#‘autistic people understand sarcasm! it’s just neurotypicals who don’t understand when *we’re* sarcastic so when we respond to sarcasm with
skeleton-monarch · 1 year
oh my god some of y’all really do think all your autistic symptoms are universal autistic experiences. half the posts i see on here are “i don’t actually struggle, others just don’t understand me. obviously autistic people are just misunderstood” and i’m sitting here like. no. i struggle with that. i’m not being misunderstood. i genuinely cannot grasp that concept, it’s not the other way around.
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minnnieminmin · 3 years
30 days of autism acceptance but i only choose the prompts i want to:
April 3rd: How do you feel about dating/romantic relationships? Have you dated in the past/are you currently in a relationship/do you eventually want one? Do you feel that your experience of autism/stereotypes around autism and relationships impacts this? 
-have never dated and don’t have any desire to. 
April 4th: Are there any topics regarding autism that you feel don’t get discussed enough?
-oof, a lot. the fact that allistics/NT’s still talk over us/treat us like children, advocate for the wrong autism charities because they couldn’t be assed to google an actual good one. the fact everyone thinks we’re either useless members of society or that we all have some super special talented that ‘’makes up’’ for our autism. i have lots more but i’ll keep it short.
April 7th: How are you with sarcasm and/or metaphors/figures of speech? Do you interpret things very literally?
-i’m actually very good at sarcasm. mostly because of NT’s who think i’m dumb so i retort with very sarcastic answers just to shove it in their faces. no i don’t take everything literally either
April 10th: How important is representation to you? Is the representation that is out there generally good or bad? What is your favorite piece of representation? What you like to see more of in autism representation? What would you like to see less of?
-it’s important but it’s not at the very top of my list tbh.
April 11th: What are your thoughts/feelings about masking (a term for when autistic people hide their autistic traits)? Do you mask? 
-i mask a lot. mostly because i’m scared of being seen as ‘’overly autistic’’ because of, ya you know, ableism.
April 12th: Is there anything you find hard to do because of being autistic? Is there anything that you find easy?
-hard: talking to strangers, change. easy: talking/having deep conversations, reading facial expressions/body language, using sarcasm
April 14th: What do you like about being autistic?
-having special interests/hyperfixations (NT’s will never understand lmao), being a lot more genuine, honest and nicer than the average NT.
April 15th: Do you work? If so, what is that like for you? Are you open about being autistic at work? Alternatively, how open are you about being autistic? Do you tell a lot of people? Or just a select few? How do people normally react when you tell them? If you don’t tell people, then why? 
-i don’t work and i’m embarrassed by it. 
April 16th: What did it feel like when you interacted with other autistic people for the first time? What does the autistic community mean to you? How important is it? 
-it’s great to have a place where you’re understood and you can vent about our struggles. the community really helped me accept myself in a lot of ways. shout out to y’all 
April 17th: How do you feel about terms like “special needs”?
-not a fan but if other ND’s like it then that’s fine 
April 18th: Talk about identity. Is being autistic an important part of your identity? What does being autistic mean to you? Which do you prefer: identity first or person first language and why? 
-i used to use person with autism but then i recently changed over to autistic person. i think of it in two ways. that A) it’s only a small piece of the whole pie that is me/my personality. and B) even saying that it still does color everything that i do. every choice i made is because i’m autistic. i literally can’t help that
 April 19th: Do you enjoy music, or do you find it overstimulating? If you do like music, what kind of music do you prefer?
-people who listen to music all the time honestly confuse me. i only actively listen to music when i really want to/crave it. sometimes i’ll fixation on the same song/same band for a week or more. i do get overwhelmed if i listen to music for too long though
April 20th: What are some things that allistic people do that you find confusing?
-everything lol.  
April 21st: Do you stim? If so, what are your favourite ways of stimming? What does stimming feel like for you? 
-hand flaps, cracking knuckles (i know it’s bad yeah yeah), vocal stims (just high pitched noises) bite the inside of my mouth, probably other minor ones that i’m forgetting
April 22nd: What are some things allistic people can do to better support/accommodate autistic people?
-just not be ableist pricks and talk over us all the time. abolish autismspeaks and other sites similar to it. not solely focus on autistic children but teenagers and especially adults too. stop having both very low or very high expectations of us, stop treating autistic adults like children, stop making us think that we’re a burden, stop using us to make yourselves look better.
April 25th: Do you experience executive dysfunction? If so, how often? What is it like for you? What do you wish neurotypicals understood about it?
-yes!!! i use the spoon theory thing. it’s very annoying to have tbh, especially when you want to do things that you actually enjoy but can’t do. NT’s need to understand that’s not being lazy it’s being mentally and physically unable to do certain things. 
April 27th: What is your favourite form of media? For example, do you enjoy books? What format do you prefer for books (physical, e-book, audiobook)? Did you love reading as a kid but find it challenging as you got older? How about movies, tv, or video games? Do you have a favourite series? 
