#੭୧ㅤ﹔ ㅤ vinestafferyㅤ.phighting!medkit
vinestaffery · 17 days
sorry for not posting every1, tumblr broke and refused to let me post my draft of headcanons, so im rewriting! have some medkit headcanons i decided to write up for my personal self!
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⟡ when medkit met you earlier, he was completely infauted with you, and that is something he can't resist at all. ⟡ him?? out of all the people, he is the one falling for someone as .. gorgeous and gentle .. like you? he couldn't believe his own mind nor feelings! ⟡ he went straight to sword for assistance, especially someone as cold-hearted as him. who knew that he'd have taste into someone like you. ⟡ he thought he was sick or caught something from you, like an infection. he certainly did. ⟡ approaching you gave him horrible heart-aches, ones that burnt. ones that he had never experienced properly before, ones that made his stomach flip thousands of times like it used to at tough exams in blackrock. ⟡ he couldn't stop looking at you, his ears turning a teal whenever you caught him glimpsing him. it was cute to say the least. ⟡ vine staff helped support you when you gossiped about him, in which vine staff would report back to the unstable doctor. he was driven insane with the nice remarks and his unique features, strong accent and his strong accent. ⟡ if you were to go into his room and sneak a bit, you'd find tons of un-sent letters that wrote about you and how much he couldn't contain his own feelings. ⟡ the biggest hopeless romantic possible, yet he is unable to breath out a single confession around you. his breath is held tight in his own throat. ⟡ when he first asked you out to spend 'time', he took you to catshots cafe, in which the gossip train ran WIIIILLD. going to a match with you two ended up with people suggesting hints between eachother ⟡ medkit would later refuse to heal any of the said people except you <3 ⟡ you had to be the first to confess, medkit couldn't get out of his room when he had asked you to spend time with him for the phestival! ⟡ when he got home, he nearly fainted that sword had to take him to bed and make sure he doesn't DIE from those butterflies in his stomach! ⟡ he did want the relationship to be under covers, especially with blackrock assassins and subspace still hunting around for him. if he found out, he would be beyond worried ⟡ when you first moved in, he made you tons of food and would berate sword for his stupidity and strange questions of keeping it ""quiet"" in bed ⟡ he is a person that probably doesn't know how to cuddle with someone in bed, so you'd probably have to teach him where to put his arm and leg, all that stuff ⟡ biggest cuddler. but be careful of where you put your horns!!! sometimes he loves cuddling so much and hugs, he refuses to speak up about the poking ⟡ i know canonically this guy is 5 something, but i think realistically he'd be a bit more taller, but not too tall. he uses his height to boast towards subspace ⟡ occassional dates because he just adores your presence, its so heartwarming and soft ⟡ he is terrified of losing you, im not kidding. sometimes at night, he'd wake up and have meltdowns. he'd struggle to comprehend that you could die because of his history. ⟡ the nightmares are continuous, which means a lot of reassurance and comfort for him, even if he denies it ⟡ you'll have to convince him to come to bed too btw, hes a big insominac and workaholic at night
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thats all <3 sorry once again every1
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vinestaffery · 13 days
thank u for the medkit content i love your writings sm🙏
AAAHHH THANKYOUU!!! i absolutely adore medkit but its such a struggle to write him, i have a huge crush on that old man including another... i love your little comments and reposts too hehe :3
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vinestaffery · 16 days
hello everyone, it's me again. here to post the lovely teal duo, Scythe! I love these two too, but I am here to ruin some of ya'll's day with this!!! enjoy :3
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"This was never the way I wanted it to go, Scythe."
It was probably one of the worst things Scythe had ever heard in a while, especially as her adoptive daughter at the time.
"I'm so sick of what you do, harvesting innocent people's horns for some... Bounty! I never grew up wanting any of this Scythe; you promised to stop."
Scythe refused to see you again after a while.
Medkit tried pushing you to greet her, but why would you trust a demon who can't even face his own fears?
Broker was next to try and convince you.
She was going on so many murder sprees that Ban Hammer lost all proper focus on him and Medkit.
She was going to get herself killed acting like this, and she knew.
She couldn't have you anymore; Scythe was so infatuated with you. You were special.
But you are gone now.
You were gone because she broke one simple promise—something she couldn't even keep to her word.
"C'mon kid, you know 'er for being like this, can't give 'er one chance?"
"I've given her plenty, Broker; I am not going to be a dog with their tail in-between their legs for her anymore."
You completely left the family after a while; the constant ringing of your phone annoyed you.
That's when you went to complete hide-away; you couldn't handle seeing them anymore.
