Yeah, everybody says that "Steve" is short for "Steven" but my headcanon is that the Harringtons are either rich old money snobs, their new money trying to act old money or the mix where the mother is old money and the father is new money (or vice versa) and they have a lot to prove so there is no way that Steve's given name is Steven or Stephen or if you are spicy Stephan/Stefan.
No, his name is Stephanos or Stefano if you headcanon that the mom is Italian.
Even better, his real name looks nothing like Steve or Steven because it's Steven in another language (most likely because Steve is a first or second-generation immigrant which compounds the money issue). So if you lean into the Harringtons being Irish or Scottish Gaelic it's Stéig or (my preferred) Stìobhan/Stèaphan. Or a french Étienne (Eddie personally loves this one) or a simple Esteban.
Either way, Steve hid it so well that not even the principal knew that his real name was not Steven. There is not a soul in Hawkins that knows to call him that, and he's 85% sure that his parents forgot that his name is not precisely Steve since they also never use his real name when they bother to address him or talk to him at all. Only Robin knows that Steven isn't actually his real name.
So when Eddie randomly calls him by his birth name when they are alone, he freezes. Not only because he knows that name, but because of the sinful way it rolls off the tongue and the right amount of emphasis on the right syllables. He turned around slowly and didn't even bother to try to hide his blush. The blush that was turning hotter when he noticed the teasing smirk on the metalhead's face.
And then he repeats the name and Steve actively watches the name roll off that tongue and Steve realises
He really likes when Eddie says his name.
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fidjiefidjie · 5 months
Bon Matin 🩷 😉🩷 🤗
Guesch Patti 🎶 Étienne
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gracies-dzienny · 1 year
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EMILY IN PARIS (2020 - ) Season Three, Episode One
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bladesandstars · 19 days
More bg3 playthrough photos
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plumedepoete · 10 months
Écho à Arthur Rimbaud - Cédric Étienne
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.......... Écho à Arthur Rimbaud.....,. ...... le vallon qui pleure.... une rivière chante dans un trou de verdure d'argent sur cette folle nature, Ceci : c'est un vallon qui fleuri de lumière. Jeune soldat,sans casque,bouche en ouverture , Nuque baignée, sûr bleu pétale , cresson primaire, Pâle dans son nid vert où pleure la rivière. glaïeuls au milieu des pieds, il sourit. Dort comme Dormirait un enfant malade, en paix en somme: Le soleil, réchauffant sa main, Sur sa poitrine, elle est défunt. Son odorat n'hume plus cette nature; Le vallon pleure de sa verdure Il est mort,Berce le contre toi ardemment.il a deux trous rouge au côté droit. ... drix...... .... le dormeur du val..... C’est un trou de verdure où chante une rivière Accrochant follement aux herbes des haillons D’argent ; où le soleil, de la montagne fière, Luit : c’est un petit val qui mousse de rayons. Un soldat jeune, bouche ouverte, tête nue, Et la nuque baignant dans le frais cresson bleu, Dort ; il est étendu dans l’herbe, sous la nue, Pâle dans son lit vert où la lumière pleut. Les pieds dans les glaïeuls, il dort. Souriant comme Sourirait un enfant malade, il fait un somme : Nature, berce-le chaudement : il a froid. Les parfums ne font pas frissonner sa narine ; Il dort dans le soleil, la main sur sa poitrine Tranquille. Il a deux trous rouges au côté droit. Arthur Rimbaud, octobre 1870
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cachorrao · 7 months
this is a 𝖈𝖑𝖔𝖘𝖊𝖉 𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖗𝖙𝖊𝖗 ❞ / @lcvrboy.