-youtube, tv shows and movies are my favorite medium. 
April 28th: If you could give advice to someone who just found out that they are autistic, what advice would you give? 
-i’d give them a friendly slap on the back and say ‘’good luck pal’’ lol. honestly though even i don’t know what to do i’m still trying to figure it out
April 30th: What would you like your overall message for autism acceptance month to be? 
-just that we’re cool people and NT’s need to shut the fuck up and sit down and listen tbh
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ellatheneonlight · 3 years
Hello again.😀
For the autism ask meme, I would like to know:
1, 5, 12, 18, 36, 38, 41, 46 and 49?
I know that´s quite a lot, but I find this topic really interesting. Especially because in real life, I know no one with autism (at least as far as I know), so I would really like to hear a bit more about it, especially from someone who actually have it, because I think what you and people like you can say about it, is much more worth than something that I just read in a book (unless it was written by an autistic person, of course🙂).
Also, I hope the questions I picked are okay for you. If there´s something you don´t want to talk about, then just tell me so and don´t answer the question, that´s completely fine with me.😊 I don´t want you to feel pressured to talk about something, you´re not comfortable with.
Hello hello hellooooo! :3
I absolutely appreciate it when people like to know about autism, it really makes me happy because then it feels like we're understood and seen as human beings!
It's completely okay to ask anything about autism with me so don't worry I'm not offended! :D
Anyways...let's get to the questions!
(1) How old were you when you found out you were autistic?
I got diagnosed with autism when I was 4 years old, but I didn't care that I had it, yes my mom told me that I had autism but I didn't think about it until I was maybe 10, but even when I was 10 and now I don't think about it that much!
(5)What do you wish more people knew about autism?
OOoooo there's a lot I wish people knew about it!
Like that we're not all super genius people who're the best at math and that we have no social skills and barely if ever socialize with people.
Yes, I know that there are some people with autism who're like that I won't deny it, but I would say that many of us (including me) love socializing but it's sometimes hard for some of us to read social cues like when someone doesn't wanna listen to what you're saying, etc.
A lot of us are either of average or a little bit above average IQ.
Some of us are either average in math or not so good, like me for example...I'm absolutely HORRIBLE at math like I still have to use a 3 graders math book that's how bad I am at math XD
and that not all of us have sensory problems like me I don't have any sensory problems, yes I do feel disgusted about certain sights and smells but I think most people would feel the same.
And that not all of us have anxiety, like me I don't have anxiety.
I can't come up with much more at the moment! x3
(12) Do you headcanon any characters as autistic? If you want, tell us why you headcanon them as autistic.
I don't exactly headcanon him as autistic but I do think that he has some autistic traits and that is the legend Bubba Sawyer.
Yes, I know that he's intellectually disabled with very unfortunate circumstances and I do believe that most of the behavior is because of disability but let me tell you the autistic traits he has.
1. He has trouble with socializing like you know, he speaks gibberish and has a hard time explaining things (Even though Drayton seems to understand his gibberish)
2. He becomes absolutely distraught when he sees the group walk into the house like he frantically looks around and he looks so scared and distressed.
3. He loves wearing masks to presumably not get much sensory input? (I know that the movie creators said that Bubba wears these masks because they're like different personalities.)
(18) Do you find it easier to get along with other autistic people?
Yes definitely! It's so easy (for me at least) to become friends with other autistic people like for example with Mikael, we meet literally on Thursday and we've literally become friends within a day and that's so nice! x3
I do think that becoming friends with Neurotypcials can be quite hard since many of them have social expectations and they think that you're either wired and/or they won't socialize with you.
While the ones with autism that I've meet and have become friends it's like an instant connection and we don't have social expectations so we will literally talk about anything to the other person like we've known each other for years! x3
(36) Do you have routines that you have to follow? What's in your routine?
Nope! I don't have a routine, I do things whenever I want to! :)
(38) How good are you at detecting sarcasm?
I do think I'm pretty good at it because I have a lot of people who are sarcastic (which I'm as well) so sarcasm is not a problem to me, it's neither hard for me from text form! :)
(41) If you date people then would you prefer to date other autistic people?
I haven't dated in my life so I don't know, but what I would say is that I don't care if the person I'm dating is autistic or not, as long as the person is kind and willing to understand.
(46) Are you generally a loud or quiet person?
I'm quite loud, I talk to myself loudly, I speak to my family and friends loudly. x3 But I do keep my voice down when I'm with other people who're sensitive to loud sounds like my friend Molly! :3
(49) What's something you find hard to do because of autism?
Not much really but for me, it can be hard to become friends with neurotypicals as stated in one of the questions above. But other than that there's not much I can think of! :3
If you have more questions about autism you can ask me if you want to of course! :)
Thank you and have a wonderful birthday, Goldie! :3
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