Your family? Gone is your only hope in this god-forsaken world.
You pushed it away because of your own personal boundaries.
Vine Staff came by to support you, and Katana, who welcomed you with open arms to Thieves' Den,
It was like another family, but you couldn't let your old one go.
You refused to go to Cross Roads or even meet up with Vine Staff and Katana at Phighting! Matches because they'd be there.
Scythe had gotten so violent throughout the games that she was nearly removed after giving Slingshot a serious injury, making him unable to play.
You were re-considering going back to forgive her.
But no, you couldn't. You can't.
She was a monster; you couldn't change that out of your mind.
But God, deep down, you missed her. You missed her hugs, her hilarious humor, and her terrifying aura that scared off others in Lost Temple.
Broker and Medkit are fighting one another because Broker got caught once more, making Medkit have to rescue him.
Then Scythe encouraged the behavior even more.
You missed the chaotic household.
"Scythe, leave me alone," you spat.
"Kid, listen 'ere, I swear on my soul." Scythe tried her hardest to draw you in. You shook your head, refusing to give in to the nostalgia. Scythe's manipulative tactics wouldn't work on you this time.
"You can't change that again, Scythe! You killed an innocent girl! What if you killed me? What if you slaughtered me just the same?" Scythe's eyes widened in shock at your words, a flicker of guilt crossing her face before she quickly masked it with defiance. "I had no choice; you have to understand," she pleaded. But you remained unmoved, knowing that her justifications would never erase the blood on her hands.
"What misunderstanding!? That your stupid bastard boss told ya' so?!" Your voice grew louder, and your anger was boiling over as you confronted Scythe. The truth was clear to you now, and nothing she could say would change that.
"You were just following orders, is that it?" You spat, your voice dripping with sarcasm. "Well, guess what? That excuse doesn't fly with me anymore." Scythe's facade crumbled as she realized the weight of her actions and the reality of her choices were sinking in.
Tears welled up in her eyes as she finally admitted, "I was wrong." The silence that followed was heavy with the weight of her guilt and your disappointment.
"You sure were wrong." The silence was enough room for her to not move—a small tremble. You could see the internal struggle written all over her face, the conflict between duty and morality tearing her apart. Finally, she whispered, "I'm sorry."
"I ain't looking for a damn apology; I'm done," hands unbuttoning the vest that Scythe had made for you. You threw the handcrafted vest off of your body. The sound of the vest hitting the ground echoed in the room, a physical representation of the shattered trust between you two. She reached out, but you stepped back, shaking your head in disbelief. The bond that once held you together now lies broken at your feet.
"Tell Medkit and Broker I am leaving; I don't want anything from you; I don't want to hear from you at all. Never again," With tears in your eyes, you turned and walked away, the weight of the betrayal heavy on your shoulders. As you left, the finality of your words hung in the air, sealing the fate of your relationship with Scythe.
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hihi!! hope you enjoy!! <3 [i hope i made you cry all]
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vinestaffery · 13 days
On pleasing demand, I am here once more to deliver more angst. Since I love it so much and so does everyone else. some bits are written from medkit's and broker's point of view at the start, but it will slowly shift to yours!! enjoy!!!
cw/tw: character death, signs of potential abuse/neglect(?), mentions of injury from another proceed with caution and care!
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Scythe wasn't taking anything okay anymore, and she's gotten rougher around Medkit and Broker.
Broker would struggle handling her tempers at points where he didn't know what to do.
Medkit suggested taking a break for Scythe.
Good grief. It was a bad take and ended up bad for Medkit.
Thrown out because he suggested it, it ended up with him now staying with Sword more than with the other three.
Broker ended up leaving himself and staying with Zuka for a bit before finding a proper area to take shelter in.
Scythe was becoming more... explosive, dangerous
She was taken out of the gang! Matches a few times because she had nearly harmed Boombox to the point of recognition.
"I'm too tired to fight anymore,"
"We can't do anything to help her, look at her!"
"You wouldn't understand how it's like to have someone walk out on you,"
"But it just… I just can't handle it. She's gotten more worse and we are sitting here and watching."
Broker and Medkit would have long talks with eachother at nights
Their worried, really worried
Your not there anymore to help support Scythe anymore
So what's the point?
You were the light in her world, and you walked out on it.
When Vine Staff told you about the serious injury she had gotten from Scythe
You panicked.
Was she actively looking for you?
Was she trying to harm people you loved and cherished?
Vine Staff reassured you it was nothing like that at all
Infact, it was because she was upset that you had disappeared
"Dearie, you know how much Scythe appreciates you, maybe you should try approach her this time?"
