skeleton-monarch · 3 hours
i love this comic, partially because it covers an important topic and also partially because it very simply shows just how ingrained this thinking is. this whole comic, people engaging in polarized thinking are visibly more blue than the other people. instead of talking about how people are not good or bad, we’re talking about how they’re good and bad.
it demonstrates the concept in the most digestible way and in doing so becomes the concept.
there’s no greater moral story to this comment, it’s something i noticed the first time i reblogged this but i couldn’t find it again when i had the energy to type things out.
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I’m really tired of seeing people broken up into labels of absolutes.
People are not just “good” or “bad”.
People are not a list of labels. 
People are complex, situations are complex.
I know, that makes it a lot harder when you want to just write off everything someone’s ever done as bad – but that’s not how people actually are, and it would do everyone good to stop pretending they are.
I am tired of hearing about the fear people have in putting themselves out there. And it is a scary thing! Putting yourself out there means subjecting yourself to people who want a really good reason to tear you down, who will jump at the first chance to feel “good” by labeling someone else as “bad”.
I reject this. I reject the idea that there should be fear in speaking up and talking about experiences and trying to reach an understanding of a situation.
I’m unhappy to see people spitefully urging others to cut off ties with their friends under the guise of “well, that person’s just inherently bad, so if you talk to them you’re bad too.” That is fucked up. You definitely have the right to let the friend know you don’t want to hear about whoever troubles you, but you do not at all have the right to decide who their friends should be. This includes guilt trips.
Anyway, just try to be more aware of others. Everyone else is a person like you. They might not have the same experiences as you. They might not understand how their words are harmful, or how what they’re doing is wrong. They certainly won’t if you never tell them.
Most people are trying to be good, but they’re going to mess it up sometimes. Try to keep that in mind. Even when people do really fucked up shit, sometimes they are trying to do good. “The road to hell is paved with good intentions” and all that.
Nothing gets solved, no growth happens when you put people into a box from which you’ll never let them escape.
Yes, you absolutely must be careful about people who have tendencies and patterns that are harmful to you. Sometimes people try to overcome those patterns and they fail, and you have to distance yourself from them: that is the sad reality of life. Sometimes though, they can overcome it. But they certainly won’t if the first thing you do is write them off after a fuck up. 
Be sincere. Use your best judgment.
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skeleton-monarch · 3 hours
I need to (remembers to not make casual suicide jokes in order to encourage a more outwardly positive mindset and healthy conversational environment in my day to day life) kill myself
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skeleton-monarch · 6 hours
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skeleton-monarch · 6 hours
love going on callout posts for "thinks cnc is okay" and seeing people talk about how us freaks need the electric chair. fantasizing about violence is okay as long as its not sexual, funny that
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skeleton-monarch · 6 hours
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i literally cannot stop. will reblog with the link once i’m done.
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skeleton-monarch · 7 hours
do you have any tips or tricks for aseprite? I’m fairly newish to it and am still trying to learn the basics of pixels art. Specifically, do you have anything for blending pixels together or giving the illusion of blending, as well as any tips for dithering? I adore your pixel art and it’s given me the motivation to try at it again after dropping it off years ago. You’re incredibly skilled!
thank you!!!
for blending, instead of using a blur tool we do something called manual Anti-Aliasing, here is a video on the topic. i mostly use either 1 colour AA or 2-colour AA
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No AA // 1 colour AA 2 colour AA // 3 Colour AA U can do even more colours in the AA btw!! theres no limit but it does get more blurry and soft so beware
I would typically do something like the bottom left, using 2 colours, but they all look different in context. i would advise you to use the preview window and see how it looks at the small 1x view, AA can really change the silhouette of something
for actual colour blending i typically take the eyedropper tool to select my base colour and make the transparency of it 50%.
