard is in it.
 X-23 #7 - Mariko Tamaki (writer) Diego Olortegui (pencils) Walden Wong (inks) Chris O'Halloran (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). X-Assassin part 1. You can safely jump onto this book right here with this new story. Laura and Gabby help out the NYPD with a serial murder case and the killer is something brand new. I like the connection between the assassin, X-23 and Honey Badger and the new art team did a great job so I'm going to keep reading.
 Doctor Strange: The Best Defense #1 - Gerry Duggan (writer) Greg Smallwood (art) VC's Cory Petit (letters). By the Vishanti was this ever good. These Defender one-shots are thoroughly worth reading if you're a big Marvel Fan. Greg did a wonderful tribute to Steve Ditko in a two page spread and I loved his Clea. The stabby guy in the bed sheet is still killing aliens too.
 The Silver Surfer: The Best Defense #1 - Jason Latour (writer & art) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). My hopes for all of the Defenders one-shots to be stellar were dashed with this one. Norrin Radd doesn't even appear until way later in the story. It starts off incomprehensibly with a bunch of aliens and ends with a lot of new age gobbledy goop that the Surfer spouts while floating in space. The crazy knife wielding Halloween ghost only shows up in two panels so that was disappointing as well. The only thing I liked was when the Surfer's board takes off eh.
 Magic Order #5 - Mark Millar (writer) Olivier Coipel (art) Dave Stewart (colours) Peter Doherty (letters). This is the penultimate issue with many shocking revelations. It sets up next issue's conclusion beautifully. I can hardly wait to find out what happens.
 Miles Morales: Spider-Man #1/LGY #241 - Saladin Ahmed (writer) Javier Garron (art) David Curiel (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). Yay! This did not suck. I was so afraid that the new Miles book would not stand up to the high standard that I put on it when Brian Michael Bendis was writing his adventures. Saladin Ahmed did an excellent job here and it helped that Javier Garron's art rocked the whole issue. You get all you need to know to enjoy this Spider-Man even if you didn't read the 240 issues leading up to this. I admit I did a little eye roll when the super villain showed up but then there's a twist that made me give a cheer. I can't wait for the next issue, and that's the magic that Brian used to make that kept me reading.
 The Batman Who Laughs #1 - Scott Snyder (writer) Jock (art) David Baron (colours) Sal Cipriano (letters). I was going to give this 6-issue mini a pass because I didn't like the whole Dark Nights Metal storyline but I thought I'd give Scott Snyder another chance. He presents a very different kind of dark knight that I still do not like so I won't finish reading this story either, but that's just me. If you want to see what happens when Batman gets turned into the Joker (WTF?) then you'll want to read this.
 Goddess Mode #1 - Zoe Quinn (writer) Robbi Rodriguez (art) Rico Renzi (colours) Simon Bowland (letters). This new Vertigo book takes place in a very colourful future where folks live in a virtual reality because the real world sucks. Cassandra Price is a coder who works for the corporation that controls the VR. A glitch sends her into another reality and there she meets three other women and I think they go fight evil forces. This book is very bright and very tech and text heavy. I felt like I didn't get to know Cassandra very well before she gets transformed into a goddess and her situation is very confusing. This book is not to my taste unfortunately.
 The Unstoppable Wasp #3/LGY #11 - Jeremy Whitley (writer) Gurihiru (art) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). A.I.M. has broken into Pym Labs to steal tech and Nadia must save her friends and keep the bad guys from getting away. These foes are quite formidable and even with the help of the original Wasp and Mockingbird, the bad guys win. I like the new A.I.M. villains and want to learn more about them.
 Avengers #11/LGY #701 - Jason Aaron (writer) Ed McGuinness & Cory Smith (pencils) Mark Morales, Scott Hanna & Karl Kesel (inks/finishers) Erick Arciniega (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). It's the calm before the next storm. According to the cover Jason's other story in Thor, "The War of the Realms", will cross over into this book in 4 months. Meanwhile, T'Challa meets with some international super heroes to try and form an alliance to keep the world safe. Thor and She-Hulk go on a date and Phil Coulson explains why there's a Squadron Supreme of America. See, it's not always massive alien invasions and war with Namor.
 Fantastic Four Wedding Special #1 - This lead in one-shot to Fantastic Four #650 has 3 stories.
"(Invisible) Girls Gone Wild" by Gail Simone (writer) Laura Braga (art) Jesus Aburtov (colours) & VC's Joe Caramagna (letters) is a silly bachelorette party at a strip joint with Alicia's friends and some of Sue's super powered buddies. I expected better from Gail.
"Father Figure" by Dan Slott (writer) Mark Buckingham (pencils) Mark Farmer (inks) Matt Yackey (colours) & VC's Joe Caramagna (letters) reminded me of who Alicia's step-father is. I was touched as I remembered asking Mr. Fowler for Penny's hand in marriage. I loved the job the two Marks did. I would have sworn Jack Kirby drew this.
"The Puppet Master's Lament" by Fred Hembeck (writer & art) & Megan Wilson (colours) was a monologue recap of Ben and Alicia's relationship. It was typical Fred Hembeck humour.
You really don't have to read this since there's nothing here that impacts the wedding much but it's a nice accompaniment to the big day.
 Sasquatch Detective #1 - Brandee Stilwell (creator & writer). This $7.99 US 64-page special continues the beloved tradition of silly funny animal comic books that used to rule the racks. Too bad it doesn't cost 25 cents like back in the fifties. You get the origin story by Ron Randall (art) Ross Campbell (colours) & Dave Sharpe (letters). This will tell you how Tonya Mae Lightfoot from the Appalachian Mountains leaves her Sasquatch family to go to Los Angeles and join the LAPD. What follows are five short stories where Tonya solves crimes. I would not have wanted to read this big book normally, but the art throughout is really good. Thanks to Gustavo Vazques (art) & Chris Sotomayor (colours) in "Sasquatch Anniversary"; Gustavo Vazques (art) & Ross Campbell (colours) in "Unsolved Mysteries", "Neighbourhood Watch", "Arrest and Relaxation" & "Smoke and Mirrors". There are even some cameos by some DC heroes as a bonus.
 Batman Annual #3 - Tom Taylor (writer) Otto Schmidt (art) A Larger World's Troy Peteri (letters). If Tom King ever leaves Batman I hope that Tom Taylor takes over the writing chores. I love when Alfred is featured but only if it's very well written and this story is very well written indeed. The relationship between Alfred and Batman/Bruce is special and this story proves just how special. If you're a Batman fan but don't normally get the annual, you have to get this one.
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