You were surprised!! To see her again?
"Are you joking?"
"There is barely a person in her anymore, Vine Staff."
You were deny any chances of seeing her again, but it wasn't too long till Medkit was invited over.
God was he relieved to see you
It ended up being more of a nicer talk with him rather than a forceful one
Turns out he found it understanding and that it was okay for you to leave for your own sake
But leaving out of nowhere was a no-go, specifically for Scythe
"It wasn't suppose to go this far."
"You know how she is, especially with news such as that,"
When Vine Staff had come home that one day, with a large wound, you really wished it didn't go this far to hurting a companion
"I'm too tired of this,"
"So am I, just like how I am with Subspace's worthless attempts at capturing me and taking out 'revenge,' but we can't have everything we want."
His blunt attitude always felt like home.
"She can't keep doing this, she just can't."
"Then come home, and then maybe this all can end."
You took that hope, even though you were at your wits end.
The rough sound of sizzling coming from the home was pushed over with clashing. The tension in the air was palpable as you made your way back to the source of the conflict.
The smell of burnt food wafted through the air, adding to the chaos of the situation. You knew you had to intervene before things escalated further. As you entered the kitchen, you saw the source of the conflict - a pot left unattended on the stove, billowing smoke.
"Scythe?" You called out, hoping to get their attention before the situation got any worse. The sound of footsteps approaching indicated that they had heard you, giving you a sense of relief that the situation might be resolved before any real damage was done.
"What." Scythe turned to face you, their expression a mix of annoyance and surprise. "I just got distracted; I didn't mean for this to happen," they explained, gesturing towards the smoking pot. You could see the tension in their shoulders ease as you reassured them that everything was under control.
It had looked like she had completely forgotten who you were; did she not find your presence familiar? The sound of her tail-shaker sensed an obvious threat and danger towards you. She spat with venom in her words. Her hostility grew ever more.
"Scythe, it's me," you muttered. But she continued to glare at you, suspicion evident in her eyes. It was clear that something had changed in her demeanor towards you, and you couldn't help but wonder what had caused it.
"What do you want? I thought you wanted to never see me again." Her words cut deep, leaving you feeling bewildered and hurt. The distance between you seemed to grow wider with each passing moment. You looked away in disdain.
"What? You just going to stand 'der like a lost puppy?" There was nothing familiar about this Scythe at all. She was cold—not the kind-hearted woman you used to know before. You realized that the warmth and familiarity you once shared with her had vanished. She was replaced by a sense of hostility and indifference. It was a painful realization that left you feeling lost and alone in her presence. "Scythe? What happened to you?" Your words were hard for her to comprehend. Scythe's eyes hardened, a flicker of recognition passing through them before being replaced by a steely resolve. "I've changed," She said it simply, her voice devoid of emotion. It was clear that the person you once knew was gone, replaced by someone unrecognizable and distant.
"I've changed, and I'm not even sure who I am anymore. Broker left; Medkit left. Everyone left." She placed a cold cup of alcohol down. Taking a deep breath, you tried to find the right words to reach the person who seemed like a stranger now. But as you looked into her eyes, you realized that this was a battle she was fighting alone, and all you could do was stand by and watch.
You sat next to her on the dusty bar stool. Feeling helpless, you silently offered your support, knowing that sometimes all someone needs is a listening ear. The silence between you spoke volumes as you both navigated the uncharted territory of change and loss together. "We've both changed."
"I harmed you; I broke your promise, Angel Eyes. I broke everything." Her tone spoke of long, restless nights. "We can't change the past, but we can move forward together," you whispered softly, reaching out to hold her hand. "I forgive you, and I'm here for you now." The weight of her burdens seemed to lift slightly as she squeezed your hand in return, a glimmer of hope shining in her tear-filled eyes.
"Ya, promise? Angel Eyes?" Scythe gleamed.
"Promise, Scythe. I'll never leave your side," you vowed, feeling a sense of peace settle between you both. The bond of trust and understanding between you spoke volumes as you both navigated the uncharted territory of change and loss together.
But that was only nights ago. Scythe stared at her bloodied blade as she let out somber tears. The weight of her burdens seemed to return, heavier than before; she had killed you. All because you had decided to protect the flower demon that you considered family. Something she wished you considered her.
"Angel Eyes, oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, my angel eyes." Scythe's voice trembled as she whispered your name, regret and sorrow evident in her every word. The bond you once shared is now shattered, leaving only heartache and a painful realization of irreversible consequences.
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