𝖆𝖚 𝖆𝖚 │ “you fell asleep in my arm. it was kind of adorable.” lowell sentia o rosto pegando fogo, se sentindo meio sem graça ao mesmo tempo que acabava rindo de si mesmo - como ele achou que iria mesmo conseguir estudar? - se ajeitou se despreguiçando ainda bocejando um pouco. ━ eu deveria pedir desculpas? porque não vou não, é a primeira vez que consigo dormir bem essa semana. ━ disse realmente feliz com o feito mesmo que não devesse, sua notas que o digam e precisaria agradecer tiê mais mil vezes por ele ajudar com isso. mas a verdade era que desde a contenção em tremerra se via ansioso e estressado por ficar preso, nem no tempo que seu pai regulava suas saídas da floresta desencantada se sentia tão sufocado. ━ eu posso te compensar por ter estragado nossa tarde de estudos e usado seu braço macio pra dormir com uma mensagem. ━ sugeriu. ━ ele não tá dormente? ━ perguntou um tanto preocupado, realmente tinha perdido a noção do tempo. ━ e eu não te babei né? ━ riu da situação de novo verificando o corpo do outro pra ver se não tinha saliva em algum lugar.
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03x01 "J'ai Deux Amours" - 2022
La Môme Bijou Arc en Chaîne Bracelet
Worn With:
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theo-chaussard · 2 years
Étienne Canet (FR) vs. Théodore Chaussard (FR)
The French against The French fight now made sense - with whoever had made the hit on Lara being French she clearly wanted them to suffer. To force them to hurt each other - tear them apart. But truthfully, he didn’t care about whatever stupid mind game she was playing. Instead, he channeled all of the anger that he had been holding onto since everything had happened. 
For the most part the shock had subsided, the sadness had been eaten away with more carbs than anyone should have consumed. And while he still loved Lisette, even though he truly wished that he didn’t, he had at least gotten to accepting that the way that he loved her wasn’t reciprocated. 
But the anger that he held? There hadn’t truly been an outlet for it. The boiling anger that had been practically consuming him? Well now he could at least get it out at one of the people that he was angry at. 
So the moment the bell rung, he strode over to the other commandant and punched him square across the face - hoping that he broke his nose. 
Even if he didn’t win, if he didn’t actually get any other hits in, at least he got to do that. 
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delphine-st-clair · 2 years
Delphine stood with her arms crossed against her chest. Lips curled in disgust as she watched the younger Vorshevsky. Pathetic. His last name only significant thing about the waste of space in front of her. Turning on her heels, she walked over to Étienne. “I assume trying to get him to cough up anything useful is pointless. I doubt Konstantin would even tell him anything. He’s clearly an idiot.” A brief pause. “With my new role, the position of Lambeth’s commandant is open. I think you know where this is going. I need you running things there, Ét. Not many people could’ve pulled this off so swiftly, and we need to lead with examples.” She said, noting the successful operation of retreiving the Vorshevsky. 
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miau miau.
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random-brushstrokes · 9 months
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Léon Étienne Tournes - Intimité (1901)
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kafkasdiariies · 2 months
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Église Saint-Étienne-du-Mont, Paris, France ~ patrimoinefrancilien
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loanhollingsworth26 · 2 years
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History Births on August 03
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peaceinthestorm · 5 months
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Étienne Adolphe Piot (1831-1910, French) ~ The Bather, before 1910
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psikonauti · 9 months
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Étienne Léopold Trouvelot (French,1827-1895)
Aurora Borealis as observed in March 1, 1872, at 9h. 25m. P.M. (Plate IV from The Trouvelot Astronomical Drawings), 1881
Lithograph in colors
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plumedepoete · 9 months
Le serpent d'or - Cédric Étienne
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Écoute pas le serpent Sa langue est d'or Ses mots tendres De celui-ci sont forts Il est si bon Que pêcher Tu l'as aimé Qu'il est bon Tu aimes ses dires Et ses empires Tu aimes son or Il t'aime encore Écoute pas le serpent Le serpent qui dort Il t'offre mieux que l'argent Il t'offre mieux que dehors Sa langue est fourchu Tu seras jamais perdu Sa queue t'exite Et il t'habite Péchés capitaux Bien assez tôt Tentation nouvelle De plus en plus belle Tu l'aimes plus Mais il t'a pris Tu t'es perdu Au paradis .....drix...... Read the full article
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