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then i will draw over the colour i want to blend with then colourpick the middle colour i do that all the time and change the hue just a tiny bit
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anti alias or add more colours where you would typically blur or blend in painting and leave everything else more sharp, be mindful of your hard and soft edges
hope that helps !! u shoudl check out more of mortmorts videos his stuff really helped me when i was starting out! he has one for dithering i believe (im not really a dithering artist myself so maybe he can be more helpful)
other tips for aseprite - my friend made this video of lesser known tricks
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skeleton-monarch · 10 hours
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skeleton-monarch · 10 hours
When Everything Everywhere All at Once said “The only thing I do know is that we have to be kind. Please, be kind, especially when we don’t know what’s going on" 
When the Good Place said “Why choose to be good every day when there is no guaranteed reward now or in the afterlife… I argue that we choose to be good because of our bonds with other people and our innate desire to treat them with dignity. Simply put, we are not in this alone.” 
When Jean-Paul Sartre said ”‘Hell is other people’ is only one side of the coin. The other side, which no one seems to mention, is also ‘Heaven is each other’. Hell is separateness, uncommunicability, self-centeredness, lust for power, for riches, for fame. Heaven on the other hand is very simple, and very hard: caring about your fellow beings.“
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skeleton-monarch · 10 hours
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its working
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skeleton-monarch · 10 hours
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some of my favorite replies to this tweet. happy lesbian visibility week!
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skeleton-monarch · 16 hours
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skeleton-monarch · 16 hours
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Don't let this memory fade away
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skeleton-monarch · 16 hours
I think one of my favorite DnD Things is when random rolls become retroactive Lore/Quirks for the character. Not even as a DM ruling, I mean something the whole table adopts organically, whether seriously or as a running joke.
A paladin I DMd for failing every single perception roll turned into him canonically needing glasses and not realizing it.
A combination of failed perception checks and concentration saves becoming a character having ADHD and that getting worked into the acting.
My gnome barbarian with low intimidation rolls despite doing/saying some actually terrifying things suddenly having a voice that cracks like the "WHEN WILL YOU LEARN?! WHEN WILL YOU LEARN?! THAT YOUR ACTIONS!! HAVE CONSEQUENCES!!" kid when he shouts.
Or my favorite, my tabaxi artificer, Gus, comedically failing every religion check when it comes to praying so now it's a whole plot point that gods literally do not perceive him.
(Yes this is an invitation to reply or tell me in the tags if you've had any canon-altering rolls like this I love PC stories)
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skeleton-monarch · 16 hours
its crazy growing up and realizing how deranged everyone is and how many problems everyone has. in such mundane ways. your waiter at olive garden believes in q anon. the woman doing your x ray just moved in with a guy she met a week ago. your insurance agent is a hoarder. etc.
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skeleton-monarch · 16 hours
If you go to the park at 3 in the morning the cops make a whole production out of it but what the fuck else am I supposed to do at 3 in the morning?
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skeleton-monarch · 1 day
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skeleton-monarch · 1 day
Panda Pearl Webcomic Promotion
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hello all! It's been a hot minute since I made a proper promotion for Panda Pearl, so. I guess this is it!
What IS Panda Pearl? It is a comic that's been in development for 11 years, officially launching on Webtoons in 2018. It is written and drawn by myself, @/pandrena, and my partner @/servantparent co-writes and gives input on its creation. It updates somewhat slowly, but it's currently on Chapter 13!
What's the plot? Initially, it begins with a young bunny girl named Maria being sent on a quest by her father to collect a magical item known as "Panda Pearls". These are pearls that form a panda themed eyepatch that her uncle wears. In order to obtain them, the plan is to kill her uncle.
She has to kill her uncle?! Well, as it turns out, there's more to the story. How couldn't there be? Her uncle seems more willing to hand over the pearls than expected, after all, and eager to die. But his untimely transformation into a monster kind of throws a wrench in...everything. That's the biggest spoiler you get...Ha, get it? The monster is big...
What should I look out for? What might bother me? There's much blood in the comic and some decent amount of implied or mentioned gore. There's parental death, familial death in general, and body horror. All this aside, the comic is a bit up and down in terms of how dark it gets, but has many comedic moments as well.
Where can I read it? Webtoons or Comic Fury! The latter is updated page by page, while the former is updated rarely when a big batch comes along.
I do hope this comic interests you, or maybe at least could be something you'd pass along. It means the world to get new readers! Thank you for reading !
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